FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 1 of 21 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Software Version 1.3 Document Version 1.0 December 13, 2017 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 2 of 21 Prepared For: Prepared By: Symantec Corporation 303 2nd Street 1000N San Francisco, CA 94107 Apex Assurance Group, LLC 530 Lytton Avenue, Ste. 200 Palo Alto, CA 94301 Latest Update By: Symantec DLP Security Engineering 303 2nd Street 1000N San Francisco, CA 94107 Abstract This document provides a non-proprietary FIPS 140-2 Security Policy for the Symantec Java Cryptographic Module. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 3 of 21 Table of Contents 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................5 1.1 About FIPS 140.................................................................................................................................................5 1.2 About this Document.......................................................................................................................................5 1.3 External Resources...........................................................................................................................................5 1.4 Notices.............................................................................................................................................................5 1.5 Acronyms.........................................................................................................................................................5 2 Symantec Java Cryptographic Module.............................................................................................................8 2.1 Cryptographic Module Specification................................................................................................................8 2.1.1 Validation Level Detail .............................................................................................................................8 2.1.2 Approved Cryptographic Algorithms........................................................................................................8 2.1.3 Non-Approved Cryptographic Algorithms................................................................................................9 2.2 Module Interfaces..........................................................................................................................................10 2.3 Roles, Services, and Authentication...............................................................................................................11 2.3.1 Operator Services and Descriptions.......................................................................................................11 2.3.2 Operator Authentication........................................................................................................................13 2.4 Physical Security ............................................................................................................................................13 2.5 Operational Environment ..............................................................................................................................13 2.6 Cryptographic Key Management...................................................................................................................15 2.6.1 Key Generation ......................................................................................................................................16 2.6.2 Key Entry, Output, and Protection.........................................................................................................16 2.6.3 Key/CSP Storage and Zeroization...........................................................................................................16 2.7 Self-Tests........................................................................................................................................................17 2.7.1 Power-On Self-Tests...............................................................................................................................17 2.7.2 Conditional Self-Tests.............................................................................................................................17 2.7.3 Critical Functions Tests...........................................................................................................................18 2.8 Mitigation of Other Attacks...........................................................................................................................18 3 Guidance and Secure Operation....................................................................................................................19 3.1 Initial Setup....................................................................................................................................................19 3.2 Crypto Officer Guidance ................................................................................................................................19 3.2.1 Software Packaging and OS Requirements............................................................................................19 3.2.2 Enabling FIPS Mode................................................................................................................................20 3.2.3 Management Procedures.......................................................................................................................20 3.2.4 Additional Rules of Operation................................................................................................................20 3.3 User Guidance ...............................................................................................................................................20 3.3.1 General Guidance...................................................................................................................................20 3.4 Role Changes .................................................................................................................................................21 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 4 of 21 List of Tables Table 1 – Acronyms and Terms......................................................................................................................................7 Table 2 – Validation Level by DTR Section.....................................................................................................................8 Table 3 – FIPS-Approved Algorithm Certificates............................................................................................................9 Table 4 – Logical Interface / Physical Interface Mapping ............................................................................................11 Table 5 – Module Services and Descriptions...............................................................................................................13 Table 6 – Module Keys/CSPs........................................................................................................................................16 Table 7 – Power-On Self-Tests.....................................................................................................................................17 Table 8 – Conditional Self-Tests...................................................................................................................................18 Table 9 – Critical Functions Tests.................................................................................................................................18 List of Figures Figure 1 – Module Boundary and Interfaces Diagram.................................................................................................10 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 5 of 21 1 Introduction 1.1 About FIPS 140 Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 — Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules specifies requirements for cryptographic modules to be deployed in a Sensitive but Unclassified environment. The current version of the standard is FIPS 140-2. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Communications Security Establishment (CSE) Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) run the FIPS 140 program. The National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) accredits independent testing labs to perform FIPS 140 testing; the CMVP also validates test reports for products meeting FIPS 140 validation. Validated is the term given to a module that is documented and tested against the FIPS 140 criteria. More information is available on the CMVP website at 1.2 About this Document This non-proprietary Cryptographic Module Security Policy for the Java Cryptographic Module from Symantec provides an overview of the product and a high-level description of how it meets the security requirements of FIPS 140-2. This document contains details on the module’s cryptographic keys and critical security parameters. This Security Policy concludes with instructions and guidance on running the module in a FIPS 140-2 mode of operation. The Symantec Java Cryptographic Module may also be referred to as the “module” in this document. 1.3 External Resources The Symantec website ( contains information on Symantec products. The Cryptographic Module Validation Program website contains links to the FIPS 140-2 certificate and Symantec contact information. 1.4 Notices This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. 1.5 Acronyms The following table defines acronyms found in this document: FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 6 of 21 Acronym Term AES Advanced Encryption Standard ANSI American National Standards Institute API Application Programming Interface CBC Cipher Block Chaining CCM Counter with CBC-MAC CFB Cipher Feedback CAVP Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CO Crypto Officer CSE Communications Security Establishment CSP Critical Security Parameter CTR Counter DES Data Encryption Standard DESX Data Encryption Standard XOR’ed DH Diffie-Hellman DMZ Demilitarized Zone DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator DSA Digital Signature Algorithm DTR Derived Test Requirement EC Elliptic Curve ECB Electronic Code Book ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography EC Diffie-Hellman Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm ECIES Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption System EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference FCC Federal Communications Commission FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GCM Galois/Counter Mode GPC General Purpose Computer HMAC (Keyed-) Hash Message Authentication Code HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol JAR Java Archive JRE Java Runtime Environment JVM Java Virtual Machine KAT Known Answer Test MAC Message Authentication Code MD Message Digest FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 7 of 21 Table 1 – Acronyms and Terms NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NVLAP National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program OEAP Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding OFB Output Feedback OS Operating System PKCS Public-Key Cryptography Standards PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator PSS Probabilistic Signature Scheme RC Rivest Cipher RACE Research and Development in Advanced Communications Technologies in Europe RIPEMD RACE Integrity Primitives Evaluation Message Digest RNG Random Number Generator RSA Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman SEP Symantec Endpoint Protection SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SP Special Publication SSL Secure Sockets Layer TDEA Triple Data Encryption Algorithm Triple-DES Triple Data Encryption Algorithm TLS Transport Layer Security USB Universal Serial Bus FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 8 of 21 2 Symantec Java Cryptographic Module 2.1 Cryptographic Module Specification The module, Symantec Java Cryptographic Module, is a software shared library that provides cryptographic services required by Symantec’s line of software products. The module is a software- only module installed on a General Purpose Computer running Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit). The module is comprised of two components: 1. The Symantec cryptographic module wrapper fully initializes and manages FIPS 140-2 mode. This includes performing an integrity check, verifying the provider is configured, performing the provider self tests, and reporting status. 2. An embedded validated module (see Certificate #2057) provides cryptographic functions. All operations of the module occur via calls from the Symantec applications and their respective internal daemons/processes. There are no untrusted processes calling the services of the module, as APIs’ are not exposed. 2.1.1 Validation Level Detail The following table lists the level of validation for each area in FIPS 140-2: FIPS 140-2 Section Title Validation Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security N/A Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 1 Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility 1 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks 1 Table 2 – Validation Level by DTR Section 2.1.2 Approved Cryptographic Algorithms The module’s cryptographic algorithm implementations have received the following certificate numbers from the Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program: FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 9 of 21 Table 3 – FIPS-Approved Algorithm Certificates 1 2.1.3 Non-Approved Cryptographic Algorithms The module does not implement any non-approved algorithms in FIPS mode; however, Diffie-Hellman, EC Diffie-Hellman, and RSA Key Wrap (RSA key-pair with a modulus length of 2048 to 4096 bits) are allowed in the FIPS mode of operation. The module utilizes the following non-FIPS-approved algorithm implementations:  DES  DESX  Diffie-Hellman (primitives only, public key size less than 2048 bits, and private key size less than 160 bits)  EC Diffie-Hellman (primitives only, key size less than 224 bits)  ECIES  MD2  MD4  MD5  ECDSA, DSA and RSA signature generation with SHA-1  FIPS 186-2 PRNG  Dual_EC_DRBG  RC2 block cipher  RC4 stream cipher  RC5 block cipher  RSA Keypair Generation MultiPrime (two or three primes)  RIPEMD160  HMAC-MD5  1024-bit DSA PQG, key, and signature generation  1024 RSA key and signature generation  ECDSA Public Key and Signature Generation using curves P-192, B-163, and K-163 1 Note this implementation has received FIPS 140-2 Level 1 validation 2057: Algorithm CAVP Certificate AES (ECB, CBC, CFB (128), OFB (128), CTR - [128, 192, 256 bit key sizes] CCM, GCM) 2249 DSA 701 ECDSA 357 HMAC DRBG (SP800-90A) 273 HMAC-SHA-11 , HMAC-SHA-224, HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC- SHA-384, HMAC-SHA-512 1378 RSA X9.31, PKCS#1 v1.5, PKCS#1 v2.1 (SHA256 – PSS) 1154 SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 1938 PBKDF (vendor affirmed) Vendor Affirmed Triple-DES (ECB, CBC, CFB-, OFB) 1408 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 10 of 21 Any protocol or associated cryptographic functions have not undergone any testing by the CAVP and are disallowed in an Approved mode. 2.2 Module Interfaces The figure below shows the module’s physical and logical block diagram: Figure 1 – Module Boundary and Interfaces Diagram The interfaces (ports) for the physical boundary include the computer keyboard port, CDROM drive, floppy disk, mouse, network port, parallel port, USB ports, monitor port and power plug. When operational, the module does not transmit any information across these physical ports because it is a software cryptographic module. Therefore, the module’s interfaces are purely logical and are provided through the Application Programming Interface (API) that a calling daemon can operate. The logical interfaces expose services that applications directly call, and the API provides functions that may be called by a referencing application (see Section 2.3 – Roles, Services, and Authentication for the list of available functions). The module distinguishes between logical interfaces by logically separating the information according to the defined API. The API provided by the module is mapped onto the FIPS 140- 2 logical interfaces: data input, data output, control input, and status output. Each of the FIPS 140- 2 logical interfaces relates to the module's callable interface, as follows: FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 11 of 21 FIPS 140-2 Interface Logical Interface Module Physical Interface Data Input Input parameters of API function calls USB ports, network ports, serial ports, SCSI/SATA ports, DVD, audio Ports Data Output Output parameters of API function calls Display (e.g. VGA, HDMI, DVI, etc.), USB ports, network ports, serial ports, SCSI/SATA ports, audio ports, DVD Control Input API function calls USB ports, network ports, serial ports, power switch Status Output For FIPS 140-2 mode, function calls returning status information and return codes provided by API function calls. Display, serial ports, network ports Power None Power supply/connector Table 4 – Logical Interface / Physical Interface Mapping As shown in Figure 1 – Module Boundary and Interfaces Diagram and Table 5 – Module Services and Descriptions, the output data path is provided by the data interfaces and is logically disconnected from processes performing key generation or zeroization. No key information will be output through the data output interface when the module zeroizes keys. The module does not output key/CSP information while in an error state. 2.3 Roles, Services, and Authentication The module supports a Crypto Officer and a User role. The module does not support a Maintenance role. 2.3.1 Operator Services and Descriptions The services available to the User and Crypto Officer roles in the module are as follows: FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 12 of 21 Service Roles Input Output Key/CSP Access On Demand Self- test Crypto Officer None Status None Get FIPS140 Context User None Status None Get seeder User None Seed generator None Get Default Random Number Generator User None Random Number Generator None Check FIPS 140-2 Compliance User None Status None Get State User None Status None Get Mode User None Status None Set Mode User API call parameter Status None Get Role User None Status None Set Role User API call parameter Status None Check Latest Self- Test Results User None Status None Check Mode User None Status None Disable library User API call parameter None None Verify DSA Parameters User API call parameter Status None Encryption User API call parameters, key, plaintext Status, ciphertext AES Key Triple-DES Key Decryption User API call parameters, key, ciphertext Status, plaintext AES Key Triple-DES Key Digital Signature Generation User API call parameters, key, message Status, signature RSA Private Key RSA Public Key DSA Private Key DSA Public Key Digital Signature Verification User API call parameters, key, signature, message Status RSA Private Key RSA Public Key DSA Private Key DSA Public Key Key Establishment Primitives User API call parameters, key Status, key RSA Private Key RSA Public Key DH Public Key DH Private Key EC Diffie-Hellman Public Key EC Diffie-Hellman Private Key FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 13 of 21 Service Roles Input Output Key/CSP Access Key Generation User API call parameters Status, key/key pair AES Key Triple-DES Key DSA Private Key DSA Public Key RSA Private Key RSA Public Key DH Public Key DH Private Key HMAC DRBG Key HMAC with SHA-1 and SHA-2 Keys MAC User API call parameters key, message Status, hash HMAC DRBG Key HMAC with SHA-1 and SHA-2 Keys Hashing User API call parameters, message Status, hash None Random Number Generation User API call parameters Status, random bits HMAC DRBG Entropy HMAC DRBG V Value (Seed Length) HMAC DRBG Key HMAC DRBG init_seed Zeroization User API call parameters Status All Table 5 – Module Services and Descriptions 2.3.2 Operator Authentication As required by FIPS 140-2, there are two roles (a Crypto Officer role and User role) in the module that operators may assume. As allowed by Level 1, the module does not support authentication to access services. 2.4 Physical Security This section of requirements does not apply to this module. The module is a software-only module and does not implement any physical security mechanisms. 2.5 Operational Environment The module operates on a general-purpose computer (GPC) running on a modern version of Microsoft Windows and CentOS 6, as a general-purpose operating system (GPOS). For FIPS purposes, the module is running on Microsoft Windows in single user mode and does not require any additional configuration to meet the FIPS requirements. The module was tested on the following platforms:  Microsoft Windows 7 (64-Bit) with Sun JRE 8.0 on VmWare ESXi 6.0.0 running on a Dell PowerEdge R430. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 14 of 21 The GPC(s) used during testing met Federal Communications Commission (FCC) FCC Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements for business use as defined by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part15, Subpart B. FIPS 140-2 validation compliance is maintained when the module is operated on other versions of the Microsoft Windows GPOS running in single user mode, assuming that the requirements outlined in NIST IG G.5 are met. Symantec is affirming its compliance as outlined in section G.5 of the Implementation Guidance for FIPS 140-2. Compliance is maintained on platforms for which the binary executable remains unchanged. This includes (but is not limited to):  Windows XP Professional SP3, x86 (32-bit) with Sun JRE 6.0/7.0/8.0,  Windows XP Professional SP3, x86_64 (64-bit) with Sun JRE 6.0/7.0/8.0  Windows 7, x86 (32-bit) with Sun JRE 6.0/7.0/8.0  Windows 7, x86_64 (64-bit) with Sun JRE 6.0/7.0/8.0  Windows Server 2003 x86 (32-bit) with Sun JRE 6.0/7.0/8.0  Windows Server 2003 x86_64 (64-bit) with Sun JRE 6.0/7.0/8.0  Windows Server 2008 x86 (32-bit) with Sun JRE 6.0/7.0/8.0  Windows Server 2008 x86_64 (64-bit), Sun JRE 6.0/7.0/8.0  Windows Server 2008 R2 x86_64 (64-bit), Sun JRE 6.0/7.0/8.0  Windows Server 2012 x86_64 (64-bit), Sun JRE 6.0/7.0/8.0  Windows Server 2012 x86_64 (64-bit), Sun JRE 6.0/7.0/8.0  CentOS 6.7 x86_64, Sun JRE 6.0/7.0/8.0  CentOS 6.8 x86_64, Sun JRE 6.0/7.0/8.0  CentOS 7.0 x86_64, Sun JRE 6.0/7.0/8.0 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 15 of 21 2.6 Cryptographic Key Management The table below provides a complete list of Critical Security Parameters used within the module: Keys and CSPs Storage Locations Storage Method Input Method Output Method Zeroization Access AES Key RAM Plaintext Internally generated API call parameter SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD Triple-DES Key RAM Plaintext Internally generated API call parameter SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD HMAC with SHA- 1 and SHA-2 Keys RAM Plaintext API call parameter None SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD EC Private Keys RAM Plaintext Internally generated API call parameter SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD EC Public Keys RAM Plaintext Internally generated API call parameter SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD DH Private Key RAM Plaintext Internally generated API call parameter SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD DH Public Key RAM Plaintext Internally generated API call parameter SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD RSA Private Key RAM Plaintext Internally generated API call parameter SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD RSA Public Key RAM Plaintext Internally generated API call parameter SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD DSA Private Key RAM Plaintext Internally generated API call parameter SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD DSA Public Key RAM Plaintext Internally generated API call parameter SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD HMAC DRBG Entropy RAM Plaintext Internally generated None SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 16 of 21 Keys and CSPs Storage Locations Storage Method Input Method Output Method Zeroization Access HMAC DRBG V Value (Seed Length) RAM Plaintext Internally generated None SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD HMAC DRBG Key RAM Plaintext Internally generated None SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD HMAC DRBG init_seed RAM Plaintext Internally generated None SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD Integrity test key Hard-coded, RAM Plaintext Hard-coded None SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD Known Answer Test (KAT) keys Hard-coded, RAM Plaintext Hard-coded None SensitiveData.clear() power cycle CO: RWD U: RWD R = Read W = Write D = Delete Table 6 – Module Keys/CSPs 2.6.1 Key Generation The module supports the generation of the DSA, RSA, and Diffie-Hellman (DH) and ECC public and Private Keys. In the FIPS-approved mode, RSA keys can only be generated using the approved 186-4 RSA key generation method. The module employs a FIPS-approved SP 800-90A HMAC DRBG for generating asymmetric and symmetric keys. Entropy for use in key generation is gathered by the embedded validated module; various system parameters are collected to suitably account for the strength of the generated key. 2.6.2 Key Entry, Output, and Protection All keys and CSPs reside on memory internally allocated by the module and can only be output using the exposed APIs. The module does not support key entry or output from the physical boundary. The operating system and the JRE protect the memory and process space from unauthorized access. 2.6.3 Key/CSP Storage and Zeroization The module does not provide long-term cryptographic key storage. Storage of keys is the responsibility of the user of the module. All keys and CSPs are automatically zeroized by the module at the end of their lifetime. The user can ensure destruction of sensitive data by calling SensitiveData.clear(). Power cycling the module will also zeroize keys. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 17 of 21 2.7 Self-Tests The module performs power-up and conditional self-tests to ensure proper operation. If a power-up self- test fails, the module is disabled and throws a SecurityException. The module can only leave the disabled state by restarting the Java Virtual Machine. If a conditional self-test fails, the module throws a SecurityException and aborts the operation. A conditional self-test failure does not disable the module. In event of a self-test failure, the module provides the following message: Could not initialize class com.rsa.jsafe.provider.JsafeJCE. The following sections discuss the module’s self-tests in more detail. 2.7.1 Power-On Self-Tests The module implements the following power-on self-tests: TYPE DETAIL Software Integrity Check RSA Digital Signature Verification Known Answer Tests  AES (separate encrypt and decrypt) (CBC, CFB, ECB, OFB)  DSA (separate sign and verify)  ECDSA (separate sign and verify)  SP 800-90A HMAC DRBG health tests  HMAC SHA-1  HMAC SHA-224  HMAC SHA-256  HMAC SHA-384  HMAC SHA-512  RSA (separate sign and verify)  SHA-1  SHA-224  SHA-256  SHA-384  SHA-512  Triple-DES (separate encrypt and decrypt) Pair-wise Consistency Tests  DSA  ECDSA  RSA Table 7 – Power-On Self-Tests Power-on self-tests are executed automatically when the module is loaded into memory. 2.7.2 Conditional Self-Tests The module implements the following conditional self-tests: FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 18 of 21 TYPE DETAIL Pair-wise Consistency Tests  DSA  ECDSA  RSA Continuous RNG Tests  HMAC_DRBG;  DUAL_EC_DRBG (non-approved); and  FIPS 186-2 RNG (non-approved) Table 8 – Conditional Self-Tests 2.7.3 Critical Functions Tests The module implements the following critical functions tests: TYPE DETAIL Known Answer Tests  ECIES when operating in FIPS140_ECC_MODE Table 9 – Critical Functions Tests 2.8 Mitigation of Other Attacks As a defense against timing attacks, RSA key operations implement blinding by default. By using the blinding method, it is ensured that the decryption time is not correlated to the input ciphertext; as a consequence, attempts of timing attacks are thwarted. Blinding is implemented through blinding modes with the following available options:  Blinding mode off  Blinding mode with no update (the blinding value is squared for each operation)  Blinding mode with full update (a new blinding value is used for each operation). FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 19 of 21 3 Guidance and Secure Operation This section describes how to configure the module for FIPS-approved mode of operation. Operating the module without maintaining the following settings will remove the module from the FIPS-approved mode of operation. 3.1 Initial Setup The Symantec cryptographic module wrapper fully initializes and manages FIPS mode. This includes performing an integrity check, verifying the provider is configured, performing the provider self tests, and reporting status. When the module is loaded by the host application, the FIPSModeManager.startFIPSMode() function is called to initialize the module in a FIPS-approved mode of operation. This function checks the integrity of the module, runs all power-up self-tests, and, if successful, sets the module in the FIPS140_SSL_MODE by default. The initialization function records the following message to a log file: System running in FIPS 140 mode. The module uses JAR-signing to check the integrity of the module (the consuming application provides the signing certificate for the JARs of the module). Upon failure of either the software integrity test or any of the self-tests, the function throws an exception as status output and disables the library. Additionally, the module logs the following message: FIPS initialization failed, FIPS cryptographic services disabled 3.2 Crypto Officer Guidance 3.2.1 Software Packaging and OS Requirements The module must be installed on a General Purpose Operating System running in single user mode. To configure single-user mode, the following must be disabled:  Remote registry and remote desktop services  Remote assistance  Guest accounts  Server and terminal services Contact Microsoft support for configuration details; specific configuration steps are beyond the scope of this document. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 20 of 21 3.2.2 Enabling FIPS Mode No specific configuration is required to enforce FIPS mode beyond the FIPSModeManager.startFIPSMode() function. Status can be verified by calling the FIPSModeManager.isInFIPS140Mode() function, which returns true if the module is in a FIPS- Approved mode and false if in a non-Approved mode. 3.2.3 Management Procedures The Crypto Officer can run the self-tests at any time by calling the runSelfTests() function. 3.2.4 Additional Rules of Operation 1. All host system components that can contain sensitive cryptographic data (main memory, system bus, disk storage) must be located in a secure environment. 2. The writable memory areas of the Module (data and stack segments) are accessible only by the calling application so that the Module is in "single user" mode, i.e. only the calling application has access to that instance of the Module. 3. Imported keys should be generated via FIPS-approved manner. 4. The operating system is responsible for multitasking operations so that other processes cannot access the address space of the process containing the Module. 5. The operator must invoke the SensitiveData.clear() method before changing the module mode in order to ensure all keys and CSPs are zeroized. 3.3 User Guidance 3.3.1 General Guidance In order to use the module in FIPS 140-2 mode of operation, the User must only use the approved algorithms as listed in Table 3 – FIPS-Approved Algorithm Certificates. The requirements for using the approved algorithms in a FIPS 140-2 mode of operation are as follows:  The bit-length for a RSA and DSA key pair must be at least 2048 bits.  SP 800-90A HMAC-DRBG random data requests must be less than or equal to 2^19 bits in length.  Bit lengths for an HMAC key must be one half of the block size.  RSA keys used for signing shall not be used for any other purpose other than digital signatures. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Symantec Java Cryptographic Module Document Version 1.0 © Symantec Corporation Page 21 of 21  For RSA digital signature generation the HMAC DRBG must be used  EC key pairs must have domain parameters from the set of NIST-recommended named curves (P224, P256, P384, P521, B233, B283, B409, B571, K233, K283, K409, and K571). The domain parameters can be specified by name or can be explicitly defined.  The module implements both Diffie-Hellman and EC Diffie-Hellman key agreement schemes.  EC Diffie-Hellman primitives must use curve domain parameters from the set of NIST-recommended named curves listed above. The domain parameters can be specified by name, or can be explicitly defined. When using the NIST-recommended curves, the computed Diffie-Hellman shared secret provides between 112 bits and 256 bits of encryption strength.  When using the Approved SP 800-90A DRBG to generate keys, the DRBGs requested security strength must be at least as great as the security strength of the key being generated.  Only FIPS 140 approved random number generators may be used for generation of keys (asymmetric and symmetric)  If the module power is lost and restored, the calling application can reset the AES GCM IV to the last value used. Additionally, operators should take care to zeroize CSPs’ when they are no longer needed. 3.4 Role Changes If the operator needs to operate the module in different roles, then the operator must ensure that all instantiated cryptographic objects are destroyed before changing from the Crypto User role to the Crypto Officer role, or unexpected results could occur.