C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 1 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Code Corporation CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585 02/24/2011 Reviewed By Role Signature Date Tim Jackson COGE / / Mark Ashby Engineering / / Kerri Humpherys Marketing / / Ryan Hoobler Application Engineering / / Mark Gray VPI Engineering / / C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 2 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. CHANGE RECORD Revision Date Author Description of Change 00AA 7/30/2010 Tim Jackson Initial Work 00AB 8/5/2010 Tim Jackson Added sections 11 & 12; added clarifications 00AC 8/8/2010 Tim Jackson Fixed zeroize to unauthenticated, minor errors in logical diagrams, standardized firmware placeholder 00AD 8/10/2010 Tim Jackson Updated status LED blink modes 00AE 8/11/2010 Tim Jackson Added firmware version; added per role authentication status 00AF 8/11/2010 Tim Jackson Added per role authentication status in 3.1 00AG 8/12/2010 Tim Jackson Updated Sections 3.2, 13 00AH 8/18/2010 Tim Jackson Updated photos throughout 00AI 8/24/2010 Tim Jackson Updated part names, etc. 00AJ 8/24/2010 Tim Jackson Update registered trademarks 00AK 8/24/2010 Tim Jackson Updated TEK to CTR mode 00AL 9/3/2010 Tim Jackson Updated typographical errors 00AM 2/24/2011 Tim Jackson Approved minor changes made on our behalf by InfoGard in response to CMVP inquiries C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 3 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Contents 1 Module Overview............................................................................................................................................ 5 2 Security Level................................................................................................................................................. 11 3 Modes of Operation...................................................................................................................................... 12 3.1 FIPS Approved Mode of Operation............................................................................................................................ 12 3.2 Non-FIPS Mode of Operation .................................................................................................................................... 12 3.3 Approved and Allowed Algorithms............................................................................................................................ 12 4 Ports and Interfaces ...................................................................................................................................... 13 5 Identification and Authentication Policy....................................................................................................... 14 5.1 Assumption of Roles.................................................................................................................................................. 14 6 Access Control Policy..................................................................................................................................... 15 6.1 Roles and Services ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 6.2 Unauthenticated Services.......................................................................................................................................... 15 6.3 Specification of Service Input and Output ................................................................................................................. 15 6.4 Definition of Critical Security Parameters (CSPs)....................................................................................................... 17 6.5 Definition of CSPs Modes of Access........................................................................................................................... 17 7 Operational Environment.............................................................................................................................. 19 8 Security Rules ................................................................................................................................................ 20 9 Physical Security Policy.................................................................................................................................. 21 9.1 Physical Security Mechanisms................................................................................................................................... 21 9.2 Operator Required Actions........................................................................................................................................ 21 10 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy ................................................................................................................ 22 11 Pre-Initialization Mode.................................................................................................................................. 23 12 Delivery Security............................................................................................................................................ 24 13 References..................................................................................................................................................... 25 14 Definitions and Acronyms ............................................................................................................................. 25 C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 4 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Tables Table 1 – Module Security Level Specification....................................................................................................... 11 Table 2 – FIPS Approved Algorithms Used in Current Module.............................................................................. 12 Table 3 – Code FIPS Modem Pins and FIPS 140-2 Ports and Interfaces................................................................. 13 Table 4 – Roles and Required Identification and Authentication.......................................................................... 14 Table 5 – Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms.............................................................................................. 14 Table 6 – Authenticated Services........................................................................................................................... 15 Table 7 – Unauthenticated Services....................................................................................................................... 15 Table 8 – Specification of Service Inputs & Outputs.............................................................................................. 15 Table 9 – Private Keys and CSPs............................................................................................................................. 17 Table 10 – CSP Access Rights within Roles & Services........................................................................................... 17 Table 11 – Inspection/Testing of Physical Security Mechanisms........................................................................... 21 Figures Figure 1 – Image of the Cryptographic Module....................................................................................................... 5 Figure 2 – Code FIPS Modem Block Diagram........................................................................................................... 6 Figure 3 – Initialization Logical Block Diagram......................................................................................................... 7 Figure 4 – Authentication Logical Block Diagram .................................................................................................... 8 Figure 5 – Receiving Encrypted Data Logical Block Diagram ................................................................................... 9 Figure 6 – Zeroization Logical Block Diagram ........................................................................................................ 10 Figure 7 – 8-Pin DIN Connector Pin-Out ................................................................................................................ 13 Figure 8 – Image of the Cryptographic Module showing the placement of tamper-evident seals....................... 21 C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 5 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 1 Module Overview The Code Corporation CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem (MFG#: BTHDFIPS-M2_01) Cryptographic Module (hereafter referred to as the module) is a Multi-Chip Standalone module used as an external PC accessory designed to be connected to a computer via a USB or Serial cable for use with a Code Reader 2500 FIPS or Code Reader 3500 FIPS (CR2500 FIPS or CR3500 FIPS). The modem enables a Code reader to wirelessly transmit encrypted data to the computer. The boundary of the module is the outer case of the physical device. No components are excluded from the cryptographic boundary. Figure 1 – Image of the Cryptographic Module The configuration of hardware and firmware for this validation is: Hardware: CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem, Version: BTHDFIPS-M2_01 Firmware: 0187 DIN Connector LED Light C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 6 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Figure 2 depicts a block diagram of the CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem hardware components, with the cryptographic boundary shown in red. The major blocks of the module hardware are: • Memory: RAM and EEPROM • CPU: Texas Instruments MSP430F149IPM/RG4 • One LED • DIN Interface • Wireless Bluetooth® Interface CPU: Texas Instruments MSP430F149IPM/RG4 Memory System Bus DIN Interface Data Data Plain Text Data LED Light Status Wireless Bluetooth® Interface Control; Encrypted Passwords, Keys & Data : Cryptographic Boundary Power Power Plain Text Data Control; Encrypted Passwords, Keys & Data Status Status Status Figure 2 – Code FIPS Modem Block Diagram C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 7 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Figure 3 depicts the logical block diagram for Initializing the CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem. This process replaces the default Cryptographic Officer Password, Reader (User) Password, and Key Encryption Key with new values chosen by the Cryptographic Officer. This command is only available to the Cryptographic Officer. The readers are the interface to the modem, so the Initialization data is input to the modem having been encrypted using the KEK. Memory System Bus Read old KEK; Write Plain Text new COPw, RPw & KEK Status Wireless Bluetooth® Interface KEK Encrypted new COPw, RPw & KEK; Plain Text Control CPU: Texas Instruments MSP430F149IPM/RG4 Decrypt new COPw, RPw & KEK with old KEK KEK – Key Encryption Key COPw – Cryptographic Officer Password RPw – Reader Password KEK Encrypted new COPw, RPw & KEK; Plain Text Control From Reader LED Light Status Status Figure 3 – Initialization Logical Block Diagram C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 8 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Figure 4 depicts the logical block diagram for Authenticating to the CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem. The Authentication process compares a supplied password with a password stored in memory and allows or disallows firmware paths based on the results. Figure 4 – Authentication Logical Block Diagram Status Memory System Bus Read COPw or RPw & KEK CPU: Texas Instruments MSP430F149IPM/RG4 Decrypt Password with KEK, Compare Passwords Wireless Bluetooth® Interface Control; Encrypted Password Control; Encrypted Password From Reader KEK – Key Encryption Key COPw – CO Password RPw – Reader Password Status LED Light Status C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 9 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Figure 5 depicts the logical block diagram for receiving encrypted data from the CR2500 FIPS and CR3500 FIPS bar code reader. Memory System Bus Read TEK DIN Interface Plain Text Data Plain Text Data Decrypt Data with TEK Wireless Bluetooth® Interface AES Encrypted Data AES Encrypted Data From Reader TEK – Traffic Encryption Key CPU: Texas Instruments MSP430F149IPM/RG4 Status LED Light Status Status Figure 5 – Receiving Encrypted Data Logical Block Diagram C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 10 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Figure 6 depicts the logical block diagram for Zeroizing the CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem. All four CSP are reset back to defaults in this procedure – Cryptographic Officer Password, Reader (User) Password, Key Encryption Key and Traffic Encryption Key. Memory System Bus Reset Plain Text Passwords & Encryption Keys Wireless Bluetooth® Interface Control Control From Reader Figure 6 – Zeroization Logical Block Diagram Module services are described in Section 6 below. C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 11 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 2 Security Level The cryptographic module meets the overall requirements applicable to Level 2 security of FIPS 140-2. Table 1 – Module Security Level Specification Security Requirements Section Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Module Ports and Interfaces 2 Roles, Services and Authentication 2 Finite State Model 2 Physical Security 2 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 2 EMI/EMC 2 Self-Tests 2 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 12 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 3 Modes of Operation 3.1 FIPS Approved Mode of Operation The module provides a FIPS Approved mode of operation, comprising all services described in Section 6 below and a non-FIPS mode where the modules respond in the same manner as non-FIPS Code devices. The module will enter FIPS Approved mode following successful power up self tests and authentication. • CO Authenticated – the module will indicate this mode of operation by blinking the blue LED light in a 1 second on, 1 second off pattern. • Un-Authenticated – the module will indicate this mode of operation by blinking the blue LED light in a 2 seconds on, 1 second off pattern. • Reader (User) Authenticated – the module will indicate this mode of operation by blinking the blue LED light in a Morse Code ‘F’ pattern. The Morse Code ‘F’ is comprised of two short dots, a long dash and a short dot ( F) followed by a 3.5 second delay. 3.2 Non-FIPS Mode of Operation If the Power-on Initialization determines that the module has not been Initialized, the module does not provide access to any Cryptographic functions. In this state, the module will function as a non-FIPS Code modem would function – the modules will pass plain text data. This is the non-FIPS mode of operation for the module. 3.3 Approved and Allowed Algorithms The cryptographic module supports the following FIPS Approved algorithms. Table 2 – FIPS Approved Algorithms Used in Current Module FIPS Approved Algorithm CAVP Cert. # AES: ECB; 128 and 256 bit Cert. #1456 AES: CTR; 256 bit; External Counter Cert. #1456 The cryptographic module contains no non-FIPS Approved algorithms. C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 13 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 4 Ports and Interfaces The CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem is a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module with ports and interfaces as shown below. Figure 7 – 8-Pin DIN Connector Pin-Out Table 3 – Code FIPS Modem Pins and FIPS 140-2 Ports and Interfaces Pin FIPS 140-2 Designation Name and Description LED Light Status Output Displays FIPS status Wireless Bluetooth® Radio Encrypted Data Input/Control Input Receives Encrypted Data from Reader, sends responses to Reader 8-Pin DIN Connector Pin 1 (DIN1) Power Port VIN - Input Voltage to the voltage regulators/batter charging IC DIN2 Data Output RS232_TX - RS-232 level serial transmit signal DIN3 Data Output RS232_RX - RS-232 level serial receive signal DIN4 Data Output PS2_DATA_UART_RX_USB_DP - UART transmit signal/ USB Data plus signal DIN5 Data Output PS2_DATA_UART_RX_USB_DM - UART receive signal/ USB Data minus signal DIN6 N/A This pin is disabled via firmware while in FIPS Mode. DIN7 N/A This pin is disabled via firmware while in FIPS Mode. DIN8 Power Port Ground C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 14 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 5 Identification and Authentication Policy 5.1 Assumption of Roles The module supports two distinct operator roles, Reader (User) and Cryptographic Officer (CO). The cryptographic module enforces the separation of roles using re-authentication when changing roles. The Reader role is not allowed to change passwords on the device and the CO role is not allowed to receive encrypted data. Authentication is based on eight-character passwords using any Extended ASCII character value in the range 0x20 - 0xFF. The module provides neither a maintenance role or bypass capability. Table 4 – Roles and Required Identification and Authentication Role Description Authentication Type Authentication Data CRYPTOGRAPHIC OFFICER This role has access to the Initialize service. The CO is not allowed to transmit data. Role-based operator authentication Password is fixed at eight characters from the Extended ASCII set 0x20 through 0xFF. Password must be received from the CR2500 FIPS & CR3500 FIPS reader module, encrypted with the KEK. READER (USER) This role has access to the Receive Encrypted Data service. The Reader is not allowed to initialize. Role-based operator authentication Password is fixed at eight characters from the Extended ASCII set 0x20 through 0xFF. Password must be received from CR2500 FIPS & CR3500 FIPS reader module, encrypted with the KEK. Table 5 – Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism Passwords (Fixed-length, eight characters; 0x20-0xFF Extended ASCII character set) The probability that a random attempt will succeed or a false acceptance will occur is a minimum of 1/ 23*225 or 1/2675 or 1/ 1.5676426594103495798233121284485x10203 which is less than 1/1,000,000. The probability of successfully authenticating to the module within one minute through random attempts is a minimum of 1/2(3*225)-12.55 or 1/2662.45 or 1/ 2.61409055292975750304018840341x10199 which is less than 1/100,000. The calculations are based on eight character (23 ) passwords built from a 225 character set. Code readers can read 6000 (or ~ 212.55 ) bar codes per minute under ideal conditions. C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 15 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 6 Access Control Policy 6.1 Roles and Services Table 6 – Authenticated Services Service CO Reader Description Authenticate X X Ensures the operator assuming role is authorized and limits the services available to a role. Initialize X Receives and sets Encrypted Cryptographic Officer Password, Reader Password, and Key Encryption Key. Receive Encrypted Data X Transfer data from the Reader to the Modem using the Traffic Encryption Key. Receive Encrypted TEK X Receives and sets Encrypted Traffic Encryption Key. 6.2 Unauthenticated Services The cryptographic module supports the following unauthenticated services: Table 7 – Unauthenticated Services Service Description Self Test Re-runs Power-On Self Test Zeroize Clears Encryption Keys and Passwords. Requires the Initialize Command to be run to return to FIPS functionality. 6.3 Specification of Service Input and Output Table 8 – Specification of Service Inputs & Outputs Service Control Input Data Input Data Output Status Output Self-Test N/A N/A N/A On FAIL – LED Light flashes blue .5 sec on, .5 sec off On Success – LED Light flashes blue 2 second on, 1 second off. Initialize Plain Text Initialize command via Bluetooth® KEK Encrypted Data - Initialize command, two eight character passwords and a 256 bit Key N/A LED Light flashes repeating 1 second on, 1 second off; Acknowledgement via C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 16 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Wireless from Reader Encryption Key decoded from a Data Matrix bar code via Bluetooth® Wireless from Reader Bluetooth® Wireless to Reader Receive Encrypted TEK Plain Text Control via Bluetooth® Wireless from Reader KEK Encrypted Data - one 256 bit Traffic Encryption Key generated by the reader and sent via Bluetooth® Wireless from Reader N/A LED Light flashes blue repeating Morse Code ‘F’ ( F ); Acknowledgement via Bluetooth® Wireless to Reader Authenticate Plain Text Authenticate command via Bluetooth® Wireless from Reader KEK Encrypted Data - one eight-character password via Bluetooth® Wireless from Reader N/A Authenticate CO - LED Light flashes repeating 1 second on, 1 second off; Acknowledgement via Bluetooth® Wireless to Reader Authenticate READER - LED Light flashes blue repeating Morse Code ‘F’ ( F ); Acknowledgement via Bluetooth® Wireless to Reader Zeroize Plain Text Zeroize command via Bluetooth® Wireless from Reader N/A N/A LED Light solid on; Acknowledgement via Bluetooth® Wireless to Reader Receive Encrypted Data Plain Text Control via Bluetooth® Wireless from Reader TEK Encrypted Data - via Bluetooth® Wireless from Reader Plain Text Data via DIN Connector to PC LED Light flashes blue repeating Morse Code ‘F’ ( F ); Acknowledgement via Bluetooth® Wireless to Reader C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 17 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 6.4 Definition of Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) The module contains the following CSPs: Table 9 – Private Keys and CSPs Key Name Type Description Key Encryption Key AES-256: ECB Key used to decrypt session-based Traffic Encryption Key as well as other CSPs from the Reader. Set in Initialization procedure. Traffic Encryption Key AES-256: CTR Key used to encrypt data sent from Reader to Modem. This key is received encrypted with the KEK from the reader for each session to provide a higher level of confidentiality. Reader (User) Password Eight characters; 0x20- 0xFF Extended ASCII character set Password used to authenticate the Reader (User) role Cryptographic Officer Password Eight characters; 0x20- 0xFF Extended ASCII character set Password used to authenticate the Cryptographic Officer role 6.5 Definition of CSPs Modes of Access Table 13 defines the relationship between access to CSPs and the different module services. The modes of access shown in the table are defined as: • G = Generate • : The module generates the CSP. R = Read • : The module reads the CSP. The read access is typically performed before the module uses the CSP. W = Write • : The module writes the CSP. The write access is typically performed after a CSP is imported into the module, or the module generates a CSP, or the module overwrites an existing CSP. Z = Zeroize Table 10 – CSP Access Rights within Roles & Services : The module zeroizes the CSP. Role Authorized Service Mode Cryptographic Key or CSP CO Authenticate R R Cryptographic Officer Password Key Encryption Key Initialize W W W R New Key Encryption Key New Reader Password New Cryptographic Officer Password Existing Key Encryption Key C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 18 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Reader (User) Authenticate R R Reader Password Key Encryption Key Receive Encrypted Data R Traffic Encryption Key Receive Encrypted TEK R W Key Encryption Key Traffic Encryption Key Un-Authenticated or Any Role Zeroize Z Z Z Z Key Encryption Key Traffic Encryption Key Reader Password Cryptographic Officer Password Self-Test N/A N/A C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 19 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 7 Operational Environment The FIPS 140-2 Area 6 Operational Environment requirements are not applicable because the FIPS Modem does not contain a modifiable operational environment. C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 20 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 8 Security Rules The module design corresponds to the CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem security rules. This section documents the security rules enforced by the cryptographic module to implement the security requirements of this FIPS 140-2 Level 2 module. 1. The cryptographic module shall provide role-based authentication. 2. The cryptographic module shall provide two distinct operator roles. These are the Reader (User) role, and the Cryptographic Officer role. 3. The cryptographic module shall clear previous authentications on power cycle 4. The cryptographic module shall clear Traffic Encryption Keys on power cycle 5. When the module has not been placed in a valid role, the operator shall not have access to any cryptographic services. 6. The cryptographic module shall perform the following tests A. Critical Function Tests a. Electronic board initialization B. Power up Self-Tests 1. Cryptographic algorithm tests a. AES Encrypt and Decrypt Known Answer Test 2. Firmware Integrity Test – CRC16 check against known value at firmware load (power on) 7. The operator shall be capable of commanding the module to perform the power-up self-test by cycling power by removing and replacing the DIN cable to the module. 8. Power-up self tests do not require any operator action. 9. Data output shall be inhibited during self-tests, zeroization, and error states. 10. The module does not generate keys. 11. Status information does not contain CSPs or sensitive data that if misused could lead to a compromise of the module. 12. There are no restrictions on which keys or CSPs are zeroized by the zeroization service. 13. The module does not support concurrent operators. 14. The module does not support a maintenance interface or role. 15. The module does not support manual key entry. 16. The module only accepts plain text commands, encrypted passwords, keys and data from the Wireless Bluetooth® Interface from the Code Corporation Code Reader 2500 FIPS & Code Reader 3500 FIPS module. 17. The module does not enter or output plaintext CSPs. 18. The module does not support the update of the firmware. C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 21 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 9 Physical Security Policy 9.1 Physical Security Mechanisms The outer casing of the module is production quality opaque material. Two of the six screws are covered with blue tamper evident compound. The tamper evident compound is applied to the module by Code Corporation in manufacturing before distribution to the end user. 9.2 Operator Required Actions Examine the tamper evident seals monthly. Table 11 – Inspection/Testing of Physical Security Mechanisms Physical Security Mechanisms Recommended Frequency of Inspection/Test Inspection/Test Guidance Details Tamper Evident Seals 1 month There are two tamper-evident seals on the module. Two (of six) of the screw holes in the bottom of the case will be filled with blue tamper evident compound. (see Figure 8, below) The compound dries into a hard, brittle substance. Inspect the screw holes for any signs of scratching or broken compound. If any tampering is suspected, return the module to Code for testing and replacement of the tamper evident compound. Figure 8 – Image of the Cryptographic Module showing the placement of tamper-evident seals C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 22 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 10 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The module has not been designed to mitigate attacks that are outside of the scope of FIPS 140-2. C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 23 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 11 Pre-Initialization Mode The module employs a Pre-Initialization mode that employs default values for the Cryptographic Officer role password, the Reader (User) role password and the Key Encryption Key. The only service that is available in pre-initialization mode is Authentication of the CO role. Once Authenticated the CO is required to Initialize the module before the Reader role can be Authenticated. The module returns to the Pre-Initialization state after it receives the Zeroization command. The passwords and KEK are returned to default and the TEK is overwritten with zeroes. C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 24 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 12 Delivery Security The modules will be packed by Code Corporation representatives, sealed with packing tape, and then delivered via common carrier using a tracking code to the end user or their delegate. If the package is damaged in shipping, inspect the Tamper Evident seals to determine if the modules have been compromised. C005585 CodeXML® FIPS Bluetooth® Modem Security Policy C005585_01 CodeXML FIPS Modem Security Policy.docx Page 25 of 25 © 2011 The Code Corporation • 14870 S. Pony Express Rd., Suite 200, Bluffdale, UT 84065 • (801) 495-2200 • FAX (801) 495-2255 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 13 References [FIPS 140-2] FIPS Publication 140-2 Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules [FIPS 197] FIPS Publication 197 ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD (AES) 14 Definitions and Acronyms KEK – Key Encryption Key; Encrypts passwords and keys exchanged between Reader and Modem TEK – Traffic Encryption Key; Encrypts data exchanged between Reader and Modem