RTL-TDEA Crypto Module Security Policy Document No. RTL-SP-TDEA March 23, 2004 Revision 1.1 Prepared by: 1042 Elkton Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719) 598-2801 support@rtlogic.com www.rtlogic.com RTL-TDEA Security Policy i RTL-SP-TDEA Revision History Release Level Release Date Comments 1.0 December 10, 2003 Original release. 1.1 March 23, 2004 Security Policy updated to include description of the Non-Approved mode. Real Time Logic, Inc. (RT Logic) has prepared this document for use by its personnel, licensees, and potential licensees. RT Logic reserves the right to change any products described in this document as well as information included herein without prior notice. Although the information presented in this document has been thoroughly tested and reviewed and is considered reliable, this document does not convey any license or warranty beyond the terms and conditions set forth in the written contracts and license agreements between RT Logic and its customers. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: This software is Commercial Computer Software under Federal Government Acquisition and Agency supplements to them. The software is provided to the Federal Government and its agencies only under the Restricted Rights Provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulations applicable to commercial computer software developed at private expense and not in the public domain. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 (Oct. 1988) and FAR 52.227-19 (c) (June 1987). Real Time Logic, Inc., 1042 Elkton Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80907. This technology is controlled by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) (22 CFR 120-130). They may not be resold, diverted, transferred, transshipped, or otherwise be disposed of in any other country, either in their original form or after being incorporated through an intermediate process into other end-items, without the prior written approval of the U.S. Department of State. Copyright© 2003 Real Time Logic, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced only in its entirety, including restrictive legends, without revision. Trademarks and derivative agreement statements: All other product names are registered trademarks of their respective companies. RTL-TDEA Security Policy ii RTL-SP-TDEA Table of Contents Page 1. MODULE OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................. 1-1 2. SECURITY LEVEL......................................................................................................................................... 2-1 3. MODES OF OPERATION.............................................................................................................................. 3-1 3.1 APPROVED MODE OF OPERATION ................................................................................................................ 3-1 3.2 NON-APPROVED MODE OF OPERATION........................................................................................................ 3-1 4. PORTS AND INTERFACES .......................................................................................................................... 4-1 5. IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION POLICY.......................................................................... 5-1 5.1 ASSUMPTION OF ROLES................................................................................................................................ 5-1 6. ACCESS CONTROL POLICY....................................................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 ROLES AND SERVICES .................................................................................................................................. 6-1 6.1.1 Unauthenticated Services ................................................................................................................. 6-1 6.2 DEFINITION OF CRITICAL SECURITY PARAMETERS (CSPS).......................................................................... 6-2 6.3 DEFINITION OF CSPS MODES OF ACCESS..................................................................................................... 6-2 7. OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................................... 7-1 8. SECURITY RULES......................................................................................................................................... 8-1 8.1 RULES SPECIFIED BY THE FIPS 140-2 STANDARD ....................................................................................... 8-1 8.2 RULES SPECIFIED BY THE VENDOR .............................................................................................................. 8-2 9. PHYSICAL SECURITY POLICY ................................................................................................................. 9-1 9.1 PHYSICAL SECURITY MECHANISMS ............................................................................................................. 9-1 9.2 OPERATOR REQUIRED ACTIONS................................................................................................................... 9-1 10. MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS POLICY.......................................................................................10-1 11. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................11-1 12. ACRONYMS ...................................................................................................................................................12-1 RTL-TDEA Security Policy iii RTL-SP-TDEA Tables Table 2-1. Module Security Level Specification ....................................................................................................... 2-1 Table 3-1. FIPS 140-2 Approved Modes of Operation.............................................................................................. 3-1 Table 3-2. Non-FIPS 140-2 Approved Modes of Operation ..................................................................................... 3-2 Table 4-1. Relationship Between Ports and Interfaces .............................................................................................. 4-1 Table 5-1. Roles and Required Identification and Authentication............................................................................. 5-1 Table 5-2. Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms................................................................................................. 5-1 Table 6-1. Services Authorized for Roles.................................................................................................................. 6-1 Table 6-2. Specification of Service Inputs and Outputs ............................................................................................ 6-2 Table 6-3. CSP Access Rights within Roles & Services ........................................................................................... 6-3 Table 9-1. Inspection/Testing of Physical Security Mechanisms .............................................................................. 9-1 Figures Figure 1-1. RTL-TDEA Crypto Module.................................................................................................................... 1-1 Chapter 1 RTL-TDEA Security Policy 1-1 RTL-SP-TDEA 1. Module Overview The RTL-TDEA crypto module is a multi-chip embedded cryptographic module (Hardware Version 1, Firmware Version 1, tagged in CVS as version 1.0). The RTL-TDEA crypto module is a PCI card with two RS-422 ports (the data input port and the data output port), two RS-232 serial ports (a Crypto Control Port and a Key Control Port), and a power output port. The RTL-TDEA crypto module takes user data from the data input port, processes it according to the mode specified through the “Set Mode” service, and then outputs the data via the data output port. All commands are issued through the crypto control port, and status is output via the crypto control port. The key control port is used only for the entry of keys that were manually established to the module. The module is provided power over the PCI interface, but it does not otherwise make use of this port in any way. The RTL-TDEA crypto module is FPGA driven, with no general purpose processor or software. The crypto module is enclosed in a commercial grade hard metal enclosure that is sealed using tamper evident seals. The RTL-TDEA crypto module has a static, non-modifiable operational environment. The crypto module’s crypto boundary is established by the metal enclosure on the front side of the card and the PC board on the rear side of the card. The rear side of the PC board is a metal plane with no traces or signal vias. The enclosure encompasses the entire PCI card other than the PCI interface, the auxiliary power output port, and the RS-232 and RS-422 ports. Figure 1-1. RTL-TDEA Crypto Module Chapter 2 RTL-TDEA Security Policy 2-1 RTL-SP-TDEA 2. Security Level The crypto module meets the overall requirements applicable to Level 2 security of FIPS 140-2. Table 2-1. Module Security Level Specification Security Requirements Section Level Cryptographic Module Specification 2 Module Ports and Interfaces 2 Roles, Services and Authentication 2 Finite State Model 2 Physical Security 2 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 2 EMI/EMC 2 Self-Tests 2 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Chapter 3 RTL-TDEA Security Policy 3-1 RTL-SP-TDEA 3. Modes of Operation 3.1 Approved Mode of Operation In FIPS mode, the crypto module only supports FIPS Approved algorithms as follows: • Triple-DES (three key) for encryption (ECB, CBC, CFB64, OFB modes) • Triple-DES (three key) for decryption (CFB64, OFB modes) The crypto module has very simple behavior and key management: the crypto module can only have one key loaded at a time. All key establishment is accomplished through manually transported, electronically entered means through a port dedicated to key entry. All CSPs are stored in either FPGA registers, or within the module’s NVRAM. The crypto module does not output any CSP in any form. The crypto module can be operated in its Approved mode by selecting ECB (encrypt), CBC (encrypt), or CFB64 (encrypt or decrypt) modes and for the CBC, CFB64, and OFB modes specifying internally generated or externally provided IV mode through the “Set Mode” service. Table 3-1. FIPS 140-2 Approved Modes of Operation TDEA Mode Encrypt/Decrypt Mode IV Mode ECB Encrypt N/A CBC Encrypt Internally Created or Externally Provided CFB64 Encrypt/Decrypt Internally Created or Externally Provided OFB Encrypt/Decrypt Internally Created or Externally Provided The operator can determine if the crypto module is in FIPS mode by using the “Get Status” command and reviewing the Crypto Mode specified in the returned status. 3.2 Non-Approved Mode of Operation In Non-FIPS Approved mode, the crypto module supports the following algorithms: • Triple-DES (three key) for encryption (CTR) • Triple-DES (three key) for decryption (ECB, CBC, CTR) The crypto module control and behavior is the same in the Non-FIPS Approved 140-2 mode as it is in the Approved mode. The Non-Approved modes, CTR (encrypt or decrypt), ECB (decrypt), CBC (decrypt) are selectable through the “Set Mode” service . In the CBC (decrypt) mode the option to internally generate or use externally provided IV is selectable. In the CTR (encrypt or decrypt) mode only the internally generated IV option is available. The “Get Status” command provides status regarding Non-Approved mode of operation. Modes of Operation RTL-TDEA Security Policy 3-2 RTL-SP-TDEA Table 3-2. Non-FIPS 140-2 Approved Modes of Operation TDEA Mode Encrypt/Decrypt Mode IV Mode ECB Decrypt N/A CBC Decrypt Internally Created or Externally Provided CTR Encrypt/Decrypt Internally Created Chapter 4 RTL-TDEA Security Policy 4-1 RTL-SP-TDEA 4. Ports and Interfaces The RTL-TDEA crypto module provides the following physical ports and logical interfaces. The RTL-TDEA crypto module provides six ports. • Crypto Control Port (DE-9 male connector, RS-232 signaling) • Key Control Port (DE-9 male connector, RS-232 signaling) • Data Output Port (Micro D9P male connector, RS-422 signaling) • Data Input Port (Micro D9S female connector, RS-422 signaling) • Power Input Port (PCI 32 bit edge connector) • Aux Power Output Port (4 pin MicroFit-3 male connector) The six ports support the following FIPS interfaces: • Data Input • Data Output • Control Input • Status Output • Power Table 4-1. Relationship Between Ports and Interfaces Interface Port(s) Data Input Interface Data Input Port, Crypto Control Port, Key Control Port Data Output Interface Data Output Port, Key Control Port Control Input Interface Crypto Control Port Status Output Interface Crypto Control Port Power Interface Power Input Port, Aux Power Output Port Chapter 5 RTL-TDEA Security Policy 5-1 RTL-SP-TDEA 5. Identification and Authentication Policy 5.1 Assumption of Roles The RTL-TDEA crypto module has two operator roles: User and Cryptographic Officer. Both of these roles have access to the same services, and use the same authentication information to authenticate. As such, they are referred to as a joint “User/Crypto-Officer Role” for the sake of brevity. The User/Crypto-Officer role implicitly selects its role by invoking an authenticated service, in which the operator passes a 64 bit random value into the module. Each command that requires authentication is independently authenticated, so the operator “logs out” when the command is completed or the module is powered off. Table 5-1. Roles and Required Identification and Authentication Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data User/Crypto-Officer Role Based Operator Authentication Authentication Code Table 5-2. Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism Authentication Code The probability that a random attempt will succeed or a false acceptance will occur is 1/264 which is less than 1/1,000,000. The probability of successfully authenticating to the module within one minute is 1/252 which is less than 1/100,000. Chapter 6 RTL-TDEA Security Policy 6-1 RTL-SP-TDEA 6. Access Control Policy 6.1 Roles and Services Table 6-1. Services Authorized for Roles Role Authorized Services User/Crypto-Officer: This role shall provide all of the services necessary for protecting the confidentiality of input data, and related key management functions. • Set Mode: Specifies the mode for the crypto module. The mode selected either zeroizes the crypto module (in which case no user data can be encrypted or decrypted until a new key is loaded) or specifies a cryptographic mode (which directs the module to process user data). This service can: • Set the cryptographic mode for the crypto module, both Approved and Non-Approved FIPS modes, including the mode of use for the TDEA algorithm (ECB, CBC, CFB64, OFB and CTR encrypt/decrypt), the IV mode (internally created or externally provided), and the requested key’s label. • Zeroize all keys • Zeroize all CSPs • Self Test: This service initiates the crypto module’s cryptographic algorithm test. All power-up self-tests can be re-run by power cycling the crypto module. • Authenticate: This service allows the crypto module to verify the authentication code provided by the operator, but does not otherwise affect the module. 6.1.1 Unauthenticated Services The RTL-TDEA crypto module supports several unauthenticated services. These services do not affect the crypto module’s CSPs or use security functions. The RTL-TDEA crypto module supports the following unauthenticated services: • Reset: This service resets the crypto module’s state machines. If there is a key currently loaded, this key is left unmodified, and the crypto module can continue to process user data. The crypto module’s message count and block count are reset. • Get Status: This service causes the crypto module to output its current status. • Enable: This service enables the data input to the crypto module after it has been disabled through the “Disable Command.” • Disable: This service shuts off the data input port and data output port until the “Enable Command” service is run. Access Control Policy RTL-TDEA Security Policy 6-2 RTL-SP-TDEA Table 6-2. Specification of Service Inputs and Outputs Service Control Input Data Input Data Output Status Output Set Mode Header info, crypto mode, IV mode, encrypt/decrypt mode Authentication Code, Plaintext data or Ciphertext data (depending on mode), key selection, key tag, key Plaintext data or Ciphertext data (depending on mode) Success/failure error code Self Test Header info Authentication Code N/A Success/failure error code Authenticate Header info Authentication Code N/A Success/failure error code Reset Header info N/A N/A Success/failure error code Get Status Header info N/A N/A Current crypto mode, IV mode, enabled/disabled, current error code, message counter, block count, hardware revision, firmware revision/failure error code Enable Header info N/A N/A Success/failure error code Disable Header info N/A N/A Success/failure error code 6.2 Definition of Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) The following are CSPs contained in the crypto module: • Loaded Key: This is the TDES key used to encrypt or decrypt user data. • Authentication Code: This is a random 64 bit value that is loaded at the factory and cannot be changed. • IV Seed: This is a 64 bit value used in internal IV creation. The IV Seed is loaded at the factory and cannot be changed. 6.3 Definition of CSPs Modes of Access Table 6-3 defines the relationship between access to CSPs and the different module services. The modes of access shown in the table are defined as follows: • Use Loaded Key: This operation uses the loaded key in the selected TDES mode of operation to process user provided data. • Create IV: This operation uses the IV Seed to create an Initialization Vector that is used to initialize the encryption algorithm just prior to encrypting data. • Verify Authentication Code: This operation compares the provided authentication code with the stored authentication code. • Load Key: This operation replaces the Loaded Key with another key from the Key Control Port. • Zeroize Loaded Key: This operation zeroizes the Loaded Key. • Zeroize All CSPs: This operation zeroizes the Loaded Key, the Authentication Code and the IV Seed. Access Control Policy RTL-TDEA Security Policy 6-3 RTL-SP-TDEA Table 6-3. CSP Access Rights within Roles & Services Role User/Crypto-Officer Unauthenticated Service Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Access Operation X Set Mode Load Key, Zeroize Loaded Key, Zeroize All CSPs, Use Loaded Key, Create IV, Verify Authentication Code X Self Test Verify Authentication Code X Authenticate Verify Authentication Code X Reset N/A X Get Status N/A X Enable N/A X Disable N/A Chapter 7 RTL-TDEA Security Policy 7-1 RTL-SP-TDEA 7. Operational Environment The FIPS 140-2 Operational Environment requirements are not applicable because the RTL-TDEA crypto module is a limited operational environment. Chapter 8 RTL-TDEA Security Policy 8-1 RTL-SP-TDEA 8. Security Rules 8.1 Rules Specified By the FIPS 140-2 Standard 1. The crypto module restricts all information flow and physical access points to physical ports and logical interfaces that define all entry and exit points to and from the crypto module. 2. The crypto module interfaces are logically distinct from each other. 3. The crypto module distinguishes between data and control for input and data and status for output. 4. All input data entering the crypto module via the “data input” interface only passes through the input data path. 5. All output data exiting the crypto module via the “data output” interface only passes through the output data path. 6. The crypto module does not perform manual key entry or key generation. 7. The output data path is logically disconnected from processes while performing key zeroization. 8. The crypto module does not output plaintext cryptographic keys or CSPs. 9. The crypto module does support multiple concurrent operators. The module internally maintains the separation of roles assumed by each operator and each corresponding service. 10. The crypto module supports role based operator authentication. 11. The crypto module does not allow operators to perform physical or logical maintenance. 12. The crypto module does not implement a bypass capability. 13. The crypto module allows the user/crypto-officer to implicitly select their role. 14. The crypto module does not maintain the results of previous authentications between power cycles. 15. The crypto module contains authentication required to authenticate the operator for the first time the crypto module is accessed. 16. For each attempt to use the crypto module’s authentication mechanism, there is less than a 1/1,000,000 chance that a false acceptance will occur. 17. For multiple attempts within a one minute time period, the probability is less than 1/100,000 that a false acceptance will occur. 18. The crypto module does not provide any feedback to the operator during authentication. 19. The crypto module employs physical security mechanisms in order to restrict unauthorized physical access to the module and to deter unauthorized modification to the crypto module. All hardware and firmware components within the crypto-boundary are protected. 20. The crypto module is classified as a multi-chip embedded cryptographic module. 21. Unauthorized attempts at physical access, use, or modification have a high degree of being detected subsequent to an attempt by leaving visible signs of tamper. 22. The crypto module does not have a maintenance role and is not designed to permit access to the contents of the crypto module. 23. The crypto module consists of production grade components, including standard passivation techniques and a production grade enclosure. 24. The crypto module provides evidence of tampering when physical access to the module is attempted. 25. The crypto module is contained within an opaque tamper evident enclosure. 26. The crypto module is classified as a limited operational environment. 27. Secret keys and CSPs are protected within the crypto module from unauthorized disclosure, modification, and substitution. 28. Key establishment (key transport) is accomplished only through manual methods. 29. Keys are entered into the crypto module using electronic methods. 30. Cryptographic keys entered into the crypto module are associated with the entity (role) to whom they are assigned. 31. Secret keys are manually established and entered into the module in plaintext. 32. Cryptographic keys stored within the crypto module are stored in plaintext form. 33. The crypto module associates all cryptographic keys stored within the crypto module with the correct entity to which the key is assigned. Security Rules RTL-TDEA Security Policy 8-2 RTL-SP-TDEA 34. The crypto module provides a method to zeroize all plaintext secret cryptographic keys and CSPs within the crypto module. 35. The crypto module conforms to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, subpart B, Unintentional radiators, digital devices, Class A (i.e., for business use) 36. If the crypto module fails a self-test, the module enters an error state and outputs an error indicator via the status output interface. 37. The crypto module does not perform any cryptographic operations while in an error state. 38. All data output via the data output interface is inhibited when an error state exists. 39. Power-up tests are performed by the crypto module when power is applied to the crypto module. 40. The power-up tests are initiated automatically and do not require operator intervention. 41. When the power-up tests are completed, the results are output via the “status output” interface. 42. All data output via the data output interface is inhibited when the power-up tests are performed. 43. The operator can initiate the crypto algorithm test by running the Self Test service, or can re-run all of the power-up self-tests by restarting the crypto module. 44. The crypto module includes the following Power-On Self-Tests: a. Triple DES KAT (CFB64, encrypt mode) b. Firmware integrity test (16 bit CRC) 8.2 Rules Specified by the Vendor 1. Each RTL-TDEA crypto module has a unique serial number. 2. The eight tamper evident seals on the RTL-TDEA crypto module all bear the “RT Logic!” logo. 3. The two largest seals on the crypto module additionally have a unique serial number printed on the seal. 4. The Authentication Code and IV Seed are specified during manufacturing, and cannot be changed in the field. 5. The crypto module firmware is programmed during manufacturing, and cannot be changed in the field. 6. If the “Zeroize All” mode of the “Set mode” service is selected, the crypto module becomes non-functional, and can only be rendered functional by returning it to the factory. 7. The Key Control Port may only be used to support a manual key establishment mechanism. 8. The crypto module keeps a count of the total number of messages and blocks sent since the previous power up or reset command. 9. The crypto module is completely initialized at the factory, and does not require further operator initialization or start-up procedures. 10. The RTL-TDEA crypto module is installed in a larger RT Logic product. This entire product is normally provided to the end customer, though it is possible to send only the crypto module in the case where system maintenance on a pre-existing system is necessary. The crypto module (and the product that it is enclosed in) is shipped through a commercial carrier, and requires signature verification upon delivery. In all cases, pictures of the crypto module and the crypto module serial number and its tamper evident label serial numbers are provided to the end customer through a separate channel, so the customer can confirm that the crypto module that was shipped is the same module that was received. Chapter 9 RTL-TDEA Security Policy 9-1 RTL-SP-TDEA 9. Physical Security Policy 9.1 Physical Security Mechanisms The RTL-TDEA crypto module has the following physical protections: • Production-grade components and production-grade opaque enclosure with tamper evident seals. • All eight tamper evident seals bear the “RT Logic!” logo. • Two of the eight tamper evident seals bear a unique serial number. 9.2 Operator Required Actions The operator is required to periodically inspect tamper evident seals. Table 9-1. Inspection/Testing of Physical Security Mechanisms Physical Security Mechanisms Recommended Frequency of Inspection/Test Inspection/Test Guidance Details Tamper Evident Seals Upon initial delivery. Thereafter, each 18 months Verify that all seals are present and intact. Verify that no seal shows a change in the seal pattern. Verify that there is no tamper evidence left on the enclosure. Verify that all seals bear the “RT Logic!” logo. Verify that the seals with serial number bear the same serial number as previous inspections. Chapter 10 RTL-TDEA Security Policy 10-1 RTL-SP-TDEA 10. Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The RTL-TDEA crypto module is not designed to mitigate attacks not specified by FIPS 140-2. Chapter 11 RTL-TDEA Security Policy 11-1 RTL-SP-TDEA 11. References 1. FIPS 140-2, Security Requirement for Cryptographic Modules, 12-03-2002 2. FIPS 46-3, Data Encryption Standard (DES) 10-25-1999 3. NIST SP 800-38A, Recommendations for Block Cipher Modes of Operation, 2001 4. ANSI X9.52-1998, Triple Data Encryption Algorithm Modes of Operation 5. EIA/TIA-232-E, Interface between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Circuit-Termination Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange 6. RS-422, specified by EIA Chapter 12 RTL-TDEA Security Policy 12-1 RTL-SP-TDEA 12. Acronyms Acronym Meaning CBC Cipher Block Chaining CFB Cipher Feed Back CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check CSP Critical Security Parameter CTR Counter DES Data Encryption Standard ECB Electronic Code Book EMI/EMC Electro-Magnetic Interference/Electro-Magnetic Compatibility FCC Federal Communications Commission FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array IV Initial Vector KAT Known Answer Test NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory OFB Output Feed Back PC board Printed Circuit Board PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect RS-232 Recommended Standard 232, specified in EIA/TIA-232 RS-422 Recommended Standard 422, specified in EIA standard RS-422 TDES Triple DES Real Time Logic, Inc. ♦ 1042 Elkton Drive ♦ Colorado Springs, CO 80907 ♦ 719.598.2801 Phone ♦719.598.2655 Reader Comment Form RT Logic welcomes your comments and questions regarding our software and documentation. Please help us improve the quality and usefulness of our products by filling out and returning this form to: 1042 Elkton Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Attention: Director, Product Development support@rtlogic.com Title of Document: RTL-TDEA Crypto Module Security Policy Document #: RTL-SP-TDEA Name/Title: Firm: Address: Telephone: I used this manual ... I found this material ... ˆ As an introduction to the subject Yes No ˆ as an aid for advanced training accurate and complete ˆ ˆ ˆ to instruct a class written clearly ˆ ˆ ˆ to learn operating procedures well illustrated ˆ ˆ ˆ as a reference manual ˆ other: Please indicate below any other comments you may have regarding this material or software as well any errors you may have encountered, listing page numbers where appropriate.