ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module Hardware Version 1.0.1, Firmware Version 1.0.1 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Document Version 1.3.2 January 25, 2023 The information contained in this document is property of KRYPTUS and cannot be reproduced without its knowledge. Copyright 2003-2022 KRYPTUS Information Security S.A. The information contained in this document cannot be modified without previous consent. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Security Level 6 3 Modes of Operation 7 3.1 FIPS Mode Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.2 Non-FIPS Mode Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4 Identification and Authentication Policy 11 4.1 Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4.2 Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 5 Access Control Policy 14 5.1 Supported Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 5.2 Services Provided . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 5.3 Cryptographic Keys and Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 5.4 Access Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6 Operational Environment 35 7 Physical Security 36 7.1 Physical Security Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 7.2 Cryptographic Boundary and Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 7.3 Physical Security Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 7.4 EMC/EMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 8 Self Tests 41 8.1 Power-On Self-Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 8.2 Conditional Self-Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 8.3 Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 2 9 Mitigations of Other Attacks Policy 43 10 Guidance and Secure Operation 44 10.1 Initial Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 3 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Scope This document is the FIPS 140-2 ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy. It describes how the HSM meets the security requirements of FIPS 140-2. 1.2 Overview The ASI-HSM AHX5 kNET Cryptographic Module (Figure 1.1) is a multi user, multi-chip embedded crypto-module. The FIPS 140-2 cryptographic boundary is the metal case containing the entire ASI- HSM AHX5 kNET Cryptographic Module. The ASI-HSM AHX5 kNET Cryptographic Module is referred to in the remainder of this document as the module. Figure 1.1: ASI-HSM AHX5 kNET Cryptographic Module. The module exists to provide cryptographic services to applications running on behalf of its users which communicate with it via a standard Ethernet interface using IP protocols. In order to provide these services, the module also requires a power supply. The module is usually sold embedded within a stand-alone network appliance. That appliance is typically used in large-scale cloud infrastructures, where ease of remote configuration and operation is required. 1.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations AES Advanced Encryption Standard API Application Programming Interface CA Certification Authority CBC Cipher Block Chaining CPU Central Processing Unit CSP Critical Security Parameter CTR Counter DES Data Encryption Standard DSA Digital Signature Algorithm DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 4 ECB Eletronic Codebook ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm EMC Eletromagnetic Compatibility EMI Eletromagnetic Interference FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GCM Galois/Counter Mode HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Code HSM Hardware Security Module ID Identifier IP Internet Protocol KMIP Key Management Interoperability Protocol KW Key Wrapping LED Light-emitting Diode MAC Message Authentication Code MD5 Message-Digest algorithm 5 NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology OAEP Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding OTP One Time Password PCB Printed Circuit Board PCO Physical Crypto Officer PHSM Physical Hardware Securityu Module PIN Personal Identification Number RAM Ramdom Access Memory RNG Random Number Generator RSA RivestShamirAdleman RTC Real Time Clock SEC Standards for Efficient Cryptography SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SKMM Secure Key Management Module SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol TLS Transport Layer Security TRNG True Random Number Generator USB Universal Serial Bus VCO Virtual Crypto Officer VHSM Virtual Hardware Security Module XML eXtensible Markup Language ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 5 2 SECURITY LEVEL The module meets the overall requirements applicable to Level 3 Security for FIPS 140-2. Table 2.1 lists the security level for each requirements section. Table 2.1: Validation Level by FIPS 140-2 Section Security Requirements section Level Cryptographic module specification 3 Cryptographic module ports and interfaces 3 Roles, services, and authentication 3 Finite state model 3 Physical security (multiple-chip embedded) 3 Operational environment N/A Cryptographic key management 3 Electromagnetic interference/electromagnetic compatibility (EMI/EMC) 3 Self-tests 3 Design assurance 3 Mitigation of other attacks N/A Cryptographic module security policy 3 ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 6 3 MODES OF OPERATION The module supports two modes of operation: • FIPS Mode • Non-FIPS Mode When the module is initialized with the Initialize HSM function, the operator can choose the mode of operation to be used. The mode cannot be changed unless the module is reset to the factory state with the Reset HSM function, and reinitialized in the chosen mode. 3.1 FIPS Mode Algorithms In FIPS Mode, the supported FIPS-Approved algorithms are those listed in Table 3.1: Table 3.1: Supported FIPS-Approved Algorithms. CAVP Cert Algorithm Standard Mode/Method Key Lengths, Curves or Moduli Use A3223 AES FIPS 197, SP 800- 38A ECB, CBC, CTR 128, 192, 256 Data Encryption/Decryp- tion A3223 AES FIPS 197, SP 800-38F KW 128, 192, 256 Key Wrapping/Unwrap- ping A3223 AES SP 800- 38D GCM 128, 192, 256 Message Authentication, Data Encryption/Decryp- tion A3223 Triple DES SP 800-67 ECB, CBC, CTR Three-Key Triple DES Data Encryption/Decryp- tion A3223 SHA FIPS 180-4 SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA-512 Message Digest, Digital Signature Generation, Dig- ital Signature Verification A3223 HMAC FIPS 198-1 SHA-1, SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512 Any Message Authentication A3223 DSA FIPS 186-4 224, 256 Key Pair Generation A3223 DSA FIPS 186-4 SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA-512 224, 256 Digital Signature Genera- tion A3223 DSA FIPS 186-4 SHA-1, SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512 160, 224, 256 Digital Signature Verifica- tion ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 7 Table 3.1: Supported FIPS-Approved Algorithms (continued). CAVP Cert Algorithm Standard Mode/Method Key Lengths, Curves or Moduli Use A3223 RSA FIPS 186-4 2048, 3072, 4096 Key Pair Generation A3223 RSA FIPS 186-4 SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA- 384, SHA-512 PKCS1 v1.5 and PSS 2048, 3072, 4096 Digital Signature Genera- tion A3223 RSA FIPS 186-4 SHA-1, SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512 PKCS1 v1.5 and PSS 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096 Digital Signature Verifica- tion A3223 RSA FIPS 186-2 (Legacy) SHA-1, SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512 PKCS1 v1.5 and PSS 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096 Digital Signature Verifica- tion A3223 ECDSA FIPS 186-4 P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 Key Pair Generation A3223 ECDSA FIPS 186-4 SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA-512 P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 Digital Signature Genera- tion A3223 ECDSA FIPS 186-4 SHA-1, SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512 P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 Digital Signature Verifica- tion #349 DRBG SP 800- 90A Hash_DRBG (SHA2-256) - Key Generation Vendor Affimed CKG SP 800-133 - - Key Generation. Resulting Symmetric keys and seeds used for asymmetric key generation are unmodi- fied output from the mod- ule’s Approved DRBG. A3223 CVL (TLS 1.2 KDF) SP 800-135 Rev 1 SHA2-256 - Key derivation function used in the TLS protocol. ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 8 Table 3.1: Supported FIPS-Approved Algorithms (continued). CAVP Cert Algorithm Standard Mode/Method Key Lengths, Curves or Moduli Use A3223 KAS SP-800- 56Ar3 Ephemeral Uni- fied P-256, P-384, P-521 SP 800-56A rev3 KAS-SSC (Cert. #A3223) with SP 800- 135 rev 1 TLS 1.2 KDF CVL (Cert. #A3223). Compliant to IG D.8 X1 Option 2, test- ing the shared secret and separately testing the key derivation function. KTS (AES Cert. #A3223; key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength). The module generates cryptographic keys whose strengths are modified by available entropy. The minimum number of bits of entropy generated by the module for use in key generation is 184. There are some algorithm modes that were tested but not implemented by the module. Only the algorithms, modes, and key sizes that are implemented by the module are shown in this table. At this time, RSA Key Pair generation modulo 4096 and RSA SigGen modulo 4096 cannot be tested. As such, they are not listed on A3223. Besides, the module supports the non-FIPS 140-2 approved algorithms listed in Table 3.2. Those algorithms may be used in the FIPS-mode of operation. Table 3.2: Non-Approved but Allowed Cryptographic Algorithms. Algorithm Caveat Use Brainpool P-224 (r1/t1) Security Strength: 112 bits Key Pair Generation, Digital Signature Generation, Digital Signature Verification Brainpool P-256 (r1/t1) Security Strength: 128 bits Key Pair Generation, Digital Signature Generation, Digital Signature Verification Brainpool P-320 (r1/t1) Security Strength: 160 bits Key Pair Generation, Digital Signature Generation, Digital Signature Verification Brainpool P-384 (r1/t1) Security Strength: 192 bits Key Pair Generation, Digital Signature Generation, Digital Signature Verification Brainpool P-512 (r1/t1) Security Strength: 256 bits Key Pair Generation, Digital Signature Generation, Digital Signature Verification SEC P-256 (k1) Security Strength: 128 bits Key Pair Generation, Digital Signature Generation, Digital Signature Verification NDRNG Seed Approved DRBG ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 9 3.2 Non-FIPS Mode Algorithms When configured in Non-FIPS Mode the algorithms in Table 3.3 are supported as well. Table 3.3: Supported Non-Approved Algorithms. Algorithm Use HMAC-MD5 Message Authentication RSA Digital Signature Generation with no padding (raw). Any key size mul- tiple of 16, with a minimum size of 512 bits and maximum of 8192 bits (e.g. 1024, 1984 bits) for Key Pair Generation, Digital Signature Gener- ation and Digital Signature Verification:. Data Encryption and Data Decryption with OAEP or PKCS1 v1.5 padding and with no padding. Key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of security strength. Brainpool P-160 (r1/t1) Key Pair Generation, Digital Signature Generation, Digital Signature Verification Brainpool P-192 (r1/t1) Key Pair Generation, Digital Signature Generation, Digital Signature Verification Ed25519 Key Pair Generation, Digital Signature Generation, Digital Signature Verification Ed448 Key Pair Generation, Digital Signature Generation, Digital Signature Verification E-521 Key Pair Generation, Digital Signature Generation, Digital Signature Verification SHAKE256 (with 512-bit output) (non-compliant to FIPS-202) Hash Computation; Hash parameter in Digital Signature Generation / Verification MD5 Message Digest ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 10 4 IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION POLICY 4.1 Roles The module supports three different roles: the Physical HSM Crypto Officer (PCO), the Virtual HSM Crypto Officer (VCO), and the User. A Virtual HSM (VHSM) is a logical security module implemented in the physical module. The physical module is referred as the Physical HSM (PHSM). Multiple VHSMs can be created in the PHSM and each VHSM has its own users and data, which cannot be accessed by other VHSMs. • Physical HSM Crypto Officer (PCO): The most priviledged role on the physical HSM; created when the physical HSM is initialized or by another PCO. It is responsible for the physical module management, which includes creation and deletion of virtual HSMs and firmware updates. • Virtual HSM Crypto Officer (VCO): The most priviledged role on the virtual HSM; created when the virtual HSM is initialized or by another VCO. It is responsible for the virtual HSM management, which includes the creation of users, altering the virtual module configurations and backup related operations. • User: Created by a VCO, it is responsible for all cryptographic operations and management of cryptographic objects that it has ownership. 4.2 Authentication The module enforces indentity-based authentication and each identity is mapped to a single role, where the user ID is used as the identification for identity-based authentication. The module supports the following authentication schemes: • Password-based authentication: user ID and password. The authentication data is encrypted using the TLS protocol. The password is composed of 6 or more alphanumeric characters, which may include both upper and lower case letters, punctuation marks, and symbols (such as @, &, and *). • Certificate-based authentication: private key and certificate. Both are used to enable client authentication according to the TLS protocol, in which a handshake message is digitally signed using the private key and the signature is sent to the module. • Quorum authentication: the PHSM and the VHSMs can be configured to activate quorum au- thentication. The quorum authentication activation can be requested by any crypto officer, who defines a number M of crypto officers for the quroum. Then, M out of a total N crypto offi- cers must authenticate themselves (with one of the above schemes) and agree to activate the quorum authentication for the PHSM or VHSM. Once the quorum authentication is activated, critical operations can only be executed if M out of N crypto officers allow it. To do that, the crypto officers must authenticate themselves using one of the methods above and allow the execution of the operation. Table 4.1 summarizes the roles and authentication methods. ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 11 Table 4.1: Roles and Required Identification and Authentication Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data PCO VCO User Identity-based Password-based: username and password; Certificate-based: certificate and digitally-signed data (per TLS protocol). Quorum Authentication: one of the above. Table 4.2 brings the cryptographic strength of the authentication mechanisms. Table 4.2: Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms Authentication Mecha- nism Strength of Mechanism Password-based The worst case scenario is a 6-character password, containing up- percase and lowercase characters, symbols or digits totalling 96 possibilities (10 digits, 52 letters and 34 symbols); thus, the probabil- ity that a random attempt will succeed is 1/966 = 1/782,757,789,696, much smaller than the required 1/1,000,000. The password authentication uses an exponential backoff delay on failed attempts for a given operator. After the first failure, a new at- tempt can be made after 1 s; 2 s after the second failure; 4 s after the third; 8 s after the fourth; and 16 s after the fifth. Therefore the number of maximum possible attempts during a one-minute period is 7, given a probabilty of 7/782,757,789,696 = 1/111,822,541,385 which is smaller than the required 1/100,000. Certificate-based The strength of the mechanism relies on the strength of the digital signature employed. The module will restrict the algorith to 2048-bit RSA or larger; or 224-bit ECDSA or larger. These provide a 112-bit se- curity level, therefore, the chance that a random attempt will suc- ceed is roughly 1/2112, much smaller than the required 1/1,000,000. The module is able to execute at most 30,000 verifications per sec- ond (less than that in practice, due to software overhead). Be- ing optimistic and assuming 30,000, the chance that random at- tempts during a one-minute window will succeed is 30,000/2112, which is roughly equal to 6/1030 and much smaller than the re- quired 1/100,000. Quorum Authentica- tion The strength of the mechanism relies on the strength of the above mechanisms and on the number M of operators in the quorum. M must always be equal or greater than half of the operators (N), rounded up. The module also supports multi-factor authentication mechanisms. One of the mechanisms in Table 4.2 must always be used, but the operator can strengthen the authentication security providing additionally (but not alone), one or more of the mechanisms in Table 4.3. ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 12 Table 4.3: Strengths of Additional Authentication Mechanisms Authentication Mecha- nism Strength of Mechanism Time-based OTP The operator must provide a 6-digit time-based OTP value when au- thenticating. The module checks if the OTP matches the expected value, which is calculated based in the current interval of time. The strength of the mechanism relies on the strength of HMAC-SHA1 with 160-bit key and of the OTP value itself (which changes every 30 seconds). The algorithm provides a 80-bit security level, therefore, the chance that a random attempt of guessing the key will suc- ceed is roughly 1/280, much smaller than the required 1/1,000,000. If the attacker tries to guess the OTP value itself, probability that a random attempt will succeed is the required 1/1,000,000. Sice the time-based OTP is subject to the same exponential back- off delay mentioned above the number of maximum possible at- tempts during a one-minute period is 7, given a probabilty of 7/1,000,000 = 1/142,857 which is smaller than the required 1/100,000. In practice, since the code changes every 30 seconds, the odds are even lower. HMAC-based OTP The operator must provide a hash-based OTP value when authenti- cating. The module checks if the OTP matches the expected value, which is calculated based in the number of successfull requests done so far using the mechanism. The strength of the mechanism relies on the strength of HMAC- SHA1 with 160-bit key and of the OTP value itself (which changes after every successful login). The algorithm provides a 80-bit secu- rity level, therefore, the chance that a random attempt of guess- ing the key will succeed is roughly 1/280, much smaller than the required 1/1,000,000. If the attacker tries to guess the OTP value it- self, probability that a random attempt will succeed is the required 1/1,000,000. Sice the hash-based OTP is subject to the same exponential backoff delay mentioned above the number of maximum pos- sible attempts during a one-minute period is 7, given a proba- bilty of 7/1,000,000 = 1/142,857 which is smaller than the required 1/100,000. Client token The operator must register a certificate in the module and use the corresponding private key to sign a token value provided by the module. The module checks the signature to allow the authentica- tion. The strength of the mechanism is exactly the same as Certificate- based authentication. ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 13 5 ACCESS CONTROL POLICY 5.1 Supported Roles The following roles are supported by this module: • Physical HSM Cryptographic Officer (PCO) • Virtual HSM Cryptographic Officer (VCO) • User Unauthenticated operators are able to use some of the services. The module distinguishes be- tween operators with and without physical access. Physical access implies access to the frontal board and/or serial interfaces. 5.2 Services Provided Tables 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 list all the services provided by the module, according to which roles they are authorized. Table 5.1: Services Authorized for PCO Role. Service Description Initialize HSM Initialize the HSM; create first PCO with provisory password (PIN) Configure Network Configure network settings (IP , netmask, gate- way) Get Network Configuration Get network settings Reset HSM Reset HSM to factory state Set Date Time Set the current date and time Get Date Time Get the current date and time Get HSM Usage Get CPU, RAM and disk usage Create User Create a PCO Destroy User Destroy a PCO List Users List PCOs Change Password Change a PCO password Reset Password Reset a PCO password Register Certificate Sign a CSR and register the certificate for PCO authentication Activate Quorum Authentication Activates quorum authentication for the PHSM Deactivate Quorum Authentica- tion Deactivates quorum authentication for the PHSM Get Quorum Authentication State Check the quorum authentication state of the PHSM (i.e. activated or not, the minimum quo- rum) Get Quorum Authentication Status Check the quorum authentication status of the PHSM (i.e. number of operations or time left) Vote Quorum Authentication Inform the operator’s verdict for quorum au- thentication operations (allow or deny) ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 14 Table 5.1: Services Authorized for PCO Role (continued). Start Quorum Authentication Request that operators vote to start quorum au- thentication votes to allow critical operations Stop Quorum Authentication Stop quorum authentication, blocking critical operations when quorum authentication is ac- tivated (a new start is required) Create Virtual HSM Create a Virtual HSM along with its first VCO with provisory password (PIN) List Virtual HSMs List all Virtual HSMs Activate Virtual HSM Activate a Virtual HSM Deactivate Virtual HSM Deactivate a Virtual HSM Delete Virtual HSM Delete a Virtual HSM and all of its objects Edit Virtual HSM Edit a VHSM configuration Export VHSM Export an entire Virtual HSM; its users and ob- jects Import VHSM Import an entire Virtual HSM Export PHSM Export an entire Physical HSM, its users and VHMs Import PHSM Import an entire Physical HSM Get Requester Type Get the role of the requester Update Firmware Update the module firmware. Any firmware loaded into this module that is not shown on the module certificate, is out of the scope of this validation and requires a separate FIPS 140- 2 validation. Get Log Level Get the current log level Set Log Level Set the current log level Get System Log Retrieve the PHSM log Show Status Get the status of the HSM Shutdown Shutdown the HSM Restart Restart the HSM and Perform self-tests on de- mand Get Device Information Get device version, status, serial number and other information Get TLS Certificate Get the TLS certificate of the PHSM server and the correspoding CA Renew Server Certificate Renew the PHSM server TLS certificate Activate OTP Activate OTP for the PCO Manual Activate OTP Manually activate OTP for the PCO, informing the OTP key Deactivate OTP Deactivates OTP for the PCO Register Authentication Certificate Register a certificate to be used during PCO au- thentication Remove Authentication Certificate Delete a certificate used for authentication ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 15 Table 5.1: Services Authorized for PCO Role (continued). List Authentication Certificates List the registered certificates for the PCO Start Token Authentication Return a token that the PCO signs to authenti- cate using one of the registered certificates Get Session Credential Retrieves a session token used for further au- thentications Table 5.2: Services Authorized for VCO Role. Service Description Service Description Get VHSM Usage Get VHSM CPU, RAM and disk usage Create User Create a VCO or User Destroy User Destroy a VCO or User along with all its objects Reset Password Reset a VCO’s or User’s password Register Certificate Sign a CSR and register the certificate for VCO authentication Activate Quorum Authentication Activates quorum authentication for the VHSM Deactivate Quorum Authentica- tion Deactivates quorum authentication for the VHSM Get Quorum Authentication State Check the quorum authentication state of the VHSM (i.e. activated or not, the minimum quo- rum) Get Quorum Authentication Status Check the quorum authentication status of the VHSM (i.e. number of operations or time left) Vote Quorum Authentication Inform the operator’s verdict for quorum au- thentication operations (allow or deny) Start Quorum Authentication Request that operators vote to start quorum au- thentication votes to allow critical operations Stop Quorum Authentication Stop quorum authentication, blocking critical operations when quorum authentication is ac- tivated (a new start is required) Activate User Activate a User Deactivate User Deactivate a User Get Requester Type Get the role of the requester Get Log Level Get the current log level Set Log Level Set the current log level Get System Log Retrieve the VHSM log Get Device Information Get device version, status, serial number and other information Get TLS Certificate Get the TLS certificate of the VHSM server and the correspoding CA Renew Server Certificate Renew the VHSM server TLS certificate Activate OTP Activate OTP for the VCO ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 16 Table 5.2: Services Authorized for VCO Role (continued). Manual Activate OTP Manually activate OTP for the VCO, informing the OTP key Deactivate OTP Deactivates OTP for the VCO Register Authentication Certificate Register a certificate to be used during VCO au- thentication Remove Authentication Certificate Delete a certificate used for authentication List Authentication Certificates List the registered certificates for the VCO Start Token Authentication Return a token that the VCO signs to authenti- cate using one of the registered certificates Get Session Credential Retrieves a session token used for further au- thentications Table 5.3: Services Authorized for User Role Service Description Change Password Change the User password Register Certificate Sign a CSR and register the certificate for User authentication Activate Quorum Authentica- tion Activates quorum authentication for the usage of an object Deactivate Quorum Authenti- cation Deactivates quorum authentication for the us- age of an object Get Quorum Authentication State Check the quorum authentication state of the usage of an object (i.e. activated or not, the minimum quorum) Get Quorum Authentication Status Check the quorum authentication status of the usage of an object (i.e. number of operations or time left) Vote Quorum Authentication Inform the operator’s verdict for quorum au- thentication operations (allow or deny) Start Quorum Authentication Request that operators vote to start quorum au- thentication votes to allow critical operations Stop Quorum Authentication Stop quorum authentication, blocking critical operations when quorum authentication is ac- tivated (a new start is required) Get System Log Retrieve the log of operations performed by the user List Certificates List certificates registered for User authentica- tion Delete Certificate Delete certificate registered for User authenti- cation Set User Object Permission Set object permissions for a specific user Get User Object Permission Get object permissions for a specific user Get Requester Type Get the role of the requester ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 17 Table 5.3: Services Authorized for User Role (continued) Service Description Create KMIP: Create symmetric key CreateKeyPair KMIP: Create asymmetric key pair Register KMIP: Register an object Locate KMIP: Locate a object given its attributes Check KMIP: Check usage quota of a object Get KMIP: Get an object GetAttributes KMIP: Get attribute values of an object GetAttributeList KMIP: Get attributes of an object AddAttribute KMIP: Add attribute value to an object ModifyAttribute KMIP: Modify an attribute value DeleteAttribute KMIP: Delete an attribute value from an object Activate KMIP: Activate object Revoke KMIP: Revoke object Destroy KMIP: Destroy object Query KMIP: Query for information about the module DiscoverVersions KMIP: Query for supported KMIP versions Encrypt KMIP: Encrypt data Decrypt KMIP: Decrypt data Sign KMIP: Sign data SignVerify KMIP: Verify signature Sign XML Sign data according to XMLDSig standard Verify XML Verify XML signature according to XMLDSig stan- dard MAC KMIP: Generate MAC of data MACVerify KMIP: Verify a MAC RNGRetrieve KMIP: Retrieve randomness RNGSeed KMIP: Seed RNG Hash KMIP: Compute hash Load Key Load key in cache Fast Sign Faster sign operation with cached key Validate KMIP: Validates a digital certificate or certifi- cate chain Get Session Credential Retrieves a session token used for further au- thentications Get TLS Certificate Get the TLS certificate of the VHSM server and the correspoding CA Activate OTP Activate OTP for the User Manual Activate OTP Manually activate OTP for the User, informing the OTP key Deactivate OTP Deactivates OTP for the User Register Authentication Cer- tificate Register a certificate to be used during User au- thentication ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 18 Table 5.3: Services Authorized for User Role (continued) Service Description Remove Authentication Cer- tificate Delete a certificate used for authentication List Authentication Certifi- cates List the registered certificates for the User Start Token Authentication Return a token that the User signs to authenti- cate using one of the registered certificates Get Session Credential Retrieves a session token used for further au- thentications Table 5.4: Services Authorized for Unauthenticated Operator without Physical Access Service Description Query KMIP: Query for information about the module DiscoverVersions KMIP: Query for supported KMIP versions Table 5.5: Services Authorized for Unauthenticated Operator with Physical Access Service Description Initialize HSM Initialize the HSM; create first PCO with provisory password (PIN) Configure Network Configure network settings (IP , netmask, gate- way) Get Network Configuration Get network settings Reset HSM Reset HSM to factory state Get Date Time Get the current date and time Shutdown Shutdown the HSM Restart Restart the HSM 5.3 Cryptographic Keys and Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) Table 5.6 lists all cryptographic keys and CSPs stored in the module. In this table, “Password” refers to 8 or more alphanumeric characters, which may include both upper and lower case letters, punctuation marks, and symbols (such as @, &, and *). ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 19 Table 5.6: Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Key Name Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Description Super Root Key Hash SHA-256 hash of four RSA Public Keys with at least 2048 bits Entered during manufactur- ing Never One- time pro- grammable memory Never Used to verify boot image (secure boot) Job Descriptor Key Encryption Key 256-bit AES Key Generated internally on boot Never Temporarily in secure processor memory Reboot Encrypts keys in memory while they are being used PHSM Module Key 3072-bit RSA Pri- vate Key Entered during manufactur- ing Never Obfuscated in disk Never Identifies the module; decrypts firmware updates PHSM Module Certificate Certificate Entered during manufactur- ing Never Disk Never Certificate of the module; matches PHSM Module Key Kryptus kNET CA Certificate Certificate Entered during manufactur- ing Never Disk Never Certificate used to verify firmware updates PHSM Server CA Key 3072-bit RSA Pri- vate Key Generated in- ternally during setup Encrypted in backups Obfuscated in disk Return to fac- tory state Key of the PHSM TLS Server CA PHSM Server CA Certificate Certificate Generated in- ternally during setup Get TLS Certificate operation, encrypted in backups Disk Return to fac- tory state Certificate of the PHSM TLS Server CA; matches PSHM Server CA Key ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 20 Table 5.6: Cryptographic Keys and CSPs (continued) Key Name Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Description PHSM Server Key 2048-bit RSA Pri- vate Key and/or 256-bit ECC Pri- vate Key Generated in- ternally during setup Never Obfuscated in disk Return to fac- tory state Authentication during TLS key nego- tiation PHSM Server Cer- tificate Certificate Generated in- ternally during setup Get TLS Cer- tificate op- eration Disk Return to fac- tory state Authentication during TLS key nego- tiation; matches PSHM Server Key PHSM Client CA Key 3072-bit RSA Pri- vate Key Generated in- ternally during setup Encrypted in backups Obfuscated in disk Return to fac- tory state Key of the PHSM TLS Client CA PHSM Client CA Certificate Certificate Generated in- ternally during setup Get TLS Certificate operation, encrypted in backups Disk Return to fac- tory state Certificate of the PHSM TLS Client CA; matches PHSM Client CA Key PCOs’ Passwords Password Generated in- ternally / Pro- vided by user Provisory password in Initial- ize HSM operation Volatile memory After obfusca- tion, reboot PCOs’ passwords PCOs’ Obfus- cated Passwords Obfuscated pass- word Derived from PCOs’s Pass- words Encrypted in backups Disk When PCO deleted Obfuscated passwords of PCOs PCOs’ Certificate Fingerprints SHA-256 hashes Generated in- ternally Encrypted in backups Disk When PCO deleted Hashes of certificates authorized for each PCO ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 21 Table 5.6: Cryptographic Keys and CSPs (continued) Key Name Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Description PCO’s OTP Key 160-bit HMAC- SHA1 key Generated in- ternally Activate OTP op- eration, encrypted in backups Obfuscated in disk When PCO deleted or OTP deacti- vated Key used for OTP generation VHSM Server CA Keys 3072-bit RSA Pri- vate Key Generated in- ternally during VHSM creation Encrypted in backups Obfuscated in disk Delete VHSM, return to fac- tory state Key of the VHSMs TLS Server CAs VHSM Server CA Certificates Certificates Generated in- ternally during VHSM creation Get TLS Certificate operation, encrypted in backups Disk Delete VHSM, return to fac- tory state Certificates of the VHSMs TLS Server CAs; matches VHSM Server CA Keys VHSM Server Keys 2048-bit RSA Pri- vate Key and/or 256-bit ECC Pri- vate Key Generated in- ternally during VHSM creation Never Obfuscated in disk Delete VHSM, return to fac- tory state Authentication during TLS key nego- tiation VHSM Server Cer- tificates Certificates Generated in- ternally during VHSM creation Get TLS Cer- tificate op- eration Disk Delete VHSM, return to fac- tory state Authentication during TLS key nego- tiation; matches VHSM Server Keys VHSM Client CA Keys 3072-bit RSA Pri- vate Key Generated in- ternally during VHSM creation Encrypted in backups Obfuscated in disk Delete VHSM, return to fac- tory state Key of the VHSMs TLS Client CAs VHSM Client CA Certificates Certificate Generated in- ternally during VHSM creation Get TLS Certificate operation, encrypted in backups Disk Delete VHSM, return to fac- tory state Certificates of the TLS Client CAs; matches VHSM Client CA Keys ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 22 Table 5.6: Cryptographic Keys and CSPs (continued) Key Name Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Description VCOs’ Passwords Password Generated in- ternally / Pro- vided by user Provisory password in Initial- ize HSM operation Volatile memory After obfusca- tion, reboot VCOs’ Passwords VCOs’ Obfus- cated Passwords Obfuscated pass- word Derived from VCOs’s Pass- words Encrypted in backups Disk When VCO deleted Obfuscated passwords of VCOs VCOs’ Certificate Fingerprints SHA-256 hashes Generated in- ternally Encrypted in backups Disk When VCO deleted Hashes of certificates authorized for each VCO VCO’s OTP Key 160-bit HMAC- SHA1 key Generated in- ternally Activate OTP op- eration, encrypted in backups Obfuscated in disk When VCO deleted or OTP deacti- vated Key used for OTP generation Users’ Passwords Password Generated in- ternally / Pro- vided by user Provisory password in Create User operation Volatile memory After obfusca- tion, reboot Users’ Passwords Users’ Obfus- cated Passwords Obfuscated pass- word Derived from Users’ Pass- words Encrypted in backups Disk When User deleted Obfuscated passwords of Users Users’ Certificate Fingerprints SHA-256 hashes Generated in- ternally Encrypted in backups Disk When User deleted Hashes of certificates authorized for each User ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 23 Table 5.6: Cryptographic Keys and CSPs (continued) Key Name Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Description Users’ Objects RSA, DSA, ECDSA, AES or HMAC Key; Certificate Generated internally or registered encrypted (wrapped) Wrapped (en- crypted) if allowed, encrypted in backups Obfuscated in disk When object is deleted; re- turn to factory state A cryptographic object generated or imported by a User User’s OTP Key 160-bit HMAC- SHA1 key Generated in- ternally Activate OTP op- eration, encrypted in backups Obfuscated in disk When User deleted or OTP deacti- vated Key used for OTP generation ECDH Private Component Private compo- nent of ECDH protocol Generated in- ternally Never exits the module Plaintext in RAM Upon mod- ule reboot; Upon session termination Establishment of TLS session keys ECDH Public Component Public compo- nent of ECDH protocol [for the mod- ule] Gener- ated internally; [for a peer] Generated externally, en- tered into the module (in cer- tificate form) in plaintext [for the module] Exits the module in plaintext form; [for a peer] Never exits the module Plaintext in RAM Upon mod- ule reboot; Upon session termination Establishment of TLS session keys ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 24 Table 5.6: Cryptographic Keys and CSPs (continued) Key Name Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Description TLS Peer Public Key 2048-bit RSA pub- lic key Generated externally, imported in certificate form in plain- text Never exits the module Plaintext in RAM Upon mod- ule reboot; Upon session termination Certificate-based authentication during TLS key negotiation TLS Pre-Master Se- cret [for RSA cipher suites] 384-bit random value; [for ECDH cipher suites] ECDH shared secret [for RSA ci- pher suites] Generated externally, imported in encrypted form via RSA key transport; [for ECDH ci- pher suites] Derived inter- nally via ECDH shared secret computation [for RSA ci- pher suites] Never exits the mod- ule; [for ECDH ci- pher suites] Never exits the module Plaintext in RAM Upon module reboot; Upon completion of TLS Master Se- cret computa- tion Derivation of the TLS Master Secret TLS Master Secret 384-bit shared se- cret Derived inter- nally using the TLS Pre-Master Secret via TLS KDF Never exits the module Plaintext in RAM Upon mod- ule reboot; Upon session termination Derivation of the TLS Session Key and TLS Authentication Key ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 25 Table 5.6: Cryptographic Keys and CSPs (continued) Key Name Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Description TLS Session Key 128/256-bit AES key Derived in- ternally using the TLS Master Secret via TLS KDF Never exits the module Plaintext in RAM Upon mod- ule reboot; Upon session termination Encryption and decryption of TLS session packets TLS Authentica- tion Key 160-bit (minimum) HMAC key Derived in- ternally using the TLS Master Secret via the TLS KDF Never exits the module Plaintext in RAM Upon mod- ule reboot; Upon session termination Authentication of TLS session pack- ets DRBG C and V values Internal DRBG state value Generated in- ternally Never exits the module Plaintext in secure pro- cessor regis- ter Upon module reboot Generation of random number ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 26 GCM IVs can be generated randomly, where an IV is not generated randomly the module sup- ports the importing of GCM IVs. In approved mode, when a GCM IV is generated randomly, the module enforces the use of an approved DRBG in line with Section 8.2.2 of SP 800-38D. In approved mode, importing a GCM IV is non-conformant unless the source of the IV is also FIPS approved for GCM IV generation. Per IG A.5, in case the module’s power is lost and then restored, the key used for the AES GCM encryption or decryption shall be redistributed. The kNET HSM keep a counter of how many bytes a Triple-DES key may be able to encrypt. The kNET HSM does not allow the usage of a key to encrypt more than 216 times. When the counter reaches zero, or when a user tries to protect more bytes than stored in this counter, the kNET HSM blocks the operation. The counter is stored in non-volatile memory, therefore rebooting the HSM won’t reset the counter. 5.4 Access Rights Table 5.7 lists all access rights granted over CSPs in each service. The “Type of Access” column uses letter to specify the following types of access: R: Read access—the service reads the CSP; W: Write access—the service writes to the CSP; G: Generate access—the service generates the CSP; E: Execute access—the service uses the CSP for a cryptographic operation; Z: Zeroize access–the service zeorizes the CSP . Some accesses are common between a all services for a particular role; this is indicated in the table. These access are related to the authentication of the TLS channel between the module and the client. Some CSPs do not appear in the table. This is because they are accessed either by setup opera- tions (before the module is ready for use) or by autonomous operations (e.g. on boot). Table 5.7: Access Rights within Services Service Role Type of Access CSPs (All PCO Services) PCO E PHSM Server Key R PHSM Server Certificate E PHSM Client CA Certificate R PCO’s Certificate Fingerprint R PCO’s Password R PCO’s Obfuscated Password E Job Descriptor Key Encryption Key G,E TLS Session Keys Initialize HSM PCO G,R PCO’s Password W PCO’s Obfuscated Password Configure Network PCO None Get Network Configuration PCO None Reset HSM PCO Z PHSM Server CA Key Z PHSM Server CA Certificate Z PHSM Server Key Z PHSM Server Certificate ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 27 Table 5.7: Access Rights within Services (continued) Service Role Type of Access CSPs Z PHSM Client CA Key Z PHSM Client CA Certificate Z PCOs’ Passwords Z PCOs’ Obfuscated Passwords Z PCOs’ Certificate Fingerprints Z VHSM Server CA Keys Z VHSM Server CA Certificates Z VHSM Server Keys Z VHSM Server Certificates Z VHSM Client CA Keys Z VHSM Client CA Certificates Z VHSM RNG Seed Z VCOs’ Passwords Z VCOs’ Obfuscated Passwords Z VCOs’ Certificate Fingerprints Z Users’ Passwords Z Users’ Obfuscated Passwords Z Users’ Certificate Fingerprints Z Users’ Objects Z TLS Session Keys Remove from Error State PCO R PCOs’ Passwords Set Date Time PCO None Get Date Time PCO None Get HSM Usage PCO None Create User PCO G,R PCO’s Password PCO W PCO’s Obfsucated Password Destroy User PCO Z PCO’s Obfuscated Password Z PCO’s Certificate Fingerprints List Users PCO None Change Password PCO R PCO’s Password W PCO’s Obfsucated Password Reset Password PCO G,R PCO’s Password W PCO’s Obfuscated Password Register Certificate PCO W PCO’s Certificate Fingerprint List Certificates PCO R PCO’s Certificate Fingerprints Delete Certificate PCO Z PCO’s Certificate Fingerprint Activate Quorum Authentication PCO None Deactivate Quorum Authentica- tion PCO None Get Quorum Authentication State PCO None Get Quorum Authentication Status PCO None ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 28 Table 5.7: Access Rights within Services (continued) Service Role Type of Access CSPs Vote Quorum Authentication PCO None Start Quorum Authentication PCO None Stop Quorum Authentication PCO None Create Virtual HSM PCO G VHSM Server CA Key W VHSM Server CA Certificate G VHSM Server Key W VHSM Server Certificate G VHSM Client CA Key W VHSM Client CA Certificate G,R VCO’s Password W VCO’s Obfuscated Password Edit Virtual HSM PCO None List Virtual HSMs PCO None Activate Virtual HSM PCO None Deactivate Virtual HSM PCO None Export VHSM PCO R VHSM Server CA Key R VHSM Server CA Certificate R VHSM Client CA Key R VHSM Client CA Certificate R VCOs’ Obfuscated Passwords R VCOs’ Certificate Fingerprints R Users’ Obfuscated Passwords R Users’ Certificate Fingerprints R Users’ Objects (Exportable) Import VHSM PCO W VHSM Server CA Key W VHSM Server CA Certificate G VHSM Server Key W VHSM Server Certificate W VHSM Client CA Key W VHSM Client CA Certificate W VCOs’ Obfuscated Passwords W VCOs’ Certificate Fingerprints W Users’ Obfuscated Passwords W Users’ Certificate Fingerprints W Users’ Objects ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 29 Table 5.7: Access Rights within Services (continued) Service Role Type of Access CSPs Export PHSM PCO R PHSM Server CA Key R PHSM Server CA Certificate R PHSM Client CA Key R PHSM Client CA Certificate R PCOs’ Obfuscated Passwords R PCOs’ Certificate Fingerprints R VHSMs Server CA Keys R VHSMs Server CA Certificates R VHSMs Client CA Keys R VHSMs Client CA Certificates R VCOs’ Obfuscated Passwords R VCOs’ Certificate Fingerprints R Users’ Obfuscated Passwords R Users’ Certificate Fingerprints R Users’ Objects (Exportable) Import PHSM PCO W PHSM Server CA Key W PHSM Server CA Certificate G PHSM Server Key W PHSM Server Certificate W PHSM Client CA Key W PHSM Client CA Certificate W PCOs’ Obfuscated Passwords W PCOs’ Certificate Fingerprints W VHSM Server CA Key W VHSM Server CA Certificate G VHSM Server Key W VHSM Server Certificate W VHSM Client CA Key W VHSM Client CA Certificate W VCOs’ Obfuscated Passwords W VCOs’ Certificate Fingerprints W Users’ Obfuscated Passwords W Users’ Certificate Fingerprints W Users’ Objects Update Firmware PCO E PHSM Module Key E Kryptus kNET CA Certificate Get Log Level PCO None Set Log Level PCO None Get System Log PCO None Show Status PCO None Perform Self-Tests PCO None Shutdown PCO None ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 30 Table 5.7: Access Rights within Services (continued) Service Role Type of Access CSPs Restart PCO None Get Device Information PCO None Get TLS Certificate PCO R PHSM Server CA Certificate R PHSM Server Certificate Renew Server Certificate PCO G PHSM Server Certificate Activate OTP PCO G,R,E PCO’s OTP Key Manual Activate OTP PCO R,E PCO’s OTP Key Deactivate OTP PCO Z PCO’s OTP Key Register Authentication Certificate PCO R PCOs Certificate Fingerprints Remove Authentication Certificate PCO Z PCOs Certificate Fingerprints List Authentication Certificates PCO R PCOs Certificate Fingerprints Start Token Authentication PCO R PCOs Certificate Fingerprints Get Session Credential PCO None (All VCO Services) VCO E VHSM Server Key R VHSM Server Certificate E VHSM Client CA Certificate R VCO’s Certificate Fingerprint R VCO’s Password R VCO’s Obfuscated Password E Job Descriptor Key Encryption Key G,E TLS Session Keys Get VHSM Usage VCO None Create User (VCO) VCO G,R VCO’s Password VCO W VCO’s Obfuscated Password Create User (User) VCO G,R User’s Password VCO W User’s Obfuscated Password Destroy User (VCO) VCO Z VCO’s Obfuscated Password Z VCO’s Certificate Fingerprints Destroy User (User) VCO Z User’s Obfuscated Password Z User’s Certificate Fingerprints Reset Password (VCO) PCO G,R VCO’s Password W VCO’s Obfuscated Password Reset Password (User) PCO G,R User’s Password W User’s Obfuscated Password List Users VCO None Change Password VCO R VCO’s Password W VCO’s Obfuscated Password Register Certificate VCO W VCO’s Certificate Fingerprint List Certificates VCO R VCO’s Certificate Fingerprints Delete Certificate VCO Z VCO’s Certificate Fingerprint Activate Quorum Authentication VCO None ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 31 Table 5.7: Access Rights within Services (continued) Service Role Type of Access CSPs Deactivate Quorum Authentica- tion VCO None Get Quorum Authentication State VCO None Get Quorum Authentication Status VCO None Vote Quorum Authentication VCO None Start Quorum Authentication VCO None Stop Quorum Authentication VCO None Activate User VCO None Deactivate User VCO None Get Requester Type VCO None Get Log Level VCO None Set Log Level VCO None Get System Log VCO None Get TLS Certificate VCO R VHSM Server CA Certificate R VHSM Server Certificate Renew Server Certificate VCO G VHSM Server Certificate Activate OTP VCO G,R,E VCO’s OTP Key Manual Activate OTP VCO R,E VCO’s OTP Key Deactivate OTP VCO Z VCO’s OTP Key Register Authentication Certificate VCO R VCOs Certificate Fingerprints Remove Authentication Certificate VCO Z VCOs Certificate Fingerprints List Authentication Certificates VCO R VCOs Certificate Fingerprints Start Token Authentication VCO R VCOs Certificate Fingerprints Get Session Credential VCO None (All User Services) User E VHSM Server Key R VHSM Server Certificate E VHSM Client CA Certificate R User’s Certificate Fingerprint R User’s Password R User’s Obfuscated Password E Job Descriptor Key Encryption Key G,E TLS Session Keys Change Password User R User’s Password W User’s Obfuscated Password Register Certificate User W User’s Certificate Fingerprint List Certificates User R User’s Certificate Fingerprints Activate Quorum Authentication User None Deactivate Quorum Authentica- tion User None Get Quorum Authentication State User None Get Quorum Authentication Status User None ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 32 Table 5.7: Access Rights within Services (continued) Service Role Type of Access CSPs Vote Quorum Authentication User None Start Quorum Authentication User None Stop Quorum Authentication User None Get System Log User None Delete Certificate User Z User’s Certificate Fingerprint Set User Object Permission User None Get User Object Permission User None Get Requester Type User None Create User G User’s Object CreateKeyPair User G User’s Object Register User W User’s Object Locate User None Check User None Get User R User’s Object (Exportable) GetAttributes User None GetAttributeList User None AddAttribute User None ModifyAttribute User None DeleteAttribute User None Activate User None Revoke User None Destroy User Z User’s Object Query User None Discover Versions User None Encrypt User E User’s Object Decrypt User E User’s Object Sign User E User’s Object SignVerify User E User’s Object SignXML User E User’s Object VerifyXML User E User’s Object MAC User E User’s Object MACVerify User E User’s Object RNGRetrieve User None RNGSeed User None Hash User None Load Key User None Fast Sign User E User’s Object Validate User R,E User’s Object Activate OTP User G,R,E User’s OTP Key Manual Activate OTP User R,E User’s OTP Key Deactivate OTP User Z User’s OTP Key ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 33 Table 5.7: Access Rights within Services (continued) Service Role Type of Access CSPs Register Authentication Certificate User R User’s Certificate Fingerprints Remove Authentication Certificate User Z User’s Certificate Fingerprints List Authentication Certificates User R User’s Certificate Fingerprints Start Token Authentication User R User’s Certificate Fingerprints Get Session Credential User None (All Non-Auth Services) None E VHSM Server Key R VHSM Server Certificate G,E TLS Session Keys Query None None Discover Versions None None ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 34 6 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT The module implements a limited operational environment, hence Section 4.6 of FIPS 140-2 does not apply to the module. ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 35 7 PHYSICAL SECURITY 7.1 Physical Security Mechanisms To prevent physical access to the components of the module, an opaque epoxy resin is applied over its PCB components. The epoxy coating completely conceals the internal components of the cryptographic boundary. Any attempt to physically access the components leads to the destruction of the module. An aluminum frame is used to delimit the resin coating over the PCB, which can be seen on Figure 7.1. Figure 7.2 shows how the resin is spread over the PCB of the module. Figure 7.1: Module board with aluminum potting frame. Figure 7.2: Epoxy resin potting of the module. To allow heat dissipation of the main processor, an aluminum heatsink adapter is placed on top of it and is locked on the resin. This adapter can be seen within the complete module assembly on 7.3 and alone on Figure 7.4. ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 36 Figure 7.3: Complete assembly of the module. Besides the use of the epoxy potting, the module monitors environmental parameters to prevent some attacks. An ultra-low-power microcontroller is used to control, sample and analyze the data from the sensors around the PCB. It is also capable of, optionally, holding critical system parameters for the CPU, as it is able to exchange data with it through an internal bus. It is also connected to the real time clock and a dedicated Random Number Generator. A non-removable battery, along with voltage conditioning and a supercapacitor, is used to ensure that all the sensors and the sensors monitor have non-interruptible power at all times. 7.2 Cryptographic Boundary and Interfaces All the hardware components that will execute security functions are contained in the Crypto- graphic Boundary, which is completely covered by the epoxy resin potting explained on the Physical Security Mechanisms section. Figure 7.5 illustrates the module’s cryptographic boundary and the external interfaces. ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 37 Figure 7.4: Aluminum heatsink adapter. Figure 7.5: Cryptographic Boundary and Interfaces. Table 7.1 lists the module’s external connection interfaces. ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 38 Table 7.1: Cryptographic module interfaces. Interface Description FIPS 140-2 Logical Interface Power Interface Powers the module. Power Status LEDs Set of pins used to output sta- tus. Status Output USB Interface Currently with no function. It will be used in the future to connect external USB de- vices. No sensitive informa- tion is transmitted through this channel. – Tamper Pin Receives a control signal that can be connected to a tamper-evidence device (e.g. tamper switch) Control Input Tamper Indicator Logical part of the I2C in- terface, indicates if tamper- ing has been detected (ei- ther by the Tamper PIN or by the voltage/temperature monitoring) Status Output I2C Interface Used to connect to external devices for module control (e.g. turn off the module). No sensitive information is trans- mitted through this channel*. Also used to output module status to the frontal board. Control Input, Status Output RS232 Interface Serial interface used for mod- ule control (e.g. configure network interface). No sensi- tive information is transmitted through this channel*. Also used to output module status. Control Input, Status Output 1 Gbps Ethernet Interfaces Two sets of pins for Ethernet connection. These interfaces are the main communication channel for the crypto- graphic module. Sensitive data is always encrypted when transmitted through these pins. Control Input, Data Input and Output * When the module is initialized, it outputs the temporary PIN of the crypto officer through the RS232 and I2C interfaces. However, at this moment the module does not contain sensitive user data and ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 39 once the crypto officer’s password is changed, it cannot be obtained via those interfaces anymore. The tamper indicator and tamper pin interfaces are used for automatic determination by the module that an attempt has been made to compromise its physical security. Once the attempt is detected, the module reboots and initilizes in an error state, effectively erasing all its sensitive data. To remove the module from this error state, either the Reset HSM or the Remove from Error State services must be used. 7.3 Physical Security Maintenance The module does not require any physical maintenance. 7.4 EMC/EMI The module conforms to FCC Part 15 Class B requirements for home use. ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 40 8 SELF TESTS The module performs self-tests according to FIPS140-2. The tests are divided into power-on self-tests and conditional self-tests, explained below. 8.1 Power-On Self-Tests The power-on self-test are executed when the module initializes, with no operator intervention. If any of the tests fail, the module will not initialize. The power-on self tests are listed in Table 8.1. Table 8.1: Power-On Self Tests performed. Test Description AES Encryption and decryption in ECB, CBC and CTR modes. Key size: 128 bits. AES GCM Encryption and decryption. Key size: 128 bits. SHA SHA-1 and SHA-2 message digest generation with SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512. HMAC Generation and verification with SHA-1*, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 RSA Key Pair Generation, Digital Signature Generation and Digi- tal Signature Verification. Key size: 2048 bit. ECDSA Key Pair Generation, Digital Signature Generation and Digi- tal Signature Verification. Curve: NIST P-521. EdDSA* Key Pair Generation, Digital Signature Generation and Digi- tal Signature Verification. Curve: Ed521. DSA Key Pair Generation, Digital Signature Generation and Digi- tal Signature Verification. Key size: 256 bits DRBG Known answer test and health tests (instantiate, generate and reseed) Triple-DES Encryption and decryption in ECB and CBC modes. Key size: 168 bits. KAS Key Agreement Scheme (Primitive “Z” computation using ECDH). TLS 1.2 KDF SP800-135 Rev 1 TLS 1.2 KDF Firmware Integrity Test Digital Signature Verification with RSA 2048 bits and SHA-256 * When in FIPS mode, only Power-On Self-Tests for the Approved cryptographic algorithms are executed. Therefore, HMAC-SHA1 and EdDSA shall only be executed if the HSM is in non-FIPS mode. 8.2 Conditional Self-Tests The module performs conditional self-tests during its operation. The self tests are listed in Table 8.2. ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 41 Table 8.2: Conditional Self Tests performed. Test Description Pair-wise Consistency Tests RSA, ECDSA and DSA Key Pair Generation Continuous RNG test Continuous DRBG test Firmware Load Test Digital Signature Verification with RSA 2048 bits and SHA-256 8.3 Indicators When the power-on self-tests are run, the frontal board shows the results of each test, as illustrated in Figure 8.1. The same results can be viewed after boot through the frontal board menu. Figure 8.1: Power-on self-test results in frontal board. Using the frontal board menu, through Settings → Info, it’s possible to check if the module is in FIPS mode or not, as illustrated in Figure 8.2. Figure 8.2: FIPS mode indicator in frontal board. ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 42 9 MITIGATIONS OF OTHER ATTACKS POLICY No mitigation of other attacks are implemented on the module. ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 43 10 GUIDANCE AND SECURE OPERATION The module supports FIPS and non-FIPS modes of operation. The mode must be chosen during the module initialization. The initialization is performed by the PCO using the Initialize HSM service (see section 5.2), which will generate the PHSM’s CSPs (see section 5.3). All VHSMs created in a FIPS mode PHSM will also operate on FIPS mode. The mode of operation of the module can only be changed if a factory reset is performed. The Reset HSM service is used for this intent. After a factory reset, all sensitive data of the module’s operators will be zeroized. Similarly, if the module is initializes in non-FIPS mode, it can only be changed to FIPS-mode after a factory reset. 10.1 Initial Configuration 1. Turn on the HSM. 2. Configure the network settings (IP , mask, gateway, etc.) through the serial console or the frontal panel. The HSM will reboot. After rebooting, a temporary 6-digit PIN will be shown by the HSM via serial console and frontal panel. 3. Call the Initialize HSM command via the network through a safe connection (e.g. an ethernet cable connected directly to the HSM) in order to initialize the HSM. Use the PIN to authenticate. A new password must be specified along with whether to activate FIPS Mode or not. The HSM creates the first physical officer (PCO) with the given password and returns the Physical HSM (PHSM) certificate which can then be used to authenticate the network connection. 4. Call the Create VHSM command via the network (authenticate with the PCO password and the PHSM certificate) specifying a port number. The HSM creates the VHSM in a uninitialized state and creates its first virtual officer (VCO) with a temporary PIN. The PIN is returned along with a temporary VHSM certificate. 5. Call the Initialize VHSM command via the network on the VHSM port (authenticate with the temporary VCO password and the temporary VHSM certificate), specifying a new password. The HSM changes the VCO password and returns the final VHSM certificate. 6. Call the Create User command via the network on the VHSM port (authenticate with the VCO password and VHSM certificate). The HSM creates the user and returns a temporary password. 7. Call the Change Password command via the network on the VHSM port (authenticate with the temporary user password and the VHSM certificate). The HSM changes the user’s password. 8. The user can now create objects and carry out operations using them. In FIPS Mode the SNMP feature shall not be enabled. Non-approved algorithms listed in Table 3.3 are automatically disabled. ASI-HSM AHX5 KNET Cryptographic Module 44