© 2016 Encryptics® Encryptics® grants permission to freely reproduce in entirety without revision Encryptics® Cryptographic Library FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Document Revision 0.8 06/10/2016 Prepared for: Encryptics 5080 Spectrum Drive, #1000E Addison, TX 75001 Prepared By: www.gossamersec.com Revision 0.8, 06/10/2016 Encryptics® Cryptographic Library Page 2 of 15 © 2016 Encryptics® Security Policy All rights reserved. REVISION HISTORY Revision Date Authors Summary 0.1 8/22/2013 Morris Initial draft 0.2 8/29/2013 Morris Minor updates 0.3 9/18/2013 Morris Updates 0.4 10/15/2013 Morris Updates 0.5 11/01/2013 Morris Updates 0.6 12/05/2013 Morris Updates to correct typos 0.7 02/28/2014 Morris Updated to respond to CMVP comments 0.8 06/10/2016 McCarthy Removed references to Windows XP Revision 0.8, 06/10/2016 Encryptics® Cryptographic Library Page 3 of 15 © 2016 Encryptics® Security Policy All rights reserved. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................................................4 2. Encryptics® Cryptographic Library .........................................................................................................................5 2.1 Module Specification.......................................................................................................................................5 2.1.1 Security Level............................................................................................................................................6 2.1.2 FIPS Mode of Operation ...........................................................................................................................6 2.1.3 Approved Cryptographic Algorithms ........................................................................................................7 2.1.4 Non-Approved Cryptographic Algorithms ................................................................................................8 2.2 Module Interfaces ...........................................................................................................................................8 2.3 Roles, Services and Authentication .................................................................................................................8 2.4 Finite State Model .........................................................................................................................................13 2.5 Physical Security ............................................................................................................................................13 2.6 Operational Environment ..............................................................................................................................13 2.7 Key Management...........................................................................................................................................13 2.8 Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility ..........................................................................................14 2.9 Self-Tests........................................................................................................................................................14 2.10 Guidance and Secure Operation..................................................................................................................14 2.10.1 Crypto-office Guidance.........................................................................................................................14 2.10.2 User Guidance ......................................................................................................................................15 2.11 Mitigation of Other Attacks.........................................................................................................................15 Revision 0.8, 06/10/2016 Encryptics® Cryptographic Library Page 4 of 15 © 2016 Encryptics® Security Policy All rights reserved. 1. INTRODUCTION This non-proprietary FIPS 140-2 security policy for the Encryptics Cryptographic Library details the secure operation of the Encryptics Cryptographic Library as required in Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 (FIPS 140-2) as published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) of the United State Department of Commerce. This document, the Cryptographic Module Security Policy (CMSP), also referred to as the Security Policy, specifies the security rules under which the Encryptics Cryptographic Library must operate. The Encryptics Cryptographic Library underpins Encryptics’ technology offerings and provides them with the protection afforded by industry-standard, government-approved algorithms to ensure that only authorized users and authorized devices are allowed to access private information stored within Encryptics .SAFE packages. Both Encryptics for Email and Encryptics Data Protection API products leverage the Encryptics Cryptographic Library to ensure use of FIPS 140-2 validated cryptography. Revision 0.8, 06/10/2016 Encryptics® Cryptographic Library Page 5 of 15 © 2016 Encryptics® Security Policy All rights reserved. 2. ENCRYPTICS® CRYPTOGRAPHIC LIBRARY 2.1 MODULE SPECIFICATION The Encryptics Cryptographic Library (SW Version (hereinafter referred to as the “Library”, “cryptographic module” or the “module”) is a software only cryptographic module composed of the Encryptics Cryptographic Library assembly and the Microsoft Windows Enchanced Cryptographic Provider (a supporting operating system library upon which the assembly relies) which together execute on a general-purpose computer system running Microsoft Windows. The physical perimeter of the general-purpose computer (GPC) comprises the module’s physical cryptographic boundary, while the combination of the Encryptics Cryptographic Library assembly and the Microsoft Windows Enhanced Cryptographic Provider (RSAENH)1 constitute the module’s logical cryptographic boundary. 1 Please see section 2.6 for details regarding RSAENH’s 140-2 validation certificates Figure 1 - Logical Diagram Physical Cryptographic Boundary (General Purpose Computer) Microsoft Windows Operating System and .NET Framework Calling Applications (Encryptics or 3rd Party) Logical Cryptographic Boundary RSAENH Library & other bound modules Encryptics Library Calling Application Revision 0.8, 06/10/2016 Encryptics® Cryptographic Library Page 6 of 15 © 2016 Encryptics® Security Policy All rights reserved. 2.1.1 SECURITY LEVEL The Encryptics Cryptographic Library meets the overall requirements applicable to Level 1 security overall of FIPS 140-2 and the below specified section security levels. Table 1 - Module Security Level Specification # FIPS 140-2 Section Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 1 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 4 Finite State Model 1 5 Physical Security N/A 6 Operational Environment 1 7 Cryptographic Key Management 1 8 EMI/EMC 3 9 Self-tests 1 10 Design Assurance 1 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Overall Level 1 2.1.2 FIPS MODE OF OPERATION The Encryptics Cryptographic Library utilizes FIPS-Approved and FIPS-Allowed services of the underlying 140-2 validated RSAENH module, and to ensure FIPS compliant operation, the operator must adhere to the Security Policy rules of the underlying RSAENH module (to which the module is bound). Those rules vary slightly depending upon which operating system RSAENH executes on and have been distilled into the following table. Table 2 - Security Policy Rules RSAENH (or module to which it is bound) Security Policy Rule Applies if executing on: Vista Win7/ 2008 The operating system runs in “single user” mode where there is only one interactive user during a logon session. X X Ensure the following registry valueis NOT set “HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\ExpoOffload” X X The operator must set the following registry DWORD to 1 “HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\FIPSAlgorithmPolicy” Create the following registry keys and values “HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Provider\Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographc Provider” with the following values Revision 0.8, 06/10/2016 Encryptics® Cryptographic Library Page 7 of 15 © 2016 Encryptics® Security Policy All rights reserved. RSAENH (or module to which it is bound) Security Policy Rule Applies if executing on: Vista Win7/ 2008 "Image Path"="rsaenh.dll" "Type"=dword:00000018 "SigInFile"=dword:00000000 The operator must install Microsoft Hotfix KB954059 to ensure the correct versions of RSAENH.dll and CI.dll are installed X RSAENH is bound to, in turn, BOOTMGR, WINLOAD.EXE, CI.DLL. X The operator must set the following registry DWORD to 1 “HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\FIPSAlgorithmPolicy\Enabled” X X Disable Debug mode and enable Driver Signing enforcement. X X RSAENH is bound to BOOTMGR, WINLOAD.EXE, CI.DLL, and CNG.SYS. X Additionally, please note that while the underlying Microsoft RSAENH library provides a great number of algorithms, the Encryptics library utilizes only AES-256, RSA 2048-bit, HMAC-SHA-1, and SHA-256. However, the other algorithms of the underlying Microsoft RSA library are subject to the algorithm transition rule described SP 800-131A and FIPS 186-4. Moreover, because the module relies upon the underlying Microsoft RSAENH library, the module generates cryptographic keys whose strengths are modified by available entropy. 2.1.3 APPROVED CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS The module uses cryptographic algorithm implementations that have received the following certificate numbers from the Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program. Table 3 – FIPS-Approved Algorithm Certificates Algorithm CAVP Certificate when operating on Microsoft Windows Vista Windows 7 Server 2008 AES-256 CBC 739 1168 1168 RSA 2048, PCKS#1, Sign/Verify 353 & 354 557 & 559 568 & 559 HMAC-SHA-1 407 673 687 SHA-1/256 753 1081 1081 RNG N/A N/A N/A DRBG V/A2 23 23 2 Vendor-Affirmed Revision 0.8, 06/10/2016 Encryptics® Cryptographic Library Page 8 of 15 © 2016 Encryptics® Security Policy All rights reserved. 2.1.4 NON-APPROVED CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS The module uses the following non-FIPS 140-2 approved, but allowed, algorithms.  RSA encrypt/decrypt with a 2048-bit key (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provide 112-bits of encryption strength). 2.2 MODULE INTERFACES The module is classified as a multiple-chip standalone module for FIPS 140-2 purposes. As such, the module’s physical cryptographic boundary encompasses the general-purpose computer running the Microsoft Windows operating system and interfacing with the computer peripherals (USB devices [keyboard and mouse], video devices [monitors, screens, camera], optical drives, audio devices [speakers, headset, and microphone], network devices [Ethernet and Wireless adapters], and power adapter). However, the module provides only a logical interface via an Application Programming Interface (API) and does not interface or communication with or across any of the physical ports of the GPC. This logical interface exposes service that operators (calling applications) may use directly. The API interface provided by the module is mapped onto the four FIPS 140-2 logical interfaces: data input, data output, control input, and status output. It is through this logical API that the module logically separates them into distinct and separate interfaces. The mapping of the module’s API to the four FIPS 140-2 interfaces is as follows.  Data input – input arguments to all constructors and methods specifying input parameters  Data output – modified input arguments (those passed by reference) and return values for all constructors, methods, and properties modifying input arguments and returning values  Control input – invocation of all methods and properties  Status output – information returned by the IsValidState and VersionInfo methods and any exceptions thrown by constructors, methods, and properties 2.3 ROLES, SERVICES AND AUTHENTICATION The module supports both of the FIPS 140-2 required roles, the Crypto-officer and the User role, and supports no additional roles. An operator implicitly selects the Crypto-officer role when loading (or causing loading of) the library and selected the User role when soliciting services from the module through its API. The module requires no operator authentication, and the below table enumerates the module’s services. Revision 0.8, 06/10/2016 Encryptics® Cryptographic Library Page 9 of 15 © 2016 Encryptics® Security Policy All rights reserved. Table 4 - Service Descriptions for Crypto-officer and User Roles Service Type3 Description Crypto-Officer services Library Loading N/A The process of loading the assembly User services Aes256CryptoServiceProviderFactory Class Services Aes256CryptoServiceProviderFactory() C Initializes a new instance of the Class GetProvider() M Returns a default Aes256CryptoProvider instance GetProvider(Byte[],Byte[]) M Returns an Aes256CryptoProvider instance based upon the key and IV supplied Aes256CryptoProvider Class Services Aes256CryptoProvider() C Default constructor returns AES-256 CBC Aes256CryptoProvider(Byte[],Byte[]) C Constructor accepts supplied keys and iv Clear M Zeroizes any existing keys Decrypt M Decrypts supplied data using AES key Encrypt M Encrypts supplied data using AES key GenerateNewKey M Generates a new AES key using values specified during instantiation. Algorithm P Returns "AES" BlockSize P Returns 128 CipherMode P Returns the current cipher feedback mode as an integer (only CBC currently supported). CryptoAlgorithmId P Returns “AES” CryptoMode P Returns the CipherMode as a string. IV P Returns the current IV Key P Returns the current AES key value KeySize P Returns the current AES key size as an int (currently only 256-bit is supported) PaddingMode P Returns the current padding mode. SessionCryptoMode P Returns the CipherMode as a string. Rsa2048CryptoServiceProviderFactory Class Rsa2048CryptoServiceProviderFactory C Initializes a new instance of the Class GetProvider() M Returns a default Rsa2048CryptoProvider instance GetProvider(String) M Returns an Rsa2048CryptoProvider instance based upon the XML Key String GetProvider(RSACryptoServiceProvider) M Returns an Rsa2048CryptoProvider instance from the supplied instance Rsa2048CryptoProvider Class Rsa2048CryptoProvider() C Default constructor generates 2048 RSA key pair. Rsa2048CryptoProvider(String) C Constructor accepting supplied RSA 2048 key as XML String Rsa2048CryptoProvider (RSACryptoServiceProvider) C Constructor accepting an RSACryptoServiceProvide instance. 3 (C)onstructor, (M)ethod, or (P)roperty Revision 0.8, 06/10/2016 Encryptics® Cryptographic Library Page 10 of 15 © 2016 Encryptics® Security Policy All rights reserved. Service Type3 Description Clear M Zeroizes the RSA key pair. Decrypt M Decrypts using the RSA key pair Encrypt M Encrypts using the RSA key pair GenerateNewKeyPair M Generates a new key pair Sign M Generates a signature of the supplied message using the RSA private key. Verify M Verifies the supplied signature and message using the RSA public key EncryptAlgorithmNum P Returns “NLKey.Types.NLKeyAlgorithm.RSA” as a 32 bit integer. KeyPairXml P Returns the public and private key (if available). KeySize P Returns the RSA KeySize. PublicKey P Return the RSA Public Key as an XML String ShaValue P Returns the signing alg string name (always "SHA256"). SecureEnvelopeFactory Class SecureEnvelopeFactory C Initializes a new instance of the Class SecureEnvlope P Returns the default instance of an ISecureEnvelope SecureEnvelope Class SecureEnvelope C Initializes a new instance of the Class BuildSecureEnvelope M This method builds an NLSecureEnvelope which encapsulates a signed hash of the data passed via the first argument. The data is signed using the asymmetric signing provider, the signing server, the communicaitn key and content key all of which are passed in. BuildSelfSignable M This method builds an NLSelfSignable object. GetSecureEnvelopeContents M This method retrieves the contents of a SecureEnvelope SelfCheck Class SelfCheck C Initializes a new instance of the Class Reset M This method resets the state of the power up self-tests. VerifyModule M This is the Module Initializer method. It is automatically called when the assembly is loaded into memory. IsValidState P This property returns the current power up self check state of the module. VersionInfo P This property returns the version of the assembly. Sha256CryptoServiceProviderFactory Class Sha256CryptoServiceProviderFactory C Initializes a new instance of the Class Hasher P Returns an instance of the Sha256Hasher class Sha256CryptoServiceProvider Class Sha256CryptoServiceProvider C Initializes a new instance of the Class Digest M Returns a hash of the data passed in. Revision 0.8, 06/10/2016 Encryptics® Cryptographic Library Page 11 of 15 © 2016 Encryptics® Security Policy All rights reserved. Table 5 - Service Inputs and Outputs Service Data Input Data Output CSP Access4 Status Out Crypto-Officer services Library Loading N/A N/A N/A N/A Pass/Fail User services Aes256CryptoServiceProvider Factory Class Services Aes256CryptoServiceProvider Factory() N/A Instance Ref N/A N/A Exception GetProvider() N/A Instance Ref N/A N/A Exception GetProvider(Byte[],Byte[]) AES Key and IV Instance Ref AES Key W Exception Aes256CryptoProvider Class Services Aes256CryptoProvider() N/A Instance Ref N/A N/A Exception Aes256CryptoProvider(Byte[], Byte[]) AES Key and IV Instance Ref AES Key W Exception Clear N/A N/A AES Key Z Exception Decrypt Ciphertext Plaintext AES Key X Exception Encrypt Plaintext Ciphertext AES Key X Exception GenerateNewKey N/A N/A AES Key G Exception Algorithm N/A AES Alg ID N/A N/A Exception BlockSize N/A AES Block size N/A N/A Exception CipherMode N/A CBC N/A N/A Exception CryptoAlgorithmId N/A AES Alg ID N/A N/A Exception CryptoMode N/A CBC N/A N/A Exception IV N/A IV Value N/A N/A Exception Key N/A Key Value AES Key R Exception KeySize N/A 256-bit only N/A N/A Exception PaddingMode N/A Padding mode N/A N/A Exception SessionCryptoMode N/A CBC N/A N/A Exception Rsa2048CryptoServiceProvide rFactory Class Rsa2048CryptoServiceProvide rFactory N/A Instance Ref N/A N/A Exception GetProvider() N/A Instance Ref RSA Keys G Exception GetProvider(String) RSA Keys Instance Ref RSA Keys W Exception GetProvider(RSACryptoServic eProvider) RSA Keys Instance Ref RSA Keys W Exception Rsa2048CryptoProvider Class Rsa2048CryptoProvider() N/A Instance Ref RSA Keys G Exception Rsa2048CryptoProvider(String ) RSA Keys Instance Ref RSA Keys W Exception Rsa2048CryptoProvider (RSACryptoServiceProvider) RSA Keys Instance Ref RSA Keys W Exception 4 (G)enerate, (R)ead, (W)rite, e(X)excute, (Z)eroize Revision 0.8, 06/10/2016 Encryptics® Cryptographic Library Page 12 of 15 © 2016 Encryptics® Security Policy All rights reserved. Service Data Input Data Output CSP Access4 Status Out Clear N/A N/A RSA Keys Z Exception Decrypt Ciphertext Plaintext RSA Keys X Exception Encrypt Plaintext Ciphertext RSA Keys X Exception GenerateNewKeyPair N/A N/A RSA Keys G Exception Sign Message N/A RSA Keys X Exception Verify Signature N/A RSA Keys X Exception EncryptAlgorithmNum N/A Alg ID N/A N/A Exception KeyPairXml N/A Key Value RSA Keys R Exception KeySize N/A Key size N/A N/A Exception PublicKey N/A Public Key N/A N/A Exception ShaValue N/A SHA size N/A N/A Exception SecureEnvelopeFactory Class SecureEnvelopeFactory N/A Instance Ref N/A N/A Exception SecureEnvlope N/A Instance Ref N/A N/A Exception SecureEnvelope Class SecureEnvelope N/A Instance Ref N/A N/A Exception BuildSecureEnvelope RSA Keys and data Secure Envelope RSA Keys X Exception BuildSelfSignable RSA keys and data Signed data RSA Keys X Exception GetSecureEnvelopeContents RSA Keys and Secure Envlope Decrypted contents RSA & AES Keys X Exception SelfCheck Class SelfCheck N/A Instance Ref N/A N/A Exception Reset N/A N/A N/A N/A Exception VerifyModule N/A N/A HMAC Integrity Key X Exception IsValidState N/A N/A N/A N/A Current State VersionInfo N/A N/A N/A N/A Module Version Sha256CryptoServiceProvider Factory Class Sha256CryptoServiceProvider Factory N/A Instance Ref N/A N/A Exception Hasher N/A Instance Ref N/A N/A Exception Sha256CryptoServiceProvider Class Sha256CryptoServiceProvider N/A Instance Ref N/.A N/A Exception Digest Message Hash N/A N/A Exception Revision 0.8, 06/10/2016 Encryptics® Cryptographic Library Page 13 of 15 © 2016 Encryptics® Security Policy All rights reserved. 2.4 FINITE STATE MODEL The module has a Finite State Model (FSM) that descrbes the module’s behavior and transitions based upon its current state and the command received. The module’s FSM was reviewed as part of the overall FIPS 140-2 validation. 2.5 PHYSICAL SECURITY The physical security requirements does not apply to the module. The module is a software-only module that executes upon a general-purpose computer 2.6 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT The module executes on a general purpose operating system running in single user mode that segregates processes into separate process spaces. Thus, the operating system separates each process space from all others. The below table listed the specific Microsoft Windows operating systems and their associated FIPS 140-2 certificate number for the Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider (RSAENH) upon which the Encryptics Cryptograhic Library relies. Table 6 - Validated Operational Environments # Operating System and Test Platform 140-2 Cert.# 1 Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 (x64 version) with .NET Framework 3.5 running on a Dell SC430 (single-user mode) 1002 2 Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 (x64 version) with .NET Framework 3.5 running on an HP Compaq dc7600 (single-user mode) 1330 3 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (x64 version) with .NET Framework 4.0 running on an HP Compaq dc7600 (single-user mode) 1337 2.7 KEY MANAGEMENT The module possesses only one key, its HMAC-SHA-1 self-integrity test key. Beyond that key, the module does not store any other keys persistently, and it is the calling applications responsibility to appropriately manage keys. The module can generate keys (both AES-256 symmetric keys and RSA 2048-bit asymmetric key pairs), can accept key entered by an operator, and affords an operator the ability to zeroize keys held in RAM. The module also provides key establishment through its SecureEnvelope Class by employing RSA key wrapping to wrap AES keys, and the module’s key establishment methodology provide 112-bits of encryption strength. The following table describes the module’s Security Relevant Data Items (SRDI’s) including asymmetric and symmetric keys. Revision 0.8, 06/10/2016 Encryptics® Cryptographic Library Page 14 of 15 © 2016 Encryptics® Security Policy All rights reserved. Table 7 - Module Keys Key Type Size Description Origin Stored Zeroized AES Keys AES 256 bits Symmetric keys intended to encrypt and decrypt User data Entered, Established, or Generated RAM / plaintext Clear method RSA Keys RSA 2048 bits Asymmetric keys used either for PKCS#1 sign and verify operations or for RSA key wrapping Entered or Generated RAM /plaintext Clear method Self-check Key HMAC 86 bytes HMAC-SHA-1 key used by the module for it’s power up integrity test Compiled into the module Module image / plaintext & obfuscated N/A (see 140-2 IG 7.4) 2.8 ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE AND COMPATIBILITY The module meets level 3 security for FIPS 140-2 EMI/EMC requirements as the Encryptics Cryptographic Library passed validation executing upon general-purpose computers that confirm to the EMI/EMC requirements specific by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class B (i.e., for home use). 2.9 SELF-TESTS The module automatically performs a complete set of power-up self-tests during library load to ensure proper operation, thus an operator has no access to cryptographic functionality unless the power-up self-tests pass and the library load succeeds. The power-up self-tests include an integrity check of the module’s software using an HMAC-SHA-1 value calculated over the module’s file image. Should the module fail a self-test, the module will throw an exception and unload itself from memory. Additionally, the underlying RSAENH module performs both power-up and conditional self-tests for its cryptographic algorithms. Finally, an operator may invoke the power-up self-tests at any time by power-cycling the GPC and then reloading module. 2.10 GUIDANCE AND SECURE OPERATION The Encryptics Cryptographic Library meets overall Level 1 requirements for FIPS PUB 140-2. The sections below describe the Crypto-offier and User guideance. 2.10.1 CRYPTO-OFFICE GUIDANCE The Crypto-officer or operator responsible for configuring the operational environment upon which the module runs must ensure to FIPS compliant operation (as described in section 2.1.2, FIPS Mode of Operation, of the Security Policy). Additionally, the Crypto-officer is defined to be the operator responsible for loading the library, thus when invoked by a calling application (either at library load or dynamically), the operating system loader Revision 0.8, 06/10/2016 Encryptics® Cryptographic Library Page 15 of 15 © 2016 Encryptics® Security Policy All rights reserved. will load the module, causing it to automatically perform its power-up self-tests. Should the module fail its power-up self-tests, the module will output a LoadException to the Crypto-officer. 2.10.2 USER GUIDANCE Once the operating system has been properly configured by the Crypto-officer (if needed), the Encryptics Cryptographic Library requires no special usage to operate in a FIPS-compliant manner. The module utilizes only FIPS-Approved or FIPS-Allowed cryptographic algorithms. The User must assume responsibility for managing all keys, as the module does not provide any persistent key storeage. 2.11 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS The Encryptics Cryptographic Library does not claim to mitigate any attacks beyond the FIPS 140-2 Level 1 requirements for validation.