Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 1 of 24 Glyph Production Technologies Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 2 of 24 Table of Contents 1 Cryptographic Module Specification ....................................................................................4 1.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................4 1.2 FIPS Security Level ......................................................................................................6 1.3 Mode of Operation........................................................................................................7 2 Module Ports and Interfaces................................................................................................8 3 Roles, Services, Authentication, and Identification ............................................................10 3.1 Roles and Identification ..............................................................................................10 3.2 Module Initialization ....................................................................................................10 3.3 Services......................................................................................................................11 3.4 Authentication.............................................................................................................13 4 Physical Security ...............................................................................................................15 5 Operational Environment ...................................................................................................15 6 Cryptographic Key Management........................................................................................15 6.1 Cryptographic Algorithms............................................................................................15 6.2 Critical Security Parameters .......................................................................................17 6.3 Zeroization of Critical Security Parameters.................................................................19 7 EMI/EMC Regulatory Compliance .....................................................................................20 8 Self-Tests...........................................................................................................................21 9 Mitigation of Other Attacks .................................................................................................23 10 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms....................................................................................23 Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 3 of 24 List of Tables Table 1: Module Hardware and Firmware Versions...................................................................5 Table 2: FIPS Security Level.....................................................................................................6 Table 3: Module Ports and Interfaces........................................................................................8 Table 4: LED Status Indications................................................................................................9 Table 5: Module Rôles ............................................................................................................10 Table 6: Services Available in FIPS Approved Mode...............................................................12 Table 7: FIPS Approved Algorithms.........................................................................................15 Table 8: FIPS Allowed Algorithms............................................................................................16 Table 9: Critical Security Parameters......................................................................................17 Table 10: Public Security Parameters .....................................................................................18 Table 11: Module Self-Tests....................................................................................................20 List of Figures Figure 1: Secure Drive + BT ....................................................................................................5 Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 4 of 24 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 1.1 Overview The Glyph Production Technologies Secure Drive + BT is a multi-chip, stand-alone, cryptographic module that provides hardware-encrypted storage of user data with a USB 3.0 interface. Access to encrypted data is authenticated via the Bluetooth interface. User data is protected by 256-bit XTS-AES encryption that secures sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure in the event that the module is lost or stolen. The custom electronics within the module are encapsulated within an opaque, production grade epoxy. The module's enclosure defines the cryptographic boundary. The data encryption key (DEK) and other critical security parameters (CSPs) are generated by a NIST approved DRBG2 within the module when it is first used. The seed for the DRBG is also produced within the module from a hardware-based, entropy generator. The user interface for the module is three (3) status-indicators LEDs. The LEDs are each a different color, red, green, and blue. 2 SP 800-90Ar1 – Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators. NIST. (June 2015). Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 5 of 24 Figure 1: Secure Drive + BT Hardware Part Numbers Firmware Versions (implemented on all hardware versions) SDPL1000BT SDPL2000BT SDPL4000BT SDPL5000BT SDPLSSD1000BT SDPLSSD2000BT SDPLSSD4000BT SDPLSSD8000BT Each module has one each of Firmware A and Firmware B. Firmware A CLEVX_3637E_USB_V0313 or CLEVX_3637E_USB_V0314 (no security relevant differences) Firmware B CLEVX_SATA-BT_v2.3 Table 1: Module Hardware and Firmware Versions Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 6 of 24 1.2 FIPS Security Level The module meets the overall requirements for FIPS 140-23 Level 3. FIPS Area FIPS Security Requirement Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 3 2 Module Ports and Interfaces 3 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 3 4 Finite State Model 3 5 Physical Security 3 6 Operational Environment n/a 7 Cryptographic Key Management 3 8 EMI/EMC 3 9 Self-Tests 3 10 Design Assurance 3 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks n/a Table 2: FIPS Security Level 3 FIPS 140-2 – Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules. NIST. (December 2002). Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 7 of 24 1.3 Mode of Operation The module operates only in a FIPS approved mode. Approved mode is indicated by the three status-indicator LEDs illuminating one at a time, green, blue, and then red when the module is powered on. This indication means that firmware integrity checks and KATs have successfully passed. To meet the requirements for FIPS 140-2 Level 3, the module enforces the following security rules: • The cryptographic module provides two distinct operator roles: User and Cryptographic Officer (CO). • The cryptographic module provides identity-based authentication. • When the module has not been placed in a valid role or is in an error state, the operator shall not have access to any cryptographic service. • The operator is capable of commanding the module to perform self-tests at any time by cycling the power. • Data output is inhibited during self-test, zeroization, key generation, and authentication. • No CSPs are output from the module in any form. • Each unique AES GCM/IV pair is used for one and only one secure communication session. • Each secure communication session is established between exactly two entities. • The module cannot establish a secure communication session with another, identical module. Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 8 of 24 2 Module Ports and Interfaces The cryptographic module exposes the following physical ports and logical interfaces: Physical Port Logical Interface Description USB Data Data input Data output Control input Status output The USB Data port connects the module to the host computer. It is used to exchange decrypted user data as well as control and status information for the USB protocol. When the drive is locked the USB interface is disabled. Bluetooth Control input Status output Data input Data output User and CO Password received and module status information transmitted via the Bluetooth port. Red, green and blue LEDs Status output Refer to Table 4 for details. USB Power External power The USB VBUS (+5VDC) powers the module and embedded storage component. Table 3: Module Ports and Interfaces Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 9 of 24 LED Behavior4 Module State Status Description LEDs illuminate one at a time, green, blue, and then red. Red remains lit. Connected to USB power Module powered-on with all LEDs operational. Firmware integrity tests and KATs have passed. LEDs illuminate continuously in circling pattern, red then green then blue. Failed Module in error state. Red LED illuminated Locked Module locked. User data secure. Green LED illuminated Unlocked Module unlocked. DEK is unobfuscated. USB interface with host has not enumerated with the host computer. Green and blue LED illuminated Connected Module unlocked and connected to host computer. Green LED illuminated. Blue LED blinking Connected Module unlocked and connected to host computer. There is an active data transfer with host computer. Table 4: LED Status Indications To verify that the module is in good working order when it is first powered-on, observe that thethree status-indicator LEDs illuminate one at a time green, then blue, and then red. Red remains lit indicating that the module is locked. 4 Because the module is powered from USB, the LED indicators are valid only when when the module is connected to a USB port. Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 10 of 24 3 Roles, Services, Authentication, and Identification 3.1 Roles and Identification The module implements level 3, identity-based authentication with two distinct rôles. Identity Identification Authentication Data Description User5 User chooses ASCII value '1' for User identification. 7-15 character Password User has full access to all User services. CO CO chooses ASCII value '0' for CO identification. 7-15 character Password CO has full access to all CO services. Table 5: Module Rôles 3.2 Module Initialization A new module comes from the factory initialized with a default User Password of '11223344'. This factory default password must be changed before storing confidential data on the module6 . No CO Password is defined for a factory initialized module. In this configuration, the module is ready for operation in a FIPS approved mode. If the module is zeroized, there will be neither a User Password nor a CO Password defined and there will be no DEK. The module must be initialized before it will operate in an approved mode. From this state, either a User or a CO Password may be defined first. 5 In the case where the User password is defined but no CO password is defined, the User identity behaves as a combined User/CO identity. 6 Per FIPS 140-2 §4.3.3, the default password does not meet the strength of the authentication requirement because it may be guessed in one attempt. Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 11 of 24 3.3 Services Identity Service CSP Access CO Set CO Password Read, Execute, and Write Change CO Password, CO salt, and CO KEK. Create DEK using CTR-DRBG state (seed, V, key) if one is not defined. Set User Password Read, Execute, and Write Change User Password, User salt, and User KEK. Zeroize User Password Zeroize Zeroize User salt and User KEK. Erase private partition data Read, Execute, and Write Change CO salt and CO KEK. Create DEK using CTR-DRBG state (seed, V, key). Zeroize Zeroize User salt and KEK. Open private partition for read/write access to user data Read and Execute Read CO salt and CO KEK. Unobfuscate DEK. Lock private partition to prevent read/write access to user data Zeroize Zeroize DEK in RAM. Read or write private partition with user data Read Use DEK to encrypt and decrypt user data. Configure idle timeout lock None Configure Remote Management None Change nickname None Configure Step-Away lock None User Set CO Password when none exists Read, Execute, and Write Change CO Password, CO salt, and CO KEK. Set User Password Read, Use, and Write Change User Password, User salt, and User KEK. Create DEK using CTR-DRBG state (seed, V, key) if one is not defined. Open private partition for read/write access to user data Read and Execute Read CO salt and CO KEK. unobfuscate DEK. Lock private partition to prevent read/write access to user data Zeroize Zeroize DEK in RAM. Read or write private partition with user data Read and Execute Use DEK to encrypt and decrypt user data. Configure idle timeout lock None Change nickname None Configure Step-Away lock None Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 12 of 24 Identity Service CSP Access Unauthenticated Show locked/unlocked status None Show whether or not drive is initialized Read and Execute Verify validity of either User salt or CO salt. Show whether or not User Password is defined Read and Execute Verify validity of User salt. Show whether or not CO/Password is defined Read and Execute Verify validity of CO salt. Run self-tests None Factory reset (zeroize) module and erase private partition data Zeroize Zeroize all CSPs. Query firmware version None Authentication Read, Execute, and Write Create and read ECC-CDH Private Key, Session Master Secret, AES-GCM Key/IV Table 6: Services Available in FIPS Approved Mode Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 13 of 24 3.4 Authentication The Crypto Officer and User roles authenticate via the Bluetooth interface. The module does not output CO or User authentication data outside of the cryptographic boundary. Communication via the Bluetooth interface is protected by encryption. Messages are encrypted and authenticated with AES-GCM (Cert. #5397). Cryptographic keys are established per SP 800-56Ar3 scheme C(0s, 2e, ECC CDH) and the single step KDA per SP 800-56Cr1 Section 4. These keys are used for key derivation using KBKDF (Cert. #201) in Counter Mode, which relies on AES-CMAC (Cert. #5366) and HMAC-SHA-1 (Cert. #3554) per SP 800-108, to create the AES-GCM keys. The Password, from either the User or the CO, is an input to PBKDFv2 (Cert. #A777) that produces the Key Encryption Key (KEK) for that role. The KEK is used by the non-approved cryptographic Synthetic Initialization Vector7 (SIV) algorithm to obfuscate the DEK. SIV is constructed using AES CTR (Cert. #5366) and AES CMAC (Cert. #5366). Unobfuscating the DEK requires the same Password that was given to PBKDFv2 when the DEK was obfuscated. The authentication strength for the module is determined by the Password. There are more than 10 million (107 ) Password combinations with a minimum length of seven (7) bytes. This lower bound is derived by using only the ASCII decimal digits '0'-'9' in the Password, seven bytes and ten choices per byte. Because the Password may be composed of UTF-8 characters, the length in characters may be fewer than seven. The module enforces the minimum Password length in bytes. UTF-88 character encodings may span from one to four bytes. For UTF-8 characters to supply more combinations of Passwords than the ASCII decimal digits, there must be at least 3.4 variable bits in each encoded byte9 . In a single byte UTF-8 character, there are seven (7) variable bits where we require at least 3.4 to meet the lower bound. In two byte characters, there are eleven (11) variable bits where we require at least 6.8. In three byte characters, there are 16 variable bits where we require at least 10.2. In four byte characters, there are 21 variable bits where we require at least 13.6. Or, to put it a different way, every byte in a UTF-8 character has at least 5 variable bits which is more than the minimum of 3.4 bits necessary to meet the lower bound. Therefore, passwords encoded in seven bytes of UTF-8 characters will have at least 107 different combinations and the chances of a successful random guess is less than one in 10,000,000 (10-7 ). 7 Harkins, D. Synthetic Initialization Vector (SIV) Authenticated Encryption Using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). IETF. (October 2008) 8 9 At least 3.32 binary bits are needed to uniquely represent ten distinct values; 23.32 ≅ 10 Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 14 of 24 The module protects against brute-force attempts to guess a role’s Password by permitting no more than ten (10) consecutive incorrect guesses before locking out that role. Incorrect Password attempts are counted independently for each role. Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 15 of 24 4 Physical Security The multi-chip standalone cryptographic module includes the following physical security mechanisms, conforming to FIPS 140-2 Level 3 requirements: 1. Production grade components 2. Hard, opaque, tamper-evident enclosure with embedded, hard epoxy covering all security relevant components. Epoxy hardness was tested at ambient temperature and over the module's documented operating temperature range from 5 ˚C to 41 ˚C. 3. Memory protection enabled to prevent read-out of firmware, RAM, or NVRAM The operator is responsible for inspecting the module on each use for evidence of tampering. If the module is physically compromised, it is no longer guaranteed to provide FIPS protectionsand should be replaced. 5 Operational Environment The FIPS 140-2 Operational Environment (Area 6) requirements for the module are not applicable because the device does not contain a modifiable operational environment. 6 Cryptographic Key Management 6.1 Cryptographic Algorithms Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 16 of 24 Algorithm Modes Key Sizes Reference CAVP Cert. Use AES XTS10 256 NIST SP 800-38E11 4642 Encryption of user data within storage application only AES ECB CMAC CTR 128 256 (ECB only) FIPS 19712 NIST SP 800-38A13 5366 Block cipher basis of CTR-DRBG. Algorithmic basis of SIV. AES ECB GCM 128 FIPS 197 NIST SP 800-38A NIST SP 800-38D14 5397 AES-ECB is the block cipher basis for AES-GCM which is used to encrypt Bluetooth messages CKG - 256 NIST SP-800-13315 Vendor Affirmed The unmodified output of the DRBG is used for generating symmetric keys and asymmetric seeds. DRBG AES-CTR 256 NIST SP 800-90A16 2077 Random number generator for encryption keys and salts ECDSA - P-256 FIPS 186-417 142818 Key generation for SP 800-56Ar3 key agreement HMAC HMAC-SHA-1 160 FIPS 198-119 3554 Algorithmic basis of PBKDFv2 KAS-SSC ECC CDH P-256 NIST SP 800-56Ar320 Vendor Affirmed Key agreement for securing Bluetooth messages. Shared secret computation with ECDSA (Cert #1428) as a prerequisite for ECC key pair generation. Key establishment provides 128 bits of encryption strength used to generate the 256-bit Session Master Secret. Conforming with IG D.8 (Scenario X1). KDA One-step KDF 160 NIST SP 800-56Cr121 Vendor Affirmed Key agreement for securing Bluetooth messages. Key derivation algorithm with SHS (SHS Cert #4308) as a prerequisite, used in conjunction with KAS-SSC. Conforming with IG D.8 (Scenario X1) KBKDF AES-CMAC 128 NIST SP 800-10822 201 Key agreement for securing Bluetooth messages. Derivation of keys for Bluetooth message encryption from the Session Master Secret. PBKDFv2 HMAC-SHA-1 - NIST SP 800-13223 A777 KEK generation. Password is the User/CO Password with a minimum length of 7 characters. The module supports option 2a as documented in SP 800-132 § 5.4. SHS SHA-1 - FIPS 180-424 4308 Algorithmic basis of HMAC-SHA1 Table 7: FIPS Approved Algorithms 10 ECB and CBC modes as well as 128 bit AES are included in the CAVS certificate, but are used by no services in the module. 11 SP 800-38E – Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: the XTS-AES Mode for Confidentiality on Storage Devices. NIST. (January 2010). 12 FIPS 197 – Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). NIST. (November 2001). 13 SP 800-38A – Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods and Techniques. NIST. (December 2001). 14 SP 800-38D – Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC. NIST. (November 2007). 15 SP 800-133r2 – Recommendation for Cryptographic Key Generation. NIST. (June 2020). 16 SP 800-90Ar1 – Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators. NIST.(June 2015). 17 FIPS 186-4 – Digital Signature Standard (DSS). NIST. (July 2013). 18 Certificate #1428 covers only key pair generation. Signature and verification functions are not used. 19 FIPS 198-1 – The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC). NIST. (July 2008). 20 SP 800-56Ar3 – Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography. NIST. (April 2018). 21 SP 800-56Cr1 – Recommendation for Key-Derivation Methods in Key-Establishment Schemes. NIST (April 2018). 22 SP 800-108 – Recommendation for Key Derivation Using Pseudorandom Functions (Revised). NIST. (October 2009). 23 SP 800-132 – Recommendation for Password-Based Key Derivation: Part 1: Storage Applications. NIST. (December 2010). Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 17 of 24 24 FIPS 180-4 – Secure Hash Standard (SHS). NIST. (August 2015). Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 18 of 24 Algorithm Strength Use NDRNG Entropy source has a full 256 bits of security strength. Entropy source for seed to CTR-DRBG SIV25 (no security claimed) Per FIPS 140-2 IG §1.23, SIV is a non-approved cryptographic algorithm. It is allowed in FIPS approved mode because it is not a security function. “Cryptographic keys and CSPs encrypted using a non-approved algorithm or proprietary algorithm or method are considered in plaintext form, within the scope of this standard [FIPS 140-2].” SIV uses the CO KEK and User KEK, derived from the CO or User PIN/Password with KBKDFv2, to obfuscate and unobfuscate the stored DEK. Table 8: FIPS Allowed Algorithms 6.2 Critical Security Parameters The module does not input or output private or secret cryptographic keys. Cryptographic keys are established per SP 800-56Ar3 scheme C(0s,2e,ECC_CDH) and conforming to SP 800- 133r2. KEKs are derived using PBKDFv226 and are only used as part of the module's data storage application. Public/private key pairs are ephemeral, used for one and only one key agreement, and destroyed immediately after use. 25 Harkins, D. Synthetic Initialization Vector (SIV) Authenticated Encryption Using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). IETF. (October 2008). SIV is a Authenticated Encryption algorithm codified by the IETF in RFC-5297. NIST has not analyzed this algorithm, so it is specified here as non-approved for the purposes of FIPS 140-2. Obfuscation of the DEK depends on the user's PIN/Password and SIV to prevent the plaintext DEK from being stored in NVRAM. NIST characterizes the storage of the DEK as plaintext explicitly because SIV is non-approved. 26 Per FIPS SP800-132 and FIPS 140 IG § D.6, the materials derived from PBKDFv2 are used only for protection of electronically-stored data or for the protection of data protection keys. Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 19 of 24 Parameter Description Source Storage Creation / Destruction CTR-DRBG state (seed, V, key) Generating random values for CSPs 256 bit output (full entropy) NDRNG and CTR-DRBG RAM Created when DRBG is seeded which is every time the module initializes Destroyed on lock, connect, successful generation of CSPs, power-off, and zeroization User Password Input to PBKDFv2 to allow generation of the User KEK. Strength of 7-15 bytes Keypad entry RAM Created by User Destroyed on lock, unlock, timeout, and power-off CO Password Input to PBKDFv2 to allow generation of the CO KEK. Strength of 7-15 bytes Keypad Entry RAM Created by CO Destroyed on lock, unlock, timeout, and power-off User Salt Input to PBKDFv2 to generate key to obfuscate the DEK. 128 bit value CTR-DRBG NVRAM Created when User changes Password Destroyed on Password change, zeroization CO Salt Input to PBKDFv2 to generate key to obfuscate the DEK. 128 bit value CTR-DRBG NVRAM Created when CO changes Password Destroyed on Password change, zeroization XTS-AES DEK Encryption and decryption of user data XTS-AES 256 bit key CTR-DRBG RAM Created when first password, either User or CO, is set Destroyed on lock, timeout, entering low-power mode, power-off, and zeroization User KEK Obfuscation an unobfuscation of DEK SIV AES 128 bit key User Password, User Salt, and PBKDFv2 RAM Created before obfuscating or unobfuscating the DEK. Destroyed immediately after use. CO KEK Obfuscation and unobfuscation of DEK SIV AES 128 bit key CO Password, CO Salt, and PBKDFv2 RAM Created before obfuscating or unobfuscating the DEK. Destroyed immediately after use. ECC-CDH Private Key Bluetooth Message Encryption ECC P-256 256 bit key CTR-DRBG RAM Generated when Bluetooth client requests secure channel Destroyed when secure channel established Session Pre-master Secret Key generated during session negotiation 256 bit secret ECC-CDH Key Agreement RAM Created when secure channel established Destroyed when Session Master Secret created Session Master Secret Bluetooth Message Encryption 256 bit secret ECC-CDH Key Agreement RAM Created when secure channel established Destroyed when secure channel session ends AES-GCM Key / IV Bluetooth Message Encryption Session Master Secret RAM Created when secure channel established or when secure channel is rekeyed Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 20 of 24 AES key 128 bits IV 96 bits and KDF-AES- CMAC Destroyed when secure channel session ends Table 9: Critical Security Parameters Parameter Use Source Storage Creation / Destruction Bluetooth Message Generated when Bluetooth client requests secure channel ECC-CDH Public Key Encryption ECC P-256 256 bit ECC Primitive RAM Destroyed when secure channel established key ECC-CDH Peer Public Key Bluetooth Message Encryption ECC P-256 256 bit key Remote Bluetooth Client RAM Generated when Bluetooth client requests secure channel Destroyed when secure channel established Table 10: Public Security Parameters 6.3 Zeroization of Critical Security Parameters Zeroization is the erasure of CSPs from volatile and non-volatile storage. The module initiates an erase cycle to zeroize CSPs stored in NVRAM. Copies of CSPs in RAM are erased by setting the memory to zeros. This process occurs when the module is factory reset or when the module detects a brute-force attack. There are two kinds of brute-force attacks. Ten consecutive failed attempts to unlock the module as the User is the first type of brute-force attack and will zeroize the User CSPs. After this type of attack, the CO will be able to unlock the module, recover user data, and permit the setup of a new User Password. However, if there is no CO Password, the user data partition will be erased leaving the module in the factory reset state with an erased use data partition. The second kind of brute-force attack is against the CO Password. Ten consecutive failed attempts to unlock the module as CO will zeroize all CSPs for both the CO and User rôles, including the DEK. The module will be left in the factory reset state with an erased user data partition. Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 21 of 24 6.3.1 Zeroization via Factory Reset A Factory Reset will erase all CSPs, settings, and user data from the module. After this operation, the operator must initialize the module per section 3.2 to return it to a FIPS approved mode. Starting with the module connected to USB power: 1. Invoke the FactoryReset service. 2. Query Status until operation is complete. 3. Initialize module by creating a new PIN/Password and reformatting the drive. 7 EMI/EMC Regulatory Compliance This module conforms to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class B (i.e., for home use). The module incorporates a Bluetooth radio which is excluded from the EMI/EMC requirements for FIPS. Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 22 of 24 8 Self-Tests When the module powers on, it runs a sequence of self-tests. If any of these tests fails, the drive will enter an error state. The module cannot perform any cryptographic services and is not usable in this state. The module also performs conditional self-tests. The only way to clear a module error state is to cycle the power. Self-tests are summarized in Table 11. Test Category Test Name When Executed Error Indication Firmware Integrity Firmware CRC-32 Module power-on Module illuminates no LEDs Firmware CRC-16 Module power-on Module fails to mount to host PC after successful unlock and returns to locked state. DRBG Cert. #2077 KATs27 CTR-DRBG Instantiate CTR-DRBG Generate Module power-on LEDs illuminate in continuously circling pattern, red then green then blue. PBKDFv2 Cert. #A777 Combined KAT28 Derivation of Master Key (§5.4) HMAC SHA-1 Cert. #3554 SHA-1 Cert. #4308 Module power-on LEDs illuminate in continuously circling pattern, red then green then blue. AES #5366 KATs AES ECB encrypt Cert. #5366 AES ECB decrypt Cert. #5366 AES CMAC Cert. #5366 Module power-on LEDs illuminate in continuously circling pattern, red then green then blue. Known Answer XTS-AES Cert. #4642 KATs AES-XTS encrypt AES-XTS decrypt Module power-on Module fails to mount to host PC after successful unlock. AES-GCM Cert. #5397 KATs AES-GCM authenticated encrypt AES-GCM authenticated decrypt Module power-on LEDs illuminate in continuously circling pattern, red then green then blue. KAS KATs KAS-SSC (SP 800-56Ar3) Primitive 'Z' Computation KAT per IG D.8 (Scenario X1) KDA (SP 800-56Cr1) KDA KAT per IG D.8 (Scenario X1) Module power-on LEDs illuminate in continuously circling pattern, red then green then blue. KBKDF Cert. #201 (SP 800-108) Conditional ECC Partial Public-Key Validation; Assurance per SP 800-56Ar3 § Use of SP 800-56Ar3 Key Agreement LEDs illuminate in continuously circling pattern, red then green then blue. NDRNG Conditional Test per FIPS 140-2 AS.09.42 Use of NDRNG LEDs illuminate in continuously circling pattern, red then green then blue. XTS-AES; Key validity per IG A.9 CAVP #4642 Creation of DEK Module fails to mount to host PC after successful unlock. Table 11: Module Self-Tests 27 The CRNGT per section 4.9.2 of FIPS 140-2 is not necessary per IG 9.8. 28 A single KAT for HMAC incorporates the SHA test. Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 23 of 24 9 Mitigation of Other Attacks The module has not been designed to mitigate attacks not addressed by the security requirements of FIPS 140-2. Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 24 of 24 10 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms Term Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard AES-GCM AES Galois Counter Mode cipher used to encrypt Bluetooth messages CO Cryptographic Officer CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check CSP Critical Security Parameter CTR-DRBG Counter-Mode Deterministic Random Byte Generator DEK Data Encryption Key DRBG Deterministic Random Byte Generator ECB Electronic Code Book ECC Elliptical Curve Cryptography ECC-CDH ECC Cofactor Diffie Hellman EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference FIPS Federal Information Processing Protocol HMAC Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code KAT Known Answer Test KDF Key Derivation Function KEK Key Encryption Key LED Light Emitting Diode NDRNG Non-deterministic Random Number Generator; module entropy source NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NVRAM Non-volatile Random Access Memory PBKDFv2 Password Based Key Derivation Algorithm Version 2 Password User's secret authentication character sequence RAM Random Access Memory Salt Random value used to improve security of cryptographic algorithms SATA Serial AT Attachment SHA-1 Secure Hash Algorithm 1 SHS Secure Hash Standard Secure Drive + BT FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 2.0 Copyright © 2020 ClevX, LLC. Prepared by SECUREDATA Inc. on behalf of Glyph Production Technologies. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety and without modification. Page 25 of 24 SIV Synthetic Initialization Vector USB Universal Serial Bus XTS-AES AES cipher mode used to encrypt user data in mass storage Zeroization The process of erasing cryptographic security keys and parameters