Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 1 of 30 Bluefly Processor Security Policy PRODUCT NAME: Bluefly Processor PROJECT NUMBER: MSW4000 AUTHOR: Darren Krahn REVISION : 1.17 DOCUMENT REFERENCE : SP-MSW4000-01 DOCUMENT TYPE: Security Policy DEPARTMENT: Secure Storage Products FIRMWARE VERSIONS : 1.15, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 HARDWARE VERSIONS : 3.0 (Part # 950 000 003 R) 4.0 (Part # 950 000 004 R) Copyright  2015 by Imation Corp. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 2 of 30 Review and Approval Larry Hamid CTO Name Title Signature Date Name Title Signature Date Name Title Signature Date Name Title Signature Date Name Title Signature Date Name Title Signature Date Name Title Signature Date The presence of the Directors name and date of approval certifies that the material contained within this revision of the document has been approved for release and will supersede all previous versions. Representatives of appropriate Development Engineering directorates give this approval upon completion of a successful review. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 3 of 30 1 Table of Contents 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. 3 2 GENERAL ................................................................................................ 5 2.1 REVISION HISTORY ...................................................................................5 2.2 REFERENCES ...........................................................................................5 2.3 TERMINOLOGY .........................................................................................5 3 OVERVIEW.............................................................................................. 7 3.1 PURPOSE................................................................................................7 3.2 SCOPE...................................................................................................7 3.3 TARGET AUDIENCE ....................................................................................7 4 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 8 4.1 SECURITY LEVELS .....................................................................................8 4.2 CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS.......................................................................9 4.3 ALGORITHM VALIDATION NUMBERS...............................................................10 4.4 ALGORITHM DEPRECATION STATEMENTS .........................................................10 5 FIPS APPROVED MODE OF OPERATION................................................. 11 5.1 ENTERING AND LEAVING APPROVED MODE ......................................................11 5.2 OBTAINING APPROVED MODE INDICATION.......................................................11 5.3 APPROVED MODE ENFORCEMENT ..................................................................11 6 PORTS AND INTERFACES ...................................................................... 13 6.1 USB...................................................................................................13 6.2 DATA STORAGE ......................................................................................13 6.3 STATUS PINS.........................................................................................13 6.4 EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATION MODULE ............................................................13 7 IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION POLICY ................................ 14 7.1 INITIAL CONFIGURATION ...........................................................................14 7.2 ROLES AND AUTHENTICATION .....................................................................14 7.3 AUTHENTICATION STRENGTH ......................................................................15 8 ACCESS CONTROL POLICY .................................................................... 16 8.1 CRITICAL SECURITY PARAMETER LISTING........................................................16 8.2 SERVICE LISTING....................................................................................22 8.3 ROLES AND ACCESS CONTROL.....................................................................26 9 PHYSICAL SECURITY POLICY................................................................ 27 9.1 TAMPER RESISTANCE ...............................................................................27 9.2 INSPECTION ..........................................................................................27 10 SELF TESTS ........................................................................................ 28 10.1 POWER-UP SELF TESTS ..........................................................................28 10.2 CONDITIONAL SELF TESTS ......................................................................28 10.3 BYPASS SELF TESTS..............................................................................28 Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 4 of 30 11 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS ...................................................... 30 Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 5 of 30 2 General 2.1 Revision History Author Date Version Description of Change D. Krahn Dec 15, 2008 1.0 Initial Draft D. Krahn Jan 21, 2009 1.1 Corrections D. Krahn Apr 21, 2009 1.2 Revised based on feedback. D. Krahn Jun 23, 2009 1.3 Revised based on feedback. D. Krahn Jun 26, 2009 1.4 Revised based on feedback. D. Krahn Jun 29, 2009 1.5 Revised based on feedback. D. Krahn Jul 2, 2009 1.6 Revised based on feedback. D. Krahn Jul 3, 2009 1.7 Revised based on feedback. D. Krahn Jul 6, 2009 1.8 Corrections. D. Krahn Feb 2, 2010 1.9 Revised based on CMVP comments. D. Krahn Feb 8, 2010 1.10 Revised based on feedback. D. Krahn Apr 13, 2010 1.11 Added FW and HW versions. D. Krahn Apr 27, 2010 1.12 Added algorithm validation numbers. D. Krahn Aug 18, 2010 1.13 Added algorithm validation numbers. D. Krahn Feb 14, 2011 1.14 Added algorithm validation numbers. D. Krahn May 27, 2011 1.15 Added algorithm validation numbers. P. Kim Feb 7, 2013 1.16 Added FW version 1.15 A. Mothilal March 9, 2015 1.17 Added FW version 2.5 2.2 References Reference Title Author R1 FIPS 140-2 NIST 2.3 Terminology Term Definition ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit Zero-Footprint Authentication Authentication without running any host software. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 6 of 30 UTF-8 8-bit Unicode Transformation Format. An 8-bit character encoding for Unicode. CSP Critical Security Parameter PPSD Personal Portable Security Device USB Universal Serial Bus SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment SD Secure Digital (card) SPI Serial Peripheral Interface UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter LED Light-Emitting Diode HOTP HMAC-based One Time Password PRNG Pseudo-Random Number Generator TRNG True Random Number Generator TDES Triple-DES CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 7 of 30 3 Overview 3.1 Purpose This document is the Cryptographic Module Security Policy for the Bluefly Processor. The purpose of a Security Policy is specified by FIPS 140-2 Appendix C.2 3.2 Scope This document fulfills the requirements and expectations for a Cryptographic Module Security Policy specified by FIPS 140-2 Appendix C. 3.3 Target Audience This document is intended for security reviewers as well as current and potential purchasers of products using the Bluefly Processor. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 8 of 30 4 Introduction The Bluefly Processor is a cryptographic and authentication engine for Personal Portable Security Devices (PPSDs). It provides secure storage, digital identity functions, and multifactor user authentication for USB-based peripherals. It is a single chip (ASIC) of dimensions 12 x 12 x 1.2 mm. 4.1 Security Levels The following table lists the sections of FIPS 140-2 and targeted security level for each section. FIPS 140-2 Security Requirement Section Target Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3 Roles, Services and Authentication 3 Finite State Model 3 Physical Security 3 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 3 EMI/EMC 3 Self-Tests 3 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 9 of 30 4.2 Cryptographic Algorithms The following cryptographic algorithms are supported by the Bluefly Processor. Algorithm FIPS Approved Key Sizes (bits) AES (ECB, CBC, CFB-128, OFB, CTR, CCM, GCM) Yes 128, 256 TDES (ECB, CBC, CFB-64, OFB, CTR) Yes 56 x 3 SHA-1 Yes N/A SHA-224 Yes N/A SHA-256 Yes N/A SHA-384 Yes N/A SHA-512 Yes N/A MD5 No N/A HMAC (with any supported hash) Yes (with Approved hash) 160+ CMAC-AES Yes 128, 256 PRNG - X9.31 A.2.4 with AES Yes 256 TRNG No N/A RSA X9.31 Key Pair Generation Yes 1024, 2048, 3072 RSA X9.31 Sign / Verify Yes 1024, 2048, 3072 RSA PSS Sign / Verify Yes 1024, 2048, 3072 RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 Sign / Verify Yes 1024, 2048, 3072 RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 Encrypt / Decrypt No 1024, 2048, 3072 RSA OAEP Encrypt / Decrypt No 1024, 2048, 3072 RSA X.509 (raw) Encrypt / Decrypt No 1024, 2048, 3072 DSA Key Pair Generation No 1024, 2048, 3072 DSA Sign / Verify Yes (1024-bit) 1024, 2048, 3072 dhEphem Key Agreement Yes L=2048, N=256 Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 10 of 30 4.3 Algorithm Validation Numbers The following table lists algorithm validation numbers for all FIPS Approved algorithms supported by the Bluefly Processor. Algorithm Validation Numbers AES 1119, 1292, 1333, 1334, 1452, 1574, 1661 Triple DES 908, 932, 983, 1031, 1081 SHA 1186, 1220, 1315, 1394, 1456 CMAC-AES 1292, 1334, 1452, 1574, 1661 HMAC 752, 782, 852, 921, 976 PRNG - X9.31 A.2.4 with AES 720, 735, 795, 848, 884 RSA 618, 646, 710, 767, 818 DSA 417, 438, 462, 485, 519 dhEphem Key Agreement 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 4.4 Algorithm Deprecation Statements The following table lists algorithm deprecation statements that apply to the Bluefly Processor. Algorithm Statement 1024-bit RSA Deprecated 2011 through 2013, disallowed after 2013. Key transport using RSA (at any key size) is deprecated and will be disallowed in 2013. 1024-bit DSA Deprecated 2011 through 2013, disallowed after 2013. ANSI X9.31 RNG Deprecated 2011 through 2015, disallowed after 2015. SHA-1 Deprecated 2011 through 2013, disallowed after 2013. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 11 of 30 5 FIPS Approved Mode of Operation The Bluefly module can operate in two different and mutually exclusive modes: (1) Approved mode and (2) non-Approved mode. To operate the module securely the module must be kept in Approved mode. See section 6.2 for information on which services may be executed in Approved mode. 5.1 Entering and Leaving Approved Mode The Bluefly module is not in Approved mode until it has been initialized. At minimum, a crypto officer must be enrolled in order for the module to be considered initialized. Once initialized, the module always starts in Approved mode and does not leave Approved mode unless explicitly instructed to do so. Note: There are two scenarios in which the module will leave Approved mode: 1. The operator utilizes the Set FIPS Mode service to instruct the module to leave Approved mode. The Set FIPS Mode service takes an input parameter which indicates whether to enter or leave Approved mode. When this operation completes the Approved mode indicator immediately conforms to the new operating mode. 2. The operator authenticates using an external authentication module (e.g. fingerprint) through the ‘zero-footprint’ authentication service. Because the strength of authentication of the external authentication module cannot be determined by the Bluefly module this method cannot be used on its own in Approved mode. When this authentication occurs the Approved mode indicator immediately changes to report that the module is not in Approved mode. If the module is operating in the non-Approved mode, an operator may enter Approved mode by utilizing the Set FIPS Mode service or by powering down the module and powering back up. The Set FIPS Mode service takes an input parameter which indicates whether to enter or leave Approved mode. 5.2 Obtaining Approved Mode Indication An operator may query the current mode of operation by utilizing the Get State service. This service responds with information about the current module state. Contained in this information is a Boolean value indicating whether or not the module is currently operating in Approved mode. 5.3 Approved Mode Enforcement When the module is in Approved mode the following policies are enforced. 1. Only Approved services may be executed. 2. Cryptographic keys that may be used in non-Approved mode are not accessible. Such a key must be explicitly marked for use in a non- Approved mode and this marking cannot be removed. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 12 of 30 3. Users that are capable of authenticating using a non-Approved authentication mechanism are not accessible. Such a user must be explicitly marked for use in this way and this marking cannot be removed. 4. Users that are not marked for non-Approved authentication (that is, they can authenticate in Approved mode) cannot configure a non-Approved authentication mechanism. When the module is not in Approved mode the following policies are enforced. 1. Cryptographic keys that are not marked for use in non-Approved mode are not accessible. 2. Users that are not marked for non-Approved authentication (that is, they can authenticate in Approved mode) cannot configure a non-Approved authentication mechanism. 3. The module will not enter Approved mode while any user marked for non- Approved authentication is authenticated. The ‘Lock’ service must be executed for each session in this state before Approved mode can be entered. 5.3.1 Key and User Markings A cryptographic key (OSYM, OPUB, OPRIV, OPUB_E, or OPRIV_D) may be marked by the operator at the time of creation for use in a non-Approved mode. This marking is an optional parameter that can be provided by the operator to the Inject Key and Generate Key services. It is stored with the key (per key) and can be queried by the operator using the Get Key Properties service. It cannot be modified after the initial creation. A user may be marked by the operator for use with non-Approved authentication. This marking is a configuration attribute that is stored per user and can be set using the Set Configuration service. Once this attribute is set for a user, it cannot be reset. It can be queried by the operator using the Get Configuration service. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 13 of 30 6 Ports and Interfaces This section provides an overview of the ports and interfaces supported by the Bluefly Processor. 6.1 USB This is the primary interface supported by the Bluefly and most of the control input, status output, and data transfers between the module and a host computer occur through this interface. The Bluefly registers with the USB host as a USB Mass Storage device. 6.2 Data Storage The Bluefly supports three storage interfaces: SATA, SD and SPI. SPI is used only for retrieving and updating firmware while SATA or SD (not both) is used for the storage of other persistent data including user data and configuration data. During manufacturing each module will be configured with appropriate storage settings and these settings cannot be changed. 6.3 Status Pins There are general purpose I/O pins that are used to communicate status output. It is intended that these pins are attached to LEDs that visually display the current status to the operator. 6.4 External Authentication Module The Bluefly may be connected to an external authentication module via a serial port (UART). The external module provides control input as well as small amounts of data input / output to / from the Bluefly module. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 14 of 30 7 Identification and Authentication Policy All authentication mechanisms for the Bluefly module are identity based. 7.1 Initial Configuration When a module has not yet been initialized (i.e. no operator has yet enrolled) the device is in a ‘Not Initialized’ state and allows administrative services to be used in order for the operator to enroll but no cryptographic services are available in this state. 7.2 Roles and Authentication 7.2.1 Crypto Officer Role The Crypto Officer role is an administrative role. An operator in this role may configure module policies, create other users and crypto officers, and configure user policies for other users. A crypto officer has no access to the private data of other crypto officers or users. 7.2.2 User Role The User role is a limited role for day-to-day use of the module. An operator in this role may use cryptographic services and access private data belonging to themselves but they have no access to private data belonging to other users and they may not modify policies. 7.2.3 Upgrade Role The Upgrade role is a limited role which allows an operator to perform tasks like upgrading firmware (for future use, this does not affect currently running firmware), upgrading read-only data, or recycling the module. 7.2.4 Authentication Data There are two types of authentication used by the Bluefly module: (1) Password, and (2) External. External authentication is provided by an external authentication module which may be a biometric module or some other means of authenticating a user. These two types of authentication may be combined for two-factor authentication. The Bluefly module cannot determine the strength of the authentication provided by the external authentication module. For this reason, the Bluefly will not allow a user (or crypto officer) to authenticate using only an external module while operating in Approved mode. External authentication actions may be performed in Approved mode but the information received from the external module cannot be considered authentication data. Furthermore, the Bluefly will not allow a user (or crypto officer) to authenticate using a password (or both password and an external module) while operating in Approved mode if the user is capable, or has at any time been capable, of authenticating using only an external module. The following table lists all available roles and authentication data. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 15 of 30 Role Authentication Type Authentication Data Crypto Officer Identity Password OR (Password AND External). User Identity Password OR (Password AND External). Upgrade Identity Password. 7.3 Authentication Strength The following table provides the strength for each authentication mechanism. Authentication Mechanism Strength Password At minimum, 4 UTF-8 characters are required. There are 1114112 possible UTF-8 characters. A failed password attempt causes the module to delay execution for at least 500ms. Thus, the probability of guessing the password in a single attempt is 1 in 169,560,726,483,748,519,936 and the probability of guessing the password in 1 minute is 1 in 1,413,006,054,031,237,666. External The strength of this authentication mechanism depends on the specific external module being used. Password and External This mechanism has, at minimum, the same strength as the 'Password' mechanism. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 16 of 30 8 Access Control Policy 8.1 Critical Security Parameter Listing The following table lists all critical security parameters (CSPs) and public keys used inside the Bluefly module. Each CSP / public key is given an identifier which may be used to identify it elsewhere in this document. Note: The source of random numbers internal to the Bluefly is a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) seeded with hardware generated entropy. There is one PRNG instance but two PRNG contexts (described under the SEED1 and SEED2 entries in the table below). Each context is used exclusively for its stated purpose; the operator cannot choose which context to use for a particular operation. When a symmetric key, asymmetric key, or other CSP is generated the PRNG with SEED1 is used to produce the key material and / or other required random parameters. When the operator executes the ‘Generate Random’ service, the PRNG with SEED2 is used to provide random data. Note: The term ‘injection’ is used to describe the process by which an operator provides a key to the module (in contrast to the key being generated internally). Keys may be injected using the ‘Inject Key’ service. Also, a user-specific key (UK) may be injected using the ‘Set Password’ service. All key injection must occur via an encrypted channel; the module will reject any plain-text injection attempt. The ‘Details’ column may include the following information:  Type – The key type.  Size – The key size.  Location – Where the CSP resides. ‘Internal’ specifies that the CSP is stored inside the Bluefly chip. ‘External’ specifies that the CSP is encrypted and stored outside the chip. The key used for the encryption is specified along with reasoning for using the key.  Use – How the CSP is used.  Source – How the CSP is generated or injected into the module.  Output – Under what circumstances the CSP is exported outside of the module.  Modification – Under what circumstances the CSP is modified.  Zeroization – Under what circumstances the CSP is destroyed. The term ‘direct erasure’ means the explicit erasure of the CSP from its storage location. The term ‘indirect erasure’ means the zeroization of the key used to encrypt the CSP.  Remarks – Other information about this CSP. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 17 of 30 CSP / Public Key Identifie r Details Firmware Signing Public Key #1 FWS1 Type: RSA public key Size: 2048 bits Location: Internal Use: To verify firmware signatures. Source: Injected during manufacturing. Output: Get Configuration service. Modification: Roll Firmware Keys service. Zeroization: Direct erasure by the ‘Zeroize’ service. Firmware Signing Public Key #2 FWS2 Type: RSA public key Size: 2048 bits Location: Internal Use: To verify firmware signatures. Source: Injected during manufacturing. Output: Get Configuration service. Modification: Roll Firmware Keys service. Zeroization: Direct erasure by the ‘Zeroize’ service. Firmware Encryption Key #1 FWE1 Type: AES key Size: 256 bits Location: Internal Use: To decrypt firmware. Source: Injected during manufacturing. Output: Never. Modification: Never. Zeroization: Direct erasure by the ‘Zeroize’ service. Firmware Encryption Key #2 FWE2 Type: AES key Size: 256 bits Location: Internal Use: To decrypt firmware. Source: Injected during manufacturing. Output: Never. Modification: Never. Zeroization: Direct erasure by the ‘Zeroize’ service. Master Key MK Type: AES key Size: 256 bits Location: Internal Use: To encrypt keys and configuration for external storage. Source: Generated internally and programmed during manufacturing. Output: Never. Modification: Never. Zeroization: Direct erasure by the ‘Zeroize’ service. Lifecycle Key LK Type: AES key Size: 256 bits Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 18 of 30 CSP / Public Key Identifie r Details Location: External (MK). MK is chosen because it resides inside the chip and is always available to the module. Use: To encrypt keys, configuration, and data for external storage. Because MK cannot be modified and LK can, LK allows for a quick and cryptographically enforced recycle operation. Source: Generated. Output: Only for encrypted storage (see Location). Modification: Never. Zeroization: Direct erasure upon recycle. Password-Based Value(s) #1 PBV1 Type: Binary value Size: 256 bits Location: Not stored. Use: This value is used only to obscure UK. Source: Derived from user’s password using PKCS #5 PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA-256. Output: Never. Modification: Change Password service. Zeroization: Not applicable (since the key is not stored). Remarks: This key differs from PBV2 only by the salt value that is passed as input to the key derivation function. Password-Based Value(s) #2 PBV2 Type: Binary value Size: 256 bits Location: External (LK). LK is chosen because it is always available and is destroyed upon recycle. Use: This value is used only to perform password comparisons during authentication. Source: Derived from user’s password using PKCS #5 PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA-256. Output: Only for encrypted storage (see Location). Modification: Change Password service. Zeroization: Direct erasure upon recycle or user deletion. Remarks: This key differs from PBV1 only by the salt value that is passed as input to the key derivation function. User Key(s) UK Type: AES key Size: 256 bits Location: External (LK). LK is chosen because it is always available to the firmware and is destroyed upon recycle. When password authentication is used, UK is first obscured with PBV1 and then LK. PBV1 is chosen so that UK is only accessible after user authentication. When an external authentication module is used, this key is encrypted with LK and then included in the payload sent to the external module. Use: Each user enrolled for authentication has one of Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 19 of 30 CSP / Public Key Identifie r Details these keys. It is used to encrypt private user keys and data. Source: Generated or optionally injected during a SetPassword operation. Output: Only for encrypted storage (see Location). Modification: A different key may be injected during a SetPassword operation but this will effectively cause all user-specific keys and data to be destroyed. Zeroization: Direct erasure upon recycle, user deletion, or when the data destruction policy is set and the user exceeds their maximum failed authentication attempts. Partition Key(s) PK Type: AES key Size: 256 bits Location: External (LK or UK). LK is chosen because it is always available to the firmware and is destroyed upon recycle. If the partition is a private partition each partition owner encrypts PK with their own UK instead of using LK. Use: Each partition has one of these keys. It is used only to encrypt the partition data on that specific partition. Source: Generated. Output: Only for encrypted storage (see Location). Modification: Never. Zeroization: Direct erasure upon partition deletion or when all partition owners are removed as owners. Indirect erasure upon recycle or when all partition owners have their UK destroyed. Operator Symmetric Key(s) OSYM Type: AES or TDES keys Size: AES: 128, 256 bits; TDES: 3 x 56 bits Location: External (LK or UK). LK is chosen when the key is shared between all users because it is always available to the firmware and is destroyed upon recycle. UK is chosen when the key is private to a particular user because UK is only available once the user authenticates. Use: An operator may use these keys for cryptographic operations. Source: Generated (Generate Key service) or injected (Inject Key service). Output: Only for encrypted storage (see Location). Modification: Never. Zeroization: Direct erasure upon explicit deletion by the operator. Indirect erasure upon recycle or when the key is private and the owner’s UK is destroyed. Operator Asymmetric Key(s) for Signing OPUB OPRIV Type: RSA or DSA keys Size: 1024, 2048, or 3072 bits Location: External (LK or UK). LK is chosen when the key Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 20 of 30 CSP / Public Key Identifie r Details is shared between all users because it is always available to the firmware and is destroyed upon recycle. UK is chosen when the key is private to a particular user because UK is only available once the user authenticates. Use: An operator may use these keys for generating and verifying digital signatures. Source: Generated (Generate Key service) or injected (Inject Key service). An injected key may consist of a public key only or a complete key pair. Output (OPUB): Get Public Key service. Output (OPRIV): Only for encrypted storage (see Location). Modification: Never. Zeroization: Direct erasure upon explicit deletion by the operator. Indirect erasure upon recycle or when the key is private and the owner’s UK is destroyed. Operator Asymmetric Key(s) for Encryption OPUB_E OPRIV_D Type: RSA keys Size: 1024, 2048, or 3072 bits Location: External (LK or UK). LK is chosen when the key is shared between all users because it is always available to the firmware and is destroyed upon recycle. UK is chosen when the key is private to a particular user because UK is only available once the user authenticates. Use: An operator may use these keys for performing asymmetric encryption and decryption operations. Source: Generated (Generate Key service) or injected (Inject Key service). An injected key may consist of a public key only or the complete key pair. Output (OPUB_E): Get Public Key service. Output (OPRIV_D): Only for encrypted storage (see Location). Modification: Never. Zeroization: Direct erasure upon explicit deletion by the operator. Indirect erasure upon recycle or when the key is private and the owner’s UK is destroyed. Operator Password PWD Location: Not stored (volatile RAM only). Use: An operator provides a password to the module for authentication. Source: Always chosen by the operator and injected as part of an authentication operation. Output:Never. Modification: Not applicable (since it is not stored). Zeroization: This value resides in volatile RAM and will be physically destroyed when the module powers down. The RAM used to store this value is released to the system Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 21 of 30 CSP / Public Key Identifie r Details upon completion of authentication and may be reused. Remarks: PBV1 and PBV2 are derived from PWD. PRNG Seed (Internal) SEED1 Size: 512 bits Location: Not stored (volatile RAM only). Use: This value is generated upon power-up and is used as the PRNG seed and seed key. This PRNG context is used to generate cryptographic keys and CSPs. Source: Hardware generated entropy. Output: Never. Modification: The seed key portion is never modified. The seed portion is modified during every PRNG iteration using this context. Zeroization: This value resides in volatile RAM and will be physically destroyed when the module powers down. Remarks: See the description of PRNG at the beginning of this section. PRNG Seed (External) SEED2 Size: 512 bits Location: Not stored (volatile RAM only). Use: This value is used as the PRNG seed and seed key upon power-up. This PRNG context is used to generate random numbers for the ‘Generate Random’ service. Source: Hardware generated entropy or provided by the operator. Output: Never. Modification: The seed key and seed portions are modified by the Set Random service. The seed portion is modified during every PRNG iteration using this context. Zeroization: This value resides in volatile RAM and will be physically destroyed when the module powers down. Remarks: See the description of PRNG at the beginning of this section. Secure Channel Session Key(s) SCSK Type: AES key Size: 256 bits Location: Not stored (volatile RAM only). Use: This ephemeral key is the product of the key agreement scheme employed to negotiate a secure channel. This key encrypts / decrypts all communication sent / received via the secure channel. Each secure channel instance has a different key. Source: Key agreement scheme. Output:Never. Modification: Never. Zeroization: This key is zeroized when a secure channel is disconnected. Also, because this key resides in volatile RAM it is physically destroyed when the module powers Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 22 of 30 CSP / Public Key Identifie r Details down if the associated secure channel was never closed. 8.2 Service Listing The following table lists all available services along with their class and access information. Service classes are used for categorizing services according to their access permissions. The following services classes are used: 1. Public – Services in this class are always accessible, even without authentication. 2. User – Services in this class require user or crypto officer authentication. 3. Administrative – Services in this class require crypto officer authentication or an uninitialized module. 4. Enrollment – Services in this class require user or crypto officer authentication or an uninitialized module. Users may only operate these services on themselves. 5. Upgrade – Services in this class require upgrade authentication. For each service the access to CSPs is the same for all roles that are able to access the service. For example, both crypto officers and users may access the ‘Encrypt’ service providing ‘Execute’ access to ‘OSYM’ keys. This access to OSYM is the same for the crypto officer and the user. Some of the services are self-explanatory but the following descriptions provide more information on those that are not:  USB Mass Storage (Bypass) – This service allows operators to access public (not-encrypted) partitions via the USB Mass Storage standard interface. When available, the partition will be automatically mounted by most modern operating systems. There are three independent actions that need to occur in order to enable this bypass. 1) The partition must be assigned a logical unit number (LUN). 2) The partition must be configured to be read/write (not read-only). 3) The partition must be configured to public (not associated with a user).  USB Mass Storage – This service allows operators to access private and read-only (encrypted) partitions via the USB Mass Storage standard interface. When available, the partition will be automatically mounted by most modern operating systems.  Roll Firmware Keys – This service allows an operator to modify FWS1 or FWS2 provided that the operator is a crypto officer and that the request is digitally signed and can be verified using both the existing FWS1 and the existing FWS2. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 23 of 30  Raw Sector Access – This service allows an operator to read / write specific sectors within a partition independent of the USB Mass Storage service. This service gives access to partitions that are not currently available through the USB Mass Storage service. All applicable access restrictions are enforced for this service (e.g. an administrator may not use this service to read / write sectors of a user’s private partition). This service may act as a bypass subject to the following two independent actions. 1) The operator must specify the ‘Raw Sector Access’ command identifier. 2) The operator must specify a flag indicating that encryption / decryption is not to be performed.  Object Management – This service allows an operator to manage data objects in the various stores (read / write / delete). The available stores include a public store and a private store for each user. Objects in the public store are always accessible and are not encrypted. Managing objects in the public store is a bypass operation and is subject to the following two independent actions. 1) The operator must specify the ‘Object Management’ command identifier. 2) The operator must specify the public store identifier.  Get Configuration – This service allows an operator to query public information from module including configuration, policy, and diagnostic information.  Set Configuration – This service allows an operator to modify configuration and policy information in the module.  Get State – This service allows an operator to query information about the current authentication and operating state of the module. This service allows an operator to query the Approved mode indicator.  Lock – This service allows an operator to ‘lock’ or ‘logout’ an authenticated session.  Secure Channel – This service allows an operator establish a secure session with the module. All communication within the secure session will be encrypted.  Get Key Properties – This service allows an operator to query public information about cryptographic keys including size, type, and purpose.  Online Notification – This service resets offline counter and timestamp information. It is intended to be used as part of an offline policy strategy.  Seed Random – This service allows an operator to seed the PRNG used to generate random numbers for the ‘Generate Random’ service. It does not affect the PRNG that is used to generate cryptographic keys or other CSPs.  Move Partition – This service moves a partition within external physical storage. It can be used for defragmentation when a module is managing multiple partitions. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 24 of 30  Generate One-Time-Password – This service generates HOTP compliant one-time passwords. It is not considered a cryptographic service and so neither its input parameters nor its output parameters are considered CSPs.  Set Password – This service enrolls a password for a user. If a password already exists for the user, the operator must first authenticate (as the user) before this operation is allowed. A user key (UK) may be injected using this service; the injected value will overwrite any current value of UK for the user. If a password does not already exist or if UK is provided explicitly by the operator then the operator may be authenticated as an administrator instead of as the user. This service can only be executed in an encrypted session.  Inject Key – This service allows an operator to provide the module with a key that is stored and can later be used for cryptographic operations. As with a generated key, an injected key can never be exported. This service can only be executed in an encrypted session.  Recycle – This service returns a device to its initial state. It erases all users, objects, keys, and data partitions on the device. All configuration values are returned to factory defaults. The operator may choose (using a service parameter) whether to keep read-only and public partitions. Public partitions and objects are deallocated and have all reference to them removed but their data, which is not encrypted, is not erased and will remain in external storage until it is overwritten through normal use.  Zeroize – This service performs a permanent zeroization. In addition to the erasure performed by a ‘Recycle’ operation that keeps no partitions, this service zeroizes all values stored permanently inside the module. Once erased, these values cannot be written again. Service Service Class Keys / CSPs Access USB Mass Storage (Bypass) Public USB Mass Storage User PK Execute Roll Firmware Keys Administrative FWS1, or FWS2 Write Set Password Enrollment PBV2 Write Change Password Enrollment PBV2 Write Inject Key User OSYM, OPUB, OPRIV, OPUB_E, or OPRIV_D Write Encrypt, Decrypt AES-ECB, AES-CBC, AES-CTR, AES-CFB, AES-OFB, AES-CCM, AES-GCM, TDES-ECB, TDES-CBC, TDES-CTR, TDES-CFB, TDES-OFB User OSYM Execute Sign (RSA, DSA) User OPRIV Execute Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 25 of 30 Service Service Class Keys / CSPs Access Verify (RSA, DSA) User OPUB Execute Decrypt (RSA)* User OPRIV_D Execute Encrypt (RSA)* User OPUB_E Execute MAC (HMAC, CMAC) User OSYM Execute MAC Key (HMAC, CMAC) User (1) OSYM (2) OSYM, OPRIV, OPUB, OPRIV_D, or OPUB_E (1) Execute (2) Hash Hash Key (MD5*, SHA-x) User OSYM, OPRIV, OPUB, OPRIV_D, or OPUB_E Hash Generate Key [Pair] User SEED1 OSYM, OPUB, OPRIV, OPUB_E, OPUB_D Execute Generate Get Public Key Public OPUB or OPUB_E Read Raw Sector Access** Public PK Execute Object Management** Public LK, UK Execute Get Configuration Public FWS1, FWS2 Read Get State Public Authenticate Public Authenticate (Zero-Footprint) Public Lock Public Self-Test Public FWS1, FWS2 Execute Recycle Upgrade LK, PK, UK, OSYM, OPUB, OPRIV, OPUB_E, OPUB_D, PBV2 Zeroize Reset Public Partition Read-Only Mode Upgrade Secure Channel Public Delete Key User OSYM, OPUB, OPRIV, OPUB_E, or OPRIV_D Zeroize Get Key Properties Public Online Notification** Public Set FIPS Mode** Public Generate Random User Seed Random User Hash Data User Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 26 of 30 Service Service Class Keys / CSPs Access Generate One-Time-Password User Set Configuration Administrative PK, UK, PBV2 Zeroize Move Partition Administrative Update Firmware Upgrade Enroll / Delete Fingerprint Enrollment UK Zeroize Zeroize Upgrade FWS1, FWS2, FWE1, FWE2, MK, LK, PK, UK, OSYM, OPUB, OPRIV, OPUB_E, OPUB_D, PBV2 Zeroize * This service or algorithm is not Approved and so has no access to Approved keys or CSPs and cannot be executed in Approved mode. ** This service has more granular access checks based on configuration, state or service parameters but the service itself is ‘Public’. 8.3 Roles and Access Control The following table lists the services available for each role. In addition to the roles, two other table rows are provided for informational purposes: 'None' indicates services that require no authentication and 'Not Initialized' indicates services that are available when no operator has yet enrolled. Role Authorized Services Crypto Officer Only services in the ‘Public’, ‘Enrollment’, ‘User’ or ‘Administrative’ classes. User Only services in the 'Public', 'Enrollment', or 'User' classes. Upgrade Only services in the ‘Upgrade’ class. None Only services in the 'Public' class. Uninitialized Only services in the 'Public', 'Enrollment', or 'Administrative' classes. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 27 of 30 9 Physical Security Policy The Bluefly Processor has a single-chip module embodiment and is targeted at Security Level 3. 9.1 Tamper Resistance The Bluefly ASIC enclosure is tamper resistant. Any attempt to open or invade the enclosure will, with extremely high probability, permanently damage the module. 9.2 Inspection Inspection by the operator is not required. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 28 of 30 10Self Tests This section provides an overview of the self tests performed by the Bluefly Processor. 10.1 Power-up Self Tests The following tests are performed on power-up:  Firmware digital signature verification.  Firmware version check.  PRNG known answer test.  AES known answer test (encryption and decryption).  Triple-DES known answer test (encryption and decryption).  HMAC known answer tests with all Approved hashes.  CMAC known answer test.  RSA signature generation and verification known answer tests.  DSA signature generation and verification known answer tests. 10.2 Conditional Self Tests The following tests are performed under specific conditions:  Each PRNG and TRNG output block is compared to the previous output block to ensure they are not the same.  RSA and DSA key pairs are tested after generation using a pair-wise consistency test.  Diffie-Hellman public keys used during the negotiation of secure channels are tested for validity with the associated domain parameters.  A firmware digital signature is verified when firmware is loaded from outside the module. 10.3 Bypass Self Tests The following tests are performed to verify bypass operations.  When the partition table controlling bypass operations is modified, a CRC is performed on the table to ensure integrity. The table can only be modified if the test passes.  When the partition table controlling bypass operations is modified, the flags controlling the USB driver data path (encrypted / plain) for each logical unit are verified. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 29 of 30  Before the logic which controls bypass decisions for the Object Management service is executed the first time, the logic is exercised in a test mode to ensure the correct data paths will be followed in all cases.  Before the logic which controls bypass decisions for the Raw Sector Access service is executed the first time, the logic is exercised in a test mode to ensure the correct data paths will be followed in all cases. Document Name: SP-MSW4000-01 Rev. 1.17 March 10, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Imation Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 30 of 30 11Mitigation of Other Attacks The Bluefly does not protect against attacks involving power or timing analysis, fault induction, or electromagnetic emissions.