Page 1 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). wolfSSL Inc. wolfCrypt FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Document Version 1.4 8 May 2024 wolfSSL Inc. 10016 Edmonds Way, Suite C-300 Edmonds, WA 98020 +1 425.245.8247 Page 2 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table of Contents 1 – General............................................................................................................................................ 6 1.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Security Levels............................................................................................................................. 6 1.3 Additional Information................................................................................................................... 6 2 – Cryptographic Module Specification................................................................................................. 7 2.1 Description ................................................................................................................................... 7 2.2 Tested and Vendor Affirmed Module Version and Identification.................................................... 8 2.3 Excluded Components ................................................................................................................. 9 2.4 Modes of Operation...................................................................................................................... 9 2.5 Algorithms .................................................................................................................................. 11 2.6 Security Function Implementations............................................................................................. 14 2.7 Algorithm Specific Information.................................................................................................... 18 2.8 RBG and Entropy ....................................................................................................................... 19 2.9 Key Generation .......................................................................................................................... 19 2.10 Key Establishment.................................................................................................................... 19 2.11 Industry Protocols..................................................................................................................... 19 2.12 Additional Information............................................................................................................... 19 3 Cryptographic Module Interfaces ...................................................................................................... 20 3.1 Ports and Interfaces ................................................................................................................... 20 4 Roles, Services, and Authentication.................................................................................................. 20 4.1 Authentication Methods.............................................................................................................. 20 4.2 Roles.......................................................................................................................................... 20 4.3 Approved Services ..................................................................................................................... 20 4.4 Non-Approved Services.............................................................................................................. 24 5 Software/Firmware Security.............................................................................................................. 24 5.1 Integrity Techniques................................................................................................................... 24 5.2 Initiate on Demand ..................................................................................................................... 24 5.3 Open-Source Parameters........................................................................................................... 24 6 Operational Environment .................................................................................................................. 24 6.1 Operational Environment Type and Requirements ..................................................................... 24 6.2 Configuration Settings and Restrictions...................................................................................... 24 6.3 Additional Information................................................................................................................. 24 7 Physical Security .............................................................................................................................. 25 7.1 Mechanisms and Actions Required ............................................................................................ 25 7.5 EFP/EFT Information.................................................................................................................. 25 Page 3 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 7.6 Hardness Testing Temperature Ranges..................................................................................... 25 8 Non-Invasive Security....................................................................................................................... 25 9 Sensitive Security Parameters Management .................................................................................... 25 9.1 Storage Areas ............................................................................................................................ 25 9.2 SSP Input-Output Methods......................................................................................................... 25 9.3 SSP Zeroization Methods........................................................................................................... 26 9.4 SSPs.......................................................................................................................................... 26 10 Self-Tests ....................................................................................................................................... 31 10.1 Pre-Operational Self-Tests ....................................................................................................... 31 10.2 Conditional Self-Tests .............................................................................................................. 31 10.3 Periodic Self-Test Information .................................................................................................. 34 10.4 Error States.............................................................................................................................. 36 10.5 Operator Initiation of Self-Tests................................................................................................ 37 11 Life-Cycle Assurance...................................................................................................................... 38 11.1 Installation, Initialization, and Startup Procedures .................................................................... 38 11.2 Administrator Guidance............................................................................................................ 39 11.3 Non-Administrator Guidance .................................................................................................... 40 11.7 Additional Information............................................................................................................... 40 12 Mitigation of Other Attacks.............................................................................................................. 40 Page 4 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). List of Tables Table 1: This Document History............................................................................................................. 4 Table 2: Security Levels......................................................................................................................... 6 Table 3: Legend of Terms and references that appear in this document................................................ 7 Table 4: Source Files............................................................................................................................. 8 Table 5: Tested Module Identification – Software, Firmware, Hybrid (Executable Code Sets)................ 8 Table 6: Tested Operational Environments - Software, Firmware, Hybrid .............................................. 9 Table 7: Modes List and Description...................................................................................................... 9 Table 8: Approved Algorithms.............................................................................................................. 13 Table 9: Vendor-Affirmed Algorithms ................................................................................................... 13 Table 10: Security Function Implementations ...................................................................................... 18 Table 11: Ports and Interfaces............................................................................................................. 20 Table 12: Roles.................................................................................................................................... 20 Table 13: Approved Services............................................................................................................... 23 Table 14: Storage Areas...................................................................................................................... 25 Table 15: SSP Input-Output Methods .................................................................................................. 26 Table 16: SSP Zeroization Methods..................................................................................................... 26 Table 17: SSP Table 1......................................................................................................................... 30 Table 18: SSP Table 2......................................................................................................................... 30 Table 19: Pre-Operational Self-Tests................................................................................................... 31 Table 20: Conditional Self-Tests.......................................................................................................... 34 Table 21: Pre-Operational Periodic Information ................................................................................... 34 Table 22: Conditional Periodic Information........................................................................................... 35 Table 23: Periodic Method Descriptions............................................................................................... 35 Table 24: Error States.......................................................................................................................... 37 List of Figures Figure 1: Module Block Diagram............................................................................................................ 8 Figure 2: Code Sample A..................................................................................................................... 39 Author(s) Title Date Version Description Kaleb Himes & John Safranek Sr Software Engineer 28 Sep 2023 1.0 Initial Release Kaleb Himes Sr Software Engineer 4 Dec 2023 1.1 Address Comments & Formatting Kaleb Himes Sr Software Engineer 16 Jan 2024 1.2 Address Comments & Formatting Kaleb Himes Sr Software Engineer 8 Apr 2024 1.3 Address Comments Kaleb Himes Sr Software Engineer 8 May 2024 1.4 Address Comments Table 1: This Document History Page 5 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Page 6 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1 – General 1.1 Overview This document defines the Security Policy for wolfSSL Inc. wolfCrypt cryptographic module, hereafter denoted the Module. The Module meets FIPS 140-3 overall Level 1 requirements, with security levels as described in section 1.2 below. 1.2 Security Levels Section Security Level 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 N/A 8 N/A 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 N/A Table 2: Security Levels 1.3 Additional Information In accordance with AS02.05, [ISO19790] §7.7 Physical Security is optional and does not apply to the Module. Term/Ref Description [140-3] FIPS 140-3, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules [OE] The “Operating Environment” [186-4] FIPS 186-4, Digital Signature Standard (DSS) [90Arev1] NIST SP 800-90A Rev. 1, Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators [56Arev3] NIST SP 800-56A Rev. 3, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key-Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography [56Crev2] NIST SP 800-56C Rev. 2, Recommendation for Key- Derivation Methods in Key-Establishment Schemes [135rev1] NIST SP 800-135 Rev. 1, Recommendation for Existing Application-Specific Key Derivation Functions [140Drev2] NIST SP 800-140D revision 2, CMVP Approved Sensitive Parameter Generation and Establishment Methods: CMVP Validation Authority Updates to ISO/IEC 24759 Page 7 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Term/Ref Description [UG] wolfCrypt FIPS 140-3 User Guide (sometimes referred to as the “Cryptographic Officer Guidance Manual” in documentation not produced by this vendor) [COGM] Cryptographic Officer Guidance Manual (Another term for [UG] recognized by some in the Industry. Same meaning as [UG] [140-3 IG] FIPS 140-3, Implementation Guidance [131Arev2] NIST SP 800-131A Rev. 2, Transitioning the Use of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths [56Brev2] NIST SP 800-56B Rev. 2, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key-Establishment Using Integer Factorization Cryptography Table 3: Legend of Terms and references that appear in this document 2 – Cryptographic Module Specification 2.1 Description TOEPP: The platform used for testing was an Intel UltraBook 2in1 running Linux. The onboard CPU supported a known PAA, the Intel AESNI (AES New Instructions). Two Operational Environments (OEs) were tested. The first OE was software only (without PAA). The second OE was utilizing the known PAA (with PAA). Purpose and Use: The Module is a cryptography software library. The Module is a Multi-Chip Stand Alone embodiment. The Module is intended for use by U.S. and Canadian Federal agencies in addition to any other markets that require FIPS 140-3 validated cryptographic functionality. The Module was originally designed with embedded and IoT in mind. As a side effect of this design, it also scales exceptionally well on larger desktop and server systems allowing more connections per box than similar competing solutions. The Module version under validation is Software Version v5.2.1. Module Type: Software Module Embodiment: MultiChipStand Module Characteristics: Cryptographic Boundary: Figure 1 depicts the Module operational environment, with the software module cryptographic boundary highlighted in red inclusive of all Module entry points (API calls). The Module is defined as a Software module per AS02.03. No components are excluded from [140-3] requirements. The pre-operational approved integrity test is performed over all components of the cryptographic boundary. Updates to the Module are provided as a complete replacement in accordance with AS04.27 – AS04.35. Page 8 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). The source code files listed in Table “Source Files” result in the corresponding object files that comprise the wolfCrypt module boundary on each supported operating environment; the extensions of the object file can differ across environments. 2.2 Tested and Vendor Affirmed Module Version and Identification Tested Module Identification – Hardware: N/A for this module. Tested Module Identification – Software, Firmware, Hybrid (Executable Code Sets): Package or File Name Software/ Firmware Version Features Integrity Test wolfssl-5.6.3- commercial-fips- linuxv5.2.1.7z v5.2.1 FIPS 140-3 module and SSL/TLS library HMAC-SHA256 Table 5: Tested Module Identification – Software, Firmware, Hybrid (Executable Code Sets) Tested Module Identification – Hybrid Disjoint Hardware: Figure 1: Module Block Diagram Source File Name Description aes.c AES algorithm aes_asm.s AES assembler optimizations (Linux) aes_asm.asm AES assembler optimizations (Windows 10) cmac.c CMAC algorithm dh.c Diffie-Hellman ecc.c Elliptic curve cryptography fips.c Pre-operational entry point and API wrappers fips_test.c Power on self-tests hmac.c HMAC algorithm kdf.c TLS v1.2, v1.3 and SSH v2 KDFs random.c DRBG algorithm rsa.c RSA algorithm sha.c SHA algorithm sha256.c SHA-256 algorithm sha256_asm.s SHA-256 assembler optimizations (Linux) sha512_asm.s SHA-512 assembler optimizations (Linux) sha3.c SHA-3 algorithm sha512.c SHA-512 algorithm wolfcrypt_first.c First function and Read Only address marking start of cryptographic boundary wolfcrypt_last.c Last function and Read Only address marking end of cryptographic boundary Table 4: Source Files Page 9 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). N/A for this module. Tested Operational Environments - Software, Firmware, Hybrid: Operating System Hardware Platform Processors PAA/PAI Hypervisor or Host OS Version(s) Linux 4.4 (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) Intel Ultrabook 2 in 1 Intel Core i5-5300U CPU @2.30GHz x 4 Yes v5.2.1 Linux 4.4 (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) Intel Ultrabook 2 in 1 Intel Core i5-5300U CPU @2.30GHz x 4 No v5.2.1 Table 6: Tested Operational Environments - Software, Firmware, Hybrid Vendor-Affirmed Operational Environments - Software, Firmware, Hybrid: N/A for this module. The Module conforms to [140-3 IG] 2.3.C Processor Algorithm Accelerators (PAA) and Processor Algorithm Implementation (PAI). The Intel Processor AES-NI functions are identified by [140-3 IG] 2.3.C as a known PAA. No vendor affirmed operational environments are claimed for this validation of the module. 2.3 Excluded Components N/A the module does not support excluded components. 2.4 Modes of Operation Modes List and Description: Mode Name Description Type Status Indicator Approved mode of operation The Module supports an Approved mode of operation. In this mode all services are available. Approved FIPS_MODE_NORMAL (1) Degraded mode of operation The Module implements a Degraded Mode of operation: when a CAST fails, that CAST is marked as failed and the module will inhibit use of algorithms governed by that CAST Approved FIPS_MODE_DEGRADED (2) Table 7: Modes List and Description Mode Change Instructions and Status: Each time the module is power cycled or reloaded all CAST status are initialized to FIPS_CAST_STATE_INIT. Each algorithm invocation includes a check of the algorithms CAST status; if the CAST status is FIPS_CAST_STATE_INIT the module will automatically run the CAST and that algorithms CAST status Page 10 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). will be updated to either FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCESS (if it passes) or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE (if it fails). See degraded mode for when a CAST status fails. To check the modules overall status at any time the cryptographic officer may use the Show Status service by calling wolfCrypt_GetMode_fips() this will return either: FIPS_MODE_INIT (0) - Module is currently running its’ pre-operational self-test in another thread (multi- threaded) FIPS_MODE_NORMAL (1) - Module in normal mode of operation without errors FIPS_MODE_DEGRADED (2) - Module in degraded mode of operation with some errors FIPS_MODE_FAILED (3) - Module failed the integrity check and is not usable To check the CAST state of any algorithm the cryptographic officer may use the Show Status Service by calling wc_GetCastStatus_fips() where algorithm type can be any of the following: • FIPS_CAST_AES_CBC • FIPS_CAST_AES_GCM • FIPS_CAST_HMAC_SHA1 • FIPS_CAST_HMAC_SHA2_256 • FIPS_CAST_HMAC_SHA2_512 • FIPS_CAST_HMAC_SHA3_256 • FIPS_CAST_DRBG • FIPS_CAST_RSA_SIGN_PKCS1v15 • FIPS_CAST_ECC_CDH • FIPS_CAST_ECC_PRIMITIVE_Z • FIPS_CAST_DH_PRIMITIVE_Z • FIPS_CAST_ECDSA • FIPS_CAST_KDF_TLS12 • FIPS_CAST_KDF_TLS13 • FIPS_CAST_KDF_SSH The returned status indicator of wc_GetCastStatus_fips() may be checked against any of the following states: • FIPS_CAST_STATE_INIT (0) - CAST hasn't run yet • FIPS_CAST_STATE_PROCESSING (1) - CAST is running • FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCESS (2) - CAST has passed previously • FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE (3) - CAST has failed Degraded Mode Description: The Module implements a degraded mode of operation: when a CAST fails, the module enters an error state. The algorithm CAST status is set to FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILED and the module runs all CASTS prior to the first operational use of any algorithm, regardless of the CAST having passed previously. Before exiting the error state, the module status (reported in the Show Status service) is set to FIPS_MODE_DEGRADED. Upon exiting the error state, the module enters the degraded mode of operation. This sequence of events is in accordance with AS02.26. The algorithm that failed its’ CAST initially triggering the error state will no longer be available for use in degraded mode of operation and any algorithms that depend on that algorithm will also be unavailable for use. See Table 16: Conditional Page 11 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Self-Tests in section 10.2, column Conditions to see if a CAST failure will affect use of another algorithm. To recover from degraded mode of operation CO shall power cycle or reload the module (equivalent to a power cycle). 2.5 Algorithms Approved Algorithms: Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference AES-CBC A4308 Direction - Decrypt, Encrypt Key Length - 128, 192, 256 SP 800-38A AES-CCM A4308 Key Length - 128, 192, 256 SP 800-38C AES-CMAC A4308 Direction - Generation, Verification Key Length - 128, 192, 256 SP 800-38B AES-CTR A4308 Direction - Decrypt, Encrypt Key Length - 128, 192, 256 SP 800-38A AES-ECB A4308 Direction - Decrypt, Encrypt Key Length - 128, 192, 256 SP 800-38A AES-GCM A4308 Direction - Decrypt, Encrypt IV Generation - External, Internal IV Generation Mode - 8.2.1, 8.2.2 Key Length - 128, 192, 256 SP 800-38D AES-GMAC A4308 Direction - Decrypt, Encrypt IV Generation - External, Internal IV Generation Mode - 8.2.1, 8.2.2 Key Length - 128, 192, 256 SP 800-38D AES-OFB A4308 Direction - Decrypt, Encrypt Key Length - 128, 192, 256 SP 800-38A DSA KeyGen (FIPS186-4) A4308 L - 2048 N - 256 FIPS 186-4 ECDSA KeyGen (FIPS186-4) A4308 Curve - P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 Secret Generation Mode - Extra Bits FIPS 186-4 ECDSA KeyVer (FIPS186-4) A4308 Curve - P-192, P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 FIPS 186-4 ECDSA SigGen (FIPS186-4) A4308 Component - No Curve - P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 Hash Algorithm - SHA2-224, SHA2-256, SHA2-384, SHA2-512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3- 512 FIPS 186-4 ECDSA SigVer (FIPS186-4) A4308 Component - No Curve - P-192, P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 Hash Algorithm - SHA-1, SHA2-224, SHA2-256, SHA2-384, SHA2-512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3- 384, SHA3-512 FIPS 186-4 Hash DRBG A4308 Prediction Resistance - No Mode - SHA2-256 SP 800-90A Rev. 1 HMAC-SHA-1 A4308 Key Length - Key Length: 112-1024 Increment 8 FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-224 A4308 Key Length - Key Length: 112-1024 Increment 8 FIPS 198-1 Page 12 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference HMAC-SHA2-256 A4308 Key Length - Key Length: 112-1024 Increment 8 FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-384 A4308 Key Length - Key Length: 112-1024 Increment 8 FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-512 A4308 Key Length - Key Length: 112-1024 Increment 8 FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA3-224 A4308 Key Length - Key Length: 112-1024 Increment 8 FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA3-256 A4308 Key Length - Key Length: 112-1024 Increment 8 FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA3-384 A4308 Key Length - Key Length: 112-1024 Increment 8 FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA3-512 A4308 Key Length - Key Length: 112-1024 Increment 8 FIPS 198-1 KAS-ECC-SSC Sp800-56Ar3 A4308 Domain Parameter Generation Methods - P-256, P- 384, P-521 Scheme - ephemeralUnified - KAS Role - initiator, responder SP 800-56A Rev. 3 KAS-FFC-SSC Sp800-56Ar3 A4308 Domain Parameter Generation Methods - ffdhe2048 Scheme - dhEphem - KAS Role - initiator, responder SP 800-56A Rev. 3 KDF SSH (CVL) A4308 Cipher - AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 Hash Algorithm - SHA-1, SHA2-256, SHA2-384, SHA2-512 SP 800-135 Rev. 1 KDF TLS (CVL) A4308 TLS Version - v1.2 Hash Algorithm - SHA2-256, SHA2-384, SHA2-512 SP 800-135 Rev. 1 RSA KeyGen (FIPS186-4) A4308 Key Generation Mode - B.3.3 Modulo - 2048, 3072, 4096 Primality Tests - Table C.2 Private Key Format - Standard FIPS 186-4 RSA SigGen (FIPS186-4) A4308 Signature Type - PKCS 1.5, PKCSPSS Modulo - 2048, 3072, 4096 FIPS 186-4 RSA SigVer (FIPS186-4) A4308 Signature Type - PKCS 1.5, PKCSPSS Modulo - 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096 FIPS 186-4 SHA-1 A4308 Message Length - Message Length: 0-65536 Increment 8 FIPS 180-4 SHA2-224 A4308 Message Length - Message Length: 0-65536 Increment 8 FIPS 180-4 SHA2-256 A4308 Message Length - Message Length: 0-65536 Increment 8 FIPS 180-4 SHA2-384 A4308 Message Length - Message Length: 0-65536 Increment 8 FIPS 180-4 SHA2-512 A4308 Message Length - Message Length: 0-65536 Increment 8 FIPS 180-4 SHA3-224 A4308 Message Length - Message Length: 0-65536 Increment 8 FIPS 202 SHA3-256 A4308 Message Length - Message Length: 0-65536 Increment 8 FIPS 202 SHA3-384 A4308 Message Length - Message Length: 0-65536 Increment 8 FIPS 202 SHA3-512 A4308 Message Length - Message Length: 0-65536 Increment 8 FIPS 202 Page 13 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference TLS v1.2 KDF RFC7627 (CVL) A4308 Hash Algorithm - SHA2-256, SHA2-384, SHA2-512 SP 800-135 Rev. 1 TLS v1.3 KDF (CVL) A4308 HMAC Algorithm - SHA2-256, SHA2-384 KDF Running Modes - DHE, PSK, PSK-DHE SP 800-135 Rev. 1 Table 8: Approved Algorithms NOTE: Only the algorithms specified in this section are supported by the module in approved mode of operation. No operational use of an algorithm may be performed until the corresponding CAST has passed. Vendor-Affirmed Algorithms: Name Properties Implementation Reference CKG- 1 Asymmetric:RSA Asymmetric:ECDSA Linux 4.4 (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) with an Intel Core i5-5300U CPU @2.30GHz x 4 with PAA; Linux 4.4 (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) with an Intel Core i5-5300U CPU @2.30GHz x 4 without PAA SP800-133r2 5.1 "Key Pairs for Digital Signature Schemes" CKG- 2 Asymmetric:ECC Asymmetric:FFC Linux 4.4 (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) with an Intel Core i5-5300U CPU @2.30GHz x 4 with PAA; Linux 4.4 (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) with an Intel Core i5-5300U CPU @2.30GHz x 4 without PAA SP800-133r2 5.2 "Key Pairs for Key Establishment" CKG- 3 Symmetric:AES Symmetric:HMAC Linux 4.4 (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) with an Intel Core i5-5300U CPU @2.30GHz x 4 with PAA; Linux 4.4 (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) with an Intel Core i5-5300U CPU @2.30GHz x 4 without PAA SP800-133r2 6.2 "Derivation of Symmetric Keys" Table 9: Vendor-Affirmed Algorithms Non-Approved, Allowed Algorithms: N/A for this module. The Module does not implement non-approved algorithms. The services listed in this Security Policy include all cryptographic and non-cryptographic functionality. NOTE: For TLS 1.2 KDF Extended master-secret shall be used in approved mode of operation. Non-Approved, Allowed Algorithms with No Security Claimed: N/A for this module. Non-Approved, Not Allowed Algorithms: Page 14 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). N/A for this module. 2.6 Security Function Implementations Name Type Description Properties Algorithms DRBG DRBG Deterministic Random Byte Generator SHA2-256 A4308: Hash DRBG A4308: Message Authentication MAC Hash-Based Message Authentication Codes, Generation and Verification HMAC-SHA-1 A4308: HMAC-SHA2-224 A4308: HMAC-SHA2-256 A4308: HMAC-SHA2-384 A4308: HMAC-SHA2-512 A4308: HMAC-SHA3-224 A4308: HMAC-SHA3-256 A4308: HMAC-SHA3-384 A4308: HMAC-SHA3-512 A4308: Secure Hash SHA Secure Hash Function SHA-1 A4308: SHA2-224 A4308: SHA2-256 A4308: SHA2-384 A4308: SHA2-512 A4308: SHA3-224 A4308: SHA3-256 A4308: SHA3-384 A4308: SHA3-512 A4308: TLS 1.3 Key Agreement KAS-56CKDF KDF: Extract then Expand (56C) TLS v1.3 KDF A4308: HMAC-SHA2-256 A4308: HMAC-SHA2-384 Page 15 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name Type Description Properties Algorithms A4308: HMAC-SHA2-512 A4308: Primitive Key Agreement KAS-KeyGen DH: Key agreement primitives KAS-FFC-SSC Sp800- 56Ar3 A4308: KDF Derived Key Agreement KAS-135KDF KDF: Derive keying material from a shared secret (135); KDF SSH A4308: KDF TLS A4308: TLS v1.2 KDF RFC7627 A4308: SHA-1 A4308: SHA2-256 A4308: SHA2-384 A4308: SHA2-512 A4308: KAS SSC Derived Key Agreement KAS-SSC Derived keying material from a shared secret KAS-ECC-SSC Sp800- 56Ar3 A4308: KAS-FFC-SSC Sp800- 56Ar3 A4308: 133r2 5.1 Asymmetric Key Generation CKG SP800-133r2 5.1 "Key Pairs for Digital Signature Schemes" RSA KeyGen (FIPS186-4) A4308: ECDSA KeyGen (FIPS186-4) A4308: Hash DRBG A4308: CKG-1 133r2 5.2 Asymmetric Key Generation CKG SP800-133r2 5.2 "Key Pairs for Key Establishment" KAS-ECC-SSC Sp800- 56Ar3 A4308: KAS-FFC-SSC Sp800- 56Ar3 A4308: Hash DRBG A4308: CKG-2 Symmetric Key Generation CKG SP800-133r2 6.2 "Derivation of Symmetric Keys" AES-CBC A4308: AES-CCM A4308: Page 16 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name Type Description Properties Algorithms AES-CMAC A4308: AES-CTR A4308: AES-ECB A4308: AES-GCM A4308: AES-GMAC A4308: AES-OFB A4308: HMAC-SHA-1 A4308: HMAC-SHA2-224 A4308: HMAC-SHA2-256 A4308: HMAC-SHA2-384 A4308: HMAC-SHA2-512 A4308: HMAC-SHA3-224 A4308: HMAC-SHA3-256 A4308: HMAC-SHA3-384 A4308: HMAC-SHA3-512 A4308: Hash DRBG A4308: CKG-3 RSA Asymmetric Key-Pair Generation AsymKeyPair- KeyGen Generate an RSA Asymmetric Key Pair RSA KeyGen (FIPS186-4) A4308: Hash DRBG A4308: DSA Asymmetric Key-Pair Generation AsymKeyPair- KeyGen AsymKeyPair- PubKeyVal AsymKeyPair- DomPar Generate a DSA Asymmetric Key Pair, Validate a Public DSA Key and KAS-FFC- SSC Domain Parameter Generation (SP800-56Ar3) KAS-FFC-SSC Sp800- 56Ar3 A4308: DSA KeyGen (FIPS186-4) A4308: Hash DRBG A4308: Page 17 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name Type Description Properties Algorithms ECC Asymmetric Key-Pair Generation AsymKeyPair- KeyVer AsymKeyPair- KeyGen AsymKeyPair- DomPar Generate an ECC Asymmetric Key Pair, ECC KeyVer and KAS-ECC- SSC Domain Parameter Generation (SP800-56Ar3) KAS-ECC-SSC Sp800- 56Ar3 A4308: ECDSA KeyGen (FIPS186-4) A4308: Hash DRBG A4308: Digital Signature Generation DigSig- SigGen Digital Signature Generation RSA SigGen (FIPS186- 4) A4308: ECDSA SigGen (FIPS186-4) A4308: SHA2-224 A4308: SHA2-256 A4308: SHA2-384 A4308: SHA2-512 A4308: SHA3-224 A4308: SHA3-256 A4308: SHA3-384 A4308: SHA3-512 A4308: Hash DRBG A4308: Digital Signature Verification DigSig-SigVer Digital Signature Verification DigSig- SigVer:1024 (verification only) DigSig- SigVer:SHA-1 (verification only) DigSig- SigVer:P-192 (Signature and Key Verification only) RSA SigVer (FIPS186- 4) A4308: ECDSA SigVer (FIPS186-4) A4308: ECDSA KeyVer (FIPS186-4) A4308: SHA-1 A4308: SHA2-224 A4308: SHA2-256 A4308: SHA2-384 A4308: SHA2-512 Page 18 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name Type Description Properties Algorithms A4308: SHA3-224 A4308: SHA3-256 A4308: SHA3-384 A4308: SHA3-512 A4308: Auth Block Cipher BC-Auth Authenticated Block Ciphers AES-GMAC A4308: AES-GCM A4308: AES-CMAC A4308: AES-CCM A4308: UnAuth Block Cipher BC-UnAuth Unauthenticated Block Ciphers AES-CBC A4308: AES-ECB A4308: AES-OFB A4308: AES-CTR A4308: Table 10: Security Function Implementations 2.7 Algorithm Specific Information The conditions for using the Module in the Approved mode of operation are: 1. The Module is a cryptographic library and it is intended to be used with a calling application. The calling application is responsible for the usage of the primitives in the correct sequence including the IVs and sessions. 2. The keys used by the Module for cryptographic purposes are determined by the calling application. The calling application is required to provide keys in accordance with [140Drev2]. 3. With the Module installed and configured in accordance with [UG] instructions, only the algorithms listed in the table in Section 2.5 are available. The module is in the Approved mode if the following conditions for algorithm use are met. NOTE: All conditions and restrictions below are met when the executable binary is built in accordance with the UG instructions. Applications that would be at risk of violating any restriction in this section will fail to build and link successfully against the compliant module binary executable. a. Adherence to [140-3 IG] C.H Key/IV Pair Uniqueness Requirements from SP 800-38D. The Module supports both internal IV generation (for use with the [56Arev3] compliant KAS API entry points) and external IV generation (for TLS KAS usage). For internal IV generation, the Module complies with C.H 2, users MUST specify an IV length of GCM_NONCE_MID_SZ or greater for internal IV generation otherwise specifying any length less than 96-bits is rejected by the module. For internal IV generation, C.H requires the calling application to use the Page 19 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). modules internal approved DRBG to generate the random IV For external IV generation, the Module complies with C.H 1 (a), tested per option (ii) under C.H TLS protocol IV generation. The module performs a check for nonce_explicit rollover, returning an error if that condition is encountered. b. ECDSA and RSA signature generation must be used with a SHA-2 or SHA-3 hash function. c. RSA signature generation and encryption primitives must use RSA keys with k = 2048, 3072 or 4096 bits or greater. d. The calling process shall adhere to all current [131Arev2] algorithm usage restrictions. 4. Manual key entry is not supported. 5. Data output is inhibited during self-tests, zeroization, and error states. 6. RSA Decrypt Primitive (RSADP) with k=2048-bit is the only CAVP testable aspect of [56Brev2]. The module implements the RSA primitive operations only, there are no claims of key transport. The module implements ‘RSA Encrypt Primitive’ (RSAEP) and RSADP. The vendor affirms conformance to [56Brev2] for RSAEP and RSADP with other key sizes since no CAVP test is available for key sizes other than 2048-bit. 2.8 RBG and Entropy N/A for this module. N/A for this module. 2.9 Key Generation 2.10 Key Establishment 2.11 Industry Protocols The Module conforms to [140-3 IG] D.C References to the Support of Industry Protocols: while the module provides [56A] conformant schemes and API entry points oriented to TLS and SSH usage, the Module does not contain the full implementation of TLS or SSH. The following statements are required per IG D.C case #2: No parts of the TLS protocol other than the approved cryptographic algorithms and the KDFs, have been tested by the CAVP and CMVP. No parts of the SSH protocol other than the approved cryptographic algorithms and the KDFs, have been tested by the CAVP and CMVP. 2.12 Additional Information The Module design corresponds to the Module security rules. Security rules enforced by the Module are described in the appropriate context of this document. Page 20 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 3 Cryptographic Module Interfaces 3.1 Ports and Interfaces Physical Port Logical Interface(s) Data That Passes N/A: Internal (call stack) Control Input API entry point: stack frame including non-sensitive parameters N/A: Internal (call stack) Control Output API call parameters passed by reference for structures allocated by wolfCrypt N/A: Internal (call stack) Data Input API call parameters passed by reference or value for cryptographic service input N/A: Internal (call stack) Data Output API call parameters passed by reference for cryptographic service output N/A: Internal (call stack) Status Output API return value: enumerated status resulting from call execution Table 11: Ports and Interfaces Table 7 defines the Module’s [140-3] logical interfaces; the Module does not interact with physical ports. 4 Roles, Services, and Authentication 4.1 Authentication Methods N/A for this module. 4.2 Roles Name Type Operator Type Authentication Methods CO Role CO Table 12: Roles The Module supports the Cryptographic Officer (CO) operator role, and does not support multiple concurrent operators, a maintenance role or bypass capability. The cryptographic module does not provide an authentication or identification method of its own. The CO role is implicitly identified by the service requested. 4.3 Approved Services Name Description Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Functions SSP Access Digital Signature Generate or verify digital signatures. Successfu l completio Sign: Key Struct (DS_SGK); Sign: Status return; Signature Digital Signature Generation CO - DS_SGK: W,E,Z Page 21 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name Description Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Functions SSP Access n of the service (status code >= 0) message; Verify: signature value; flags; sizes. value. Verify: Status return; Digital Signature Verification - DS_SVK: W,E,Z Generate Key Pair Generate asymmetric key pairs. Successfu l completio n of the service (status code >= 0) FFC, ECC: curve identifier; RSA: modulous size; Status return; Key structure (GKP_Private ) ECC Asymmetric Key-Pair Generation DSA Asymmetric Key-Pair Generation RSA Asymmetric Key-Pair Generation 133r2 5.2 Asymmetric Key Generation 133r2 5.1 Asymmetric Key Generation CO - GKP_Private : G,R,Z - GKP_Public: G,R,Z Key Agreemen t DH key agreement primitives. Successfu l completio n of the service (status code >= 0) Key structures (KAS_Privat e and KAS_Public) ; flags; Status return; KAS_SSC; Primitive Key Agreement CO - KAS_Private : W,E,Z - KAS_Public: W,E,Z - KAS_SSC: G,R,Z Key Derivation Derive keying material from a shared secret Successfu l completio n of the service (status code >= 0) KAS_SSC; flags; Status return; KD_DKM; TLS 1.3 Key Agreement KDF Derived Key Agreement KAS SSC Derived Key Agreement CO - KAS_SSC: R,E,Z Keyed Hash Generate or verify message integrity Successfu l completio n of the service (status KH_Key Status return; Tag value; Message Authenticatio n Auth Block Cipher CO - KH_Key: W,E Page 22 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name Description Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Functions SSP Access code >= 0) Message Digest Generate a message digest Successfu l completio n of the service (status code >= 0) Message; flags; Status return; Hash value; Secure Hash CO Random Generate random bits using the DRBG Successfu l completio n of the service (status code >= 0) DRBG structure (Internal State containing secret(s) C and V); Seed Status return; Random Value; DRBG CO - Seed: W,E,Z - Internal State: G,E - Secret C: G,E - Secret V: G,E - Entropy Input String: W,E,Z Self-test Perform the designated self-test. Successfu l completio n of the service (status code >= 0) Flags Status return Message Authenticatio n CO - MOD_INT: G,Z - coreKey: E Show Status Provide Module status Successfu l completio n of the service (status code >= 0) None Status return CO Symmetri c cipher Encrypt or Decrypt data, including AEAD modes (CCM, GCM) Successfu l completio n of the service (status code >= 0) SC_EDK; flags; Status return. Plaintext or ciphertext data; Auth Block Cipher UnAuth Block Cipher Symmetric Key Generation CO - SC_EDK: E,W Zeroise FreeRng_fip s destroys Successfu l DRBG struct (RBG State) Status return CO - DS_SGK: Page 23 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name Description Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Functions SSP Access RNG CSPs. All functions zeroise CSPs using function ForceZero (overwriting with zeros) within the function scope after use. Caller stack cleanup is the duty of the application. Restarting the general- purpose computer clears all CSPs in RAM. completio n of the service (status code >= 0) or other structures containing SSPs Z - GKP_Private : Z - KAS_Private : Z - KAS_SSC: Z - KD_DKM: Z - KH_Key: Z - Seed: Z - Internal State: Z - Secret C: Z - Secret V: Z - SC_EDK: Z - Entropy Input String: Z Show Version Provide Module Version Successfu l completio n of the service (status code >= 0) None Plaintext containing the module version CO Table 13: Approved Services All services implemented by the Module are listed in Table 16. The calling application may use the Show status service (wolfCrypt_GetStatus_fips call) to determine the status of the Module. A return code of FIPS_MODE_NORMAL means the Module is in a state without errors; Please see Section 2.4 for more information. In addition, as per [140-3 IG] 2.4.C the module supports an implicit indicator via the successful completion of a service, module does not support non-approved services. See the wolfCrypt FIPS 140-3 User Guide [UG] for additional information on the cryptographic services listed in this section. Note that the caller provides the KAS_Private and KAS_Public keys for shared secret computation; the caller’s exchange and assurance of PSPs with the remote participant is outside the scope of the Module. Page 24 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). For services Generate Key Pair, Key Agreement and Key Derivation consistent with [140-3 IG] 9.5.A, available only if the private_key_read_enable property is set to TRUE 4.4 Non-Approved Services N/A for this module. 5 Software/Firmware Security 5.1 Integrity Techniques The Module uses HMAC-SHA2-256 with a 256-bit key (HMAC Cert. #A4308) as the approved integrity technique. Before the integrity technique is executed the module performs an HMAC-SHA2-256 KAT. 5.2 Initiate on Demand The operator can initiate the integrity test on demand by reloading the Module or by calling the API wolfCrypt_IntegrityTest_fips() at any time after power on. (See Section 10.5 “Operator Initiation of Self- Tests” later in this document for details of proper use of this API in an application). 5.3 Open-Source Parameters While the module is not “open source” since it is only shipped under a commercial license, open source practice of source code delivery with a commercial license is standard for the module. As such the module (while not required to do so) will abide by ISO/IEC 19790:2012 B.2.5. Please see details in the wolfCrypt FIPS 140-3 User Guide [UG] for the [OE] listed on the FIPS certificate. Details will include information about compiler, compiler configuration settings and methods to compile the source code into an executable form in a FIPS validated manner. See also section 11.1 Installation, Initialization, and Startup Procedures later in this document. 6 Operational Environment 6.1 Operational Environment Type and Requirements Type of Operational Environment: Modifiable 6.2 Configuration Settings and Restrictions Any setting that affects the module directly while compiling the executable binary shall not be used. If unsure contact wolfSSL Inc. by sending email to “support at wolfssl dot com”. A wolfSSL engineer will review the setting for impact on the FIPS validated sources and determine if the setting is allowed or disallowed for an approved mode of operation. NOTE: The User Guide [UG] will contain an exact list of allowed settings. CO should refer to the [UG] first before contacting wolfSSL support. 6.3 Additional Information Page 25 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). The operational environment for the Module is modifiable. Table 6 lists the operational environments on which the Module was tested. Specification of the security rules, settings or restrictions to the configuration of the operational environment are covered in the [UG]. The configure script provided with the package detects the environment and sets the required flags. There are no specific restrictions to the configuration of the operational environment unless stated in the [UG]. 7 Physical Security 7.1 Mechanisms and Actions Required N/A for this module. 7.5 EFP/EFT Information N/A for this module. 7.6 Hardness Testing Temperature Ranges N/A for this module. 8 Non-Invasive Security The Module does not implement non-invasive security mechanisms. 9 Sensitive Security Parameters Management 9.1 Storage Areas Storage Area Name Description Persistence Type S1 RAM (Memory) Dynamic Table 14: Storage Areas 9.2 SSP Input-Output Methods Name From To Format Type Distribution Type Entry Type SFI or Algorithm IE1 EXT: Call stack (API) input parameters INT Plaintext Automated Electronic IE2 INT: Call stack (API) output parameters EXT Plaintext Automated Electronic Page 26 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name From To Format Type Distribution Type Entry Type SFI or Algorithm IE3 EXT: Loaded from external entropy source INT Plaintext Automated Electronic Table 15: SSP Input-Output Methods 9.3 SSP Zeroization Methods Zeroization Method Description Rationale Operator Initiation Z1 cleared immediately after use Module does not store SSPs persistently Zeroise Z2 Per ISO/IEC 19790:2012 section 7.9.7, parameters used solely for self-test purposes in 7.10 need not meet zeroisation requirements FIPS 140-3 IG 9.7.B Table 16: SSP Zeroization Methods The module supports an implicit Zeroisation indicator. The implicit indicator is a successful completion of the service call. 9.4 SSPs Name Description Size - Strength Type - Category Generated By Established By Used By DS_SGK Digital Signature: Signature Generation using Private Key RSA: 2048, 3072, 4096; ECDSA: 224, 256, 384, 521; - RSA: 112, 128; ECDSA: 112, 128, 192, 256; Private - CSP RSA SigGen (FIPS186 -4) ECDSA SigGen (FIPS186 -4) DS_SVK Digital Signature Verification using Public Key RSA: 1024*, 2048, 3072, 4096; ECDSA: 192*, 224, 256, 384, 521; - RSA: 80*, 112, Public - PSP RSA SigVer (FIPS186 -4) ECDSA SigVer (FIPS186 -4) Page 27 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name Description Size - Strength Type - Category Generated By Established By Used By 128; ECDSA: 80*, 112, 128, 192, 256; GKP_Priva te Generated Key Pair (Private) RSA: 2048, 3072, 4096; ECDSA: 224, 256, 384, 521; - RSA: 112, 128; ECDSA: 112, 128, 192, 256; Private - CSP RSA Asymmetric Key-Pair Generation ECC Asymmetric Key-Pair Generation RSA KeyGen (FIPS186 -4) ECDSA KeyGen (FIPS186 -4) GKP_Publi c Generated Key Pair (Public) RSA: 2048, 3072, 4096; ECDSA: 224, 256, 384, 521; - RSA: 112, 128; ECDSA: 112, 128, 192, 256; Public - PSP RSA Asymmetric Key-Pair Generation ECC Asymmetric Key-Pair Generation RSA KeyGen (FIPS186 -4) ECDSA KeyGen (FIPS186 -4) KAS_Privat e Key pair component provided by the local participant, used for Diffie- Hellman shared secret generation. FFC: 2048; ECC: 224, 256, 384, 521; - FFC: 112; ECC: 112, 128, 192, 256; Private - CSP ECC Asymmetric Key-Pair Generation DSA Asymmetric Key-Pair Generation Primitive Key Agreement KAS- FFC-SSC Sp800- 56Ar3 KAS- ECC-SSC Sp800- 56Ar3 KAS_Publi c Key pair component provided by the local participant, used for Diffie- Hellman shared secret generation. FFC: 2048; ECC: 224, 256, 384, 521; - FFC: 112; ECC: Public - PSP ECC Asymmetric Key-Pair Generation DSA Asymmetric Key-Pair Generation KAS- ECC-SSC Sp800- 56Ar3 KAS- FFC-SSC Sp800- 56Ar3 Page 28 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name Description Size - Strength Type - Category Generated By Established By Used By 112, 128, 192, 256; Primitive Key Agreement KAS_SSC Shared secret calculation; z output value is expected to be used by a KDF FFC: 2048; ECC: 224, 256, 384, 521; - FFC: 112; ECC: 112, 128, 192, 256; Shared Secret - CSP ECC Asymmetric Key-Pair Generation DSA Asymmetric Key-Pair Generation KAS SSC Derived Key Agreement KAS- FFC-SSC Sp800- 56Ar3 KAS- ECC-SSC Sp800- 56Ar3 KDF TLS KDF SSH KD_DKM Key Derivation derived keying material TLS KDF v1.2 RFC 7627: 1024; TLS KDF v1.3: 256, 384; KDF SSH: 256, 384, 512 - 256-bit Derived Key Material - CSP TLS 1.3 Key Agreement KDF Derived Key Agreement TLS v1.2 KDF RFC7627 TLS v1.3 KDF KDF SSH KH_Key Keyed Hash key CMAC: 128, 192, 256; GMAC: 128, 192, 256; HMAC: 160, 256, 512; - CMAC: 128, 192, 256; GMAC: 128, 192, 256; HMAC: 128, 256; Symmetric Key - CSP AES- CMAC AES- GMAC HMAC- SHA3- 512 HMAC- SHA3- 384 HMAC- SHA3- 256 HMAC- SHA3- 224 HMAC- SHA2- 512 HMAC- SHA2- 384 HMAC- Page 29 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name Description Size - Strength Type - Category Generated By Established By Used By SHA2- 256 HMAC- SHA2- 224 HMAC- SHA-1 Entropy Input String Entropy input bit string loaded from the external entropy source 256-bit - 256-bit Entropy - CSP Hash DRBG Seed DRBG Seed_material consisting of entropy input string (256-bit) concatenated with the nonce (128-bit) 384-bit - 256-bit Entropy - CSP DRBG Hash DRBG Secret C Hash DRBG Internal State Secret C 440-bits - 256-bit Entropy - CSP DRBG Hash DRBG Secret V Hash DRBG Internal State Secret V 440-bits - 256-bit Entropy - CSP DRBG Hash DRBG Internal State Hash DRBG Internal State (SHA-256) with secret values V and C. V is 440-bits, C is 440-bits. 880-bit - 256-bit Entropy - CSP DRBG Hash DRBG SC_EDK AES key used for symmetric encryption (including AES authenticated encryption). Modes: CBC, CCM, CTR, ECB, GCM, OFB 128, 192 or 256 bits - 128, 192 or 256 bits Symmetric Key - CSP AES-CBC AES- CCM AES-CTR AES-ECB AES- GCM AES-OFB MOD_INT Module Integrity Value Computed at Run Time 32-bytes - 256-bit Message Authenticatio n - CSP Message Authenticatio n HMAC- SHA2- 256 Page 30 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name Description Size - Strength Type - Category Generated By Established By Used By coreKey HMAC key for in-core integrity check self-test 32-bytes - 256-bit Message Authenticatio n - CSP HMAC- SHA2- 256 Table 17: SSP Table 1 Name Input - Output Storage Storage Duration Zeroization Related SSPs DS_SGK IE1 S1:Plaintext While in use Z1 DS_SVK IE1 S1:Plaintext While in use Z1 GKP_Private IE2 S1:Plaintext While in use Z1 GKP_Public:Paired With GKP_Public IE2 S1:Plaintext While in use Z1 GKP_Private:Paired With KAS_Private IE1 S1:Plaintext While in use Z1 KAS_Public IE2 S1:Plaintext While in use Z1 KAS_SSC S1:Plaintext While in use Z1 KAS_Public:Derived From KAS_Private:Derived From KD_DKM S1:Plaintext While in use Z1 KH_Key IE1 S1:Plaintext While in use Z1 Entropy Input String IE3 S1:Plaintext While in use Z1 Seed S1:Plaintext While in use Z1 Secret C S1:Plaintext While in use Z1 Seed:Derived From Secret V S1:Plaintext While in use Z1 Seed:Derived From Internal State S1:Plaintext While in use Z1 SC_EDK IE1 S1:Plaintext While in use Z1 MOD_INT S1:Plaintext While in use Z1 coreKey S1:Plaintext While in use Z2 Table 18: SSP Table 2 Page 31 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). * Per SP800-131Ar2 Section 3, Table 2, key sizes (1024-bit for RSA and 192-bit for ECC) are available for legacy use verification requirements when inter-oping with legacy systems. These key sizes shall not be used for signing operations. 10 Self-Tests 10.1 Pre-Operational Self-Tests Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details HMAC- SHA2-256 hash type: SHA256, key length: 32-bytes. Please note this is the module integrity test KAT SW/FW Integrity FIPS_MODE_NORMAL or FIPS_MODE_FAILED MAC Table 19: Pre-Operational Self-Tests Each time the Module is powered on or loaded (equivalent to a power on) the integrity of the module is tested per ISO/IEC 19790:2012 Section The very first step of the pre-operational self-test (POST) is to force every Conditional Algorithm Self-Test to be in the FIPS_CAST_STATE_INIT mode meaning the CAST for a given algorithm has not run since power on and the CAST must run and pass prior to operational use of the algorithm. The integrity test uses HMAC-SHA2-256 to ensure the modules integrity therefore per AS 10.20 HMAC CAST is triggered prior to the integrity check. The HMAC CAST uses a known answer test per ISO/IEC 19790-2012 Section The POST executes outside user control as the module is powering on or being loaded. 10.2 Conditional Self-Tests Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details Conditions AES-CBC key length: 32- bytes KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE Encrypt Before first use of algorithm(s) AES-ECB, AES-CBC, AES-CTR, AES-OFB, AES-GCM, AES- GMAC, AES-CCM or AES- CMAC AES-CBC key length: 32- bytes KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE Decrypt Before first use of algorithm(s) AES-ECB, AES-CBC, AES-CTR, AES-OFB, Page 32 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details Conditions AES-GCM, AES- GMAC, AES-CCM or AES- CMAC AES-GCM key length: 32- bytes KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE Decrypt Before first use of algorithm(s) AES-GCM or AES- GMAC AES-GCM key length: 32- bytes KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE Encrypt Before first use of algorithm(s) AES-GCM or AES- GMAC HMAC- SHA1 hash type: SHA1; key length: 20- bytes KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE MAC Before first use of algorithm(s) SHA1 or HMAC- SHA1 HMAC- SHA2-256 hash type: SHA256; key length: 20- bytes KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE MAC Before first use of algorithm(s) SHA224, SHA256, HMAC- SHA224 or HMAC- SHA256 HMAC- SHA2-512 hash type: SHA2-512, key length: 20- bytes KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE MAC Before first use of algorithm(s) SHA384, SHA512, HMAC- SHA384 or HMAC- SHA512 HMAC- SHA3-256 hash type: SHA3-256, key length: 64- bytes KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE MAC Before first use of algorithm(s) SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384 or SHA3- 512, HMAC- SHA3-224, HMAC- SHA3-256, Page 33 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details Conditions HMAC- SHA3-384 or HMAC- SHA3-512 RSA- PKCSv1.5 hash type: SHA256; key length: 2048- bits KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE Sign Before first use of algorithm(s) RSA (PKCSv1.5) or RSA (PSS) RSA- PKCSv1.5 hash type: SHA256, key length: 2048- bits KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE Verify Before first use of algorithm(s) RSA (PKCSv1.5) or RSA (PSS) ECC Diffie- Hellman hashType: SHA2-256; curve: P-256 KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE Computati on Shared Secret Z Before first use of algorithm(s) ECC for shared secret generation FFC Diffie- Hellman hashType: SHA2-256; keySize: 2048-bit; KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE Computati on Shared Secret Z Before first use of algorithm(s) FFC for shared secret generation ECDSA curve: P256; hashType: SHA2-256 KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE Sign Before first use of algorithm(s) ECDSA ECDSA curve: P256; hashType: SHA2-256 KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE Verify Before first use of algorithm(s) ECDSA TLSv1.2 KDF HMAC-SHA2- 256 KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE Derive Keying Material Before first use of TLSv1.2 KDF TLSv1.3 KDF HMAC-SHA2- 256 KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE Derive Keying Material Before first use of TLSv1.3 KDF KDF SSH hashType: SHA2-256 KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE Derive Keying Material Before first use of KDF SSH Page 34 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details Conditions RSA-PCT key size: 2048,3072,40 96 PCT PCT Service is successful or an error code RSA_KEY_PAIR_E Sign/Verify Invoked automaticall y during generate key pair service ECC-PCT curve size: 224, 256, 384, 521 PCT PCT Service is successful or an error code ECC_PCT_E Sign/Verify Invoked automaticall y during generate key pair service DH-PCT key size: 2048, 3072, 4096 PCT PCT Service is successful or an error code MP_CMP_E Modulus Exponenti ation Invoked automaticall y during generate key pair service DRBG DRBG mode: SHA2-256 KAT CAST FIPS_CAST_STATE_SUCCES S or FIPS_CAST_STATE_FAILURE Health- Test with sub- elements: Instantiate, Generate, Reseed Before first use of algorithm(s) DBRG or Immediately upon registering an external entropy source with the module Table 20: Conditional Self-Tests Once the module is powered on and has passed the POST, calls to any cryptographic algorithm will trigger the CAST on first operational use of the algorithm. The POST and CASTS are available on demand after power on and can be executed by the cryptographic officer (CO) at any time. The CO may optionally invoke any CAST ahead of algorithm use at a more convenient time rather than letting it run automatically on first use. Regardless of the CAST running manually or automatically, once it has passed the CO may manually re-run any CAST at any time in a periodic fashion, a CAST will no longer run automatically after it has passed the first time. 10.3 Periodic Self-Test Information Algorithm or Test Test Method Test Type Period Periodic Method HMAC-SHA2-256 KAT SW/FW Integrity P2 Automatic or Manually Table 21: Pre-Operational Periodic Information Page 35 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Algorithm or Test Test Method Test Type Period Periodic Method AES-CBC KAT CAST P1 Manually AES-CBC KAT CAST P1 Manually AES-GCM KAT CAST P1 Manually AES-GCM KAT CAST P1 Manually HMAC-SHA1 KAT CAST P1 Manually HMAC-SHA2-256 KAT CAST P2 Automatic or Manually HMAC-SHA2-512 KAT CAST P1 Manually HMAC-SHA3-256 KAT CAST P1 Manually RSA-PKCSv1.5 KAT CAST P1 Manually RSA-PKCSv1.5 KAT CAST P1 Manually ECC Diffie- Hellman KAT CAST P1 Manually FFC Diffie- Hellman KAT CAST P1 Manually ECDSA KAT CAST P1 Manually ECDSA KAT CAST P1 Manually TLSv1.2 KDF KAT CAST P1 Manually TLSv1.3 KDF KAT CAST P1 Manually KDF SSH KAT CAST P1 Manually RSA-PCT PCT PCT P3 Automatic ECC-PCT PCT PCT P3 Automatic DH-PCT PCT PCT P3 Automatic DRBG KAT CAST P4 Automatic or Manually Table 22: Conditional Periodic Information Name Description P1 Periodic method 1: Automatically by the module when algorithm is first invoked. CO may opt to invoke prior to first algorithm use to avoid delay at time of first operational use of an algorithm or at a later time manually. P2 Periodic method 2: Automatically by the module during power on. CO may opt to invoke manually thereafter. P3 Periodic method 3: Automatically during key generation service P4 Automatically by the module upon first operational use of the DRBG algorithm. When an external entropy source is registered with the module by application level entropy callback function it is considered the first operational use of the DRBG. Does a periodic reseed every 1 million invocations, during the reseed the DRBG health test will be automatically executed. Table 23: Periodic Method Descriptions Page 36 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 10.4 Error States Name Description Conditions Recovery Method Indicator FIPS_MODE_FAILED Module has failed its software integrity check HMAC- SHA2-256 CAST Failure Module Integrity Check Failure Power Cycle fipsModeId set to FIPS_MODE_FAILED (3) FIPS_CAST_STATE_F AILURE One or more algorithm(s) are no longer usable and the module mode is set to FIPS_MODE_DEGR ADED (2) AES-CBC AES-GCM HMAC-SHA1 HMAC- SHA2-256 HMAC- SHA2-512 HMAC- SHA3-256 RSA- PKCSv1.5 DRBG ECC Diffie- Hellman FFC Diffie- Hellman ECDSA TLSv1.2 KDF TLSv1.3 KDF KDF SSH Power Cycle One or more algorithms CAST status values set to FIPS_CAST_STATE_F AILURE (3) FIPS_MODE_DEGRA DED One or more of the CASTS have failed anytime following a successful power on and integrity check. Upon entering this mode the module will automatically run all CASTS prior to the operational use of any cryptographic algorithm. Any CAST Failure Power Cycle fipsModeId set to FIPS_MODE_DEGRA DED (2) RSA_KEY_PAIR_E RSA Pairwise Consistency Test Failure RSA-PCT Manual self-test service call or RSA_KEY_PAIR_E (- 262) Page 37 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name Description Conditions Recovery Method Indicator power cycle ECC_PCT_E ECC Pairwise Consistency Test Failure ECC-PCT Manual self-test service call or power cycle ECC_PCT_E (-286) MP_CMP_E DH Pairwise Consistency Test Failure DH-PCT Manual self-test service call or power cycle MP_CMP_E (-120) Table 24: Error States 10.5 Operator Initiation of Self-Tests For calling applications the following is required: 1. Include the library configuration header wolfssl/options.h (or user_settings.h via wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h) first. 2. After including the library configuration header, include wolfssl/wolfcrypt/fips_test.h then use the API specified below to execute a given self-test. CO may initiate all CAST self-tests in one-shot. The API wc_RunAllCast_fips() is provided as a public API to applications using the module that have included the headers above in proper order. CO may initiate CAST self-tests individually using the API wc_RunCast_fips(algorithm type) with any of the below “algorithm type” inputs: • FIPS_CAST_AES_CBC • FIPS_CAST_AES_GCM • FIPS_CAST_HMAC_SHA1 • FIPS_CAST_HMAC_SHA2_256 • FIPS_CAST_HMAC_SHA2_512 • FIPS_CAST_HMAC_SHA3_256 • FIPS_CAST_DRBG • FIPS_CAST_RSA_SIGN_PKCS1v15 • FIPS_CAST_ECC_CDH • FIPS_CAST_ECC_PRIMITIVE_Z • FIPS_CAST_DH_PRIMITIVE_Z • FIPS_CAST_ECDSA • FIPS_CAST_KDF_TLS12 • FIPS_CAST_KDF_TLS13 • FIPS_CAST_KDF_SSH Page 38 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). CO may re-run the POST at any time after power on using the public API wolfCrypt_IntegrityTest_fips(). This function always returns a value of zero regardless if the integrity check passed or failed so the CO shall then check the status of the module using the API wolfCrypt_GetStatus_fips(). The return value of the GetStatus API shall then be checked against the status indicators below: • FIPS_MODE_INIT status indicator value is 0. This indicator means then integrity test has not completed and is likely running in another thread (multi-threaded) • FIPS_MODE_NORMAL status indicator value is 1. This indicator means the integrity test passed and the module is in a state without errors • FIPS_MODE_FAILED status indicator value is 3. This indicator means the integrity test failed and the module is unusable. The CO shall power cycle or reloaded (equivalent to power cycle) to restore the module. 11 Life-Cycle Assurance 11.1 Installation, Initialization, and Startup Procedures The CO shall use the provided wolfCrypt FIPS 140-3 User Guide hereafter referred to as [UG]. A common name for this document is also the Cryptographic Officer Guidance Manual [COGM]. [UG] and [COGM] are one and the same for this module and include all administrative guidance. The [UG] will have a section specific to each Operational Environment [OE] that appears on the modules FIPS certificate and/or in Table 6: Tested Operational Environments - Software, Firmware, Hybrid. The instructions provided in the [UG] shall be followed or the module will never have been properly initialized and built and therefore non-compliant. To create the compliant module, as per this Security Policy, the configuration steps shall be followed. • [UG] will include library configuration settings that are: required, allowed and not allowed. o For any setting that is not specifically covered the CO shall contact wolfSSL by emailing “support at wolfssl dot com” for clarification about that settings impact on compiling the compliant module. • [UG] will include details about the toolchain, compiler, compiler configuration settings and methods to compile the source code into an executable form. o While the module is not “open source” since it is only shipped under a commercial license, open source practice of source code delivery with a commercial license is standard for the module. As such the module (while not required to) will abide by ISO/IEC 19790:2012 B.2.5 “If the module is open source, specify the compilers and control parameters required to compile the code into an executable format” even though the module is not claiming “open source”. The following initialization instructions apply to all use-cases for the module generically by a consuming application. [OE] specific details will be covered in the [UG]. • When planning on using the module the CO shall first include the library settings headers so the application knows how the library was configured. o On Unix or Linux like systems where auto-tools were used to configure the library (./configure && make) the CO shall include wolfssl/options.h as the very first header. Page 39 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). o When working with IDEs or Makefile setups the CO shall include wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h as the very first header and ensure that the define WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS is set globally at the project level. No other wolfSSL specific build options should be set globally, all configurations will be managed by a custom user_settings.h header that is included anytime WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS is defined globally.  Once the library configuration settings have been included only then shall the CO include other wolfSSL headers as needed, any other headers shall always come after the configuration settings header. • Upon entry into main() of an application the vendor recommends that the CO first register a fips callback. The fips callback will trigger anytime the module is in an unusable state. A sample of such a callback is provided below. static void myFipsCb(int ok, int err, const char* hash) { printf("in my Fips callback, ok = %d, err = %d\n", ok, err); printf("message = %s\n", wc_GetErrorString(err)); printf("hash = %s\n", hash); if (err == IN_CORE_FIPS_E) { printf("In core integrity hash check failure," "copy above hash\n"); printf("into verifyCore[] in fips_test.c and rebuild\n"); } } Figure 2: Code Sample A o If using a FIPS callback the CO will register the FIPS callback by passing the function pointer of the FIPS callback function to the following API like so: wolfCrypt_SetCb_fips(myFipsCb); • Prior to operational use of the module the CO shall register an entropy callback to load entropy into the module from an external entropy source. A portable callback is available but must be registered by the application on startup since the entropy source is external to the module. To register the portable callback provided with the module the application will call “ret = wc_SetSeed_Cb(wc_GenerateSeed);” where “ret” is an integer to capture the status return of the call and should be checked against the value 0 for success or < 0 for failure. A successful register of any entropy callback function is considered the first operational use of the module outside of pre-operational tests and the DBRG CAST will run during registration of the callback. • When working with a private key the application must programmatically unlock access to private key material with the API: wolfCrypt_SetPrivateKeyReadEnable_fips(true/false, key-type). o To unlock key access pass true (1) as the first input. CO shall pass WC_KEYTYPE_ALL as the second input parameter. o Once done working with the private key CO shall lock access to private key materials before resuming operations by calling the same API with input false (0) as the first parameter and WC_KEYTYPE_ALL as the second input parameter. 11.2 Administrator Guidance The CO shall use the provided wolfCrypt FIPS 140-3 User Guide [UG]. Page 40 of 40 Copyright © wolfSSL Inc., 2024 wolfSSL Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 11.3 Non-Administrator Guidance The Module supports the Cryptographic Officer (CO) operator role and does not support non- administrators or non-administrative roles. 11.7 Additional Information Please defer to wolfCrypt FIPS 140-3 User Guide [UG]. 12 Mitigation of Other Attacks The module does not claim mitigation of other attacks.