Page 1 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice Non-Proprietary Security Policy for the FIPS 140-2 Level 2 Validated Fortress Mesh Points March 5, 2021 Version 1.10 This security policy of General Dynamics Mission Systems, for the FIPS 140-2 validated Fortress Mesh Points (FMP), defines general rules, regulations, and practices under which the FMP was designed and developed and for its correct operation. These rules and regulations have been and must be followed in all phases of security projects, including the design, development, manufacture service, delivery and distribution, and operation of products. Hardware: ES2440: High Capacity Mesh Point ES520 (V1 & V2): Deployable Mesh Point ES820: Vehicle Mesh Point Firmware: 5.4.6 Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 2 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. REVISION HISTORY Rev Date Description 1.0 May, 2016 Initial Draft 1.1 May, 2016 Various updates and edits 1.2 May, 2016 Various updates and edits 1.3 May, 2016 Formatting changes 1.4 May, 2016 Minor updates and edits 1.5 Sept, 2016 Several updates in response to lab review. 1.6 Feb, 2017 Updates to: Section 3.0 Identification and Authentication Policy Section 4.0 Cryptographic Keys and CSP. Section 6.0 Physical Security Policy Section 7.0 FIPS Mode. Various TLS and RSA updates. 1.7 April, 2017 Minor updates 1.8 June 15, 2020 Updates for 5.4.6 1.9 Jan 20, 2021 Additional updates for 5.4.6 1.10 March 5, 2021 Additional updates for 5.4.6 Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 3 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................5 2.0 IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION POLICY ............................................6 2.1 ROLE-BASED AUTHENTICATION........................................................................................6 2.2 SERVICES ...........................................................................................................................6 2.3 AUTHENTICATION AND AUTHENTICATION DATA .............................................................7 2.3.1 Authentication Methods..............................................................................................7 2.3.2 Authentication Server Methods ..................................................................................8 2.3.3 Authentication Strength..............................................................................................9 2.3.4 Administrative Accounts...........................................................................................10 3.0 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEYS AND CSP...........................................................................11 3.1 FOR MSP .........................................................................................................................11 3.2 FOR RSN..........................................................................................................................12 3.3 FOR IPSEC........................................................................................................................13 3.4 FOR SSH AND TLS ..........................................................................................................14 3.5 ADDITIONAL CRITICAL SECURITY PARAMETERS............................................................15 3.6 KNOWN ANSWER AND CONDITIONAL TESTS ..................................................................17 3.6.1 Known Answer Tests ................................................................................................17 3.6.2 Conditional Tests......................................................................................................19 3.7 ALGORITHM CERTIFICATIONS .........................................................................................20 3.8 NON-APPROVED ALGORITHMS ........................................................................................23 4.0 ACCESS CONTROL POLICY .......................................................................................24 4.1 ROLES AND ACCESS TO SERVICE......................................................................................24 4.2 ROLES AND ACCESS TO KEYS OR CSPS ...........................................................................25 4.3 ZEROIZATION...................................................................................................................26 4.4 UPGRADES .......................................................................................................................26 4.4.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................26 4.4.2 Selecting Software Image.........................................................................................26 5.0 PHYSICAL SECURITY POLICY..................................................................................27 5.1 HARDWARE......................................................................................................................27 5.2 PHYSICAL BOUNDARY.....................................................................................................27 5.3 TAMPER EVIDENCE APPLICATION ...................................................................................28 5.4 TAMPER EVIDENCE INSPECTIONS....................................................................................28 6.0 SECURITY POLICY FOR MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS POLICY.........34 7.0 FIPS MODE.......................................................................................................................35 8.0 CUSTOMER SECURITY POLICY ISSUES.................................................................37 9.0 ACRONYMS .....................................................................................................................38 Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 4 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1 Physical Boundary vs Cryptographic Boundary.....................................................................................................27 Figure 2: ES2440 Tamper Evidence (2 screws)....................................................................................................................29 Figure 3: ES820 Tamper Evidence (3 screws)......................................................................................................................30 Figure 4: ES520 Version 1 (Front) Tamper Evidence (4 screws).........................................................................................31 Figure 5 ES520 Version 1 (Rear) Tamper Evidence (4 screws)...........................................................................................31 Figure 6 ES520 Version 2 (Front) Tamper Evidence (3 screws)..........................................................................................32 Figure 7 ES520 Version 2 (Rear) Tamper Evidence (4 screws)...........................................................................................32 Table 1: Security Level of Security Requirements .................................................................................................................5 Table 2: Authentication Data..................................................................................................................................................7 Table 3: Probability of guessing the authentication data ........................................................................................................9 Table 4: MSP Keys...............................................................................................................................................................11 Table 5: RSN Keys ...............................................................................................................................................................12 Table 6: IPsec Keys ..............................................................................................................................................................13 Table 7: SSH & TLS Crypto Keys........................................................................................................................................14 Table 8: Other Keys and Critical Security Parameters .........................................................................................................15 Table 9: Known Answer Tests..............................................................................................................................................17 Table 10 Conditional Tests ...................................................................................................................................................19 Table 11 Certifications..........................................................................................................................................................20 Table 12: Roles each Service is authorized to perform.........................................................................................................24 Table 13: Roles who have Access to Keys or CSPs .............................................................................................................25 Table 14: Defaults and Zeroization.......................................................................................................................................26 Table 15: Recommended Physical Security Activities .........................................................................................................28 Table 16: Acronyms..............................................................................................................................................................38 Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 5 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 1.0 Introduction Security policy for General Dynamics Mission Systems’ Fortress Mesh Point (FMP) product line. Throughout this Security Policy document, the security module will be referred to as ‘FMP’. The individual FIPS 140‐2 security levels for the FMP are as follows: Table 1: Security Level of Security Requirements Security Requirement Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 2 Roles, Services, and Authentication 2 Finite State Model 2 Physical Security 2 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 2 EMI/EMC 2 Self‐Tests 2 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks 2 Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 6 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 2.0 Identification and Authentication Policy The FMP supports up to 10 total users that can be defined. Each user is assigned a role as defined below. 2.1 Role-based Authentication There are three Crypto Officer Roles. Please note that the configuration model supports assigning the roles below to users defined below. In this case, the role is a property of a defined user. When creating a Crypto Officer, one of the roles described below must be selected along with a unique username and password. Although each operator has a unique username and password, since selecting a role is also required, therefore this system should be considered as having role-based authentication. • Crypto Officer Roles o Log Viewer: account users can view only high-level system health indicators and only those log messages unrelated to configuration changes. o Maintenance1 : account users can view complete system and configuration information and perform a few administrative functions but cannot make configuration changes. o Administrator: the main manager/administrator of the FMP. • User Roles There are three User Roles. o MSP End User: This role will utilize another MSP secure controller to establish a secure connection over an untrusted network. o RSN End User: This role will utilize either a RSN (802.11i) secure client loaded on a workstation or a RSN (802.11i) secure controller like a VPN to establish a secure connection over an untrusted network. o IPsec/L2TP End User: This role will utilize either an IPsec/L2TP client loaded on a workstation or an IPsec/L2TP controller like a VPN to establish a secure connection. 2.2 Services The following list summarizes the services that are provided by the FMP, refer to the User Guide for additional details. • Encrypt/Decrypt (MSP | RSN | IPsec | SSH | TLS) PDU Services: use the encryption services of the FMP for passing of data. • Show Status: observe status parameters of the FMP. • View Log: view log messages. • Write Configuration: change parameters in the FMP including changing the FIPS Mode, Bypass Setting, Zeroization and setting passwords; • Read Configuration: read parameters in the FMP. • Diagnostic: execute network diagnostic and self-tests services of the FMP. • Upgrade: Upgrade the FMP with a new release of firmware. 1 The Maintenance User is a CO and is not the same as a maintenance user as defined in FIPS 140-2. Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 7 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 2.3 Authentication and Authentication Data All roles must be authenticated before they can use FMP services. This can be processed either internally by the FMP or externally using an EAP authentication server. 2.3.1 Authentication Methods All roles must be authenticated if they use FMP services. For Crypto-Officer authentication, a User Name and Password must be presented. The FMP forces the Crypto-Officer to change the default password at first login. The FMP will not accept new passwords that do not meet specified requirements. A Crypto Officer can utilize three secure communication methods to access the FMP: • Directly connected terminal • Secure SSH (SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.8) connection • Secure TLS connection (HTTPS) A Crypto Officer can apply up to nine rules for administrative passwords that allow stronger passwords. These can be reviewed in the User Guide. FMPs having the same Access ID authenticate the MSP user. The RSN End User will use either a Shared Secret or will be authenticated by the use of an external EAP Server (i.e. RADIUS). The Authentication Data for each of these roles are shown in following table. Table 2: Authentication Data Operator Type of Authentication Connect Using Authentication Data Log Viewer Password Direct Connect Secure SSH HTTPS The possible character space is 91(2) characters and the password length is between 8 and 32 characters. (The default Log Viewer settings require a minimum of 15 characters). Maintenance Password Direct Connect Secure SSH HTTPS The possible character space is 91(2 ) characters and the password length is between 8 and 32 characters. (The default Maintenance settings require a minimum of 15 characters). Administrator Password Direct Connect Secure SSH HTTPS The possible character space is 91(2 ) characters and the password length is between 8 and 32 characters. (The default Administrator settings require a minimum of 15 characters). MSP End User Access ID MSP 16-byte Access ID when in FIPS Mode. (In non-FIPS mode, users may select 8- bytes. RSN End User Secret RSN FIPS mode requires a 64-byte hexadecimal string (256 bits). ECDSA RSN Certificate base authentication supports ECDSA P-256 and ECDSA P-384. IPsec/L2TP End User Secret IPsec/L2TP FIPS mode requires a 32-256 byte hexadecimal string (128-1024 bits). ECDSA IPsec/L2TP Certificate base authentication supports ECDSA P-256 and ECDSA P-384. 2 UI restricts the permitted characters to the all printable ASCII characters excluding double quote, single quote, and the apostrophe. Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 8 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 2.3.2 Authentication Server Methods The Crypto Officer can also be authenticated by using an Authentication Server. The Authentication Server can be: 1. The one built into the FMP. 2. On another FMP. 3. An external Authentication Server. The service(s) available are determined by the FMP’s configuration for authentication services as determined by the settings in Authentication Servers and/or Local Authentication. To use an external server (RADIUS) for administrator authentication, it must be configured to use General Dynamic’s Fortress Vendor-Specific Attributes (see User Guide for more information). Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 9 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 2.3.3 Authentication Strength The probability of guessing the authentication data is shown in following table. Mechanism Role Strength of Mechanism Username & Password Administrator The FMP requires that all variants of the Crypto Officer enter a valid username and password. There are 91 distinct characters allowed in the password, and the password may be between 8 and 32 characters. Assuming the low end of that range (8 chars), the probability of a successful random guess is 1 in 91^8 attempts. (or 1 in 4.70E+15) The FMP authentication channels support at most 400 authentications attempt per sec. The probability of a successful random guess within one minute is: (4.70E+15/ (400*60)) or 1 in 1.96E+11. Note: The maximum number of login attempts can be set between 1 and 9 and lockout duration between 0 and 60 minutes. Maintenance Log Viewer MSP Shared Secret MSP End User The MSP shared secret is a 16 byte (128 bit) value. The probability of a random match is 1 in 2^128, or 3.40E+38. The FMP authentication channels support at most 400 authentications attempt per sec. The probability of a successful random guess within one minute is: (3.40E+38/ (400*60)) or 1 in 1.42E+34. RSN Shared Secret RSN End User FIPS mode requires the RSN shared secret be entered as a 64-byte hexadecimal string (256 bits). The probability of a random match is 1 in 2^256, or 1.16E+77. The FMP authentication channels support at most 400 authentications attempt per sec. The probability of a successful random guess within one minute is: (1.16E+77/(400*60)) or 1 in 4.82E+72. IPsec Shared Secret IPsec/L2TP End User FIPS mode requires the IPsec shared secret be entered as (32-256) byte hexadecimal string. Assuming the shortest length (32 hexadecimal string) that converts to 128-bits. The probability of a successful random guess is 1 in 2^128, or 3.40E+38. The FMP authentication channels support at most 400 authentications attempt per sec. The probability of a successful random guess within one minute is: (3.40E+38/ (400*60)) or 1 in 1.42E+34. Certificate Based RSN End User Certificate base authentication supports ECDSA P-256 and ECDSA P-384. For ECDSA P-256 the security bit strength is 128 bits, which means the probability of a random attempt succeeding is 1 in 2^128, or 3.40E+38. The FMP authentication channels support at most 400 authentications attempt per sec. The probability of a successful random guess within one minute is: (3.40E+38/ (400*60)) or 1 in 1.42E+34. IPsec/L2TP End User Table 3: Probability of guessing the authentication data Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 10 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 2.3.4 Administrative Accounts The users are configured by adding administrative accounts to a Role. These are configured through the UI. For instance, the product can have multiple administrative accounts each having a unique Username and Password and each being assigned to a particular role (i.e., Log Viewer, Maintenance or Administrator). When a user is logged into the FMP he will have all the rights of the Role he has been assigned. Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 11 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 3.0 Cryptographic Keys and CSP Keys and CSPs generated in non-FIPS mode cannot be used in FIPS mode, or vice versa. The FMP will require the admin to reboot the box after FIPS mode is enabled or disabled. 3.1 For MSP The FMP contains a number of MSP cryptographic keys and CSPs, as shown in the following table. All keys are generated using FIPS approved algorithms and methods as defined in SP800-56A. All keys are kept in RAM in plaintext, zeroized when the FMP reboots, and are never stored to disk. Table 4: MSP Keys Key Key Type Generation Use Implementation(s) MSP Secret Key (MSK) AES-CBC: 128, 192, or 256 bit. Generated using the Access ID 3 as input into the SP 800-90A HMAC DRBG. Used to encrypt static Diffie-Hellman public key requests and responses over the wire. Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (FPGA) Static Private Key Diffie-Hellman: 256 bits ECDH: 384 bits Automatically generated using the SP 800-90A HMAC DRBG. Along with received Diffie-Hellman Static Public Key from partner is used to generate the Static Secret Encryption Key Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Static Public Key Diffie-Hellman: 2048 bits ECDH: 384 bits Automatically generated using Diffie-Hellman or ECDH. Sent to communicating FMP in a packet is encrypted with MSK. Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Static Secret Encryption Key AES-CBC: 128, 192, or 256 bit. Automatically generated using Diffie Hellman or ECDH. Used to encrypt dynamic public key requests and responses over the wire. Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (FPGA) Dynamic Private Key Diffie-Hellman: 256 bits ECDH: 384 bits Automatically generated using the SP 800-90A HMAC DRBG. Along with received Dynamic Public Key from partner is used to generate the Dynamic Secret Encryption Key Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Dynamic Public Key Diffie-Hellman: 2048 bits ECDH: 384 bits Automatically generated using Diffie-Hellman or ECDH. Sent to communicating module in a packet encrypted with the Static Secret Encryption Key Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Dynamic Secret Encryption Key (DKey) AES-CBC: 128, 192, or 256 bit. Automatically generated using Diffie Hellman or ECDH. Used to encrypt all packets between two communicating FMPs Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (FPGA) Static Group Key (SGK) AES-CBC: 128, 192, or 256 bit. Generated using the SP 800-90A HMAC DRBG. 4 Used to encrypt user-data frames until the unicast Dynamic Secret Encryption Key is computed. Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (FPGA) 3 The Access ID is manually distributed by the Admin, refer to Section 3.5 ‘Additional Critical Security Parameters’. 4 The static group key (SGK) is generated by using the Access ID (128 bits) merged with a MSP constant to seed an instance of an SP800-90A DRBG. Since the Access ID is 128 bits, this means that there is at most 128 bits of entropy in the static group key. Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 12 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 3.2 For RSN An RSN or 802.11i wireless secure LAN can use either a PSK or an EAP generated master key. If a PSK is used, each peer must configure the correct hex value. This PSK becomes the Master Key. If the EAP method is used, the Master Key is generated through the EAP process and it’s correctly given to both the Client and FMP. RSN are FIPS capable portions of the IEEE 802.11 specification for wireless LAN networks. The keys for RSN are shown in the following table. AES-CCMP uses AES-CCM (allowed) in the 802.11i protocols (allowed). IEEE802.11i protocols are allowed in FIPS mode. Please see IG 7.2. All keys are kept in RAM in plaintext, zeroized when the FMP reboots, and are never stored to disk. Table 5: RSN Keys Key Key Type Generation Use Implementation(s Pairwise Master Key (PMK) HMAC-SHA256 Using the key generation procedure as defined in the IEEE 802.11 specification. Input Material: WPA2-Personal mode: PSK 5 WPA2-Enterprise mode: uses key material generated during EAP authentication. Authentication and to derive (PTK) Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Pairwise Transient Key (PTK) For AES-CCM, 384 bit key comprised of three 128 bit keys: Data Encryption/Integrity key, EAPOL-Key Encryption key, and EAPOL-Key Integrity key. PRF( PMK | AP nonce |STA nonce| AP MAC|STA MAC ) PRF = RSN KDF CAVP #112 Provides a set of keys used to protect link between end user station and FMP. Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (FPGA) Group Master Key (GMK) SP 800-90A DRBG Generated 256 bit key. Using the key generation procedure as defined in the IEEE 802.11 specification. Random number generated on the AP via SP 800-90A DRBG. Used to derive (GTK). Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Group Transient Key (GTK) For RSN, AES 256- bit key comprised of two 128 bit keys: Group Encryption key and Group Integrity key. For AES-CCM, 128 bit key comprised of Group Encryption/Integrity key. PRF(GMK | APMac | GNonce) PRF = RSN KDF CAVP #112 Used to protect multicast and broadcast (group) messages sent from FMP to associated end user station. The AP sends the new GTK to each STA in the network using the PTK. Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (FPGA) 5 WPA2-PSK: Plaintext (64 hexadecimal characters) or a (8-63) ASCII passphrase, compliant with manual distribution guidelines defined in FIPS 140-2 IG section 7.7. Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 13 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 3.3 For IPsec An IPsec tunnel is created over an established AES encrypted RSN/802.11i wireless secure link. If the connection is over the external Ethernet port, then the IPsec tunnel is established over the current networking environment. Please note, no parts of the IPsec protocol, other than the KDF, have been tested by the CAVP and CMVP. The AES-GCM IV implementation follows the guidelines defined in RFC 4106 (sections 3.1, 4, & 8.1). The 96-bit IV consists of two parts, the leftmost 32-bits are randomly assigned per session key, and the rightmost value is a 64-bit TX counter. Each session key has a KB limit, which triggers a rekey, this prevents the counter from rolling over. This IV method is compliant with IG A.5 (Scenario #1) & Section 8.2.1 of the SP800-38D. The modules uses RFC 7296 complaint with IKEv2 to establish the shared secret (SKEYSEED) from which the AES- GCM encryption keys are derived. Only IPsec ECC keys are FIPS compliant, RSA keys are not permitted in FIPS mode. Refer to section ‘7.0 FIPS Mode’ regarding FIPS required IPsec settings. All keys are kept in RAM in plaintext, zeroized when the FMP reboots, and are never stored to disk. Table 6: IPsec Keys Key Key Type Generation Use Implementation(s DH Private Key ECDH: 256/384 bits Seed is automatically pulled from SP 800-90A DRBG Used to calculate the DH Key Fortress Cryptographic SSL DH Public Key ECDH: 256/384 bits The DH Private Key is fed to the Diffie-Hellman function to automatically generate this key Used for digital signature to authenticate the peer Fortress Cryptographic SSL ECDSA Private Key ECDSA: 256/384 bits Seed is automatically pulled from SP 800-90A DRBG Used to calculate the ECDSA certificate Key Fortress Cryptographic SSL ECDSA Public Key ECDSA: 256/384 bits The ECDSA Private Key is fed to the ECDSA function to automatically generate this key Used for digital signature to authenticate the peer Fortress Cryptographic SSL IKE-SKEYSEED HMAC-SHA256 or HMAC-SHA384 Sz=(7*hash) IKE-KDF (CAVP #937) As defined in SP800-135r1 Section 4.1 Internet Key Exchange Generate IPsec SAs for ESP traffic Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) for hmac Fortress KAS Implementation for KDF Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (FPGA) PSK 128bit – 1024bit Manually distributed. 6 Used for peer authentication, alternative to certificate authentication. Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Session Key AES-GCM: 256 bits Diffie-Hellman generated shared secret. Used to encrypt/decrypt packets. Fortress Cryptographic SSL 6 IPsec PSK: Plaintext (32-256) hexadecimal characters or a (16-128) ASCII passphrase, compliant with manual distribution guidelines defined in FIPS 140-2 IG section 7.7. Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 14 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 3.4 For SSH and TLS The SSH (SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.8) protocol uses the cryptographic algorithms of the OpenSSH protocol. The TLS protocol is used to establish a secure connection from a management workstation running a standard internet browser (HTTPS). The GUI must only use ECC server keys to be FIPS complaint. Refer to section ‘7.0 FIPS Mode’. The TLS 1.2 AES-GCM IV implementation is compliant with RFC 5288, IG A.5 (scenario 1) and SP800-38D (section 8.2.1). The 96-bit IV consists of two parts, the leftmost 32-bits are randomly assigned per session key, and the rightmost value is a 64-bit TX counter (per session key) increment per packet. The 64-bit counter would require several years(7 ) of packets before producing a duplicate IV per session key. The implementation including the counter portion are entirely within the cryptographic boundary. The TLS 1.2 module only supports the following cipher suites (SP800-52 Rev 1, Section 3.3.1): TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 All keys are kept in RAM in plaintext, zeroized when the FMP reboots, and are never stored to disk. Please note, no parts of the SSH or TLS protocol, other than the KDF, have been tested by the CAVP and CMVP. Table 7: SSH & TLS Crypto Keys Key Key Type Generation Use Implementation(s ECDSA Private Key SSH & TLS ECDSA KEY 256 & 384 bits Generated via openssl upon the 1st boot after a factory reset. The private key is used to generate signatures. Fortress Cryptographic -SSL ECDSA Public Key SSH & TLS ECDSA KEY 256 & 384 bits Generated via openssl upon the 1st boot after a factory reset. The public key is used to verify signatures. Fortress Cryptographic -SSL SSH Key Block SSH KDF key block (SHA1, SHA256) SSH-KDF (CAVP #938) as defined in SP800-135r1 Section 5.2 (SSH Key Derivation Function) The Key Block is the keying material that is generated for the AES encryption key. Encrypt Data Packets Fortress Cryptographic- SSL(for hash) Fortress KAS Implementation for KDF. TLS Key Block TLS KDF Key block (SHA256,SHA384) TLS-KDF (CAVP #938) as defined in SP 800-135r1 section 4.2.1 The Key Block is the keying material that is generated for the AES encryption key. Encrypt Data Packets Fortress Cryptographic- SSL (for hash) Fortress KAS Implementation for KDF TLS Pre Master Secret Diffie-Hellman 256 & 384 bits Generated via Openssl. The pre master secret is a shared secret generated by the negotiated key agreement scheme. Input into the TLS KDF. Fortress Cryptographic- SSL 7 Generating 2million frames per sec over a 1gig network interface requires 292,471 years to max out the 64-bit frame counter. Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 15 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 3.5 Additional Critical Security Parameters There are other critical security parameters present in the FMP as shown in the following table. The non-volatile CSPs are stored encrypted and are zeroized when the FMP is restored to factory default; the volatile CSPs are stored in plaintext and are zeroized when the FMP is rebooted. Table 8: Other Keys and Critical Security Parameters CSP Non- Volatile Storage Type Generation Use Implementation(s) Access ID Y Seed Manually distributed 32 hexadecimal plaintext digits (128 bits). 8 The administrator must use an approved DRBG when in FIPS Mode. Auto generation uses an instance of SP800-90A DRBG. MSK, SGK & privD-H Group key component and used for authentication Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Log Viewer Password Y Password SHA256 8 to 32 Characters, entered by the Crypto Officer To authenticate the Log View Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Maintenance Password Y Password SHA256 8 to 32 Characters, entered by the Crypto Officer To authenticate the maintenance user Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Administrator Password Y Password SHA256 8 to 32 Characters, entered by the Crypto Officer To authenticate the Administrator Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) Firmware Upgrade Key Y RSA Public Key SHA256 Public RSA key (2048- bit) used to validate the signature of the firmware upgrade image that has been loaded from an external workstation. Verify the signature that is attached to the upgrade package Fortress Cryptographic SSL Firmware Load Key Y RSA Public Key SHA256 Public RSA key (2048- bit) used to validate the signature of the firmware image that has been loaded from the internal flash drive at boot time. Verify the signature that is attached to the firmware load package Fortress Cryptographic SSL HMAC DRBG entropy N Seed Automatically Generated by NDRNG. Size=2*Configured Security Strength Entropy used as input to SP 800-90A HMAC DRBG Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) HMAC DRBG V-Value N Counter Automatically generated by DRBG Internal V value used as part of SP 800-90A HMAC DRBG Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) 8 Access ID: Compliant with manual distribution guidelines defined in FIPS 140-2 IG section 7.7. Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 16 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. HMAC DRBG Key N Seed Automatically generated by DRBG Size=2*Configured Security Strength Key value used for the HMAC of the SP 800-90A HMAC DRBG Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) HMAC DRBG init_seed N Seed Automatically generated by NDRNG Size=2*Configured Security Strength Initial seed value used in SP 800-90A HMAC DRBG Fortress Cryptographic Implementation (Cryptlib) HMAC DRBG entropy N Seed Automatically Generated by NDRNG Size=2*Configured Security Strength Entropy used as input to SP 800-90A HMAC DRBG Fortress Cryptographic SSL HMAC DRBG V-Value N Counter Automatically generated by DRBG Internal V value used as part of SP 800-90A HMAC DRBG Fortress Cryptographic SSL HMAC DRBG Key N Seed Automatically generated by DRBG Size=2*Configured Security Strength Key value used for the HMAC of the SP 800-90A HMAC DRBG Fortress Cryptographic SSL HMAC DRBG init_seed N Seed Automatically generated by NDRNG Size=2*Configured Security Strength Initial seed value used in SP 800-90A HMAC DRBG Fortress Cryptographic SSL Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 17 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 3.6 Known Answer and Conditional Tests 3.6.1 Known Answer Tests This section describes the known answer tests run on the FMP. The tests are organized by section against which they are run. Table 9: Known Answer Tests Known Answer Tests for CRYPTLIB Algorithm Modes/States/Key sizes/ AES ECB(e/d; 128,192,256); CBC(e/d; 128,192,256) SHS SHA-1 (BYTE-only) SHA-256 (BYTE-only) SHA-384 (BYTE-only) SHA-512 (BYTE-only) HMAC HMAC-SHA1 (Key Sizes Ranges Tested: KS=BS ) SHS HMAC-SHA256 ( Key Size Ranges Tested: KS=BS ) SHS HMAC-SHA384 ( Key Size Ranges Tested: KS=BS ) SHS HMAC-SHA512 ( Key Size Ranges Tested: KS=BS ) SHS DRBG 800-90A Hash Based DRBG [ HMAC_DRBG: SHA256, SHA512 ] Known Answer Tests for KAS DH DH (Key sizes tested: 2048) ECDH ECDH-secp ( Key Size Range: 384 bits) KBKDF KDF SP800-108 HMAC-SHA256, 16bit counter, After Fixed Data. Known Answer Tests for FPGA The FPGA algorithms are tested indirectly with packet KAT tests. (Encrypt;Decrypt) for each ( MSP-Legacy, MSP-Suite B, ESP-Suite B, CCMP) Algorithm Modes/States/Key sizes/ AES CBC (e/d: 256) GCM (e/d: 256) CCM (e/d: 128) HMAC HMAC-SHA1 (Key Sizes Ranges Tested: KS update bss –1X11i Add BSS Edit BSS The ‘Security Suite’ selection must be ‘wpa2psk’ or ‘wpa2’ The PSK shall be entered using hex values for IPsec, the passphrase method shall not be used. set ipsec-psk -hex IPsec Add Pre- shared Key key type must be ‘hex’ IPsec has to be configured as SuiteB128 or SuiteB256 only. V = [SuiteB256|SuiteB128] set ipsec -crypto show ipsec IPsec Settings suites Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 36 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Configuration Parameter CLI command GUI IPsec sessions must be limited by KB usage. V >=1 and <=256,000,000 set ipsec –salifeKB show ipsec IPsec Settings SA Lifetime Only ECC type keypairs keys must be created. RSA2048 key types shall not be generated. V = [ec384|ec256] generate keypair –type generate csr –type show keypair Certificate generate ‘Key Pair and CSR’ Any configured external RADIUS network connection must be securely tunneled within an IPsec or MSP tunnel. add auth update auth show auth RADIUS server list Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 37 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 8.0 Customer Security Policy Issues General Dynamics Mission Systems expects that after the FMP’s installation, any potential customer (government organization or commercial entity or division) employs its own internal security policy covering all the rules under which the FMP(s) and the customer’s network(s) must operate. In addition, the customer systems are expected to be upgraded as needed to contain appropriate security tools to enforce the internal security policy. Security Policy for the Fortress Mesh Point Page 38 of 38 Copyright © 2013-2021 General Dynamics Mission Systems, 150 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 9.0 Acronyms Table 16: Acronyms Acronym Description CKG Cryptographic Key Generation CSP Critical Security Parameters DH Diffie-Hellman DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator ECDH Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman FMP Fortress Mesh Point: Fortress ES520 (Deployable Mesh Point), ES820 (Vehicle Mesh Point), and ES2440 (High-Capacity Infrastructure Mesh Point). MSP Mobile Security Protocol Fortress proprietary encryption protocol. PDU Protocol Data Unit. (a network frame) PSK Pre-Shared Key RSN Robust Secure Network Also known as WPA2. UI User Interface. Refers to the command line and the HTTPS browser management interfaces.