F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy 1 F-Secure Corporation F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider (Windows DLL) FIPS 140-1 Validation Security Policy Author: Alexey Kirichenko Module version: 1.1 Date: May 2001 Abstract: This document describes the F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy submitted for validation, in accordance with the FIPS publication 140-1, level 1. F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy 2 COPYRIGHT © 2001, F-Secure Corporation F-Secure is a registered trademark of F-Secure Corporation. All F-Secure product names are trademarks of F-Secure Corporation. All other product and company names, if any, are trademarks of their respective owners. This document may be copied without the author’s permission provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification. F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy 3 Introduction The F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider (the Module) is a software module, implemented as a 32-bit Windows™ ‘NT/2000/95/98 compatible DLL, which provides an assortment of cryptographic services that are accessible from C and C++ language programs through an Application Program Interface (API). This API is documented in the F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider (Windows DLL) Application Program Interface document. To use the services provided by the Module from C and C++ language programs, “SSHCRYPT.H” and, optionally, “SSHMATH.H” header files need to be included in code of such programs to obtain constants, data types, and routine definitions required to call the Module API functions. Preferable way of getting access to the module functionality is linking your application program with Import Library file “SSHCRYPT.LIB”. The module is designed and implemented to meet the level 1 requirements of FIPS publication 140-1. The module supports the FIPS approved DSA, RSA PKCS#1 Digital Signing, DES and TDES Modes, and SHA-1 algorithms. It also provides non-FIPS approved RSA Encryption/Decryption, IDEA, Blowfish, CAST-128, Rijndael (AES), Arcfour, MD5, RIPEMD-160, HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-RMD160, Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithms. The F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider is designed and written in the C language, with some small performance-critical sections being written in assembly language. (Assembly language portions include certain modular arithmetic operations with multi- precision integers and core transformation functions of certain symmetric ciphers and hash functions.) The Module is identical, at the source code level, for all identified hardware platforms and operating systems. F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy 4 The cryptographic module and cryptographic boundary In FIPS140-1 terms, the Module is a “multi-chip standalone module.” The F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider runs as a DLL under Windows™ ‘NT Operating System (OS) installed in a commercially available IBM Compatible PC. In terms of FIPS 140-1, a “secure cryptographic boundary” is defined as those applicable software and hardware components internal to a host IBM-compatible PC that is running the Windows™ ‘NT Operating System (OS). The Windows™ ‘NT OS separates user processes into protected memory spaces called “process spaces.” Any process space belongs to a single user and can not be shared with any other user. The OS and the underlying central processing unit (CPU) hardware control access to each process space in such a way that other users cannot write to or read from the process’ memory. Every instance of the F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider resides in a particular “process space”, namely the space of a process that attached the instance. Multiple instances of the Module may reside inside a cryptographic boundary, however such instances operate completely independently and each of them belongs to a single process. One process can not attach more than one instance of the Module. The OS is responsible for multi-tasking operations so that only one instance of the Module is active at any particular moment in time. The assumption which we make about the operating environment of the Module is that it is installed and initialized by following the rules described below in section “Roles and Services.” The cryptographic module was internally tested on the following hardware computing platform and operating system: A Dell OptiPlex GX1 Personal Computer system with: · an Intel Pentium III 450 MHz processor, · 128 MB system RAM (DIMM), · 2 serial ports and 1 parallel port, · 4.3 GB hard drive, · the Windows NT 4.0 Workstation Operating System, Service Pack 6a (in single user mode). F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy 5 Roles and Services The F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider implements the following two roles: Crypto-Officer role and User role. The Module does not support user identification or authentication for these roles. Only a single operator assuming a particular role may operate the Module at any particular moment in time. The two roles are defined per the FIPS140-1 standard as follows: A User is any entity that can operate a client process (typically, an application program) that uses the Module API. A Crypto-Officer is any entity that can operate a client process that uses the Module API, install the Module in a computer system, and configure the computer system to ensure proper operating of the Module in the FIPS 140-1 mode of operation. There is no Maintenance role. An operator performing a service within any role can read and write security-relevant data only through the invocation of a service by means of the cryptographic module API. The following operational rules must be followed by any user of the module. 1. The module is to be used by a single human operator at a time and may not be actively shared among operators at any period of time. 2. All public keys (effectively, DSA and RSA public keys) entered into the module must be verified as being legitimate and belonging to the correct entity by code of a process which attached the module instance in question. 3. Virtual memory that exists in the computer system running the module must be configured to reside on a local drive, not a network one. It is a responsibility of the Crypto-Officer to configure the operating system to operate securely and prevent remote login. The following action is required from the Crypto- Officer: · disable “Server” and “RunAsService” services in the computer system (unless these are not installed or have already been disabled). To do that, the Crypto-Officer needs to run “Services” applet in the Control Panel of the computer system, select the services to be disabled from the list, one by one, push “Startup” button and select “Disabled” as a “Startup Type” in the dialog box. Note that the Crypto-Officer must have administrative privileges in the computer system being configured. It is also recommended that the Crypto-Officer sets value of “ClearPageFileAtShutdown” to 1 under “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management” key and sets “Interactive:Read” ACL for “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib” key (as opposed to “Everyone:Read” ACL) in the Registry. Viewing the User as an application program process that attaches the Module DLL, the services provided by the Module are effectively delivered through the use of appropriate F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy 6 API calls. In this respect, the same set of services is available to both the User and the Crypto-Officer. When an application program process attempts to attach an instance of the Module DLL, integrity test and a number of cryptographic functionality self-tests are run by the Module. If all the tests pass successfully, the Module makes a transition to “User Service” state, where the API calls can be used by the application program to obtain needed cryptographic services. Otherwise, the Module enters the error state and the calling process will have to terminate. The following FIPS-approved services are provided by the F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider: 1. Cryptographic data hashing using FIPS PUB 180-1 SHA-1. 2. Symmetric data encryption and decryption using FIPS PUB 46-2 DES and TDES. 3. Signing and signature verification using FIPS PUB 186-1 DSA and RSA PKCS#1. 4. Random number generation using a software-based algorithm as specified in FIPS 186-2, Digital Signature Standard (DSS), Appendix 3.1. Other services provided by the Module include: 5. Cryptographic data hashing using MD5 and RIPEMD-160 algorithms and MAC computation and verification using the HMAC SHA-1, HMAC-MD5 and HMAC- RMD160 algorithms. 6. Symmetric data encryption and decryption using Rijndael (AES), CAST-128, IDEA, Blowfish, and stream cipher Arcfour. 7. Key wrapping and unwrapping using RSA. 8. Key agreement using Diffie-Hellman. Non-FIPS-approved services can not be selected if the Module is operating in accordance with FIPS 140-1, that is, in so-called FIPS mode of operation. The only exception to this is RSA encryption which can be used in the FIPS mode of operation but solely for the purpose of encrypting/decrypting keys of symmetric ciphers. It is a responsibility of the Module clients to ensure that RSA encryption is not used in the FIPS mode of operation for any other purposes. F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy 7 Key Management The F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider API contains a number of functions that can be combined to meet FIPS140-1 Level 1 requirements for Key Management. Key Generation The Module provides services for generation of the DSA and RSA key pairs. A FIPS- approved key generation methods are used for key pairs generation. Keys for symmetric ciphers and HMAC algorithms can be generated by simply requesting the module Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) to return a desired number of bytes. The PRNG employs FIPS-approved algorithm as specified in FIPS 186- 2, Digital Signature Standard (DSS), Appendix 3.1. Key Distribution and Storage The Module supports import and export of electronic keys in both encrypted and plaintext forms. It should be noted, however, that all keys are processed, stored, and used in the Module only on behalf of and for immediate use by a process, typically, an application program, that attaches an instance of the Module. The Module can be used for electronic key distribution in the frames of a NIST-approved key distribution protocol and for implementing key exchange protocols. This usually involves symmetric ciphers, RSA encryption/decryption, Diffie-Hellman key agreement, and digital signatures algorithms all of which are provided by the Module. Implementing key distribution and key exchange mechanisms and protocols requires developing application program code which uses the Module’s API calls to achieve desired functionality. At run-time, the process of such an application program attaches an instance of the Module DLL, thus, all keys generated and/or otherwise processed by the Module reside in the same Windows ‘NT “process space”. This effectively means that the application program process has a full control over all such keys, and it is the application program developers responsibility to ensure FIPS140-1 compliance of protocols and algorithms they implement. The Module does not provide long-term cryptographic key storage. If an application program makes use of the Module services to implement cryptographic key storage functionality, it is a responsibility of the application program developers to ensure FIPS140-1 compliance of key storing techniques they implement. Zeroization of Keys Keys and critical security parameters in the Module can be divided into two groups: those used by the Module internally and the ones that actually belong to application program process that attaches an instance of the Module. The Module takes care of zeroizing all its internal keys and critical security parameters (such as the PRNG internal state) when those are not needed any more, when the application program process detaches the F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy 8 instance of the Module, and when the Module enters an error state. For the other group, when the application program requests the Module to destroy a data object containing keys or critical security parameters, the Module always zeroizes all such data objects prior to freeing their memory. Protection of Keys We rely on the Windows ™ ‘NT memory management mechanism to ensure that process space of a particular process, including its memory, can not be accessed by any other process. It is a responsibility of application program developers to protect keys exported from the Module and validate keys imported in the Module. The Module takes care of never exposing its own internal keys and critical security parameters outside and of zeroizing those prior to exiting or freeing corresponding portions of memory. F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy 9 Module Interfaces Being a software module, the F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider defines its interfaces in terms of the API it provides. We define Data Input Interface as all those API calls that accept, as their arguments, data to be processed by the Module. The API calls that return, by means of return value or arguments of appropriate types, data generated or otherwise processed by the module to the caller constitute Data Output Interface. Control Input Interface is comprised of the call used to initiate the Module and the API calls used to control the operation of the Module. Finally, Status Output Interface is defined as the API calls which provide information about the status of the Module. F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy 10 Self-Testing The F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider implements a number of self-tests to check proper functioning of the Module. This includes power-up self-tests (which are also callable on-demand) and conditional self-tests. Power-up Self-Testing When the Module starts loading (for the reason that some process attempts to attach it), power-up self-testing is initiated automatically. It is comprised of the software integrity test and known answer tests of cryptographic algorithms. If any of the tests fail, the Module enters the error state with an appropriate associated error code which can be checked by the calling process. This error state is unrecoverable. The following known answer tests are implemented in the Module: · DES KAT · TDES KAT · SHA-1 KAT · HMAC-SHA-1 KAT · RSA encryption/decryption and signing/verification tests Note: No DSA KAT is implemented. Instead the pairwise consistency test is performed for each DSA key pair generated. See NIST Implementation Guidance 11.2. On-Demand Self-Testing The Module exports an API routine which can be called to initiate power-up self-tests plus statistical testing of the PRNG. Calling this routine results in the following tests being run: Software Integrity test, Known answer test of DES implementation, Known Answer test of TDES implementation, Known Answer test of SHA-1 implementation, Known Answer test of HMAC-SHA-1 implementation, Known Answer test of RSA implementation, Statistical PRNG tests (the four tests defined in the FIPS Publication 140-1). Conditional Self-Testing This includes continuous PRNG testing. The very first output block generated by the PRNG is never used for any purpose other than initiating the continuous PRNG test which compares every newly generated block with the previously generated block. The test fails if newly generated PRNG output block matches the previously generated block. In such a case, the Module enters the unrecoverable error state. Pairwise Consistency Self-Testing The test is run whenever private key is generated or imported by the Module. The private key structure of the Module always contains either the data of the corresponding public key or information sufficient for computing the corresponding public key. Thus, generating or importing private key is equivalent to generating or importing key pair. F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy 11 Depending on key type, the test generates and verifies digital signatures for a piece of data under private and public keys of the key pair being tested and/or applies encryption and decryption operations under the same key pair. If the test fails for generated key pair, the Module enters the unrecoverable error state. If imported key pair does not pass the test, the corresponding function returns an appropriate error code but the Module does not enter the error state. This is a correct behavior since corruption or inconsistency in imported key pair does not mean malfunction of the Module. Note: No DSA KAT is implemented. Instead the pairwise consistency test is performed for each DSA key pair generated. See NIST Implementation Guidance 11.2. F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy 12 Operating Modes and List of the API Functions The F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider supports two modes of operation: FIPS 140-1 mode and non-FIPS140-1 mode. The module’s API includes calls for selecting a desired mode of operation and for requesting current mode of operation. Only FIPS- approved algorithms are available to the caller in FIPS 140-1 mode. Any attempt to use non-FIPS-approved algorithms in FIPS 140-1 mode results in an appropriate error code returned by the Module. It is a responsibility of application program developers to design their products in such a way that they function properly in the both modes of operation. We recommend to avoid schemes and protocols which are based on non-selectable non- FIPS-approved algorithms in any part. (Note that RSA encryption can be used in the FIPS mode of operation, but solely for the purpose of encrypting/decrypting keys of symmetric ciphers. It is a responsibility of the Module clients to ensure that RSA encryption is not used in the FIPS mode of operation for any other purposes.) The Module API is described in the F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider (Windows DLL) Application Program Interface document. In general, all the routines exported by the Module can be called in the both modes of operation. However, certain functions, if called with parameters requesting non-FIPS-approved services in FIPS 140-1 mode, will only return appropriate error code and no services will be delivered. There are also functions whose output depends on the mode of operation at the time of calling. In the following list, the API functions are divided into two categories: those whose behavior does not depend on the mode of operation in which they are called, and those which may either refuse to provide certain services in FIPS 140-1 mode or produce different results in the two modes. Operation mode-independent functions ssh_crypto_status_message fscl_get_dll_mode fscl_set_fips_mode fscl_set_normal_mode fscl_get_error_code fscl_get_module_status on_demand_self_tests fscl_crypt_mem_free FSCryptDllGetVersion FSCLDelayLoadInitialize ssh_name_list_get_name ssh_name_list_step_forward ssh_name_list_intersection fscl_DeriveSymmetricKey ssh_random_add_noise F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy 13 ssh_random_stir ssh_random_get_byte fscl_random_get_nbytes fscl_random_get_xkey_size fscl_random_set_xkey_size fscl_verify_dsa_params ssh_encode_pubkeyblob ssh_decode_pubkeyblob ssh_pubkeyblob_type ssh_decode_pubkeyblob_ssh1_style ssh_mp_malloc ssh_mp_free ssh_mp_init ssh_mp_clear ssh_mp_get_ui ssh_mp_get_size ssh_mp_set ssh_mp_set_ui ssh_mp_set_si ssh_mp_set_str ssh_mp_get_str ssh_mp_init_set ssh_mp_init_set_ui ssh_mp_init_set_si ssh_mp_neg ssh_mp_cmp ssh_mp_cmp_ui ssh_mp_cmp_si ssh_mp_get_bit ssh_mp_set_bit ssh_mp_and ssh_mp_or ssh_mp_xor ssh_mp_abs ssh_mp_add ssh_mp_sub ssh_mp_add_ui ssh_mp_sub_ui ssh_mp_mul ssh_mp_square ssh_mp_pow ssh_mp_div ssh_mp_mod ssh_mp_mod_2exp ssh_mp_mod_ui ssh_mp_get_buf ssh_mp_set_buf ssh_mp_gcd ssh_mp_gcdext ssh_mp_invert ssh_mp_is_probable_prime ssh_mp_mul_ui F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy 14 ssh_mp_div_ui ssh_mp_div_2exp ssh_mp_mul_2exp ssh_mp_ powm_bsw_mont Functions whose behavior depends on mode of operation ssh_hash_get_supported ssh_hash_supported ssh_hash_allocate ssh_hash_free ssh_hash_reset ssh_hash_update ssh_hash_final ssh_hash_of_buffer ssh_hash_input_block_size ssh_hash_digest_length ssh_name_list_intersection_hash ssh_hash_asn1_oid ssh_hash_iso_identifier ssh_mac_get_supported ssh_mac_supported ssh_mac_allocate ssh_mac_free ssh_mac_start ssh_mac_update ssh_mac_final ssh_mac_length ssh_mac_of_buffer ssh_name_list_intersection_mac ssh_mac_info_derive_from_hash ssh_mac_allocate_with_info ssh_mac_info_free ssh_cipher_get_supported ssh_cipher_get_supported_native ssh_cipher_supported ssh_cipher_get_native_name ssh_cipher_allocate ssh_cipher_allocate_with_passphrase ssh_cipher_allocate_and_test_weak_keys ssh_cipher_free ssh_cipher_get_key_length ssh_cipher_get_block_length ssh_cipher_get_iv_length ssh_cipher_set_iv ssh_cipher_get_iv ssh_cipher_transform ssh_cipher_transform_with_iv ssh_cipher_get_name ssh_name_list_intersection_cipher ssh_name_list_intersection_public_key ssh_public_key_get_predefined_groups F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy 15 ssh_public_key_get_supported ssh_public_key_name ssh_private_key_name ssh_private_key_generate ssh_private_key_select_scheme ssh_private_key_derive_public_key ssh_private_key_get_info ssh_private_key_copy ssh_private_key_free ssh_public_key_define ssh_public_key_select_scheme ssh_public_key_get_info ssh_public_key_copy ssh_public_key_free ssh_private_key_import ssh_private_key_import_with_passphrase ssh_private_key_import_plain ssh_private_key_export ssh_private_key_export_with_passphrase ssh_private_key_export_plain ssh_public_key_import ssh_public_key_export ssh_public_key_export_canonical ssh_private_key_sign ssh_private_key_sign_digest ssh_private_key_derive_signature_hash ssh_private_key_max_signature_input_len ssh_private_key_max_signature_output_len ssh_public_key_verify_signature ssh_public_key_verify_signature_with_digest ssh_public_key_derive_signature_hash ssh_public_key_max_encrypt_input_len ssh_public_key_max_encrypt_output_len ssh_public_key_encrypt ssh_private_key_max_decrypt_input_len ssh_private_key_max_decrypt_output_len ssh_private_key_decrypt ssh_pk_group_key_name ssh_private_key_derive_pk_group ssh_public_key_derive_pk_group ssh_pk_group_generate ssh_pk_group_free ssh_pk_group_select_scheme ssh_pk_group_get_info ssh_pk_group_export ssh_pk_group_import ssh_pk_group_count_randomizers ssh_pk_group_generate_randomizer ssh_pk_group_export_randomizers ssh_pk_group_import_randomizers F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider Security Policy 16 ssh_pk_group_diffie_hellman_setup_max_output_length ssh_pk_group_diffie_hellman_agree_max_output_length ssh_pk_group_unified_diffie_hellman_agree_max_output_length ssh_pk_group_diffie_hellman_setup ssh_pk_group_diffie_hellman_agree ssh_pk_group_diffie_hellman_secret_free ssh_private_key_set_size ssh_private_decrypt ssh_public_get_n ssh_encrypt_ssh1_session_key