FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy NITROX XL 1600-NFBE HSM Family Document number: CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3 Document Version: Version 3.4 Revision Date: 6/29/2018 © Copyright 2018 Cavium Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 2 Revision History Revision Date Author Description of Change 0.001 08/12/2009 Prasad Vellanki Initial Draft 0.002 10/16/2009 Prasad Vellanki Changes to the cloning procedure to include ECC 0.003 10/30/2009 Prasad Vellanki Incorporated review comments 0.004 11/5/2009 Prasad Vellanki Incorporated CMVP lab comments 0.4.4 12/13/2009 Prasad Vellanki Incorporated comments from CMVP Lab 1.0 1/14/2010 Prasad Vellanki Final Changes 1.1 6/11/2010 Prasad Vellanki Incorporated comments from CMVP Lab 2.0 1/12/2011 Mike Scruggs Added changes relative to firmware version 2.0 from firmware version 1.x 2.1 9/06/2011 Ahmed Khan Added 2.1 Firmware changes relative to 2.0 2.1- Bld16 8/26/2013 Ram Kumar 2.1 Build 16 specific changes 2.2 9/15/2014 Phanikumar FW-2.2 build 130007 specific changes. Added support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2. Added AES GCM, ECB. Handled SP 800-131A transition requirements. 2.3 12/03/2014 Phanikumar Firmware version updated to CN16XX-NFBE- FW-2.2-130009. Minor changes in Section 6 to address CMVP comments. 2.4 12/23/2014 Phanikumar Added hardware version descriptions in Section 1. Updated Table 16 for clarification. 2.5 1/7/2015 Phanikumar Updated table 3 2.6 6/30/2015 Phanikumar Kancharla Updated with SFF device part number and pictures 2.7 11/18/2015 Phanikumar Kancharla Firmware version updated to CN16XX-NFBE- FW-2.2-130011 3.0 1/24/2018 Phanikumar Kancharla FW-2.3 specific changes, include TDES, AES keywrap and RSA PSS 3.1 3/2/2018 Phanikumar Kancharla Updated Figure 6, Table 2, Section 8.2, and related text. 3.2 5/24/2018 Phanikumar Kancharla Updated per CMVP Comments 3.3 6/20/2018 Phanikumar Kancharla Updated per CMVP Comments 3.4 6/29/2018 Phanikumar Kancharla Updated per CMVP Comments NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 3 Table of Contents Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................................... 3 1 Module Overview................................................................................................................................. 6 2 Security Level ..................................................................................................................................... 10 3 Modes of Operation........................................................................................................................... 10 3.1 FIPS Approved Mode of Operation................................................................................................................10 3.2 Non-FIPS Mode of Operation.........................................................................................................................11 3.3 Switching Modes ...........................................................................................................................................11 3.4 Approved and Allowed Algorithms................................................................................................................11 3.5 Non-Approved, Non-Allowed Algorithms ......................................................................................................13 3.6 LED Error Pattern for FIPS failure ..................................................................................................................13 4 Ports and Interfaces ........................................................................................................................... 14 5 Identification and Authentication Policy............................................................................................14 5.1 Assumption of Roles ......................................................................................................................................14 6 Access Control Policy.......................................................................................................................... 15 6.1 Roles and Services .........................................................................................................................................16 6.1.1 Cryptographic Officer (CO) Services ....................................................................................................16 6.1.2 CU services...........................................................................................................................................16 6.1.3 Unauthenticated Services....................................................................................................................17 6.2 Definition of Critical Security Parameters (CSPs)...........................................................................................19 6.3 Definition of Public Keys ................................................................................................................................21 6.4 Definition of Session Key ...............................................................................................................................22 6.5 Definition of CSPs Modes of Access...............................................................................................................23 7 Operational Environment...................................................................................................................25 8 Security Rules & Guidance .................................................................................................................26 8.1 Procedural .....................................................................................................................................................26 8.2 Automatic......................................................................................................................................................26 9 Physical Security Policy ...................................................................................................................... 28 9.1 Physical Security Mechanisms.......................................................................................................................28 10 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy .....................................................................................................28 11 References.......................................................................................................................................... 29 12 Definitions and Acronyms ..................................................................................................................29 Appendix A: Supported ECC curves ............................................................................................................30 Appendix B: Limited usage ECC curves (SP 800-131A) ...............................................................................30 NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 4 List of Tables Table 1 – Module Security Level Specification............................................................................................10 Table 2 – FIPS Approved Algorithms Used in the Module..........................................................................11 Table 3 – FIPS Allowed Algorithms Used in the Module.............................................................................12 Table 4 – Non-Approved, Non-Allowed Algorithms Used in the Module...................................................13 Table 5 – Cavium HSM Ports and Interfaces...............................................................................................14 Table 6 – Roles and Required Identification and Authentication...............................................................15 Table 7 – Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms...................................................................................15 Table 8 – Authenticated Services (CO only)................................................................................................16 Table 9 – Authenticated Services (CU only)................................................................................................16 Table 10 – Unauthenticated Services .........................................................................................................17 Table 11 – Specification of Service Inputs & Outputs.................................................................................18 Table 12 – Private Keys and CSPs................................................................................................................19 Table 13 – Public Keys................................................................................................................................. 21 Table 14 – Session Keys .............................................................................................................................. 23 Table 15 – CSP Access Rights within Roles & Services................................................................................23 NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 5 List of Figures Figure 1 - Top View of NITROX XL 1600-NFBE HSM......................................................................................6 Figure 2 - Bottom view of NITROX XL 1600-NFBE HSM ................................................................................7 Figure 3 - Top View of P/N FN1620-NFBE2-G ...............................................................................................7 Figure 4 - Bottom View of P/N FN1620-NFBE2-G.........................................................................................7 Figure 5 - FN1620-NFBE FIPS Boundary........................................................................................................ 9 Figure 6 - FN1620-NFBE FIPS Boundary (Top and Bottom Side)...................................................................9 NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 6 1 Module Overview The Cavium Inc. NITROX XL 1600-NFBE HSM Family (hereafter referred to as the module or HSM) is a high performance purpose built security solution for crypto acceleration. The module provides a FIPS 140-2 overall Level 3 security solution. The module is deployed in a PCIe slot to provide crypto and TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2 acceleration in a secure manner to the system host. It is typically deployed in a server or an appliance to provide crypto offload. The module’s functions are accessed over the PCIe interface via an API defined by the module. The module is a hardware/firmware multi-chip embedded cryptographic module. The module provides cryptographic primitives to accelerate approved and allowed algorithms for TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2 and SSH. This module itself does not perform SSH, but accelerates the algorithms. The cryptographic functionality includes modular exponentiation, random number generation, and hash processing, along with protocol specific complex instructions to support TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2 security protocols using the embedded NITROX chips. The module implements single and two factor authentication at FIPS 140-2 Level 3 security. The physical boundary of the module is implemented by an epoxy enclosure. . Figure 1 – Top View of NITROX XL 1600-NFBE HSM LED NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 7 Figure 2 – Bottom view of NITROX XL 1600-NFBE HSM Figure 3 - Top View of P/N FN1620-NFBE2-G Figure 4. - Bottom View of P/N FN1620-NFBE2-G LEDs NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 8 The configuration of hardware and firmware for this validation is: Hardware Part Numbers: PCIe Half Size adapterversion CN1610-NFBE1-3.0-G CN1620-NFBE1-3.0-G CN1620-NFBE3-3.0-G CN1610-NFBE1-2.0-G CN1620-NFBE1-2.0-G CN1620-NFBE3-2.0-G Small Form Factor version FN1620-NFBE2-G Firmware Version: CN16XX-NFBE-FW-2.3-180205 The three main hardware part numbers (CN1610-NFBE1, CN1620-NFBE1, and CN1620- NFBE3) differ only in performance capabilities and throughput. These performance capabilities are controlled by specific configurations set in the factory. There are no hardware differences. The differences between the two hardware versions (2.0 and 3.0) are as follows: • Potting manufacturer • Memory density (512MB vs. 1GB) • USB (standard vs. mini) • Location of power supply components NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 9 The major blocks of the module are: General purpose MIPS based control processor, Crypto processors, RAM memory, NOR and NAND flash for persistent storage, USB interfaces, and PCIe x4 interfaces. Figure 5 - FN1620-NFBE FIPS Boundary Figure 6: - FN1620-NFBE FIPS Boundary (Top and Bottom Side) NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 10 2 Security Level The cryptographic module meets the overall requirements applicable to Level 3 security of FIPS 140-2. Table 1 – Module Security Level Specification Security Requirements Section Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Module Ports and Interfaces 3 Roles, Services and Authentication 3 Finite State Model 3 Physical Security 3 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 3 EMI/EMC 3 Power on Self-Tests 3 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 3 Modes of Operation The module supports the following modes of operation – 1) Non-FIPS mode of operation 2) FIPS Approved Level 3 mode of operation The module is initialized into one of the modes specified above during the module initialization period. The value of the parameter fipsState passed into the call specifies the mode. The following are the allowed values for fipsState parameters: 0 - Non-FIPS mode or zeroized state 2 - FIPS Approved mode with single factor authentication mechanism 3 - FIPS Approved mode with two factor authentication mechanism The indicator of Approved mode is obtained by using the Get Status service. The fipstate field of Get Status service indicates the mode. 3.1 FIPS Approved Mode of Operation The module provides a FIPS Approved mode of operation, comprising all services described in Section 6.1 below. In this mode, the module allows only FIPS Approved or allowed algorithms. Request for any non Approved/allowed algorithm is rejected. NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 11 3.2 Non-FIPS Mode of Operation The Module supports a Non-FIPS mode implementing the non-FIPS Approved algorithms listed in Table 4. 3.3 Switching Modes The Module Initilization Service configures the module, allowing it to operate in either the FIPS Approved Mode of Operation or the Non-FIPS Mode of Operation. This service is performed by a special Crypto Officer identity (the Default CO) which can only be accessed while in the zeroized state. 3.4 Approved and Allowed Algorithms The cryptographic module supports the following FIPS Approved algorithms. Table 2 – FIPS Approved Algorithms Used in the Module FIPS Approved Algorithm Usage Cert. AES: CBC; 128, 192, 256 bits Data encryption and decryption 1265 AES: GCM*; 128, 192, and 256 bits AES-ECB has also been tested as a prerequisite to GCM. Data encryption and decryption (AEAD) 2899 AES Key Wrap: 128, 192, 256 bits Data encryption and decryption; Key Transportation (see KTS entry, below) 4026 CKG: SP800-133 §6: Aymmetric (FIPS 186-4, SP800-56A) §7: Symmetric (Direct output from DRBG) Note: The resulting symmetric key or generated seed is an unmodified output from a DRBG. Key Generation (Vendor Affirmed) CVL: TLS KDF (v1.0/v1.1, v1.2) Key Derivation for TLS 166 CVL: ECC-CDH (P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521) Primitive with TLS exchange 847 DRBG: SP800-90A CTR DRBG using AES-256 (with DF) Deterministic random bit generation 32 ECDSA KeyPair: P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521, K-233, K-283, K-409, K-571, B-233, B-283, B-409, B-571 ECDSA PKV: All P, K and B curves ECDSA SigGen: P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521, K-233, K-283, K-409, K-571, B-233, B-283, B-409, B-571 with SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 ECDSA SigVer: All P, K and B curves with SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 Key Generation, public key validation and Signature Verification 1276 HMAC: SHA1: 160 Message integrity, authentication, TLS session key generation 443 HMAC: SHA2: 512 Message integrity, authentication 736 HMAC: SHA2: 256, 384 and 512 Message integrity, authentication, TLS session key generation 1677 KAS – SP800-56A (ECC; P-521) Key agreement 153 KTS – SP800-38F Key transport with AES-KW (256) Provides 256 bits of security strength. 4026 (AES) NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 12 FIPS Approved Algorithm Usage Cert. The module implements other forms of SP800-38F wrapping (AES-KW with 128, 192 bit keys; and Triple- DES TKW) but these are used only to wrap data. RSA KeyGen: 2048-bit and 3072-bit RSA SigGen (PKCS#1 v1.5, PSS): 2048, 3072, and 4096-bit with SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 RSA SigVer (PKCS#1 v1.5, PSS): 1024, 2048, 3072, and 4096-bit with SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA- 384, and SHA-512 Key generation, Authentication and Signature Verification Note that RSA-4096 KeyGen is not testable due to CAVP tool limitations; it is allowed per IG A.14. 2701 SHA1:160 Secure hashing using Nitrox Px 801 SHA2:256, 384, 512 Secure hashing using Nitrox Px 1379 SHA1:160; SHA2: 256, 384, 512 For use during Signature generation and Verification in firmware. 1165 Triple-DES: CBC; 192 bits (3-key) Data encryption and decryption 898 Triple-DES: ECB; 192 bits (3-key) Triple-DES Key Wrap Data encryption and decryption 2204 * For GCM, the module falls under Category 4 of IG A.5. The Fixed Field of the IV is generated pseudorandomly by the TLS KDF, ensuring no other party encrypts using the same fixed field. The invocation field is provided by the operator; the operator provides invocation fields as part of a TLS implementation, which by its design prevents IVs from repeating. Note that the module does not perform all of TLS by itself (which is why this is under Category 4 rather than Category 1 of IG A.5). As a result, the operator must always invoke GCM with a “fresh” TLS session, and not re-use material from previous TLS sessions, modify keying material from a TLS handshake before use, or otherwise deviate from the normal usage of TLS. The cryptographic module supports the following non-FIPS Approved algorithms which are allowed for use in FIPS mode. ECC key pair generation is done as per Appendix B.4.1 key pair generation. Table 3 – FIPS Allowed Algorithms Used in the Module Algorithm Usage MD5 Hashing within TLS KDF Hardware RNG (NDRNG); provides 64 bits per access and is limited to instantiating the DRBG with 336 bits of security. DRBG seed generation (512 bits total EI+Nonce) RSA Key Wrap, non-compliant with SP800-56B: • RSA-2048 PKCS#1 (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength) • RSA-2048/3072/4096 OAEP (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 128 bits of encryption strength) • RSA-1024 OAEP (legacy function; decryption only) CSP Encrypt/Decrypt The support of TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2 protocol by the module is restricted to the TLS Key Derivation Function and the crypto operation. This functionality of the module is used by the module operator as part of TLS protocol negotiation. (In general, no parts of TLS, other than the KDF, are tested by the CAVP or CMVP.) NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 13 3.5 Non-Approved, Non-Allowed Algorithms The cryptographic module supports the following non-Approved algorithms available only in non-FIPS mode. Table 4 – Non-Approved, Non-Allowed Algorithms Used in the Module Algorithm Usage Keys/CSPs Cert RC4 Encryption/Decryption RC4 key of 128 bits N/A PBE Key generation Password N/A 3.6 LED Error Pattern for FIPS failure The blink pattern (ON then OFF, X times) followed by a blink gap delay of 200 ms are kept for easy identification of the error on the HSM. All blinks are 50msec ON and 50 msec OFF. Cycles (X) AES (Encrypt, Decrypt) 1 Triple-DES (Encrypt, Decrypt) 2 SHA 160 (Hardware) 3 RSA Sig Ver 4 RSA Key Gen 5 RSA Enc/Dec 6 SHA 160 (Firmware) 10 HMAC SHA512 (Firmware) 11 DRBG (SP-800-90 KAT) 12 ECDSA Key Gen 13 ECDSA PKV 14 ECDSA Sig Ver 15 KAS (IG9.6) KAT 16 AES ECB (Encrypt, Decrypt Hardware for DRBG) 17 HMAC SHA1, SHA256, SHA512(Hardware) 18 AES ECB (Encrypt, Decrypt) 19 AES GCM (Encrypt, Decrypt) 20 DRBG continuous number test 12 ECDSA PKV Conditional Test 14 Hardware RNG continuous number test 24 ECDSA Pairwise Consistency Conditional Test 25 On successful completion of the FIPS tests, the LED remains in the “ON” state. Blinking indicates failures on the HSM. If the LED remains in the permanent glow, the card’s state is fine. NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 14 4 Ports and Interfaces The module ports and interfaces are: Table 5 – Cavium HSM Ports and Interfaces Physical Ports/Interface Pins Used FIPS 140-2 Designation Name and Description USB Interface USB Interface USB0_DP, USB0_DM Power No functionality in FIPS mode USB Interface Not used in FIPS mode Physical connector varies based on form factor (type B, standard or mini) Serial Interface 4 Pin serial interface - GND, 3.3V, Tx, Rx N/A No functionality in FIPS mode Disabled at the hardware level during the firmware load process. PCIe Interface PCIE x4 Interface Lane 0 Transmit Side B (14, 15) Receive Side A (16, 17) Lane 1 Transmit Side B (19, 20) Receive Side A (21, 22) Lane 2 Transmit Side B (23, 24) Receive Side A (25, 26) Lane 3 Transmit Side B (27, 28) Receive Side A (29, 30) Data Input Control Input Data Output Status Output Power PCIe Interface Primary interface to communicate with the module Provides APIs for the software on the host to communicate with the module Large form factor uses PCIe connector, small form factor uses SAS connector (U.2) instead. LED LED interface (2 pins) Status output Visual status indicator 5 Identification and Authentication Policy 5.1 Assumption of Roles The module supports two distinct operator roles, Cryptographic User (CU) and Cryptographic Officer (CO). The module enforces the separation of roles using identity-based authentication. Re-authentication is required to change roles. Concurrent operators are allowed; however, only one operator is allowed per login session. The User Id is used as the identification for identity-based authentication. The module supports two different authentication schemes based on the initial module configuration: • Single factor password based authentication: Username and the password encrypted with 2048 bit RSA public key is passed during the Login service. • Two factor password and challenge/response authentication: Username and encrypted password are supplied during the Login service, followed by a cryptographic challenge response mechanism. NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 15 Table 6 – Roles and Required Identification and Authentication Role Description Authentication Type Authentication Data CO This role has access to administrative services offered by the module. Identity-based operator authentication Single factor: Case In-Sensitive Username and 7 to 14 character encrypted password. Two factor: 1) Case In-Sensitive Username and 7 to 14 character encrypted password 2) An RSA 2048-bit signed challenge. CU This role has access to all crypto services offered by the module. Identity-based operator authentication Single factor: Case In-Sensitive Username and 7 to 14 character encrypted password. Two factor: 1) Case In-Sensitive Username and 7 to 14 character encrypted password 2) An RSA 2048-bit signed challenge. Table 7 – Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism Single Factor Authentication using password based scheme Single factor authentication provides a false acceptance rate of 1/78,364,164,096 (less than 1/1,000,000), determined by the password. Password is minimum seven (7) characters, alpha-numeric so it is (26+10)^7 To exceed 1 in 100,000 probability of a successful random attempt during a 1- minute period, 7350919 (122515 per second) attempts would have to be executed. The module limits the number of Login tries to a user configured value “login_fail_count” during module initialization. This configuration value cannot exceed 20. If the user exceeds the configured value for maximum consecutive failed login attempts then the module is zeroized. Two-factor authentication using password scheme and RSA public key cryptography Two factor authentication is in excess of the false acceptance rate requirement. The analysis for single factor authentication above holds, with the addition of a cryptographic challenge response. The module limits the number of Login tries to a user configured value “login_fail_count” during module initialization. This configuration value cannot exceed 20. If the user exceeds the configured value for maximum consecutive failed login attempts then the module is zeroized. 6 Access Control Policy The Cryptographic Hardware Security Module enforces identity-based authentication. A role is explicitly selected at authentication; either Crypto Officer (CO) or Crypto User (CU) is valid. The module allows one identity per role. NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 16 6.1 Roles and Services Note that the services listed in Tables 8-10 below are also available in the non-FIPS Approved mode (utilizing non-Approved algorithms). 6.1.1 Cryptographic Officer (CO) Services The following table lists the services. Each service is implemented using one or more of the API functions. Table 8 – Authenticated Services (CO only) Service Description Module Initialization Put module into the approved mode and set up policies. This can only be run from a zeroized state. (This same process is used to put the module into non-approved mode, refer to Section 3.3 for details.) Clone Masking Key Securely clones the Masking key between the modules which is used to encrypt backup CSPs from the module. Performance Configuration Allows the CO to set the performance configuration. Generate MAC Generates a message authentication code using HMAC. Change CO Password Changes CO password. Logout Logs out the operator (returns the module to the unauthenticated state) and closes the session. Encrypt/Decrypt Data Encrypts and decrypts data using keys in the module. Show Status Displays the status of the module like configuration, FIPS Approved mode, free memory, and used sessions. Fipsstate field indicates the mode of operation for the HSM. Session Status Shows the login status of the session. Zeroize Module Zeroizes all plaintext CSPs in the module by overwriting memory in all locations, delete users, clear policies, and return the module to a zeroized state. Reset Module Logical reset of the module. This service functions the same as a hardware reset, except that it does not reset host-side PCIe bus interface configuration. Generate KLK Generates KLK which can be used in importing a key into the module. FW Upgrade Upgrades to a new firmware image FW Downgrade Downgrades firmware image 6.1.2 CU services Table 9 – Authenticated Services (CU only) Service Description Key and Key Pair Management Generates, imports, deletes and changes label of symmetric and asymmetric keys. Outputs plaintext public key. Generate KLK Generates KLK. NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 17 Secure Backup / Restore Masks and unmasks symmetric and asymmetric keys using masking key in the module. Encrypt/Decrypt Data Encrypts and decrypts data using keys in the module. Sign/Verify Data Generates signature on given data and verifies a pre-generated signature. Wrap/Unwrap data Performs SP 800-38F wrap or unwrap of given databuf. Secure Key Load Enters CSPs into the module in encrypted form. Generate MAC Generates a message authentication code using HMAC. Generate Random Number Generates FIPS approved random number of given size. Change CU Password Changes CU password. Logout Logs out the operator (returns the module to the unauthenticated state) and closes the session. Show Status Displays the status of the module like configuration, FIPS Approved mode, free memory, and used sessions. Fipsstate field indicates the mode of operation for the HSM. Session Status Shows the login status of the session. Zeroize Module Zeroizes all plaintext CSPs in the module by overwriting memory in all locations, delete users, clear policies, and return the module to a zeroized state. Reset Module Logical reset of the module. This service functions the same as a hardware reset, except that it does not reset host-side PCIe bus interface configuration. TLS Handshake Run TLS handsahek with RSA and/or ECDH key exchange, establish TLS Session Keys in onbard context memory. TLS Record Processing Encrypt and decrypt the TLS records using the TLS Session Keys in context. 6.1.3 Unauthenticated Services The cryptographic module supports the following unauthenticated services: Table 10 – Unauthenticated Services Service Description Login Allows the operator to authenticate to the module. Show Status Displays the status of the module like configuration, FIPS Approved mode, free memory, and used sessions. Fipsstate field indicates the mode of operation for the HSM. Session Status Shows the login status of the session. Session Close Closes the session. Zeroize Module Zeroizes all plaintext CSPs in the module by overwriting memory in all locations, delete users, clear policies, and return the module to a zeroized state. Reset Module Logical reset of the module. This service functions the same as a hardware reset, except that it does not reset host-side PCIe bus interface configuration. When powering back up, the power-up self-tests will run. NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 18 The following table describes the input/output arguments and the return values from all the services. All the inputs and outputs - Data and Control, are exchanged over PCIe interface (which uses a physical PCIe port or an SAS port, depending on form factor). Table 11 – Specification of Service Inputs & Outputs Service Control Input Data Input Data Output Status Output Login Session Handle User Name, Encrypted Password, Nonce N/A SUCCESS/FAILURE Show Status Session Handle Flags Session Status SUCCESS/FAILURE Session Status Session Handle N/A Login Status SUCCESS/FAILURE Session Close Session Handle N/A N/A SUCCESS/FAILURE Zeroize Module Session handle NA N/A SUCCESS/FAILURE Module Initialization Session handle Policies including approved or non- approved mode, user credentials N/A SUCCESS/FAILURE Reset Module N/A N/A N/A SUCCESS Key and Key pair management Session handle Key handle Encrypted key Plain Public key SUCCESS/FAILURE Secure Backup/Restore Session Handle Key Handle Wrapped Key SUCCESS/FAILURE Sign/Verify Data Session handle Plain Data/Signature, Key handle Signature/Status SUCCESS/FAILURE Wrap/Unwrap Data Session handle Plain/Wrapped Data, Key handle Wrapped/Unwrap ped data SUCCESS/FAILURE Encrypt/Decrypt Data Session handle Plain/Encrypted Data, Key handle Encrypted/Decryp ted Data SUCCESS/FAILURE Secure Key Load Session Handle Encrypted CSP Key Handle SUCCESS/FAILURE Generate MAC Session handle Data, Key Handle MAC on Data SUCCESS/FAILURE Generate Random Number Session handle Size Random data SUCCESS/FAILURE Change CU Password Session Handle Encrypted old and new passwords N/A SUCCESS/FAILURE Logout Session Handle N/A N/A SUCCESS/FAILURE FW Upgrade Session Handle New FW image N/A SUCCESS/FAILURE FW Downgrade Session Handle New FW image N/A SUCCESS/FAILURE NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 19 Service Control Input Data Input Data Output Status Output Generate KLK Session Handle Source HSM Public Key, Target HSM Public Key, Nonce Encrypted Masking Key SUCCESS/FAILURE Performance Configuration Session Handle Performance Level, Signature N/A SUCCESS/FAILURE Change CO Password Session Handle Encrypted old and new passwords N/A SUCCESS/FAILURE Clone Masking Key Session Handle Source HSM Public Key, Target HSM Public Key, Nonce Encrypted Masking Key SUCCESS/FAILURE TLS Handshake Session Handle TLS peer parameters, Private Key handle, Context handle. Encrypted or plain text Client and Server Finished messages SUCCESS/FAILURE TLS Record Processing Session Handle TLS record data, Context handle Plain or Encrypted TLS record. SUCCSES/FAILURE 6.2 Definition of Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) Master Key is stored in the EEPROM while all other CSPs are encrypted using Master Key and stored in the persistent memory. The operator Login Public Keys for Crypto User (CU) and Crypto-Officer (CO) are generated on a smart card and imported to store in modules persistent memory. The following table lists the CSPs contained in the module. Table 12 – Private Keys and CSPs Key Name Type Description DRBG EI & Seed Entropy Input & Seed Entropy Input and seed for CTR_DRBG, taken from NDRNG (length varies) DRBG State CTR_DRBG Internal state V (128 bits) and Key (256 bits) internal state values for CTR_DRBG Master Key AES-256 key Used to encrypt and decrypt a subset of CSPs stored in the module. KBK (Key Backup Key, aka Masking Key) AES-256 key Used to encrypt the CSPs to extract the keys out of the module. KLK (Key Loading Key) AES-256 key Used to decrypt the imported CSPs. Cloning ECC Private Key 512 bit ECDSA Private key Used for key agreement in the Clone Masking Key service. (Public key: Cloning ECC {Initiator, Responder} Public Key) Cloning RSA 4096 bit RSA Private Used for key agreement in the Clone Masking Key service. NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 20 Key Name Type Description Private Key Key (Public key: Cloning RSA {Initiator, Responder} Public Key) Cloning Shared Secret (Z) Random number Output from the Approved KDF. Clone Session Encryption Key AES-256 key Ephemeral wrapping key generated as part of key agreement scheme. This key is used for wrapping of the Key Backup Key (KBK) during module masking key service. Key Loading ECC Private Key P-521 bit ECDSA Private key Used for key agreement of key import service to derive KLK. (Public key: Key Load ECC {Initiator, Responder} Public Key) Key Loading RSA Private Key 4096 bit RSA Private Key Used for key agreement of key import service to derive KLK. (Public key: Key Load RSA {Initiator, Responder} Public Key) Key Loading Shared Secret (Z) Random number Output from the Approved KDF. Crypto User Password 7 to 14 Characters Entered into the module during the user creation. The password is also compared during the Login service to authenticate the CU. Crypto-Officer Password 7 to 14 Characters Entered into the module during the user creation. The password is also compared during the Login service to authenticate the CO. PSWD_DEC Private Key 2048-bits RSA private key Used to decrypt the operator supplied encrypted password during user creation and login. (Public key: Password Encryption Public Key) RSA Private Key RSA key of 2048 to 3072 bits Generated, imported, or inserted into the module using the module services. ECC or ECDSA Private Key ECC key of curves P- 224, P-256, P-384, P- 521, K-233, K-283, K- 409, K-571, B-233, B- 283, B-409, B-571 Generated, imported, or inserted into the module using the module services. Triple-DES Symmetric Keys Triple DES 192 bit Key Generated, transported, or entered into the module using the module services under the control of authenticated (CO or CU) operators. If generated on the module, generated with an Approved DRBG. If transported or entered, the module uses the KLK. AES Symmetric Keys Set of AES-128, 192, 256 keys Generated, transported, or entered into the module using the module services under the control of authenticated (CO or CU) operators. If generated on the module, generated with an Approved DRBG. If transported or entered, the module uses the KLK. HMAC-SHA Key Random number Secret key used to generate HMAC-SHA MAC data. TLS KDF States KDF Internal TLS Pre-Master Secret (size varies) and TLS Master Secret (384 bits); used to generate TLS session keys (see below) TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2 Session AES Symmetric Key AES 128, 256 Generated as part of the TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2 protocol negotiation. TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2 Session Triple-DES Symmetric Key Triple DES 192 Generated as part of the TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2 protocol negotiation. NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 21 Key Name Type Description TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2 Session MAC Key HMAC-SHA-1/SHA-2 key Generated as part of the TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2 protocol negotiation. Clone Session MAC Key HMAC-SHA-256 key Generated as part of key agreement scheme and used as key confirmation during clone masking key service. PAC Password/ Authentication Info Imported as part of the EAP-FAST authentication. 6.3 Definition of Public Keys The module contains the following public keys: Table 13 – Public Keys Key Name Type Description Password Encryption Public Key 2048 bits RSA public key Used by operator to encrypt the user passwords during user creation and login. The encrypted passwords will be decrypted by the associated PSWD_DEC Private Key Cloning Initiator ECC Public Key ECC Static public key (P- 521) Used in SP 800-56A C(0,2,ECC DH) key agreement to generate shared secret Z. At HSM level, used to establish secure channel for cloning process (to export Masking Key). Cloning Responder ECC Public Key ECC Static public key (P- 521) Used in SP 800-56A C(0,2,ECC DH) key agreement to generate shared secret Z. At HSM level, used to establish secure channel for cloning process (to export Masking Key). Key Load Initiator ECC Public Key ECC Static public key (P- 521) Used in SP 800-56A C(0,2,ECC DH) key agreement to generate shared secret Z. At HSM level, used to establish secure channel for importing encrypted CSPs (Secure Key Loading). Key Load Responder ECC Public Key ECC Static public key (P- 521) Used in SP 800-56A C(0,2,ECC DH) key agreement to generate shared secret Z. At HSM level, used to establish secure channel for importing encrypted CSPs (Secure Key Loading). Cloning Initiator RSA Public Key 4096 bit Static RSA Public Key Used in RSA encryption/decryption exchange to generate shared secret Z. At HSM level, used to establish secure channel for cloning process (to export Masking Key). Cloning Responder RSA Public Key 4096 bit Static RSA Public Key Used in RSA encryption/decryption exchange to generate shared secret Z. At HSM level, used to establish secure channel for cloning process (to export Masking Key). Key Load Initiator RSA Public Key 4096 bit Static RSA Public Key Used in RSA encryption/decryption exchange to generate shared secret Z. At HSM level, used to establish secure channel for cloning process (Secure Key Loading). Key Load Responder RSA Public Key 4096 bit Static RSA Public Key Used in RSA encryption/decryption exchange to generate shared secret Z. At HSM level, used to establish secure channel for cloning process (Secure Key Loading). CO Login Public Key 2048 bit RSA public key Used for signature verification in a challenge / response protocol during Login process as an optional second authentication factor. CU Login Public Key 2048 bit RSA public key Used for signature verification in a challenge / response protocol during Login process as an optional second authentication factor. NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 22 Key Name Type Description Cloning ECC Domain Parameter Set ECC P-521 curve domain parameters Domain parameter set D (Set EE) ECC P-521 curve domain parameters used in SP 800-56A C(0,2,ECC DH) key agreement to deriveshared secret Z. User Generated Public Keys RSA:1024 to 3072. ECDSA: All NIST supported curves, Appendix A. All Keys are used for signature verification. Note that certain keys must only be used for legacy operations. (RSA <2048, DSA-1024, ECC <224; refer to SP800-131A for details.) FW Validation Key 2048 bit RSA public key Authenticates FW images loaded into the module. License Key 2048 bit RSA public key RSA 2048-bit public key certificate used to validate the license service for module configuration 6.4 Definition of Session Key The cryptographic module supports the generation/import/export of user keys which are bound to a session and are termed as session keys. Following points apply to the session keys: • Session keys are stored in RAM and are lost across reboots. • Session key access is restricted to an application in which it is created. • Every session in an application will have access to the key's created by every other session in the same application. • When a session is closed, the session keys created by that session get destroyed. The module contains the following session keys: NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 23 Table 14 – Session Keys Key Name Type Description User Generated Public Keys RSA: 1024 to 4096 bits in intervals of 256 bits. ECDSA: All NIST supported curves, Appendix A and B. Keys are used for signature verification. Note that certain keys must only be used for legacy operations. (RSA <2048 ECC <224; refer to SP800-131A for details.) RSA Private Keys RSA key of 2048 to 4096 bits Generated, imported, or inserted into the module using the module services. ECDSA Private Key NIST supported curves listed in Appendix A. Generated, imported, or inserted into the module using the module services. Triple-DES Symmetric Keys Set of Triple-DES-192 keys Generated, transported, or entered into the module using the module services under the control of authenticated (CO or CU) operators. If generated on the module, generated with an Approved DRBG. If transported or entered, the module uses key transport of 256 bits of strength. AES Symmetric Keys Set of AES-128, 192, 256 keys Generated, transported, or entered into the module using the module services under the control of authenticated (CO or CU) operators. If generated on the module, generated with an Approved DRBG. If transported or entered, the module uses key transport of 256 bits of strength. 6.5 Definition of CSPs Modes of Access Table 16 defines the relationship between access to CSPs and the different module services. The modes of access shown in the table are defined as: G = Generate: The module generates the CSP. R = Read: The module reads the CSP. The read access is typically performed before the module uses the CSP. W = Write: The module writes the CSP. The write access is typically performed after a CSP is imported into the module, or the module generates a CSP, or the module overwrites an existing CSP. Z = Zeroize: The module zeroizes the CSP. Table 15 – CSP Access Rights within Roles & Services Role Service Mode Cryptographic Key or CSP Unauthenticated Login R Password Encryption public Key, Crypto User Password, Crypto-Officer Password Unauthenticated Show Status None None Unauthenticated Session Status None None Unauthenticated Session Close None None Unauthenticated Zeroize Module Z All CSPs CO Module initialization W, G G: Password Encryption Keypair (PSWD_DEC NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 24 Role Service Mode Cryptographic Key or CSP Private Key, Password Encryption Public Key), DRBG EI & Seed, DRBG State, Master Key, Cloning Initiator Public Keys, KBK, Cloning Initiator Private Keys W: CO Password, CU Password, PAC Unauthenticated Reset Module Z, G Z: All keys in temporary memory (RAM)* G: DRBG EI & Seed, DRBG State CO Clone Masking Key G, R, Z R: Cloning Initiator Public Key, Cloning Responder Public Key, Cloning Private Key, KBK, Masking Key GRZ: Cloning Shared Secret, Clone Session Encryption Key, Clone Session MAC Key CO Performance Configuration None None CO Generate MAC R HMAC-SHA Key CO Change CO Password R Password Encryption public Key, Crypto User Password, Crypto Officer Password CO Logout None None CO Encrypt/Decrypt Data R R: AES Symmetric Keys, Triple-DES Symmetric Keys, User Generated Public Keys CO Show Status None None CO Session Status None None CO Zeroize Module Z All CSPs CO Reset Module Z All keys in temporary memory (RAM)* CO Generate KLK G, R, W, Z R: Key Load Initiator Public Key W:Key Load Responder Public Key G, Z: Key Load Initiator Public Key, Key Load Initiator Private Key, Key Loading Private Key, Key Loading Shared Secret, Key Loading Key CO FW Upgrade W W: FW Validation Key, License Key CO FW Downgrade W W: FW Validation Key, License Key CU Key and Key Pair Management G, R, W, Z R: KLK G, R, W, Z: AES Symmetric Keys, Triple-DES Symmetric Keys, HMAC-SHA Key, RSA Private Keys, User Generated Public Keys, Password Encryption public key(RSA) CU Generate KLK G, R R: Key Load Initiator Public Key, Masking Key W:Key Load Responder Public Key G, Z: Key Load Initiator Public Key, Key Load Initiator Private Key, Key Loading Private Key, Key Loading Shared Secret, Key Loading Key NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 25 Role Service Mode Cryptographic Key or CSP CU Secure Backup/Restore G, R, Z, W R: KBK, GRZ:Symmetric Key/Asymmetric Key RW: RSA Private Key, RSA Private Session Key, User Generated Public Keys, 3_DES Symmetric Key, 3_DES Symmetric Session Key, ECDSA Private Key, ECDSA Private Session Key, AES Symmetric Key, AES Symmetric Session Key, HMAC-SHA Key CU Encrypt/Decrypt Data R R: AES Symmetric Keys, Triple-DES Symmetric Keys, User Generated Public Keys CU Sign/Verify Data R R: RSA Private Key, User Generated Public Keys CU Wrap/Unwrap Data R R: AES Symmetric Keys, Triple-DES Symmetric Keys CU Secure Key Load G, R, W R: Key Load Initiator Public Key, Key Load Responder Public Key, Key Load private key, GR: Key Loading Key W: RSA Private Key, RSA Private Session Key, User Generated Public Keys, 3_DES Symmetric Key, 3_DES Symmetric Session Key, ECDSA Private Key, ECDSA Private Session Key, AES Symmetric Key, AES Symmetric Session Key, HMAC-SHA Key CU Generate MAC R R: HMAC-SHA Key CU Generate Random Number R R: DRBG State G: RSA Private Key, RSA Private Session Key User Generated Public Keys, 3_DES Symmetric Key, 3_DES Symmetric Session Key, ECDSA Private Key, ECDSA Private Session Key, AES Symmetric Key, AES Symmetric Session Key, HMAC-SHA Key CU Change CU Password W W: Password Encryption public Key, Crypto User Password, Crypto Officer Password CU Logout None None CU Show Status None None CU Session Status None None CU Zeroize Module Z Z: All CSPs CU Reset Module Z, G Z: All keys in temporary memory (RAM)* G: DRBG EI & Seed, DRBG State CU TLS Handshake R, G R: RSA/ECC keys G: TLS KDF States, TLS Session keys CU TLS Record Processing R R: TLS Session keys * The following keys are stored in RAM: Cloning Responder Public Key, TLS Session Keys, Cloning Session MAC Key, AES Symmetric Session Key, ECDSA Private Session Key, 3_DES Symmetric Session Key, RSA Private Session Key, KeyLoading Shared Secret (Z), Cloning Shared Secret (Z), Cloning Session Key, CTR_DRBG internal State 7 Operational Environment The module implements a limited operational environment. FIPS 140-2 Area 6 Operational Environment requirements do not apply to the module in this validation. NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 26 8 Security Rules & Guidance This section documents the security rules enforced by the cryptographic module to implement the security requirements of this FIPS 140-2 Level-3 module. 8.1 Procedural While this Level 3 module enforces most rules on its own (see “Automatic”, below), there are a few exceptions: 1. The module must be configured for FIPS operation by following the first-time initialization procedure described in Section 4 of the User Manual and C-API Specification (CN16xx-NFBE-API-0.9: a. Provide the default CO pin b. Provide the HSM label c. Set the FIPS mode flag to TRUE for FIPS 140-2 Level 3 2. The operator must not misuse AES-GCM. Refer to the note under Table 3 for details. 3. The user must restrict their usage of legacy algorithms to appropriate “legacy” situations, such as the verification of data signed using a SHA-1 hash before it was disallowed by SP800-131A. No module can enforce this when the context is external (i.e. when the module provides an algorithm to the operator for arbitrary external use). The following algorithms within the module are for legacy use only: a. All signature verification operations with SHA-1 as the hash (RSA, ECDSA) b. ECDSA verification operations with curves smaller than 224 (see Appendix B of this document). c. RSA verification or decryption operations with key sizes smaller than 2048 (e.g. RSA-1024). 4. The user must restrict the use of Triple-DES as per FIPS IG §A.13. A Triple-DES key must not be used for more than 220 encryption operations (roughly 8.38MB) for IETF protocols, such as TLS (Per RFC’s 2246, 4346, 5246), or 216 encryption operations (roughly 524kB) for other use-cases. (This provision is subject to change; please refer to for the current restrictions.) This is allowed to be procedural at Level 3 as per IG A.13. 5. Any new software/firmware loaded onto the module must be covered by a FIPS 140-2 validation certificate in order for this device to remain a FIPS module. 8.2 Automatic The following security rules are enforced by the module automatically. No operator action is required. 1. The cryptographic module clears previous authentications on power cycle 2. When the module has not been placed in a valid role, the operator does not have access to any security-relevant services. 3. The cryptographic module performs the following power up, continuous and conditional self-tests A. Power-Up Tests - AES-128 CBC Encrypt & Decrypt KATs (Cert. #1265) - AES-256 ECB Encrypt & Decrypt KATs (Cert. #1265) NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 27 - AES-128 ECB, GCM Encrypt & Decrypt KATs (Cert. #2899) - AES-256 key wrap/unwrap KATs (Cert. #4026) - DRBG KAT (Cert. #32) - ECDSA (all curves) Sig Gen/Ver, KeyGen and PKV KATs (Cert. #1276) - HMAC-SHA-1, SHA-256, ad SHA-512 KATs (Certs. #443, #1677) (Covers SHS #801, #1379) - HMAC-SHA-512 KAT (Cert. #736) (Covers SHS #1165) - SHS KAT 160 bit (Cert. #801) - SHS KAT 160 (Cert. #1165) - RSA-2048/3072 Sig Gen/Ver with (SHA-1 [verify only], SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512) KATs (Cert. #2701) (Covers SHS #1165, #1166) - RSA Encrypt & Decrypt KATs - KAS KAT per IG 9.6 (Q=dG and KDF) - Firmware integrity test (CRC16) - Triple-DES Encrypt & Decrypt KATs (Cert. #898) - Triple-DES key wrap/unwrap KATs (Cert. #2204) B. Conditional Self-Tests - ECDSA Pairwise Consistency Test - RSA Pairwise Consistency Test - SP800-90A CTR_DRBG Continuous number test - KAS conditional test - HW RNG Continuous Number Test - FW Load test (RSA-2048) 4. Critical Functions Tests: The module runs the following Critical Functions Tests which are required to ensure the correct functioning of the device. a. Power On Memory Test b. Power On Phy Test c. EEPROM Test d. NOR Flash Test e. Nitrox Chips Tests 5. The operator can command the module to perform the power up self-test by cycling power or resetting the module. 6. Power up self-tests do not require any operator action. 7. Data output is inhibited during self-tests, zeroization, and error states. 8. Status information does not contain CSPs or sensitive data that if misused could lead to a compromise of the module. 9. The zeroization services zeroizes all keys and other CSPs, without restriction. 10. The module does not support a maintenance interface or role. 11. The module does not support bypass capabilities. 12. The module does not support manual key entry. 13. The module has no CSP feedback to operators. 14. The module does not enter or output plaintext CSPs 15. The module does not output intermediate key values. NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 28 9 Physical Security Policy 9.1 Physical Security Mechanisms For all variants, the module’s cryptographic boundary is defined to be the outer perimeter of the hard epoxy enclosure containing the hardware and firmware components. The module is opaque and completely conceals the internal components of the cryptographic module. The epoxy enclosure of the module prevents physical access to any of the internal components without having to destroy the module. There are no operator required actions. Note: Module hardness testing was only performed at ambient temperature. No assurance is provided for Level 3 hardness conformance at any other temperature. 10 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy No mitigation of other attacks are implemented by the module. NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 29 11 References 1. NIST Special Publication SP800-38F, December, 2012. 2. NIST Special Publication 800-56A, March, 2007. 3. NIST Special Publication 800-56B, August, 2009. 4. NIST Special Publication 800-57 Part-1, May 2006. 5. FIPS PUB 140-2, FIPS Publication 140-2 Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules 6. Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program 12 Definitions and Acronyms CO – Crypto Officer CU – Crypto User ECC – Elliptic Curve Cryptography HSM – Hardware Security Module KBK – Key Backup Key KLK – Key Loading Key KAT – Known Answer Test NITROX XL 16xx-NFBE HSM Family Version 3.4 Security Policy Cavium Inc. CN16xx-NFBE-SPD-L3-v3.4.pdf 30 Appendix A: Supported ECC curves Curves over prime number fields: P-224, P-256, P384, P-521. Koblitz curves over 2^m fields: K-233, K-283, K-409, K-571. Curves over 2^m fields: B-233, B-283, B-409, B-571. Appendix B: Limited usage ECC curves (SP 800-131A) Curves over prime number fields: P-192 Koblitz curves over 2^m fields: K-163 Curves over 2^m fields: B-163