Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 1 of 46 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module Rambus Inc. 4453 North First Street, Suite 100 San Jose CA 95134 United States 2023-05-19 Revision A Software Version 1.2.1 Document Number: FIPS-2022-0113 Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 2 of 46 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 PURPOSE............................................................................................................................................. 6 1.2 SECURITY LEVEL..................................................................................................................................... 6 1.3 GLOSSARY............................................................................................................................................ 6 2 PORTS AND INTERFACES ........................................................................................................ 8 3 ROLES, SERVICES, AND AUTHENTICATION ....................................................................... 9 3.1 ROLES AND SERVICES ............................................................................................................................. 9 3.1.1 User Role............................................................................................................................ 9 3.1.2 Crypto-officer Role ........................................................................................................... 10 3.2 AUTHENTICATION MECHANISMS AND STRENGTH....................................................................................... 11 4 SECURE OPERATION AND SECURITY RULES................................................................... 12 4.1 SECURITY RULES.................................................................................................................................. 12 4.2 PHYSICAL SECURITY RULES .................................................................................................................... 13 4.3 SECURE OPERATION INITIALIZATION RULES............................................................................................... 13 5 DEFINITION OF SRDIS AND MODES OF ACCESS .............................................................. 14 5.1 FIPS APPROVED AND ALLOWED ALGORITHMS........................................................................................... 14 5.2 NON-FIPS MODE OF OPERATION............................................................................................................ 18 5.3 LIST OF SERVICES................................................................................................................................. 21 6 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEYS, CSPS, AND SRDIS................................................................................................ 25 6.1 ACCESS CONTROL POLICY ..................................................................................................................... 30 6.2 USER GUIDE....................................................................................................................................... 36 6.2.1 NIST SP 800-108: Key Derivation Functions ..................................................................... 36 6.2.2 NIST SP 800-56C Rev1: Key-Derivation Methods in Key-Establishment Schemes ............ 36 6.2.3 HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) for TLS v1.3 ............. 38 6.2.4 NIST SP 800-132: Password-Based Key Derivation Function............................................ 38 6.2.5 NIST SP 800-38D: Galois/Counter Mode .......................................................................... 38 6.2.6 NIST SP 800-38E: XTS Mode ............................................................................................. 40 6.2.7 NIST SP 800-67 Rev 2: Triple-DES Encryption................................................................... 40 6.2.8 NIST SP 800-90A Rev1: Deterministic Random Bit Generator.......................................... 40 6.2.9 NIST SP 800-133: Key Generation .................................................................................... 41 6.2.10 NIST SP 800-107 Rev 1: Truncated HMAC........................................................................ 41 6.2.11 Support of Industry Protocols........................................................................................... 41 6.2.12 Processor Algorithmic Acceleration ................................................................................. 42 6.3 PORTING MAINTAINING VALIDATION ....................................................................................................... 42 7 SELF TESTS ............................................................................................................................... 44 7.1 POWER-UP SELF-TESTS........................................................................................................................ 44 7.2 CONDITIONAL SELF TESTS...................................................................................................................... 45 8 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS..................................................................................... 46 Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 3 of 46 Modification History 2023-05-19 Updated according to validation comments (KTS/assurance) 2023-05-04 Updated according to validation comments. 2022-04-25 Removed RSA encryption with PKCS padding from FIPS allowed services 2022-04-12 Updated approved services list according to the new CAVP cert entries and future CMVP algorithm transitions. 2022-04-01 Policy revision A: FIPS Lib 1.2.1 policy, based on FIPS Lib 1.2.0. Updated according to NIST SP 800-56Arev3 2020-03-21 Updated operational environment according to validation comments. Added new vendor affirmed environments. Updated company info to Rambus Inc. and rebranded from Inside Secure FIPS Cryptographic Module to SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module. 2020-01-08 Updated according to validation comments. 2019-05-10 Updated for CMVP validation. 2018-11-28 Updated list of services available. 2018-10-25 Added HKDF and AES-GCM IV #4 rationale. 2018-09-21 Policy revision A: FIPS Lib 1.2.0 policy, based on FIPS Lib 1.1.0. Rebranding: SafeZone FIPS to Inside Secure FIPS. 2014-12-12 Policy revision A: FIPS Lib 1.1.0 policy, based on FIPS Lib 1.0.3 (A) 2014-05-12 Policy revision D: Revalidation 2014-05-07 Updated according to NIST SP 800-131A 2014-05-02 Added more vendor affirmed platforms 2014-04-25 Added several vendor affirmed platforms 2014-04-25 Added validated one platform: Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (ARMv7-a) 2013-12-31 Updated contact addresses 2013-03-15 Policy revision C: The original validation Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 4 of 46 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module 1 Introduction SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module is a FIPS 140-2 Security Level 1 validated software cryptographic module from Rambus. This module is a toolkit that provides the most commonly used cryptographic primitives for a wide range of applications, including primitives needed for VPN (Virtual Private Network), TLS (Transport Layer Security), DAR (Data-At-Rest), and DRM (Digital Rights Management) clients. SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module is a software-based product with a custom, small-footprint API (Application Programming Interface). The cryptographic module has been designed to provide the necessary cryptographic capabilities for other Rambus products. However, it can also be used stand-alone in custom-developed products to provide the required cryptographic functionality. The module is primarily intended for embedded products with a general-purpose operating system. Figure 1: SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module Cryptographic Boundary For FIPS 140-2 purposes, SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module is classified as a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module. Within the logical boundary of SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module is the libsafezone-sw-fips.a/so object code library, also known as SafeZone FIPS Lib. The physical cryptographic boundary CPU ROM RAM Logical Cryptographic Boundary SafeZone FIPS Lib Data Output Persistent Storage Peripherals Physical Cryptographic Boundary Remote Devices Data Input Control Input Status Output Power Supply Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 5 of 46 of the module is the enclosure of a general-purpose computing device executing the application that embeds the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module. The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module has been tested for validation on the following operational environments: Operating System CPU Device Version Xubuntu 20.04 LTS Intel Atom x5 with PAA (X86 32-bit) AAEON UP UPC-CHT01-A20- 0464-A11 1.2.1 Xubuntu 20.04 LTS Intel Atom x5 without PAA (X86 32-bit) AAEON UP UPC-CHT01-A20- 0464-A11 1.2.1 Xubuntu 20.04 LTS Intel Atom x5 with PAA (X86 64-bit) AAEON UP UPC-CHT01-A20- 0464-A11 1.2.1 Xubuntu 20.04 LTS Intel Atom x5 without PAA (X86 64-bit) AAEON UP UPC-CHT01-A20- 0464-A11 1.2.1 Debian 9 Linux ARM Cortex-A53 with PAA (ARMv8-a 64-bit) ROCK64 1.2.1 Debian 9 Linux ARM Cortex-A53 without PAA (ARMv8-a 64-bit) ROCK64 1.2.1 Xubuntu 20.04 LTS ARM Cortex-A7 (ARMv7-a 32-bit) Raspberry Pi 2 1.2.1 Compliance is maintained on platforms for which the binary executable remains unchanged. The module has been confirmed by the vendor to be operational on the following platforms. As allowed by the FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance G.5, the validation status of the Cryptographic Module is maintained when operated in the following additional operating environments: Implementation Guidance G.5 Recompilation Operating System CPU Ubuntu 18.04.2 Linux ARMv8-a with and without PAA (64-bit) Ubuntu 20.04 Linux ARMv8-a with and without PAA (64-bit) Debian 11 Linux ARMv8-a with and without PAA (64-bit) Android 10.0 ARMv8-a with and without PAA (64-bit) Android 11 ARMv8-a with and without PAA (64-bit) Android 12 ARMv8-a with and without PAA (64-bit) Android 12L ARMv8-a with and without PAA (64-bit) Nucleus 3.0 ARMv5 ARM926EJ-S (32-bit) PhotonOS 4.0 X86 Intel Xeon (64-bit) Ubuntu Linux 18.04 X86 Intel Xeon (64-bit) Ubuntu 20.04 Linux X86 Intel Xeon (64-bit) Ubuntu Linux 18.04 X86 Intel Core (64-bit) Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 6 of 46 Ubuntu 20.04 Linux X86 Intel Core (64-bit) Raspberry Pi OS ARMv8-a with and without PAA (64-bit) Raspberry Pi OS ARMv7-a 32-bit The CMVP makes no statement as to the correct operation of the module or the security strengths of the generated keys when the specific operational environment is not listed on the validation certificate. Source code package for user performed post- validation porting of the module for these platforms is available. 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to describe the secure operation of the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module including the initialization, roles, and responsibilities of operating the product in a secure, in FIPS 140 mode of operation. 1.2 Security level The cryptographic module meets the overall requirements applicable to Level 1 security of FIPS 140-2. Security Level Security Requirements Specification Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security N/A Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 1 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 1.3 Glossary Term/Acronym Description AES Advanced Encryption Standard API Application Programming Interface CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program (FIPS 140) CSP Critical Security Parameter DEP Default Entry Point DRM Digital Rights Management DSS Digital Signature Standard EC Elliptic Curve FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard IKE Internet Key Exchange Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 7 of 46 KEM Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (See NIST SP 800-56B) KTS Key Transport Scheme OAEP Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding PAA Processor Algorithm Accelerator PRF Pseudo-Random Function SHS Secure Hash Standard SRDI Security Relevant Data Item TLS Transport Layer Security Triple-DES Triple Data Encryption Standard VPN Virtual Private Network Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 8 of 46 2 Ports and Interfaces As a software-only module, the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module provides an API logical interface for invocation of FIPS140-2 approved cryptographic functions. The functions shall be called by the referencing application, which assumes the operator role during application execution. The API, through the use of input parameters, output parameters, and function return values, defines the four FIPS 140- 2 logical interfaces: data input, data output, control input and status output. Logical Interfaces API Data Input The data read from memory area(s) provided to the invoked function via parameters that point to the memory area(s). Control Input The API function invoked and function parameters designated as control inputs. Data Output The data written to memory area(s) provided to the invoked function via parameters that point to the memory area(s). Status Output The return value of the invoked API function. Power Interface Not accessible via the API. The power interface is used as applicable on the physical device. Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 9 of 46 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module supports the Crypto Officer and User roles. The operator of the module will assume one of these two roles. Only one role may be active at a time. The Crypto Officer role is assumed implicitly upon module installation, uninstallation, initialization, zeroization, and power-up self-testing. If initialization and self-testing are successful, a transition to the User role is allowed and the User will be able to use all keys and cryptographic operations provided by the module, and to create any CSPs (except Trusted Root Key CSPs which may only be created in the Crypto Officer role). The four unique run-time services given only to the Crypto Officer role are the ability to initialize the module, to set-up key material for Trusted Root Key CSP(s), to modify the entropy source, and to switch to the User role to perform any activities allowed for the User role. The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module does not support concurrent operators. 3.1 Roles and Services The module does not authenticate the operator role. 3.1.1 User Role The User role is assumed once the Crypto Officer role is finished with module initialization and explicitly switches the role using the FL_LibEnterUserRole API function. The User role is intended for common cryptographic use. The full list of cryptographic services available to the User role is supplied in section 5.3 of this document. Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 10 of 46 Service Description All services except installation, initialization, entropy source nomination, and creation of Trusted Root Key CSPs. All standard cryptographic operations of the module, such as symmetric encryption, message authentication codes, and digital signatures. The User role may also allocate the key assets and load values for any of these cryptographic purposes. The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module also provides a ‘Show Status’ service (API function FL_LibStatus) that can be used to query the current status of the cryptographic module. A macro based on FL_LibStatus is provided (FL_IS_IN_APPROVED_MODE), which returns true if the module is currently in an approved mode of operation. 3.1.2 Crypto-officer Role The Crypto Officer role can perform all the services allowed for the User role plus a handful of additional ones. Separate from the run-time services of the module, the tasks of installing and uninstalling the module to and from the host system imply the role of a Crypto Officer. The four run-time services available only to the Crypto Officer are initializing the module for use, creating key material for Trusted Root Key CSPs, modifying the entropy source, and switching to the User role. Service Description All services allowed for User role See sections 3.1.1 and 5.3. Initialization Loading and preparing the module for use. Trusted Root Key creation Load key material into the module for local security purposes (FL_RootKeyAllocateAndLoadValue). Entropy Source Select the provider of the external entropy source. (FL_RbgInstallEntropySource, FL_RbgRequestSecurityStrength, FL_RbgUseNonblockingEntropySource). Switch to the User Role Uses the FL_LibEnterUserRole API function to switch to User role. Installation When the module is installed to a host system. Uninstallation When the module is removed from a host system. Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 11 of 46 3.2 Authentication Mechanisms and Strength FIPS 140-2 Security Level 1 does not require role-based or identity-based operator authentication. The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module will not authenticate the operator. Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 12 of 46 4 Secure Operation and Security Rules In order to operate the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module securely, the operator should be aware of the security rules enforced by the module and should adhere to the rules for physical security and secure operation. 4.1 Security Rules To operate the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module securely, the operator of the module must follow these instructions: 1. The operating environment that executes the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module must ensure single operator mode of operation to be compliant with the requirements for the FIPS 140-2 Level 1. 2. The correct operation of the module depends on the Default Entry Point. It is not allowed to prevent execution of the Default Entry Point (the function FLS_LibInit). 3. The operator must not call ptrace or strace functions, or run gdb or other debugger when the module is in the FIPS mode. 4. If the hardware platform has a connector for an external debugger (for example JTAG), that connector must not be used while the module is in FIPS mode. 5. The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module keeps all CSPs and other protected objects in Random Access Memory (RAM). The operator(s) must only use these objects via the handles provided by the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module. It is not permissible to directly access these objects in the memory. 6. The operator must not call functions provided by the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module that are not explicitly specified in the appropriate guidance document for User or Crypto Officer. 7. When using cryptographic services provided by the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module, the operator must follow the appropriate guidance for each cryptographic algorithm. Although the cryptographic algorithms provided by the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module are recommended or allowed by NIST, secure operation of these algorithms requires thorough understanding of the recommendations and appropriate limitations. 8. The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module aims to be flexible and therefore it includes support for cryptographic algorithms or key lengths that were considered secure until 2013 according to NIST SP 800-131A. It is the responsibility of the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module user to ensure that disallowed algorithms or key lengths are not used. 9. Some of the implemented cryptographic algorithms offer key lengths exceeding the current NIST specifications. Such key lengths must not be used, unless following newer guidance from NIST. a. RSA Key Pair Generation provided by the module (FIPS 186-4 B.3.3 or B.3.6) is FIPS-approved or FIPS allowed for RSA modulus sizes of 2048 bits, 3072 bits and 4096 bits. It is not permissible to generate keys using other RSA modulus sizes. Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 13 of 46 10. The Crypto Officer must ensure that the Trusted Root Key has sufficient entropy to meet all FIPS 140-2 requirements for its usage in the module. 4.2 Physical Security Rules The physical device on which the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module is executed must follow the physical security rules applicable to the purpose of the device. The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module is software-based and does not provide physical security. 4.3 Secure Operation Initialization Rules The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module must be linked with an application to become executable. The software code of the module (the libsafezone-sw- fips.a object code library or the dynamically loadable library) is linked with an end application producing an executable application for the target platform. The application is installed in a platform-specific way, e.g. when purchased from an application store for the platform. In some cases there is no need for installation, e.g. when a mobile equipment vendor includes the application with the equipment. The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module is loaded by loading an application that links the library statically. The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module is initialized automatically upon loading. On some platforms the module is implemented as a dynamically loadable module. In this case, the module is loaded as needed by the dynamic linker. The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module does not support operator authentication and thus does not require any authentication itself. The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module is by default in FIPS-approved mode once initialized. Usually, the module does not require any special set-up or initialization except for installation. Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 14 of 46 5 Definition of SRDIs and Modes of Access This chapter specifies security relevant data items (SRDIs) as well as the access control policy that is enforced by the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module. Each SRDI is held in the asset store accompanied by a security usage policy. The policy is set when the asset is allocated with FL_RootKeyAllocateAndLoadValue, FL_AssetAllocate, FL_AssetAllocateBasic, FL_AssetAllocateSamePolicy or FL_AssetAllocateAndAssociateKeyExtra. When the asset is accessed for use in a cryptographic operation, the policy is tested to ensure that the asset is eligible for the requested use. A policy typically consists of the allowed algorithm(s), the allowed strength of the algorithm, and the direction of the operation (encryption or decryption). 5.1 FIPS Approved and Allowed algorithms The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module implements the following FIPS-approved algorithms: Algorithm Implementation Details Algorithm Certificate(s) RSA FIPS 186-4 Signature Generation Key Pair Generation 2048, 3072 and 4096 bit keys; PKCS #1 v1.5 and PSS; SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512 A 2468 RSA FIPS 186-4 Signature Validation 1024, 2048, 3072 and 4096 bit keys; PKCS #1 v1.5 and PSS A 2468 DSA FIPS 186-4 Signature Generation Domain Parameter Generation Key Pair Generation P=2048/N=224, P=2048/N=256, P=3072/N=256; SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 A 2468 DSA FIPS 186-4 Signature Validation Domain Parameter Validation P=1024/N=160, P=2048/N=224, P=2048/N=256, P=3072/N=256 A 2468 ECDSA FIPS 186-4 Signature Generation Key Pair Generation NIST P-224, P-256, P-384 and P-521 curves; SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA-512 A 2468 Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 15 of 46 Algorithm Implementation Details Algorithm Certificate(s) ECDSA FIPS 186-4 Signature Validation Public Key Verification NIST P-192, P-224, P-256, P- 384 and P-521 curves A 2468 AES FIPS 197, NIST SP 800-38A 128, 192, 256 bit keys; ECB, CBC, CTR mode A 2468 AES CCM NIST SP 800-38C 128, 192, 256 bit keys A 2468 AES GCM / GMAC NIST SP 800-38D 128, 192, 256 bit keys; with deterministic internal IV generation, random internal IV generation, TLS v1.3 internal IV generation and SRTP internal IV generation A 2468 XTS-AES NIST SP 800-38E 256, 512 bit keys (128-bit or 256-bit encryption strength) A 2468 CMAC NIST SP 800-38B 128, 192, 256 bit keys A 2468 HMAC FIPS 198-1 112-512 bit keys; SHA-1, SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512 A 2468 SHS FIPS 180-4 SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512; BYTE only A 2468 SHA-3 FIPS 202 SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512; SHAKE- 128, SHAKE-256; BYTE only A 2468 DRBG NIST SP 800-90A Rev 1 AES-128-CTR without df or reseed AES-256-CTR with df and reseed A 2468 CKG (NIST SP 800- 133) Key Generation N/A, Vendor- affirmed Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 16 of 46 Algorithm Implementation Details Algorithm Certificate(s) KTS (OAEP NIST SP 800-56B Rev 2) 2048, 3072, and 4096 bit keys; RSA-OAEP (section 9.2.3); key- wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 150 bits of encryption strength; key generation methods B.3.3 and B.3.6. A 2468 PBKDF NIST SP 800-132 with SHA-1, SHA-256 N/A, Vendor- affirmed KDF NIST SP 800-108 112-512 bit keys; SHA-1, SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512, AES-CMAC; counter, feedback and double pipeline modes A 2468 Key derivation methodology provides between 112 and 256 bits of encryption strength. CVL Application Specific Key Derivation Functions NIST SP 800-135rev1 IKEv1 Key Derivation Functions IKEv2 Key Derivation Functions TLS 1.2 Key Derivation Functions SRTP Key Derivation Functions A 2468 Key Derivation through Extraction- then-Expansion NIST SP 800-56C Rev1 Two-Step Key Derivation with SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 or AES- CMAC. N/A; Vendor affirmed KAS FFC Diffie- Hellman Shared Secret Computation; NIST SP 800-56A Rev 3 Key Agreement Primitives; 2048-8192 bit modular Diffie- Hellman groups; including FFDHE2048, FFDHE3072, FFDHE4096, FFDHE6144, FFDHE8192, MODP2048, MODP3072, MODP4096, MODP6144, MODP8192, domain parameters that conform to parameter-size set FB or FC. A 2468 Key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 200 bits of encryption strength. Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 17 of 46 Algorithm Implementation Details Algorithm Certificate(s) CVL KAS ECC CDH; NIST SP 800-56A Rev 3 Key Agreement Primitives; NIST P-224, P-256, P-384 and P-521 curves A 2468 Key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 256 bits of encryption strength. KAS ECC Diffie- Hellman Shared Secret Computation; NIST SP 800-56A Rev 3 Key Agreement Scheme; NIST P-224, P-256, P-384 and P-521 curves A 2468 Key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 256 bits of encryption strength. KTS (NIST SP 800- 38F Key Wrapping) Key Wrapping function KW CIPH=AES; 128, 192, 256 bit keys Key Wrapping function KWP CIPH=AES; 128, 192, 256 bit keys A 2468 Key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength Safe Primes Key generation Safe Prime Groups: fdhe2048, fdhe3072, fdhe4096, fdhe6144, fdhe8192, MODP- 2048, MODP-3072, MODP- 4096, MODP-6144, MODP- 8192 A 2468 Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 18 of 46 Algorithm Implementation Details Algorithm Certificate(s) Safe Primes Key Verification Safe Prime Groups: fdhe2048, fdhe3072, fdhe4096, fdhe6144, fdhe8192, MODP- 2048, MODP-3072, MODP- 4096, MODP-6144, MODP- 8192 A 2468 The cryptographic module supports the following non-approved algorithms in the approved mode of operation as allowed: Algorithm Algorithm Type Utilization MD5 Message Digest; This function is only allowed as a part of an approved key transport scheme (e.g. TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1). NDRNG; RDSEED / RDRAND, getrandom, /dev/random, /dev/urandom Non-Approved RBGs Entropy sources for NIST SP 800-90A Rev1 DRBG. The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module is intended for products where FIPS 140- 2 approved algorithms are used. Rambus also provides solutions for customers that need various non-approved algorithms. 5.2 Non-FIPS mode of operation In the end of 2013, some of algorithms previously allowed by the NIST were disallowed. This was because 80-bits of security was considered no longer sufficient. See document NIST SP 800-131A for details. The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module implements additional key lengths for some of these algorithms (RSA, DSA, ECDSA) for compatibility with applications previously using these key sizes. In addition, some upcoming algorithms (such as X25519) are supported by the module, but they are not allowed in FIPS Mode Operation. These and some other algorithms provided by the module are no longer allowed in approved mode of operation. Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 19 of 46 The non-FIPS validated algorithms and key sizes supported by the module are: Algorithm Implementation Details Reason for algorithm being not allowed in FIPS mode. RSA FIPS 186-2 Signature Generation 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, and 4096 bit keys; PKCS #1 v1.5 and PSS Transition from FIPS 186-2 to 186-4. RSA FIPS 186-4 Signature Generation Key Pair Generation 1024 bit keys; PKCS #1 v1.5 and PSS Key length used provides less than 112 bits of encryption strength DSA FIPS 186-4 Signature Generation Domain Parameter Generation Key Pair Generation P=1024/N=160 Key length used provides less than 112 bits of encryption strength ECDSA FIPS 186-2/4 Signature Generation Key Pair Generation NIST P-192 curve Key length used provides less than 112 bits of encryption strength ECDSA FIPS 186-2 Signature Generation NIST P-224, P-256, P-384 and P-521 curves Transition from FIPS 186-2 to 186-4. HMAC FIPS 198-1 80-104 bit keys; SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA- 384, SHA-512 Key length used provides less than 112 bits of encryption strength. KTS (KEM NIST SP 800-56B) 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, and 4096 bit keys; RSA-KEM- KWS-basic; key-wrapping RSA-KEM-KWS- basic no longer approved since NIST SP 800-56B Rev 2 Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 20 of 46 Algorithm Implementation Details Reason for algorithm being not allowed in FIPS mode. KTS (OAEP NIST SP 800-56B) 1024, 1536 bit keys; RSA- OAEP; key-wrapping Key establishment methodology provides less than 112 bits of encryption strength KDF NIST SP 800-108 80-104 bit keys; SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA- 384, SHA-512, AES- CMAC; counter, feedback and double pipeline modes Key derivation methodology provides less than 112 bits of encryption strength. ECC CDH primitive; A part of NIST SP 800-56A Key Agreement Primitives; NIST P-192 curve Key establishment methodology provides less than 112 bits of encryption strength. ECC Diffie- Hellman; NIST SP 800-56A without KDF Key Agreement Scheme; NIST P-192 curve Key establishment methodology provides less than 112 bits of encryption strength. RSA Encryption (PKCS #1 v1.5) Key Transport; 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072 and 4096 bit keys Deprecated by the end of 2023 in favor of SP 800-56B Rev 2 KTS methods. AES-KEY WRAP Key Wrapping; AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 Based on old NIST specification key- wrap.pdf which has been superseded by SP 800-38F. ChaCha20- Poly1305 Symmetric encryption and decryption X25519 Key Agreement Scheme Triple-DES NIST SP 800-67 192 bit keys; ECB and CBC mode Triple-DES encryption deprecated by the end of 2023 TLS1.0/1.1 KDF NIST SP 800- 135rev1 TLS1.0/1.1 Key Derivation Function Deprecated in favor of extended master secret computation RSA Private Key Primitives (NIST SP 800-56B) 2048, 3072 and 4096 bit keys; PKCS #1: RSADP and RSASP1 primitives Not secure without FIPS 140-2 approved RSA padding scheme Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 21 of 46 Algorithm Implementation Details Reason for algorithm being not allowed in FIPS mode. RSA Public Key Primitives (NIST SP 800-56B) 1024, 2048, 3072 and 4096 bit keys; PKCS #1: RSAEP and RSAVP1 primitives Not secure without FIPS 140-2 approved RSA padding scheme 5.3 List of services The SafeZone FIPS provides services as specified in FIPS 140-2. The most of services are intended for FIPS 140-2 allowed mode of operation in CryptoOfficer or user role. The services correspond with function or functions with FL or FLS prefix. Functions with FLS prefix take additional struct fls_instance * parameter, which is used to select which Asset Store instance is used. This API difference is not FIPS 140-2 relevant, and therefore both FL_ prefix functions and FLS_ functions are considered equivalent from FIPS 140-2 perspective. SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module Service List Service FL API FLS API Notes Services which are provided in any mode Show Status FL_LibStatus FLS_LibStatus Any mode Show Version FL_LibVersion FLS_LibVersion Any mode Test DRBG FL_RbgTestVector FLS_RbgTestVector Any mode Check Free Space in Key Store FL_AssetStoreStatus FLS_AssetStoreStatus Any mode Obtain information on module build arguments FL_StaticConfig Any mode Get/set information on current module configuration FLS_RuntimeConfigSetProperty, FLS_RuntimeConfigGetProperty Any mode Check module id FL_IntactID Any mode Zeroize memory area FL_Erase FLS_Erase Any mode Zeroize asset FL_EraseAsset FLS_EraseAsset Any mode Services which change mode/role Module Initialization (Invoked automatically upon loading the module) FL_LibInit FLS_LibInit Any mode Zeroize module state FL_LibUnInit FLS_LibUnInit CO/U Enter User Role FL_LibEnterUserRole FLS_LibEnterUserRole CO Services for Crypto-Officer and User roles Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 22 of 46 SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module Service List Service FL API FLS API Notes Create Key (Setup key policy, allocate memory for key, and load key value) FL_AssetAllocate, FL_AssetAllocateBasic, FL_AssetAllocateSamePolicy, FL_AssetAllocateAndAssociate- KeyExtra, FL_AssetLoadValue, FL_AssetLoadMultipart, FL_AssetLoadMultipartConvert- BigInt, FL_AssetPoke, FL_LocalAllocate, FL_LocalAllocateEx FLS_AssetAllocate, FLS_AssetAllocateBasic, FLS_AssetAllocateSamePolicy, FLS_AssetAllocateAndAssociate- KeyExtra, FLS_AssetLoadValue, FLS_AssetLoadMultipart, FLS_AssetLoadMultipartConvert- BigInt, FLS_AssetPoke CO/U Copy Key FL_AssetCopyValue FLS_AssetCopyValue CO/U Delete Key FL_AssetFree, FL_LocalFree FLS_AssetFree CO/U Examine Key (get size or check) FL_AssetShow, FL_AssetCheck FLS_AssetShow, FLS_AssetCheck CO/U Peek Key (get key value) FL_AssetPeek FLS_AssetPeek CO/U Generate Key FL_AssetLoadRandom FLS_AssetLoadRandom CO/U Bulk Encryption/Decryption FL_CipherInit, FL_CipherContinue, FL_CipherFinish FLS_CipherInit, FLS_CipherContinue, FLS_CipherFinish CO/U Authenticated Encryption/Decryption with Associated Data FL_EncryptAuthInitRandom, FL_EncryptAuthInitDeterministic, FL_CryptAuthInit, FL_CryptGcmAadContinue, FL_CryptGcmAadFinish, FL_CryptAuthContinue, FL_EncryptAuthFinish, FL_EncryptAuthPacketFinish, FL_DecryptAuthFinish FLS_EncryptAuthInitRandom, FLS_EncryptAuthInit- Deterministic, FLS_CryptAuthInit, FLS_CryptGcmAadContinue, FLS_CryptGcmAadFinish, FLS_CryptAuthContinue, FLS_EncryptAuthFinish, FLS_EncryptAuthPacketFinish, FLS_DecryptAuthFinish CO/U Authenticated Encryption/Decryption with Associated Data for TLS v1.3 FL_CryptAuthInitTls13, FL_CryptAuthContinue, FL_EncryptAuthFinishTls13, FL_DecryptAuthFinishTls13, FL_EncryptAuthTls13, FL_DecryptAuthTls13 FLS_CryptAuthInitTls13, FLS_CryptAuthContinue, FLS_EncryptAuthFinishTls13, FLS_DecryptAuthFinishTls13, FLS_EncryptAuthTls13, FLS_DecryptAuthTls13 CO/U Authenticated Encryption/Decryption with Associated Data for SRTP FL_EncryptAuthSrtp, FL_DecryptAuthSrtp, FL_EncryptAuthSrtcp, FL_DecryptAuthSrtcp FLS_EncryptAuthSrtp, FLS_DecryptAuthSrtp, FLS_EncryptAuthSrtcp, FLS_DecryptAuthSrtcp CO/U MAC Generation FL_MacGenerateInit, FL_MacGenerateContinue, FL_MacGenerateFinish FLS_MacGenerateInit, FLS_MacGenerateContinue, FLS_MacGenerateFinish CO/U MAC Verification FL_MacVerifyInit, FL_MacVerifyContinue, FL_MacVerifyFinish FLS_MacVerifyInit, FLS_MacVerifyContinue, FLS_MacVerifyFinish CO/U DRBG Random Number Generation FL_RbgGenerateRandom FLS_RbgGenerateRandom CO/U DRBG Reseeding FL_RbgReseed FLS_RbgReseed CO/U Key Derivation FL_KeyDeriveKdk FLS_KeyDeriveKdk CO/U TLS-PRF Key Derivation FL_KeyDeriveKdk, FL_DeriveTlsPrf FLS_KeyDeriveKdk, FLS_DeriveTlsPrf CO/U Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 23 of 46 SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module Service List Service FL API FLS API Notes IKEv1 Key Derivation FL_IKEv1ExtractSKEYID_DSA, FL_IKEv1ExtractSKEYID_PSK, FL_IKEv1ExtractSKEYID_PKE, FL_IKEv1DeriveKeyingMaterial FLS_IKEv1ExtractSKEYID_DSA, FLS_IKEv1ExtractSKEYID_PSK, FLS_IKEv1ExtractSKEYID_PKE, FLS_IKEv1DeriveKeyingMaterial CO/U IKEv2 Key Derivation FL_IKEv2ExtractSKEYSEED, FL_IKEv2ExtractSKEYSEED- rekey, FL_IKEv2DeriveDKM FLS_IKEv2ExtractSKEYSEED, FLS_IKEv2ExtractSKEYSEED- rekey, FLS_IKEv2DeriveDKM CO/U IKEv1/IKEv2 KDF (Common) FL_IkePrfExtract FLS_IkePrfExtract CO/U NIST SP 800-56C Rev1 FL_HkdfExtract, FL_HkdfExpandAsset, FL_HkdfExpand FLS_HkdfExtract, FLS_HkdfExpandAsset, FLS_HkdfExpand CO/U HKDF Key Derivation / TLS 1.3 PRF FL_Hkdf FLS_Hkdf CO/U SRTP Key Derivation FL_SrtpKeyDerive FLS_SrtpKeyDerive CO/U AES Key Wrapping FL_AssetsWrapAes38F FLS_AssetsWrapAes38F CO/U AES Key Unwrapping FL_AssetsUnwrapAes38F FLS_AssetsUnwrapAes38F CO/U AES Data Wrapping FL_CryptKw FLS_CryptKw CO/U AES Data Unwrapping FL_CryptKw FLS_CryptKw CO/U Trusted Root Key Derivation FL_TrustedKdkDerive, FL_TrustedKekdkDerive FLS_TrustedKdkDerive, FLS_TrustedKekdkDerive CO/U Trusted KDK Key Derivation FL_TrustedKeyDerive FLS_TrustedKeyDerive CO/U Trusted Key Wrapping FL_AssetWrapTrusted FLS_AssetWrapTrusted CO/U Trusted Key Unwrapping FL_AssetUnwrapTrusted FLS_AssetUnwrapTrusted CO/U PBKDF2 Key Derivation FL_KeyDerivePbkdf2 FLS_KeyDerivePbkdf2 CO/U DSA/Diffie-Hellman Domain Parameter and Key Pair Generation FL_AssetGenerateKeyPair FLS_AssetGenerateKeyPair CO/U Signature Generation FL_HashSignFips186, FL_HashSignPkcs1, FL_HashSignPkcs1Pss FLS_HashSignFips186, FLS_HashSignPkcs1, FLS_HashSignPkcs1Pss CO/U RSA-OAEP Key Unwrapping FL_AssetsUnwrapRsaOaep FLS_AssetsUnwrapRsaOaep CO/U Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement FL_DeriveDh FLS_DeriveDh CO/U Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement FL_DeriveDh FLS_DeriveDh CO/U Diffie-Hellman Key Generation Appendix D FL_DH_KeyGen CO/U Diffie-Hellman Derivation Appendix D FL_DH_Derive CO/U Public Key Validation FL_AssetCheck FLS_AssetCheck CO/U DSA/Diffie-Hellman Domain Parameter Verification FL_AssetCheck FLS_AssetCheck CO/U Signature Verification FL_HashVerifyFips186, FL_HashVerifyPkcs1, FL_HashVerifyRecoverPkcs1, FL_HashVerifyPkcs1Pss FLS_HashVerifyFips186, FLS_HashVerifyPkcs1, FLS_HashVerifyRecoverPkcs1, FLS_HashVerifyPkcs1Pss CO/U RSA-OAEP Key Wrapping FL_AssetsWrapRsaOaep FLS_AssetsWrapRsaOaep CO/U On-demand selftest FL_LibSelfTest FLS_LibSelfTest CO/U Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 24 of 46 SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module Service List Service FL API FLS API Notes Digest Computation FL_HashInit, FL_HashContinue, FL_HashFinish, FL_HashFinishKeep, FL_HashSingle FLS_HashInit, FLS_HashContinue, FLS_HashFinish, FLS_HashFinishKeep, FLS_HashSingle CO/U Load Precomputed Digest FL_LoadFinishedHashStateAlgo FLS_LoadFinishedHashStateAlgo CO/U Create new FLS operating context FL_New FLS_New CO/U Delete FLS operating context FL_Free FLS_Free CO/U Services requiring Crypto-Officer role Entropy Source Installation FL_RbgInstallEntropySource, FL_RbgRequestSecurityStrength, FL_RbgUseNonblockingEntropy- Source FLS_RbgInstallEntropySource, FLS_RbgRequestSecurityStrength, FLS_RbgUseNonblocking- EntropySource CO Create Trusted Root Key FL_RootKeyAllocateAndLoad- Value FLS_RootKeyAllocateAndLoad- Value CO Services only for non-FIPS mode of operation AES-KEY WRAP wrapping FL_AssetsWrapAes FLS_AssetsWrapAes Non-FIPS AES-KEY WRAP unwrapping FL_AssetsUnwrapAes FLS_AssetsUnwrapAes Non-FIPS CHACHA20-POLY1305 authenticated encryption FL_Chacha20Poly1305IetfInit, FL_Chacha20Poly1305IetfClear, FL_Chacha20Poly1305Ietf- EncryptDetached, FL_Chacha20Poly1305Ietf- DecryptDetached, FL_Chacha20Poly1305Ietf- Encrypt, FL_Chacha20Poly1305Ietf- Decrypt Non-FIPS X25519 key agreement FL_X25519_KeyGen, FL_X25519_Derive Non-FIPS RSA Signature Generation, Primitive Only FL_Pkcs1RSASP1 FLS_Pkcs1RSASP1 Non-FIPS RSA Decryption Primitive Only FL_Pkcs1RSADP FLS_Pkcs1RSADP Non-FIPS RSA Signature Verification / Primitive Only FL_Pkcs1RSAVP1 FLS_Pkcs1RSAVP1 Non-FIPS RSA Encryption Primitive Only FL_Pkcs1RSAEP FLS_Pkcs1RSAEP Non-FIPS RSA-KEM Key Wrapping FL_AssetsWrapRsaKem FLS_AssetsWrapRsaKem Non-FIPS RSA-KEM Key Unwrapping FL_AssetsUnwrapRsaKem FLS_AssetsUnwrapRsaKem Non-FIPS RSA PKCS#1v1.5 Key Wrapping FL_AssetsWrapPkcs1v15 FLS_AssetsWrapPkcs1v15 Non-FIPS RSA-PKCS#1v1.5 Key Unwrapping FL_AssetsUnwrapPkcs1v15 FLS_AssetsUnwrapPkcs1v15 Non-FIPS Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 25 of 46 6 Cryptographic Keys, CSPs, and SRDIs While operating in a FIPS-compliant manner, the asset store within the module may contain the following security relevant data items (depending on which keys will be used by the user): ID Algorithm Size Description Origin Storage Zeroization Method General Keys/CSPs AES Encryption Key AES including modes ECB, CBC, and CTR 128, 192, 256 bits Key created for the purposes of encrypting and/or decrypting data using AES algorithm Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset AES CCM Encryption Key AES CCM 128, 192, 256 bits Key created for the purposes of authenticated encryption and/or decryption of data using AES and CCM algorithms Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset AES GCM Encryption Key (or AES GMAC Key) AES GCM, AES GMAC 128, 192, 256 bits Key created for the purposes of authenticated encryption and/or decryption of data using AES and GCM/GMAC algorithms Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset XTS-AES Encryption Key XTS-AES 256, 512 bits Key created for the purposes of encrypting and/or decrypting data using AES algorithm in XTS mode Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset CMAC Key CMAC + AES 128, 192, 256 bits Key created for the purposes of generating and verifying CMAC authentication codes Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset CMAC Verify Key CMAC + AES 128, 192, 256 bits Key created for the purpose of verifying CMAC authentication codes Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 26 of 46 ID Algorithm Size Description Origin Storage Zeroization Method KDF Key Derivation key NIST SP 800-108 + HMAC or CMAC 112-512 bits Key created for the purpose of deriving other keys as specified in NIST SP 800-108 or IKEv1/IKEv2 key derivation specified in NIST SP 800-135. Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset TLS-PRF Key Derivation Key NIST SP 800-135 112-512 bits Key created for the purpose of key derivation using TLS1.0/TLS1.2 key derivation function presented in NIST SP 800- 135. Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset HMAC Key HMAC + SHS 112-512 bits Key created for the purposes of generating and verifying HMAC authentication codes Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset HMAC Verify Key HMAC + SHS 112-512 bits Key created for the purpose of verifying HMAC authentication codes Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset RSA Signing Key RSA Private Key (CRT) 2048, 3072, 4096 bits (modulus size) Private key for the purpose of signing data using RSA with PKCS #1v1.5 or PSS padding. Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset DSA Signing Key DSA Private Key P=2048/N=224, P=2048/N=256, P=3072/N=256 Private key for the purpose of signing data using DSA algorithm. Includes associated domain parameters. Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset ECDSA Signing Key ECDSA Private Key P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 Private key for the purpose of signing data using ECDSA algorithm Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset AES Key- Wrapping Key AES 128, 192, 256 bits Key created for the purposes of data or key wrapping and unwrapping using NIST SP 800-38F algorithm Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 27 of 46 ID Algorithm Size Description Origin Storage Zeroization Method Diffie- Hellman Private Value Diffie- Hellman P=2048/N=224, P=2048/N=256, MODP or ffdhe 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, or 8192 Private value for the purpose of key agreement using Diffie-Hellman algorithm. Includes associated domain parameters. Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset EC Diffie- Hellman Private Value EC Diffie- Hellman P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 Private value for the purpose of key agreement using Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman algorithm. Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset KTS (OAEP) Unwrapping Key RSA Private Key (CRT) 2048, 3072, 4096 bits Private key for the purpose of transporting keys using RSA with OAEP as specified in NIST SP 800- 56B Rev 2 Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset Trusted Keys Trusted Root Key NIST SP 800-108 KDF 256 bits Key used for deriving other keys as per NIST SP 800-108. Can only derive ‘Trusted KDK’ and ‘Trusted KEKDK’ keys. Crypto Officer Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset Trusted KDK NIST SP 800-108 KDF 256 bits Key used for deriving other keys as per NIST SP 800-108. Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset Trusted KEKDK NIST SP 800-108 KDF + AES (Key Wrap) 256 bits Key used for wrapping keys with combination of NIST SP800- 108 KDF and AES Key Wrap. Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset Other CSPs DRBG CTR- 128 entropy input string and the seed CTR_DRBG 128-bits 256 bits Entropy input materials Entropy source Plaintext in RAM Power Off, FL_LibUnInit Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 28 of 46 ID Algorithm Size Description Origin Storage Zeroization Method DRBG CTR- 128 state: Key CTR_DRBG 128-bits 128 bits Key for DRBG used for random number and key/key pair generation purposes. Entropy source Plaintext in RAM Power Off, FL_LibUnInit DRBG CTR- 128 state: V CTR_DRBG 128-bits 128 bits V value for DRBG used for random number and key/key pair generation purposes. Entropy source Plaintext in RAM Power Off, FL_LibUnInit DRBG CTR- 256 entropy input string and the seed CTR_DRBG 256-bits with derivation function 256-1024 bits Entropy input materials Entropy source Plaintext in RAM Power Off, FL_LibUnInit DRBG CTR- 256 state: Key CTR_DRBG 256-bits with derivation function 256 bits Key for DRBG used for random number and key/key pair generation purposes. Entropy source Plaintext in RAM Power Off, FL_LibUnInit DRBG CTR- 256 state: V CTR_DRBG 256-bits with derivation function 128 bits V value for DRBG used for random number and key/key pair generation purposes. Entropy source Plaintext in RAM Power Off, FL_LibUnInit PBKDF password NIST SP 800-132 varies (at least 12 characters) password or passphrase Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power Off, FL_Erase Public Keys Software Integrity Public Key ECDSA / Verify NIST P-224 Public key used by Power-on Software Integrity to ensure the integrity of the Cryptographic Module. Embedded in the software Plaintext in persistent storage none RSA Verification Key RSA Public Key 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096 bits modulus size Public key for the purpose of verifying signed data using RSA with PKCS #1 v1.5 or PSS padding. Not considered sensitive or CSP. Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 29 of 46 ID Algorithm Size Description Origin Storage Zeroization Method DSA Verification Key DSA Public Key P=1024/N=160, P=2048/N=224, P=2048/N=256, P=3072/N=256 Public key for the purpose of verifying signed data using DSA algorithm. Includes associated domain parameters. Not considered sensitive or CSP. Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset ECDSA Verification Key ECDSA Public Key P-192, P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 Public key for the purpose of verifying signed data using ECDSA algorithm. Not considered sensitive or CSP. Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset Diffie- Hellman Public Value Diffie- Hellman P=2048/N=224, P=2048/N=256, P=3072/N=256, MODP or ffdhe 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, or 8192 Public value for the purpose of key agreement using the Diffie-Hellman algorithm. Includes associated domain parameters. Not considered sensitive or CSP. Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset EC Diffie- Hellman Public Value EC Diffie- Hellman P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 Public value for the purpose of key agreement using the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman algorithm. Not considered sensitive or CSP. Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset KTS (OAEP) Wrapping Key RSA Public Key 2048, 3072, 4096 bits Public key for the purpose of transporting keys using RSA with OAEP as specified in NIST SP 800- 56B Rev 2. Not considered sensitive or CSP. Crypto Officer, User Plaintext in RAM Power-off, FL_AssetFree, FL_LibUnInit, FL_EraseAsset All the cryptographic keys and other security relevant materials handled by the module can be zeroized by using the cryptographic module, with the exception of the Software Integrity Public Key that is used in the self-test to validate the module. There are three ways to zeroize a key: individual keys can be explicitly zeroized using the FL_AssetFree function call, all keys (except dynamically or preallocated allocated assets) are zeroized once the module is uninitialized (FL_LibUnInit) or encounters error state, and (as all the keys handled by the module except the Software Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 30 of 46 Integrity Public key are stored in RAM memory), the keys can also be zeroized by turning the power off. Further keys and memory may be cleared with zeroization convenience functions (FL_Erase, FL_EraseAsset). The main difference between normal and Trusted Keys is that Trusted Keys do not allow the User role to pick the key material to use, but the keys can only be derived from the trusted root key provided by the Crypto Officer role. The primary use of trusted keys is wrapping and unwrapping other keys for purposes of persistent storage outside the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module. Trusted Keys do not provide any additional security for FIPS purposes. They merely are identifiers for the keys derived from the trusted root key. 6.1 Access Control Policy The module allows controlled access to the SRDIs contained within it. The following table defines the access that an operator or an application has to each SRDI while operating the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module in a given role performing a specific service (command). The permissions are categorized as a set of four separate permissions: read [R] (the SRDI can be read by this operation), write [W] (the SRDI can be written by this operation), execute [X] (the SRDI can be used in this operation), and delete [D] (the SRDI will be zeroized by this operation). If no permission is listed, then an operator outside the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module has no access to the SRDI. The operations are presented in the following tables: for secret keys, private keys, public keys, and none (operations which do not affect any of SRDI). The operations which are not appropriate for a specific key type have been omitted. SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module SRDI/Role/Service Access Policy Secret Keys Security Relevant Data Item AES Encryption Key AES CCM Encryption Key AES GCM/GMAC Key XTS-AES Encryption Key CMAC Key CMAC Verify Key KDF Key Derivation key TLS-PRF Key Derivation key HMAC Key HMAC Verify Key AES Key-Wrapping Key Trusted Root Key Trusted KDK Trusted KEKDK DRBG state: Key / V DRBG entropy input / seed PBKDF password Role/Service User role or Crypto Officer Role Zeroize (FL_LibUnInit, FL_Erase, FL_EraseAsset) D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Create Key (FL_AssetAllocate, FL_AssetAllocateBasic, FL_AssetAllocateSamePolicy, FL_AssetAllocateAndAssociateKeyExtra, FL_AssetLoadValue, FL_AssetLoadMultipart, FL_AssetLoadMultipartConvertBigInt, FL_AssetPoke, FL_LocalAllocate, FL_LocalAllocateEx ) W W W W W W W W W W W Copy Key (FL_AssetCopyValue) W W W W W W W W W W W Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 31 of 46 SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module SRDI/Role/Service Access Policy Secret Keys Security Relevant Data Item AES Encryption Key AES CCM Encryption Key AES GCM/GMAC Key XTS-AES Encryption Key CMAC Key CMAC Verify Key KDF Key Derivation key TLS-PRF Key Derivation key HMAC Key HMAC Verify Key AES Key-Wrapping Key Trusted Root Key Trusted KDK Trusted KEKDK DRBG state: Key / V DRBG entropy input / seed PBKDF password Role/Service Delete Key (FL_AssetFree, FL_LocalFree) D D D D D D D D D D D D D Examine Key (FL_AssetShow, FL_AssetCheck) Peek Key (FL_AssetPeek) R R R R R R R R R R R Generate Key (FL_AssetLoadRandom) W W W W W W W W W W W XW XW Bulk Encryption/Decryption (FL_CipherInit, FL_CipherContinue, FL_CipherFinish) X X Authenticated Encryption/Decryption with Associated Data (FL_EncryptAuthInitRandom, FL_EncryptAuthInitDeterministic, FL_CryptAuthInit1 , FL_CryptGcmAadContinue, FL_CryptGcmAadFinish, FL_CryptAuthContinue, FL_EncryptAuthFinish, FL_EncryptAuthPacketFinish, FL_DecryptAuthFinish) X X Authenticated Encryption/Decryption with Associated Data for TLS v1.3 (FL_CryptAuthInitTls13, FL_CryptAuthContinue, FL_EncryptAuthFinishTls13, FL_DecryptAuthFinishTls13, FL_EncryptAuthTls13, FL_DecryptAuthTls13) X X Authenticated Encryption/Decryption with Associated Data for SRTP (FL_EncryptAuthSrtp, FL_DecryptAuthSrtp, FL_EncryptAuthSrtcp, FL_DecryptAuthSrtcp) X X MAC Generation (FL_MacGenerateInit, FL_MacGenerateContinue, FL_MacGenerateFinish) X X MAC Verification (FL_MacVerifyInit, FL_MacVerifyContinue, FL_MacVerifyFinish) X X X X DRBG Random Number Generation (FL_RbgGenerateRandom) XW XW DRBG Reseeding (FL_RbgReseed) XW XW Key Derivation (FL_KeyDeriveKdk) W W W W W W W XW W W W W TLS-PRF Key Derivation (FL_KeyDeriveKdk, FL_DeriveTlsPrf) W W W W W W W W XW W W W 1 Function may only be used to begin AES-CCM encryption operation or to continue multipacket operation with deterministic IV. In particular, the function shall not be used to initialize AES-GCM encryption, except when IV has been constructed in FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance A.5 approved manner by an FIPS 140-2 approved module. Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 32 of 46 SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module SRDI/Role/Service Access Policy Secret Keys Security Relevant Data Item AES Encryption Key AES CCM Encryption Key AES GCM/GMAC Key XTS-AES Encryption Key CMAC Key CMAC Verify Key KDF Key Derivation key TLS-PRF Key Derivation key HMAC Key HMAC Verify Key AES Key-Wrapping Key Trusted Root Key Trusted KDK Trusted KEKDK DRBG state: Key / V DRBG entropy input / seed PBKDF password Role/Service IKEv1 Key Derivation (FL_IKEv1ExtractSKEYID_DSA, FL_IKEv1ExtractSKEYID_PSK, FL_IKEv1ExtractSKEYID_PKE, FL_IKEv1DeriveKeyingMaterial) W W W W W W W XW W W W W IKEv2 Key Derivation (FL_IKEv2ExtractSKEYSEED, FL_IKEv2ExtractSKEYSEEDrekey, FL_IKEv2DeriveDKM) W W W W W W W XW W W W W IKEv1/IKEv2 KDF (Common) (FL_IkePrfExtract) X NIST SP 800-56C Rev1 (FL_HkdfExtract, FL_HkdfExpandAsset, FL_HkdfExpand) W W W W W W W XW W W W W HKDF Key Derivation / TLS 1.3 PRF (FL_Hkdf) W W W W W W W XW W W W W SRTP Key Derivation (FL_SrtpKeyDerive) X AES Key Wrapping (FL_AssetsWrapAes38F) R R R R R R R R R R R XR AES Key Unwrapping (FL_AssetsUnwrapAes38F) W W W W W W W W W W W XW AES Data Wrapping (FL_CryptKw) X AES Data Unwrapping (FL_CryptKw) X Trusted Root Key Derivation (FL_TrustedKdkDerive, FL_TrustedKekdkDerive) X W W Trusted KDK Key Derivation (FL_TrustedKeyDerive) W W W W W W W W W W W W X Trusted Key Wrapping (FL_AssetWrapTrusted) R R R R R R R R R R R R X Trusted Key Unwrapping (FL_AssetUnwrapTrusted) W W W W W W W W W W W W X PBKDF2 Key Derivation (FL_KeyDerivePbkdf2) W W W W W W W W W W W W RW Crypto-officer Role Entropy Source Installation (FL_RbgInstallEntropySource, FL_RbgRequestSecurityStrength, FL_RbgUseNonblockingEntropySource) W Create Trusted Root Key (FL_RootKeyAllocateAndLoadValue) W Enter User Role (FL_LibEnterUserRole) Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 33 of 46 SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module SRDI/Role/Service Access Policy Private Keys Security Relevant Data Item RSA Signing Key DSA Signing Key ECDSA Signing Key Diffie-Hellman Private Value EC Diffie-Hellman Private Value KTS (OAEP) Unwrapping Key DRBG state: Key / V DRBG entropy input / seed Role/Service User role or Crypto Officer Role Zeroize (FL_LibUnInit, FL_Erase, FL_EraseAsset) D D D D D D D D Create Key (FL_AssetAllocate, FL_AssetAllocateBasic, FL_AssetAllocateSamePolicy, FL_AssetAllocateAndAssociateKeyExtra, FL_AssetLoadValue, FL_AssetLoadMultipart, FL_AssetLoadMultipartConvertBigInt, FL_AssetPoke, FL_LocalAllocate, FL_LocalAllocateEx) W W W W W W Copy Key (FL_AssetCopyValue) W W W W W W Delete Key (FL_AssetFree, FL_LocalFree) D D D D D D Examine Key (FL_AssetShow, FL_AssetCheck) Peek Key (FL_AssetPeek) R R R R R R Generate Key (FL_AssetLoadRandom) XW XW Generate Key Pair (FL_AssetGenerateKeyPair) W W W W W W XW XW DSA/Diffie-Hellman Domain Parameter and Key Pair Generation (FL_AssetGenerateKeyPair) W W XW XW Signature Generation (FL_HashSignFips186, FL_HashSignPkcs1, FL_HashSignPkcs1Pss) X X X XW XW AES Key Wrapping (FL_AssetsWrapAes38F) R R R R R R AES Key Unwrapping (FL_AssetsUnwrapAes38F) W W W W W W RSA-OAEP Key Unwrapping (FL_AssetsUnwrapRsaOaep) W W W W W WX Trusted Key Wrapping (FL_AssetWrapTrusted) R R R R R R Trusted Key Unwrapping (FL_AssetUnwrapTrusted) W W W W W W Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement (FL_DeriveDh) X Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement (FL_DeriveDh) X Diffie-Hellman Key Generation Appendix D (FL_DH_KeyGen) X Diffie-Hellman Derivation Appendix D (FL_DH_Derive) X Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 34 of 46 SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module SRDI/Role/Service Access Policy Public Keys Security Relevant Data Item Software Integrity Public Key RSA Verification Key DSA Verification Key ECDSA Verification Key Diffie-Hellman Public Value EC Diffie-Hellman Public Value KTS (KEM) Wrapping Key KTS (OAEP) Wrapping Key KTS (PKCS #1 v1.5, other) RSA Wrapping Key DRBG state: Key / V DRBG entropy input / seed Role/Service User role or Crypto-Officer Role Zeroize (FL_LibUnInit, FL_Erase, FL_EraseAsset) D D D D D D D D D D On-demand self-test (FL_LibSelfTest) X Create Key (FL_AssetAllocate, FL_AssetAllocateBasic, FL_AssetAllocateSamePolicy, FL_AssetAllocateAndAssociateKeyExtra, FL_AssetLoadValue, FL_AssetLoadMultipart, FL_AssetLoadMultipartConvertBigInt, FL_AssetPoke, FL_LocalAllocate, FL_LocalAllocateEx) W W W W W W W W Copy Key (FL_AssetCopyValue) W W W W W W W W Delete Key (FL_AssetFree, FL_LocalFree) D D D D D D D D Examine Key (FL_AssetShow, FL_AssetCheck) RX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX Peek Key (FL_AssetPeek) R R R R R R R R Generate Key Pair (FL_AssetGenerateKeyPair) W W W W W W W W XW XW DSA/Diffie-Hellman Domain Parameter and Key Pair Generation (FL_AssetGenerateKeyPair) W W XW XW Public Key Validation (FL_AssetCheck) X X X X X X X X DSA/Diffie-Hellman Domain Parameter Verification (FL_AssetCheck) X X Signature Verification (FL_HashVerifyFips186, FL_HashVerifyPkcs1, FL_HashVerifyRecoverPkcs1, FL_HashVerifyPkcs1Pss) X X X RSA-OAEP Key Wrapping (FL_AssetsWrapRsaOaep) R R R R R R RX R Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement (FL_DeriveDh) X Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral Key Generation Appendix D (FL_DH_KeyGen) X Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Appendix D (FL_DH_Derive) X Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement (FL_DeriveDh) X Crypto-officer Role Module Initialization (FL_LibInit/FLS_LibInit) (This function is automatically invoked upon loading the module) X XW XW Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 35 of 46 SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module SRDI/Role/Service Access Policy Services not using any SRDI Role/Service User role or Crypto Officer Role Show Status (FL_LibStatus) Digest Computation (FL_HashInit, FL_HashContinue, FL_HashFinish, FL_HashFinishKeep, FL_HashSingle) Load Precomputed Digest (FL_LoadFinishedHashStateAlgo) Create new FLS operating context / delete FLS operating context (FL_New, FL_Free) Zeroize memory area (FL_Erase) SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module SRDI/Role/Service Access Policy Services allowed in any state (including error state) Role/Service Services which are provided in any state Show Version (FL_LibVersion) Test DRBG (FL_RbgTestVector) Check Free Space in Key Store (FL_AssetStoreStatus) Obtain information on module build arguments (FL_StaticConfig) Get/set information on current module configuration (FLS_RuntimeConfigSetProperty, FLS_RuntimeConfigGetProperty) Check module id (FL_IntactID) Zeroize memory area (FL_Erase) Zeroize asset (FL_EraseAsset) Zeroize module state (FL_LibUnInit) Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 36 of 46 SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module SRDI/Role/Service Access Policy Non-FIPS 140-2 Services not using any SRDI Role/Service Additional services which can be used only in non-FIPS mode of operation AES-KEY WRAP wrapping (FL_AssetsWrapAes) AES-KEY WRAP unwrapping (FL_AssetsUnwrapAes) CHACHA20-POLY1305 authenticated encryption (FL_Chacha20Poly1305IetfInit, FL_Chacha20Poly1305IetfClear, FL_Chacha20Poly1305IetfEncryptDetached, FL_Chacha20Poly1305IetfDecryptDetached, FL_Chacha20Poly1305IetfEncrypt, FL_Chacha20Poly1305IetfDecrypt) X25519 key agreement (FL_X25519_KeyGen, FL_X25519_Derive) RSA PKCS#1v1.5 Key Wrapping (FL_AssetsWrapPkcs1v15) RSA-PKCS#1v1.5 Key Unwrapping (FL_AssetsUnwrapPkcs1v15) RSA-KEM Key Wrapping (FL_AssetsWrapRsaKem) RSA-KEM Key Unwrapping (FL_AssetsUnwrapRsaKem) RSA Encryption Primitive Only (FL_Pkcs1RSAEP) RSA Signature Generation, Primitive Only (FL_Pkcs1RSASP1) RSA Decryption Primitive Only (FL_Pkcs1RSADP) RSA Signature Verification / Primitive Only (FL_Pkcs1RSAVP1) Most of the functions in the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic module have alternative invocation. The alternative invocation uses FLS prefix instead of FL. 6.2 User Guide Some of the FIPS Publications or NIST Special Publications require that the Cryptographic Module Security Policy mentions important configuration items for those algorithms. The user of the module shall observe these rules. 6.2.1 NIST SP 800-108: Key Derivation Functions All three key derivation functions, Counter Mode, Feedback Mode and Double- Pipeline Iteration Mode are supported. 6.2.2 NIST SP 800-56C Rev1: Key-Derivation Methods in Key-Establishment Schemes The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic module provides hash and HMAC functions that can be used for One-Step Key Derivation as introduced in NIST SP 800-56C. The module also offers Extraction-then-Expansion function that can be used for Two-Step Key Derivation as introduced in NIST SP 800-56C. The Two-Step Key Derivation function uses HMAC with SHA-1/SHA224/SHA256/SHA384 or AES-CMAC and SHA512 and NIST SP 800-108 Key Derivation Function with Feedback Mode. The construct is compatible with some uses of RFC 5869. Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 37 of 46 There are following rules the user of the functions for NIST SP 800-56C Key Derivation functions shall observe: • Key derived using NIST SP 800-56C rev 1 shall only be used as secret keying material — such as a symmetric key used for data encryption or message integrity, a secret initialization vector, or, perhaps, a key-derivation key that will be used to generate additional keying material. • The derived keying material shall not be used as a key stream for a stream cipher. • When using HMAC algorithm for key derivation, the algorithms requires a key. This key corresponds to salt in NIST SP 800-56C rev 1. If salt is to be omitted, use all-zero byte key at is exactly the bit length of the hash algorithm. • HKDF expansion function always uses NIST SP 800-108 Feedback Mode Key Derivation Function with single byte counter. This is interoperable with RFC 5869. • The two-part extraction and expansion operation always uses the same underlying hash function or AES-CMAC for both extraction and expansion. • AES-CMAC can be used to generate keys up-to 128 bit security. For higher security hash- or HMAC-based schemes shall be used. • HMAC-SHA-1 and HMAC-SHA-2 functions can be used to generate keys with 112- 512 bit strength. See table below for details. • If HMAC is used for key derivation, salt can be up-to one hash input block. • If AES-CMAC is used, the key extraction phase may use 128 bit, 192 bit or 256 bit salt, but the key-expansion step will always use AES-128-CMAC. • The module does not support NIST SP 800-56C Rev1 Single-Step Key Derivation. • If the input for NIST SP 800-56C Key Derivation Function is a shared secret, the input must be destroyed after extraction (with FL_AssetFree or FLS_AssetFree). The input attributes and security strength of generated keys follows this table: Hash or MAC for service Length of optional salt (in bits) MAC algorithm for optional KDK The length of optional KDK (in bits) Security strength s supported (in bits) (HMAC-)SHA-1 up-to 512 HMAC-SHA-1 160 112 ≤ s ≤ 160 (HMAC-)SHA-224 up-to 512 HMAC-SHA-224 224 112 ≤ s ≤ 224 (HMAC-)SHA-256 up-to 512 HMAC-SHA-256 256 112 ≤ s ≤ 256 (HMAC-)SHA-384 up-to 1024 HMAC-SHA-384 384 112 ≤ s ≤ 384 (HMAC-)SHA-512 up-to 1024 HMAC-SHA-512 512 112 ≤ s ≤ 512 Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 38 of 46 AES-128-CMAC 128 AES-128-CMAC 128 112 ≤ s ≤ 128 AES-192-CMAC 192 AES-128-CMAC 128 112 ≤ s ≤ 128 AES-256-CMAC 256 AES-128-CMAC 128 112 ≤ s ≤ 128 Two-Step Key Derivation will make use of both salt and KDK. 6.2.3 HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) for TLS v1.3 The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic module provides HMAC-based Key Derivation Function from RFC 5869, known as HKDF. This function is similar to NIST SP 800- 56C Two-Step Key Derivation, but not the same. This is a non-FIPS approved function. The function can be used in FIPS mode of operation for compatibility with TLS v1.3 protocol and NIST SP 800-52 Rev2 only. 6.2.4 NIST SP 800-132: Password-Based Key Derivation Function The key derived using NIST SP 800-132 shall only be used for storage purposes. Both options presented in NIST SP 800-132 for deriving the Data Protection Key from the Master Key are supported. The SafeZone FIPS Lib does not limit the length of the passphrase used in NIST SP 800-132 PBKDF key derivation. The upper bound for the strength of passwords usually used is between 5 or 6 bits per character. Thus, for security over 64 bits, the passwords must generally be longer than 12 characters. Minimum requirements and limits for NIST SP 800-132: • There is no maximum for length of salt used, but at least 128 bits (16 bytes) of salt value must be randomly generated. • Iteration count shall be as large as possible. Iteration count used must be at least 1000 to meet minimum requirements of NIST SP 800-132. However, often it is recommendable to use much larger iteration counts, such as 100000 or 1000000, when user-perceived performance is not critical. • Resulting MK (Master key) can be used directly as the Data protection key, or as input to KDF or as a decryption key for Encrypted Data protection key. 6.2.5 NIST SP 800-38D: Galois/Counter Mode The FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance A.5 applies to AES-GCM usage with this module. Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 39 of 46 Item 1 in IG A.5 forbids using external IV for encryption via the FL_CryptAuthInit function. However, the FL_CryptAuthInit function is still used for decryption and the FL_CryptAuthInit function is used for subsequent encryption operations for operation sequences started with the FL_EncryptAuthInitDeterministic function. FL_CryptAuthInit function can also be used by the user to initialize AES-GCM operation, when IV has been generated in manner compatible with AES-GCM Implementation Guidance A.5, such as when internal IV generation has been accomplished by other FIPS 140-2 validated module. The operator must use the FL_EncryptAuthInitRandom function if random IV generation (IG A.5 item 2) is required, or in case of deterministic IV generation (IG A.5 item 3), the FL_EncryptAuthInitDeterministic function. The module supports AES-GCM with IPSec, TLS v1.2, TLS v1.3 and SRTP protocols. The IPSec and TLS v1.2 protocols will use the FL_EncryptAuthInitDeterministic function. For TLS v1.3, functions FL_CryptAuthInitTls13, FL_EncryptAuthFinishTls13, FL_EncryptAuthTls13 and have been introduced. These functions provide equivalent functionality than FL_EncryptAuthInitDeterministic, but work with TLS v1.3 protocol values. TLS v1.3 uses 64-bit counter, but instead of counting from 0, counter is masked (XOR) with 96-bit value (known as Encryption Salt) derived at the same time than key. This value also offers equivalent of ModuleName used by IG A.5 item 3. Therefore, it can be concluded that the scheme offers security equivalent to IG A.5 item 3. Also decryption functions, FL_DecryptAuthFinishTls13, FL_DecryptAuthTls13 functions are offered for consistency. 64-bit counter incremented once per TCP record will never overflow in practice. However, TLS 1.3 RFC 8446 suggests much smaller limits for key usage: encryption of up-to 224.5 (around 24 million) full-size records is the recommended maximum use for a key. It is responsibility of user to decide limit for key usage (based on e.g. record size they use) and rekey or terminate connection after the chosen limit has been met. The module supports AES-GCM with SRTP (RFC 7714). For SRTP, functions FL_EncryptAuthSrtp, FL_EncryptAuthSrtcp have been introduced. These functions provide equivalent functionality than FL_EncryptAuthInitDeterministic, but work with SRTP protocols. SRTP IV consists of 32-bit field, SSRC (synchronization source), which acts like 32-bit Module Name of IG A.5 item 3. SRTP uses 48-bit counter ROC || SEQ. This counter is incremented internal to the cryptographic module. The module will detect overflow of counter. It is responsibility of the user to rekey upon counter overflow. In addition, SRTP uses 96-bit Encryption Salt that is XORred with other fields. For control purposes, SRTP has additional protocol, SRTCP. SRTCP protocol is otherwise identical to SRTP, but it uses different keys, and IV format where ROC || SEQ is replaced by SRTCP index. SRTCP index is incremented internal to the cryptographic Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 40 of 46 module. The module will allow only 231 packets to be produced with SRTCP prior rekeying. • Note: If IV is generated internally in a deterministic manner, then FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance A.5: Item B3 applies: In case a module’s power is lost and then restored, the key used for the AES GCM encryption/decryption must be re-distributed. 6.2.6 NIST SP 800-38E: XTS Mode The module supports XTS Mode for Confidentiality on Storage Devices. Both XTS-AES-128 (256 bit key) and XTS-AES-256 (512 bit key) are supported. The XTS-AES key is parsed as concatenation of two AES keys Key_1 and Key_2. As is explained in FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance A.9, it is required that Key_1 ≠ Key_2. If Key_1 = Key_2, attempt to perform XTS-AES encryption or decryption will fail. The XTS Mode is only approved for usage in storage applications. 6.2.7 NIST SP 800-67 Rev 2: Triple-DES Encryption The module support Triple-DES encryption algorithm. The algorithm has tight restrictions for maximum number of encryptions with a single key. It is allowed to perform at most 220 (IETF protocols) or 216 (non-IETF protocols) data block encryptions with the same Triple-DES key. The module does not enforce these limits, instead the user of the module is responsible for ensuring their use of the module meets these restrictions. According to NIST SP 800-131A Rev 2, Triple-DES Encryption is deprecated algorithm and is becoming disallowed after 2023. It is recommended that the users of move to AES algorithm for symmetric encryption needs. 6.2.8 NIST SP 800-90A Rev1: Deterministic Random Bit Generator The module generates cryptographic keys whose strengths are modified by available entropy. No assurance of the minimum strength of the generated keys is given by the module. Depending on the platform, the module provides access to different entropy sources. By default, the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module DRBG uses x86/x86-64 architecture specific RDSEED or RDRAND instructions to obtain entropy. If the instructions are not available, the module will use getrandom Linux system call. If the system call does not exist, it will use operating system and platform independent operating system device files as entropy sources. Primarily, the module uses /dev/random as the entropy source on platforms that provide such an entropy device. This entropy generation path is merely a convenience default. The quality of entropy coming from /dev/random is not measured by the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module. Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 41 of 46 It is possible to use function FL_RbgUseNonblockingEntropySource to configure /dev/urandom as the entropy source. The difference between /dev/random and /dev/urandom is that when the entropy source does not know if there is sufficient entropy available, /dev/random will block and /dev/urandom will generate pseudo-random values based on available entropy. The quality of entropy coming from /dev/urandom is not measured by the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module. If Crypto Officer uses /dev/random or /dev/urandom as entropy source, it is up to Crypto Officer to configure it suitably to provide reasonable security. Crypto Officer can provide an entropy function which overrides the default entropy source. 6.2.9 NIST SP 800-133: Key Generation The module allows key generation. Key generation will use one of random number generators, NIST SP 800-90A Rev1 DRBG-CTR AES-256 or DRBG-CTR AES-128. AES-256 based DRBG is used to generate symmetric keys and many of asymmetric keys. AES-128 DRBG is used in generation of some asymmetric keys of up-to 128 bit equivalent security strength (such as RSA-2048 and RSA-3072 keys). The output of the approved DRBG is used unmodified when symmetric keys are generated. It is also used unmodified as random input for asymmetric key generation. 6.2.10 NIST SP 800-107 Rev 1: Truncated HMAC The module supports truncation of HMAC results for all SHA-1 and SHA-2 family hash functions. These include e.g. HMAC-SHA-1-80, HMAC-SHA-1-96, HMAC- SHA-256-128, HMAC-SHA-384-192 and HMAC-SHA-512-256. Following guidance of NIST SP 800-107 Rev 1, it is not allowed to truncate HMAC to less than 32-bits. Therefore, minimum allowed mac output length argument for the FL_MacGenerateFinish or FL_MacVerifyFinish is 4. 6.2.11 Support of Industry Protocols The module is intended to interoperate with established Industry Protocols. The module implements wide support of primitives for building applications with IKE, SRTP and/or TLS support. The key derivation functions from NIST SP 800-135 revision 1, various key agreement schemes, encryption and authentication functions are implemented. In addition, key extract-and-expand scheme from NIST SP 800-56C Rev1 is implemented for use with TLS v1.3. Key Agreement groups supported for IKEv2 (IPsec) include 2048-bit MODP group (ID=14), 3072-bit MODP group (ID=15), 4096-bit MODP group (ID=16), 6144-bit MODP group (ID=17), 8192-bit MODP group (ID=18), 2048-bit MODP group with 224-bit prime order subgroup (ID=23), 2048-bit MODP group with 256-bit prime order subgroup (ID=24), NIST P-224 (ID=26), NIST P-256 (ID=19), NIST P-384 (ID=20), and NIST P-521 (ID=21). Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 42 of 46 Key Agreement groups supported for TLS v1.0-v1.2 include ffdhe2048, ffdhe3072, ffdhe4096, ffdhe6144, ffdhe8192, P-224, P-256, P-384, and P-521. In addition, the module may process generic Diffie-Hellman parameters (with p between 2048 and 8192 bits), and the module can support RSA Key Transport with PKCS #1 v1.5. This module supports implementation of IKEv1, IKEv2 and TLS v1.0/v1.1/v1.2 protocols. No parts of the protocols, other than KDF, have been tested by the CAVP and CMVP. The module also supports implementation of TLS v1.3 protocol, but as there is no CMVP guidance for TLS v1.3, the protocol has not been tested by CAVP or CMVP. 6.2.12 Processor Algorithmic Acceleration This module supports Processor Algorithm Acceleration (PAA) functions. These functions allow fast and power efficient execution of common cryptographic functions on processors. The supported PAA implementations are: • AES-NI (Intel and AMD processors) ◦ Accelerator sub-functions for AES implementations (including GCM) • ARMv8-a Cryptography Extensions ◦ Accelerator sub-functions for AES and SHA implementations These capabilities are automatically enabled on processors with appropriate support. Processors without PAA support can be used, but AES or SHA performance will be lower than for processors with PAA support. For compliance with requirements of FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance 1.21, the same module is able to run with and without Processor Algorithmic Acceleration functions. 6.3 Porting maintaining validation SafeZone FIPS 140-2 product is typically delivered in binary format. The product in binary format is validated for platforms mentioned in the validation certificate. There is also another product available from the Rambus: source code product. This package can be recompiled by the user for their target platform. Recompilation without any changes to the module is allowed by FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance G.5. If changes to the module are required, they need to be processed as a revalidation (see FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance G.8 for details). This section provides guidance for user post-validation porting of the module. A user may perform post-validation porting of a module and affirm the modules continued validation compliance provided that the following is maintained: A Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 43 of 46 software, firmware or hybrid cryptographic module will remain compliant with the FIPS 140-2 validation when operating on any general purpose computer (GPC) or platform provided that the GPC for the software module, or software controlling portion of the hybrid module, uses the specified single user operating system/mode specified on the validation certificate, or another compatible single user operating system, or that the GPC or platform for the firmware module or firmware controlling portion of the hybrid module, uses the specified operating system on the validation certificate. Rambus can provide unmodified source code of the cryptographic module for purpose of post-validation porting. The package is only available within a commercial licensing agreement. The module can be compiled for target system(s) with commands: tar zxf FIPSLib1.2.1-src.tgz cd FIPSLib1.2.1-src make PLATFORM=target The target can currently be one of x86_64-linux-gnu, i686-linux-gnu, arm-linux- gnueabi, arm-linux-gnueabihf or aarch64-linux-gnu. If the unmodified module does not compile with these commands, the target platform cannot be supported without revalidation. Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 44 of 46 7 Self Tests 7.1 Power-Up Self-Tests The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module includes the following power-up self tests: • Software Integrity Test (using ECDSA Verify with NIST P-224) • KAT test for SHA-1 • KAT test for SHA-512 • KAT test for SHA3-224 • KAT test for HMAC SHA-256 • KAT test for AES encryption (CBC, 128-bit key) • KAT test for AES decryption (CBC, 128-bit key) • KAT test for AES encryption (CCM, 128-bit key) • KAT test for AES decryption (CCM, 128-bit key) • KAT test for AES encryption (GCM, 128-bit key) • KAT test for AES decryption (GCM, 128-bit key) • KAT test for AES encryption (XTS, 128-bit key strength) • KAT test for AES decryption (XTS, 128-bit key strength) • KAT test for CMAC, 192-bit key • KAT test for Triple-DES encryption (CBC, 192-bit key) • KAT test for Triple-DES decryption (CBC, 192-bit key) • KAT for RSA 2048-bit (signing and verification; PKCS #1 v1.5) • KAT for DSA (signing P=2048/N=256; verification P=1024/N=160) • KAT for ECDSA Signing (NIST P-224) • KAT for KTS: RSA Key Wrapping 2048-bit (RSA-OAEP; encryption and decryption) • KAT for Diffie-Hellman • KAT for EC Diffie-Hellman • KAT for KBKDF (Counter Mode) • KAT for 800-56C (includes KBKDF Feedback Mode) • KAT for KBKDF (Double Pipeline Mode) • KAT and health test for AES-CTR-256 DRBG • KAT and health test for AES-CTR-128 DRBG The self-tests are invoked automatically upon loading the SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module. The initialization function FL_LibInit/FLS_LibInit is executed via DEP (default entry point) as specified in FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance 9.10. Any error during the power-up self tests will result in a module transition to the error state. There are two possible ways to recover from the error state: Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 45 of 46 • Reinitializing the module with the API function sequences FL_LibUnInit/ FLS_LibUnInit and FL_LibInit/FLS_LibInit. • Power-cycling the device and reinitialize the module with the API function FL_LibInit/FLS_LibInit. (Invoked automatically via DEP.) The FL_LibStatus API function can be used to obtain the module status. It returns FL_STATUS_INIT when the module has not yet been initialized and FL_STATUS_ERROR when the module is in error state. As it is recommended to self-test cryptographic components (like DRBG) frequently, the module provides the capability to invoke the self-tests manually (on demand) with the FL_LibSelfTest API function. The important difference between the manually invoked self-tests and the automatically invoked self-tests when initializing the module is that the manually invoked self-tests will not cause zeroization of the key material currently loaded in the module, providing the tests execute successfully. In general, if a self-test fails, the module will transition to the error state and the return value (status) of the invoked API function will be something other than FLR_OK, depending on the current situation. 7.2 Conditional Self tests The SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module contains the following conditional self- tests: • Pair-wise consistency check for key pairs created for digital signature purposes (DSA, FIPS 186-4) • Pair-wise consistency check for key pairs created for digital signature purposes (ECDSA, FIPS 186-4) • Pair-wise consistency check for RSA key pairs created for digital signature (FIPS 186-4) or key transport (NIST SP 800-56B Rev 2) purposes. • Conditional health test for AES-CTR-256 DRBG (upon reseeding). • Continuous random number generator test for DRBG. • Continuous random number generator test for non-Approved NDRNG. The conditional self-tests for manual key entry and software/firmware load or bypass are not provided, as these are not applicable. Any error during the conditional self tests will result in a module transition to the error state. The ways to recover from the error state are listed in section 7.1. Required assurances are met as per SP 800-56Br2, Section 6.4. Non-proprietary security policy. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 46 of 46 8 Mitigation of Other Attacks The module contains an implementation of the RSA algorithm with data independent processing time for signing and decryption operations. This makes it harder to attack the RSA implementation via timing attacks. The module does not mitigate other attacks outside the scope of FIPS 140-2.