Tripwire Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy ©2010 Tripwire, Inc. Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 15 Tripwire Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Document Revision: 2010.06.20_V1.4 S.W. Versions: 1.1 and 1.2 This non-proprietary document may only be reproduced in its entirety without modification. Tripwire Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy ©2010 Tripwire, Inc. Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 15 Revision History Revision Author Description 2010.06.20_V1.4 Benjamin Jansen Initial public release Tripwire Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy ©2010 Tripwire, Inc. Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 3 of 15 Table of Contents ...............................................................................1 Table of Contents......................................................................................................................3 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................4 Security Levels.....................................................................................................................................4 Cryptographic Boundary........................................................................................................5 Provided Algorithms ...............................................................................................................5 FIPS Approved Algorithms..............................................................................................................5 Non-Approved Algorithms ..............................................................................................................6 Physical Ports and Logical Interfaces................................................................................6 Security rules .............................................................................................................................6 Self Tests................................................................................................................................................6 Power-up tests ................................................................................................................................................6 Conditional tests.............................................................................................................................................7 Other Rules ...........................................................................................................................................7 Identification and Authentication Policy .........................................................................9 Access Control Policy.........................................................................................................................9 Available Services ..........................................................................................................................................9 Service Roles and Key/CSP Access ......................................................................................................11 Physical Security Policy....................................................................................................... 14 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy................................................................................... 14 Glossary..................................................................................................................................... 14 Tripwire Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy ©2010 Tripwire, Inc. Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 15 Introduction The Tripwire Cryptographic Module (S/W Versions: 1.1 and 1.2) is a software only multi-chip standalone cryptographic module designed to provide FIPS validated cryptographic functionality for Tripwire, Inc. products. It implements the interfaces for encrypting sensitive data and to facilitate secure TLS communication channels. The cryptographic module was tested on the following operational environment (in single user mode): • Windows Server 2003 (32-bit) • Sun Microsystems Java Runtime Environment Version 1.5 As per FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance G.5, the cryptographic module will remain compliant with the FIPS 140-2 validation when operating on any general purpose computer (GPC) provided that the GPC uses the specified single user operating system, or another compatible single user operating system such as any of the following: • Microsoft Windows • RedHat Enterprise Linux • SUSE Linux • Solaris • IBM AIX • HP-UX • IBM i5/OS • IBM z/Linux Security Levels The Tripwire Cryptographic Module is validated according to the following FIPS 140-2 defined levels. Overall Security Level 1 Area 1 - Cryptographic Module Specification Security Level 1 Area 2 - Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces Security Level 1 Area 3 - Roles, Services, and Authentication Security Level 1 Area 4 - Finite State Model Security Level 1 Area 5 - Physical Security Security Level 1 Area 6 - Operational Environment Security Level 1 Area 7 - Cryptographic Key Management Security Level 1 Area 8 - EMI/EMC Security Level 3 Area 9 - Self-Tests Security Level 1 Area 10 - Design Assurance Security Level 3 Area 11 - Mitigation of Other Attacks Security Level 1 Tripwire Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy ©2010 Tripwire, Inc. Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 5 of 15 Cryptographic Boundary The following diagram defines the cryptographic boundary: Exhibit 1 – Specification of Cryptographic Boundary The logical cryptographic boundary is defined to include the following software components: • tw-crypto-fips.jar Provided Algorithms FIPS Approved Algorithms The Tripwire Cryptographic Module provides validated implementations of the following FIPS-approved algorithms: • AES (CBC and ECB modes, 128/192/256 bit key sizes), certificate #1159 • RSA, certificate #548 o GenKey 9.31  Supported public exponent value: 17  Supported modulus sizes: 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096 o SigGen PKCS 1.5 and SigVer PKCS 1.5  Supported modulus sizes: 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096 Tripwire Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy ©2010 Tripwire, Inc. Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 6 of 15  Supported algorithms: SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 • RNG (ANSI X9.31 with AES-256), certificate #641 • HMAC with SHA-1 (32-byte key size), certificate #660 • SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, certificate #1072 • DSA (with 1024 bit key and SHA-1), certificate #376 Non-Approved Algorithms The Tripwire Cryptographic Module also provides implementations of the following non- approved algorithms: • MD5 (within TLS PRF) • HMAC-MD5 (within TLS PRF) • RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 80 and 128 bits of encryption strength; non-compliant less than 80-bits of encryption strength) Physical Ports and Logical Interfaces The logical interface for the Tripwire Cryptographic Module is defined by its API. While the physical ports of a GPC (keyboard, mouse, etc.) provide a means to interact with the module, the logical interface is defined by the module’s API. Logical Port Logical Interface Method parameters Data Input API Method calls Control Input Data returned by API method calls Data Output Status codes returned by, and exceptions thrown by, API method calls Status Output Exhibit 2 – Specification of Cryptographic Module Physical Ports and Logical Interfaces Security rules The following specifies the security rules under which the cryptographic module shall operate. Self Tests The cryptographic module shall support the following self-tests. Power-up tests • RSA signature generation/verification KAT Tripwire Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy ©2010 Tripwire, Inc. Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 15 • DSA signature generation/verification KAT • AES 256 CBC mode KAT • DRNG (ANSI X9.31 with AES-256) KAT • HMAC-SHA-1 KAT • SHA-1 KAT • SHA-224 KAT • SHA-256 KAT • SHA-384 KAT • SHA-512 KAT • Software integrity test – DSA signature verification • Critical functions tests: o MD5 KAT (within TLS PRF) o HMAC-MD5 KAT (within TLS PRF) o RSA key wrap/unwrap KAT (within TLS) Conditional tests • Manual key entry = N/A • Software load test = N/A • Bypass test = N/A • Pairwise consistency tests for RSA (key wrap/unwrap; sign/verify) • Pairwise consistency tests for DSA (sign/verify) • DRNG (ANSI X9.31 with AES-256) continuous test Other Rules • By policy, the cryptographic module is in a FIPS Approved mode of operation. • The module only supports the following cipher suites for TLS: o TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA o TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA • The cryptographic module provides all of the services listed in Exhibit 5 in FIPS mode (the Approved mode of operation) and also in non-FIPS mode. However, in non-FIPS mode the cryptographic module may not be relied upon to cryptographically protect sensitive unclassified data. The cryptographic module is put into a non-FIPS mode of operation whenever any of the following conditions have been performed: o The user uses an instance of the DSA algorithm with a 512-bit key, 768- bit key or hash with SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 via any of the following services:  KeyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair  Signature.initSign  Signature.sign  Signature.initVerify  Signature.verify o The user uses an instance of the RSA algorithm with a 512-bit key or 768- bit key via any of the following services: Tripwire Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy ©2010 Tripwire, Inc. Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 8 of 15  KeyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair  Signature.initSign  Signature.sign  Signature.initVerify  Signature.verify  SSLContext.init  SSLSocket.startHandshake (client)  SSLSocket.startHandshake (server) o The user requests generation of an RSA key using a public exponent of 3 or 65,537 via the KeyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair service. o The user does not supply at least 128-bits of entropy to seed the approved deterministic random number generator via the FipsProvider.addEntropy service. • If the user ever puts the module into non-FIPS mode he is in violation of the security policy and shall zeroize all CSPs. • The cryptographic module enforces logical separation for data input, control input, data output, status output interfaces via the API. • All data output is inhibited during self tests, error states, and zeroization. • During error states the module provides no cryptographic services, inhibits all data outputs, and provides error status via return codes and exceptions from the API. • The cryptographic module protects CSPs from unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized modification, and unauthorized substitution. The cryptographic module protects public keys from unauthorized modification, and unauthorized substitution. The module does not perform any persistent storage of keys or CSPs. • The module does not support manual key entry. • The cryptographic module automatically performs self-tests without requiring any inputs or actions by the operator. • Upon successful completion of the power-up self-tests the module provides status code “1” from the status output interface. • When the cryptographic module enters the error state, the module provides status code “-5” from the status output interface. • The module does not support bypass modes. • The module does not support split-knowledge processes. • The maintenance role and maintenance interface are not applicable. • Specific components within the cryptographic boundary have not been excluded from the requirements of FIPS 140-2. • The user must provide a minimum of 128-bits of entropy for each invocation of the FipsProvider.addEntropy service. • Only the TLS protocol is supported (i.e., SSL is not supported). Tripwire Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy ©2010 Tripwire, Inc. Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 9 of 15 Identification and Authentication Policy • Cryptographic Officer: the role fulfilled by the person who performs on-demand self-tests and status querying. • User: the role fulfilled by the external application that performs general security services. The role is implicitly assumed based upon the service method being invoked. Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data Cryptographic Officer N/A N/A User N/A N/A Exhibit 3 - Roles and Required Identification and Authentication (FIPS 140-2 Table C1) Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism N/A N/A Exhibit 4 - Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms (FIPS 140-2 Table C2) Access Control Policy Available Services Following is a list of services supported by the cryptographic module. Note: The use of the term “SSL” in service names is solely to provide compatibility with the existing API. Only TLS is supported (i.e. SSL is not supported). Service Name Service Description FipsProvider.getStatusCode Returns a status code representing the state of the module (starting, selftested, shutdown, error, etc.) FipsProvider.addEntropy Reseeds the cryptographic module’s DRNG. The given seed supplements the existing seed; thus, repeated use is guaranteed never to reduce randomness. FipsProvider.runSelfTest Runs the FIPS mandated power-up self-tests Zeroizable.zeroize When called on any object representing CSP material, will wipe the sensitive data from memory. Cipher.getInstance Creates a cryptographic Cipher object for the specified algorithm. Tripwire Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy ©2010 Tripwire, Inc. Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 10 of 15 Service Name Service Description Cipher.init Initialize the Cipher object for use by specifying the mode (encryption or decryption) and key. Cipher.update Continue a multi-part cryptographic operation, inputing data and returning output. Cipher.doFinal Finish a multi-part cryptographic operation, inputing data and returning output. MessageDigest.getInstance Creates a cryptographic MessageDigest object for the specified algorithm. MessageDigest.update Update the state of the digesting object with more input data. MessageDigest.digest Calculate and return the final hash value of the input data. Mac.getInstance Creates a cryptographic MAC object for the specified algorithm. Mac.init Initialize the Mac object for use by specifying key. Mac.update Update the state of the MAC object with more input data. Mac.doFinal Calculate and return the final MAC value of the input data. KeyPairGenerator.getInstance Creates a cryptographic KeyPairGenerator object for the specified algorithm. KeyPairGenerator.initialize Initializes the key pair generator using the specified parameters (e.g. key size). KeyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair Generate and return a new asymmetric keypair. Signature.getInstance Creates a cryptographic Signature object for the specified algorithm. Signature.initSign Initialize this object for signing by providing the private key to use for signing. Signature.sign Calculate the signature bytes of all the data updated. Signature.update Updates the data to be signed or verified. Signature.initVerify Initializes this object for verification, using the provided public key. Signature.verify Verifies the passed-in signature. SecureRandom.getInstance Creates a cryptographic SecureRandom object for the specified algorithm. SecureRandom.setSeed To enter additional entropy into the object state. SecureRandom.nextBytes To request a series of random bytes from the DRNG. SSLContext.getInstance Creates a cryptographic SSLContext object for the specified algorithm. SSLContext.init Initializes the SSLContext object for use. Tripwire Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy ©2010 Tripwire, Inc. Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 11 of 15 Service Name Service Description SSLContext.getSocketFactory Returns a SSLSocketFactory object for this context. SSLContext.getServerSocketFactory Returns a SSLServerSocketFactory object for this context. SSLSocketFactory.createSocket Create a SSLSocket to be used for TLS communication. SSLServerSocketFactory.createSocket Create a SSLServerSocket to be used for TLS communication. SSLSocket.startHandshake (client) Perform TLS client handshake. SSLSocket.startHandshake (server) Perform TLS server handshake. Exhibit 5 – Cryptographic Module Services Service Roles and Key/CSP Access Each service is defined as accessing certain CSPs in certain ways. The types of access are: Access Name Description Destroy Actively overwrite. Enter The item is input into the cryptographic boundary. Output The item is output from the cryptographic boundary. Generate The item is generated using the Approved DRNG. Encrypt The item is used to encrypt data. MAC The item is used to generate a MAC. Sign The item is used to sign data. Verify The item is used to verify the signature of signed data. Establish The item is established as part of the TLS protocol. Random The item is used to generate pseudo- random bits using the Approved DRNG. Wrap The item is used for RSA key wrap within TLS. Unwrap The item is used for RSA key unwrap within TLS. Exhibit 6 – Types of CSP Access Following is a listing of roles, services, cryptographic keys and CSPs, and types of access to the cryptographic keys and CSPs that are available to each of the authorized roles via the corresponding services. Tripwire Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy ©2010 Tripwire, Inc. Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 12 of 15 Role CO U Service Cryptographic Keys, CSPs, & Type(s) of Access X FipsProvider.runSelfTest n/a X FipsProvider.getStatusCode n/a X FipsProvider.addEntropy Seed: enter X Zeroizable.zeroize All: destroy X Cipher.getInstance n/a X Cipher.init AES Key: enter X Cipher.update AES Key: encrypt, decrypt X Cipher.doFinal AES Key: encrypt, decrypt X MessageDigest.getInstance n/a X MessageDigest.update n/a X MessageDigest.digest n/a X Mac.getInstance n/a X Mac.init HMAC Key: enter X Mac.update HMAC Key: MAC X Mac.doFinal HMAC Key: MAC X KeyPairGenerator.getInstance n/a X KeyPairGenerator.initialize DRNG state: enter X KeyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair • DSA Keypair: generate, output • RSA Keypair: generate, output • DRNG state: random X Signature.getInstance n/a X Signature.initSign • DSA private key: enter • RSA private key: enter • DRNG state: enter X Signature.sign • DSA private key: sign • RSA private key: sign • DRNG state: random X Signature.update n/a X Signature.initVerify • DSA public key: enter • RSA public key: enter X Signature.verify • DSA public key: verify • RSA public key: verify Tripwire Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy ©2010 Tripwire, Inc. Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 13 of 15 Role CO U Service Cryptographic Keys, CSPs, & Type(s) of Access X SecureRandom.getInstance n/a X SecureRandom.setSeed • Seed: enter X SecureRandom.nextBytes • Random bytes: generate, output X SSLContext.getInstance n/a X SSLContext.init • CA certificate: enter • Local certificate: enter • Local private key: enter • DRNG state: enter X SSLContext.getSocketFactory n/a X SSLContext.getServerSocketFactory n/a X SSLSocketFactory.createSocket DRNG state: random X SSLServerSocketFactory.createSocket DRNG state: random X SSLSocket.startHandshake (client) • TLS Pre-master secret: generate, output • TLS Master secret: establish • TLS PRF state: establish • TLS AES session keys: establish • TLS HMAC session keys: establish • DRNG State: random • CA certificate: verify • Local certificate: output • Local private key: sign • Remote certificate: enter, wrap X SSLSocket.startHandshake (server) • TLS Pre-master secret: enter • TLS Master secret: establish • TLS PRF state: establish • TLS AES session keys: establish • TLS HMAC session keys: establish • DRNG State: random • CA certificate: verify signature • Local certificate: output • Local private key: unwrap • Remote certificate: enter, verify signature Exhibit 7 – Services Authorized for Roles, Access Rights within Services (FIPS 140-2 Table C3, Table C4) Tripwire Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy ©2010 Tripwire, Inc. Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 14 of 15 Physical Security Policy The physical security requirements are not applicable to the software only cryptographic module. Physical Security Mechanisms Recommended Frequency of Inspection/Test Inspection/Test Guidance Details N/A N/A N/A Exhibit 8 - Inspection/Testing of Physical Security Mechanisms (FIPS 140-2 Table C5) Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The Tripwire Cryptographic Module does not provide for mitigation of other attacks. Other Attacks Mitigation Mechanism Specific Limitations N/A N/A N/A Exhibit 9 - Mitigation of Other Attacks (FIPS 140-2 Table C6) Glossary Term Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard ANSI American National Standards Institute API Application Programming Interface CBC Cipher-Block Chaining, a block cipher mode of operation Cipher Cryptographic algorithm used for encryption/decryption CSP Critical Security Parameter DRNG Deterministic Random Number Generator DSA Digital Signature Algorithm ECB Electronic Codebook, a block cipher mode of operation FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards FIPS 140-2 FIPS requirements for cryptographic modules GPC General Purpose Computer Tripwire Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy ©2010 Tripwire, Inc. Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 15 of 15 HMAC keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code KAT Known Answer Test MAC Message Authentication Code MD5 Message-Digest algorithm 5 N/A Not Applicable RNG Random Number Generator RSA An algorithm for public-key cryptography SHA Secure Hash Algorithm TLS Transport Layer Security TLS PRF Transport Layer Security Pseudo-Random Function TW Tripwire TW Application A Tripwire application which uses the Module for cryptographic operations