FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Postal NRevenector GB 2019 Document Version 1.0 Hardware P/N: 58.0036.0301.00 or 58.0036.0302.00 Firmware Version: Bootloader: 90.0036.0401.00/2019141001 GB Application: 90.0036.0415.00/2019366001 FP InovoLabs GmbH Prenzlauer Promenade 28 13089 Berlin Germany THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE FREELY REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 2 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 Contents 1 Introduction 4 2 Cryptographic Module Specification 5 3 Cryptographic Ports and Interfaces 6 4 Rules of Operation 7 5 Roles, Services, Authentication & Identification 9 6 Physical Security 13 7 Cryptographic Functions 14 8 Cryptographic Keys and Critical Security Parameters 17 9 Self-Tests 21 10 Mitigating Other Attacks 23 11 Glossary and Abbreviations 24 12 References 25 Figures Figure: 1 Postal NRevenector GB 2019................................................................................................. 4 Figure: 2 Module Boundary (Outer Edge of Epoxy) ............................................................................... 6 Tables Table 1: FIPS 140-2 Security Levels..................................................................................................... 5 Table 2: Cryptographic Ports & Interfaces............................................................................................ 6 Table 3: Services and Roles .............................................................................................................. 11 Table 4: FIPS 140-2 Approved Security Functions............................................................................... 15 Table 5: FIPS 140-2 Non-Approved Algorithms (Not Security Functions) .............................................. 16 Table 6: Critical Security Parameters ................................................................................................. 18 Table 7: Public Security Parameters................................................................................................... 19 Table 8: Zeroization.......................................................................................................................... 20 Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 3 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 Table 9: FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Algorithm Tests ............................................................................ 21 Table 10: Conditional Tests............................................................................................................... 22 Table 11: Glossary and Abbreviations ................................................................................................ 24 Table 12: References........................................................................................................................ 25 Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 4 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview FP InovoLabs GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Francotyp- Postalia Holding AG (FP), one of the leading global suppliers of mail center solutions. A major component of FP’s business is the production and support of postal franking machines (postage meters). FP InovoLabs GmbH is responsible for developing these postal franking machines for FP. Each postal franking machine incorporates a postal security device (PSD) that performs all postage meter cryptographic and postal security functions and which protects both Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) and Postal Relevant Data Items (PRDIs) from unauthorized access. The Postal NRevenector GB 2019 is FP’s latest generation of PSD. This document forms a Cryptographic Module Security Policy for the cryptographic module of the device under the terms of the NIST FIPS 140-2 validation. This Security Policy specifies the security rules under which this device operates, and covers both the operation of the bootloader and the postal application. 1.2 Implementation The Postal NRevenector GB 2019 is a multiple-chip embedded cryptographic module, based around a cryptographic integrated circuit, together with a small number of support components. The components, mounted on a PCB, are covered by hard opaque potting material. The extent of the potting forms the cryptographic boundary of the module. The module has a proprietary electrical connector forming the interface to it. The module does not contain a modifiable operational environment. Figure: 1 Postal NRevenector GB 2019 Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 5 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 2 Cryptographic Module Specification 2.1 FIPS Security Level Compliance The cryptographic module is designed to meet FIPS 140-2 as shown in the table below: Section Security Requirement Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 3 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3 3 Roles, Services and Authentication 3 4 Finite State Model 3 5 Physical Security 3 + EFP 6 Operational Environment N/A 7 Cryptographic Key Management 3 8 Electromagnetic Interference/ Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMI/EMC) 3 9 Self-Tests 3 10 Design Assurance 3 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks 3 Table 1: FIPS 140-2 Security Levels Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 6 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 3 Cryptographic Ports and Interfaces The cryptographic module ports and interfaces are as indicated in Table 2. External Port Interface Type Description 36-pin Serial IO card edge connector Data input Data output Control input Status output Power input Interface for communicating with module USB Port (disabled for version 58.0036.0302.00) Data input Data output Control input Status output Power input Alternate interface for communicating with module Status LEDs (ERR, BL, PWR, APP) Status output  ERR: error  BL: Bootloader running  PWR: internal power supply on  APP: Application running Battery Power input Additional power supply for module. Table 2: Cryptographic Ports & Interfaces 3.1 Cryptographic boundary The cryptographic boundary is defined to be the outer edge of the epoxy that covers most of the printed circuit board, as shown below. There are a small number of components on the printed circuit board that lie outside the cryptographic boundary, which may or may not be present depending on the build version of the device. These components have no impact on security-related aspects of the module. Figure: 2 Module Boundary (Outer Edge of Epoxy) Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 7 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 4 Rules of Operation 4.1 FIPS 140-2 Related Security Rules The Postal NRevenector GB 2019 shall: 1. Support only an Approved mode of operation. The Approved mode indicator is returned via the Get Device Status service. 2. Not allow unauthenticated operators to have any access to the module’s cryptographic services. 3. Inhibit data output during self-tests and error states. 4. Logically disconnect data output from the processes performing zeroization and key generation. 5. Enforce identity-based authentication for roles that access Approved algorithms and CSPs. 6. Not retain the authentication of an operator following power-off or reboot. 7. Support the following roles: Default User, User, and Cryptographic Officer. 8. Not permit the output of plaintext cryptographic keys or other CSPs. 9. Not support a bypass mode or maintenance mode. 10. Support the following logically distinct interfaces:  Data input interface  Data output interface  Control input interface  Status output interface  Power interface. 11. Implement all firmware using a high-level language, except the limited use of low-level languages to enhance performance. 12. Protect critical security parameters from unauthorized disclosure, modification and substitution. 13. Provide means to ensure that a key entered into or stored within the device is associated with the correct entities to which the key is assigned. 14. Support a FIPS approved deterministic random bit generator (DRBG) as specified in NIST SP 800- 90a section 10.2.1 15. Perform self-tests as listed in section 9 during power-on and on-demand when the corresponding service is used. 16. Store an error indication whenever an error state is entered. As a result, the error indication can be read by the Get Device Status Service. 17. Not perform any cryptographic functions while in an error state. 18. Not support multiple concurrent operators. 19. Ensure that no more than 216 data block encryptions are performed using the same key during Triple-DES encryptions, in accordance with NIST Implementation Guideline for FIPS 140-2 §A13. Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 8 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 4.2 Postal Related Security Rules Based on the specifications of the Royal Mail (RM), the Postal NRevenector GB 2019 shall: 1. Comply with the specifications of the Royal Mail for the Mailmark™ franking system. 2. Protect the postal registers against unauthorized substitution or modification. 3. Never zeroize the postal registers. 4. Provide mechanisms to disable the Accounting-Service when it has no connection with its partnering infrastructure on a regular basis. 5. Provide mechanisms to re-key the indicia key on a regular basis 6. Provide services for protecting postal related data inside its hosting system against unauthorized substitution or modification. Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 9 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 5 Roles, Services, Authentication & Identification 5.1 Roles The Postal NRevenector GB 2019 supports three distinct roles:  Default User  User  Cryptographic Officer Any services which do not read, update, modify or generate critical security parameters (CSPs) do not require authentication. 5.2 Default User Role By default, the device enters the Default user role, which is an unauthenticated role, for services that do not require authentication. The Host System typically acts on behalf of the Default operator and can request unauthenticated services. 5.3 User Role The User is authenticated using an identity-based authentication method. This method is based on a challenge-response protocol using a User ID (UID) and secret passphrase known to both parties (pre- loaded into the module). The Host System typically acts on behalf of the User and can request authenticated services (which may access critical security parameters). 5.4 Cryptographic Officer Role The Cryptographic Officer is authenticated using an identity-based authentication method in the form of an RSA 2048 digital signature. The Cryptographic Officer presents a 2048-bit RSA digital signature, which is verified by the module’s corresponding public key (PKM public key). After authentication, key agreement is used to generate ephemeral session keys (RSEK and RSAK). The ephemeral session keys (3-Key Triple DES and HMAC-SHA-1) are then used additionally to authenticate several further messages that require CO authentication during that session and to secure the Indicia Key. The Cryptographic Officer role shall provide those services necessary to initialize, authorize and validate the Postal NRevenector GB 2019. This role provides those services which enter, modify or generate critical security parameters. An infrastructure server belonging to FP typically acts on behalf of a Cryptographic Officer. Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 10 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 5.5 Services and Roles The following services are offered by the cryptographic module; the abbreviations used in the table are:  Roles: U = User, DU = Default User, CO= Cryptographic Officer  Access Rights: R = read, W = write, Z = zeroize, G = generate Service Approved Security Functions Used Associated CSPs Access Rights Roles Note (All services that access CSPs) AES 128 CTR AES 128 CBC HMAC-SHA-256 MKEK NVDEK NVDAK R R R CO, DU, U The module automatically encrypts, decrypts, and authenticates stored critical security parameters. Operators do not have read access to these CSPs. Accounting HMAC-SHA256 Indicia Key R U Debits the postal funds and returns indicia content. Echo None None - DU Echoes back data payload. Generate Indicia Key HMAC-SHA256, 3TDES CBC, HMAC-SHA1, DRBG Indicia Key RSEK RSAK DRBG State1 G,W R R R,W,G CO Generating and re-keying indicia key Get Device Status None None - DU Local Login DRBG Passphrase DRBG State R R,W,G DU The passphrase is used for authentication as part of a 3-way challenge response protocol. Logoff None None - CO, U Leaves the CO or User role. Postage Value Download 3TDES CBC, HMAC-SHA1 RSEK RSAK R R CO Finance service, managing postal funds Postage Value Refund 3TDES CBC, HMAC-SHA1 RSEK RSAK R R CO Finance service, managing postal funds. Postal Authorization HMAC-SHA1 RSAK R CO Authorize the device according to the Royal Mail requirements. Postal Initialization RSA 2048 Sign/Verify using SHA-256, 3TDES CBC, HMAC-SHA1, DRBG PSD Key (private) RSEK RSAK DRBG State G,W R R R,W,G CO Initialize the device according to the Royal Mail Mailmark and IPMAR requirements. Program Flash with firmware RSA 2048 Verify using SHA-256 None - U Receives firmware from an external source and programs it into the cryptographic module’s FLASH memory. Re-Authorization HMAC-SHA1 RSAK R CO Updates customer configuration data Re-Initialization HMAC-SHA1 RSAK R CO Updates postal configuration data Reboot Device None None - DU Service to cause the device to reboot. Reenter FP Mac Secret 3TDES CBC, HMAC-SHA1 RSEK RSAK R R CO Enters FP Mac Secret used to authenticate proprietary data 1 DRBG State may include the following CSPs: Entropy string, DRBG seed, DRBG state: Key, and DRBG State: V Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 11 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 Service Approved Security Functions Used Associated CSPs Access Rights Roles Note Rekey PSD key RSA 2048 Sign/Verify using SHA-256, 3TDES CBC, HMAC-SHA1, DRBG PSD Key (private) RSEK RSAK DRBG State G,W R R R,W,G CO Generation of a new PSD Key Pair and exchange with the PKM Remote Login KAS/KDF, DSA Key Generation, RSA 2048 Sign/Verify using SHA-256, 3TDES CBC, HMAC-SHA1, DRBG Ephemeral DH private key Transport Key2 (private) PSD Key (private) RSEK RSAK DRBG State G,W,R R R G,W,R G,W,R R,W,G DU Required to enter the CO role. Renew PKM key RSA 2048 Verify using SHA-256 None - CO Loads signed PKM certificate Scrap None MKEK NVDEK NVDAK DRBG State Z Z Z Z DU Zeroizes all plaintext CSPs. Secure Echo 3TDES CBC, HMAC-SHA-1 RSEK RSAK R R CO Echoes back data payload within a secure session. Secure Get Status HMAC-SHA-1 RSAK R CO Provides status within a secure session. Secure Set Time HMAC-SHA-1 RSAK R CO Synchronizes the RTC within a secure session. Select Programmed Firmware None None - DU Configures the bootloader. Self-Test All listed in section 9 None - DU Setup Parameter None None - DU Enters postal configuration data. Sign PMD Data RSA 2048 Sign using SHA-256 PMD Key (private) R U Sign postal related items and communication data. Verify Mac None None - U Authenticates a data payload (using FP Mac Secret). Table 3: Services and Roles 5.6 Authentication Strength 5.6.1 Cryptographic Officer Role The probability that a random attempt will succeed or a false acceptance will occur shall be less than one in 1,000,000. This is achieved through use of a 2048-bit RSA key to authenticate the role, which has been determined to have an effective strength of 112 bits. The probability that a random attempt will succeed is therefore 1/(2112 ), which is less than 1/1,000,000. Should multiple attempts be made to authenticate during a one-minute period, the probability shall be less than one in 100,000 that a random attempt will succeed or a false acceptance will occur. This is 2 The Transport Key Pair is used once during initialization, then replaced by the PSD Key Pair on subsequent Remote Logins Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 12 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 achieved by inserting a delay of 1 second after any failed attempt resulting in a maximum of 60 attempts per minute. The probability is therefore 60/(2112 ), which is less than 1/100,000. 5.6.2 User Role The passphrase contains at least 6 randomly chosen characters for the User resulting in a total of more than 626 combinations (here, 62 represents the complete set of 26 upper- and 26 lower-case ASCII letters, together with 10 digits). The probability that a random attempt will succeed is therefore 1/(626 ), which is less than 1/1,000,000. Should multiple attempts be made to authenticate during a one-minute period, the probability shall be less than one in 100,000 that a random attempt will succeed or a false acceptance will occur. This is achieved by inserting a delay of 1 second after any failed attempt resulting in a maximum of 60 attempts per minute. The probability is therefore 60/(626 ), which is less than 1/100,000. Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 13 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 6 Physical Security All the components of the device are covered with a hard, tamper-evident potting material, which is tamper evident and opaque within the visible spectrum. The module is inspected for tamper evidence each time it is retrieved from the field. Because of the potting material it is not possible to physically access any internal components without seriously damaging the module or causing zeroization. Hardness testing was performed at ambient temperature and at the extremes of the module’s documented operating temperature range (-12 ˚C to 72 ˚C). Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 14 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 7 Cryptographic Functions 7.1 Modes of Operation The module has one mode of operation, the FIPS mode of operation. Once the module has completed its self-test and entered its FIPS mode of operation, the LED marked “APP” will light on the printed circuit board. This LED will extinguish when the module is re-booted, for example to restart the FP Bootloader. Additionally, the Approved mode indicator is returned via the Get Device Status service. 7.2 Approved Algorithms The module implements the following FIPS approved algorithms: Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 15 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 Algorithm Standard Mode/ Method Key Lengths, Curves or Moduli CAVP Cert. Use AES FIPS 197, SP 800-38A ECB, CBC, CTR 128 #5662 Data encryption / decryption CKG SP 800-133 Vendor affirmed The unmodified output of the DRBG is used for symmetric key generation and seeds for asymmetric generation DRBG SP 800-90A & SP 800-90B CTR-DRBG: Block Cipher DF 128 #2497 Deterministic random bit generation DSA FIPS 186-4 (2048, 224) #1455 Key generation only for KAS HMAC FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA-256 160 128, 256 #3769 Message authentication MAC Calculation for the indicia KAS-SSC SP 800-56Ar3 dhEphem, C(2e, 0s, FFC DH) (2048, 224)3 Vendor affirmed Key Agreement: Shared Secret Computation (key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength) KDA SP 800-56Cr1 Single-Step KDF SHA-256 Vendor Affirmed Key Agreement: Key Derivation Function KTS SP 800-38F 3TDES CBC HMAC-SHA-1 192 bits 160 bits Triple-DES Cert. #2839 and HMAC Cert. #3769 Key Transport Scheme (key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength) RSA FIPS 186-4 KeyGen PKCS 1.5 SigGen PKCS 1.5 SigVer PKCSPSS SigVer (2048) (2048, SHA-256) (2048, SHA-256) (2048, SHA-256) #3046 Key Generation, Digital signature generation and verification SHS FIPS 180-4 SHA-1 SHA-256 #4538 Message digest TDES SP 800-67r2 ECB, CBC 192 #2839 Data encryption / decryption Table 4: FIPS 140-2 Approved Security Functions 7.3 Allowed Algorithms The module uses a single hardware implemented NDRNG for seeding the DRBG. The NDRNG is allowed, but not FIPS approved. The NDRNG is used as the entropy source for the module’s DRBG, which is seeded with full entropy (security strength of 128 bits). 3 186-type FFC primes Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 16 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 7.4 Allowed Algorithms (Not Security Functions) The following algorithms may be used in the Approved mode of operation because they are considered non-approved cryptographic algorithms that are not security functions per IG 1.23. Data secured with these algorithms is considered plaintext. Algorithm Caveat Use AES (no security claimed) Proprietary implementation used for obfuscation of data that remains within the module. FP MAC (no security claimed) Proprietary implementation used for non-compliant legacy verification of non- security relevant data. KDF (no security claimed) Proprietary implementation used to derive non-compliant keys used for obfuscation in the Local Login challenge-response protocol. This algorithm is compliant with FIPS 140-2 requirements for authentication strength. PBKDF (no security claimed) Used to derive non-compliant keys used for obfuscation of data in transit during the Local (User) session. This algorithm is compliant with FIPS 140-2 requirements for authentication strength. Table 5: FIPS 140-2 Non-Approved Algorithms (Not Security Functions) Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 17 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 8 Cryptographic Keys and Critical Security Parameters The following section lists the critical and public security parameters that are retained by the device. All encrypted critical security parameters in the module are protected by 128-bit AES using the MKEK (which encrypts the NVDEK and NVDAK, which encrypt and authenticate all encrypted CSPs), which is zeroized by the scrap service. The Indicia Key is output protected by an Approved Key Transport Scheme (KTS) that is conformant to SP 800-38F. All other critical security parameters, including private and secret keys, are not output by or input to the module. 8.1 Critical Security Parameters The table below lists the critical security parameters: Name Algorithm Storage Generation Establishment Destruction Purpose Data Encryption Master Key (MKEK) (128-bit key) AES-128 bits, Counter mode Plaintext Internal DRBG (during manufacturing) N/A Scrap service or tamper event Serves to encrypt and decrypt critical security parameters. Data Encryption Key (NVDEK) (128-bit key) AES CBC Encrypted Internal DRBG (during manufacturing) N/A Scrap service, tamper event. Serves to encrypt and decrypt other internally stored critical security parameters. Data Authentication Key (NVDAK) (128-bit key) HMAC-SHA256 Encrypted Internal DRBG (during manufacturing) N/A Scrap service, tamper event. Serves to authenticate other internally stored critical security parameters. Entropy string NDRNG Not persistently stored Internal NDRNG N/A Power cycle (volatile) Required for generation of DRBG state DRBG seed CTR_DRBG using AES 128 Not persistently stored Internal NDRNG N/A Power cycle (volatile) Internal state of the Deterministic Random Bit Generator. DRBG State: Key CTR_DRBG using AES 128 Encrypted Updated during random number generation N/A Scrap service, tamper event. Internal state of the Deterministic Random Bit Generator. DRBG State: V CTR_DRBG using AES 128 Encrypted Updated during random number generation N/A Scrap service, tamper event. Internal state of the Deterministic Random Bit Generator. Passphrase N/A Encrypted N/A Pre-loaded (during manufacturing) N/A (encrypting key zeroized by scrap/tamper) Used for User Identity based authentication Indicia Key (256-bit key) HMAC-SHA256 Encrypted Internal DRBG Encrypted Output by KTS N/A (encrypting key zeroized by scrap/tamper) Serves to authenticate indicia (barcode part). Transport Signing (private) Key (2048 bit key) RSA PKCS#1 V1.5 Encrypted Internal DRBG (during manufacturing) N/A N/A (encrypting key zeroized by scrap/tamper) Serves to properly identify device after shipping and to establish initial secure session. PMD Signing (private) Key (2048 bit key) RSA PKCS#1 V1.5 Encrypted Internal DRBG (during manufacturing) N/A N/A (encrypting key zeroized by scrap/tamper) Used to support hosting device during its authentication services. Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 18 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 Name Algorithm Storage Generation Establishment Destruction Purpose PSD Signing (private) Key (2048 bit key) RSA PKCS#1 V1.5 Encrypted Internal DRBG N/A N/A (encrypting key zeroized by scrap/tamper) Serves to setup regular secure sessions. Ephemeral Diffie- Hellman Client (private) Key (224 bit key) KAS SP800- 56A Not persistently stored Internal DRBG N/A Zeroized after use Serves to derive session keys for the Cryptographic Officer. Remote Session Authentication Key (RSAK) (160-bit HMAC key) HMAC -SHA1 Not persistently stored N/A Key Agreement/ Derivation Zeroized after use Serves to authenticate data during a remote secure session (CO role) Remote Session Encryption Key (RSEK) (192-bit 3TDES key) 3-Key Triple- DES CBC Not persistently stored N/A Key Agreement/ Derivation Zeroized after use Serves to encrypt and decrypt data during a remote secure session (CO role). Table 6: Critical Security Parameters Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 19 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 8.2 Public Security Parameters The following public keys are stored in the device: Name of certificate or public key Algorithm Storage Establishment Purpose FPRootCACert & public key 2048-bit RSA key Plaintext N/A Serves to authenticate FDC and PKM keys FPCustomerRootKey 2048-bit RSA key Plaintext N/A Used to verify integrity of Bootloader firmware Firmware Verification Key 2048-bit RSA key Plaintext N/A Used to verify firmware from Francotyp- Postalia. FDCCert & public key 2048-bit RSA key Plaintext N/A Serves to authenticate TransportKey PKMCert & public key 2048-bit RSA key Plaintext Loaded upon expiration Serves to authenticate Cryptographic Officer TransportCert & public key 2048-bit RSA key Plaintext Internal DRBG (Manufacturing) Serves to initially authenticate Postal NRevenector GB 2019 PSDKey (certificate & public key) 2048-bit RSA key Plaintext Internal DRBG Serves to authenticate Postal NRevenector GB 2019 RootCABCCert & public key 2048-bit RSA key Plaintext N/A Serves to authenticate FDCBC and PMD keys FDCBCCert & public key 2048-bit RSA key Plaintext N/A Serves to authenticate PMDKey PMDKeyCert & public key 2048-bit RSA key Plaintext Internal DRBG (Manufacturing) Used to support hosting device during its authentication services. Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Client (public) Key (2048 bit key) KAS SP 800-56A Not persistently stored Internal (KAS SP 800-56A) Serves to derive session keys for the Cryptographic Officer. Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Server (public) Key (2048 bit key) KAS SP 800-56A Not persistently stored KAS SP 800-56A Serves to derive session keys for the Cryptographic Officer. Table 7: Public Security Parameters Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 20 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 8.3 Zeroization Zeroization may occur under the following conditions: Event Effect Resulting State Speed Recovery Action Tamper All CSPs rendered unreadable. Chip unbootable until tamper cause has been removed and device is power cycled. If bootable, device permanently enters DEFECT state. No cryptographic functions may be used. Immediate Return to FP. Battery removed All CSPs rendered unreadable. Restoring battery will result in device permanently entering DEFECT state. No cryptographic functions may be used. Immediate Return to FP. Scrap service run All CSPs rendered unreadable. Device permanently enters SCRAPPED state. No cryptographic functions may be run. Fast (<40µs) Return to FP. Table 8: Zeroization Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 21 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 9 Self-Tests 9.1 Power on self-tests The following self-tests are performed when the module starts: 9.1.1 Firmware Integrity Test The integrity of the NRevenector 2019 (Bootloader) is verified at initial power-on of the module by comparing the generated hash against a known SHA 256 hash from PKCSPSS (RSA #3046). The NRevenector 2019 (Bootloader) checks the SHA 256 hash of the Postal NRevenector GB 2019 (Royal Mail Application) firmware in the cryptographic module and verifies this against a known hash value generated as part of the PKCS#1 V1.5 (Signature Scheme) (RSA #3046). 9.1.2 Cryptographic Algorithm Tests The following table lists the cryptographic algorithm tests for approved security functions that are performed as part of the power-on self-tests. See Table 4 for corresponding NIST certificates. Security Function Type of self-test AES 128 Encrypt/Decrypt (ECB, CBC) Encrypt KATs (Known Answer Tests) Decrypt KATs DRBG4 Instantiate KAT Generate KAT Reseed KAT DSA Key Pair Generation (2048, 224) DSA does not include Sign/Verify functionality; only testing for key generation is applicable (included in Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement conditional test) HMAC-SHA-1 & HMAC-SHA-256 (includes SHA tests) HMAC-SHA-1 KAT HMAC-SHA-256 KAT Key Agreement Scheme Diffie-Hellman Primitive Z computation KAT SHA-256 KDF KAT (covered by HMAC-SHA-256 KAT) RSA 2048-bit Sign/Verify using SHA-256 Sign KAT Verify KAT Triple-DES Encrypt/Decrypt (ECB, CBC) Encrypt KATs Decrypt KATs Table 9: FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Algorithm Tests 4 In accordance with FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidelines December 2019 sect 9.8, the SP 800-90A compliant DRBG does not perform the continuous random number generator test as described in FIPS 140-2 section 4.9.2 Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 22 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 9.2 Conditional Tests The following conditional tests are performed: Security Function Self-Test Performed NDRNG5 Repetition count test and adaptive proportion test in accordance with FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidelines December 2019 sect 9.8. Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement DH FFC Pairwise Consistency Test (covers Key Generation for DSA Cert. #1455) Assurance of Public Key Validation Assurance of Domain Parameter Validity On key establishment: See SP 800-56A, see FIPS 140-2 section 4.9.2 “Pair-wise consistency test 2” See SP 800-56A section 5.6.2 and 5.5.2 RSA 2048 bit using SHA-256 On key generation: see FIPS 140-2 section 4.9.2 “Pair-wise consistency test 2”. Triple-DES (ECB & CBC) Triple-DES encryption limit of 2^16. This is enforced by the use of a counter that is incremented every time that the module performs a Triple-DES encryption. If the counter reaches the encryption limit, then the module will enter an error state, the user session will be broken, and the module will be re-booted. Firmware Loading Test On loading of programmed firmware (Royal Mail Application): Performs RSA 2048 SHA 256 signature verification. Table 10: Conditional Tests 9.2.1 Critical Function Tests The module continuously checks the consistency of the redundantly stored postal registers and tests the Microcontroller Operational Mode. 9.3 Error States The module implements several self-tests during power up and as conditional self-tests linked to cryptographic operations. In the event of an error being detected, the Postal NRevenector GB 2019 enters an error state and stores the reason (error identifier) persistently. The error state information can be retrieved via the Get Device Status service. Error states may be cleared only by power-cycling the module. 5 In accordance with FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidelines December 2019 sect 9.8, the NDRNG performs the repetition count test instead of the continuous random number generator test as described in FIPS 140-2 section 4.9.2 Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 23 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 10 Mitigating Other Attacks The device includes environmental failure protection means for the battery voltage and the module temperature. If an attack is detected then the contents of the cryptographic integrated circuit’s battery- powered key storage are automatically zeroized, leaving the module inoperable. The device includes environmental failure protection means for the main input voltage, and the internal core voltage. If one of these conditions is outside a defined range the device is held in the reset condition. The device also includes environmental failure protection such that temperature changes outside the normal operating ranges will not compromise the security of the device. The device includes a protection means to test for drift in the main clock frequency of the processor. The cryptographic module’s processor also incorporates a layer of metal shielding as one of its layers, used to detect attempts at intrusion at a die level. In the event of an intrusion attempt being detected, the contents of its battery-powered key storage are automatically zeroized leaving the module inoperable. The failure protection for the battery voltage and temperature, and the tamper detection for the physical breach of the module’s physical boundary are present using power from the battery even when the device is switched off. The module’s processor responds by destroying the stored plaintext CSPs. Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 24 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 11 Glossary and Abbreviations Term Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard CKG Cryptographic Key Generation CSPs Critical Security Parameters CO Cryptographic Officer DH Diffie-Hellman DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator DSA Digital Signature Algorithm ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm EMI/EMC Electromagnetic Interference/ Electromagnetic Compatibility FP Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Code KAS Key Agreement Scheme KDF Key Derivation Function MAC Message Authentication Code MKEK Data Encryption Master Key NVDAK Non-Volatile Data Authentication Key NVDEK Non-Volatile Data Encryption Key PBKDF Password-Based Key Derivation Function PRDIs Postal Relevant Data Items PSD Postal Security Device RSA Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (asymmetric algorithm) RSAK Remote Session Authentication Key RSEK Remote Session Encryption Key SHS Secure Hash Algorithm TDES or Triple DES Triple Data Encryption Standard UID User ID Table 11: Glossary and Abbreviations Postal NRevenector GB 2019 - Security Policy - page 25 of 25 - NON-PROPRIETARY 1.0 12 References Reference Publication FIPS 140-2 Derived Test Requirements (DTR) January 2011 FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance (IG) December 2019 FIPS 140-2 Publication (PUB) May 2001 FIPS 180-4 August 2015 FIPS 186-4 July 2013 FIPS 197 November 2001 FIPS 198-1 July 2008 NIST SP 800-38A December 2001 NIST SP 800-56A Revision 1, March 2007; Revision 3, April 2018 NIST SP 800-56C Revision 1, April 2018 NIST SP 800-67 Revision 2, November 2017 NIST SP 800-90A June 2015 NIST SP 800-90B January 2018 NIST SP 800-133 December 2012 Table 12: References