1 Apr. 26, 2024 FIPS 140‐3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for: Toshiba Secure TCG Opal SSC Self-Encrypting Drive Series MG09ACP18TA and MG09ACP16TA Prepared by: Rev 2.3.1 2 Apr. 26, 2024 TOSHIBA SECURE TCG OPAL SSC SELF-ENCRYPTING DRIVE SERIES......................................... 1 1. GENERAL ................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 ACRONYMS...........................................................................................................................................3 2. CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE SPECIFICATION ......................................................................... 4 2.1 PRODUCT VERSION ..............................................................................................................................4 2.2 ALL SECURITY FUNCTIONS ..................................................................................................................4 3. CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE INTERFACES .............................................................................. 6 4. ROLES, SERVICES, AND AUTHENTICATION ........................................................................... 6 4.1 ROLES..................................................................................................................................................7 4.2 SERVICES .............................................................................................................................................8 5. SOFTWARE/FIRMWARE SECURITY ........................................................................................ 13 6. OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................. 13 7. PHYSICAL SECURITY.............................................................................................................. 13 8. NON-INVASIVE SECURITY...................................................................................................... 13 9. SENSITIVE SECURITY PARAMETERS MANAGEMENT......................................................... 14 10. SELF-TESTS.............................................................................................................................. 16 11. LIFE-CYCLE ASSURANCE ....................................................................................................... 17 12. MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS ......................................................................................... 18 3 Apr. 26, 2024 1. General The Toshiba Secure TCG Opal SSC Self-Encrypting Drive Series (MG09ACP18TA and MG09ACP16TA) is used for hard disk drive data security. The security levels for this Cryptographic Module (CM) are as follows: ISO/IEC 24759 Section 6. [Number Below] FIPS 140-3 Section Title Security Level 1 General 1 2 Cryptographic module specification 1 3 Cryptographic module interfaces 1 4 Roles, services, and authentication 1 5 Software/Firmware security 2 6 Operational environment 1 7 Physical security 1 8 Non-invasive security N/A 9 Sensitive security parameter management 1 10 Self-tests 1 11 Life-cycle assurance 1 12 Mitigation of other attacks N/A Overall Level 1 Table 1: Security Levels This document is non-proprietary and may be reproduced in its original entirety. 1.1 Acronyms AES Advanced Encryption Standard CM Cryptographic Module CSP Critical Security Parameter DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator EBG Entropy Bit Generator FW Firmware HMAC Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication code KAT Known Answer Test LBA Logical Block Address PCA Printed Circuit Assembly POST Power on Self-Test (pre-operational self-tests and conditional algorithm self-tests) SoC System on Chip SSC Security Subsystem Class SED Self-Encrypting Drive SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SID Security ID TCG SWG Trusted Computing Group Storage Work Group TOEPP Tested Operational Environment’s Physical Perimeter 4 Apr. 26, 2024 2. Cryptographic Module Specification This CM provides various cryptographic services using approved algorithms. Services include hardware-based data encryption, cryptographic erase, independently protected user data LBA ranges, and FW Download. The CM always encrypts the user data, protects CSPs from unauthorized access, and provides secure sanitization methods by supporting TCG Opal SSC features. The operational rules described in this document adheres to TCG Opal. This CM is a multiple-chip-embedded hardware cryptographic module. The cryptographic boundary of the CM is the entire HDD. The physical interface for power-supply and for communication is one SATA connector. The CM is connected with host system by this SATA connector. The logical interface is the SATA, TCG SWG and Opal SSC. The CM has the non-volatile storage area for not only user data but also the keys, CSPs, and FW. The latter storage area is called the “system area”, which is not logically accessible / addressable by the host application. The CM has one approved mode of operation and CM is always in approved mode of operation. The CM provides only approved services defined in 4.2. Non-approved security functions are not implemented. 2.1 Product Version The Toshiba Secure TCG Opal SSC SED has been validated in the following versions: Model Hardware [Part Number and Version] Firmware Version Distinguishing Features MG09ACP18TA A0 PD82 SATA interface, 18TB MG09ACP16TA A0 PD82 SATA interface, 16TB The tested platform is Toshiba Cryptographic Hardware 88i1215-B1. The CM does not employ any operating system. Table 2: Cryptographic Module Tested Configuration 2.2 All Security Functions The CM does not implement any non-approved algorithms allowed in the approved mode of operation. It does not implement any non-approved algorithms allowed in the approved mode of operation with no security claimed. It does not implement any non-approved algorithms not allowed in the approved mode of operation. CAVP Certs Algorithm and Standard Mode/Method Description / Key Size(s) / Key Strength Use/Function A1637 RSA, FIPS PUB 186-4 RSASSA- PKCS#1-v1_5 Modulus: 3072bits, Key Strength: 128bits Digital signature verification A1637 SHS, FIPS PUB 180-4 SHA2-256 (BYTE-only) - Message digest for RSA 5 Apr. 26, 2024 CAVP Certs Algorithm and Standard Mode/Method Description / Key Size(s) / Key Strength Use/Function A1638 AES, FIPS PUB 197-upd1, SP800-38A CBC Key Size: 256bits, Key Strength: 256bits Data encryption / decryption A1638 AES, FIPS PUB 197-upd1 ECB Key Size: 256bits, Key Strength: 256bits Data encryption / decryption (used as a prerequisite for XTS mode) A1638 AES, FIPS PUB 197-upd1, SP800-38E XTS Key Size (Key_1):256bits, Key Size (Key_2):256bits, Key Strength: 256bits Data encryption / decryption A1638 HMAC, FIPS PUB 198-1 SHA2-256 Key Size: 256bits, Key Strength: 256bits, KS < BS Message authentication for data integrity verification of system area A1638 SHS, FIPS PUB 180-4 SHA2-256 (BYTE-only) - Message digest for HMAC A1645 Hash-DRBG, SP800-90A rev1 SHA2-256 Prediction Resistance: False Deterministic random bit generation A1645 SHS, FIPS PUB 180-4 SHA2-256 (BYTE-only) - Message digest for DRBG ENT (P) SP800-90B - - Seed generation for Hash- DRBG Vendor Affirmed CKG, SP800- 133rev2 - An output of the hash- DRBG is directly used. (Section 4 of SP800- 133rev2) Key generation There are algorithms, modes, and keys that have been CAVP tested but not used by the module. Only the algorithms, modes/methods, and key lengths/curves/moduli shown in this table are used by the module. Table 3: Approved Algorithms Figure 1: MG09ACP16TA Figure 2: MG09ACP18TA Figure 3: PCA side Figure 4 shows the CM's block diagram. In this diagram, the cryptographic boundary of the CM, 6 Apr. 26, 2024 defined by the enclosure of the MG09ACP18TA and the MG09ACP16TA, is indicated by a dashed line. It includes the SATA connector, the SoC, the buffer DRAM, the flash ROM and the magnetic storage medium. Figure 4: Block Diagram 3. Cryptographic Module Interfaces The CM does not implement any control output interface. Physical port Logical interface Data that passes over port / interface SATA connector Data input interface User data, FW data SATA connector Data output interface User data SATA connector Control input interface SATA control input data (ex. command frame, data frame) N/A Control output interface N/A SATA connector Status output interface SATA status output data (ex. response frame, data frame) SATA connector Power interface N/A All data, status, control, and power interfaces above use a single SATA connector that contains multiple pins for power supply, data transmission, and signal exchange. Table 4: Ports and Interfaces 4. Roles, Services, and Authentication This section describes roles and services the CM supports. The CM supports 16 Crypto Officer roles listed in Table 5. The roles listed in Table 5 are all Crypto Officer roles. The CM does not implement any Non-Approved Services. 7 Apr. 26, 2024 4.1 Roles Role1 Service Input Output LockingSP.Ad min1 … LockingSP.Ad min4 Enable / Disable LockingSP Admin/User Trusted Send command Command response Range Lock/Unlock Set range position and size TCG Reactivate TCG Cryptographic Erase (Erase) TCG Cryptographic Erase (GenKey) Zeroization (without RKey) Master Cryptographic erase ATA Security Erase command Command response Range Lock/Unlock ATA Security Unlock command Firmware Download2 ATA Security Unlock command and Download Microcode command with FW Enable ATA Role ATA Security Set Password command Exit ATA Mode ATA Security Disable Password command User Cryptographic erase ATA Security Erase command Command response Range Lock/Unlock ATA Security Unlock command Firmware Download ATA Security Unlock command and Download Microcode with FW Enable ATA Role ATA Security Set Password command Exit ATA Mode ATA Security Disable Password command LockingSP.Us er1 … LockingSP.Us er9 Range Lock/Unlock Trusted Send command Command response Set range position and size TCG Cryptographic Erase (Erase) TCG Cryptographic Erase (GenKey)3 AdminSP.SID TCG activate Trusted Send command Command response Firmware Download Trusted Send command and Download Microcode command with FW 1 TCG Authority (LockingSP.Admin1-4, AdminSP.Admin1, LockingSP.User1-9 or AdminSP.SID) can be assumed by using TCG Start Session method, while ATA Security role (Master or User) can be assumed by using ATA Security command. 2 When the Master password capability is set to “High” by User. 3 Available only when the CM uses TCG Single User Mode functionality. The CM is always in 140-3 approved mode of operation regardless of this functionality. 8 Apr. 26, 2024 Role1 Service Input Output None Reset (run POSTs) Power on reset command Command response Data read / write Read/Write commands with User data Command response, User data Random number generation Trusted Send command Command response, Random number Show status Read Status Register command Command response, Status Zeroization (with RKey) (using PSID) Trusted Send command Command response Cryptographic Sanitization Sanitize command Show versioning information Identify Device command Command response, Versioning information Non-security relevant HDD service ATA command Command response Table 5: Roles, Service Commands, Input and Output 4.2 Services The CM supports two security modes: ATA security mode and TCG Opal security mode. A set of available services is different depending on the mode. The CM also supports the TCG Single User Mode functionality defined in the Single User Mode feature set of TCG Opal. A single role (LockingSP.Userx) is assigned to manage the associated range (range X) during the TCG single user mode. The LockingSP.Reactivate or LockingSP.Activate method enables this mode. Authorized roles of some services differ when the CM is in single user mode. About such services, the Role(s) column in Table 6 is divided into two rows. The upper row shows authorized roles in non-single user mode (normal mode), while the lower row shows authorized roles against range X in single user mode. The CM provides the following services to operators per Section of ISO/IEC 19790_2012_2015:  Show module's versioning information: Show versioning information service  Show status: Show Status service  Perform self-test: Reset (run POSTs) service  Perform zeroization: Zeroization (with RKey) service, Zeroization (without RKey) services 9 Apr. 26, 2024  Perform approved security functions: Services indicated with Approved Security Functions in Table 6 The modes of access to SSPs shown in Table 6 are defined as: G = Generate: The module generates or derives the SSP. R = Read: The SSP is read from the module (e.g. the SSP is output). W = Write: The SSP is updated, imported, or written to the module. E = Execute: The module uses the SSP in performing a cryptographic operation. Z = Zeroise: The module zeroises the SSP. Service Description Approved Security Functions Keys and/or SSPs Role(s) Access rights to Keys and/or SSPs Indicator Cryptographic Erase Erase user data (in cryptographic means) by changing the data encryption key, disable Master/User roles and transition to non-ATA security mode. Method: ATA SECURITY ERASE PREPARE command and ATA SECURITY ERASE UNIT command in ATA security mode Hash_DRBG SHA2- 256(A1645) AES256-CBC HMAC SHA2- 256(A1638) ENT (P) CKG MEK(s) RKey Master User G, Z E Command response Data read/write (decrypt/encry pt) Encryption / decryption of unlocked user data to/from range Method: ATA READ, WRITE commands in ATA security mode or TCG Opal security mode AES256-XTS MEK(s) None E Command response Enable /Disable LockingSP Admin/User Enable/Disable LockingSP Admin/User (except for- Single-User-Data-Range User) Authority Method: TRUSTED SEND command (TCG Set Method) in TCG Opal security mode HMAC SHA2- 256(A1638) N/A LockingSP.A dminx N/A Command response Random Number generation Provide a random number generated by the CM Method: TRUSTED SEND command (TCG Random) in TCG Opal security mode Hash_DRBG SHA2- 256(A1645) DRBG C Vector DRBG V Vector None4 E E Command response 4 Except for User, Master 10 Apr. 26, 2024 Service Description Approved Security Functions Keys and/or SSPs Role(s) Access rights to Keys and/or SSPs Indicator Range Lock/Unlock Block or allow read (decrypt) / write (encrypt) of user data in a range. Locking also requires read/write locking to be enabled Method: -TRUSTED SEND command (TCG Set Method) in TCG Opal security mode -ATA SECURITY UNLOCK command in ATA security mode HMAC SHA2- 256(A1638) RKey MEK(s) LockingSP.A dminx/Loc kingSP.Use rx (LockingSP is active) or User/Master 5 (ATA Security is enable) E E Command response LocknigSP. Userx Set range position and size Set the location and size of the LBA range Method: TRUSTED SEND command (TCG Set Method) in TCG Opal security mode Hash_DRBG SHA2- 256(A1645) AES256-CBC HMAC SHA2- 256(A1638) ENT (P) CKG MEK(s) RKey LockingSP.A dminx G E Command response LockingSP.A dminx or LockingSP. Userx Reset (run POSTs) Perform self-tests and delete CSPs in SRAM Method: Power on reset command RSASSA- PKCS#1-v1_5 SHA2- 256(A1637) DRBG C Vector DRBG V Vector Seed RKey None G, Z G, Z G, E, Z E Command response TCG reactivate Switch from/to TCG Opal single user mode Method: -TRUSTED SEND command (TCG Reactivate) in TCG Opal security mode HMAC SHA2- 256(A1638) N/A LockingSP.A dminx N/A Command response Show Status Report status of the CM Method: -Read STATUS REGISTER command (50/51h) N/A N/A None N/A Command response TCG Activate Activate LockingSP and transition to TCG Opal security mode Method: TRUSTED SEND command (AdminSP.activate) before transitioning to TCG Opal security mode Hash_DRBG SHA2- 256(A1645) AES256-CBC HMAC SHA2- 256(A1638) ENT (P) CKG MEK(s) (except for Global Range) RKey AdminSP.SI D G E Command response 5 When the Master password capability is set to “High” by User. 11 Apr. 26, 2024 Service Description Approved Security Functions Keys and/or SSPs Role(s) Access rights to Keys and/or SSPs Indicator TCG Cryptographic Erase (Erase) Erase user data (in cryptographic means) in an LBA range by changing the data encryption key. This method is available only in single user mode. Method: TRUSTED SEND command (TCG Erase) in TCG Opal security mode Hash_DRBG SHA2- 256(A1645) AES256-CBC HMAC SHA2- 256(A1638) ENT (P) CKG MEK(s) RKey N/A G, Z E Command response LocknigSP. Userx LockingSP.A dminx TCG Cryptographic Erase (GenKey) Erase user data (in cryptographic means) in an LBA range by changing the data encryption key. Method: TRUSTED SEND command (TCG GenKey) in TCG Opal security mode Hash_DRBG SHA2- 256(A1645) AES256-CBC HMAC SHA2- 256(A1638) ENT (P) CKG MEK(s) RKey LockingSP.A dminx G, Z E Command response LockingSP. Userx Zeroization (with RKey) Initialize the CM by zeroizing a root key (RKey), MEKs, and range configuration, and transition to non-TCG Opal security mode. Method: TRUSTED SEND command ( - AdminSPObj.Revert6 ) in TCG Opal security mode Hash_DRBG SHA2- 256(A1645) AES256-CBC HMAC SHA2- 256(A1638) ENT (P) CKG MEK(s) RKey None (using PSID7) G, Z G, E, Z Command response Zeroization (without Rkey) Initialize the CM by zeroizing MEKs, and range configuration, and transition to non-TCG Opal security mode. Method: TRUSTED SEND command ( - LockingSP.RevertSP6 - LockingSPObj.Revert6 ) in TCG Opal security mode Hash_DRBG SHA2- 256(A1645) AES256-CBC HMAC SHA2- 256(A1638) ENT (P) CKG MEK(s) RKey LockingSP.A dminx G, Z E Command response 6 AdminSPObj.Revert, LockingSP.RevertSP, LockingSPObj.Revert are methods of TCG Opal SSC. 7 PSID (Printed SID) is public drive-unique value which is used for the TCG Revert AdminSP method. PSID is printed on the HDD’s product label. 12 Apr. 26, 2024 Service Description Approved Security Functions Keys and/or SSPs Role(s) Access rights to Keys and/or SSPs Indicator Firmware Download Enable / Disable firmware download and load a part of a firmware image. If the firmware load test passes, the CM will run with the new code. Method: -TRUSTED SEND command (TCG Set Method), DOWNLOAD MICROCODE command in TCG Opal security mode -ATA SECURITY UNLOCK command, DOWNLOAD MICROCODE command in ATA security mode RSASSA- PKCS#1-v1_5 SHA2- 256(A1637) HMAC SHA2- 256(A1638) PubKey AdminSP.SI D User Master8 E Command response Cryptographic Sanitization Erase user data by changing the data encryption key. This service is available only when all ranges are unlocked. Method: SANITIZE CRYPTO SCRAMBLE EXT command in ATA security mode or TCG Opal security mode Hash_DRBG SHA2- 256(A1645) AES256-CBC HMAC SHA2- 256(A1638) ENT (P) CKG MEK(s) RKey None G, Z E Command response Show versioning information Output the model name, HW version and FW version of the CM. Method: IDENTIFY DEVICE command with Word 23-26 (FW version), Word 135 (HW version) N/A N/A None N/A Command response Non-security relevant HDD service Provide a HDD general service Method: ATA commands N/A N/A None N/A Command response Enable ATA role Enable User/Master role and transition to ATA security mode. Method: ATA SECURITY SET PASSWORD command before transitioning to ATA security mode HMAC SHA2- 256(A1638) N/A User Master9 N/A Command response 8 When the Master password capability is set to “High” by User. 9 Each role is enabled by itself. 13 Apr. 26, 2024 Service Description Approved Security Functions Keys and/or SSPs Role(s) Access rights to Keys and/or SSPs Indicator Exit ATA mode Disable User role and transition to non-ATA security mode. Method: ATA SECURITY DISABLE PASSWORD command in ATA security mode HMAC SHA2- 256(A1638) N/A User Master10 N/A Command response Table 6: Approved Services 5. Software/Firmware Security FW integrity check is performed at power on. Signature verification using RSASSA-PKCS#1-v1_5 of the FW codes (in the flash ROM and in the disk media) and EDC verification of the FW code in the Mask ROM are done. The operator can initiate the on-demand FW integrity check by power cycling. All firmware components are in executable form, which cannot be dynamically modified. 6. Operational Environment The CM is a hardware module and operates in a non-modifiable operational environment, that is its firmware cannot be modified and no code can be added or deleted. SSPs are controlled by the CM itself, and uncontrolled access to CSPs and uncontrolled modifications of SSPs are prevented. Although firmware can be updated by “Firmware Download” service, whole FW codes (in the flash ROM and in the disk media) are replaced by this service, and the module becomes another module which requires new 140-3 certification. 7. Physical Security The CM has the following physical security: ⚫ Production-grade components with standard passivation ⚫ Exterior of the drive is opaque The operator is required to periodically inspect the enclosure condition of the CM. 8. Non-Invasive Security The CM does not employ non-invasive mitigation techniques referenced in NIST SP800-140F. 10 When the Master password capability is set to “High” by User. 14 Apr. 26, 2024 9. Sensitive Security Parameters Management The CM uses SSPs in the following tables: Key/SSP/Name/ Type Strength Security function and cert. number Generation Import/ export Establishment Storage Zeroization Use & related keys MEKs/ CSP/ Symmetric 256 AES- XTS(A1638) By Hash- DRBG (A1645) CKG, SP800- 133rev2 Compliant with IG C.I (Key_1 ≠ Key_2) No After “Cryptographic Erase”,“Zeroizati on (with RKey / without RKey)”, “TCG Cryptographic Erase (Erase / GenKey)”, “Cryptographic Sanitization”, “TCG Activate”, and “Set range position and size” services. In the factory Encrypte d by RKey / in System area /Static By “Cryptograp hic Erase”, “Zeroization (with RKey / without RKey)”, “TCG Cryptograph ic Erase (Erase / GenKey)”, and “Cryptograp hic Sanitization” services (explicitly) User data encryption and decryption (only for storage purpose) Encrypted and decrypted by RKey By “Range Lock/Unlock” service. By “Reset” service (when the associated range is unlocked) Plain/ in SRAM (SoC register) /Dynami c By power-off (implicitly) Rkey/ CSP/ Symmetric 256 AES- CBC(A1638) By Hash- DRBG (A1645) CKG, SP800- 133rev2 No After “Zeroization (with Rkey)” service. In the factory Obfuscat ed (plain in 140-3 means) / in System area /Static By “Zeroization (with RKey)" service (explicitly) Encryption and decryption of MEKs By “Cryptographic Erase”,“Zeroizati on (with RKey / without RKey)”, “TCG Cryptographic Erase (Erase / GenKey)”, “Cryptographic Sanitization”, “TCG Activate”, “Set range position and Plain/ in SRAM /Dynami c After use (implicitly) 15 Apr. 26, 2024 Key/SSP/Name/ Type Strength Security function and cert. number Generation Import/ export Establishment Storage Zeroization Use & related keys size”, and “Range Lock/Unlock” services. By “Reset” service (when the range is unlocked) Seed/ CSP/ DRBG seed11 N/A12 Hash- DRBG(A1645), Entropy source By Entropy source No At instantiation (SP800-90Arev1) Plain/ in SRAM /Dynami c By power-off (implicitly) Instantiation of Hash_DRBG DRBG C Vector/ CSP/ internal state N/A12 Hash- DRBG(A1645) By DRBG No At instantiation (SP800-90Arev1) Plain/ in SRAM /Dynami c By power-off (implicitly) Random number generation DRBG V Vector/ CSP/ internal state N/A12 Hash- DRBG(A1645) By DRBG No At instantiation (SP800-90Arev1) Plain/ in SRAM /Dynami c By power-off (implicitly) Random number generation PubKey/ PSP/ Public Modulus: 3072 Key Strength: 128 RSASSA- PKCS#1- v1_5(A1637) Manufacturi ng No In the factory Plain / Embedde d in FW in system area /Static By “Firmware Download” service (explicitly) Signature verification By “Firmware Download” service Plain/ in SRAM /Dynami c By power-off (implicitly) Table 8: SSPs Note that there is no security-relevant audit feature and audit data. Entropy sources Minimum number of bits of entropy Details Entropy source 0.6 / 1 Physical noise source used to seed the approved Hash- DRBG. The overall amount of generated entropy is 48 bytes. This entropy source meets NIST SP800-90B requirements. Table 9: Non-Deterministic Random Number Generation Specification If the source may deteriorate to the point when the generation of the sufficient amount of entropy can no longer be guaranteed, health test detects the source deterioration, enter an error state, and 11 Entropy input string and nonce. 12 The security strength of Hash_DRBG is 256 bits. 16 Apr. 26, 2024 halts the CM. When the CM continuously enters in error state in spite of several trials of reboot, the CM shall be sent back to factory to recover from error state. 10. Self-Tests The CM runs self-tests in the following table. Function Self-test type Description Operator initiation Failure behavior Firmware integrity check Pre-operational software/firmware integrity test EDC (32bits) verification of the firmware in the Mask ROM Power-cycle Boot error state The CM is not accessible via SATA interface Signature verification of the firmware in the flash ROM by RSASSA-PKCS#1- v1_5 with a 3072-bit Modulus using “PubKey2” Boot error state The CM is not accessible via SATA interface Signature verification of the firmware in the disk media by RSASSA-PKCS#1- v1_5 with a 3072-bit Modulus using “PubKey2” Boot error state The CM is not accessible via SATA interface AES CBC Conditional cryptographic algorithm test Encrypt KAT with a 256-bit key Power-cycle Boot error state The CM is not accessible via SATA interface Decrypt KAT with a 256-bit key AES XTS Conditional cryptographic algorithm test Encrypt KAT with a 256-bit key Power-cycle Decrypt KAT with a 256-bit key SHA2- 256(A1637) Conditional cryptographic algorithm test Digest KAT Power-cycle SHA2- 256(A1638) Conditional cryptographic algorithm test Digest KAT Power-cycle SHA2- 256(A1645) Conditional cryptographic algorithm test Digest KAT Power-cycle Hash DRBG Conditional cryptographic algorithm test DRBG KAT Power-cycle HMAC Conditional cryptographic algorithm test Digest KAT Power-cycle RSASSA- PKCS#1-v1_5 Conditional cryptographic algorithm test Signature verification KAT with a 3072-bit Modulus Power-cycle 17 Apr. 26, 2024 Entropy source Conditional cryptographic algorithm test SP800-90B Start-up health test (repetition count test, adaptive proportion test) Power-cycle Boot error state The CM is not accessible via SATA interface SP800-90B Continuous health test (repetition count test, adaptive proportion test) Power-cycle Error state (conditional test) Status Field: 0x53, Error Field: 0x04 Firmware load test Conditional software/firmware load test Signature verification of firmware image by RSASSA-PKCS#1- v1_5 with a 3072-bit Modulus N/A Error state (FW Load Test) Status Field: 0x53, Error Field: 0x04 The CM discards the new firmware image, then enters the Idle state The public verification key “PubKey2” used in firmware integrity check resides within the MaskROM code and is not a SSP. SHA2-256(A1637) is embedded in RSASSA-PKCS#1-v1_5, while SHA2-256(A1638) is used in HMAC, and SHA2-256(A1645) is employed in Hash DRBG. Table 10: Self-Tests If the CM fails the self-test, it enters one of three error states: Error State (Conditional Test), Error State (FW Load Test), or Boot Error State. If the SP800-90B continuous health test fails, it enters Error State (Conditional Test); if the firmware load test fails, it goes to Error State (FW Load Test); and for other self-tests, it transitions to Boot Error State. The status indicator for each error state is specified in Table 10 (e.g., The “Random Number Generation” service resulting in “Status Field: 0x53, Error Field: 0x04” indicates that the CM is currently in Error State (Conditional Test)). When in the error state, the CM does not perform any cryptographic operations or output data. A power cycle is required to clear the error state. When the CM continuously enters the error state despite several reboot attempts, the CM should be returned to the factory for recovery from the error state. The CM does not support any degraded operation. 11. Life-Cycle Assurance The following are the secure initialization procedure for the CM. The CM is always in approved mode of operation in a deployed environment. In addition to this, the following procedure of initial settings will allow further secure operation during power cycling. Initialization in TCG Opal security mode: Please refer to TCG Opal specification (TCG Storage Security Subsystem Class: Opal Version 2.01 Revision 1.00) for the details. (1) Activate LockingSP by “TCG Activate” service. 18 Apr. 26, 2024 (2) Set LockOnReset in Download port to “Power Cycle”.13 (3) Set ReadLockEnabled and WriteLockEnabled to 1(true) and LockOnReset to “Power Cycle”.14 (4) Do a power-on reset. Initialization in ATA security mode: (1) Enable ATA role (Master) with “Enable ATA role” service. (2) Enable ATA role (User) with “Enable ATA role” service and set Master Password Capability to “Maximum”. (3) Disable Software Settings Preservation (SSP) feature set.13,14 (4) Do a power-on reset. The longest service life of the CM under suitable conditions and treatment is 5 years. By the end of this period the operator is required to follow the CM’s end of life procedures below. (1) Initialize internal sensitive data in the host system. (2) Initialize parameters and user information in the CM by “Zeroization (with RKey)” service. For additional details, refer to the guidance documents provided with the CM: ⚫ 3.5 type SATA Hard Disk Drives Product Specification ⚫ 3.5 type SATA Hard Disk Drives Interface Specification ⚫ 3.5 type Hard Disk Drives SED Specification ⚫ Toshiba SED HDD FIPS140-2/3 Use case Rev.6.0 12. Mitigation of Other Attacks The CM does not mitigate other attacks beyond the scope of 140-3 requirements. 13 This procedure configures the CM to disable Firmware Download feature after power-cycling. 14 This procedure configures the CM to lock all range(s) after power-cycling.