Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification iStorage Ltd. iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Document Version 1.4 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Cryptographic Module Specification....................................................................................................2 1.1 Security Level...........................................................................................................................................2 1.2 Modes of Operation................................................................................................................................3 1.3 Specifications............................................................................................................................................3 2. Module Ports and Interfaces ...................................................................................................................3 3. Roles, Services, and Authentication......................................................................................................5 3.1 Roles and Services..................................................................................................................................5 3.2 Authentication .........................................................................................................................................8 3.2.1 Initialization.......................................................................................................................................9 3.2.2 Strength of Authentication...........................................................................................................9 3.2.3 One-Time Recovery Feature..................................................................................................... 10 3.2.4 Self-Destruct Feature .................................................................................................................. 10 3.3 Security Rules........................................................................................................................................ 10 4. Physical Security....................................................................................................................................... 10 5. Operational Environment...................................................................................................................... 11 6. Cryptographic Key Management........................................................................................................ 11 6.1 CSPs and Keys ....................................................................................................................................... 11 6.1.1 Zeroization ...................................................................................................................................... 13 6.2 Algorithms.............................................................................................................................................. 14 6.2.1 FIPS Approved Algorithms ....................................................................................................... 14 6.2.2 FIPS Allowed Algorithms........................................................................................................... 14 7. EMI/EMC...................................................................................................................................................... 15 8. Self-Tests...................................................................................................................................................... 15 9. Appendix A: References ......................................................................................................................... 18 10. Appendix B: Abbreviations and Definitions................................................................................... 19 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 2 INTRODUCTION The iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive (datAshur PRO2) is an encrypted storage device that provides a secure way to store and transfer data. User authentication is self-contained via an on-board keypad. User data is protected by hardware-based 256-bit AES encryption to secure sensitive information in the event that the drive is lost or stolen. The data encryption key (DEK) and other cryptographic parameters are generated within the module through a NIST approved DRBG (ref: SP 800-90A). The seed for the DRBG is also produced within the module from a hardware-based entropy generator. Table 1 - All iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Versions Capacity Hardware Version EC Firmware Version SC Firmware Version 4 GB IS-FL-DP2-256-4 IS_EC_FW_505_1X 2.5 8 GB IS-FL-DP2-256-8 16 GB IS-FL-DP2-256-16 32 GB IS-FL-DP2-256-32 64 GB IS-FL-DP2-256-64 128 GB IS-FL-DP2-256-128 256 GB IS-FL-DP2-256-256 512 GB IS-FL-DP2-256-512 1. CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE SPECIFICATION 1.1 SECURITY LEVEL The module meets the overall requirements of FIPS 140-2 Level 3. Table 2 - Module Security Level FIPS Area FIPS Security Requirement Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 3 2 Module Ports and Interfaces 3 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 3 4 Finite State Model 3 5 Physical Security 3 6 Operational Environment N/A 7 Cryptographic Key Management 3 8 EMI/EMC 3 9 Self-Tests 3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 3 10 Design Assurance 3 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 1.2 MODES OF OPERATION The iStorage datAshur PRO2 Module operates only in a FIPS Approved mode. There does not exist a non-Approved mode of operation. The module indicates that it is in an approved mode of operation by displaying a solid red LED. 1.3 SPECIFICATIONS The datAshur PRO2 is a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module as defined by FIPS 140-2. It consists of a USB 3.0 capable encryption controller, eMMC memory, a security controller, a non- replaceable battery, a keypad controller, a 5V DC Input, and a user interface with three (3) LED status indicators and a user-interface alphanumeric keypad with twelve (12) buttons. The module is encapsulated within an opaque, production grade integrated circuit package. The security components are protected by epoxy against physical tamper attacks. The cryptographic boundary is defined by the datAshur PRO2 entire device, which contains all the components. 2. MODULE PORTS AND INTERFACES The cryptographic module exposes the following physical ports and logical interfaces: Table 3 - Physical Ports and Logical Interfaces Physical Port Logical Interface Description USB Port Data input Data output Control input Status output The USB port connects the module to the host computer and is used to exchange decrypted user data as well as control and status information for the USB protocol. There is no direct connection between the USB port and the security controller. External power The USB VBUS (+5) charges the battery and will power the module when it is available. Alphanumeric Keypad (0-9) Data input The ten (10) alphanumeric labelled keypad buttons, connected to keypad controller button inputs, are used to enter User PINs. Key and Shift Buttons Control input The two (2) buttons are connected to the keypad controller button inputs, and are used to control UI flow, including selecting the role. The Key button is also used to awaken the module from idle state. Red, Green and Blue LEDs Status output Refer to Table 4. Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 4 Table 4 - LED Status Output LED Behaviour Module State Status Description LEDs off Locked The module is in idle state requiring wake by connecting to a powered USB port or pressing SHIFT button. Red LED solid Locked Standby State. Waiting for keypad commands to start Admin or User PIN entry process. Red LED solid Reset Reset State. Waiting for setting up an Administrative User PIN. GREEN and BLUE LEDs blinking together Locked Waiting for Admin PIN entry. All three LEDs solid Locked Waiting for obtaining additional 3 Admin PIN attempts All three LEDs blink alternately when pressing KEY button Locked Waiting for obtaining additional 2 Admin PIN attempts GREEN and RED LEDs blinking together Locked Waiting for OTR PIN entry. All three LEDs blink simultaneously Locked Waiting for Standard User/Self-destruct PIN to unlock. Administrative User PIN is set. RED and GREEN solid Locked Initial Shipment. Waiting for configuration of an Admin PIN Red Green and Blue blink alternatively when pressing “0” button Locked Factory reset is initiated. Module waiting for confirmation code. Blue LED solid Locked Administrative User Mode. Ready to accept Administrator commands. The LEDs illuminate alternately from Red to Green and then to Blue, followed by Red LED blinking two seconds, same pattern repeats Failed SC KATs fail A faded illumination of Red and Blue LEDs Failed SC Firmware Integrity Test fail The LEDs illuminate alternately from Red to Green to Blue, then the flashing Green LED, same pattern repeats Failed NDRNG tests fail Green LED blinks constantly when a valid Admin PIN is entered and the device is not connected to a powered USB port Unlocked Unlocked by a valid Admin PIN and not connected to a powered USB port. Green LED blinking quickly Locked Adding Standard User/Self-Destruct PINs in progress Blue LED blinking quickly Locked Adding Administrative User PIN in progress Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 5 LED Behaviour Module State Status Description Blue LED solid and Green Blinking Locked Ready to accept new PIN. Green and Blue LEDs blink alternately Locked Unlocking in progress Green LED solid Unlocked Unlocked and connected. No communication or data transfer or via USB Green LED blinks Unlocked Unlocked. Communicating or transferring data in progress RED blinks 3 times and off Locked Low Battery Level. Charge on a powered USB port for 15-30 minutes RED - Fade Out Locked Device turning off to the Idle State BLUE blinking every 5 seconds Locked Battery starts charging after 30 seconds when device is locked and connected to a USB port 3. ROLES, SERVICES, AND AUTHENTICATION 3.1 ROLES AND SERVICES The iStorage datAshur PRO2 supports three distinct and separate identities and roles: Standard User, Administrative User, and OTR User. All three users can access the private partition and user data stored in the device when they are authenticated successfully. The role is explicitly selected during authentication (refer to Table 6). Table 5 defines all services and operations that can be performed by the datAshur PRO2 module. CSP access refers to CSP access by the module, not the operator. No CSPs are output by the module. Table 5 - Services Authorized for Each Role Operator Services Accessible CSP CSP Access by Module Standard User Role Open private partition for read/write access of user data Standard User PIN Standard User KEK Standard User PBKDF SALT DEK READ Read or write private partition with user data Configure the partition as write-protect Check Firmware Version Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 6 Operator Services Accessible CSP CSP Access by Module Change User PIN Standard User PIN SP 800-90A state variables Standard User KEK Standard User PBKDF SALT DEK READ/WRITE Lock private partition to prevent read/write access to user data N/A N/A Administrative User Role Open private partition for read/write access of user data Administrative User PIN Administrative User KEK Administrative User PBKDF SALT DEK READ Read or write private partition with user data Configure the partition as write-protect Check Firmware Version Set unattended auto-lock time Check unattended auto-lock time Set User PIN policy Check User PIN policy Set User PIN Brute Force Limitation Check User PIN Brute Force Limitation Configure datAshur PRO2 as Bootable Disable the datAshur PRO2 Bootable feature Check the Bootable setting Change Admin/User/SD/OTR PIN Standard User PIN Administrative User PIN SD PIN READ/WRITE Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 7 Operator Services Accessible CSP CSP Access by Module Add User/SD/OTR PIN OTR PIN SP 800-90A state variables Standard User KEK Standard User PBKDF SALT Administrative User KEK Administrative User PBKDF SALT SD KEK SD PBKDF SALT OTR KEK OTR PBKDF SALT DEK Delete User/SD/OTR PIN Lock private partition to prevent read/write access to user data N/A N/A OTR User One-time recovery OTR PIN OTR KEK OTR PBKDF SALT SP 800-90A state variables Standard User PIN Standard User KEK Standard User PBKDF SALT READ/WRITE DEK READ Unauthenticated Services (no authenticated role required) Show locked/unlocked status N/A N/A Show whether an Administrative User PIN has been set Run test functions Self-destruct SD PIN SD KEK SD SD PBKDF SALT READ Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 8 Operator Services Accessible CSP CSP Access by Module Standard User PBKDF SALT Administrative User PBKDF SALT SD PBKDF SALT OTR PBKDF SALT DEK WRITE Factory reset to clear all Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) Standard User KEK Standard User PBKDF SALT Administrative User KEK Administrative User PBKDF SALT SD KEK SD PBKDF SALT OTR KEK OTR PBKDF SALT Standard User PIN Administrative User PIN OTR PIN SD PIN DEK SP 800-90A state variables WRITE 3.2 AUTHENTICATION The datAshur PRO2 supports identity-based authentication. The module supports a single Administrative User, a single Standard User, and a single OTR User who are authenticated via the module’s keypad interface. The module does not output authentication data outside of the cryptographic boundary. From the factory, the datAshur PRO2 drive is supplied in the ‘Initial Shipment State’ with no pre-set Admin PIN. A 7-15 digit Admin PIN must be configured before the drive can be used. The procedure for configuring an Admin PIN under ‘Initial Shipment State’ is specified in the User Manual. Once an Admin PIN has been successfully configured, it is then not possible to switch the drive back to the ‘Initial Shipment State’. Table 6 - Authentication for IDs Identity Identification Authentication Description Administrative User Identified by pressing the KEY button Enters 7 to 15 digit PIN This identity has full access to all Administrative User services. Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 9 Identity Identification Authentication Description Standard User Identified by entering the KEY + SHIFT buttons combination Enters 7 to 15 digit PIN This identity has full access to all Standard User services. OTR User Identified by entering the KEY + 4 buttons combination Enters 7 to 15 digit PIN This identity has full access to the OTR User services 3.2.1 INITIALIZATION After zeroization such as a factory reset, the module must be initialized before it can operate in an approved mode. The procedure is initiated differently for first time use and for initialization after factory reset. Additional detail on all procedures is specified in the User Manual.  On first time use: o Press and hold “SHIFT” button for one second until solid red and green LEDs display o Press and hold “Key + 1” buttons  To initialize after factory reset: o In Standby state, press and hold “Shift + 1” buttons until solid red LED changes to blinking green LED and solid blue LED.  Enter new Admin PIN and press the “key” button. Module displays solid blue LED and blinking green LED.  Reenter new Admin PIN and press the “key” button again. Module displays a blinking green LED (first time use) or solid blue LED (after factory reset). 3.2.2 STRENGTH OF AUTHENTICATION Authentication strength is determined by PIN which must be between 7 (minimum) and 15 (maximum) digits long. The PIN is comprised of numeric digits (0-9). The SHIFT key can be used for additional combinations, “SHIFT+1” is a separate value than just “1”. Therefore, the probability of a successful, random guess of a PIN is approximately one in 20^7 or 1: 1,280,000,000. The Standard User will be locked out of the module after ten (10) consecutive failed authentication attempts. If the Administrative User makes ten (10)1 consecutive failed authentication attempts, zeroization will be triggered (refer to Section 6.1.1). The OTR User can also authenticate an OTR PIN and set up a new User PIN to access the data. Maximum five (5) attempts is allowed for authenticating an OTR PIN. In the unlikely event that an attacker makes 25 attempts in one minute, the probability of successfully guessing any PIN before the drive disables the roles or is zeroized is 1: 51,200,000. Furthermore, identity-based authentication further decreases the rate of false acceptance and the probability of a successful random attempt. The Standard User PIN strength can be enhanced via a policy set by the Administrative User. The policy mandates a specific minimum length (from 7 to 15 digits) to be set, as well as the option to require the input of one or more “Special Characters”. The “Special Character” functions as “SHIFT + digit”. 1 After five incorrect attempts, and also after eight incorrect attempts, the Administrative User must enter “47867243” and press the “KEY” button to continue attempting to authenticate Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 10 3.2.3 ONE-TIME RECOVERY FEATURE The datAshur PRO2 has been designed with a one-time recovery feature that offers the user a way to access the data in case they forget the User PIN. The Administrative User creates an additional OTR PIN in Admin mode. When the OTR PIN is authenticated, the module will require users to set up a new User PIN. The creation of a new User PIN must comply with the ‘User PIN Policy’ if one has been configured. Upon successful creation of a new User PIN, the module will overwrite all CSPs related to the previous User PIN. The encryption key is not changed and all data stored in the drive remains intact. To trigger the one-time recovery function, the user is required to press “KEY+4” buttons before entering the OTR PIN. The strength requirements for Admin/User PINs are also applicable to the OTR PIN. The administrator is entitled to set up or remove this feature. 3.2.4 SELF-DESTRUCT FEATURE The datAshur PRO2 has been designed with a self-destruct feature that zeroizes all plaintext secret keys and CSPs. The Administrative User creates an additional self-destruct PIN (SD PIN) in administrative mode. When the self-destruct PIN is authenticated, the module will delete the encryption key, all data, and Admin/User PINs, it will generate a new encryption key and unlock the drive. Activating this feature will cause the self-destruct PIN to become the new Standard User PIN and the datAshur PRO2 will need to be partitioned and formatted before any new data can be added to the drive. To trigger the self-destruct function, the user is required to press “Shift and Key” buttons before entering the self-destruct PIN, similar to the process for authenticating a user PIN. The strength requirements for Admin/User PINs are also applicable to self-destruct PIN. The administrator is entitled to set up or remove this feature. 3.3 SECURITY RULES This section documents the security rules enforced by the cryptographic module to implement the security requirements of FIPS 140-2 Level 3:  The cryptographic module provides three distinct roles: Standard User, Administrative User, and OTR User.  The cryptographic module provides identity-based authentication.  When the module has not been placed in a valid role or is in an error state, the operator shall not have access to any cryptographic service.  The operator can command the module to perform the power-up self-test at any time.  Data output is inhibited during self-tests, zeroization, key generation, authentication and error states.  No CSPs are output from the module in any form.  The module uses a solid red LED to indicate that it is in an approved mode of operation. 4. PHYSICAL SECURITY The datAshur PRO2 Module is a multi-chip standalone device whose cryptographic boundary is defined as the perimeter of the outer enclosure. The opaque outer enclosure provides tamper Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 11 evidence in the event the enclosure is opened. Regular inspections of the outer enclosure should be conducted for evidence of tampering. To prevent the security integrity circuits from being physically attacked, all critical components are covered by an epoxy resin. Trying to access any component through the resin will cause critical damage. The epoxy also adds another layer of tamper-evidence to the products. Epoxy hardness was tested at ambient temperature and over the module’s documented operating temperature range from 0 ˚C to 45 ˚C. 5. OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT The FIPS 140-2 Area 6 (Operational Environment) requirements for the module are not applicable because the device does not contain a modifiable operational environment. 6. CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT 6.1 CSPS AND KEYS No secret keys or CSPs are established or output by the module. PINs are entered into the module in plaintext via the keypad, but no secret keys or other CSPs are entered into the module. KEKs are derived from a PBKDF and may only be used in storage applications. Table 7 - Secret Keys and Critical Security Parameters CSP/Key Use Generation or Establishment Storage Zeroization All CSPs Additional Zeroization Standard User PIN (7-15 digits) Input to PBKDF to allow generation of Standard User KEK Created by Standard User RAM (plaintext during input and processing, deleted immediately after use) Factory Reset, or sufficient failed authentication attempts Lock, unlock, timeout, power-off Administrative User PIN (7-15 digits) Input to PBKDF to allow generation of Administrativ e User KEK Created by Administrative User RAM (plaintext during input and processing, deleted immediately after use) Lock, unlock, timeout, power-off SD PIN (7-15 digits) Input to PBKDF to allow generation of SD KEK Created by Administrative User RAM (plaintext during input and processing, deleted immediately after use) Lock, unlock, timeout, power-off Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 12 CSP/Key Use Generation or Establishment Storage Zeroization All CSPs Additional Zeroization OTR PIN (7-15 digits) Input to PBKDF to allow generation of OTR KEK Created by Administrative User RAM (plaintext during input and processing, deleted immediately after use) Lock, unlock, timeout, power-off Standard User KEK (AES 256 KW) AES key used to wrap the XTS-AES data encryption key (DEK) Derived by the PBKDFv2 algorithm which uses the Standard User PIN along with Standard User Salt data RAM (plaintext, temporarily available during execution) Lock, unlock, timeout, power-off Standard User PBKDF SALT (256 bits) Input to PBKDF to allow generation of Standard User KEK Generated by internal SP 800-90A CTR-DRBG Plaintext in NVM PIN changed/ deleted, SD PIN verified, User PIN policy changed Administrative User KEK (AES 256 KW) AES key used to wrap the XTS-AES data encryption key (DEK) Derived by the PBKDFv2 algorithm which uses the Administrative User PIN along with Administrative User Salt data RAM (plaintext, temporarily available during execution) Lock, unlock, timeout, power-off Administrative User PBKDF SALT (256 bits) Input to PBKDF to allow generation of Administrativ e User KEK Generated by internal SP800-90A CTR-DRBG Plaintext in NVM PIN changed/ deleted, SD PIN verified, User PIN policy changed SD KEK (AES 256 KW) AES key used to wrap the XTS-AES data encryption key (DEK) Derived by the PBKDFv2 algorithm which uses PIN created by an Administrative User in addition to SD PBKDF Salt RAM (plaintext, temporarily available during execution) Lock, unlock, timeout, power-off SD PBKDF SALT (256 bits) Input to PBKDF to allow generation of SD KEK Generated by internal SP800-90A CTR-DRBG Plaintext in NVM PIN changed/ deleted, SD PIN verified, User PIN policy changed Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 13 CSP/Key Use Generation or Establishment Storage Zeroization All CSPs Additional Zeroization OTR KEK (AES 256 KW) AES key used to wrap the XTS-AES data encryption key (DEK) Derived by the PBKDFv2 algorithm which uses PIN created by an Administrative User in addition to OTR PBKDF Salt RAM (plaintext, temporarily available during execution) Lock, unlock, timeout, power-off OTR PBKDF SALT (256 bits) Input to PBKDF to allow generation of OTR KEK Generated by internal SP800-90A CTR-DRBG Plaintext in NVM PIN changed/ deleted, OTR PIN verified, User PIN policy changed DEK (XTS-AES 256) XTS-AES Data Encryption Key (DEK) used to encrypt/ decrypt data to be stored/ retrieved from storage device Generated by internal SP800-90A CTR-DRBG RAM (plaintext, temporarily available during execution), wrapped with each authorized user’s KEK Lock, unlock, timeout, power-off SP 800-90A CTR-DRBG state variables (seed, V, and key) State variables for SP 800- 90A CTR - DRBG Generated internally by the module’s NDRNG RAM (plaintext, temporarily available during execution) Lock, unlock, timeout, power-off 6.1.1 ZEROIZATION Zeroization is the erasure of CSPs from volatile and non-volatile storage. The security controller firmware will erase any temporary variables as soon as they are not required. For example, the PIN buffer is immediately cleared when the authentication is done. All values stored in the security controller NVM provide no clues to the PIN, the DEK, or the KEK values. When resetting the device or deleting a user, the related NVM values will be sanitized to guarantee there is no possibility of restoring the accounts. More specifically, the zeroization involves two rounds of complete overwrites of the memory content. There is no non-volatile memory available in the encryption controller, thus any sensitive data passed to the encryption controller will not be stored. The temporary variables are erased as soon as no longer required. Factory reset (zeroization) is initiated by the following procedure:  In Standby state, press and hold “0” button until all LEDs blink alternatively on and off Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 14  Press and hold down “2 + 7” buttons until all LEDs become solid for a second and then to a solid RED LED In addition, if an incorrect Admin PIN is entered ten (10) consecutive times, the module’s Brute Force Defense Mechanism (zeroization) is activated, and then all data including, Admin/User/SD/OTR PINs, the encryption key and all CSPs will be deleted and lost forever. 6.2 ALGORITHMS 6.2.1 FIPS APPROVED ALGORITHMS Table 8 lists all the approved algorithms used in the module. Table 8 - FIPS Approved Algorithms Certificate Algorithm Standard(s) Modes/Methods Key Lengths, Curves, or Moduli Use 4756 AES FIPS 197, NIST SP 800-38A SP 800-38E CBC, ECB, XTS 256 bits2 Encryption Controller: User data encryption and decryption 5179 AES FIPS 197, NIST SP 800-38A NIST SP 800-38F CTR, ECB, KW 256 bits Security Controller: ECB and CTR modes are used as the basis of the CTR-DRBG and the KW mode. KW mode is implemented to wrap and recover the data key and for user authorization. Vendor affirmed CKG SP 800-133 The unmodified output of the DRBG is used for symmetric key generation 1954 DRBG NIST SP 800-90A AES-256 based CTR-DRBG 256 bits Security Controller: Random number generator for encryption keys and salts. 3435 HMAC FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA-256 256 bits Security Controller: Algorithmic basis of PBKDF. Vendor Affirmed PBKDF RFC 2898, NIST SP 800-132 (supports option 2a of section 5.4) HMAC-SHA-256 (Cert. 3435) 256 bits Security Controller: This algorithm accepts the user's PIN as input and generates the KEK (only used in storage applications). 4183 SHS FIPS 180-4 SHA-256 256 bits Security Controller: Algorithmic basis of PBKDF. 6.2.2 FIPS ALLOWED ALGORITHMS Table 9 lists all the non-approved algorithms used in the module. 2 128-bit AES is included in the CAVS certificate, but is not used by any of the module’s services Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 15 Table 9 - FIPS Allowed Algorithms Algorithm Use Strength NDRNG Security Controller: Entropy source for seed to CTR-DRBG The NDRNG generates a minimum of 283 bits of entropy as entropy input for the module’s 256-bit CTR-DRBG. 7. EMI/EMC The module conforms to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class B (i.e., for home use). 8. SELF-TESTS When the module is powered on, it performs initialization and runs a sequence of self-tests. If any of these tests fails, the module transitions to an error state. In this state, the module cannot perform any cryptographic services and is not usable. Table 10 summarizes the power-up self-tests. Table 10 - Power-Up Self-Tests Tested Function Self-Test Error State Error Indicator Access Resolving Error Firmware Integrity Tests SC Firmware Integrity Test Cyclic Redundancy Check - CRC-32 Power- Up Self- Test Failed A faded illumination of Red and Blue LEDs All SC cryptographic operations and data output are inhibited Power cycle the device to reinitiate the power-up self- tests. Module can be used if tests are successful. EC Firmware Integrity Test Cyclic Redundancy Check - CRC-16 Power- Up Self- Test Failed Green LED blinks constantly when a valid PIN is entered and the device is connected to a powered USB port All EC cryptographic operations and data output are inhibited Power cycle the device to reinitiate the power-up self- tests. Module can be used if tests are successful. Entropy Source Power-Up Self-Tests Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 16 Tested Function Self-Test Error State Error Indicator Access Resolving Error NDRNG NDRNG power-up tests include:  Repetition Count Test (RCT) per SP 800-90B  Adaptive Proportion Test (APT) per SP 800-90B Power- Up Self- Test Failed The LEDs illuminate alternately from Red to Green to Blue, then the flashing Green LED, same pattern repeats, and the device is securely reset All SC cryptographic operations and data output are inhibited Power cycle the device to reinitiate the power-up self- tests. Module can be used if tests are successful. Known Answer Tests (KATs) CTR-DRBG3 DRBG KATs include the following:  Instantiate  Generate  Reseed Power- Up Self- Test Failed The LEDs illuminate alternately from Red to Green and then to Blue, followed by Red LED blinking two seconds, same pattern repeats All SC cryptographic operations and data output are inhibited Power cycle the device to reinitiate the power-up self- tests. Module can be used if tests are successful. PBKDF PB KDF KAT includes:  SHA-256 KAT  HMAC-SHA-256 KAT Power- Up Self- Test Failed All SC cryptographic operations and data output are inhibited Power cycle the device to reinitiate the power-up self- tests. Module can be used if tests are successful. AES (Cert. #5179) AES ECB SC Encrypt KAT Power- Up Self- Test Failed All SC cryptographic operations and data output are inhibited Power cycle the device to reinitiate the power-up self- tests. Module can be used if tests are successful. AES ECB SC Decrypt KAT AES Key Wrap (Cert. #5179) KW-AE KAT Power- Up Self- Test Failed All SC cryptographic operations and data output are inhibited Power cycle the device to reinitiate the power-up self- tests. Module can be used if tests are successful. KW-AD KAT AES (Cert. #4756) XTS-AES EC Encrypt KAT Power- Up Self- Test Failed GREEN LED Blinks constantly All EC cryptographic operations and data output are inhibited Power cycle the device to reinitiate the power-up self- tests. Module can be used if tests are successful. XTS-AES EC Decrypt KAT 3 Per IG 9.8, the SP 800-90A-compliant DRBG does not perform the test described in AS.09.42-AS.09.43 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 17 Table 11 - Conditional Self-Tests Tested Function Self-Test Initiation Error State Error Indicator Access Resolving Error Conditional Tests NDRNG NDRNG power- up tests include:  Repetition Count Test (RCT) per SP 800-90B  Adaptive Proportion Test (APT) per SP 800- 90B Initiated on every call to instantiate/ reseed [SP 800-90A] CTR-DRBG Conditional Self-test failed The LEDs illuminate alternately from Red to Green to Blue, then the flashing Green LED, same pattern repeats, and the device is securely reset All cryptographic operations and data output are inhibited Power cycle the device to reinitiate it. Module can be used if power-up and conditional self-tests are successful. AES-XTS-256 FIPS 140-2 implementation guidance A.9 XTS-AES Key Generation test Initiated on every call to generate a DEK Conditional Self-test failed Green LED blinks constantly when a valid PIN is entered and the device is connected to a powered USB port All EC cryptographic operations and data output are inhibited Power cycle the device to reinitiate it and initiate another call to re- generate an XTS-AES Key Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 18 9. APPENDIX A: REFERENCES Table 12 – References Reference Number Reference Title Publishing Entity Publication Date [1] Implementation Guidance for FIPS 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program. NIST December 2019 [2] SP 800-90B: Recommendation for the Entropy Sources Used for Random Bit Generation. NIST January 2018 [3] Annex C: Approved Random Number Generators for FIPS PUB 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules. NIST June 2019 [4] FIPS 197: Specification for the ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD (AES). NIST November 2001 [5] SP 800-38A: Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation. NIST December 2001 [6] SP 800-38E: Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The XTS-AES Mode for Confidentiality on Storage Devices. NIST January 2010 [7] SP 800-38F: Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods for Key Wrapping. NIST December 2012 [8] SP 800-90A Revision 1: Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators. NIST June 2015 [9] FIPS 180-4: Secure Hash Standard (SHS). NIST August 2015 [10] FIPS PUB 198-1: The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC). NIST July 2008 [11] SP 800-132: Recommendation for Password-Based Key Derivation Part 1: Storage Applications. NIST December 2010 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for iStorage datAshur PRO2 Level 3 Secure Storage Drive Document Version 1.3 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 19 10. APPENDIX B: ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS Table 13 – Abbreviations and Definitions Term Definition ADMIN Administrative User AES Advanced Encryption Standard CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check CSP Critical Security Parameter DEK Data Encryption Key DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator EC Encryption Controller ECB Electronic Code Book EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard FSM Finite State Model HDD Hard Disk Drive HMAC Hash-Based Message Authentication Code KAT Known Answer Test KC Keypad Controller KEK Key Encryption Key KW Key Wrap LED Light Emitting Diode NDRNG Non-Deterministic Random Number Generator NVM Non-Volatile Memory OTR One-Time Recovery PBKDF Password Based Key Derivation Function PIN Personal Identification Number SALT Random value used to improve security of cryptographic algorithms SC Security Controller SD Self-Destruct SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SSD Solid State Drive USB Universal Serial Bus