Copyright Comtech Systems, 2022 Version 1.1 Page 1 of 11 Comtech Systems Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). CS67PLUS Cryptographic Module Hardware Version 004F014840-1 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Document Version: 1.1 Date: 09/13/2022 Comtech Systems, Inc. 212 Outlook Point Drive, Suite 100 Orlando, FL 32809 Telephone: +1-407-854-1950 Fax: +1-407-851-6960 Copyright Comtech Systems, 2022 Version 1.1 Page 2 of 11 Comtech Systems Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table of Contents 1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................4 2. Cryptographic Module Specification.....................................................................................................4 2.1 Hardware and Physical Cryptographic Boundary .................................................................................4 2.2 Ports and Interfaces..............................................................................................................................6 2.3 Mode of Operation ...............................................................................................................................6 2.4 Zeroization ............................................................................................................................................6 3. Cryptographic Algorithms & Key Management....................................................................................6 3.1 Approved Cryptographic Algorithms ....................................................................................................7 3.2 Cryptographic Key Management ..........................................................................................................7 3.2.1 Key Generation .............................................................................................................................7 3.2.2 Key Storage ...................................................................................................................................7 3.2.3 Key Zeroization..............................................................................................................................7 4. Roles, Authentication and Services.......................................................................................................7 4.1 Roles and Authentication of Operators to Roles ..................................................................................7 4.2 Authentication Methods.......................................................................................................................8 4.3 Services .................................................................................................................................................8 5. Self tests................................................................................................................................................9 5.1 Power-On Self Tests..............................................................................................................................9 5.2 Conditional Self Tests............................................................................................................................9 5.3 Status ....................................................................................................................................................9 6. Physical Security....................................................................................................................................9 7. Operational Environment .....................................................................................................................9 8. Guidance and Secure Operation...........................................................................................................9 8.1 Security Rules and Guidance.................................................................................................................9 9. Mitigation of other Attacks.................................................................................................................10 10. References and Standards ..................................................................................................................11 11. Acronyms and Definitions...................................................................................................................11 Copyright Comtech Systems, 2022 Version 1.1 Page 3 of 11 Comtech Systems Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). List of Tables Table 1 - Cryptographic Module Configuration ............................................................................................4 Table 2 - Security Level Detail.......................................................................................................................4 Table 3 - Ports and Interfaces .......................................................................................................................6 Table 4 - Approved Algorithms and CAVP Certificates .................................................................................7 Table 5 - Secret Key and CSP.........................................................................................................................7 Table 6 – Password Restrictions ...................................................................................................................8 Table 7 – Services and CSP Access Rights .....................................................................................................8 Table 8 - References....................................................................................................................................11 Table 9 - Acronyms......................................................................................................................................11 List of Figures Figure 1 – Physical boundary (Arria 10 FPGA) ..............................................................................................5 Figure 2 – Sub-chip Cryptographic subsystem..............................................................................................5 Figure 3 - Block diagram of Cryptographic Subsystem .................................................................................6 Copyright Comtech Systems, 2022 Version 1.1 Page 4 of 11 Comtech Systems Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1. Introduction Comtech Systems designs, develops, and produces communication systems which support line-of-sight (“LOS”) and troposcatter beyond-line-of-sight (“BLOS”) communications. These systems are designed for a variety of applications, including lightweight tactical communication systems, and stationary redundant fixed installations. These systems feature data encryption to secure over-the-air communications. The CS67PLUS is a software-defined adaptive troposcatter radio assembly, packaged in a compact sealed enclosure. Within this assembly resides an FPGA containing a CS67PLUS Cryptographic Module cryptographic subsystem. The module is defined as a sub-chip cryptographic subsystem, within a single- chip hardware module, that provide data encryption and decryption, with the ability to bypass the encryption and decryption and pass plaintext data instead. The cryptographic module resides within the CS67PLUS radio assemblies listed in the table below. Hardware Version Radio Firmware Version Distinguishing Features 004F014840-1 659F014840-1 FPGA 10AS066H3F34I2SG Table 1 - Cryptographic Module Configuration The following table lists the level of validation for each area in FIPS 140-2: FIPS 140-2 Section Title Level 1. Cryptographic Module Specification 2 2. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 2 3. Roles, Services, and Authentication 2 4. Finite State Model 2 5. Physical Security 2 6. Operational Environment N/A 7. Cryptographic Key Management 2 8. EMI/EMC 2 9. Self-Tests 2 10. Design Assurance 2 11. Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Overall Level 2 Table 2 - Security Level Detail 2. Cryptographic Module Specification 2.1 Hardware and Physical Cryptographic Boundary The CS67PLUS radio assembly contains an FPGA, SDRAM, non-volatile memory storage (FLASH), and other devices and controllers that interface to the FPGA. Only the sub-chip cryptographic subsystem within the Intel Arria 10 SoC FPGA resides within the cryptographic boundary. All other ICs, memories, I/O controllers, and interfaces residing outside of the cryptographic boundary, including the onboard dual core ARM Cortex-A9 processor residing on the SoC and FLASH memory storage Copyright Comtech Systems, 2022 Version 1.1 Page 5 of 11 Comtech Systems Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). containing the firmware used by the ARM processor and the radio assembly firmware are excluded components. Note the FPGA is manufactured by Intel, which purchased Altera after the Arria 10 FPGA was designed, hence why the silkscreen on the FPGA is labeled Altera while the current manufacturer is Intel. f Figure 1 – Physical boundary (Arria 10 FPGA) Within the cryptographic boundary, the module encrypts and decrypts Ethernet data traffic. The clock, hard reset, data input, and data output ports signals are generated outside of the FPGA. The module is managed by an onboard 32-bit ARM processor, which accesses the module via the register read/write and soft reset ports. FPGA aes_fips_m0 ENCRYPT clock data input reset data output 32-bit ARM processor soft reset AES enabled Register read/write aes_fips_m0 DECRYPT data output data input to RF from RF Ethernet RX Ethernet TX Clock Reset Cryptographic Boundary Figure 2 – Sub-chip Cryptographic subsystem Copyright Comtech Systems, 2022 Version 1.1 Page 6 of 11 Comtech Systems Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Cryptographic Boundary aes_fips_m0 ENCRYPT or DECRYPT clock register read register write data input reset soft reset data output AES enabled Figure 3 - Block diagram of Cryptographic Subsystem 2.2 Ports and Interfaces Physical Port Description Logical Interface Clk Clock signal Data Input Reset Reset signal to FPGA Data Input Soft Reset Reset signal from within FPGA Data Input Data Input 128 bit data bus Data Input Data Output 128 bit data bus Data Output Register Read 32 bit data bus / addressable with 6 address lines Status Output Register Write 32 bit data bus / addressable with 6 address lines Control Input AES Enabled Discrete signal Status Output Table 3 - Ports and Interfaces 2.3 Mode of Operation The module has a single mode of operation, FIPS Mode. 2.4 Zeroization The authentication password is zeroized by erasing the FLASH image. The module must be shipped to the manufacturer for zeroization. 3. Cryptographic Algorithms & Key Management The module implements the FIPS Approved cryptographic functions listed in the following tables. Copyright Comtech Systems, 2022 Version 1.1 Page 7 of 11 Comtech Systems Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 3.1 Approved Cryptographic Algorithms CAVP Cert Algorithm [Standard] Mode/Method Key Size(s) Use / Function #A1700 AES [FIPS 197, SP 800-38A] CTR, ECB* 256-bit Encrypt or Decrypt Data Input Table 4 - Approved Algorithms and CAVP Certificates *Note: ECB was CAVP tested as a prerequisite for CTR but not used by the module. 3.2 Cryptographic Key Management The table below provides a complete list of the Secret Key and CSP used by the module: Key / CSP Name Key / CSP Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Use AES traffic key / Nonce AES-CTR 256-bit key / 128-bit nonce Generated externally; input in plaintext Never output from module Located in FPGA RAM in plaintext Reset Encrypts / decrypts traffic data Password User Authentication password Generated externally; input in plaintext Never output from module Stored in FLASH in plaintext Erase FLASH image (module disposition) User authentication Table 5 - Secret Key and CSP 3.2.1 Key Generation The Traffic key is generated externally to the module. 3.2.2 Key Storage The Traffic key is stored in FPGA RAM in plaintext. The authentication password is stored on the FPGA binary image residing within a FLASH module. 3.2.3 Key Zeroization The Traffic Key is zeroized by performing a reset (hard or soft). 4. Roles, Authentication and Services 4.1 Roles and Authentication of Operators to Roles The module supports two separate roles, the Cryptographic Officer (or Crypto Officer), and the User. The user role authenticates to the module. Note ‘User’ refers to the system outside of the Cryptographic Boundary and not the end user. The Crypto Officer is responsible for the building of the Copyright Comtech Systems, 2022 Version 1.1 Page 8 of 11 Comtech Systems Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). module(s) to the FPGA image and the deployment of the created image to the FLASH module of the CS67PLUS radio assembly. See section 8.1 for details. 4.2 Authentication Methods The user role authenticates using a fixed password. The module accepts passwords from 8 to 15 alphanumeric digits and will only authenticate if the password matches the corresponding password designated to the module revision. Comtech Systems provides the fixed password through an internal secure mechanism to the user. The password is written to the hardware assembly which is protected by the physical enclosure of the single chip module embodiment of this sub-chip module. Authentication Type Strength Password The password is between eight and fifteen alphanumeric characters. Alphanumeric characters include numbers 0 – 9 and the letters A – Z, both uppercase and lowercase. Given 62 possible alphanumeric character combinations, the single attempt guessing probability is 62-8 , which is less than 1 in 1,000,000. Due to the access speed of the register read/write ports, the maximum number of trials possible is less than 250e6 /(N+1)trials per second, where N is the number of characters in the password. The probability of a successful random attempt during a one-minute period is (1 / 62^8) * 60 * (250e6 / 9) = 7.63e-6, which is less than 1:100,000. Note the password buffer must be cleared before transmitting a new password sequence. The clearing of the password buffer with the value of 0x100 is considered an extra register access, hence why the maximum number of trials formula above uses N+1 instead of N as a divisor. Table 6 – Password Restrictions 4.3 Services All services implemented by the module are listed in the tables below. Note Show status service is invalid before Log In service first attempt. Service Name User Crypto Officer CSP access Log in X Password (I/X) Encrypt / Decrypt X AES key (X) Bypass X n/a Load Key / Nonce X AES key (I) Self-Test X X n/a Reset X AES key (Z) Show Status X n/a Zeroize Module X (Z) Table 7 – Services and CSP Access Rights I or Input: Input to the module Copyright Comtech Systems, 2022 Version 1.1 Page 9 of 11 Comtech Systems Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). X or Execute: Use of the Critical Security Parameter G or Generate: Generation of module password Z or Zeroize: Zeroization of module 5. Self tests 5.1 Power-On Self Tests The module performs the following self-tests upon a hard or soft reset: • Known Answer Tests (KATs) o Encrypt AES CTR KAT o Decrypt AES CTR KAT 5.2 Conditional Self Tests The module also performs the following conditional self-tests: • When entering bypass mode • When exiting bypass mode 5.3 Status A register read from address 0 denotes the following status information: • Bit 29 denotes the result of the self-test and is set if the self-test failed • Bit 30 denotes the status of the bypass mode and is reset if the module is in bypass mode See CS67PLUS Cryptographic Module Register Map for more information. 6. Physical Security The module resides on an opaque commercial chip package. Attempting to penetrate the device will leave visible evidence of tampering. 7. Operational Environment The operational environment requirements do not apply since the module operates in a non-modifiable environment. The sub-chip module operates within an Intel Arria 10 FPGA and does not make use of an operating system or function as a general purpose CPU. 8. Guidance and Secure Operation 8.1 Security Rules and Guidance The module is intended to be used by Comtech’s software developers for creating the firmware residing within the CS67PLUS radio assembly. Copyright Comtech Systems, 2022 Version 1.1 Page 10 of 11 Comtech Systems Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). To generate the firmware, the Crypto Officer retrieves the VHDL source files stored within the internal GIT repository tagged with the proper revision found in this document. The firmware is created by first compiling the design using the Intel Arria 10 FPGA synthesis tool software. Once compiled, a post synthesis step is performed which prepares the image to be uploaded to the radio module via a JTAG interface found on the within the radio assembly circuit board assembly. Further details may be found in internal build description document (BDD) 069F014840-1. To load the cryptographic key, the user loads the 256 bit encryption key to registers 0x20 – 0x3C and the 128 bit encryption NONCE to registers 0x40 – 0x4C via the module’s register write interface. It is the responsibility of the user to load a FIPS 140-2 compliant 256 bit AES-CTR cryptographic key and NONCE. To load the module password, the user loads the password serially into register 0x10 via the module’s register write interface. Once the correct password has been loaded in the module, the module’s status register 0x0 will denote validity. Operator shall regenerate the nonce at every system startup to protect against replay attacks. See the operator’s manual for more details. Further details may be found in the BDD document. To change the hardcoded module password, the Crypto Officer would modify the ‘PASSWORD_STR’ constant located within the VHDL source files and recreate the firmware. It is the responsibility of the Crypto Officer to choose a password which meets the password restrictions found in Table 6 – Password Restrictions. Further details may be found in the BDD document. 9. Mitigation of other Attacks The module does not mitigate against any other attacks. Copyright Comtech Systems, 2022 Version 1.1 Page 11 of 11 Comtech Systems Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 10. References and Standards The following Standards are referred to in this Security Policy. Abbreviation Full Specification Name [FIPS140-2] Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, May 25, 2001 [SP800-131A] Transitioning the Use of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths, March 2019 [IG] Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program [197] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 197, November 26, 2001 [38A] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation, Methods and Techniques, Special Publication 800-38A, December 2001 Table 8 - References 11. Acronyms and Definitions The following Acronyms are referred to in this Security Policy. Acronym Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard CPU Central Processing Unit CSP Critical Security Parameter CTR Counter-mode EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard NONCE Number user ONCE KAT Known Answer Test N/A Not Applicable Table 9 - Acronyms