TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 1 of 35 HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE FIPS 140‐2 NON‐PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System Hardware Versions: 2600NX, 5200NX, 6200NX, 7100NX, and 7500NX Firmware Version: 3.8.2 Document Version: 3.2 Revision Date: 01/04/2016 TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 2 of 35 FIPS 140‐2 Non‐Proprietary Security Policy TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System Contents 1. Introduction................................................................................................................. 4 1.1. Purpose................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 References........................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Definitions and Acronyms.................................................................................. 4 2. Module Specifications ................................................................................................ 6 2.1 Overview............................................................................................................. 6 2.2 Security Level..................................................................................................... 7 2.3 Physical Characteristics ...................................................................................... 7 2.4 Cryptographic Boundary................................................................................... 10 2.5 Components Excluded from FIPS 140-2 Security Requirements..................... 10 2.6 Ports and Interfaces........................................................................................... 11 2.7 Modes of Operation .......................................................................................... 11 3. Roles, Services, and Authentication ......................................................................... 13 3.1. Roles ................................................................................................................. 13 3.2. Authentication Mechanisms and Strength ........................................................ 14 3.3. Module Services................................................................................................ 16 3.4. Unauthenticated Services.................................................................................. 19 3.5 Non-FIPS Mode Services ................................................................................. 20 4. Secure Operation and Security Rules ....................................................................... 21 4.1. Secure Operation............................................................................................... 21 4.2. Security Rules................................................................................................... 23 4.3. Crypto-Officer Guidance .................................................................................. 25 4.4. User Guidance................................................................................................... 26 4.5. Physical Security Rules..................................................................................... 26 5. Security Relevant Data Items and Access Control ................................................... 27 5.1. Cryptographic Algorithms ................................................................................ 28 5.2. Cryptographic Keys, CSPs, and SRDIs............................................................ 29 5.3. Access Control Policy....................................................................................... 34 6. Mitigation of Other Attacks...................................................................................... 35 List of Figures Figure 1: TippingPoint IPS Deployment in a Network ...................................................... 6 Figure 2: TippingPoint (Top 2 images) NX series front view and side view. All NX models are identical with the exception of the front label noting the model: 2600NX, 5200NX, 6200NX, 7100NX, 7500NX. ...................................................................... 8 Figure 3: (top image) front view of FIPS enclosure. (bottom image) side view ............... 9 Figure 4: FIPS Box with covers locked in place............................................................... 27 TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 3 of 35 List of Tables Table 1: Definitions and Acronyms.................................................................................... 4 Table 2: Module Security Level Specification ................................................................... 7 Table 3: Hardware Specifications..................................................................................... 10 Table 4: FIPS 140-2 Interfaces and the Corresponding Module’s Physical Ports............ 11 Table 5: Roles and Descriptions ....................................................................................... 13 Table 6: Module Services ................................................................................................. 16 Table 7: Unauthenticated Services.................................................................................... 19 Table 8: FIPS Mode Cryptographic Algorithms............................................................... 28 Table 9: Non-FIPS Mode Cryptographic Algorithms ...................................................... 29 Table 10: SRDI Information............................................................................................. 29 Table 11: Access Control Policy....................................................................................... 34 TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 4 of 35 1. Introduction This document is a non‐proprietary Cryptographic Module Security Policy for the TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) models 2600NX, 5200NX, 6200NX, 7100NX, and 7500NX with firmware version 3.8.2. Using other versions of firmware will remove the module from the FIPS approved mode of operation. This Security Policy may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety (without modification). Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140‐2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, specifies the U.S. and Canadian Governments’ requirements for cryptographic modules. The following pages describe how TippingPoint IPS meets these requirements and how to use the IPS in a mode of operation compliant with FIPS 140‐2. This policy was prepared as part of the Overall Security Level 2 FIPS 140‐2 validation of the TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System. More information about FIPS 140‐2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) is available at the website of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cmvp/index.html. In this document, the TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System is referred to as the IPS, TippingPoint IPS, the module, or the device. 1.1. Purpose This document covers the secure operation of the TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System including the initialization, roles, and responsibilities of operating the product in a secure, FIPS‐compliant manner. 1.2 References This Security Policy deals specifically with the operation and implementation of the module in the technical terms of the FIPS 140‐2 standard. Additional information on the module can be found on the TippingPoint website. 1.3 Definitions and Acronyms This Security Policy uses the following definitions and acronyms. Table 1: Definitions and Acronyms Term/Acronym Description AES Advanced Encryption Standard CF Compact Flash CLI Command Line Interface CSP Critical Security Parameter TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 5 of 35 DES Data Encryption Standard DH Diffie Hellman DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator DRNG Deterministic Random Number Generator FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GbE Gigabit Ethernet GUI Graphical User Interface HMAC Hash‐based Message Authentication Code HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure IPS Intrusion Prevention System LSM Local Security Manager MD5 Message Digest 5 NDRNG Non‐Deterministic RNG RNG Random Number Generator RSA Public Key encryption developed by RSA Data Security, Inc. (Rivest, Shamir and Adleman) SFP Small Form‐Factor Pluggable SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SMS Security Management System SRDI Security Relevant Data Item SSH Secure Shell Triple‐DES Triple Data Encryption Standard TLS Transport Layer Security TP TippingPoint XFP 10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 6 of 35 2. Module Specifications 2.1 Overview The TippingPoint IPS operates in‐line in the network, blocking malicious and unwanted traffic, while allowing good traffic to pass unimpeded. In fact, the module optimizes the performance of good traffic by continually cleansing the network and prioritizing applications that are mission critical. Figure 1: TippingPoint IPS Deployment in a Network The TippingPoint IPS is deployed seamlessly into the network and immediately begins filtering out malicious and unwanted traffic. Its switch‐like performance characteristics allow it to be placed in‐line at the perimeter, on internal network segments, at the core, and at remote site locations. These powerful enforcement points can be centrally controlled to institute and enforce business‐wide security policies, allowing the TippingPoint IPS to see all network traffic and protect against external as well as internal attacks. TippingPoint solutions decrease IT security cost by eliminating ad‐hoc patching and alert response, while simultaneously increasing IT productivity and profitability through bandwidth savings and protection of critical applications. TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 7 of 35 2.2 Security Level When operated in the FIPS approved mode of operation (denoted ‘Full‐FIPS’ mode on the module), the TippingPoint IPS module meets the requirements applicable to Overall Security Level 2 of FIPS 140‐2. The module claims higher levels in certain areas of security covered by the FIPS 140‐2 Standard as listed below: Table 2: Module Security Level Specification Security Requirements Section Level Cryptographic Module Specification 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 2 Roles, Services and Authentication 3 Finite State Model 2 Physical Security 2 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 2 EMI/EMC 2 Self Tests 2 Design Assurance 2 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 2.3 Physical Characteristics From a FIPS 140‐2 perspective, the module is considered to be a multiple‐chip standalone hardware module using production‐grade components contained within an opaque, hard enclosure made of production‐grade steel. This unit is in turn contained within a second opaque, hard enclosure made of production‐grade steel with opaque covers that are secured with pick resistant locks. The IPS module only allows the installation of new firmware signed by a TippingPoint private key so it has a limited operational environment. The physical configuration of the module is shown in the picture and table below: TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 8 of 35 Figure 2: TippingPoint (Top 2 images) NX series front view and side view. All NX models are identical with the exception of the front label noting the model: 2600NX, 5200NX, 6200NX, 7100NX, 7500NX. TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 9 of 35 Figure 3: (top image) front view of FIPS enclosure. (bottom image) side view TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 10 of 35 The hardware specifications of the module are listed in the Table below: Table 3: Hardware Specifications 2.4 Cryptographic Boundary The cryptographic boundary of the module is the module’s external hard‐metal enclosure that forms the physical perimeter of the module. The cryptographic boundary includes all components within the outer hard metal enclosure of the module. 2.5 Components Excluded from FIPS 140‐2 Security Requirements The following module components are excluded from FIPS 140‐2 requirements: 1. Monitoring Ports The module supports different types of monitoring port modules i.e. Copper, SFP, and SFP+, and QSFP+. The IPS contains up to 4 modules, with each module containing up to 12 ports, for a maximum of 48 monitoring ports per IPS. Each module has up to 6 segments with 2 ports per segment, which are used for the IPS functionality. One of the ports in a segment is typically used for the internal protected network while the other port is used for the external unprotected network. These ports are used only for the network data that is monitored for intrusion prevention services, and are not associated with any cryptographic processes, keys or CSPs. The monitoring ports can never input or output any cryptographic keys, CSPs, or any FIPS‐relevant data. Thus, these ports cannot affect the security of the module and are excluded from FIPS 140‐2 security requirements. IPS Model Removable components Dimension (H*W*D) (inches) Monitoring Ports (excluded) Management Interfaces Inspection Through‐ put 2600NX Fans, power supplies, external CF, SFP, SFP+and QSFP+ transceivers, after removing locking front & rear covers 4.9*17.3*34.7 (3U rack‐ mountable) Up to 4 NX I/O modules; 4 modules types:  6 segments of 10/100/1000 Copper  6 segments of 1GbE SFP  4 segments of 10GbE SFP+  1 segment of 40GbE QSFP+ 1 x 10/100/1000 GbE Copper port, 1 RJ‐45 Console port 3 Gbps 5200NX 5 Gbps 6200NX 10 Gbps 7100NX 15 Gbps 7500NX 20 Gbps TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 11 of 35 2.6 Ports and Interfaces The module provides a management port and a console port, which carry all of the module’s cryptographic data, keys and CSPs. COMPACT FLASH PORT: The module has an external compact flash port located on the front side of the module. The compact flash can be used only to store logs and other system data. No cryptographic keys, CSPs, or security‐relevant management data can ever be input or output using this external compact flash. The following table indicates the mapping of the module’s physical ports to the FIPS 140‐2 logical interfaces. Table 4: FIPS 140‐2 Interfaces and the Corresponding Module’s Physical Ports FIPS 140‐2 Logical Interface Module’s Physical Port Data Input Ethernet Management Port RJ‐45 Console Port Compact Flash Port Data Output Ethernet Management Port RJ‐45 Console Port Compact Flash Port Control Input Ethernet Management Port RJ‐45 Console Port Power Button Status Output Ethernet Management Port RJ‐45 Console Port LEDs Compact Flash Port Power Interface Power Port 2.7 Modes of Operation The module can be operated in a FIPS‐approved mode or in a non‐FIPS mode. The module supports 3 modes of operation: Disable, Crypto, and Full. Only the ‘Full’ FIPS mode on the module is considered as the FIPS‐Approved mode of operation. The ‘Disable’ mode and the ‘Crypto’ mode on the module are considered as Non‐FIPS modes of operation. The cryptographic algorithms allowed by the module in the Approved Full‐FIPS mode of operation are indicated in Table 8 of this document. The Cryptographic Keys, CSPs, and TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 12 of 35 SRDIs of the module in an Approved mode of operation are described in Table 10 of this document. The rules and procedures followed and enforced by the module in the Approved mode of operation are described in Section 4 of this document. TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 13 of 35 3. Roles, Services, and Authentication 3.1. Roles For each access method available, the module supports identity‐based authentication mechanism, where each user has an individually identified Username and Password. An access level is associated with each user. There are 3 user access levels and their corresponding FIPS roles are shown in the table below. A user, who sets up and performs the first‐time initialization of the module, is implicitly assigned a Super‐User Crypto‐Officer role. Table 5: Roles and Descriptions User Access Level Description FIPS Role Type of Authenti‐ cation Authenti‐ cation Data Operator Can login to the CLI and LSM but primarily has read‐only access to the configuration settings. The only CSP an operator can modify is his own password. User Identity‐ based Username and Password Administrator Can login to the CLI and LSM and modify some configuration settings. An administrator can modify his own password, can load a new TLS RSA key pair over TLS, and can perform firmware upgrades to the module. Crypto‐ Officer Identity‐ based Username and Password Super‐User Can login to the CLI and LSM and modify all configuration settings. Only a Super‐User can login to the SMS to manage multiple IPS modules. Only a super‐user can add and delete users and modify any user’s password and access level. Also, only a super‐user can configure the box for FIPS mode and do all key management. Crypto‐ Officer Identity‐ based Username and Password The module does not have support for a maintenance role. The module does not support bypass mode. The module allows up to 10 concurrently authenticated operators and rejects any additional authentication requests. In addition, at least one Super‐User TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 14 of 35 must remain in the module so the module does not allow the deletion of the last Super‐ User (Crypto‐Officer). 3.2. Authentication Mechanisms and Strength An operator can authenticate and access the module in any one of the following ways:  CLI over Console Port  CLI via SSH over Management Port  CLI via Telnet over Management Port (disabled in Full FIPS mode)  LSM (HTTP or HTTPS) over Management Port. LSM stands for the Local Security Manager, which offers a Web‐based GUI for managing one IPS device. LSM provides a graphical display for reviewing, searching, and modifying settings. The GUI interface also provides reports to monitor the device traffic, triggered filters, and packet statistics. HTTP is disabled in FIPS mode and HTTPS provides TLS protection.  Using the TippingPoint SMS Client GUI via TLS over Management Port for allowing management of the IPS module by the SMS. SMS stands for the Security Management System, which is a central management point for managing different TippingPoint appliances, monitoring events and scheduling reports. A single SMS can be used to monitor and manage multiple IPS devices. This authentication is required for enabling the SMS management.  Using a TippingPoint SMS as a remote authentication server. This is possible only when the IPS is already being managed by an SMS. Remote authentication can only be used with CLI and LSM. The remote authentication data is always protected by TLS.  Using RADIUS for remote authentication (disallowed by policy when in Full FIPS mode).  Using TACACS+ for remote authentication (disallowed by policy when in Full FIPS mode). Telnet and HTTP are disabled by default and cannot be enabled while in Full FIPS mode. SSH and HTTPS must be used instead. RADIUS and TACACS+ authentication support is disallowed by policy so should not be enabled when in Full FIPS mode. The module supports username‐password authentication for all operators. AUTHENTICATION STRENGTH: When authenticating through the CLI, through LSM, or using the SMS client to the module in Full FIPS mode with remote authentication disabled, the module does the enforcement of user name and password restrictions. While in the ‘Full’ FIPS‐mode, the module requires usernames with a minimum of 6 characters and passwords with a TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 15 of 35 minimum of 8 characters. In the default configuration, there is no restriction on what characters can be in the password. Thus, there are 95^8 (i.e. 6.6*10^15) possible passwords of the minimum length from the set of all displayable ASCII characters including space. The odds of randomly guessing a password of the minimum length would thus be 1 in 6.6*10^15 which is much less than 1 in 1,000,000. Thus, it meets the FIPS requirement. The IPS has a password configuration option that requires passwords to have at least 2 letters (i.e. 52 possible for each), 1 number (i.e. 10 possible), and 1 non‐alphanumeric character (i.e. 95‐52‐10=33 possible). This would reduce the number of possible passwords from the default settings. Assuming a minimum password length and fixed positions (but not values) for the restrictive character classes, the number of possible passwords is 52*52*10*33*(95^4) = 7.3*10^13. The odds of randomly guessing a password would thus be 1 in 7.3*10^13 which is much less than 1 in 1,000,000. Since the positions of the required character classes are not fixed, the number of possible passwords of the minimum length is larger. Thus the actual odds are even lower. When authenticating through the CLI or through LSM to the IPS module in Full FIPS mode with remote authentication enabled, the SMS by default does the enforcement of user name and password restrictions. For maintaining FIPS compliance while using remote authentication with an IPS module in Full FIPS mode, the SMS must be configured to use the highest setting (i.e. level 2) for users and passwords. The SMS level 2 setting requires a minimum of 6 character usernames. This setting also requires a minimum of 8 character passwords with no spaces where 2 must be letters (i.e. 52 possible for each), 1 must be numeric (i.e. 10 possible), and 1 must be non‐ alphanumeric (i.e. 94‐52‐10=32 possible). Assuming a minimum password length and fixed positions (but not values) for the restrictive character classes, the number of possible passwords is 52*52*10*32*(94^4) = 6.7*10^13. The odds of randomly guessing a password would thus be 1 in 6.7*10^13 which is much less than 1 in 1,000,000. Since the positions of the required character classes are not fixed, the number of possible passwords of the minimum length is larger. Thus the actual odds are even lower. When authenticating through the CLI or through LSM to an IPS module in Full FIPS mode with remote authentication disabled, the IPS module does the enforcement of the number of unsuccessful login attempts allowed within a given period. In the default configuration, a user account is locked for 5 minutes after 5 failed login attempts for that user. Thus the odds of randomly guessing a password with retries within one minute is 5 times the odds discussed above (i.e. 1 in 7.3*10^13 in the largest odds case) for IPS enforcement resulting in odds of about 1 in 1.4*10^13, which is much less than 1 in 100,000, and thus meets the FIPS requirement. The maximum number of retries can be configured up to 10, which would result in 10 times the odds discussed above, which results in odds of about 1 in 7.3*10^12, which is still much less than 1 in 100,000. To maintain FIPS compliance, the user must not disable the configuration for account lockout on login failure or configure the lockout time to less than 1 minute. TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 16 of 35 When authenticating to an IPS module in Full FIPS mode using the SMS client or through the CLI or LSM with remote authentication enabled, the fastest transfer speed is 1 Gbps over the management port. 1 Gbps corresponds to 7.5*10^9 bytes/min. For any of these scenarios, both the user name and password are sent on each login attempt. The minimum for this will be 14 bytes (6 character username plus 8 character password). Thus the maximum logins per minute would be 7.5*10^9 / 14 = 5.4*10^8 logins/min. The odds for a successful login on repeated tries within a minute would thus be 5.4*10^8 times the odds for one login. When the IPS is enforcing the password restrictions (i.e. using the largest odds case of 1 in 7.3*10^13), the resulting retry odds are about 1 in 135,000 which is less than 1 in 100,000 as required by FIPS. When SMS is enforcing the password restrictions (i.e. using odds of 1 in 6.7*10^13), the resulting retry odds are about 1 in 120,000 which also meets the FIPS requirement. Note that the actual odds for these scenarios is even lower due to the actual odds on one attempt being lower than the estimates (see above) and due to overhead for sending the login information that is not included in the estimates. 3.3. Module Services The table below shows the services provided by the IPS in FIPS‐approved and non‐FIPS modes and the access level required to perform them. Table 6: Module Services Opera‐ tor Admin‐ istrator Super User Service Service Input Service output Notes Y Enable Full‐ FIPS mode None None Only applicable to non‐FIPS modes. Not allowed to change mode once in full FIPS mode. Y Y Y View FIPS status None FIPS status, current authenticated user information, logs. Y Y Y Configure own password Username and Password None Y Configure any user’s password and Username and password None TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 17 of 35 Opera‐ tor Admin‐ istrator Super User Service Service Input Service output Notes access level Y Y Configure password restrictions and other user account settings for all users New value of the setting option. None Y Zeroize keys None None Done by “fips keys delete” CLI command which requires reboot. The ephemeral keys are also always zeroized on a reboot (see reboot service below). Y Generate new keys None None Done by “fips keys generate” CLI command which requires reboot (see reboot service below). Some keys (e.g. RNG seed and seed keys) are also regenerated on a reboot. The ephemeral TLS/SSH keys are generated during TLS/SSH session negotiation (see login services below). Y Y Install new TLS RSA key pair New TLS RSA Key Pair encrypted None TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 18 of 35 Opera‐ tor Admin‐ istrator Super User Service Service Input Service output Notes with TLS session key Y Y Reboot None None Can also be done unauthenticated using the power/reset button or power cycling the box. Y Y Install or update new software Software package signed by TippingPoint, TLS parameters, data and input None if it succeeds and error message if it fails. Perform FIPS power‐up self‐ tests None None if all tests pass. If any test fails, log message is generated and module reboots Done automatically during initialization after reset or power cycle. Y Y Y Login to CLI Username and password, SSH parameters, input and data (when using SSH) CLI prompt if successful and login prompt if unsuccessful Y Y Y Login to LSM Username and password, TLS parameters, input and data (when using HTTPS) LSM homepage if successful and login prompt if unsuccessful Y Login via SMS Client GUI for enabling central management Username and password, TLS parameters, input and data System summary if successful and login prompt if unsuccessful TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 19 of 35 Opera‐ tor Admin‐ istrator Super User Service Service Input Service output Notes Y Y Y Remote authentication using SMS Username and Password, TLS parameters, input and data CLI prompt or LSM homepage, depending on the method used Possible only if SMS is already managing the IPS. Y Y Configure non‐FIPS related admin level settings Corresponding setting values None Y Configure non‐FIPS related super‐ user level settings Corresponding setting values None Y Y Y View non‐FIPS related configuration None Non‐FIPS related configuration information Y Y Y View non‐FIPS related status None Non‐FIPS related status Intrusion prevention functionality on the monitoring ports. None None Done automatically based on the non‐FIPS related configuration. 3.4. Unauthenticated Services The IPS modules allow the following unauthenticated services in FIPS‐approved and non‐FIPS modes: Table 7: Unauthenticated Services Service Procedure Service Inputs Service Outputs Power‐off, halt or reboot the module Using the power switch or power cycling the module None None Perform FIPS power‐ up self‐tests Reboot the module None None TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 20 of 35 Zeroize ephemeral keys Reboot the module None None Insert or Eject external compact flash Using Compact Flash eject switch None None 3.5 Non-FIPS Mode Services The module supports the following non‐FIPS mode services which shall not be used when operated in FIPS mode.  SSH with Blowfish, MD5, and HMAC‐MD5  TLS with DES, RC2 and RC4  SNMP v2 TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 21 of 35 4. Secure Operation and Security Rules This section describes the rules enforced in the module when operated in the FIPS approved mode (Full‐FIPS mode) and all FIPS‐related actions or procedures permitted on the module. In order to operate the module securely, the user should be aware of the security rules enforced by the module and should adhere to the physical security rules and secure operation rules and procedures. 4.1. Secure Operation ENABLING APPROVED MODE OF OPERATION: To operate in a FIPS‐compliant manner, the module must be placed in the approved mode of operation (called ‘Full‐FIPS’ mode on the appliance) by using the following procedure:  Ensure that the module is operating on the 3.8.2 software release.  After ensuring the correct version of software, a Crypto‐Officer (Super‐user role on the appliance) must log in to the CLI over SSH and execute the following CLI commands and then enter a new password for the specified new Super‐User, when prompted by the module.  conf t host fips‐mode full  fips auth delete ‐add ‐p * The above mentioned CLI commands cause the IPS to do the following:  Reboot  Put the box into Full‐FIPS mode  Perform the FIPS power‐up self‐tests  Zeroize the keys  Generate new keys  Delete the existing user database and add the new default super‐user specified in the “fips auth delete” command.  Enable monitoring port traffic  Enable the TLS and SSH servers  Only use cryptographic algorithms allowed by FIPS  Perform the conditional FIPS self‐tests as needed The above steps for the approved mode of operation ensure that the module meets the FIPS requirements for doing self‐tests, does not use the same keys and users in FIPS and non‐FIPS modes, does not allow output during power‐up self‐tests, uses only FIPS‐ approved cryptographic algorithms, etc. The module should now be operating in a FIPS compliant manner. If needed, the Super‐User can obtain a new TLS RSA key pair from TippingPoint and install it through LSM over TLS to replace the generated RSA key pair. Note that once the module is put into the FIPS‐approved mode, it cannot be put back into a non‐FIPS mode except by resetting the module to factory‐defaults. TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 22 of 35 CHECKING FIPS MODE: The current FIPS status can be shown with the “show fips” CLI command. In case of power‐up or conditional self‐test errors, the error can be seen in one or more of the following:  Console port.  System Logs, which can be seen using LSM GUI options or using “show log sys” CLI command.  LSM GUI pop‐up messages. RUNNING POWER‐UP SELF‐TESTS: To force the FIPS power‐up self‐tests to be re‐run, the operator must power‐cycle or reboot the module. ZEROIZING KEYS: To zeroize the keys, a Super‐User must log in to the CLI over SSH and execute the commands below. The zeroization will happen during the reboot.  fips keys delete  reboot ‐full REGENERATING KEYS: To regenerate the keys after they have been zeroized, a Super‐User must log in over the console port and execute the commands below. This can only be done over the console port since the SSH and TLS keys have been deleted. The generation will happen during the reboot.  fips keys generate  reboot ‐full TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 23 of 35 4.2. Security Rules The security rules enforced by the TippingPoint IPS module include both the security rules that TippingPoint has imposed and the security rules that result from the security requirements of FIPS 140‐2. 4.2.1 FIPS 140‐2 Security Rules The following are the security rules derived from the FIPS 140‐2 requirements when in Full‐FIPS mode:  The TippingPoint IPS module supports identity‐based operator authentication, access levels, and services as discussed in section 3.  The TippingPoint IPS module supports CSPs and controls access to them as discussed in section 5.  The TippingPoint IPS module has support for changing into Full‐FIPS mode, zeroizing/generating keys, etc. See section 4.1 for more information.  When in Full‐FIPS mode, only cryptographic algorithms allowed by FIPS are used. See section 5.1 for the list of algorithms.  The TippingPoint IPS module performs the following FIPS power‐up self‐tests on every power‐up and reboot: o Firmware integrity test for all executable components using checksum. If a check fails, a message is displayed on the console and the IPS halts execution. o Known‐answer self‐tests for each cryptographic algorithm used by the module i.e. AES (encrypt/decrypt) KATs, Triple‐DES (encrypt/decrypt) KATs, SHA (SHA‐1/224/256/384/512) KATs, HMAC‐ SHA (SHA‐1/224/256/384/512) KATs and RSA (sign/verify) KATs. If a test fails, a message is logged and the IPS reboots. o Known‐answer self‐tests for the SP800‐90A CTR_DRBG (DRBG Instantiate Function KAT, DRBG Generate Function KAT and DRBG Reseed Function KAT). If the test fails, a message is logged and the IPS reboots.  The software performs the following FIPS conditional tests as needed: o Continuous random number generator tests for the approved SP800‐ 90A CTR_DRBG and the non‐approved RNG. If a test fails, a message is logged and IPS reboots. o Firmware Load Test: When a user attempts to update the software/firmware, verify that the new firmware file was signed by the TippingPoint software/firmware load private key. If the signature check fails, the software update is aborted with no changes to the existing installed software. This validation is also done on firmware loads when FIPS mode is disabled. Because of this validation, the IPS meets the requirements for a limited operational environment. o Pair‐wise consistency test after generating or installing new RSA keys. If the test fails, the new RSA key is ignored and will not be used. TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 24 of 35  There is no data output from the data output interfaces of the module during the power‐up self‐tests.  With the exception of feedback output of user passwords during their modification over the console port, no private or secret CSPs are ever output from the IPS. This option is disabled by policy as mentioned in the User and Crypto‐Officer enforced rules below.  All external entry of CSPs is encrypted with the exception of password entry over the console port.  The operator password is obscured during entry to the module.  Non‐FIPS service‐access is not accessible in FIPS‐approved mode. This service enabling is disallowed by the module while it is operating in Full‐FIPS mode.  The module does not support a FIPS bypass mode.  In FIPS approved mode, the operator is not allowed to configure the password settings for less than 8 characters.  Telnet and HTTP are disabled in Full‐FIPS mode.  The operator should use only FIPS approved cryptographic algorithms with SSH in Full FIPS mode.  The operator should use only FIPS approved cryptographic algorithms with TLS 1.0 in Full FIPS mode.  The module uses production‐grade enclosure and components. 4.2.2 TippingPoint Security Rules The following are the security rules that are enforced by TippingPoint:  TippingPoint always uses secure distribution means by making use of trusted third‐party carriers such as UPS or FedEx for shipping the module to the authorized operators.  After receiving the module, it must be installed and initiated by a Crypto‐Officer by following the procedure specified in the Crypto‐Officer Guidance and in the documentation shipped with the module.  No module operator has direct access to the internal storage on the IPS where the CSPs and installed software images are stored.  If the module is reset to factory‐defaults, it must be ensured that the module is using the firmware version specified in this document. If the module has been reset to an earlier version due to factory default action, it must be upgraded to this version.  If remote authentication using a TippingPoint SMS Server is used, then only the SMS level 2 security setting should be used for establishing usernames and passwords on the SMS. This is required for meeting FIPS authentication strength requirements while authenticating to the IPS module. The level 2 setting on the SMS requires usernames to be a minimum of 6 characters and passwords to be a minimum of 8 characters, where 2 must be alphabetical, 1 must be numeric, and 1 must be non‐alphanumeric. TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 25 of 35 4.3. Crypto‐Officer Guidance The following are the security rules that must be enforced or followed by the Crypto‐ Officer:  The Crypto‐Officer is responsible for a secure and successful installation, initialization and start‐up of the module. The Crypto‐Officer should follow the directions provided in the documentation guide shipped with the module. The guide details the procedures to do the following: 1) Attach device to a rack 2) Connect the console port of the module to a computer and access the module’s terminal. 3) Connect network connection segments to the module. 4) Connect the power. 5) Check the LEDs. 6) Using the console port, follow the prompt in the setup wizard to establish the Crypto‐Officer authentication information and to configure the management options of the module. 7) This completes the initial setup configuration.  Only the console port should be used for module initialization.  All physical ports and logical interfaces of the module are allowed for use by the Crypto‐Officer. Please refer to the ‘Ports and Interfaces’ section for details.  Use the console port only in a secure, controlled environment since the traffic is in plain text. In general, use the CLI over SSH instead of over the console port unless the console port is the only option (e.g. to restore keys after zeroization).  Add, delete, modify and manage all user accounts as required.  Refer to Table 6 of this document for the services and their inputs and outputs which are allowed in this role.  Follow the steps in the section 4.1 for enabling FIPS mode, generating/zeroizing keys, etc. to ensure the IPS operates in a FIPS‐compliant manner.  For CLI commands that take a password such as the password modification and new user addition CLI commands, use the option to be prompted for the password (with the use of a ‘*’ in the command) rather than entering the password as part of the command. This will prevent the password from being visible to the module operator.  In the user settings, do not enable RADIUS or TACACS+ authentication support.  If remote authentication using a TippingPoint SMS Server is used, then only the SMS level 2 security setting should be used for establishing usernames and passwords on the SMS. This is required for meeting FIPS authentication strength requirements while authenticating to the IPS module. The level 2 setting on the SMS requires usernames to be a minimum of 6 characters and passwords to be a minimum of 8 characters, where 2 must be alphabetical, 1 must be numeric, and 1 must be non‐alphanumeric.  Keep the IPS in a secure environment and do not attempt to open the enclosure. TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 26 of 35  In the password security settings, do not disable account lockout for repeated login failures or change the lockout period to less than 1 minute. This will ensure that the FIPS password strength requirements are met.  If desired, install a new TLS RSA key pair through the LSM GUI after obtaining it from TippingPoint’s TMC website. This must only be done using HTTPS.  Follow all rules applicable to the Crypto‐Officer role as specified in this Security Policy document. 4.4. User Guidance The following are the security rules that must be enforced or followed by the User:  All physical ports and logical interfaces of the module are allowed for use by the User role. Please refer to ‘Ports and Interfaces’ section for details.  Use the console port only in a secure, controlled environment since the traffic is in plain text. In general, use the CLI over SSH instead of over the console port unless the console port is the only option (e.g. to restore keys after zeroization).  For CLI commands that take a password such as the password modification CLI command, use the option to be prompted for the password (with the use of a ‘*’ in the command) rather than entering the password as part of the command. This will prevent the password from being visible to the module operator.  If remote authentication using a TippingPoint SMS Server is used, then only the SMS level 2 security setting should be used for establishing usernames and passwords on the SMS. This is required for meeting FIPS authentication strength requirements while authenticating to the IPS module. The level 2 setting on the SMS requires usernames to be a minimum of 6 characters and passwords to be a minimum of 8 characters, where 2 must be alphabetical, 1 must be numeric, and 1 must be non‐alphanumeric.  Keep the IPS in a secure environment and do not attempt to open the enclosure.  Refer to Table 6 of this document for the services and their inputs and outputs which are allowed in this role.  Follow all rules applicable to the User role as specified in this Security Policy document. 4.5. Physical Security Rules The TippingPoint NX IPS appliances satisfy the requirements for FIPS 140‐2 Security Level 2 Physical Security when placed inside the FIPS Box. The IPS appliances use production‐grade enclosures and components. The outer enclosure of the module is made of production‐grade steel. The FIPS Box is a production‐grade enclosure with lockable covers secured with pick resistant locks. The IPS module should be kept in a secure environment and no operator should attempt to open the enclosure. The keys are to be stored in a separate secure location to prevent access by anyone other than the authorized individual or individuals. Any unauthorized attempts to gain access to the TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 27 of 35 appliance shall leave tamper evidence in the form of marks or damage to the enclosure. No other specific physical security mechanisms are required. For installation instructions of the FIPS enclosure, please refer to the following link ‐ https://tmc.tippingpoint.com/TMC/library/360_ips_documentation/hp_tippingpoint_fip s_140_2_quick_start.pdf. For ordering or replacing the FIPS Enclosure, contact an sales representative to purchase Part # JC856A ‐ HP FIPS Security Enclosure. Figure 4: FIPS Box with covers locked in place 5. Security Relevant Data Items and Access Control This section specifies the TippingPoint IPS Security Relevant Data Items (SRDIs) as well as the access control policy enforced by the IPS. TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 28 of 35 5.1. Cryptographic Algorithms When in the approved mode of operation (Full‐FIPS mode), the IPS module uses the cryptographic algorithms in the table below. Table 8: FIPS Mode Cryptographic Algorithms Algorithm Type Modes/Mod sizes/Options Certificate # FIPS‐ approved Signature Algorithms RSA (Sign/Verify) 2048 bit modulus 1867 Yes RSA (key gen) 2048 bit modulus 1867 Yes Symmetric Algorithms AES (ECB, CBC) 128, 192, 256 bit 3624 Yes Triple‐DES (ECB, CBC) 3‐key 2019 Yes Hashing Algorithms SHA Byte‐oriented. SHA‐1,224,256,384,512 3042 Yes HMAC‐SHA Byte‐oriented. SHA‐1,224,256,384,512 (Minimum key size = 112 bits) 2376 Yes Random Number Generators DRBG SP800‐90A DRBG: Block Cipher (CTR) with AES‐256 952 Yes NDRNG Only used to seed the SP800‐90A DRBG; Allowed for use in FIPS‐ Mode. N/A No Key Establishment/Transport Algorithms Diffie‐Hellman Key Agreement (used with SSH) 2048‐bit ; Provides 112 bits of security strength ; Allowed for use in FIPS‐Mode ; N/A No RSA Key Transport (used with TLS) 2048 bit ; Provides 112 bits of security strength ; Allowed for use in FIPS‐Mode N/A No CVL SP800‐135 KDFs (SSH, TLS) 644 Yes Note:  The KDF (key derivation function) used in each of SSH and TLS protocols was certified by CAVP with CVL Cert. #644.  SSH and TLS protocols have not been reviewed or tested by the CMVP or CAVP. Please refer to IG D.11, bullet 2 for more information. The module generates cryptographic keys whose strengths are modified by available entropy. The encryption strength for each of the following generated keys is at least TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 29 of 35 112 bits: AES key encrypting key, TLS RSA key pair, SSH RSA key pair, TLS pre‐master secret, and SSH Diffie‐Hellman private exponent. The IPS supports the following non‐FIPS approved cryptographic algorithms: Table 9: Non‐FIPS Mode Cryptographic Algorithms Algorithm Type/Name FIPS‐approved Symmetric Algorithms Blowfish No RC2 No RC4 No DES No Hashing Algorithms MD5 No HMAC‐MD5 No Please note that HMAC‐MD5 and MD5 are allowed in FIPS mode strictly for TLS 1.0. 5.2. Cryptographic Keys, CSPs, and SRDIs While operating in a FIPS‐compliant manner, the TippingPoint IPS module contains the following security relevant data items: Table 10: SRDI Information Security Relevant Data Item SRDI Description Size Generation/ Entry Storage Output Zeroization DRBG entropy input Entropy input to SP 800‐90A Block Cipher (CTR) DRBG function used to construct DRBG seed 256 bits Not entered. Generated using a non‐approved RNG Ephemeral: Stored in RAM No Zeroized on reboot or power cycle. DRBG seed Input to the SP 800‐ 90A Block Cipher (CTR) DRBG that determines the 384 bits Not entered. Generated using DRBG derivation function. Includes the entropy input from the entropy source Ephemeral: Stored in RAM No Zeroized on reboot or power cycle. TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 30 of 35 Security Relevant Data Item SRDI Description Size Generation/ Entry Storage Output Zeroization internal state of the SP800‐90A Block Cipher (CTR) DRBG DRBG key DRBG key used for SP800‐90A Block Cipher (CTR) DRBG 256 bits Not entered. Internal value derived as part of DRBG operation. Ephemeral: Stored in RAM No Zeroized on reboot or power cycle. DRBG V DRBG V parameter used for SP800‐90A Block Cipher (CTR) DRBG 128 bits Not entered. Internal value derived as part of DRBG operation. Ephemeral: Stored in RAM No Zeroized on reboot or power cycle. Software load test key RSA public key used to verify software upgrade, uses SHA‐ 256 2048 bits Not generated. Entered encrypted with TLS session key during software package install Persistent: Stored in plain text on internal storage. No It is a public key so no need to zeroize. Password User password 8‐32 chars Not generated. Entered by the user encrypted with session key (TLS or SSH) or in clear text (console port). Persistent: Hashed using SHA256 and stored on internal storage. No (The option of specify ing the passw ord as part of some CLI comm ands is disallo wed by modul e policy Stored in hashed form so no need to zeroize. TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 31 of 35 Security Relevant Data Item SRDI Description Size Generation/ Entry Storage Output Zeroization – Sectio n 4.2) Key encrypting key AES symmetric key used to encrypt all private keys stored on internal storage 128 bits Not entered. Generated using SP800‐90A CTR_DRBG during key generation. Persistent: Stored in plaintext in physically erasable part of internal storage. No Zeroized when going in to Full‐ FIPS mode, on deleting fips keys, or on reset to factory defaults. TLS RSA key pair RSA public and private keys used for TLS, use SHA‐256 2048 bits Generated using SP800‐90A CTR_DRBG during key generation. A super‐user or admin user can install a new official key pair encrypted with the TLS session key. Persistent: Encrypted with the key encrypting key and stored on internal storage. Public key is output to its peer as part of TLS negoti ation. Private key is never output . Stored in encrypted form so no need to zeroize. TLS Pre‐ Master Secret Shared secret exchanged using RSA Key Transport and used to derive the Master Secret 48 bytes May enter encrypted with the module’s RSA public key when the module acts as a TLS Server. If the module acts as a TLS Client, it is generated using SP800‐90A CTR_DRBG. Ephemeral: Stored in RAM May be output encryp ted with the peer’s RSA public key when the modul e acts as a TLS Zeroized on reboot or power cycle. TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 32 of 35 Security Relevant Data Item SRDI Description Size Generation/ Entry Storage Output Zeroization Client. It is never output if the modul e acts as a TLS Server. TLS master secret Master Secret used to derive the encryption and MAC keys for both ends of an TLS session 48 bytes Not entered. Computed as part of TLS negotiation according to TLS 1.0 standard using the pre‐master secret and nonces. Ephemeral: Stored in RAM No Zeroized on reboot or power cycle. TLS encryption key AES/Triple‐ DES symmetric key for TLS encryption in one direction AES: 128, 192, or 256 bits; Triple‐ DES: 168 bits Not entered. Derived from master secret as part of TLS negotiation. Ephemeral: Stored in RAM No Zeroized on reboot or power cycle. TLS integrity key MAC key for integrity in one direction 160 bits Not entered. Derived from master secret as part of TLS negotiation. Ephemeral: Stored in RAM No Zeroized on reboot or power cycle. SSH Diffie‐ Hellman Exchange Values Public value and private exponent used for SSH DH Key Exchange 2048‐ bit Module’s private exponent is generated during SSH negotiation using SP800‐90A CTR_DRBG. The public value is derived from the private exponent and the DH group. Ephemeral: Stored in RAM Public value is output to its peer as part of SSH negoti ation. Zeroized on reboot or power cycle. TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 33 of 35 Security Relevant Data Item SRDI Description Size Generation/ Entry Storage Output Zeroization The peer’s DH public value enters the module according to SSH Standard. Private expon ent is never output . SSH DH Shared Secret The shared secret established using SSH DH exchange according to the SSH Standard 2048‐ bit Not entered. Derived by the module during SSH negotiation using DH parameters. Ephemeral: Stored in RAM No Zeroized on reboot or power cycle. SSH RSA key pair RSA key pair 2048 bits Not entered. Generated using SP800‐90A CTR_DRBG during key generation. Persistent: Encrypted with the key encrypting key and stored on internal storage. Public key is output to its peer as part of SSH negoti ation. Private key is not output . Stored in encrypted form so no need to zeroize. SSH session encryption key AES/Triple‐ DES symmetric key for SSH encryption in one direction AES: 128, 192, or 256 bits; Triple‐ DES: 168 bits Not entered. Derived during SSH negotiation. Ephemeral: Stored in RAM No Zeroized on reboot or power cycle. SSH integrity key MAC key for integrity in one direction 160, 256, 384, or 512 bits Not entered. Derived during SSH negotiation. Ephemeral: Stored in RAM No Zeroized on reboot or power cycle. TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 34 of 35 5.3. Access Control Policy The IPS allows controlled access to the SRDIs contained within it. The following table defines the access that the IPS services have to the SRDIs (i.e. R=read, W=write, Z=zeroize, D=delete). If no access is listed, the service does not use that SRDI. Table 11: Access Control Policy Service DRBG SRDIs Software load test key User passwords Key encrypting key TLS RSA key pair TLS pre‐master secret, master secret, encryption key, and integrity key SSH RSA key pair SSH DH exchange values, DH shared secret, session encryption key, and integrity key Enable Full‐FIPS mode WZ WD RWZ W Z W RZ View FIPS status R R Configure own password W R R Configure any user’s password and access level W R R Configure password restrictions and account lockout settings R R Zeroize keys WZ Z D Z D RZ Generate new keys WZ RWZ W Z W RZ Install new TLS RSA key pair R RW R Reboot WZ RZ RZ Install new firmware/software WZ RW RZ Z Do FIPS power‐up self‐tests Login to CLI R R R RW Login to LSM R R R RW Configure non‐FIPS related admin level settings R R TippingPoint IPS Non-Proprietary Security Policy Page 35 of 35 Service DRBG SRDIs Software load test key User passwords Key encrypting key TLS RSA key pair TLS pre‐master secret, master secret, encryption key, and integrity key SSH RSA key pair SSH DH exchange values, DH shared secret, session encryption key, and integrity key Configure non‐FIPS related super‐user level settings R R View non‐FIPS related configuration R R View non‐FIPS related status R R Intrusion prevention functionality on the monitoring ports. 6. Mitigation of Other Attacks The cryptographic module does not claim to mitigate any other attacks in a FIPS‐ approved mode of operation.