SECURITY POLICY Crypto++™ Library Versions 5.0.4 and 5.2.3 FIPS 140-2 Level 1 Validation Vendor: Wei Dai Version Date: 7/26/2005 Revision: 0.6 7/27/2005 Revision History Date Revision Description September 3, 2004 0.1 Copied from version 1.9 of 5.0.4’s security policy. Updated section 10.1.1 on version management. Updated algorithms table. December 16, 2004 0.2 Added SHA-224. Added KAT for SHA-2. Removed reference to Vendor Evidence document. Changed SHA to SHA1 where appropriate. Made security policy applicable to both version 5.0.4 and 5.2.3. February 18, 2005 0.3 Updated Table of Contents, corrected typos, made minor formatting changes, changed references from TDES/Triple DES to Triple- DES, updated Secure Hash Standard and HMAC references. June 24, 2005 0.4 Changed references from checksum to hash, changed a reference from secret sharing algorithm to key establishment technique, changed a reference from FIPS to FIPS 140-2, changed a reference from FIPS 140-2 to CMVP. July 18, 2005 0.5 Added information on RSA/DH key lengths. Fixed description of RSA key generation. July 26, 2005 0.6 Corrected reference to NIST document. Copyright Notice © 2005, Wei Dai. All rights reserved. This document may be copied without the author’s permission provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification. ii 7/27/2005 Table of Contents 1. Introduction................................................................................................................. 1 1.1. Purpose................................................................................................................ 1 1.2. Documents .......................................................................................................... 1 1.3. Crypto++ Library................................................................................................ 1 1.4. Changes Between Version 5.0.4 and Version 5.2.3............................................ 2 2. Module Specification.................................................................................................. 2 2.1. Module................................................................................................................ 2 2.2. Boundary............................................................................................................. 2 2.3. Hardware Platform.............................................................................................. 2 2.4. Module Block Diagram....................................................................................... 3 2.5. Software Environment ........................................................................................ 3 2.6. Approved Mode of Operation............................................................................. 3 3. Module Ports and Interfaces ....................................................................................... 4 4. Roles, Services, and Authentication ........................................................................... 4 4.1. Roles ................................................................................................................... 4 4.2. Services............................................................................................................... 5 4.3. Authentication..................................................................................................... 8 5. Finite State Model....................................................................................................... 8 6. Physical Security......................................................................................................... 8 7. Operational Environment............................................................................................ 8 7.1. Operating System Requirements......................................................................... 8 7.2. Module Integrity ................................................................................................. 9 7.3. Other Assumptions.............................................................................................. 9 8. Cryptographic Key Management................................................................................ 9 8.1. Key Generation................................................................................................... 9 8.2. Key Establishment .............................................................................................. 9 8.3. Key Entry and Output....................................................................................... 10 8.4. Key Storage....................................................................................................... 10 8.5. Key Destruction ................................................................................................ 10 9. Self-Tests .................................................................................................................. 10 9.1. Power-up Self-tests........................................................................................... 10 9.2. Conditional Tests .............................................................................................. 11 10. Design Assurance.................................................................................................. 12 10.1. Configuration Management .......................................................................... 12 10.2. Delivery and Operation................................................................................. 13 10.3. Guidance Documents.................................................................................... 13 11. Mitigation of Other Attacks.................................................................................. 13 12. References............................................................................................................. 13 APPENDIX A: Master Components List ......................................................................... 14 A.1. Hardware Components.......................................................................................... 14 A.2. Software Components........................................................................................... 14 APPENDIX B: Finite State Model ................................................................................... 15 B.1. Diagram................................................................................................................. 15 B.2. Descriptions........................................................................................................... 16 B.3. Transition Conditions and Events ......................................................................... 17 iii 7/27/2005 SECURITY POLICY FIPS 140-2 LEVEL 1 VALIDATION CRYPTO++ LIBRARY 1. Introduction 1.1. Purpose This document specifies the Security Policy for the Crypto++ library. This Security Policy was produced as part of the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 Level 1 validation of the Crypto++ library versions 5.0.4 and 5.2.3. This document is non-proprietary. 1.2. Documents The Crypto++ Security Policy is provided as part of the following submission package: • Security Policy contains: • Security Policy • Master Components List (in Appendix) • Finite State Model (in Appendix) • Crypto Officer and User Guide contains: • Crypto Officer Guide • User Guide • Source Code Description (in Appendix) • API Reference • Source Code A Protection Profile is not required or provided as supporting documentation for this validation. 1.3. Crypto++ Library Crypto++ is a free open source C++ class library of general-purpose cryptographic algorithms and schemes. It provides a C++ Application Programming Interface (API) for cryptographic functionality such as digital signing and verification, encryption and decryption, hashing, key agreement schemes, key derivation functions, secret sharing, random number generation, and more. The library may be compiled for a number of platforms and operating systems, including Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, MacOS, Linux, FreeBSD, and other Unix-type operating systems. However only the Windows DLL version has undergone the FIPS 140-2 validation process. For more information, please refer to 1 7/27/2005 1.4. Changes Between Version 5.0.4 and Version 5.2.3 The following is a summary of changes between version 5.0.4 and version 5.2.3 of the cryptographic module: • PSS and ISO/ANSI variants of RSA signature were added. • SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 were added. • Start-up self tests were added for the above algorithms. • CFB mode now requires that the message length be a multiple of the block cipher’s block size. 2. Module Specification For the purposes of FIPS 140-2 validation, Crypto++ is provided as a dynamic link library (DLL), cryptopp.dll, running on Microsoft Windows operating systems. Henceforth, the DLL package of Crypto++ will simply be referred to as the “Crypto++ library” (or for brevity, just “library”). 2.1. Module In FIPS 140-2 terminology, the Crypto++ library is classified as a multi-chip standalone Module. The library was validated as meeting all FIPS 140-2 level 1 physical security and operating system requirements on Microsoft Windows 2000 in single-user mode. The Crypto++ source code and compilations of the Crypto++ source code that have not undergone FIPS validation are not considered FIPS validated. The Crypto++ library contains only Approved cryptographic algorithms. Non-Approved algorithms implemented in the Crypto++ product are not included in the FIPS validated DLL package. Section 4.2 Services provides a list of implemented Approved algorithms. The APIs to these functions are exported from the DLL so they can be used by a calling application. 2.2. Boundary The physical boundary for the Module is defined as the enclosure of the computer system on which the functions of the Module execute. The logical boundary contains the software modules that comprise the Crypto++ library. 2.3. Hardware Platform For FIPS 140-2 testing, the library was installed and tested on a Dell OptiPlex GX1 Personal Computer system with: • an Intel Pentium III 450 MHz processor • 128 MB system RAM (DIMM) • 2 serial ports and 1 parallel port • 4.3 GB hard drive • Windows 2000 Professional Operating System, Service Pack 1 (operating in single operator mode). 2 7/27/2005 The hardware platform enclosure completely surrounds the entire Module. The enclosure material is standard production-grade material customarily used for this purpose. 2.4. Module Block Diagram The following block diagram shows the keyboard and mouse ports as physical ports for data or control input, and the monitor port as the physical port for data and status output. PHYSICAL LAYER (PC) H-DISK MEMORY (DIMM) POWER NETWORK PORT KEYBOARD PORT MOUSE PORT MONITOR PORT CPU SYSTEM BUS I/O PORTS Physical Boundary Crypto++ DLL Logical Boundary 2.5. Software Environment The software environment in which the Module was validated is the Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional operating system. The execution platform is a standard commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) computing platform running the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system. For level 1 Operating System Security, the software Module remains compliant with the FIPS 140-2 validation when operating on any general purpose computer (GPC) since the software of the Module does not require modification when ported. Although not officially tested by the FIPS testing laboratory, the FIPS validated Crypto++ library can also execute (without modification) on Windows ’95, ’98, NT, 2000, and XP. The library does not require use of specialized cryptographic hardware. 2.6. Approved Mode of Operation No special configuration is required to operate the Module in a FIPS 140-2 mode. The Module performs only Approved cryptographic algorithms and security functions. Therefore the Module is in the Approved mode of operation at all times. The list of implemented Approved security functions are described in Section 4.2 Services. 3 7/27/2005 3. Module Ports and Interfaces The logical interfaces to the Module consist of a C++ Application Programming Interface (API) exported by the Crypto++ DLL. The physical interfaces are standard I/O ports found on a computer for connecting external devices such as monitors and keyboards. (Note: These external devices are outside the physical boundary of the crypto Module and are not part of the Crypto++ validation.) The following table describes the logical interfaces and physical ports in more detail: Interface Logical Interface Physical Port Data Input Data passed to the API calls to be used by the Module. Standard Input Port (e.g. Keyboard) Date Output Data returned from API calls, generated by the Module Standard Output Port (e.g. Monitor) Control Input Exported API calls N/A Status Output C++ exceptions and the GetPowerUpSelfTestStatus() function Standard Output Port (e.g. Monitor) Power N/A Supplied by PC Data entered into and output from the Module are kept separated throughout the software of the Module. The software design maintains separation of the Module’s logical paths. These logical paths are used for output data exiting the Module during functions such as key generation and zeroization of cryptographic keys and Critical Security Parameters (CSPs). The Crypto++ API Reference document identifies separate parameters (objects and functions) that behave as the Module’s control input and status output. 4. Roles, Services, and Authentication The Security Policy states the security rules and operations by which the Module operates. By specifying roles, access controls, services, and security-relevant data items, the Security Policy defines the data items that operators can access while performing specific services in specific roles. 4.1. Roles The Module supports a User role and a Crypto Officer role as defined in FIPS 140-2 standard as follows: 4 7/27/2005 User The User is any entity that can access services provided by the Module. The User role is implicitly selected when a process calls any API function in the Module. Crypto Officer The Crypto Officer is any entity that can install the Module onto the computer system, configure the operating system, or access services provided by the Module. The Crypto Officer may access all services, the same as a User. The Crypto Officer has no special access to any keys or data. The Crypto Officer role is implicitly selected when installing the Module or configuring the operating system. The Module does not support a Maintenance role. 4.2. Services The following tables provide information about the services available within the Module. To see the detailed interface descriptions for these services, look up the respective implementation object class of function in the Crypto++ API Reference. 5 7/27/2005 Version 5.0.4 of the Module provides the following services: Service Type Algorithm FIPS Implementation Object Class or Function AES FIPS 197 ECB_Mode, CTR_Mode, CBC_Mode, CFB_Mode, OFB_Mode Triple-DES (2-key) FIPS 46-3 ECB_Mode, CTR_Mode, CBC_Mode, CFB_Mode, OFB_Mode Triple-DES (3-key) FIPS 46-3 ECB_Mode, CTR_Mode, CBC_Mode, CFB_Mode, OFB_Mode Symmetric Cipher Skipjack FIPS 185 ECB_Mode< SKIPJACK>, CTR_Mode< SKIPJACK>, CBC_Mode< SKIPJACK>, CFB_Mode< SKIPJACK>, OFB_Mode< SKIPJACK> RSA Signature1 -------- RSASSA DSA FIPS 186-2 DSA Digital Signature and Key Generation ECDSA FIPS 186-2 ECDSA, ECDSA Message Digest SHA-1 FIPS 180-2 SHA CBC-MAC/Triple- DES FIPS 113 CBC_MAC, CBC_MAC Message Authentication HMAC-SHA1 FIPS 198 HMAC Random Number Generator ANSI X9.31-1998 - Appendix A ----- AutoSeededX917RNG2 Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement ----- DH Key Establishment RSA Key Transport ----- RSAES > Self-Test N/A DoPowerUpSelfTest Other Functions Self-Test Status N/A GetPowerUpSelfTestStatus 1 Specified in PKCS #1 version 2.1 as RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5. 2 The RNG is seeded using the CryptGenRandom API provided by the Windows operating system’s CryptoAPI library. 6 7/27/2005 Version 5.2.3 of the Module provides the following services: Service Type Algorithm FIPS Implementation Object Class or Function AES FIPS 197 ECB_Mode, CTR_Mode, CBC_Mode, CFB_FIPS_Mode, OFB_Mode Triple-DES (2-key) FIPS 46-3 ECB_Mode, CTR_Mode, CBC_Mode, CFB_FIPS_Mode, OFB_Mode Triple-DES (3-key) FIPS 46-3 ECB_Mode, CTR_Mode, CBC_Mode, CFB_FIPS_Mode, OFB_Mode Symmetric Cipher Skipjack FIPS 185 ECB_Mode< SKIPJACK>, CTR_Mode< SKIPJACK>, CBC_Mode< SKIPJACK>, CFB_FIPS_Mode< SKIPJACK>, OFB_Mode< SKIPJACK> RSA Signature PKCS Variants3 ----- RSASSA, where Padding can be PKCS1v15 or PSS, and Hash can be SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, or SHA512 RSA Signature ISO/ANSI Variant4 ----- RSASSA_ISO, where Hash can be SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, or SHA512 DSA FIPS 186-2 DSA Digital Signature and Key Generation ECDSA FIPS 186-2 ECDSA, where CurveType can be ECP or EC2N, and Hash can be SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, or SHA512 Message Digest SHA FIPS 180-2 SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, or SHA512 CBC-MAC/Triple- DES FIPS 113 CBC_MAC, CBC_MAC Message Authentication HMAC-SHA FIPS 198 HMAC, where and Hash can be SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, or SHA512 Random Number Generator ANSI X9.31-1998 - Appendix A ----- AutoSeededX917RNG5 Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement ----- DH Key Establishment RSA Key Transport ----- RSAES > Self-Test N/A DoPowerUpSelfTest Other Functions Self-Test Status N/A GetPowerUpSelfTestStatus 3 Specified in PKCS #1 version 2.1 as RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 and RSASSA-PSS. 4 Specified in ANSI X9.31-1998. 5 The RNG is seeded using the CryptGenRandom API provided by the Windows operating system’s CryptoAPI library. 7 7/27/2005 The following table identifies CSPs and types of available access for the supported services. Service Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Type(s) of Access (e.g., RWE) ANSI X9.31-1998 - Appendix A Random Number Generation Seed value, seed key, random number No operator access to the seed, which is generated internally. RW access to the random number. AES, Triple-DES, Skipjack Encryption and Decryption Secret key RW RSA, DSA, ECDSA Signing Private key RW RSA, DSA, ECDSA Verification Public Key RW RSA Key Transport, DH Key Agreement Private and Public Keys RW SHA Hashing Hash RW CBC-MAC/Triple-DES, HMAC-SHA Generation Secret key and hash RW There are presently no FIPS Approved asymmetric key establishment techniques. 4.3. Authentication Within the constraints of FIPS 140-2 level 1, the Module does not directly implement User authentication; it depends on the operating system for operator authentication. 5. Finite State Model See “APPENDIX B: Finite State Model”. 6. Physical Security The Module was tested while executing on a standard Intel-compatible personal computer platform. This platform (and other Intel compatible platforms) and the executing software comprise a multi-chip standalone Module that includes standard, production grade components, standard passivation, and an enclosure of production grade strength, meeting all FIPS 140-2 level 1 physical security requirements. 7. Operational Environment 7.1. Operating System Requirements Each user process in the operating system has its own virtual address space with its own copy of the executable code. When a process loads the Crypto++ DLL (Module), it maps the Module into its own virtual address space and then calls the DLL’s exported functions. The Module uses and allocates memory from the virtual address space of the calling process. The Module is completely independent and in its own process. The Module itself does not communicate with other processes, for example, using any operating system inter- process communication mechanisms. So no other process can access private and secret keys or other CSPs. The Module is restricted to a Single Operator Mode of Operation, per FIPS 140-2 requirements. The operating system is responsible for multitasking operations so that 8 7/27/2005 other processes cannot intervene when the Module is active at a particular instance in time. 7.2. Module Integrity The security of the Module does not depend on secrecy of the code contained in the Module. Being open source, the library’s code is accessible to all. However, the integrity of the validated Module is verified through the self-tests described in Section 9 “Self- Tests”. These tests limit opportunities for keys or other CSPs to be disclosed inadvertently. 7.3. Other Assumptions Proper FIPS configuration and usage of the Module requires following instructions in the Crypto Officer Guide and User Guide, and following the rules described in Section 4 “Roles, Services, and Authentication”. 8. Cryptographic Key Management All keys in the Module may be either imported into the Module or internally generated using the Module’s random number generator (RNG). The Module itself keeps these keys in memory only and does not store them in persistent media. 8.1. Key Generation The Module generates keys per FIPS requirements, using the Module’s Approved RNG (specified in ANSI X9.31–1998, Appendix A), in the following manner: • DSA keys are generated according to procedures described in FIPS 186-2. • ECDSA keys are generated according to procedures described in ANSI X9.62. • For RSA keys, the Approved RNG is used to generate the private prime factors p and q. • The remaining keys (AES, Triple-DES, CBC-MAC/Triple-DES, Skipjack, HMAC-SHA) are generated using the Module’s Approved RNG (by generating a random octet string of suitable size). Intermediate key generation values are not output from the Module during the key generation process. The Crypto++ API header files (rsa.h, dsa.h, and rng.h) provide more information on key formats and structures. 8.2. Key Establishment In the absence of a FIPS-approved asymmetric key establishment method (Annex D to FIPS 140-2), the CMVP allows the following commercially available methods to be used in FIPS Approved mode of operation: RSA Key Transport and Diffie-Hellman (DH) Key Agreement. Crypto++ provides APIs for the calling application to use these algorithms. Crypto++ does not place any restrictions on RSA and DH key lengths, and it is the Crypto Officer’s responsibility to choose sufficient key lengths for RSA and/or DH in 9 7/27/2005 order to adequately protect symmetric keys during key establishment. NIST Special Publication 800-57 (Draft) contains a table comparing security strengths of symmetric and asymmetric algorithms at various key lengths. This table can be used to choose an RSA or DH key length for a given symmetric key length. 8.3. Key Entry and Output Keys are entered into and output from the Module in plaintext form through the C++ API. The Module also provides APIs for a calling application to wrap keys for output using RSA key transport. APIs are also provided for a calling application to sign and verify signatures on keys, or create certificates for keys. The module generates seeds and seed keys of its random number generator using the CryptGenRandom API provided by the Windows operating system’s CryptoAPI library. Neither Users nor Crypto Officers have any direct control over generation and entry of these seeds and seed keys. 8.4. Key Storage The Module does not store or archive keys in any persistent storage media. 8.5. Key Destruction The Module stores keys while they are in use in memory only. When the C++ object that encapsulates a key is destroyed, the Module automatically zeroizes the key. It is possible that the operating system may swap memory that contains keys to disk. To zeroize those keys, the User must wipe the swap files. One way to accomplish this is to reformat the hard drive(s) containing the swap file. 9. Self-Tests The Crypto++ library implements both power-up and conditional self-tests to ensure proper operation of the Approved cryptographic algorithms and security functions. 9.1. Power-up Self-tests When the Crypto++ DLL is loaded into a process, it performs a suite of power-up self- tests to ensure the integrity and correct operation of the cryptographic services. The self- tests always run automatically when the DLL is loaded, and do not require any inputs from or actions by the operator. If any self-test fails, the Module enters an error state and prevents any cryptographic operation from being performed. “APPENDIX B: Finite State Model” provides detail of the state transitions. This section describes the power-up self- tests implemented by the Module. 9.1.1. Cryptographic Algorithm Test Version 5.0.4 of the Module performs known answer tests for AES, Triple-DES, Skipjack, SHA-1, HMAC-SHA1, and PKCS #1 1.5 variant of RSA Signature. Version 5.2.3 of the Module performs additional known answer tests for SHA-224, SHA-256, 10 7/27/2005 SHA-384, SHA-512, and ISO/ANSI variants of RSA Signature. For each algorithm, the tests operate on known values, comparing plaintext, ciphertext (or hash, MAC or signature), and intermediate data to determine whether the algorithms perform in the Approved manner. A known answer test for the RNG sets all input parameters to specified values and checks for a specific output value. 9.1.2. Software Integrity Check The read-only data section of the Crypto++ DLL contains an HMAC-SHA1 secret key and value. The value is computed by applying an HMAC over the DLL image, excluding the stored HMAC value in the DLL. During the software integrity self-test, this value is recomputed and verified to match the value stored in the DLL. 9.1.3. Pair-wise Consistency Test Version 5.0.4 of the Module performs pair-wise consistency tests on DSA and ECDSA as described in Section 9.2.1. Version 5.2.3 of the Module performs an additional pair-wise consistency test on the PSS variant of RSA Signature. In contrast to the conditional testing, this power-up self-test verifies the operations on fixed (hard-coded) key pairs. (Since the output of the PKCS #1 1.5 and PSS variants of RSA Signature algorithm are deterministic, they are tested as part of the known answer test described in Section 9.1.1.) 9.1.4. On-Demand Self-test The Module exports an API routine, DoPowerUpSelfTest, which can be called to initiate the self-tests on demand. Minimally, Users can manually initiate the power up self-tests by resetting (restarting) the application. 9.2. Conditional Tests In addition to the power-up self-tests described above, the Module performs on-going tests during execution as described below. If any of these conditional tests fails, the Module throws an exception. 9.2.1. Pair-wise Consistency Test The Module runs a pair-wise consistency test (as specified in FIPS 140-2, section 4.9.2) each time an asymmetric key pair is generated. For the signature keys (i.e., DSA, ECDSA, RSA signature), the Module signs a message using the private key and verifies the signature using the corresponding public key. For key transport keys (i.e., RSA encryption), the Module encrypts a message with the public key, verifies that the ciphertext differs from the plaintext, decrypts the ciphertext with the private key, and verifies that the decrypted value equals the original message. For key agreement keys (i.e., DH), the Module creates a second compatible keypair, performs both sides of the key agreement algorithm, and verifies that the resulting secret keys are equal. 9.2.2. Continuous Random Number Generator Test The Module implements a continuous RNG test (as specified in FIPS 140-2, section 4.9.2) that runs each time the Approved RNG is called. 11 7/27/2005 During the test, the previously generated random number is stored as a variable in memory (not on persistent media). The variable is protected by standard operating system protection mechanisms. As the Module’s RNG consistently generates fewer than 16 bits (typically as low as 8 bits), the test runs as follows: 1. It stores the first 128 bits for comparison against the next 128 generated bits. 2. It compares each subsequently generated 128 bits against the previously generated 128 bits. 3. It fails if two compared 128-bit sequences are equal. 10. Design Assurance The Module is designed, developed, and deployed in a manner that protects its integrity throughout the process. Guidance is provided to Crypto Officers and Users of the Module. 10.1. Configuration Management 10.1.1. Source Code Management System The vendor uses a secure configuration management system, Concurrent Versions System (CVS), to ensure the integrity of the Module throughout its development. The system stores distinct versions of the Module’s source code. While in storage, files are protected against unauthorized modification, using OpenSSH’s public-key authentication mechanism. Currently, only Wei Dai is allowed modification access to the source files. 10.1.2. Versioning Internal. Whenever a new version of a file is stored in the configuration management system, it is labeled with a unique version number. These version numbers are used internally to allow developers to roll back to previous versions of a Module, if necessary. These internally managed version numbers are not seen by end-users. FIPS Testing. A FIPS testing laboratory is provided with a zip file containing the Crypto++ DLL, the test application, source code and other supporting documents serving evaluation needs. The file name of each submitted zip container file contains the date and time stamp. All contained files are considered to be of that version. Evaluators can use the date/time stamp attribute of individual files to determine whether an individual file has been modified. Documentation files will have a date and revision number on the title page. User Delivery. Each public release of the product carries a unique product version number. This allows users to distinguish the validated product from other product versions. The product uses a conventional version numbering scheme (for example “version 5.2.3”) in which major releases are noted by incrementing the unit digit and minor updates to a release are noted by incrementing the decimal digit(s). A change log available with each product version describes the associated changes made for that release. 12 7/27/2005 10.2. Delivery and Operation The Source Code Description and Crypto++ API Reference documents provide more information on the design and implementation of the Module. In addition to understanding the versioning information provided in the previous section, application developers should ensure that the proper version of the Module is delivered by verifying a Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) signature on the Crypto++ DLL. The Crypto Officer Guide explains how to verify the signature on the library. The following fingerprint6 identifies the PGP (2048-bit RSA) public key that is used to sign the library: F1F2 7D64 0CAA 3C65 763D 2508 F190 1AEB 0454 9843 10.3. Guidance Documents The Crypto Officer Guide instructs Crypto Officers to properly install, configure, and maintain the Module. The User Guide and Crypto++ API Reference explain the proper and complete use of the library’s Approved cryptographic services and functions. 11. Mitigation of Other Attacks The Module does not provide security mechanisms to defend against attacks beyond those required by FIPS 140-2 level 1 for monitoring the integrity of the Module. 12. References For more information about the Crypto++ library, please visit the product website at The following documents were used to support validation of the Crypto++ library. [1] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules. FIPS 140-2, 25 May, 2001. [2] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Derived Test Requirements for FIPS PUB 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, Draft, November 15, 2001. [3] FIPS 197 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) [4] FIPS 46-3 Data Encryption Standard (DES) [5] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Digital Signature Standard (DSS), FIPS 186-2, October 5, 2001. [6] American Bankers Association, Digital Signatures Using Reversible Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry (rDSA), ANSI X9.31-1998. [7] American Bankers Association, Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry: The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), ANSI X9.62-1998. 6 A fingerprint is a SHA1 hash of a public key. It uniquely identifies the key and is easier for humans to read than the public key value that is much longer. 13 7/27/2005 [8] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Secure Hash Standard, FIPS 180-2, August 1, 2002. [9] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) FIPS 198, issued March 6, 2002. [10] RSA Laboratories. PKCS #1: RSA Encryption Standard. Version 2.1, June 14, 2002. [11] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Recommendation for Key Management – Part 1: General, NIST Special Publication 800-57 (Draft), April, 2005. APPENDIX A: Master Components List The Crypto++ library is software that is intended to operate as part of an application on a personal computer platform under the Windows® 2000 Professional operating system.7 The Module includes the validated Crypto++ DLL and the hardware elements of the personal computer platform. Neither the operating system nor the calling application is a component of the Module. A.1. Hardware Components The following listed hardware elements are components of the Module. The components are standard production-quality integrated circuits or components designed to meet commercial-grade specifications for power, temperature, reliability, shock, vibration, and so on. • The PC enclosure • The central processing unit (CPU) • The hard drive • Memory • CD-ROM drive • Floppy disk drive A.2. Software Components The following listed software elements are components of the Module. • The Crypto++ DLL, version 5.0.4 or 5.2.3 The Source Code Description lists all the software Modules that make up the Crypto++ DLL. 7 See Section 2.5 Software Environment for other qualified operating systems. 14 7/27/2005 APPENDIX B: Finite State Model This section describes the finite state model of the Crypto++ library. The Module can be in only one state at a time. State transitions are driven by various software events or actions. Crypto Officer operations are outside the scope of this state model. B.1. Diagram Not Loaded Loaded Load Failure Initialized Self-Test Error 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 Self-Test Error Exception Handling Operation Error Exception Handling 6 12 13 10 11 Uncaught Exception Application Exit 15 4 14 15 7/27/2005 B.2. Descriptions B.2.1. Not Loaded The Module is in the Not Loaded state when it has not been loaded into memory. The Not Loaded state corresponds to the Power-Off state defined in FIPS 140-2. B.2.2. Loaded The Loaded state corresponds to the Power-On state defined in FIPS 140-2. In the Loaded state, the Module is running but the power-on self-test has not yet run. The Module immediately runs the power-on self-test and automatically transitions to the next state. If the self-test runs successfully, the Module transitions to the Initialized state. On self-test failure, the Module transitions to the Self-Test Error state. B.2.3. Load Failure The Module enters the Load Failure state for any load failure such as file not found, incorrect parameter passed or other error. B.2.4. Self-Test Error The Module enters the Self-Test Error state if any self-test fails, setting a global self-test error flag. This flag lets the application detect the Self-Test Error state and handle the error, performing (for instance) a graceful program termination if that is the appropriate action. If the application does not check the flag and tries to perform a cryptographic operation, an exception is thrown and the Module enters the Self-Test Exception Handling state. B.2.5. Initialized The Module enters the Initialized state after all self-tests pass. In this state, the Module is idle, waiting for an operation from the calling application. Successful operations return the Module to this state. B.2.6. Operation Error Exception Handling The Module enters the Operation Error Exception Handling state by throwing a C++ exception after any security operation fails. In this state the calling application may attempt to catch the exception. If the exception is caught, then the Module transitions back to the Initialized state. Otherwise the Module transitions to the Uncaught Exception state. B.2.7. Self-Test Error Exception Handling The Module enters the Self-Test Error Exception Handling state by throwing a C++ exception when the calling application attempts to perform a security operation while the 16 7/27/2005 Module is in the Self-Test Error state. In this state, the calling application may attempt to catch the exception. If the exception is caught, the Module transitions back to the Self- Test Error state. Otherwise the Module transitions to the Uncaught Exception state. B.2.8. Uncaught Exception The Module enters the Uncaught Exception state when the calling application fails to catch the C++ exception thrown by the Module when it entered the Operation Error Exception Handling state or the Self-Test Error Exception Handling state. In this state, the Module throws the exception up the stack until it is caught and handled by a higher layer in the stack or it is not caught and the program exits. B.2.9. Application Exit The Module enters the Application Exit state when the user exits the application normally from the Initialized state. Abnormal conditions causing transitions to this state are uncaught exceptions, and self-test errors. B.3. Transition Conditions and Events This section describes the conditions or events that cause transitions (numbered) in the State Diagram. 1. Load fails due to file not found error, incorrect parameter, or other error. 2. Load succeeds. 3. Self-test succeeds. This transition occurs when all self-tests pass. 4. Self-test fails. This transition occurs when any self-test fails. 5. User operation succeeds. 6. User exits application. 7. User operation failure due to invalid key, algorithm parameters, or other error. Exception thrown. 8. User operation exception caught. 9. Self-test error exception caught. 10. Operation attempted while in Self-Test error state. Exception thrown. 11. Self-test error flag detected. Program terminates. 12. User operation exception not caught. 13. Self-test error exception not caught. 14. Automatic Transition. Program terminates. 15. Automatic Transition. Program unloaded from memory. 17 7/27/2005 18 Current State Input Output Next State 1 Not Loaded Load Failure Load Failure Error Message Load Failure 2 Not Loaded Load Success Load Success Message Loaded 3 Loaded Run self-test automatically. Self-Test Success Initialized 4 Loaded Run self-test automatically. Self-Test Failure Self-Test Error 5 Initialized Cryptographic operation Operation success Initialized 6 Initialized User exits program Operation success Application Exit 7 Initialized Cryptographic operation Operation failure Exception Handling 8 Operation Error ExceptionHandling Catch exception Exception caught Initialized 9 Self-Test Error Exception Handling Catch exception Exception caught Self-Test Error 10 Self-Test Error Attempt Cryptographic operation Throw Exception Self-Test Exception Handling 11 Self-Test Error Check Self-Test Error Flag Error flag detected Application Exit 12 Operation Error ExceptionHandling Not catch exception Exception not caught Uncaught Exception 13 Self-Test Error Exception Handling Not catch exception Exception not caught Uncaught Exception 14 Uncaught Exception Automatic transition No output Application Exit 15 Application Exit Automatic transition Application and crypto Module unloaded from memory Not Loaded