SymantecCryptographicModule 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy 1.0 Symantec Cryptographic Module Documentation version 1.0 Copyright Notice Copyright © 2003, 2004 Symantec Corporation. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact, including this Copyright Notice. Trademarks Symantec and the Symantec logo are U.S. registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation. Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................ 5 Cryptographic Module .......................................................................................... 5 Roles and Services ......................................................................................... 6 Ports and Interfaces ...................................................................................... 8 Finite State Model ........................................................................................11 Operational Environment ..................................................................................12 Cryptographic Key Management .......................................................................12 Self-Tests ..............................................................................................................14 Mitigation of Other Attacks ...............................................................................14 4 Contents Symantec Cryptographic Module 1.0 Security Policy Introduction This document is the non-proprietary security policy for the Symantec Cryptographic Module. It was submitted as part of the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 Level 1 validation process. For more information about the standards and the validation process for cryptographic modules, visit the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC) Web site at the following Web address: Cryptographic Module The Symantec Cryptographic Module is a software library that contains only FIPS-approved cryptographic algorithms. It can be executed on computer systems that run Microsoft Windows 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, and 2003, but it has only been validated on computer systems that are running Windows 2000 and Windows XP Professional. For the purposes of FIPS 140-2 Level 1 validation, version 1.0 of the Symantec Cryptographic Module library (hereafter called the SymCrypt library) is a single, dynamic link library (DLL) named SymCrypt.dll. It provides a C-language application program interface (API) for use by other processes that require message digest and symmetric encryption and decryption functionality. The SymCrypt library is classified as a multi-chip standalone module. The logical cryptographic boundary of the SymCrypt library is the DLL file itself. The physical boundary of the SymCrypt library is the enclosure of the computer system on which it is executing. The SymCrypt library does not communicate with anything other than the process that calls it. It makes no network or inter- process connections and creates no files. The SymCrypt library was tested on a DELL OptiPlex GX1 computer running Microsoft Windows XP Professional and on a DELL OptiPlex GX1 computer running Microsoft Windows 2000. The system meets level 3 EMI/EMC security requirements - Subpart B of FCC part 15 requirements. (FCC Certificate Proprietary & Confidential Number JGY-INF10280). 6 Cryptographic Module Table 1-1 lists the validation levels for each FIPS 140-2 section. Roles and Services The SymCrypt library supports the following authorized operator roles: ■ User Role: The User is any entity that can load the SymCrypt library DLL and call any of its API functions. The User role has access to all of the services that are provided by the SymCrypt library. ■ Crypto Officer Role: The Crypto Officer is any entity that can install the SymCrypt library on the operating system. The Crypto Officer role is assumed implicitly when the operator of the computer installs the SymCrypt library. The SymCrypt library does not supply a Maintenance role or mode. Table 1-1 FIPS 140-2 Validation Levels Section Section Title Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 1 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 4 Finite State Model 1 5 Physical Security Not applicable 6 Operational Environment 1 7 Crytographic Key Management 1 8 EMI/EMC 3 9 Self-tests 1 10 Design Assurance 1 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks Not applicable 14 Cryptographic Module Security Policy 1 7 Cryptographic Module The SymCrypt library implements the following FIPS-approved algorithms: API functions exist to provide other processes with access to the SHA-1, TDES, and AES algorithms. No external API exists to access the ANSI X9.31 random number generation algorithm. It is used internally to create random AES key data and random TDES key data. Windows XP Professional ■ SHA-1 hashing algorithm [Cert #248] (FIPS 180-2) ■ HMAC-SHA-1 keyed hash message authentication [Cert #5] (FIPS 198a) ■ AES symmetric cipher algorithm in CBC or ECB mode with key lengths of 128, 192, or 256 bits [Cert #164] (FIPS 197) ■ Triple-DES (TDES) symmetric cipher algorithm in ECB mode with a key length of 168 bits [Cert #266] (FIPS 46-3) ■ ANSI X9.31 random number generation algorithm [Cert #12] Windows 2000 Professional ■ SHA-1 hashing algorithm [Cert #248] (FIPS 180-2) ■ HMAC-SHA-1 keyed hash message authentication [Cert #5] (FIPS 198a) ■ AES symmetric cipher algorithm in CBC or ECB mode with key lengths of 128, 192, or 256 bits [Cert #164] (FIPS 197) ■ Triple-DES (TDES) symmetric cipher algorithm in ECB mode with a key length of 168 bits [Cert #266] (FIPS 46-3) ■ ANSI X9.31 random number generation algorithm [Cert #12] 8 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces The physical ports of the SymCrypt library are the same as the computer system on which it is executing. The logical interface is a C-language application program interface (API). Figure 1-1 shows the physical boundary of the Symantec Cyptographic Module. Figure 1-1 Symantec Crytographic Module Block Diagram The SymCrypt library maintains separation of the Data Input, Data Output, Control Input, and Status Output interfaces. The Data Input interface contains the input parameters of the API functions. The Data Output interface contains the output parameters of the API functions. The Control Input interface contains the actual API functions. The Status Output interface includes the return values of the API functions and the output parameters of the ScmGetStatus() function. 9 Cryptographic Module Table 1-2 lists the types of data that are received and sent through each interface. Table 1-3 lists the functions that comprise the logical interface of the SymCrypt library API. Processes that require FIPS 140-2 approved cryptography can use all of these functions because the SymCrypt library does not contain any non- approved algorithms or modes. Table 1-2 SymCrypt Interface Data Types Interface Data Type Data Input Key Data Key Parameters Plaintext for encryption Ciphertext for decryption Plaintext for hashing Data Output Key Data Key Parameters Ciphertext from the encryption process Plaintext from the decryption process Hash value Control Input Initialize/Shutdown Key Generation Encryption/Decryption start Destroy key data Create/Destroy hash Self-test Status Output Error returned by most recent API function call Table 1-3 SymCrypt API Functions Service Function Setup ScmInitialize Shutdown ScmShutdown AES and TDES Key Creation ScmImportKey ScmSetKeyInfo 10 Cryptographic Module AES and TDES Key Data Export ScmExportKey ScmGetKeyInfo AES and TDES Encryption ScmBeginEncrypt ScmEncrypt ScmFinishEncrypt AES and TDES Decryption ScmBeginDecrypt ScmDecrypt ScmFinishDecrypt Destruction and Zeroization of key data in memory ScmDestroyKey ScmClearAllData SHA-1 Hashing ScmCreateHash ScmHashData ScmHashValue ScmDestroyHash Note: The API for SHA-1 Hashing does not allow the data length to be zero (0). Self-Test ScmPerformSelfTest Status ScmGetStatus Table 1-3 SymCrypt API Functions Service Function 11 Cryptographic Module Finite State Model The SymCrypt library maintains a current state value that can be read through the ScmGetStatus() API function. Table 1-4 identifies the various states and how they are entered. Table 1-4 State Table State Purpose Valid API Functions State Change Not Loaded Not applicable. None When loaded, go to Self-Test state Self-Test Verify integrity of module and algorithms. ScmGetStatus() If any test fails, go to unrecoverable Error state. If all tests succeed, return to the previous state. If previous state was Not Loaded, go to Loaded state. Error Notify user that a fault has occurred. ScmGetStatus() If error is unrecoverable, module must be unloaded. If error is recoverable, the next function call will clear the error. Loaded Module has no key data, and no operator role is active. ScmGetStatus(), ScmInitialize(), ScmPerformSelfTest() Call ScmInitialize() to move the module into User state. Call ScmPerformSelfTest() to move the module into Self-Test state. User Module has the User operator role active, can accept data and control input, and can return data output. All functions Call ScmShutdown() to return the Module to Loaded state. Call ScmPerformSelfTest() to move the module to Self-Test state. Key Import Operator has called the ScmImportKey function. The Module reads the key data from the data input port. Not applicable Module returns to User state upon completion of the ScmImportKey API function. Key Export Operator has called the ScmExportKey function. The Module writes the key data to the data output port. Not applicable Module returns to User state upon completion of the ScmExportKey API function. 12 Operational Environment Figure 1-2 shows each state and the transition between states. Figure 1-2 SymCrypt Library State Transition Diagram Operational Environment The Microsoft Windows operating system segregates user processes into process spaces. Each process space is an independent virtual memory area that is logically separated from all other process by the operating system and CPU. The SymCrypt library functions completely within the process space of the process that loads it. The SymCrypt library does not communicate with any processes other than the one that loads it, and satisfies the FIPS 140-2 requirement for a single user mode of operation. Cryptographic Key Management Only the process that created or imported an AES or TDES key can export or use it. This is enforced both by the operating system and by additional checks in the SymCrypt library. No persistent storage of key data is performed. All API functions in the SymCrypt library are executed in mutual exclusion such that no two API functions will execute at the same time. 13 Cryptographic Key Management Table 1-5 lists the types of secure data that is managed by the SymCrypt library. A user can perform key zeroization of a single AES or TDES key, or of all AES and TDES keys, by calling an API function. When the DLL is unloaded from memory, all AES keys, all TDES keys, and the random number generator’s seed and seed key are zeroized. The HMAC-SHA-1 exists in the module’s DLL file and can be zeroized by removing the file’s image from the hard drive upon which is installed. Table 1-5 Key Management Mechanisms Role Service Key and CSP Data Access Rights by Operators User Setup None Not applicable User Shutdown None Not applicable User SHA-1 Hashing None Not applicable User Status None Not applicable User Self-Test HMAC-SHA-1 secret key Use User AES and TDES Key Data Import Secret keys Write User AES and TDES Key Data Export Secret keys Read User AES and TDES Encryption Secret keys Use User AES and TDES Decryption Secret keys Use User Destruction and Zeroization of key data in memory Secret keys Write 14 Self-Tests Self-Tests The SymCrypt library conducts module integrity and algorithm self-tests to guarantee correct operation. The tests are performed automatically when the SymCrypt library is loaded, without the need for operator input. Self-tests are also performed when the self-test API function is called. If any self-test fails, the SymCrypt library enters an unrecoverable error state and prevents itself from being used for any cryptographic purpose. The power-up self-tests are as follows: ■ SHA-1 known answer test ■ HMAC-SHA-1 known answer test ■ AES known answer test ■ TDES known answer test ■ Random number generator known answer test ■ DLL file integrity test The known answer tests function by providing specific input to the algorithm and testing the output against a specific expected value. The DLL file integrity test computes an HMAC-SHA-1 value of the DLL file’s contents, loads a file named SymCrypt.edc that contains the expected HMAC-SHA-1 result, and compares the two values. If they do not match, or if the SymCrypt.edc file does not exist, the module integrity self-test fails, and the SymCrypt library refuses access to all of its services. The random number generator is also tested on a continual basis. All newly generated random data is compared with the previously generated data. If a match is found, the continuous random number generator self-test fails. Mitigation of Other Attacks The SymCrypt library does not contain additional security mechanisms besides the requirements for FIPS 140-2 Level 1 cryptographic modules.