mRevenector 2011 - Security Policy Security Policy mRevenector 2011 Version 1.3 Hardware P/N: 580036020300/01 Firmware Version: Bootloader: 90.0036.0201.00/2011485001 Software-Loader: 90.0036.0206.00/2011485001 Francotyp-Postalia GmbH Development Department Dirk Rosenau / Hasbi Kabacaoglu Triftweg 21-26 D-16547 Birkenwerder Germany mRevenector 2011 - Security Policy - page 2 of 13 - NON-CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.3 Contents 1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................3 2 Cryptographic Module Specification .............................................................................................5 3 Cryptographic Ports, Interfaces & Excluded Components...............................................................6 4 Rules of Operation .....................................................................................................................7 5 Roles, Services, Authentication & Identification ............................................................................8 6 Physical Security......................................................................................................................10 7 Cryptographic Keys and Critical Security Parameters ...................................................................11 8 Self-Tests................................................................................................................................12 9 Mitigating Other Attacks ...........................................................................................................13 Figures Figure: 1 mRevenector 2011 .............................................................................................................3 Tables Table 1: FIPS 140-2 Approved Security Functions................................................................................3 Table 2: FIPS 140-2 Security Levels ...................................................................................................5 Table 3: Cryptographic Ports & Types ................................................................................................6 Table 4: Services and Roles...............................................................................................................8 Table 5: Critical Security Parameters................................................................................................11 Table 6: FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Algorithm Tests...........................................................................12 mRevenector 2011 - Security Policy - page 3 of 13 - NON-CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.3 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview Francotyp-Postalia (FP) is one of the leading global suppliers of mail center solutions. A major component of the business of FP is the development, manufacture and support of postal franking machines (postage meters). These postal franking machines incorporate a postal security device (PSD) that performs all postage meter cryptographic and postal security functions and which protects both Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) and Postal Relevant Data Items (PRDIs) from unauthorized access. The mRevenector 2011 is FP’s latest generation of PSD. This document forms a Cryptographic Module Security Policy for the cryptographic module of the device under the terms of the NIST FIPS 140-2 validation. This Security Policy specifies the security rules under which this device operates. 1.2 Purpose of Module The main purpose of the Cryptographic Module is the running of the Start Firmware service. The selected firmware is authenticated and prepared for secure execution. To do this, the device must be in an authenticated role. Once the firmware has been loaded, control is passed to it. 1.3 Implementation The mRevenector 2011 is a multiple-chip embedded cryptographic module, based around a cryptographic integrated circuit, together with a small number of support components. The components, mounted on a PCB, are covered by hard opaque potting material. The module has a proprietary electrical connector forming the interface to the module. 1.4 Modes of Operation and Security Functions The module only has one mode of operation, its FIPS Approved mode of operation. It implements the following FIPS-Approved security functions: Security Function Approval AES-128 (encrypt and decrypt), ECB and CBC, as specified in FIPS 197. NIST Certificate #1493 SHA-256 as specified in FIPS 180-2.* NIST Certificate #1346 HMAC SHA-256 as specified in FIPS 198* NIST Certificate #878 RSA PKCS#1 (signature verification) using SHA-256 NIST Certificate #732 DRBG as specified in NIST SP800-90 DRBG. NIST Certificate #61 * SHA-1 and HMAC-SHA-1 were tested and included on the respective validation certificates; however, these options are not available for use in the module as configured for this validation. Table 1: FIPS 140-2 Approved Security Functions The module has a single, non-Approved algorithm, its hardware implemented NDRNG. Figure: 1 mRevenector 2011 mRevenector 2011 - Security Policy - page 4 of 13 - NON-CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.3 1.5 Approved Deterministic Random Bit Generator The cryptographic module uses a Deterministic Random Bit Generator (DRBG) based on a block cipher algorithm as specified in the recommendation NIST SP 800-90. The implemented CTR DRBG uses AES- 128 as its cryptographic function. The entropy input is at least 128 Bits. The DRBG uses a hardware- based random number generator as the entropy source. mRevenector 2011 - Security Policy - page 5 of 13 - NON-CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.3 2 Cryptographic Module Specification 2.1 FIPS Security Level Compliance The cryptographic module is designed to meet FIPS 140-2 as shown in the table below: Section Security Requirement Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 3 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3 3 Roles, Services and Authentication 3 4 Finite State Model 3 5 Physical Security 3 + EFP/EFT 6 Operational Environment N/A 7 Cryptographic Key Management 3 8 Electromagnetic Interference/ Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMI/IMC) 3 9 Self-Tests 3 10 Design Assurance 3 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks 3 Table 2: FIPS 140-2 Security Levels mRevenector 2011 - Security Policy - page 6 of 13 - NON-CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.3 3 Cryptographic Ports, Interfaces & Excluded Components 3.1 Physical Interface The cryptographic module uses a 36 pin card edge connector. The usage of these physical ports for FIPS 140-2 logical interfaces is detailed in the table below: Type Pin Data Input A4, A5, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15 Data Output A4, A5, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15 Control Input A4, A5, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15 Status Output A2, A3, A4, A5, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15 Power A1, A6, A7, A16, A17, A18, B1, B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, B16, B17, B18 Not Used B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B12, B13, B14, B15 Table 3: Cryptographic Ports & Types 3.2 Cryptographic Boundary The cryptographic boundary is defined to be the outer edge of both the epoxy covered printed circuit board and the exposed battery. The battery is excluded from the requirements of FIPS 140-2. It is connected to the circuitry of the module in such a way that it cannot be used to compromise the security of the module. mRevenector 2011 - Security Policy - page 7 of 13 - NON-CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.3 4 Rules of Operation The mRevenector 2011 shall: 1. Support only an Approved mode of operation. 2. Not allow unauthenticated operators to have any access to the module’s cryptographic services. 3. Inhibit data output during self-tests and error states. 4. Logically disconnect data output from the processes performing zeroization and key generation. 5. Enforce identity-based authentication. 6. Not retain the authentication of an operator following power-off or reboot. 7. Support the following roles: Default User, User, and Cryptographic Officer. 8. Not permit the output of plaintext cryptographic keys or other CSPs. 9. Not support a bypass mode or maintenance mode. 10. Perform the self-tests as described in section 8 of this document. 11. Support the following logically distinct interfaces:  Data input interface  Data output interface  Control input interface  Status output interface  Power interface. mRevenector 2011 - Security Policy - page 8 of 13 - NON-CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.3 5 Roles, Services, Authentication & Identification 5.1 Roles In the mRevenector2011 the User and the Cryptographic Officer are the same roles and share the same services. These roles require identity based authentication. The Default User role performs all services which do not read, update, modify or generate critical security parameters (CSPs) and does not require authentication. 5.2 Identity Based Authentication The operator is authenticated using an identity based authentication method. This method is based on a three way handshake protocol using secret pass phrases and user identifications (UIDs) known to both parties. After successful authentication the operator implicitly assumes the Cryptographic Officer (CO) or User role. 5.3 Services The following services are offered by the cryptographic module. The only one that requires authentication is the Program FLASH service. Service Approved Security Functions Used Associated CSPs Roles Notes Reboot Device None None Default User Service to cause the device to reboot. Get Device Status None None Default User Scrap None None Default User Zeroizes all plaintext CSPs. Self-Test All listed in section 1.4 None Default User Performed by power-cycling the device. Local Login AES-CBC HMAC-SHA256 DRBG Passphrase CO or User Required to enter the CO or User role. Logoff None None CO or User Leaves the CO or User role. Program FLASH with Firmware RSA- PKCS#1 V1.5 verification using 2k and SHA-256 Working Encryption & Working Authentication keys CO or User Receives firmware from an external source and programs it into the cryptographic module’s FLASH memory. Select Programmed Firmware None None Default User Configures the bootloader. Table 4: Services and Roles 5.4 Authentication Strength The passphrase contains at least 6 randomly chosen characters for the Cryptographic Officer or User resulting in a total of more than 626 combinations (alphanumeric input). The probability that a random attempt will succeed is therefore 1/(626 ), which is less than 1/1,000,000. Should multiple attempts be made to authenticate during a one-minute period, the probability shall be less than one in 100,000 that a random attempt will succeed or a false acceptance will occur. This is mRevenector 2011 - Security Policy - page 9 of 13 - NON-CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.3 achieved by inserting a delay of 1 second after any failed attempt resulting in a maximum of 60 attempts per minute. The probability is therefore 60/(626 ), which is less than 1/100,000. mRevenector 2011 - Security Policy - page 10 of 13 - NON-CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.3 6 Physical Security All the components of the device, except the battery and the card edge connector, are covered with a hard, tamper-evident potting material, which is opaque within the visible spectrum. Because of the potting material it is not possible to physically access any internal components without seriously damaging the module or causing zeroization. mRevenector 2011 - Security Policy - page 11 of 13 - NON-CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.3 7 Cryptographic Keys and Critical Security Parameters The following section lists the critical and public security parameters that are retained by the device. Critical Security Parameters The table below lists the critical security parameters: Name Algorithm Storage Establishment Generation Destruction Purpose Data Encryption Master Key AES- CBC 128 bits Plaintext N/A Internal DRBG Scrap service or tamper event Serve to encrypt and decrypt other critical security parameters. Data Authentication Master Key (128 bit key) HMAC-SHA256 Plaintext N/A Internal DRBG Scrap service or tamper event Serve to authenticate other critical security parameters. Working Encryption Key AES- CBC 128 bits Not persistently stored N/A Internal DRBG Scrap service, tamper event or power cycle Serve to encrypt and decrypt other internally used data. Working Authentication Key (128 bit key) HMAC-SHA256 Not persistently stored N/A Internal DRBG Scrap service, tamper event or power cycle Serve to authenticate other critical internally used data. DRBG State CTR_DRBG using AES 128 bits Encrypted N/A Seeded by internal NDRNG N/A Internal state of the Deterministic Random Bit Generator. Passphrase N/A Encrypted N/A N/A N/A Identity based authentication Table 5: Critical Security Parameters Public Security Parameters The following public keys are stored in the device:  Firmware Verification Key: RSA 2048 bit certificate used to verify firmware from Francotyp-Postalia. mRevenector 2011 - Security Policy - page 12 of 13 - NON-CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.3 8 Self-Tests 8.1 Power up self tests The following self tests are performed when the module starts (either following a power on, or following the call to a reboot service): Firmware Integrity Test The mRevenector checks the SHA 256 hash of the mRevenector 2011 firmware of the cryptographic module and verifies this against a known signature generated with PKCS#1 V1.5 (Signature Scheme). Cryptographic Algorithm Tests The following table lists the cryptographic algorithm tests for Approved security functions that are performed as part of the power-up self tests. Security Function Type of self-test AES 128 - CBC & EBC Encrypt and Decrypt Known answer tests (KAT) SHA-256 KAT, tested as part of RSA verification HMAC-SHA256 KAT. RSA 2048 verify with SHA256 KAT, includes SHA-256 verification DBRG KAT Table 6: FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Algorithm Tests 8.2 Conditional Tests The following conditional tests are performed: Continuous RNG Test On each access, compares consecutive outputs of the DRBG to ensure that they differ. A Non- Deterministic Random Number Generator (NDRNG) is used for seeding the DRBG. Consecutive outputs of the NDRNG are compared to ensure that they differ. Firmware Load Test The module performs RSA 2048 SHA 256 signature verification for loaded application firmware. 8.3 Error States In the event of an error being detected, the mRevenector 2011 enters an error state. The device remains in the error state until it is rebooted. The error state information can be retrieved via the Get Device Status service. mRevenector 2011 - Security Policy - page 13 of 13 - NON-CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.3 9 Mitigating Other Attacks The device includes environmental failure protection means for the battery voltage. If an attack is detected then the contents of the cryptographic IC’s battery powered key storage are automatically zeroized, leaving the module inoperable. The device is designed in such a way that temperature changes outside the normal operating ranges will not compromise the security of the device. The device includes failure protection means for the frequency of the internal Real Time Clock (RTC). If an attack is detected then the contents of the cryptographic IC’s battery powered key storage are automatically zeroized, leaving the module inoperable. The device includes failure protection means for the main input voltage, the internal core voltage, and the main clock frequency. If one of these conditions is outside a defined range the device is held in the reset condition. The cryptographic module’s processor incorporates a layer of metal shielding as one of its layers, used to detect attempts at intrusion at a die level. In the event of an intrusion attempt being detected, the contents of its battery powered key storage are automatically zeroized leaving the module inoperable. The failure protection for the battery voltage and the RTC frequency and the tamper detection for the physical breach of the module’s physical boundary are present using power from the battery even when the device is switched off. The module’s processor responds by destroying the stored plaintext CSPs.