BlackBerry © 2016 FIP Sec BlackBe Docume BlackBe y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document PS 14 curit erry Crypt ent versio erry Secur hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re 40-2 ty P ographic n 1.8 rity Certifi ule Versions 2 served. produced and di 2 No olicy Java Mod ications, B 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a on-Pr y dule Versio BlackBerry d 2.8.8 and intact includ ropr ons 2.8, 2. y ing this Copyrigh rieta .8.7 and 2 Version Page 1 o Product Security ht Notice ary .8.8 n: 1.8 of 31 y BlackBerry © 2016 Table TABLE OF LIST OF F LIST OF T INTRODUC 1 CRYP 1.1 P 1.2 C 1.3 S 2 CRYP 3 ROLE 3.1 R 3.2 S 3.3 O 4 FINITE 5 PHYS 6 OPER 7 CRYP 7.1 K 7.2 K 7.3 K 7.4 K 7.5 K 8 SELF- 8.1 P 8.2 O 8.3 C 8.4 FA 9 DESIG 9.1 C 9.2 D 9.3 D 9.4 G 10 MITIG 10.1 10.2 y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document of Cont F CONTENTS FIGURES...... TABLES........ CTION ......... 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All rights res may be freely re NTACT INFO ule Versions 2 served. produced and di RMATION.... 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a ...................... d 2.8.8 and intact includ ..................... ing this Copyrigh ..................... Version Page 3 o Product Security ht Notice ...................... n: 1.8 of 31 y ... 31 BlackBerry © 2016 List o Figure 1. B Figure 2. C Figure 3: C y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document of Figure BlackBerry En Cryptographic Cryptographic hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re es nterprise Serv c module hard c module softw ule Versions 2 served. produced and di vice 10 archite dware block d ware block dia 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a ecture............ iagram.......... agram........... d 2.8.8 and intact includ ..................... ..................... ..................... ing this Copyrigh ..................... ..................... ..................... 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All rights res may be freely re s chieved secur n of FIPS 140 vices ............. ptographic alg key size, sec sts ................ ule Versions 2 served. produced and di rity levels per 0-2 interfaces ..................... gorithms........ curity strength ..................... 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a r FIPS 140-2 s ..................... ...................... ...................... h, and access ...................... d 2.8.8 and intact includ section......... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ing this Copyrigh ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... 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All rights res may be freely re graphic Java M ble 1. chieved secur Specification Ports and Int Authentication ent anagement acks Security Poli ule Versions 2 served. produced and di Module meets rity levels per n terfaces n icy 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a s the requirem r FIPS 140-2 s Level 1 1 1 1 N/A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 d 2.8.8 and intact includ ments applica section ing this Copyrigh able to FIPS 1 Version Page 7 o Product Security ht Notice 140-2 Securit n: 1.8 of 31 y ty BlackBerry © 2016 1 Cryp The BlackB that operat • Comme • Comme • A comm 1.1 The genera • CPU (m • Working  In  P  C Note: Key  Prog  Hard  Disp  Key  Mou  Aud  Netw  Seri  Para  USB  Pow Figure 2 ill y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document ptograp Berry Cryptog tes with the fo ercially availa ercially availa mercially avai Physical al, computer microprocesso g memory loc nput/Output b Plaintext/ciphe Control buffer y storage is no gram memory d disk (or disk play controller board interfac use interface, io controller work interface al port allel port B interface wer supply ustrates the c hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re phic mo graphic Java M ollowing comp ble general-p ble Operating lable Java Vir l specific hardware com or) cated on the R buffer ertext buffer ot deployed in y is also locat ks), including r, including th ce including the e configuration ule Versions 2 served. produced and di dule sp Module is a m ponents: purpose comp g System (OS rtual Machine cations mponent cons RAM and con n this module ed on the RA flash memory e touch scree e trackball inte of this compo 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a pecificat multiple-chip, puter hardwar S) that runs on e (JVM) that r sists of the fo tains the follo . 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The modu 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. while mai is applica y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document Compute kBerry Crypt representati ent (JRE) 1. Solaris 10, 3 Solaris 10, 6 Red Hat Lin Red Hat Lin Windows V Windows V Windows 20 kBerry Crypt ative combin ent (JRE) 1. CentOS Li ule will run o Any other S Any other L Any other W AIX Platform HP-UX Plat ntaining its c ble to these hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re er hardw tographic Ja ve combinat .5.0 and 1.6 32-bit SPAR 64-bit SPAR nux AS 5.5, 3 nux AS 5.5, 6 ista, 32-bit x ista, 64-bit x 008 Server, tographic Ja nations of co .8.0 by Orac nux 7.0 64-b on the JREs Solaris Platfo Linux Platform Windows Pla ms, and tforms, compliance t JREs and p ule Versions 2 served. produced and di ware, OS, va Module v tions of com .0 by Sun M RC (Binary c RC (Binary c 32-bit x86 (B 64-bit x86 (B x86 (Binary c x86 (Binary c 64-bit x86 va Module v omputer hard cle: bit x86 1.3.1, and 1 orms, ms, atforms, to the FIPS platforms as 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a and JVM versions 2.8 mputer hardw icrosystems ompatible to ompatible to Binary comp Binary comp compatible to compatible to version 2.8.8 dware and O .4.2, and on 140-2 Level well. d 2.8.8 and intact includ M and 2.8.7 h ware and OS s: o Solaris 9) o Solaris 9) patible to AS patible to AS o Windows 9 o Windows 6 8 has been t OS, running n various har 1 requireme ing this Copyrigh ave been te S, running the 2.1/3.0/4.0/ 4.0/5.0) 98/2000/200 64-bit XP). tested on the the Java Ru rdware and ents. Thus, Version Page 10 o Product Security ht Notice ested on the e Java Runt /5.0) 03/XP) e following untime OS such as this validati n: 1.8 of 31 y time , on BlackBerry © 2016 1.3 The BlackB form of a J because th the compu The interfa Interface (A which the p Key: Cry Dat y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document Software Berry Cryptog ava archive ( he JVM under ter hardware ace into the B API) method c parameters a yptographic boun ta flows hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re e specifi graphic Java M (JAR). The sa rneath the Bla and OS. lackBerry Cry calls. These m nd return cod ndary Figure 3: Cry ule Versions 2 served. produced and di cations Module provid ame binary is ackBerry Cryp yptographic Ja method calls des provide th yptographic m 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a des services used for all id ptographic Ja ava Module is provide the in he control inpu module softw d 2.8.8 and intact includ to the Java c dentified com ava Module w s through App nterface to the ut and status ware block di ing this Copyrigh computer lang mputer hardwa will absorb the plication Prog e cryptograph output (see F iagram Version Page 11 o Product Security ht Notice guage users in are and OS differences o grammer’s hic services, f Figure 3). n: 1.8 of 31 y n the of for BlackBerry © 2016 2 Cryp The crypto and the mo module po Table 2. Im FIPS 140 Data Inpu Data Outp Control In Status Ou Power Inp Maintena y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document ptograp ographic modu odule interfac rts and interfa plementation 0-2 interface ut put nput utput put nce hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re phic mo ule ports corre ces correspon aces. n of FIPS 140- Module API API API Return C Initializa Not sup ule Versions 2 served. produced and di dule po espond to the nd to the mod -2 interfaces e ports Code ation Function ported 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a orts and e physical por ule’s logical in n d 2.8.8 and intact includ d interfa rts of the GPC nterfaces. 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All rights res may be freely re vices, a nd servic ser and Cryp upport multipl operates in a ices AES and TRI -DES only) d Message A on neration (pR SA, ECDSA, R ule Versions 2 served. produced and di nd auth ces to Officer role e or concurre a single-user IPLE-DES) uthentication NG) RSA) 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a henticat es. The modu ent operators mode. Cryp n (SHA, HMA d 2.8.8 and intact includ tion ule does not s and is intend pto Officer         AC)       ing this Copyrigh support a mai ded for use by User Version Page 13 o Product Security ht Notice ntenance role y a single r               n: 1.8 of 31 y e. BlackBerry © 2016 Service Sign Verify Key Zero Key Agre Key pair g Shared se Key Zero KeyWrap Key pair g Wrap Unwrap Key Zero To operate that have b themselves 3.2 The BlackB set of crypt Table 4. Su Type Block Cip y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document ization eement (Diffi generation ecret generat ization pping (RSA) generation ization e the module s been FIPS 14 s to calling FI Security Berry Cryptog tographic algo upported cryp Algor phers DES ( TRIPL [SP80 DESX AES ( CTR, hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re e-Hellman, E tion securely, the 40-2 Approved PS Approved y function graphic Java M orithms suppo ptographic alg rithm (ECB, CBC, C LE-DES (TEC 00-67] X (ECB, CBC (ECB, CBC, C CCM, CMAC ule Versions 2 served. produced and di Elliptic Curve Crypto Office d. Thus, in the d algorithms, a n Module suppo orted by the B gorithms CFB64, OFB6 CB, TCBC, TC , CFB64, OFB CFB128, OFB C, GCM) [FIPS 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a Cryp e Diffie-Hellm er and User a e Approved m as shown in T orts many cry BlackBerry Cr 64) CFB64, TOFB B64) B128, S 197] d 2.8.8 and intact includ pto Officer    man, ECMQV        are responsibl mode of opera Table 4. yptographic a ryptographic FIPS app allo B) ing this Copyrigh User V) le for confinin ation, all roles lgorithms. Ta Java Module S proved or owed    Version Page 14 o Product Security ht Notice r           ng those meth s shall confine able 4 shows t . Certificate number # 964, # 19 # 1411, # 3 n: 1.8 of 31 y hods e the 954 3465 BlackBerry © 2016 Type Stream Cipher Hash Functions Message Authentic pRNG Digital Signature y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document Algor ARC2 ARC4 s SHA- SHA- SHA- SHA- SHA- MD5 MD4 MD2 cation HMAC HMAC HMAC HMAC HMAC HMAC ANSI DRBG NDRB e DSA ECDS RSA RSA hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re rithm 2 (ECB, CBC, 4 1 [FIPS 180-4 224 [FIPS 18 256 [FIPS 18 384 [FIPS 18 512 [FIPS 18 [RFC 1321] [RFC 1115] C-SHA-1 [FIP C-SHA-224 [F C-SHA-256 [F C-SHA-384 [F C-SHA-512 [F C-MD5 [RFC X9.62 RNG [ G [NIST SP 8 BG (Generate [FIPS 186-4] SA [FIPS 186 PKCS1 v1.5 S PSS [PKCS # ule Versions 2 served. produced and di , CFB64, OFB 4] 80-4] 80-4] 80-4] 80-4] PS 198-1] FIPS 198-1] FIPS 198-1] FIPS 198-1] FIPS 198-1] 2104] [ANSI X9.62] 00-90A Rev. eSeed()) -4] Signature[PK #1 v2.1] 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a B64) [RFC 22 1] KCS #1 v2.1] d 2.8.8 and intact includ FIPS app allo 268] ing this Copyrigh S proved or owed                  Version Page 15 o Product Security ht Notice Certificate number # 1281, # 2 # 1281, # 2 # 1281, # 2 # 1281, # 2 # 1281, # 2 # 832, # 22 # 832, # 22 # 832, # 22 # 832, # 22 # 832, # 22 # 52, # 85 # 455, # 9 # 179, # 7 # 687, # 17 # 687, # 17 n: 1.8 of 31 y 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 210 210 210 210 210 52 978 702 776 776 BlackBerry © 2016 Type Key Agreeme Key Wrap The DES, and HMAC strength < FIPS Appro performed Note: 2-Ke considered for addition Table 5 su Table 5. Ke Algorithm AES TRIPLE-D HMAC pRNG (D DSA ECDSA RSA y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document Algor ECQV nt Diffie- Ellipti ECMQ pping RSA RSA O ECIES DESX, AES C C-MD5, ECQV 112 bits are s oved mode o in order to re ey Triple-DES d a non FIPS nal details on mmarizes the ey and CSP, k m Ke Key DES Key Key RBG) see Key Key Key hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re rithm V -Hellman [NIS c Curve Diffie QV [NIST SP PKCS1 v1.5 OAEP [NIST S [ANSI X9.6 CCM* (CCM s V, ECIES, RS supported as f operation th emain FIPS co S decryption is Approved alg algorithm tra e keys and CS key size, secu y and CSP y y y ed y pair y pair y pair ule Versions 2 served. produced and di ST SP 800-56 e-Hellman [NI 800-56A] Encryption [P SP 800-56B] 63] star) mode, p SA PKCS #1 v non FIPS Ap hese algorithm ompliant s permitted fo gorithm as of nsitions. SPs used in t urity strength Key si 128 to 192 bit 160 to 160-51 2048 to bits 224 to 2048 to bits 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a 6A] IST SP 800-5 PKCS #1 v2.1 pRNG (ANSI X v1.5 Encryptio pproved algor ms must not b or legacy purp January 1st , 2 he FIPS mod h, and access ize s 256 bits ts 512 bits 12 bits o 15360 521 bits o 15360 d 2.8.8 and intact includ FIPS app allo 56A] ] X9.62), ARC2 on algorithm, rithms. In orde be used. GCM poses. 2-Key 2016. Please de. s Security strength 128 to 256 bi 112 bits 160-512 bits 160-256 bits 112 to 256 bi 112 to 256 bi 112 to 256 bi ing this Copyrigh S proved or owed      2, ARC4, MD5 and Diffie-He er to operate M encryption Triple-DES e consult NIST Acce its Use Creat Use Use its Creat its Creat its Creat Version Page 16 o Product Security ht Notice Certificate number # 8, # 6 # 8, # 62 # 8, # 62 5, MD4, MD2 ellman with the module in should not be encryption is T SP 800-131 ss te, Read, Use te, Read, Use te, Read, Use te, Read, Use n: 1.8 of 31 y 1 2 2 2, n a e A e e e e BlackBerry © 2016 Algorithm DH ECDH ECMQV RSA key wrapping Note:  D b  E 2  E e  R e  D E  D Ja  H  In 5  T se E 3.3 The BlackB implicitly se y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document m Ke Sta key Sta key Sta key Key Diffie-Hellman its of encrypt EC Diffie-Hellm 56 bits of enc ECMQV (key a ncryption stre RSA (key wra ncryption stre Digital signatu ECDSA) is dis Digital signatu anuary 1st, 2 HMAC-SHA-1 n FIPS appro 71, B-233, B- The BlackBerr ecp160r1, se ECDSA, ECDH Operator Berry Cryptog elects the Cry hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re y and CSP atic/ephemera y pair atic/ephemera y pair atic/ephemera y pair y pair (key agreem ion strength; man (key agr cryption stren agreement; k ength; non-co apping; key e ength; non-co ure generatio allowed begin re generation 014. shall have a oved mode on -283, B-409 a ry Cryptograp ect239k1 and H, ECMQV an r authent graphic Java M ypto Officer a ule Versions 2 served. produced and di Key si al 2048 to bits al 224 to al 224 to 2048 to bits ment; key esta non-complian reement; key gth; non-com key establishm ompliant less t establishmen ompliant less t n that provid nning January n using SHA-1 key size of at nly the curves and B-571 can phic Java Mo d wTLS5 that nd ECIES alg tication Module does nd User roles 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a ize s o 15360 521 bits 521 bits o 15360 ablishment m nt less than 1 establishmen mpliant less tha ment methodo than 112-bits t methodolog than 112-bits des less than y 1st, 2014. 1 as its under t least 112 bit s P-224, P-25 n be used. odule support t are not FIP gorithms, but not deploy an s. d 2.8.8 and intact includ Security strength 112 to 256 bi 112 to 256 bi 112 to 256 bi 112 to 256 bi methodology p 12-bits of enc nt methodolo an 112-bits o ology provide of encryption gy provides b of encryption n 112 bits of rlying hash fu ts. 56, P-384, P- ts the elliptic PS approved not in FIPS a n authenticat ing this Copyrigh Acce its Creat its Creat its Creat its Creat provides betw cryption stren ogy provides of encryption s es between 11 n strength). between 112 n strength). security (usi unction is disa -521, K-233, c curves K-16 . 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All rights res may be freely re e Model contains the f tialized /User es the import Officer instal zation comma Initialized sta s the power-u s prohibited. O state and the the module to te, which is e cer/User stat nction has co test (continuo and the mod mand self-test e Idle state; o alization com ule Versions 2 served. produced and di l following state tant features o lls the module and is applied ate. Then, the up tests. Whil On success, t module is dis o attempt corr entered only if e when an AP mpleted succ ous RNG test ule is disable t is executed, on failure, the mmand is exec 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a es: of the state tr e, the module to the modul e module trans le in the Self- the module e sabled. From rection. f the self-test PI function is cessfully, the s t or Pair-wise ed. the module e module ente cuted, the mo d 2.8.8 and intact includ ransitions: e is in the Inst e, the module sitions to the Test state, al nters the Idle the Error stat has succeed called. state transitio consistency T enters the Se ers the Error s odule returns ing this Copyrigh talled/Uninitia e is loaded in Self-Test sta l data output e state; on fail te, the Crypto ed, the modu ons back to th Test) fails, th elf-Test state. state and the to the Installe Version Page 18 o Product Security ht Notice alized state. to memory an te and through the d lure, the mod o Officer migh ule can transit he Idle state. e state transi On success, module is ed/Uninitialize n: 1.8 of 31 y nd data ule ht tion tions the ed BlackBerry © 2016 5 Phy The BlackB circuits and y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document ysical se Berry device t d meets the F hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re ecurity that executes FIPS 140-2 Le ule Versions 2 served. produced and di s this module evel 1 physica 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a is manufactu al security req d 2.8.8 and intact includ red using ind quirements. ing this Copyrigh ustry standar Version Page 19 o Product Security ht Notice rd integrated n: 1.8 of 31 y BlackBerry © 2016 6 Ope The BlackB user applic Note: Mod environme y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document erationa Berry Cryptog cation runs in ern operating nts. hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re al enviro graphic Java M a virtually se g systems, suc ule Versions 2 served. produced and di onment Module runs o parated, inde ch as Unix, L 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a on a single-us ependent spac inux, and Win d 2.8.8 and intact includ ser operation ce. ndows provid ing this Copyrigh nal environme e such opera Version Page 20 o Product Security ht Notice ent where eac ational n: 1.8 of 31 y ch BlackBerry © 2016 7 Cryp The BlackB Level 1 key appropriate responsible 7.1 The BlackB underlying The modul generation the Approv plaintext. 7.2 The BlackB establishm • Diffie from bits • EC D impl 256 bits • RSA 1536 used It is the techniq 7.3 Secret (sec encrypted 7.4 The BlackB provide key y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document ptograp Berry Cryptog y manageme e care to build e for selecting Key gene Berry Cryptog random num e also suppo . No keys ge ved mode. An Key esta Berry Cryptog ment technique e Hellman (D m 512 bits to 1 and above m Diffie-Hellman ementations bits of securi of security in A OAEP: The 60 bits that pr d to provide m responsibility ues are appli Key entr curity sensitiv form using a Key stor Berry Cryptog y storage. hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re phic key graphic Java M nt. The user w d up a system g FIPS 140-2 eration graphic Java M mber generatio rts Dual_EC enerated using ny random ou ablishme graphic Java M es [5]: H): The DH k 15360 bits tha must be used t n (ECDH) & E support ellipt ty strength, w the FIPS mo RSA OAEP k rovides betwe minimum of 11 y of the calling ed to the app ry and ou ve) keys must FIPS Approv rage graphic Java M ule Versions 2 served. produced and di y manag Module provid will select FIP m that complie validated alg Module provid on uses a FIP DRBG; howe g this version utput in Appro ent Module provid key agreemen at provides be to provide a m ECMQV : The ic curve sizes where 224 bits ode. key wrapping een 56 and 25 12 bits of sec g application propriate keys utput t be imported ed algorithm. Module is a lo 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a gement des the unde PS Approved es with FIPS gorithms. 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Mo Test Known An Software DRBG He 8.2 The Crypto Appendix C 8.3 The contin requested constant va pair is teste as a Pair-w key pair is as a Pair-w 8.4 Self-test fa can be per exception t y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document f-tests Power-up are initiated a odule self-tes nswer Tests ( integrity test ealth tests On-dema o Officer or Us C Crypto Offic Conditio uous RNG te random gene alue. In additi ed for its corr wise Consiste tested of thei wise Consiste Failure o ailure places t rformed. The to the caller. hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re p tests automatically b sts D (KATs) KA H an us Fo ar Th ve D in and self-t ser can invok cer and User onal tests est is executed erator for repe ion, upon eac rectness by ge ency Test. Upo ir correctness ency Test. of self-te he cryptograp module is dis ule Versions 2 served. produced and di by the module escription ATs are perfo MAC-SHS), H nd KDF. For D sed. or DH, ECDH re tested usin he software in erify the integ RBG Instantia stantiate tests ke on-demand Guide in this s d on all RNG etition. This ex ch generation enerating a s on generation s by checking ests phic module i sabled. Additio 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a e at start-up. ormed on TRI HMAC-SHS, DSA and ECD H, ECMQV, th ng DSA and E ntegrity test d rity of the mo ate, DRBG G d self-tests by document. generated da xamination m of a DSA, EC ignature and n or reception shared secre n the Error st onally, the cry d 2.8.8 and intact includ The following IPLE-DES, A DRBG, RNG DSA, a Pair-w he underlying ECDSA tests. deploys ECDS odule. 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All rights res may be freely re surance ration ma ement system itted to the te SVN) to track t and ope A.1 of Crypto on and initializ ment ation and proc The source co e docum de and User G he module. ule Versions 2 served. produced and di anageme m for the crypto sting laborato the configurat eration o Officer And zation of the c cedures have ode is fully an ments Guide outlines 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a ent ographic mod ory. The modu tions. 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Da e Bleichenba n: 1.8 of 31 y us. ser ctical niel cher BlackBerry © 2016 App Introdu This appen Acrony Acronym AES ANSI ARC CBC CCM CFB CMAC CSP CTR CVS DES DH DRBG DSA EC ECB ECC ECDH ECDSA ECIES ECMQV y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document endix uction ndix lists the a yms m hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re x A A acronyms use Full term Advanced American Alleged Ri cipher bloc Counter w cipher feed Cipher-bas critical sec counter Concurren Data Encr Diffie-Hellm determinis Digital Sig Elliptic Cu electronic Elliptic Cu Elliptic Cu Elliptic Cu Elliptic Cu Elliptic Cu ule Versions 2 served. produced and di crony ed in this docu Encryption S National Stan ivest’s Cipher ck chaining with CBC-MAC dback sed MAC curity parame nt Versioning ryption Standa man stic random b nature Algori rve codebook rve Cryptogra rve Diffie-Hel rve Digital Sig rve Integrate rve Menezes 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a yms ument. 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T cryptograp describes h y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document endix de nstallatio carry out a se w the procedu nstalling o Officer is res Officer is allo e the cryptog Uninstalli he jar file, Ecc ommand nitializat age.getInstanc od runs a seri d the correct o abled. Deinitializ age.getInstanc od de-initialize Self-tests age.getInstanc od runs a seri These tests e phic algorithm how to recove hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re x C C on ecure installa ure described g the cryp sponsible for owed to instal raphic modul ing the c cpressoFIPS.j s tion ce().activateF es of Self-Te operation of th zation ce().deactivat es the module s ce().runSelfTe es of Self-Te examine the in s. If these tes er from the di ule Versions 2 served. produced and di rypto ation of the Bla in this sectio ptograph the installatio ll the product. e, Eccpresso cryptogra jar, from the c FIPSMode() sts on the mo he cryptograp teFIPSMode( e. ests() sts, and retur ntegrity of the sts fail, the mo sabled state. 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a o Offi ackBerry Cry n. hic modu on of the Blac . oFIPS.jar in C aphic mo computer har odule. These phic algorithm ) rns if the tests e shared objec odule will be d d 2.8.8 and intact includ ce an yptographic Ja ule ckBerry Crypt LASSPATH o odule rdware. tests examin ms. If these te s are success ct, and the co disabled. Sec ing this Copyrigh nd Us ava Module, t tographic Jav or as in instal e the integrity sts are succe sful, otherwise orrect operatio ction C.3 of th Version Page 29 o Product Security ht Notice ser the Crypto Of a Module. On led extension y of the share essful, the mo e, and except on of the his document n: 1.8 of 31 y fficer nly n. ed odule tion BlackBerry © 2016 C.2.4 S Status can FIPSMana Idle state. C.3 W When Blac Installed st initializatio uninstall th recovery is immediate y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document Show Sta be found by ager.getInstan When the ckBerry Crypt tate by calling n method. If t he module and s successful. ly. hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re atus calling FIPSM nce().requestC cryptogr ographic Java g the deinitiali the initializatio d re-install it. If this recover ule Versions 2 served. produced and di Manager.getIn CryptoOperat raphic m a Module bec zation metho on is success If the module ry attempt fai 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a nstance().isF tion(). If both module is comes disable od, and then to sful, the modu e is initialized ls, it indicates d 2.8.8 and intact includ IPSMode() an methods retu disabled ed, attempt to o initialize the ule is recovere successfully s a fatal error ing this Copyrigh nd urn true, the m d o bring the mo e module usin ed. If this atte by this re-ins .. Contact Bla Version Page 30 o Product Security ht Notice module is in th odule back to ng the empt fails, stallation, the ackBerry Sup n: 1.8 of 31 y he o the port BlackBerry © 2016 Docum Contact Security C certificatio (519) 888 Version 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 y Cryptograph BlackBerry Limit This document ment an Certifications ons@blackbe 8-7465 ext. 72 Date January 0 June 1, 2 June 14, May 29, 2 July 29, 2 Novembe Novembe Decembe January 1 hic Java Modu ted. All rights res may be freely re nd conta Team 2921 06, 2012 2012 2012 2015 2015 er 12, 2015 er 25, 2015 er 16, 2015 11, 2016 ule Versions 2 served. produced and di act info Author Randy Ey Randy Ey Randy Ey Randy Ey Randy Ey Randy Ey Randy Ey Randy Ey Randy Ey 2.8, 2.8.7 and www.blackb stributed whole a rmation Corpora BlackBe 2200 Un Waterlo N2K 0A www.bla yamie yamie yamie yamie yamie yamie yamie yamie yamie d 2.8.8 and intact includ n ate office erry B niversity Ave. oo, ON, Canad A7 Reas Docu Upda Adde Adde Upda Upda Upda Upda Upda 800- ing this Copyrigh . E da m son for revis ument creatio ates based on ed reference ed reference ates based on ates based on ates based on ates based on ates required -131A transitio Version Page 31 o Product Security ht Notice sion on n Lab Comme to version 2.8 to version 2.8 n Lab Comme n Lab Comme n Lab Comme n Lab Comme for NIST SP ons n: 1.8 of 31 y ents 8.7 8.8 ents ents ents ents