Copyright Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 1 of 12 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). FEITIAN Technologies OTP Token Non-Proprietary FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Document Version: 1.0 Date: 2021/4/29 Copyright Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 2 of 12 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table of Contents 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................4 1.1 Module Description and Cryptographic Boundary ......................................................................6 1.2 Modes of Operation.....................................................................................................................7 2 Cryptographic Functionality.............................................................................................7 2.1 Critical Security Parameters.........................................................................................................8 2.2 Public Security Parameters ..........................................................................................................8 3 Roles, Authentication and Services..................................................................................9 3.1 Assumption of Roles.....................................................................................................................9 3.2 Services.........................................................................................................................................9 4 Self-tests........................................................................................................................11 5 Physical Security Policy..................................................................................................11 6 Operational Environment ..............................................................................................11 7 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy.................................................................................11 8 Security Rules and Guidance..........................................................................................11 9 References and Definitions............................................................................................12 Copyright Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 3 of 12 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). List of Tables Table 1 – Cryptographic Module Configurations..........................................................................................4 Table 2 – Security Level of Security Requirements.......................................................................................5 Table 3 – Ports and Interfaces ...................................................................................................................... 7 Table 4 – Approved Algorithms .................................................................................................................... 8 Table 5 – Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) ...............................................................................................8 Table 6 – Public Security Parameters (PSPs).................................................................................................8 Table 7 – Roles Description........................................................................................................................... 9 Table 8 – Services.......................................................................................................................................... 9 Table 9 – Security Parameters Access by Service .......................................................................................10 Table 10 – References................................................................................................................................. 12 Table 11 – Acronyms and Definitions .........................................................................................................12 List of Figures Figure 1 – Module Crypto Boundary............................................................................................................. 6 Figure 2 - Feitian OTP Token (Front and Back)..............................................................................................7 Copyright Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 4 of 12 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1 Introduction This document defines the Security Policy for the FEITIAN Technologies OTP Token module, hereafter denoted the Module. OTP Token enables strong authentication by positively identifying a user with one-time passwords. By simply pressing the button, OTP Token generates a secure event synchronous or time-based one-time password, ensuring proper identification and allowing only authorized access to critical applications and sensitive data. OTP Token is a connectionless device offering the user true zero-footprint authentication. The OTP Token is embedded within a Feitian C100 or C200. The C100 OTP Token complies with OATH standards in event-based authentication methods and the C200 OTP Token complies with IETF draft of time-based authentication methods, which was submitted by OATH providing compatibility with 3rd party software. It works with the OTP authentication server, as well as other 3rd remote access and network access devices, to provide best-of-breed solutions for security needs. Table 1 lists the configurations covered by this Security Policy; note the devices are physically identical and can only be distinguished by the first half of the serial number (WWXYZZ) using the following method: - WW: “01” for C100, “02” for C200. - X: Fixed value. “5” for C100, “2” for C200. - Y: “0” for SHA-1, “2” for SHA-256 - ZZ: 1.0. Table 1 – Cryptographic Module Configurations HW P/N and Version FW Version Serial Number Product Name 1 P449, V1.0 V1.0 build015010 OTP c100 2 P449, V1.0 V1.0 build015210 OTP c100 3 P449, V1.0 V1.0 build021010 OTP c200 4 P449, V1.0 V1.0 build021210 OTP c200 The Module is intended for use by US Federal agencies or other markets that require FIPS 140-2 validated OTP Token product. Copyright Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 5 of 12 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). The FIPS 140-2 security levels for the Module are as follows: Table 2 – Security Level of Security Requirements Security Requirement Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security 1 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 3 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Overall 1 Copyright Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 6 of 12 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1.1 Module Description and Cryptographic Boundary The physical form of the Module is depicted in Figure 2. The Module is a multiple-chip embedded cryptographic module manufactured with production grade components. The cryptographic boundary is defined as the outer perimeter of the PCB as shown in Figure 2 with major components depicted below in Figure 1: Figure 1 – Module Crypto Boundary MCU Battery LCD Button Power Status/Data Out Control In Cryptographic Boundary Copyright Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 7 of 12 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Figure 2 - Feitian OTP Token (Front and Back) The module’s ports and associated FIPS defined logical interface categories are listed in Table 3. Table 3 – Ports and Interfaces Port Description Logical Interface Type LCD Screen Display password and device status Data/Status output interface Button Push button to make device Switch on/stand by Control input Battery Power Power 1.2 Modes of Operation Feitian OTP Token supports only a FIPS Approved mode of operation when the device is loaded with the firmware listed in Table 1. 2 Cryptographic Functionality The Module implements the FIPS Approved cryptographic functions listed in the tables below. Copyright Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 8 of 12 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table 4 – Approved Algorithms Cert Algorithm Mode Description Functions/Caveats C1993 HMAC SHA-1, SHA-256 Generate HMAC w/ 160-bit or 256-bit keys Keyed-Message Authentication Code C1993 SHS SHA-1, SHA-256 Generate event-based and time-based OTPs Hash 2.1 Critical Security Parameters All CSPs used by the Module are described in this section. All usage of these CSPs by the Module (including all CSP lifecycle states) is described in the services detailed in Section 4. Table 5 – Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) CSP Description / Usage Generation Storage Entry/Output Destruction HMAC Key Defined by customer during production. 160-bit (HMAC-SHA-1) or 256-bit (HMAC SHA- 256) value based on configuration N/A. Configured during production RAM, obfuscated (XOR’d with a random value defined during production) Entry: N/A Output: N/A Zeroized at Battery low power or physical battery removal. 2.2 Public Security Parameters Table 6 – Public Security Parameters (PSPs) PSP Description / Usage None N/A Copyright Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 9 of 12 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 3 Roles, Authentication and Services 3.1 Assumption of Roles The module supports only a single operator that assumes both the User and Cryptographic Officer role. The module does not support authentication and does not distinguish between the User and Cryptographic Officer role. Table 7 lists all operator roles supported by the module. Table 7 – Roles Description Role ID Role Description Authentication Type Authentication Data User The User role is the everyday operator of the device. N/A N/A Crypto Officer (CO) The CO role is the everyday operator of the device. N/A N/A 3.2 Services All services implemented by the Module are listed in Table 8: Table 8 – Services Service Description CO U Generate passcode Push button under power off mode, the module calculates and display passcode; under display mode, push button, display off, the module enters standby mode. X X Standby/Sleep OTP Token can perform timing function according to display time defined in production, when display time-out OTP Token will shut down LCD and enter standby/power off mode. Pressing the button will also enable standby/sleep. X X Show Status Output of error messages on the LCD: ERR 1 or ERR 2. At initial power-on, the module will display the build version. When the battery is low, the LCD will indicate with a low battery icon X X Zeroize Destruction of CSPs upon detection of a low battery state. There is no recovery from zeroization. X X Self-Tests The module will automatically perform self-tests whenever the button is pressed. This serves as the required Power-On Self-Tests and also provides the on demand self-tests. X X Copyright Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 10 of 12 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table 9 defines the relationship between access to Security Parameters and the different module services. The modes of access shown in the table are defined as: • G = Generate: The service generates the CSP. • O = Output: The service outputs the CSP. • E = Execute: The service uses the CSP in an algorithm. • I = Input: The service inputs the CSP. • Z = Zeroize: The service zeroizes the CSP. Table 9 – Security Parameters Access by Service Service Security Parameters HMAC Key Generate passcode E Standby/sleep Show Status Zeroize Z Self-Tests Copyright Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 11 of 12 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 4 Self-tests The module performs self-tests to ensure the proper operation of the module. Per FIPS 140-2, these are categorized as either power-up self-tests or conditional self-tests. Power-up self–tests are available on demand by pressing the button. The module will check the integrity of firmware (16-bit EDC) to ensure that firmware has no loss or damage; module will perform algorithm self-test by doing Known Answer Test (KAT). Note that based on configuration, the module will only test HMAC-SHA-1 or HMAC-SHA-256, as the employed algorithm is defined at build time and cannot be changed. The algorithm KAT must be completed successfully prior to any other use of cryptography by the Module. If the KAT fails, the Module will enter the error state; no operation can be performed and the LCD displays “ERR”. Otherwise, it indicates successful completion by displaying a calculated passcode. The module performs the following algorithm self-tests on power-up: • Firmware Integrity Test (16-bit EDC) • HMAC-SHA-1 or HMAC-SHA-256 KAT (inclusive of SHA-1 KAT or SHA-256 KAT respectively) 5 Physical Security Policy The module is a multiple-chip embedded cryptographic module made with production grade components and standard passivation. The module conforms to EMI/EMC requirements for a FIPS 140- 2, Level 3 module. 6 Operational Environment This set of requirements is not applicable as the microcontroller firmware cannot be upgraded once the token has left production. The module does not provide a general-purpose operating system. 7 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy This set of requirements is not applicable. 8 Security Rules and Guidance The following security rules and guidance apply to the module: 1. During production, an HMAC key of at least 112-bits shall be installed; the module uses 160-bit keys for HMAC-SHA-1 configurations and 256-bit keys for HMAC-SHA-256 configurations. 2. The module does not require any initialization or installation once manufactured. The module is fully functional upon delivery and the operator may invoke services via the button. 3. Upon removal of the battery, the module will zeroize the HMAC key and be rendered inoperable. Copyright Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 12 of 12 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 9 References and Definitions The following standards are referred to in this Security Policy. Table 10 – References Abbreviation Full Specification Name [FIPS140-2] Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, May 25, 2001 [IG] Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program, August 28, 2020 [198] National Institute of Standards and Technology, The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 198-1, July, 2008 [180] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Secure Hash Standard, Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 180-4, August, 2015 [OATH] OATH-TOTP-rfc6238, OATH-HOTP-rfc4226, OATH-Challenge-Response-rfc6287 Table 11 – Acronyms and Definitions Acronym Definition CSP Critical Security Parameter EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard HMAC Hash-Based Message Authentication Code LCD Liquid Crystal Display MCU Microcontroller Unit OATH Open Authentication OTP One Time Passcode SHA Secure Hash Algorithm