Contact: Marc Kurtz Filename: RC0001 - Ribcage FIPS 140 2 Security Policy_August 12.doc Title: FIPS 140-2 Non Proprietary Security Policy Date Last Modified: 8/13/2004 Document Number: RC0001 Rev #:2 Page: 1 of 11 Ribcage 1100 and 2800 BACKBONE SECURITY.COM, INC. FIPS 140-2 Non Proprietary Security Policy Level 2 Validation Date: 6/4/2004 Contact: Marc Kurtz Filename: RC0001 - Ribcage FIPS 140 2 Security Policy_August 12.doc Title: FIPS 140-2 Non Proprietary Security Policy Date Last Modified: 8/13/2004 Document Number: RC0001 Rev #:2 Page: 2 of 11 Table of Contents 1. Introduction................................................................................................................. 3 2. Abbreviations and Definitions ................................................................................... 4 3. Identification and Authentication Policy.................................................................. 4 Ribcage Roles and Authentication............................................................................. 4 4. Access Control Policy ................................................................................................. 5 Crypto Officer Services Provided by Ribcage ........................................................... 5 User Services Provided by Ribcage........................................................................... 7 Module Ports and Interfaces...................................................................................... 7 Cryptographic Keys and CSPs of Ribcage ................................................................ 8 Cryptographic Algorithms of Ribcage....................................................................... 9 5. Physical Security Policy............................................................................................ 10 Physical Security Mechanisms................................................................................. 10 6. Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy ......................................................................... 11 7. Self-Tests.................................................................................................................... 11 8. FIPS Initialization and FIPS-140 Mode Operational Policy................................. 11 Contact: Marc Kurtz Filename: RC0001 - Ribcage FIPS 140 2 Security Policy_August 12.doc Title: FIPS 140-2 Non Proprietary Security Policy Date Last Modified: 8/13/2004 Document Number: RC0001 Rev #:2 Page: 3 of 11 1. Introduction This is a non-proprietary FIPS PUB 140-2 Security Policy for the Ribcage 1100, software revision 2.2 FIPS, hardware revision 3.0 and Ribcage 2800, software revision 2.2 FIPS, hardware revision 3.0. The Ribcage 1100 and Ribcage 2800 are multiple-chip standalone cryptographic modules, which meet security FIPS 140-2 Level 2 requirements. The cryptographic boundary of the Ribcage 1100 and Ribcage 2800 is the metal enclosure of the unit. The Ribcage 1100 and Ribcage 2800 are functionally identical, and differ only in speed and performance. For purposes of this document, both devices will be collectively referred to as the “Ribcage” or the “module”. More information on the Ribcage is available from the Backbone website at This Security Policy describes how the Ribcage meets the Level 2 security requirements as specified in FIPS PUB 140-2. Contact: Marc Kurtz Filename: RC0001 - Ribcage FIPS 140 2 Security Policy_August 12.doc Title: FIPS 140-2 Non Proprietary Security Policy Date Last Modified: 8/13/2004 Document Number: RC0001 Rev #:2 Page: 4 of 11 2. Abbreviations and Definitions 3DES – Triple DES (Data Encryption Standard) AES – Advanced Encryption Standard CLI – Command Line Interface CRC32 – Cyclic Redundancy Check (32-bit) CSP – Critical Security Parameter DES – Data Encryption Standard ESP – Encapsulating Security Payload FIPS – Federal Information Processing Standard HMAC – Hashed Message Authentication Code IPSec – Internet Protocol Security PKCS – Public Key Cryptography Standards PRNG – Pseudo-Random Number Generator PUB – Publication RSA – Rivest, Shamir, Adleman SHA – Secure Hash Algorithm SSH – Secure Shell 3. Identification and Authentication Policy Ribcage Roles and Authentication The Ribcage supports two authorized roles for operators: a User role and a Crypto Officer role. All roles in the module use role-based authentication. Initial Crypto Officer authentication to the module is controlled by a factory default password. The User role is represented by data streams that are authenticated on a per-packet basis. For data arriving on the private network side, the source and destination IP addresses of each packet are compared with the enabled channels as configured by the Crypto Officer. For data arriving on the public network side, the IPSec-secured packets are authenticated using HMAC-SHA-1 and then are compared with the configured channel list. The Crypto Officer role allows an operator to perform administrative functions such as initialize the module, input or generate cryptographic keys and CSPs, and perform auditing. Crypto Officer functionality is provided via the Ribcage Command Line Interface (CLI) either through SSH or through a serial console connection. The Crypto Officer role is protected with a password that must be entered whenever an operator wants to assume the role of Crypto Officer. To remain in FIPS mode (see Section 8), the Crypto Officer password must have a length of at least six printable ASCII characters, and must not be a dictionary word. The Ribcage will notify the operator if an attempt is made to choose a new password which violates these rules. Contact: Marc Kurtz Filename: RC0001 - Ribcage FIPS 140 2 Security Policy_August 12.doc Title: FIPS 140-2 Non Proprietary Security Policy Date Last Modified: 8/13/2004 Document Number: RC0001 Rev #:2 Page: 5 of 11 4. Access Control Policy The Ribcage allows access to Crypto-Officer functionality, and subsequently read/write access to the keys and CSPs in the device, via the Ribcage Command Line Interface (CLI) through SSH or a serial console connection. An operator must authenticate to the Crypto Officer role to use the CLI. The User role of the Ribcage provides access to the IPSec services of the module through the Ethernet ports. Crypto Officer Services Provided by Ribcage Services Description Input Output Keys/CSPs Access Login An operator can authenticate to the Crypto Officer role. “root” account name and CO password Crypto Officer role authentication Read CO password Encryption/ Decryption Crypto Officer data is encrypted and decrypted using 3DES as defined by the SSH protocol when accessing Crypto Officer services through the Ethernet ports. SSH and CO authentication data CLI prompt Read/write PRNG seed key, and all SSH keys and key parameters Define Security Policy and System Configuration The Crypto Officer can define the rules for encrypted traffic flow in addition to general system configuration. Commands and configuration files Application of configuration settings Set/Unset FIPS Mode The Crypto Officer can configure the unit to operate in FIPS mode. “fips enable” or “fips disable” CLI commands Configuration of FIPS mode Show Status The Crypto Officer can have the module report back its FIPS-related status. “fips showstatus” CLI command FIPS status of module Zeroize Keys The Crypto Officer can have the module zeroize all cryptographic keys and CSPs (except the CO password – see Change Password). “fips zeroize” CLI command Zeroization of all keys and CSPs Delete all keys and CSPs Self Tests The Crypto Officer can initiate self- tests and view the results. “fips selftest” CLI command Status of self- tests Help The Crypto Officer can get general help or help on a specific CLI command “help” CLI command A listing off all available CLI command or context- specific help Contact: Marc Kurtz Filename: RC0001 - Ribcage FIPS 140 2 Security Policy_August 12.doc Title: FIPS 140-2 Non Proprietary Security Policy Date Last Modified: 8/13/2004 Document Number: RC0001 Rev #:2 Page: 6 of 11 Services Description Input Output Keys/CSPs Access Change Password The Crypto Officer can change the CO password “passwd” CLI command CO password changed Delete old CO password and write new CO password System Network Configuration The Crypto Officer can configure the network adapters and network settings for the module. “ethconfig” “gateway” and “iface” CLI commands Results of CLI commands Edit Configuration File Edit raw configuration data of module “editconf” CLI command Editing interface for configuration file Apply Settings The Crypto Officer can have the module parse its configuration file and apply all settings. “rcparse” CLI command Results of CLI command Modify IPSec Subsystem The Crypto Officer can modify the IPSec subsystem by adding connections, removing connections, and listing live or listening connections “vpn” CLI command Results of CLI command Read/write PRNG seed key, IPSec IKE keys, shared- secrets and client RSA public keys. Write IPSec ESP keys Start/Stop/ Restart Services The Crypto Officer can start, stop, or restart services running on the module “start”, “stop”, or “restart” CLI commands Results of CLI commands Network Utilities The Crypto Officer can run various network utilities to check for network connectivity and configuration of networking “ping”, “traceroute”, “route”, “firewall” CLI commands Results of CLI commands Log Maintenance The Crypto Officer can perform various maintenance operations on the log files, such as viewing and clearing “log” CLI command Results of CLI command Read/delete system logs Reset Unit to Factory- Default Settings The Crypto Officer can reset the module to its factory-default settings “resetribcage ” command Results of CLI command Delete all keys and CSPs Contact: Marc Kurtz Filename: RC0001 - Ribcage FIPS 140 2 Security Policy_August 12.doc Title: FIPS 140-2 Non Proprietary Security Policy Date Last Modified: 8/13/2004 Document Number: RC0001 Rev #:2 Page: 7 of 11 Services Description Input Output Keys/CSPs Access Shutdown Module The Crypto Office can shut the module down. “poweroff” CLI command The module begins the shutdown process Restart module The Crypto Officer can restart the module “reboot” CLI command The module begins the reboot process User Services Provided by Ribcage Services Description Input Output Keys/CSPs Access IPSec Data sent by a User is secured as defined by the IPSec standard using 3DES or AES encryption/decryption and HMAC-SHA1 authentication. IPSec inputs and data IPSec outputs and data Read IPSec ESP keys (HMAC and secret keys) Module Ports and Interfaces Physical Port Logical Interface “Public” Ethernet Port Data Input, Data Output “Private” Ethernet Port Data Input, Data Output, Control Input, Status Output Serial “Console” Port Control Input, Status Output Front Panel Green LED Status Output (Module Power) Front Panel Yellow LEDs Status Output (Ethernet Port Activity) Contact: Marc Kurtz Filename: RC0001 - Ribcage FIPS 140 2 Security Policy_August 12.doc Title: FIPS 140-2 Non Proprietary Security Policy Date Last Modified: 8/13/2004 Document Number: RC0001 Rev #:2 Page: 8 of 11 Cryptographic Keys and CSPs of Ribcage The Ribcage uses the following cryptographic keys and other CSPs: Key or CSP Description Source/Storage IPSec RSA Key Pair The Ribcage uses an RSA key pair for authentication during the IKE protocol. Internally generated and stored on hard disk IPSec Diffie Hellman Key Parameters The Ribcage uses Diffie Hellman for key agreement during the IKE protocol. Internally generated and stored on system SDRAM SSH RSA Key Pair The Ribcage uses an RSA key pair for authentication during the SSH protocol. Internally generated and stored on hard disk SSH Diffie Hellman Key Parameters The Ribcage uses Diffie Hellman for key agreement during the SSH protocol. Internally generated and stored on system SDRAM Client RSA Public Keys The Ribcage can input the RSA public keys of IPSec clients for authentication during the IKE protocol. Electronically input and stored on hard disk IPSec Shared-Secrets The Ribcage can input “shared-secrets” (passphrases) for authentication during the IKE protocol. Electronically input and stored on hard disk IPSec Secret Keys The Ribcage uses secret keys (AES or 3DES) for data confidentiality during the IPSec IKE and ESP protocols. Diffie Hellman key agreement and stored on system SDRAM IPSec HMAC Keys The Ribcage uses HMAC keys (HMAC- SHA-1) for data integrity during the IPSec IKE and ESP protocols. Diffie Hellman key agreement and stored on system SDRAM SSH Secret Keys The Ribcage uses secret keys (3DES) for data confidentiality during the SSH protocol. Diffie Hellman key agreement and stored on system SDRAM SSH HMAC Keys The Ribcage uses HMAC keys (HMAC- SHA-1) for data integrity during the SSH protocol. Diffie Hellman key agreement and stored on system SDRAM PRNG seed key The Ribcage uses the PRNG specified in FIPS 186-2, Appendix 3.2. Internally generated and stored on hard disk Crypto Officer Password The Ribcage’s Crypto Officer role is protected by a password. Manually or electronically input and stored on hard disk Contact: Marc Kurtz Filename: RC0001 - Ribcage FIPS 140 2 Security Policy_August 12.doc Title: FIPS 140-2 Non Proprietary Security Policy Date Last Modified: 8/13/2004 Document Number: RC0001 Rev #:2 Page: 9 of 11 Cryptographic Algorithms of Ribcage The Ribcage supports the following FIPS-approved algorithms: 3DES (FIPS 46-3) – Certificate Number 208 AES (FIPS 197) – Certificate Number 94 SHA-1 (FIPS 180-2) – Certificate Number 184 HMAC-SHA-1 (FIPS 198) – Certificate Number 184, vendor affirmed RSA – PKCS#1, vendor affirmed The Ribcage also supports the use of the Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm in FIPS mode. The Ribcage contains the following algorithms which cannot be used in FIPS mode: HMAC-SHA-256 HMAC-SHA-512 HMAC-MD5 Contact: Marc Kurtz Filename: RC0001 - Ribcage FIPS 140 2 Security Policy_August 12.doc Title: FIPS 140-2 Non Proprietary Security Policy Date Last Modified: 8/13/2004 Document Number: RC0001 Rev #:2 Page: 10 of 11 5. Physical Security Policy Physical Security Mechanisms The Ribcage is a multi-chip standalone module. The module consists of production-grade components, which include standard passivation techniques. The Ribcage is encased in a metal enclosure, which is fastened together by screws. There are two tamper-evident seals applied to opposite sides of the removable cover, which will indicate whether the enclosure has been opened. Close-up of tamper-evident seal Top-view of Ribcage indicating locations of seals. Contact: Marc Kurtz Filename: RC0001 - Ribcage FIPS 140 2 Security Policy_August 12.doc Title: FIPS 140-2 Non Proprietary Security Policy Date Last Modified: 8/13/2004 Document Number: RC0001 Rev #:2 Page: 11 of 11 6. Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The Ribcage does not specifically mitigate any other attacks. 7. Self-Tests The Ribcage performs the following self-tests on startup or on-demand if requested by the Crypto Officer: • 3DES Known Answer Test • AES Known Answer Test • HMAC-SHA-1 and RSA Known Answer Test • PRNG Known Answer Test • CRC32 File Integrity Test In addition, an RSA pair-wise consistency test is performed whenever an RSA key pair is generated, and the PRNG implements a continuous RNG test which runs as random data is generated. 8. FIPS Initialization and FIPS Mode Operational Policy To ensure that the Ribcage hardware has not been tampered with, the tamper- evident seals should be inspected periodically. See pictures in “Physical Security Policy” section for specific locations of seals. When initializing the Ribcage for FIPS-compliant operational use, the Crypto Officer shall place the module into FIPS mode. To check the status of FIPS mode, the “fips showstatus” CLI command is used. If not enabled, FIPS mode is set by invoking the “fips enable” CLI command. The Crypto Officer shall change the default Crypto Officer password to a new FIPS-compliant password which meets all password rules (see Section 3) – the password must be at least six printable ASCII characters and must not be a dictionary word. To operate the Ribcage in FIPS mode, the Crypto Officer shall also: Select the 3DES or AES algorithm for IPSec services Select the HMAC-SHA-1 algorithm for IPSec services