This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). J-IDMARK 64 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Level 3 validation Version 1.0 October 2006 October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 2 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................6 1.1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................... 6 1.3 SECURITY LEVEL ................................................................................................................... 7 1.4 FIPS MODE OF OPERATION.................................................................................................. 7 2 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE SPECIFICATION............................................8 2.1 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE BOUNDARY ............................................................................ 8 2.3 DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................... 8 3 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE PORTS AND INTERFACES.........................10 3.1 PHYSICAL PORTS................................................................................................................. 10 3.2 LOGICAL PORTS................................................................................................................... 11 4 ACCESS CONTROL POLICY ......................................................................12 4.1 ROLES.................................................................................................................................... 12 4.2 AUTHENTICATION ................................................................................................................ 12 4.3 AUTHENTICATION MECHANISMS....................................................................................... 13 4.4 SERVICES.............................................................................................................................. 14 4.4.1 Services description................................................................................................... 14 4.4.2 Services Access Control............................................................................................ 15 4.5 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEYS AND CSPS .................................................................................. 16 4.6 CSPS ACCESS CONTROL.................................................................................................... 17 5 PHYSICAL SECURITY .................................................................................18 6 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT.................................................................19 7 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT ...................................................20 7.1 KEY OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................... 20 7.2 KEY GENERATION................................................................................................................ 20 7.3 ENTRY/OUTPUT.................................................................................................................... 20 7.4 STORAGE .............................................................................................................................. 20 7.5 ZEROIZATION........................................................................................................................ 21 October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 3 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 8 EMI/EMC.......................................................................................................22 9 SELF-TESTS ................................................................................................23 9.1 POWER-UP SELF-TESTS ..................................................................................................... 23 9.2 CONDITIONAL SELF-TESTS ................................................................................................ 23 9.3 SELF-TESTS ON DEMAND................................................................................................... 23 10 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS............................................................24 11 SECURITY RULES.......................................................................................25 11.1 SECURE OPERATION SECURITY RULES .......................................................................... 25 11.2 AUTHENTICATION SECURITY RULES................................................................................ 25 11.3 PIN MANAGEMENT SECURITY RULES............................................................................... 25 11.4 KEY MANAGEMENT SECURITY RULES ............................................................................. 26 11.5 PHYSICAL SECURITY RULES.............................................................................................. 26 11.6 SELF-TESTS SECURITY RULES.......................................................................................... 26 October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 4 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). GLOSSARY APDU : Application Protocol Data Unit API : Application Protocol Interface ATR : Answer To Reset CBC : Cipher Block Chaining CEMA : Correlation Electromagnetic Analysis CO : Crypto Officer CPA : Correlation Power Analysis CSP : Critical Security Parameter DEMA : Differential Electromagnetic Analysis DES : Data Encryption Standard DFA : Differential Fault Analysis DPA : Differential Power Analysis ECB : Electronic Code Book EEPROM : Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory EFP : Environmental Failure Protection EMI : Electromagnetic Interference EMC : Electromagnetic Compatibility FIPS : Federal Information Processing Standards GP : Global Platform IC : Integrated Circuit ISO : International Organization for Standardization MAC : Message Authentication Code MOC : Match On Card PIN : Personal Identification Number PKCS : Public Key Cryptographic Standards PKI : Public Key Infrastructure RAM : Random Access Memory PRNG : Pseudo Random Number Generation ROM : Read Only Memory RSA : Rivest Shamir Adleman SDO : Security Data Object: SDO are PINs and cryptographic keys SE : Security Environment SEMA : Simple Electromagnetic Analysis SHA : Secure Hash Algorithm SM : Secure Messaging SPA : Simple Power Analysis TDES : Triple DES October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 5 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). REFERENCE DOCUMENTS [ISO 7816-2] : Identification Cards – Integrated Circuit(s) Cards with Contacts Part 2: Dimensions and location of the contacts [ISO7816-3] : Identification Cards – Integrated Circuit(s) Cards with Contacts Part 3: Electronic signals and transmission protocols [ISO7816-4] : Identification Cards – Integrated Circuit(s) Cards with Contacts Part 4: Inter-industry commands for interchange [FIPS 140-2] : National Institute of Standards and Technology, Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 — Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules) , May 25, 2001 [JCS] : Java Card ™ 2.1.1 Card Specification, Sun Microsystems [GP] : Visa Global Platform Card – Implementation Requirements – Configuration 1 – Compact Version 2.0.1, February 2002 [FIPS 180-2] : National Institute of Standards and Technology, Secure Hash Standard, Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 180-2 with Change Notice 1, February 25, 2004 [X9.31] : American Bankers Association, Digital Signatures using Reversible Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry (rDSA), ANSI X9.31- 1998, Washington, D.C., 1998 [PKCS#1 v2.1] : RSA Laboratories, PKCS#1 v2.1: RSA Cryptography Standard, June 14, 2002 [ANSI X9.52] : American Bankers Association, Triple Data Encryption Algorithm Modes of Operation, ANSI X9.52 – 1998 [ISO 9797] : Information technology – security techniques – data integrity mechanism using a cryptographic check function employing a block cipher algorithm October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 6 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 SCOPE This document is the non-proprietary security policy for the J-IDMark 64 (HW P/N AT58829-C-AA, Version 01, FW Version J-IDMark 64 IDT 005) cryptographic module. This security policy represents the completed J-IDMark 64 (with Applet ID v1) satisfying all of the requirements for [FIPS 140-2] level 3 (level 4 for physical security). 1.2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The J-IDMark 64 cryptographic module is based on the Sagem Orga implementation of the Java Card ™ Platform. It is a single chip cryptographic Java Card ™ module, which runs an Applet written in the Java programming language. The Applet, called ID v1, installed on the J-IDMark 64, has been designed in order to be [FIPS 140-2] level 3 validated. The J-IDMark 64 hardware (HW P/N AT58829-C-AA, Version 01, FW Version J-IDMark 64 IDT 005) is based on the Atmel AT90SC25672RCT chip. Java technology is the leading multiple application operating system for smart cards. It offers developers a convenient platform on which to develop and implement smart card Applets. The J-IDMark 64 product has been designed to offer a modular and open solution based on reliable and standardized technologies. To that end, the J-IDMark 64 module contains an implementation of the Sun Java Card ™ 2.1.1 [JCS] specifications, in which the ID v1 application is developed in Java standard language. The J-IDMark 64 module is also compliant with the Global Platform 2.0.1 [GP] specifications where it secures the application management and manages the life cycle of the card and the ID v1 application. Open Platform APIs offer security services as well. The J-IDMark 64 module design takes full benefit of the large ROM space available on the card micro controller by hard masking the operating system and the ID v1 applet. Therefore, the full space of 64- Kbyte EEPROM is available for end users. The ID v1 Applet can be instantiated several times prior to the card issuance but not at any time thereafter. The Applet includes the following features: • The PKI-based digital signature is able to perform highly secure cryptographic transactions (up to 2048-bit RSA) and digital certificate management. The on board key generation is possible up to a 2048-bit modulus RSA. Therefore, it is possible to perform enhanced digital signatures, key wrapping and authentication with RSA. • The file system allows secure storage of various data and identification management rights (driving/fishing licenses, health care entitlement, car certificate, etc.) loaded on the card. • The Match On Card feature, provided by Sagem Défense Sécurité, performs 1:1 comparison between the fingerprint template coming from a biometric sensor and the biometric reference stored in the card. The comparison is carried out by the card micro controller with biometric algorithms. This feature reinforces security, as it is impossible to write a biometric template on the card without the proper card access privileges. October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 7 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1.3 SECURITY LEVEL The J-IDMark 64 module is designed to meet the overall requirements applicable to the level 3 of the [FIPS 140-2] specifications. Moreover, J-IDMark 64 is compliant with the level 4 requirements for physical security ([FIPS 140-2], Area 5). The area-specific security levels are described in Tab 1. Security Requirements Section Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3 Roles, Services and Authentication 3 Finite State Model 3 Physical Security 4 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 3 EMI/EMC 3 Self-Tests 3 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of other Attacks 3 Tab 1: [FIPS 140-2] security requirement sections for level 3 1.4 FIPS MODE OF OPERATION The J-IDMark 64 cryptographic module only supports a FIPS mode of operation. At power-up, a specific value of a dedicated byte in the ATR demonstrates that the module is indeed a FIPS validated module. The FIPS Approved algorithms used in the approved mode of operation are listed in Tab 2: Algorithms Description Standard SHA-1 Hash (for signature) [FIPS 180-2] SHA-256 Hash (for signature) [FIPS 180-2] Key unwrapping* (non-approved but allowed for use in an approved mode of operation) RSA Signature generation [PKCS#1 v2.1] Data encryption / decryption in ECB mode TDES Data encryption / decryption in CBC mode [ANSI X9.52] TDES MAC Data integrity – MAC calculation / verification [ISO 9797] PRNG Random number generation [X9.31], Appendix A.2.4 * RSA (Key wrapping, key establishment methodology provides between 80 and 112 bits of encryption strength) Tab 2: J-IDMark 64 algorithms The module additionally employs a non-deterministic hardware random number generator to seed the FIPS Approved ANSI X9.31 PRNG function. October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 8 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 2 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE SPECIFICATION 2.1 OVERVIEW In the scope of this document, the cryptographic module is embodied by a single chip Integrated Circuit (IC) with its embedded software. The chip reference is the contact interface chip, AT90SC25672RCT, and is provided by ATMEL. The J-IDMark 64 software is composed of the ID v1 applet that relies on a limited operational environment operating system complying with the [JCS] and [GP] standards. The life cycle of the J-IDMark 64 can be divided into two phases: • The personalization phase, which addresses data and CSP loading. • The field use, which corresponds to the end usage of the card by the cardholder. The J-IDMark 64 cryptographic module is designed to be encased in a hard opaque resin that can be embedded into a plastic card or any other support structure. The resin, however, does not reside within the cryptographic boundary. 2.2 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE BOUNDARY The cryptographic module boundary is realized as the external surface of the ATMEL AT90SC25672RCT single chip microprocessor and does not include the resin, the micro-bonds, the smart card contact plate or the fixation glue. The boundary contains all of the relevant module components (processors performing cryptography, etc.) consistent with [FIPS 140-2]. There are no component exclusions from the boundary. 2.3 DESCRIPTION The J-IDMark 64 cryptographic module is composed of the ATMEL AT90SC25672RCT single chip microprocessor, which includes: • 256 Kbytes of ROM • 72 Kbytes of EEPROM • 8 Kbytes of RAM Figure 1 shows all the components of the J-IDMark 64 cryptographic module. October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 9 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). CLK 8-bit Data Bus FLASH/ROM Program Memory EEPROM User Memory Random Number generator Interrupt Controller Cryptoprocessor ROM Supervisor AVR 8/16-bit RISC Micro- controller 16-bit 8-bit IN/OUT GND VCC RST Flash User Memory ISO 7816 Interface Timers RAM On-Chip Security Figure 1: J-IDMark 64 block diagram The defined voltage range for normal conditions of use is: 1.62 V to 5.5 V. The J-IDMark 64 cryptographic module operates under contact mode. October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 10 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 3 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE PORTS AND INTERFACES 3.1 PHYSICAL PORTS The physical ports of the J-IDMark 64 cryptographic module consist of the bond pad locations of the chip, and conform to the [ISO 7816-2] specifications. Tab 3 lists the physical ports of the module: Physical ports Description VCC Power supply (Voltage) RST Reset signal CLK Clock signal GND Ground IN/OUT Data Input/Output USB Not used Tab 3: Description of the physical ports Micro-bonds can connect the cryptographic module physical ports to a contact plate compliant with the [ISO 7816-2] specifications. Micro-bonds and contact plate are not included in the cryptographic boundary but are still described hereafter for illustration purposes. The contact plate is composed of 8-electrical contacts and is connected to the chip via the micro-bonds, which supply the chip with data I/O communications, clock, power and control functionality between the chip and the end-users. The specific definitions for the contacts and the relation to the physical ports of the J-IDMark 64 are shown in Figure 2 and Tab 4: C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 Figure 2: Contact plate description October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 11 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Contact number Assignment Module bond pad C1 Power supply (Voltage) VCC C2 Reset signal RST C3 Clock signal CLK C4 Not used C5 Ground GND C6 Not Used C7 Data Input/Output IN/OUT C8 Not used Tab 4: Functional specification of the contact plate All power to the module (provided by smart card reader) enters the power input interface through the voltage bond pad. The module has no internal power supply (battery, capacitor, etc.). 3.2 LOGICAL PORTS The J-IDMark 64 adheres to the [ISO7816-3] specifications, which describe the relationship between the cryptographic module and its host (e.g. smart card reader) as one of “slave” and “master,” respectively. Communications are established by the host, which sends signals to the cryptographic module through the contacts defined in 3.1. Communication then continues by the cryptographic module sending an appropriate response back to the host. The communication channel is single-threaded; once the host sends a command to the cryptographic module, it waits until a response is received. No overlapping between multiple command-response pairs is allowed. Messages between the cryptographic module and the host are conveyed using the T=0 link level protocol. The cryptographic module receives and executes a well-defined set of APDU commands sent by the host and answers with APDU responses according to the [ISO7816-4] specifications. The APDU communication protocol defines the following four logical interfaces: • Data Input Interface • Data Output Interface • Control Input Interface • Status Output Interface All logical interfaces are mapped to appropriate physical ports according to Tab 5. Physical interfaces Logical interfaces VCC Power RST Control Input CLK Control Input GND Power IN/OUT Data Input Data Output Control Input Status Output Tab 5: Physical to logical interface mapping October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 12 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 4 ACCESS CONTROL POLICY 4.1 ROLES Tab 6 presents the three roles supported by the J-IDMark 64 module. Role Description Perso CO This type of cryptographic officer is responsible for managing the setup of the cryptographic module during the personalization phase. Admin CO This type of cryptographic officer is in charge of managing ongoing security functions (e.g. unblocking the PIN) during the field use of the J-IDMark 64 module. User A user (e.g. a cardholder) who can access data and services according to his access rights during field use of the J-IDMark 64 module. The data access rights are defined during the personalization phase. Tab 6: Role description 4.2 AUTHENTICATION Tab 7 presents the identification mechanisms associated to the corresponding roles. Role Type of Authentication Authentication data Perso CO Mutual authentication (symmetric scheme) Perso key set (two 2-key TDES keys) Admin CO Mutual authentication (symmetric scheme) Admin key set (two 2-key TDES keys) Password PIN (Global and/or User) User Biometry One or two User fingerprint(s) Tab 7: Roles and required authentication J-IDMark 64 supports identity-based authentication according to level 3 requirements for the roles, services and authentication section of [FIPS 140-2]: • The Perso CO is uniquely identified by his Perso key set identification number. • The Admin CO is uniquely identified by the pair: applet ID v1 instance identification number & Admin key set identification number • Users are uniquely identified by the pair: applet ID v1 instance identification number & PINs or fingerprints identification number. The ability to change from one role to another is strictly enforced by the J-IDMark 64 features. Moreover, it is not possible to have more than one authenticated operator on the J-IDMark 64 module at the same time: all previous authentication records are cleared when a new authentication takes place. October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 13 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 4.3 AUTHENTICATION MECHANISMS Tab 8 presents the strengths of the different authentication mechanisms. Tab 8: Strengths of the authentication mechanisms Generic access rights for an unauthenticated operator may be controlled using the External keys. All authentication-related records are cleared from memory when the module power is removed. Prior authentication information is no longer available. Strength of mechanism Authentication mechanism Description Probability that a random authentication attempt succeeds Probability that multiple random authentication attempts within a one minute period succeed Perso CO authentication Mutual authentication (symmetric scheme) Admin CO authentication Less than 1/106 Less than 1/105 Password User PIN or Global PIN verification Less than or equal to 1/106 Less than or equal to 1/105 Biometry User Fingerprint matching Less than or equal to 1/106 Less than or equal to 1/105 October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 14 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 4.4 SERVICES 4.4.1 Services description Tab 9 describes the services of the J-IDMark 64 module and the security functions used at the invocation of each service. Services Description Security functions PERSO_CM.INIT Beginning of the personalization process and authentication of the Perso CO PRNG, TDES, TDES MAC CM.SEL Selection of an applet instance PERSO_CM.END End of the personalization process PERSO_AP.INIT Perso CO authentication and opening of a secure channel PRNG, TDES, TDES MAC PERSO_AP.DATA Data personalization PERSO_AP.SDO SDOs & SEs personalization TDES PERSO_AP.END End of the applet instance personalization phase FMS.SEL File object selection FMS.UPDATE File object update FMS.READ File object read FMS.READ_OBJ Data object read FMS.CREATE File object creation in applet instance FMS.DELETE File object deletion SDO.READ Read SDO public attribute SDO.GEN Generation of an asymmetric key pair value for an asymmetric RSA key pair SDO PRNG, RSA MSE.REST SE Selection MSE.UPDATE Current SE modification MSE.READ Read current SE HASH.LAST Last block HASH SHA-1 or SHA-2561 AUTH.USER.PWD_ONLY Password based User authentication TDES AUTH.USER.BIO_ONLY Biometry based User authentication TDES AUTH.USER.PWD PIN verification for file access permission TDES AUTH.MUT.SYM Mutual authentication (symmetric scheme) for: - Admin CO authentication - Secure messaging set up PRNG, TDES, TDES MAC AUTH.EXT.SYM External key verification for file access permission PRNG, TDES, TDES MAC AUTH.USER.BIO Biometric verification for file access permission TDES AUTH.USER.READ_BIO Read biometric information AUTH.USER.UNBLOCK PIN unblocking TDES AUTH.USER.CHANGE PIN modification and biometry initialization TDES CARD_TERM.REC Card signature (asymmetric scheme) RSA SIGN.GEN Data signature for non repudiation RSA CONFID.DECIPH Message key unwrapping RSA APPLET.TERMINATE Zeroization of the whole EEPROM SHOW.STATUS Verification that the module is working properly ON.DEMAND.SELFTESTS Execution of power-up self tests PRNG, TDES, TDES MAC, SHA-1, SHA-256, RSA Tab 9: J-IDMark 64 services overview 1 The choice between SHA-1 and SHA-256 is up to the host. October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 15 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 4.4.2 Services Access Control The crypto module uses identity-based control to access the services of the J-IDMark 64 module. Tab 10 presents the access control rules and the authorized roles for each service. The term ‘No role’ is used to identify services for which authentication is not required (note: initiating the act of authentication, by nature, does not require an authenticated state for this module). Services Perso CO Admin CO User No role PERSO_CM.INIT X CM.SEL X X X X PERSO_CM.END X PERSO_AP.INIT X PERSO_AP.DATA X PERSO_AP.SDO X PERSO_AP.END X FMS.SEL X X X X FMS.UPDATE (1) (1) (1) (1) FMS.READ (1) (1) (1) (1) FMS.READ_OBJ X X X X FMS.CREATE (1) (1) (1) (1) FMS.DELETE (1) (1) (1) (1) SDO.READ X X X X SDO.GEN (1) MSE.REST X X X MSE.UPDATE X X X MSE.READ X X X HASH.LAST X AUTH.USER.PWD_ONLY (2) AUTH.USER.BIO_ONLY (2) AUTH.USER.PWD (2) (2) AUTH.MUT.SYM (2) (2) AUTH.EXT.SYM (2) (2) AUTH.USER.BIO (2) (2) AUTH.USER.READ_BIO X X X AUTH.USER.UNBLOCK X AUTH.USER.CHANGE X CARD_TERM.REC (1) SIGN.GEN (1) CONFID.DECIPH (1) APPLET.TERMINATE X SHOW.STATUS X X X X ON.DEMAND.SELFTESTS X X X X Tab 10: Service access control An X means that the service is available within the role. A reference number (1 or 2) means that there might be one of the following additional access rules to be met in order to completely perform the service: (1): The access control rule for each accessed file or CSP must be met to successfully perform the service. Access control rules are personalizable and can be: 1) always accessible, 2) never accessible or 3) accessible based on pre-conditions. October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 16 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Pre-conditions can be: • Opened secure messaging and/or • An External key verification and/or • PIN or biometry presentation. (2): The reset retry counter corresponding to the accessed CSP must be different from 0. 4.5 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEYS AND CSPS Tab 11 presents the cryptographic keys and CSPs of the J-IDMark 64 module. All secret and private keys/CSPs are zeroizable via the Zeroize Service (APPLET.TERMINATE). Cryptographic keys and CSPs Description Perso CO key set Two static TDES double keys used to authenticate the Perso CO. Perso CO session key set Two TDES keys used to set up a secure messaging during the personalization phase of the module. Admin CO key set Two static TDES double keys used to authenticate the Admin CO. There is one Admin CO key set per Applet ID v1 instance. Admin CO session key set Two TDES keys used to set up secure messaging after Admin CO authentication. Card key set Two static double TDES keys used to perform a mutual authentication between the card and a remote terminal. There is one Card key set per applet ID v1 instance. Card session key set Two TDES double keys used to set up secure messaging. EEPROM area protection key set Two static TDES double keys used to protect the confidentiality and integrity all PINs and cryptographic keys stored in EEPROM. CSP encryption key A static TDES double key used to encrypt any CSPs input in or output from the cryptographic module during the personalization phase and field use. There is one CSP encryption key per applet ID v1 instance. The value of the CSP encryption key can be modified by the Perso CO during the personalization phase. Global PIN A PIN represented by 8 alphanumeric characters. The Global PIN is common to all instances of the ID v1 Applet. User PINs PINs of minimum 4 alphanumeric characters used to authenticate a user. There is a maximum of 4 different PINs per instance of the ID v1 Applet. Biometric data Used to authenticate a user. There is a maximum of 4 different biometric templates per applet ID v1 instance. External keys Static TDES double keys used to allow access rights to objects. There is a maximum of 4 different TDES keys per applet ID v1 instance. RSA private keys There are up to 3 RSA private keys per applet ID v1 instance used for: - Signatures. - Key unwrapping. PRNG Seed key This double key is used to seed the Approved ANSI X9.31 PRNG function. It is generated by the non-deterministic hardware random number generator. Tab 11: Cryptographic keys and CSPs overview The only public keys are the RSA public key counterparts to the RSA private keys. October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 17 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 4.6 CSPS ACCESS CONTROL Tab 12 presents the service access rights for each CSP. CSPs Services Operations PERSO_CM. INIT Authentication Perso CO key set PERSO_AP.INIT Authentication PERSO_AP.SDO Creation AUTH.MUT.SYM Authentication SDO.READ Read public attribute Admin CO key set APPLET.TERMINATE Zeroization PERSO_AP.SDO Creation AUTH.MUT.SYM Authentication SDO. READ Read public attribute Card key set APPLET.TERMINATE Zeroization PERSO_AP.END Modification PERSO_AP.SDO Decryption SDO.READ Read public attribute CSP encryption key APPLET.TERMINATE Zeroization PERSO_AP.SDO Creation AUTH.USER.PWD_ONLY Verification AUTH.USER.PWD Verification AUTH.USER.CHANGE Modification AUTH.USER.UNBLOCK Unblock SDO. READ Read public attribute PINs (global & user) APPLET.TERMINATE Zeroization PERSO_AP.SDO Creation AUTH.USER.READ.BIO Reading AUTH.USER.BIO_ONLY Verification AUTH.USER.BIO Verification AUTH.USER.CHANGE Initialization AUTH.USER.UNBLOCK Unblock SDO. READ Read public attribute Biometric data APPLET.TERMINATE Zeroization PERSO_AP.SDO Creation AUTH.EXT.SYM Verification SDO. READ Read public attribute External keys APPLET.TERMINATE Zeroization PERSO_AP.SDO Creation SDO.GEN Generation SDO. READ Read public attribute SIGN.GEN Data Signature CARD_TERM.REC Signature CONFID.DECIPH Unwrapping RSA private keys APPLET.TERMINATE Zeroization Encryption/Decryption No specific service (done automatically) Integrity EEPROM Area Protection key set APPLET.TERMINATE Zeroization Tab 12: CSPs access rights within services October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 18 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 5 PHYSICAL SECURITY The J-IDMark 64 module is designed and manufactured to fulfill the requirements of [FIPS 140-2] level 4 physical security. • Tamper resistance and tamper evidence • Physical penetration testing • Chemical testing • EFP for temperature and voltage (note: clock frequency protections are also in place). The module implementation is a production grade, commercially available single chip device (ATMEL AT90SC25672RCT), which contains the following security features: • Voltage monitor • Frequency monitor • Light protection • Temperature monitor. The physical enclosure of the chip is a metallic layer, which covers sensitive circuitry, provides advanced protection against physical attacks and fulfills the physical tampering and probing requirements. October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 19 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 6 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT The J-IDMark 64 cryptographic module may be defined as possessing a non-modifiable operational environment. It does not support the modification of the operational environment (firmware, OS, etc.). Additionally, no software or firmware can be downloaded or altered post-issuance. The Operational Environment requirements of [FIPS 140-2] Area 6, therefore, do not apply to the J-IDMark 64 cryptographic module. October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 20 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 7 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT 7.1 KEY OVERVIEW Cryptographic keys Key size Approved algorithms Encryption key: 112 bits TDES Perso CO key set Mac key: 112 bits TDES MAC Encryption key: 112 bits TDES Perso CO session key set Mac key: 112 bits TDES MAC Encryption key: 112 bits TDES Admin CO key set Mac Key: 112 bits TDES MAC Encryption key: 112 bits TDES Admin CO session key set Mac Key: 112 bits TDES MAC Encryption key: 112 bits TDES Card key set Mac key: 112 bits TDES MAC Encryption key: 112 bits TDES Card session key set Mac key: 112 bits TDES MAC Encryption key: 112 bits TDES EEPROM area protection key set Mac key: 112 bits TDES MAC CSP encryption key 112 bits TDES External keys 112 bits TDES TDES MAC RSA private keys 1024 to 2048 bits PRNG RSA RSA public keys 1024 to 2048 bits PRNG Tab 13: Cryptographic key overview 7.2 KEY GENERATION Among cryptographic keys, only the RSA key pairs can be generated on board after issuance, using the FIPS approved PRNG function. 7.3 ENTRY/OUTPUT All static cryptographic keys used in the field, except RSA key pairs, are input encrypted with a dedicated CSP encryption key during the personalization of the cryptographic module. If not generated on board, RSA keys can also be input during personalization along with the others cryptographic keys. Cryptographic keys are never input or output in plaintext form from the cryptographic module. 7.4 STORAGE Static cryptographic keys are stored in EEPROM and are prevented from disclosure, modification and substitution by: − An API which does not allow those operations. − A dedicated key set which encrypts the EEPROM area where cryptographic keys are stored. October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 21 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 7.5 ZEROIZATION There is a zeroization mechanism to actively overwrite all static cryptographic keys and CSPs stored in the EEPROM. In addition, session keys are erased at the end of each session. October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 22 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 8 EMI/EMC The cryptographic module has been tested to meet the EMI/EMC FCC Part 15 Class B requirements. October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 23 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 9 SELF-TESTS The cryptographic module performs a set of self-tests to ensure that it is working properly. When a self-test fails, the cryptographic module enters an error state and remains mute until the card is reset. 9.1 POWER-UP SELF-TESTS The J-IDMark 64 performs the following power-up self-tests: • EEPROM software/firmware integrity check. • TDES-MAC known answer test. • TDES ciphering/deciphering known answer test. • RSA signature & SHA-1 known answer test. • SHA-256 known answer test • ANSI X9.31 Pseudo random number generation test. 9.2 CONDITIONAL SELF-TESTS The J-IDMark 64 performs the following conditional self-tests: • RSA key pair wise consistency check after each RSA key pair generation. • Hardware random number generation continuous test. • Pseudo random number generation continuous test. 9.3 SELF-TESTS ON DEMAND The suite of cryptographic power-up self-tests may be performed at any time by repowering the module. October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 24 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 10 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS The J-IDMark 64 implements countermeasures to protect against the attacks listed in Tab 14: Attacks Countermeasures SPA/SEMA Countermeasures against SPA/SEMA attacks Timing Countermeasures against Timing attacks DPA/DEMA Countermeasures against DPA/DEMA attacks CPA/CEMA Countermeasures against CPA/CEMA attacks DFA Countermeasures against DFA attacks Tab 14: Mitigation of other attacks October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 25 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 11 SECURITY RULES The following represents the security rules established for and supported by this J-IDMark 64 cryptographic module. 11.1 SECURE OPERATION SECURITY RULES • The J-IDMark 64 module does not allow itself to return to the personalization lifecycle state once personalization has been performed: personalization can therefore only be performed once. • Perso CO an Admin CO should verify at power-up of the card the value of the byte in the ATR, which indicates that the card is [FIPS 140-2] level 3 compliant. • If the J-IDMark 64 module is [FIPS 140-2] level 3 compliant, then all the instances of the ID v1 Applet are [FIPS 140-2] level 3 compliant. • Each instance of the ID v1 supports two operating modes, which correspond to different command access control policies: normal and reinforced. If the instance works under the reinforced mode, then a mutual authentication between the cryptographic module and the host (card reader or terminal…) is required to perform services such as user authentication and signatures. The mode of operation of each instance is set during the personalization phase and cannot be changed afterwards. Both of these modes of operation are FIPS Approved. • The operator shall check that the module is working properly by requesting the serial number data of the module. If the command answers, the module is working correctly. If the command does not answer, then the module is either in error state, powered off or terminated. The module shall be distinctive in indicating which of these states it occupies. • The module does not allow data output during self-tests, key generation, zeroization and error states. 11.2 AUTHENTICATION SECURITY RULES • The User shall keep the knowledge of his PIN(s) secret. Perso-CO and Admin CO shall also not share or disclose their secret key set. • No authentication record is kept after power down of the module. • The strength of each authentication mechanism shall be better than 1/106 for a one-time guess and 1/105 for multiple attempts in a 1-minute period. • Only one authenticated operator shall be able to perform authentication-required services on the J- IDMark 64 module at a time. • For each instance of the ID v1 Applet, only one user can be authenticated using the biometric mechanism, as all the biometric templates must correspond to the same physical person. 11.3 PIN MANAGEMENT SECURITY RULES • Only the Admin CO is allowed to unblock a PIN once the card is in the field. • The Global PIN can be used to authenticate a user and to restrain access to some files. There is only one Global PIN for the J-IDMark 64 module, so the Perso CO shall be aware, when allocating the use of this PIN, that this CSP is common to all the instances of the ID v1 applet. • The module shall employ a count mechanism to limit the maximum number of multiple PIN authentication attempts to ten. October 2006 - Sagem Orga document - DSE/D70/2005/D0268 - Version 1.0 Page : 26 This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 11.4 KEY MANAGEMENT SECURITY RULES • The module shall contain a zeroization service for all cryptographic keys and CSPs. • Cryptographic keys that have a retry counter shall not be unblockable. • The J-IDMark 64 module shall rely on the CSP encryption key for the protection of all CSPs entering or leaving the cryptographic boundary. 11.5 PHYSICAL SECURITY RULES • The card shall be inspected periodically for evidence of tampering. • Access to the module shall be limited prior to initialization based on the physical security protections and the lack of available interfaces prior and during initialization. 11.6 SELF-TESTS SECURITY RULES • The J-IDMark 64 module shall perform startup self-tests automatically, without operator intervention. • The operator of the module shall be able to perform power-up self-tests at any time, on demand. • When a self-test fails, the module shall enter an error state. • No data shall be output during self-tests.