Copyright 2016 DataLocker, Inc. May be reproduced in its entirety without modification. DataLocker Enterprise, V2.0 (DataLocker DL2) DataLocker, Inc. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Version 1.1 Last Update: 2016-06-28 Copyright 2016 DataLocker, Inc. May be reproduced in its entirety without modification. Table of Contents Document History..................................................................................................................................... 3 Acronyms.................................................................................................................................................. 3 1. Cryptographic Module Specification.................................................................................................... 4 1.1. Description of Module ................................................................................................................... 4 1.2. Description of Approved Mode ..................................................................................................... 5 1.3. Cryptographic Module Boundary .................................................................................................. 6 1.4. Block Diagram............................................................................................................................... 7 2. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces ......................................................................................... 7 3. Roles, Services and Authentication ...................................................................................................... 7 3.1. Roles............................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2. Services.......................................................................................................................................... 8 3.3. Operator Authentication................................................................................................................. 8 4. Physical Security................................................................................................................................... 9 5. Operational Environment...................................................................................................................... 9 6. Cryptographic Key Management........................................................................................................ 10 7. Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Compatibility............................................................ 10 8. Self Tests............................................................................................................................................. 11 8.1. Power-Up Tests............................................................................................................................ 11 8.2. Conditional Tests ......................................................................................................................... 11 9. Design Assurance................................................................................................................................ 11 9.1. Configuration Management ......................................................................................................... 11 9.2. Delivery and Operation................................................................................................................ 11 9.3. Development................................................................................................................................ 12 9.4. Guidance ...................................................................................................................................... 12 10. Mitigation of Other Attacks.............................................................................................................. 12 Copyright 2016 DataLocker, Inc. May be reproduced in its entirety without modification. Document History Version Date of Change Author Changes to Previous Version 0.1 2010-06-02 atsec Initial draft 0.2 2010-06-11 atsec Updated block diagram and module image 0.3 2010-08-15 atsec Including DataLocker revisions 0.5 2010-09-08 atsec Additional DataLocker revisions for Design Assurance 0.6 2010-11-10 atsec Addition of pictures, minor revisions for clarity 0.7 2010-11-11 atsec Updates based on initial internal review 0.8 2010-11-17 atsec Set Area 3 to Level 2, Added Area 11 0.9 2011-01-19 atsec Response to NIST comments 1.0 2011-02-11 atsec Version for public release 1.1 2016-06-28 atsec Added alias module name Acronyms AES Advanced Encryption Standard ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit CBC Cipher Block Chaining CO Cryptographic Officer CPU Central Processing Unit CSP Critical Security Parameter EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard HDD Hard Disk Drive LCD Liquid Crystal Display NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology PIN Personal Identification Number RAM Random Access Memory ROM Read Only Memory SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment USB Universal Serial Bus Copyright 2016 DataLocker, Inc. May be reproduced in its entirety without modification. 1. Cryptographic Module Specification Security Component Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services and Authentication 2 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security 1 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 3 Self Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks 1 1.1. Description of Module The DataLocker Enterprise, V2.0 (DataLocker DL2), (hereafter referred to as the cryptographic module, module, or the DataLocker) is a secure, portable multiple-chip standalone, data storage solution that is platform independent and provides hardware-based AES encryption to protect User data. All authentication, encryption and administration processes are performed by the DataLocker through its integrated touch screen display without the need to interface a host system. Two configurations of the module are available, which are identical with the exception of their internal hard disk size; the DL500E2 includes a 500 GB hard disk, where as the DL1000E2 includes a 1 TB hard disk.L The module is comprised of the following hardware and firmware components: • DataLocker Enclosure (Part Numbers: DL500E2, DL1000E2) • DataLocker Firmware Version 2.30 • A 2.5 Inch SATA Hard Drive. Copyright 20 Im 1.2. Descri 16 DataLocke mage 2: Back iption of A er, Inc. May b Approved M be reproduced Im Image 3: T Mode d in its entirety age 1: Front Top Ima y without mod age 4: Left dification. Image 5: Bot ttom Imag ge 6: Right Copyright 2016 DataLocker, Inc. May be reproduced in its entirety without modification. The cryptographic module supports the following Approved algorithms in the Approved mode of operation: - AES CBC mode, 128 and 256-bit keys (Cert. #250) The module also supports a non-Approved mode where the operator may generate AES encryption keys using a non-Approved method for data encryption. Switching between the modes of operation will invoke zeroization and destroy all existing critical security parameters (CSPs). The operator may determine the mode of operation by verifying a FIPS mode flag; on the home screen, “FIPS KEY ACTIVE” will be displayed to indicate the Approved mode of operation. 1.3. Cryptographic Module Boundary The cryptographic boundary is defined as the physical perimeter of the hard, opaque enclosure. No components have been excluded from the cryptographic boundary. 2 T T w t U Copyright 20 1.4.Block 2. Cryptog The DataLo - LCD To - USB Po - DC In: - Power S - Buzzer: - Power L - HDD LE 3. Roles, S 3.1. Roles The module which is fulf the PIN ente User and no 16 DataLocke Diagram graphic Mo cker support ouch Panel: ort: Switch: LED: ED: Services an supports rol filled by the ered during l support is p er, Inc. May b odule Ports ts the follow Data In Power Power Contro Status Status Status nd Authent le-based auth Adminstrato login. The m provided for be reproduced s and Interf wing physical nput, Data O r Input, Data r Input ol Input Output Output Output tication hentication a or, and the U module only s multiple con d in its entirety faces l ports and lo Output, Cont Input, Data and two ope User. Each o supports a si ncurrent ope y without mod ogical interf trol Input, St a Output, Con erator roles: t of the roles is ingle Crypto erators or a M dification. faces: tatus Output ntrol Input, the Cryptogr s implicitly s ographic Off Maintenance t Status Outpu raphic Offic selected base ficer and a si e operator. ut er, ed on ingle Copyright 2016 DataLocker, Inc. May be reproduced in its entirety without modification. 3.2. Services The following table describes the services available to each role and the CSP access rights for each role and service. Note that the Show Status and Self-Tests services do not require an authorized role to be assumed, as they are available to any operator. - R: Read - W: Write - Z: Zeroize Role/Service Access Rights Table Role Service CSP Algo/Mode(s) Access User, Administrator Change Settings N/A N/A N/A User, Administrator Change Main Key Main Key AES CBC R, W User Change Password PIN, Main Key AES CBC W (Pin), R (Main Key) User, Administrator Self-Destruct PIN, Master PIN, Main Key N/A Z User, Administrator Encrypt Data Main Key AES CBC R User, Administrator Decrypt Data Main Key AES CBC R Administrator Change Master Password Master PIN, Main Key AES CBC W (Master PIN), R (Main Key) User, Administrator, Any Self-Tests N/A N/A N/A User, Administrator, Any Show Status N/A N/A N/A 3.3. Operator Authentication Each operator authenticates with a PIN that is between six and 18 digits in length and is obscured during entry. As a result, the probability that a random authentication attempt will succeed is at least one in 5,000,000. The DataLocker will self-destruct and zeroize all CSPs if nine consecutive failed authentication attempts are made. The probability that a brute force attack, given one minute of time, will succeed is 9 in 5,000,000, which is less than the required probability of one in 100,000. Operators may not change roles; a new role may only be assumed after disconnecting from the currently assumed role and re-authenticating as the new role. Authentication is required after each power cycle. Copyright 2016 DataLocker, Inc. May be reproduced in its entirety without modification. 4. Physical Security The module is a multi-chip standalone device that is designed to comply with FIPS 140-2 Level 1 physical security requirements. The module is contained within a hard plastic enclosure and is constructed of production grade components. There are no removable doors/covers and no maintenance interface. 5. Operational Environment The operational environment requirements of FIPS 140-2 are not applicable, because the DataLocker has a non-modifiable operational environment. Copyright 2016 DataLocker, Inc. May be reproduced in its entirety without modification. 6. Cryptographic Key Management Keys and CSPs are protected by the physical enclosure. In addition, CSPs are stored in a reserved sector of the hard disk drive that is inaccessible to operators. There are no unauthorized interfaces through which an adversary can modify, substitute, or disclose a CSP. Keys are associated with the User or memory sector in the reserved sector. The module does not support manual key entry. Key Life cycle Table 7. Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Compatibility The DataLocker Enterprise conforms to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class B (i.e., for home use). As a result, the module complies with the requirements of FIPS 140-2, Level 3 for EMI/EMC only. Name Description Auth Role Generation/ Establishment Entry/ Output Storage Zeroization PIN 6-18 digit value used to authenticate the User User thru “Change Password” service N/A. Specified by User. Default is 6 zeroes. Entered through the touch panel during device unlock, initialization, and update. Reserved Sector “Self Destruct” or “Change Main Key” Master PIN 6-18 digit value used to authenticate the Administrator Administrator thru “Change Master Password” service N/A. Specified by User. Set as 6 zeroes. Entered through the touch panel during device unlock, initialization, and update. Reserved Sector “Self Destruct” or “Change Main Key” Main Key 128 or 256 bit value used to secure HDD data with AES User or Administrator thru “Change Main Key” N/A. Initially installed during manufacturing. Imported during initialization in a secure environment. Reserved Sector “Self Destruct” or “Change Main Key” Copyright 2016 DataLocker, Inc. May be reproduced in its entirety without modification. 8.Self Tests All data output is inhibited when the module is in the self-test state. Furthermore, no cryptographic services are available when the module is in a self-test state. The module is disabled in the error state and will not perform any cryptographic service while in the error state. Data output is also inhibited while in the error state. Self-tests do not require user intervention or actions to initiate. Successful completion of self-tests is indicated by display of the home screen. Self-tests may also be invoked on demand by power-cycling the device. 8.1. Power-Up Tests The following power-up self-tests are performed. An error in either of the self-tests will cause the module to re-attempt all self-tests. If two buzzer beeps are emitted during the self-tests, then there was an error with the AES KAT, where as three buzzer beeps indicates an error with the firmware integrity test. If no errors were detected, the operator will be presented with the home screen. - AES KAT - Firmware Integrity Test (16-bit Checksum) 8.2. Conditional Tests No conditional tests are supported by the module. 9. Design Assurance 9.1. Configuration Management All source code changes are internally controlled by DataLocker company policy. All file revisions are recorded in the “exrom.c” and “releaseNote.txt” files. All hardware modifications are subject to revision control. Release notes are recorded on the master schematic and the corresponding revision code is printed on the top of the PCB. Revision notes are recorded in the file “RevisionNote.txt” and are internally controlled. 9.2. Delivery and Operation All initial setup is done at the factory level. AES keys are generated by an Approved RNG and injected into the DataLocker at the production facility in a secure area by only designated personnel. Each DataLocker unit undergoes extensive testing prior to delivery. The complete DataLocker unit is delivered to the end user pre-formatted and pre-initialized. The User and CO must simply set their PINs before using the DataLocker securely in the Approved mode. Copyright 2016 DataLocker, Inc. May be reproduced in its entirety without modification. 9.3. Development The DataLocker was developed using the software tools described in this section. Firmware development tools: 1. Keil uVision C51 Compiler (RealView MDK Professional) - Firmware source code compiler. 2. BitFontCreator v1.6 - LCD Menu design tool 3. Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 - Firmware Update Utility, Master Password Utility, Key Injector Hardware development tools: 1. Orcad Capture - Schematic design tool 2. PADS PCB - PCB Artwork 9.4. Guidance The following security rules must be adhered to in order to operate the DataLocker securely: 1. Operators must set a PIN of no less than seven digits and no more than 18 digits. 2. The Administrator PIN must be configured. 3. Self-Destruct mode must always be enabled. Please see the associated DataLocker User Manual for additional guidance. 10. Mitigation of Other Attacks An attacker may be able to determine an operator’s PIN by observing the geometric pattern created during PIN entry and then repeating it. This observation method is often referred to as “shoulder surfing”. The DataLocker Enterprise reduces the ability of an attacker to perform such an attack by re-arranging the touch screen keypad into one of several different patterns at each log in. Randomizing the keypad makes it more difficult for an observing attacker to determine the operator’s PIN, because the geometric entry pattern will be different for each log in and cannot be imitated. Keypad randomization is a common technique used for virtual PIN pads on PIV (Personal Identity Verification) devices used in the GSA PIV program.