Thales e-Security, Inc. 2200 North Commerce Pkwy, Suite 200 Weston, FL 33326, USA Document Revision 002 Thales e-Security keyAuthority® FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Security Policy - Firmware version: 3.0.3 - Hardware Version: 1.0 Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary 1. Introduction This document provides the Security Policy for the keyAuthority product, conforming to the FIPS 140-2 Security Requirements [1]. This security policy describes how the appliance meets the security requirements of FIPS 140-2 and how to run the module in an approved mode of operation. This document was prepared as part of the Level 3 FIPS 140-2 validation of Thales e-Security keyAuthority®. Further information on keyAuthority is available from the Thales web site: 2. Overview keyAuthority is a standards-based, FIPS-validated key management appliance that enables organizations to confidently manage encryption for multiple types of encrypting endpoints. The appliance enables the management of client encryption keys throughout their lifecycle to meet security policy and regulatory compliance requirements. A vendor-neutral approach ensures broad support for encryption devices, including native compatibility for IBM tape and disk products through Tivoli® Key Lifecycle Manager (TKLM) integration. Fabric-based encryption management is provided through support for the Brocade Encryption Switch. The keyAuthority appliance offers the following advantages:  Provides an open (encryption vendor neutral), enterprise-class, key lifecycle management module.  Manages key lifecycle policy comprehensively by following industry standards.  Enables secure controls over key material when shared with business partner encryption products to achieve unrivaled security, operational efficiency, and ease –of-use.  Delivers automated synchronization for continuous high availability to support seamless disaster recovery. Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary 1.1 Major Functions The keyAuthority module performs the following functions, as illustrated in the figure above:  Create – keyAuthority creates random keys to ensure data privacy. All random keys are generated by FIPS approved RNGs implemented by the module.  Distribute – Secure transport and automated key distribution for multi-site access to keys, as well as secure replication channels in support of device redundancy.  Archive – Meets compliance requirements for secure long-term archiving.  Share – Secure and simple sharing of encrypted data with business partners.  Recover – Recovery of encrypted data and keys at any site. To assure highest security, keys are not accessed until actually needed.  Delete – Enforcement of data destruction across multiple sites to meet compliance requirements. 1.2 Encryption Key Management The inefficiencies and complexities of safely managing enterprise encryption keys is too great if depending upon unreliable manual operations. The opportunity for user error is too high of a security risk in critical situations such as disaster recovery. Thales e-Security keyAuthority automates all of the essential key lifecycle controls to greatly reduce the risks of data loss and provide long-term access to keys. Create Share Distribut e Archive Delete Recover Figure 1- Major Functions Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary When using Thales e-Security keyAuthority, security managers automate key lifecycle policy and create trust relationships to share keys with devices, groups, and users. Group relationships automatically ensure that keys are available when they are needed and only by authenticated encryption devices. Primarily focused on Data-at-rest applications, the solution with partner devices supports data stored on tape or disk media to meet long-term data retention policies. The appliance provides a comprehensive set of tools that enable a global company to automate key recovery across multiple sites. The keyAuthority module delivers secure, automated, and open centralized key management for third- party encryption devices as part of a solution ecosystem, as demonstrated in the figure below: Figure 2 - Centralized Key Management Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary 3. Physical Ports and Interfaces The keyAuthority module has a number of physical ports and logical interfaces. The physical ports provided by keyAuthority are described in the following table: Table 1 - Physical Ports and Status Indicators Port Description MGMT Port Connects to a private management network for providing remote and local secure management capabilities. MGMT Port LEDs ACT LED indicates network link status. LNK LED indicates network activity. PORT 1 Connects to the network and provides services to network attached clients. PORT 1 LEDs ACT LED indicates network link status. LNK LED indicates network activity. PORT 2 Currently unused and reserved for future use. PORT 2 LEDs Currently unused and reserved for future use. CONSOLE Port Connects to a local terminal for initialization of the module and limited local management capabilities. Smart card Interface ISO card compliant smart card reader for local authentication and key management. Smart card LED Indicates smart card insertion status. LCD Front Panel Display Provides device status information. Front Panel Controls Currently unused and reserved for future use. Top Power Interface PCI Compact Power Adapter for supporting power supply redundancy and high availability. Top Power Interface LED Power LED indicates status of removable power supply. Lower Power Interface PCI Compact Power Adapter for supporting power supply redundancy and high availability. Lower Power Interface LED Power LED indicates status of removable power supply. The physical ports are mapped to the FIPS 140-2 defined logical interfaces: data input, data output, control input, status output as described in the following table: Table 2 - Physical Port to Logical Port Mapping Logical Interface Physical Interface Mapping Data Input Interface MGMT Port PORT 1 Smart card Interface Data Output Interface MGMT Port PORT 1 Smart card Interface Control Input Interface MGMT Port CONSOLE Port Status Output Interface MGMT Port MGMT Port LEDs PORT 1 PORT 1 LEDs CONSOLE Port Smart card LED LCD Front Panel Display Top Power Interface LED Bottom Power interface LED Power Interface Top PCI Compact Power Connector Bottom PCI Compact Power Connector Internal Rechargeable batteries Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary 4. Identification and Authentication Policy The keyAuthority module supports identity-based authentication for all roles. The two FIPS roles associated with the keyAuthority module are:  Crypto Officer – responsible for all management activities associated with the module.  User – This role is assumed by client applications requiring key management services. The module supports eight unique roles, which are mapped into the two FIPS roles above as follows: Table 3 - keyAuthority Roles Mapping to FIPS Roles Role FIPS Mapping Authentication Data Administrator Crypto Officer The operator is granted access to keyAuthority console or GUI after providing proper user ID and corresponding password. Security Officer Crypto Officer The operator is granted access to keyAuthority console or GUI after providing proper user ID and corresponding password. Group Manager Crypto Officer The operator is granted access to keyAuthority GUI after providing proper user ID and corresponding password. Auditor Crypto Officer The operator is granted access to keyAuthority GUI after providing proper user ID and corresponding password. Recovery Officer Crypto Officer The operator is granted access to keyAuthority console or GUI after providing proper user ID and corresponding password. P 1619 User User The operator is given access after the module verifies a signature supplied in the TLS connection set-up messages TKLM User User The operator is given access after the module verifies a signature supplied in the TKLM connection set-up messages Replication User User The operator is given access after the module verifies a signature supplied in the TLS connection set-up messages The keyAuthority module supports concurrent operators. The keyAuthority module is delivered with only one default Administrator role and one default Security Officer role. But once additional operators are enrolled as different roles, the module does not allow the deletion of roles beyond the minimum required, which includes one Security Officer, one Administrator, three Recovery Officer and one Auditor role. The module can have only one Replicating partner so only one Replication user role. Additionally, the maximum number of concurrent TKLM and P1619.3 users/clients are restricted by the specification of the respective licenses installed on the module. The separation between concurrent operators is achieved through the following:  Serial processing of the requests that are routed through the main daemons.  Strict role separation between operators; combining roles is prohibited.  The login session state belonging to each operator is maintained separately. When an operator successfully logs into the module, the authorized role is allowed. The operator is not permitted to alter their role while logged into the module. 4.1 Crypto Officer Role The keyAuthority module can be managed by the Crypto Officer using any of the following methods: Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary  Console via the direct attached Console Serial Port  Remote console via a SSHv2 secure connection to the MGMT Port  Graphical User Interface (GUI) using HTTPS (via TLS) secure connection to the MGMT Port All Crypto Officers authorized to access the module are required to enter a username and password. Optionally, a two factor authentication mechanism can be enabled which requires the user to also present a smart card which contains a pre-placed RSA key pair protected by a PIN. Operator use one or both of these mechanisms to authenticate to the system in order to perform authorized tasks. When using two-factor authentication, the keyAuthority module supplies a new, random nonce value to the smart card for signature to prove ownership of the private key associated with the operator in question. The system enforces the following password security policy for all Crypto Officers:  Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and at most 32 characters long.  Passwords must be a mix of at least two out of three of: o Letters o Numbers o Special Characters 4.2 User Role The module can be accessed by the User using the following methods:  Replication Client – Authenticates using a signed X.509 RSA 2048-bit Certificate over TLS protocol. The user certificate is issued by the keyAuthority CA.  P1619.3 Client – Authenticates using a signed X.509 RSA 2048-bit Certificate over TLS protocol. The user certificate is issued by either the keyAuthority CA or an external trusted CA.  TKLM Client – Authenticates using a signed X.509 RSA 2048-bit Certificate over TKLM protocol. The user certificate is issued by an external trusted CA. 4.3 Unauthenticated Operator An unauthenticated operator is one who accesses the module without providing authentication credentials. The unauthenticated operator only has access to the following services:  Power-cycle the module to cause reboot. This also causes the module to run its power-up self- tests again.  Observe the power supply and network ports statuses by viewing the respective LEDs.  Observe the module status from the LCD on the front panel of the module. Table 4 - Unauthenticated Operator Services Module State Indication Power off LCD off Power-up self-tests running LCD on but not ready Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary Module State Indication Error LCD indicates error Operational LCD reads "ready" 4.4 Authentication The types and strengths of authentication for each Role identified for the keyAuthority module are given in the tables below. Table 5 - Roles and Required Identification and Authentication Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data Crypto Officer Identity Based Username and Password Crypto Officer Identity Based, two-factor Username, Password, and RSA Key Pair (smart card) User Identify Based Signed X.509 Digital Certificate Table 6 - Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism Username and Password Given the case where a user chooses to meet the minimum password policy requirements, the number of password permutations with eight characters selected from a possible of 52 alpha characters (upper and lower), 10 digits and 10 special characters giving 72 possibilities is 72^8 = (72*72*72*72*72*72*72*72) = 722,204,136,308,736 total permutations. The module actually places additional restrictions on these passwords, requiring at least one character from two of the three categories of letters, digits, and special characters. So, the actual number of possible passwords is even less than this. Therefore the probability of guessing a password is significantly less than one in 1,000,000. Multiple attempts to use this authentication mechanism will be gated by the method of authentication chosen. When authenticating over SSH or HTTPS, the authentication mechanism will lock the account after three failed tries. Therefore, an attacker will only be able to choose 3/722,204,136,308,736 passwords before the account would become locked out. See the section following this table for details on User Account Lockout. When authenticating over the serial console, the system imposes a minimum of a 1 second delay for each login attempt. After four unsuccessful login attempts, the serial console disconnects. Therefore, an attacker could at most try one password per second. Assuming that on average half of the passwords would have to be tried (e.g. 361,102,068,154,368), then the attacker would require an average of over 11,442,869 years to guess the authentication of a specific Crypto Officer. Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism There is no feedback of authentication data to the Crypto Officer that might serve to weaken the authentication mechanism. Username, Password, and RSA Key Pair The module allows Crypto-Officers to log in with a combination of username- password and a RSA key pair authentication (available with the use of a smart card). The strength of this mechanism relies upon the strength of the Username and Password mechanism (shown in the row above) combined with the strength of a 2048 bit RSA Private Key (as illustrated in the row below). Because both mechanisms far exceed the FIPS requirements, we can conclude that the combination of Username, Password and RSA Private Key exceed the FIPS requirement. There is no feedback of authentication data to the Crypto Officer that might serve to weaken the authentication mechanism. Signed X.509 Digital Certificate The strength depends upon the size of the private key space. The keyAuthority module relies upon RSA 2048-bit signature verification of the User role certificates. This provides an encryption strength of 112 bits, so the probability of a random success will be 1 in 2^112, which is significantly less than one in 1,000,000. Multiple attempts to use the authentication mechanism during a one-minute period do not constitute a threat for secure operation of the keyAuthority module. This is because each attempt requires the module to check the signature on the certificate that is to be loaded. Therefore the total number of attempts that can be made in a one-minute period will be limited by the keyAuthority signature verification and response operation, which takes on average approximately 30 seconds, so two such attempts can be possible in one- minute. The majority of this time is accounted for by the communications overheads since the signature checking operation within the module is relatively fast. Given the very large size (2048 bits) of the private key space used by the FIPS Approved signature algorithm (RSA) utilized by the keyAuthority module, it follows that the probability that an intruder will be able to guess the private key, and thereby gain authentication, by making multiple attempts, the probability of success will be 1 in (2^112)/2, which is significantly less than one in 100,000. There is no feedback of authentication data to the User that might serve to weaken the authentication mechanism. Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary 4.4.1 User Account Lockout For login attempts from a remote location, the Crypto Officer authentication mechanism is designed with an account-locking feature where three consecutive login failures for a given user ID will lockout access to that operator. The account can only be unlocked by an Administrator. NOTE: The locking feature does not apply to Administrator privileged login failures through the console in order to prevent permanent lockout of the module. However, the requirement is met because of the 1-second delay implemented at the console login. Read below for details. When keyAuthority locks an administrator account, the administrator must login via the serial console and change their own password, or another administrator must reset their password. When keyAuthority locks a security officer account, the officer must login via the serial console and change their password. On the serial console, for all operators including the Administrator role, the system imposes a minimum of a 1-second delay for each login attempt. After four unsuccessful login attempts, the serial console disconnects. Assume a worst-case scenario that an attacker attempts to guess password on the serial console. Further, assume that the attacker is able to reconnect immediately to the console after a serial port disconnect. Such an attacker would be able to guess passwords at a rate of one guess per second. On average, a well-chosen 8-character password would require an attacker to try half of the possible password permutations (361,102,068,154,368 password attempts). At a rate of one guess per second, an attacker would require an average of over 11,442,869 years (361,102,068,154,368 / (60 * 60 * 24 * 365.2425)). Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary 5. Secure Operation Rules 5.1 Setup and Initialization The Crypto-Officer is expected to follow the vendor guidelines to setup and install the module after it is received from the vendor. These setup procedures briefly include the following: 1. Unpacking and mounting the appliance in a rack, if required. 2. Use default Security Officer and default Administrator role credentials to login to the module. 3. Configuring network settings on the physical ports. 4. Generating System Keys and Root CA. 5. Add and modify users, as required. 5.2 FIPS-Approved Mode The module is meant to always operate in a FIPS-Approved mode and does not support a non-FIPS mode. No operator-initiated configurations are required to enable the FIPS-mode on the module. After completing the setup procedures, the module is ready for use in FIPS-Approved mode and stays in this mode forever. Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary 6. Access Control Policy 6.1 Services 6.1.1 Crypto Officer Services The sections below enumerate the authorized services available for each Crypto Officer role within the keyAuthority module. All services require authentication to the module. For services marked with a ‘*’ character, the service requires a multi-user quorum authentication. Quorum authentication requirements are provided in the Description column. For further details of each operation, refer to the keyAuthority Users Guide [4]. Administrator Table 7- Services Authorized for the Administrator Service Description Cryptographic Keys and CSP Access (R/W/Z) Access Module Crypto Officer authentication to the module Passwords (R) 2-Factor Authentication Public Key (R) GUI Open Connection Create a browser connection TLS Key Pair (R) TLS Certificate (R) TLS Session Keys (W) SSH Open Connection Create a secure shell connection SSH Key Pair (R) SSH Session Keys (W) Create User Sets unique username and password Passwords (W) Delete User Delete specific user account Only access to certain users is permitted Passwords (W) Modify User Modify specific user account information Only access to certain users is permitted None View Users Retrieve and display list of users None Change User Password Change own password Passwords (W) Reset User Password* Reset password for a specific user *Quorum of one Administrator and one Security Officer required Passwords (W) Set Network Settings Display/edit module’s port configuration None Set Date & Time Settings Display/edit module’s date and time None View Event Log Review event log entries None Export Event Log Export event logs for Thales support None Restore System Data* Restore encrypted database from remote file system *Quorum of one Administrator and one Security Officer required KEK (R) KMAC (R) Upgrade Firmware Update module firmware Software Update Key (R/W) TKLM Root CA Certificate (W) Prepare Smart Card Initialize a smart card for use in the system None Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary Service Description Cryptographic Keys and CSP Access (R/W/Z) Reset Config* Restores module to factory state *Quorum of one Administrator and one Security Officer required All persistent CSPs in the module with the exception of the Software Update Key and License Validation Key. (Z) Security Officer Table 8 - Services Authorized for the Security Officer Service Description Cryptographic Keys and CSP Access (R/W/Z) Access Module Crypto Officer authentication to the module Passwords (R) 2-Factor Authentication Public Key (R) GUI Open Connection Create a browser connection TLS Key Pair (R) TLS Certificate (R) TLS Session Keys (W) SSH Open Connection Create a secure shell connection SSH Key Pair (R) SSH Session Keys (W) Modify User Modify specific user account information Only access to certain users is permitted None View Users Retrieve and display list of users None Change User Password Change own password Passwords (W) Reset User Password* Reset password for a specific user *Quorum of one Administrator and one Security Officer required Passwords (W) Generate CSR for TLS Public Key Generate certificate signing request for TLS Public Key TLS Key Pair (R) Install TLS Certificate signed by a third- party CA Import certificate signed by external CA TLS Public Key Certificate (Z/W) Create/Edit Domain Create/Edit Logical Domain None Delete Empty Domain Delete Logical Domain None View Domain View Logical Domain None Create Group Create a group GEK (W) GMAC (W) Delete Group Delete a group GEK (Z) GMAC (Z) Edit Group Modify group attributes None View Group View group attributes None Create, Edit, Delete Data Policy Create, modify or delete a specific data policy Limited to module and domain levels None View Data Policy Review a specific data policy Limited to module and domain levels None View Audit Log Review audit log entries None Generate System Key Creates top level system key KEK (W) KMAC (W) Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary Service Description Cryptographic Keys and CSP Access (R/W/Z) Destroy System Key Destroy system keys KEK (Z) KMAC (Z) Generate System Key Shares Create all the system key shares KEK (R) KMAC (R) System Key Shares (W) Erase System Key Shares Destroys all System Key Shares System Key Shares (Z) Commit Recovered System Key* Commit reconstituted KEK and KMAC *A quorum of Recovery Officer “Import System Key Share” operations must have occurred prior to this operation. KEK (W) KMAC (W) Abort System Key Recovery Abort a System Key recovery operation System Key Shares (Z) Backup System Data Backup encrypted database to remote file system KEK (R) KMAC (R) All other persistent keys and CSPs (R) in encrypted form Restore System Data* Restore encrypted database from remote file system *Quorum of one Administrator and one Security Officer required KEK (R) KMAC (R) All other persistent keys and CSPs (W) in encrypted form Reset Config* Restores module to factory state *Quorum of one Administrator and one Security Officer required All persistent CSPs in the module with the exception of the Software Update Key (Z) Group Manager Table 9- Services Authorized for the Group Manager Service Description Cryptographic Keys and CSP Access (R/W/Z) Access Module Crypto Officer authentication to the module Passwords (R) 2-Factor Authentication Public Key (R) GUI Open Connection Create a browser connection TLS Key Pair (R) TLS Certificate (R) TLS Session Keys (W) SSH Open Connection Create a secure shell connection NOTE: Functionality limited to only viewing the system summary SSH Key Pair (R) SSH Session Keys (W) View Users View own user information None Change User Password Change own password Passwords (W) Sign P1619.3 CSR Process P1619.3 Client CSR and generate Certificate Limited to clients in own group Local CA Key Pair (R) P1619.3 Client Public Certificates (W) View P1619.3 Client Certificates View P1619.3 client certificates Can view certificates in all groups. P1619.3 Client Public Certificates (R) Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary Service Description Cryptographic Keys and CSP Access (R/W/Z) Revoke P1619.3 Client Certificate Revoke P1619.3 client certificate Limited to clients in own group P1619.3 Client Public Certificates (Z) Export P1619.3 Client Certificate Export P1619.3 Client Certificate and keyAuthority Root CA Certificate Limited to clients in own group P1619.3 Client Public Certificates (R) Root CA Certificate (R) View Group View group attributes Limited to our own group None Create Trust Establish cross-group trust None Delete Trust Remove cross-group trust None Edit Trust Modify cross-group trust attribute None View Trust View trust attributes None Modify Client Data* Modify client data attributes * Requires a quorum of two Group Managers None View Client Data View client data attributes None Client Data Import Import encrypted client data KEK (R) KMAC (R) GEK (R) GMAC (R) Client Data Export Export encrypted client data KEK (R) KMAC (R) GEK (R) GMAC (R) TKLM Import Import TKLM client data from external TKLM server None TKLM Export Export TKLM client data to external TKLM server None Create, Edit, Delete Data Policy Create, modify or delete a specific data policy Limited to policies within our own group None View Data Policy Review a specific data policy Limited to our own group None View Event Log Review event log entries Limited to our own group None View Audit Log Review audit log entries Limited to our own group None Auditor Table 10- Services Authorized for the Auditor Service Description Cryptographic Keys and CSP Access (R/W/Z) Access Module Crypto Officer authentication to the module Passwords (R) 2-Factor Authentication Public Key (R) GUI Open Connection Create a browser connection TLS Key Pair (R) TLS Certificate (R) TLS Session Keys (W) Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary Service Description Cryptographic Keys and CSP Access (R/W/Z) View Users View own user information None Change User Password Change own password Passwords (W) View Event Log Review event log entries None View Audit Log Review audit log entries None Export Audit Log Export audit logs None Recovery Officer Table 11 - Services Authorized for the Recovery Officer Service Cryptographic Keys and CSP Access (R/W/Z) Cryptographic Keys and CSP Access (R/W/Z) Access Module Crypto Officer authentication to the module Passwords (R) 2-Factor Authentication Public Key (R) GUI Open Connection Create a browser connection TLS Key Pair (R) TLS Certificate (R) TLS Session Keys (W) SSH Open Connection Create a secure shell connection SSH Key Pair (R) SSH Session Keys (W) View Users View own user information None Change User Password Change own password Passwords (W) Export System Key Share Export a specific System Key Share System Key Share (R) Import System Key Share Import a System Key Share System Key Share (W) 6.1.2 User Services The sections below enumerate the authorized services available for each User role within the keyAuthority module. All services require authentication to the module. For further details of each operation, refer to the keyAuthority Users Guide [4] P1619.3 Users Table 12 - Services Authorized for P1619.3 Users Service Cryptographic Keys and CSP Access (R/W/Z) Cryptographic Keys and CSP Access (R/W/Z) P1619.3 Open Connection Create secure P1619.3 connection TLS Key Pair (R) TLS Certificate (R) TLS Session Key (W) P1619.3 Put data Receive P1619.3 data TLS Session Key (R) P1619.3 Get Data Send P1619.3 data TLS Session Key (R) TKLM Users Table 13 - Services Authorized for TKLM Users Service Description Cryptographic Keys and CSP Access (R/W/Z) TKLM Open Connection Create secure TKLM connection TKLM Root CA Certificate (R) TKLM Put data Receive TKLM data None. Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary Service Description Cryptographic Keys and CSP Access (R/W/Z) TKLM Get Data Send TKLM data None. Replication Users Table 14 - Services Authorized for Replication Users Service Description Cryptographic Keys and CSP Access (R/W/Z) Replication Open Connection Create secure Replication connection Replication Key (R) Replication Certificate (R) Replication Session Key (W) Replication Put Client Information Receive Replication data Replication Session Key (R) KEK (R) KMAC (R) GEK (W) GMAC (W) Replication Get Client Information Send Replication data Replication Session Key (R) KEK (R) KMAC (R) GEK (R) GMAC (R) Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary 7. Diagnostics A variety of diagnostics are available to maintain secure operation. These diagnostics include cryptographic mechanisms, critical functions and module status monitoring. Log files are maintained in the keyAuthority module and can be viewed, exported, or printed. If the keyAuthority module is faulty, as indicated by the failure of a self-test diagnostic, it will render itself inoperable until the fault is rectified. 7.1 Power-Up Tests Upon power-up, the module performs Known Answer Tests (KATs) on all FIPS-Approved cryptographic algorithms used by the module. In addition, the integrity of all firmware is checked. Upon completion of the Power-Up Tests, the keyAuthority module writes a message to the event log and the LCD Display reads “Ready”. If any Power-Up Test fails, the module enters the error state, outputs the error message on LCD screen and logs the error in Event Log and Audit Log and halts the entire module operation. The Power-Up Tests can be executed on demand by cycling the module’s power. The following table enumerates the module Power-Up Tests. Table 15 - Power-Up Tests Test Description Firmware Integrity Test Validates the firmware image integrity. keyAuthority Random Bit Generator Library Performs the following KAT Tests:  SHA KATs  DRBG KATs OpenSSL KAT Tests Performs the following KAT Tests:  AES KATs  HMAC KATs  RSA KATs  SHA KATs IBM JCE Self-Tests (if TKLM is Licensed) (Val #1081) Performs the following KAT Tests:  AES KATs  SHA KATs  HMAC KATs  RSA KATs  RNG KATs 7.2 Conditional Tests The keyAuthority module performs multiple conditional tests during the operational states of the device. The outputs of the hardware random number generator, the SHA-256 Hash DRBG, and the IBM JCE RNG are checked whenever random data is requested from these RNGs by the module. Subsequent random numbers are compared against the last generated value to verify that these values are not the same. Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary All RSA key pairs generated by the module are validated using an RSA Pair-Wise Consistency Test (PWCT) which validates that information encrypted by one key can be decrypted by the matching key to ensure that the public and private keys are indeed asymmetric. In the case of a firmware upgrade, the new firmware images are digitally signed by a Thales controlled CA using RSA 2048 which will allow the module to verify the image, thus preventing unauthorized firmware upgrades. The following table enumerates the conditional tests: Table 16 - Conditional Tests Function Checked Description Hardware RNG CRNG SP 800-90 SHA-256 Hash DRBG CRNG FIPS 186-2 RNG CRNG OpenSSL RSA Key Pair Generation PWCT IBM JCE RSA Key Pair Generation PWCT Firmware Upgrade Authentication Firmware Validation Test Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary 8. Security-Relevant Information 8.1 Cryptographic Algorithms The module utilizes the following FIPS-Approved algorithms. Table 17 - FIPS Approved Algorithms Library Algorithm FIPS Certificate Number keyAuthority Random Bit Generator Library DRBG 128 SHA 1573 OpenSSL RSA 898 AES 1795 SHA 1577 HMAC 1059 IBMJCE RNG 463 RSA 387 AES 805 SHA 803 HMAC 445 The module also makes use of the following Non-Approved but Allowed key establishment methods while in the FIPS-Approved mode: 1) RSA Key Transport Used as part of TLS key exchange. Provides 112 bits of security strength. 2) Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Used as part of SSH and TLS key exchanges. Provides between 80 and 256 bits of security strength. 8.2 Cryptographic Keys and CSPs The cryptographic keys and CSPs stored in the keyAuthority module are listed in the table below. Table 18 - Keys and CSPs Keys/CSPs Description Key/CSP Type and Size Generated or Established Stored Zeroized Software Update Key The public key used to validate the signature on new software and firmware. RSA 2048 Generated externally and loaded at manufacturing time. Non-volatile memory – hard disk. Not required to be zeroized Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary Keys/CSPs Description Key/CSP Type and Size Generated or Established Stored Zeroized Key Encrypting Key (KEK) Encrypts all non-volatile Keys and CSPs stored on the module. AES-256 If not present at startup, it is generated using the module’s FIPS approved DRBG. Alternatively this key can be loaded from a quorum of System Key Shares stored on smart cards. Plaintext in Battery Backed RAM; HMAC’ed in EEPROM using KMAC On tamper detect or upon user’s command. Key Message Authentication Code (KMAC) Authenticates all non- volatile Keys and CSPs stored on the module. HMAC-SHA- 512 If not present at startup, it is generated using the module’s FIPS approved DRBG. Alternatively this key can be loaded from a quorum of System Key Shares stored on smart cards. Plaintext in Battery Backed RAM. On tamper detect or upon user’s command. System Key Share Secure portion of the KEK and KMAC after splitting using Shamir secret sharing algorithm. N/A Generated by the Security Officer using the ‘Generate Share’. Non-volatile memory – hard disk (encrypted). Effectively zeroized on tamper due to erasure of KEK/KMAC. Group Encrypting Keys (GEK) Encrypts group-specific Keys stored on the module. AES-256 Generated using the module’s FIPS approved DRBG. Non-volatile memory – hard disk (encrypted). Effectively zeroized on tamper due to erasure of KEK/KMAC. Group Message Authentication Code Keys (GMAC) Authenticates group- specific keys stored on the module. HMAC-SHA- 512 Generated using the module’s FIPS approved DRBG. Non-volatile memory – hard disk (encrypted). Effectively zeroized on tamper due to erasure of KEK/KMAC. TLS Key Pair Used by HTTPD and P1619.3 services for secure communications RSA 2048 Generated using module’s approved RSA Key Generation mechanism. Generation initiated by Security Officer during initial system configuration. RSA Keys stored in non- volatile memory (encrypted). Key destroyed on “reset config” operation. Key overwritten when Security Officer re- executes initial system configuration. Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary Keys/CSPs Description Key/CSP Type and Size Generated or Established Stored Zeroized P1619.3 Public Key Certificate Used by P1619.3 service for secure communications RSA 2048 Established upon TLS Key Pair generation. Generation initiated by Security Officer during initial system configuration. P1619.3 Public Key Certificate stored in non- volatile memory. Certificate destroyed on “reset config” operation. Certificate overwritten when Security Officer re- executes initial system configuration. TLS Public Key Certificate Used by HTTPD service for secure communications RSA 2048 First established upon TLS Key Pair generation. Overwritten upon new certificate import signed by external CA. TLS Public Key Certificate stored in non- volatile memory. Certificate destroyed on “reset config” operation. Certificate overwritten during import process initiated by the Security Officer. Certificate overwritten when Security Officer re- executes initial system configuration. Replication Key Pair Used by replication service for a TLS connection to the replicating partner RSA 2048 Generated using module’s approved RSA Key Generation mechanism. Generation initiated by Security Officer during initial system configuration. RSA Keys stored in non- volatile memory (encrypted). Key destroyed on “reset config” operation. Key overwritten when Security Officer re- executes initial system configuration. Replication Public Key Certificate Used by replication service for initiating and maintaining a secure TLS connection to the Replicating keyAuthority RSA 2048 Established upon Replication Key Pair generation. Generation initiated by Security Officer during initial system configuration. Replication Public Key Certificate stored in non- volatile memory. Certificate destroyed on “reset config” operation. Certificate overwritten when Security Officer re- executes initial system configuration. Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary Keys/CSPs Description Key/CSP Type and Size Generated or Established Stored Zeroized TLS Diffie- Hellman public and private values A Diffie-Hellman key pair to provide session authentication for every TLS connection established by the HTTPD and P1619.3 and Replication services. DH (80 to 256 bits of security strength) Generated internally using the FIPS- approved DRBG Temporal keys, stored in volatile RAM Keys are destroyed upon session teardown. TLS Pre- Master Secret When RSA key transfer is used as part of TLS session establishment, this pre- master secret is used to derive the session encryption key and session authentication key for each TLS session (HTTPD, P1619.3, or Replication) Secret (48 bytes) Sent by the TLS client encrypted with the module’s public key Temporal keys, stored in volatile RAM Keys are destroyed upon session teardown. TLS Session Key A unique session key for each TLS session (HTTPD and P1619.3 and Replication services) for providing session encryption AES-256 Entered encrypted with the module’s public key sent by the TLS client if using RSA key exchange. If using Diffie-Hellman exchange, this is derived from the shared secret. AES keys are temporal and stored in volatile memory. Keys are destroyed upon session teardown. TLS Integrity key A unique integrity key for each TLS session (HTTPD and P1619.3 and Replication services) for providing session authentication HMAC-SHA- 512 Entered encrypted with the module’s public key sent by the TLS client if using RSA key exchange. If using Diffie-Hellman exchange, this is derived from the pre- master secret. Temporal key, stored in volatile RAM. Keys are destroyed upon session teardown. P1619.3 Client Public Key Certificates A list of P1619.3 Client Certificates issued by keyAuthority module. RSA 2048 Client CSRs imported into the module and root CA-signed client certificates are generated by the module. Non-volatile memory – hard disk (encrypted). Certificates are destroyed upon certificate revocation. Certificate destroyed on “reset config” operation. SSH Key Pair Used by SSH service for secure communications RSA 2048 Generated using module’s approved RSA Key Generation mechanism. Generation initiated by Security Officer during initial system configuration. RSA Keys stored in non- volatile memory (encrypted). Key destroyed on “reset config” operation. Key overwritten when Security Officer re- executes initial system configuration. Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary Keys/CSPs Description Key/CSP Type and Size Generated or Established Stored Zeroized SSH Diffie- Hellman public and private values Diffie-Hellman key pair used by the module during the SSH session establishment DH (80 to 256 bits of security strength) Generated internally using the FIPS- approved DRBG Temporal keys, stored in volatile RAM Keys are destroyed upon session teardown. SSH Session Key Used by SSH service for providing session encryption AES-256 Derived from the Diffie-Hellman shared secret. AES keys are temporal and stored in volatile memory. Keys are destroyed upon session teardown. SSH Integrity key Used by SSH service for providing session authentication HMAC-SHA- 512 Derived from the Diffie-Hellman shared secret. Temporal key, stored in volatile RAM. Keys are destroyed upon session teardown. Replication Session Key Used by replication service for TLS session encryption AES-256 Generated using FIPS approved DRBG. Generation initiated during session key negotiation phase. AES keys are temporal and stored in volatile memory. Keys are destroyed upon session teardown. Replication Session Integrity Key Used by replication service for TLS session integrity HMAC-SHA- 512 Generated using FIPS approved DRBG. Generation initiated during session key negotiation phase. Session keys are temporal and stored in volatile memory. Keys are destroyed upon session teardown. TKLM Root CA Certificate The public key CA certificate used to validate TKLM clients. RSA 2048 Generated externally and loaded at manufacturing time. Non-volatile memory – hard disk. When the key is deleted or replaced by a subsequently issued key. 2-factor Authentication Public Key Additional authentication method for user access to module. RSA 2048 Generated externally on a smart card, and loaded when Security Officer assigns operator to a smart card. Non-volatile memory – hard disk (plaintext). N/A Operator Passwords Authentication N/A Generated using the module’s approved DRBG, or set by a unique user. Non-volatile memory – hard disk (HMAC-SHA- 512 of the password) Erased upon deletion of user account. Local or Root CA Key Pair Root trust authority for keyAuthority management. RSA 2048 Generated using module’s approved RSA Key Generation mechanism. Generation initiated by Security Officer during initial system configuration. RSA Keys stored in non- volatile memory (encrypted). Keys zerioized during re- generation process initiated by the Security Officer. Keys destroyed on “reset config” operation. Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary Keys/CSPs Description Key/CSP Type and Size Generated or Established Stored Zeroized DRBG Entropy Input String Initial entropy provided to the DRBG during module instantiation Hash_DRBG, SHA-256, 4096 bytes Generated via internal hardware RNG. Not stored persistently. Zeroized when a subsequent seed key is generated. DRBG internal state Hash DRBG V and C values belonging to its internal state 440 bits each V is initially the seed and is updated during each call to the DRBG per the SP800-90 standard. C is always derived using V. Not stored persistently. Zeroized upon next update. 8.2.1 Key Storage & Destruction The system keys (KEK and KMAC) are stored in clear text in secured NVRAM and are not accessible to anyone without tampering the unit, which will cause the hardware to overwrite the key with zeros. The GEK and GMAC are stored in the database encrypted with the KEK and MAC’ed with the KMAC. The GEK and GMAC keys are used to protect P1619.3 client data. All other sensitive keys enumerated in Table 18 as being encrypted, are protected using the system key (KEK and KMAC). 8.2.2 Manual Key Destruction A security officer can manually clear (overwrite with zeros) the system key (KEK & KMAC) by issuing the “Destroy Keys” command from the Web UI or console. If this is followed by a "Reset Config", then the module is returned to factory default conditions and all persistently stored secret and private cryptographic keys and CSPs of the module also get zeroized. The “Reset Config” operation requires a quorum operation between an Administrator and Security Officer. All other keys in the module are stored in encrypted form and are thus are not required to be zeroized. 8.2.3 Random Number Generation The primary Random Number Generator consists of a hardware random number source providing entropy and seed data to a FIPS Special Publication 800-90[3] approved SHA-256 Hash DRBG. This DRBG is utilized for the generation of all private and secret keys of the keyAuthority, with the exception of the operations in the TKLM server. The TKLM server utilizes a FIPS 186-2 Appendix 3.1[2] Approved pseudo random number generator for the generation of all private and secret keys. Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary 8.2.4 Algorithm Usage The keyAuthority module utilizes the following algorithms:  SHA-256 Hash DRBG  AES-256 for data encryption and privacy  RSA-2048 for signature generation, signature verification, and key agreement  SHA-1, SHA-256, and SHA-512 hashing algorithms  SHA-512 HMAC for authentication Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary 9. Physical Security Policy The keyAuthority module is a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module designed to meet FIPS 140-2, level 3 for physical security. The module consists of production grade components with standard passivation techniques applied. The keyAuthority module is protected by a strong, metal, production-grade enclosure that is opaque within the visible spectrum and utilizes tamper evident labels and tamper response mechanisms. Attempts to access the module without removing the cover will cause visible physical damage to the module and/or tamper evident labels. The module’s ventilation holes in the housing are protected from undetected probing using internal baffles. The module has a removable top cover which is protected by tamper-evident labels and tamper response circuitry, which zeroizes all plaintext keys and CSPs on a tamper-event. Access to the internal components of the module necessitate that the cover be removed. The module’s cryptographic boundary (FIPS 140-2[1], section 2.1) is the physical extent of its external casing but excludes the field replaceable dual redundant power supplies and the quad-redundant field replaceable fans. 9.1 Inspection/Testing of Physical Security Mechanisms The following guidelines should be considered when producing a Security Policy for the environment for which the module is deployed. The keyAuthority enclosure should be periodically checked by the Crypto Officer for evidence of tampering, in particular, damage to the two tamper-evident labels and any physical damage to the enclosure material. In addition, front panel LCD display and the audit logs should be checked for activation of the tamper response mechanism. The frequency of a physical inspection depends upon the information being protected and the environment in which the unit is located. At a minimum, it would be expected that a physical inspection would be made by the Crypto Officer at least monthly and audit logs daily. The tamper evident labels are applied at the Thales facility, are serialized, and are not available for order or replacement from Thales. The labels are designed and intended to say in place and intact for the entire life of the module. Two tamper evident labels are required to be visible, undamaged and containing a clear continuous color hologram for each module to be operated in a FIPS approved mode of operation. They are applied by Thales in the positions illustrated in Figure below. One tamper seal is placed on the left side of the keyAuthority module and the other tamper seal is placed on the right side of the module. Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary Figure 3: Thales keyAuthority Module Figure 4 - Tamper Evident Labels On Chassis (outlined in yellow for emphasis) Each tamper seal sits over a screw on the lid and extends over the lid seam to the module chassis, as illustrated in Figure below. The only way to remove the cover is to break or damage the tamper seals. Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary Figure 5 – Tamper Evident Label Close-Up (outlined in yellow for emphasis) The tamper label has an embedded holographic pattern which is visible while viewing the label from various viewing angles. The holographic pattern consists of the phrase, “VOID IF REMOVED, SECURED” repeated throughout the entire label, on alternating lines, with the text inverted on subsequent lines. The figure below illustrates the holographic word pattern. Figure 6 - Tamper Evident Label Close-Up Showing Holographic Pattern Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary 10. Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The keyAuthority currently does not claim to mitigate any other attacks. Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary 11. Acronyms and Abbreviations The table below contains a reference of acronyms and abbreviations used throughout this document. Table 19 - Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard CLI Command Line Interface CM Cryptographic Module CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CSEC Communications Security Establishment CSR Certificate Signing Request CSP Critical Security Parameter DES Data Encryption Standard EMI/EMC Electromagnetic interference/electromagnetic compatibility FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard FW Firmware GEK Group Encryption Key GMAC Group Message Authentication Key GUI Graphical User Interface HMAC Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code HTTPS Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol, Secured KAT Known Answer Test KEK Key Encryption Key KMAC Key Message Authentication Code LAN Local Area Network LCD Liquid Crystal Display LUN Logical Unit Number NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standards PWCT Pair-Wise Consistency Test RNG Random Number Generator RSA RSA is an algorithm for public-key encryption SAN Storage Area Network SHA Secure Hashing Algorithm SSL Secure Sockets Layer SSH Secure Shell SW Software TKLM Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager, an IBM-Proprietary protocol. UI User Interface Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary 12. References The list below contains the external references required by the document. 1) FIPS 140-2 Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, Federal Information Processing Standards Publication, 25th May 2001. Including Change Notices 2, 3, & 4: 12/03/2002. More information about the FIPS 140-2 standard and validation program is available on the NIST website at 2) FIPS 186-2 Digital Signature Standard, Federal Information Processing Standards Publication, 27th January 2000. Including Change Notice 1: 5th October 2001. 3) FIPS Special Publication 800-90, Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators (Revised), March 2007. 4) Thales e-Security keyAuthority® User Guide, Version 3.0.0, 05 December 2011. Thales e-Security keyAuthority® Security Policy - Non-Proprietary 13. Document History The table below contains version and date information for the revisions of this document. Table 20 - Document Revision History Revision Date Description 001 Jan 10, 2012 Initial submission. 002 June 15, 2012 Addressed comments from NIST.