FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 Uplogix, Inc. 7600 N Capital of Texas Highway, Suite 220 Austin, Texas 78731 USA December 21, 2011 Document Version 1.1 FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 4 1.1. Purpose ............................................................................................................... 4 1.2. Models Tested..................................................................................................... 4 1.3. Glossary............................................................................................................... 5 2. Physical Characteristics of Product Family ................................................................. 7 2.1. Uplogix 430 ......................................................................................................... 7 2.2. Uplogix 3200 ....................................................................................................... 8 3. Roles, Services, and Authentication ......................................................................... 10 3.1. Roles and Services............................................................................................. 10 3.1.1. Admin Role................................................................................................ 10 3.1.2. Guest Role................................................................................................. 10 3.1.3. Factory Reset Role .................................................................................... 10 3.2. Authentication Mechanisms............................................................................. 11 3.3. Strength of Authentication Mechanisms.......................................................... 11 4. Secure Operation and Security Rules ....................................................................... 13 4.1. Security Rules.................................................................................................... 13 4.1.1. Uplogix Security Rules enforced by the Crypto Officer ............................ 13 4.1.2. Uplogix Security Rules enforced by the Uplogix LM................................. 13 4.2. Secure Operation Initialization Rules................................................................ 14 4.3. Physical Security Rules...................................................................................... 18 4.4. FIPS Operation Modes ...................................................................................... 18 4.4.1. FIPS Running Mode................................................................................... 18 4.4.2. FIPS Failure Modes.................................................................................... 18 5. Definition of SRDIs Modes of Access ........................................................................ 19 5.1. Cryptographic Keys, CSPs, and SRDIs................................................................ 19 5.2. Access Control Policy ........................................................................................ 21 6. Mitigation of Other Attacks ...................................................................................... 23 Table of Figures Figure 1: Uplogix 430 Front Side......................................................................................... 7 Figure 2: Uplogix 430 Back Side.......................................................................................... 7 Figure 3: Uplogix 3200 Front Side....................................................................................... 8 Figure 4: Uplogix 3200 Back Side........................................................................................ 8 Figure 5: Tamper Label Placement on the 430 and 3200................................................. 17 Table of Tables Table 1: Models Tested....................................................................................................... 4 Table 2: Glossary of Terms.................................................................................................. 5 Table 3: Uplogix 430 Logical Interfaces and their Behavior ............................................. 7 Table 4: Uplogix 3200 Logical Interfaces and their Behavior ............................................. 8 FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Table 5: Uplogix Cryptographic Algorithm Sizing ............................................................. 14 Table 6: Other Uplogix Cryptographic Algorithm Uses..................................................... 15 Table 7: Uplogix Security Relevant Data Items................................................................. 19 Table 8: Uplogix Access Control Policy ............................................................................. 21 FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 4 of 31 FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 1. Introduction This document describes the Non‐Proprietary FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy for the Uplogix 430 and 3200 modules. Uplogix is a network independent management platform that is located with ‐ and directly connected to ‐ managed devices. It can stand alone or augment your existing centralized management tools providing the configuration, performance and security management automation functions that are best performed locally. The benefits are reduced operational costs, faster resolution when issues arise and improved security and compliance vs. centralized only management. An enhanced focus on network devices readies your management systems for the transition to the production use of more network sensitive cloud and virtual infrastructure technologies. The Uplogix 430 and 3200 modules, also known as Local Managers (LM), are powered by the Uplogix firmware, also known as the Local Management Software (LMS), to automate hundreds of routine system maintenance, configuration, fault diagnosis and recovery operations. These capabilities combined with FIPS 140‐2 security enable the Uplogix platform to provide secure remote access and control in a variety of environments. 1.1. Purpose This document covers the secure operation of the Uplogix 430 and 3200 Local Managers including the initialization, roles, and responsibilities of operating the product in a secure, FIPS‐compliant manner. This document applies to LMS firmware version which runs on the product. 1.2. Models Tested Table 1: Models Tested Model Firmware Version Hardware Version Uplogix 430, FIPS, HD 43‐1002‐50 Uplogix 430, FIPS, CF 43‐1102‐50 Uplogix 3200, FIPS‐03, SSD 37‐0326‐03 Uplogix 3200, FIPS‐04, SSD 37‐0326‐04 Note: Both 430 models are available with either a V.92 modem, DB9 connection for modem or a blank over the modem slot. Both 3200 models have two option slots on the front of the equipment for connecting I/O modules. I/O modules are available in two forms: a 16 serial FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 5 of 31 card and an 8 serial by 8 Ethernet card. Additionally, Both 3200 models are available with either a V.92 modem or DB9 connection for modem in the modem slot. 1.3. Glossary Table 2: Glossary of Terms Term/Acronym Description 2TDEA 2‐key Triple‐DES 3TDEA 3‐key Triple‐DES AC Alternating Current ACL Access Control List AES Advanced Encryption Standard ANSI American National Standards Institute CA Certificate Authority CBC Cipher‐Block Chaining CFB Cipher Feedback CSP Critical Security Parameter CSR Certificate Signature Request DES Data Encryption Standard DH Diffie‐Hellman DHE Diffie‐Hellman key Exchange DRAC Dell Remote Access Controller DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator DSA Digital Security Algorithm ECB Electronic Code Book FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTPS HTTP Secure which uses TLS or SSL HMAC‐MD5 Hash‐based Message Authentication Code – Message‐Digest algorithm 5 HMAC‐MD5‐96 Hash‐based Message Authentication Code – Message‐Digest algorithm 5 truncated to 96 bits HMAC‐SHA1 Hash‐based Message Authentication Code – Secure Hash Algorithm 1 HMAC‐SHA‐96 Hash‐based Message Authentication Code – Secure Hash Algorithm 1 truncated to 96 bits IKE Internet Key Exchange IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface IPSec Internet Protocol Security LCD Liquid Crystal Display LM Local Manager LMS Local Management Software MD5 Message‐Digest algorithm 5 NSS Network Security Services PPP Point‐to‐Point Protocol FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 6 of 31 PPTP Point‐to‐Point Tunneling Protocol RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial in User Service RC4 Rivest Cipher 4 RNG Random Number Generator RSA Rivest, Shamir and Adleman SHA1 Secure Hash Algorithm 1 SMS Short Message Service SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SMTPS SMTP secured with TLS or SSL SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol SOCKS Proxy protocol for TCP and UDP data SRDI Security Relevant Data Items SSH Secure Shell SSL Secure Sockets Layer TACACS+ Terminal Access Controller Access‐Control System Plus TEL Tamper Evident Label TLS Transport Layer Security Triple‐DES Triple Data Encryption Algorithm Uplogix 430 Local Manager Comprehensive functionality in a fixed 4‐port LM designed for enterprises needing to monitor, manage and control four or fewer devices and their power supply at any distributed location. 3200 Local Manager Uplogix Local Manager, available in 8‐, 16‐, 24‐, or 32‐ port models, that delivers advanced remote management capabilities for data centers, branch offices and remote locations. UCC Uplogix Control Center; The web‐based, centralized point of control for all Uplogix Local Managers and managed devices throughout your environment. USB Universal Serial Bus VPN Virtual Private Network XAuth Extended authentication for IPSec FIPS 1 Uplog 2. P The U and t modu 2 Figure Figure Table 140‐2 Secur gix 430 and Physical C Uplogix 430 the cryptog ules. 2.1. Uplo e 1: Uplogix 43 e 2: Uplogix 43 3: Uplogix 430 Logic Prima Secon Two ( Mode Powe Four ity Policy 3200 Character and 3200 ar raphic boun gix 430 30 Front Side 30 Back Side 0 Logical Interf cal Interface* ary Ethernet ndary Ethern (2) USB ports em Slot er Controller (4) Serial Por Pa istics of P re individual ndary of the faces and their L D et D s D D D rts** D Uplogix age 7 of 31 Product F ly considere e modules i r Behavior Logical Interfa Data In and O Data In and O Data In and O Data In and O Data In and O Data In and O Family ed as multi‐c s defined b ace Behavior ut, Control In ut, Control In ut, Power Ou ut, Control In ut ut www 8 chip standalo by the outer n, Status Out n, Status Out ut n, Status Out 877.857.707 one module r case of th m 77 s, he FIPS 1 Uplog 2 Figure Figure Table 140‐2 Secur gix 430 and LEDs Reset * The cons operating ** The Up being man 2.2. Uplo e 3: Uplogix 32 e 4: Uplogix 32 4: Uplogix 320 Logic Prim Seco Two Mod Powe LCD ity Policy 3200 t Button sole port of th in FIPS‐appro plogix 430 se naged. gix 3200 200 Front Side 200 Back Side 00 Logical Inte cal Interface ary Ethernet ndary Ethern (2) USB ports em Slot er Controllers Pa S C he Uplogix 43 oved mode an rial ports are rfaces and the L D net D s D D s D S Uplogix age 8 of 31 Status Out Control In 30 is covered nd thus the co e used by the eir Behavior Logical Interfa Data In and O Data In and O Data In and O Data In and O Data In and O Status Out with a Tampe onsole port is e Local Mana ace Behavior Out, Control In Out, Control In Out, Power Ou Out, Control In Out www 8 er Evident La s unusable in ager to conn n, Status Out n, Status Out ut n, Status Out 877.857.707 bel (TEL) whi FIPS mode. ect to device m 77 le es FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 9 of 31 Keypad Control In LEDs Status Out Proprietary Temperature/ Humidity Adapter Data In Console Data In and Out, Control In, Status Out Removable Power Supply Power Port FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 10 of 31 3. Roles, Services, and Authentication The Uplogix LM provides a flexible framework for defining roles. A role is a list of allow permissions and a list of deny permissions. Uplogix ACLs are of the form where a principal is a user or group, and a resource is a port name (ex. Port 1/1), modem, powercontrol, system (LM), or server (UCC). With the UCC, labels can be added to ports; these same labels can then be used as a resource name for ACLs. 3.1. Roles and Services The module allows concurrent users. The module also allows any number of roles to be defined. The default module ships with the Admin and Guest Roles. During FIPS initialization a third role is created to allow operators the ability to zeroize the system. A Crypto officer is an operator that is assigned the Admin and Factory Reset Role. For a complete listing of privileges for each role, refer to Appendix A: Roles and Their Privileges on Resources. The default Guest role on the module corresponds to the FIPS User role. 3.1.1. Admin Role The Admin Role, provided by default in the module, has the ability to perform all actions on various resources with the exception of factory reset of the local manager. The Admin Role can show and configure settings or issue software updates and allows the user to login via SSH or the console port, initiate the out‐of‐band sequence which utilizes IPSec VPNs, and may force web service interactions with the UCC1 . The Admin role is also responsible for managing the module via the UCC over a TLS session. For a complete listing of Admin Role privileges, refer to Appendix A. 3.1.2. Guest Role The Guest Role, provided by default in the module, has access to a limited number of Uplogix commands. The Guest Role can login to the local manager and run various show commands. The complete list of Guest Role commands is available in Appendix A. 3.1.3. Factory Reset Role The Factory Reset role is created during the initialization of the Uplogix Local Manager in FIPS mode. The Factory Reset Role includes one privilege: the ability to 1 UCC refers to the Uplogix Control Center, which is a separate Uplogix appliance, outside the module’s cryptographic boundary. The UCC can be used to manage multiple Uplogix LMs over a TLS session. When an Uplogix LM is managed by a UCC, most of its SRDIs are accessible and configurable via the UCC. FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 11 of 31 factory reset the Uplogix Local Manager. The Factory Reset role is included in privilege listings in Appendix A. 3.2. Authentication Mechanisms The module supports identity based authentication of its operators. Operators may be authenticated by supplying a username and password, or by using public key authentication. Username and password authentication is accessible to operators over the console, SSH or HTTPS interfaces. Public key authentication may only be used when an operator establishes an SSH session or for authenticating the UCC. Operators can also use remote authentication servers RADIUS and TACACS+ for authenticating over SSH to the module. Uplogix LM requires the operators to establish the shared secret of a minimum 7 characters long (as also listed in the ‘Security Rules’ section of this document). 3.3. Strength of Authentication Mechanisms Uplogix LM requires a minimum 7‐character password and a minimum 7‐character shared secret for remote authentication. Thus, for password authentication over the console, SSH and TLS web GUI, the probability of successfully guessing the password is at least 1 in 26^7. Both the Uplogix LM and UCC RSA certificates used for SSH and HTTPS web services traffic must be at least 2048‐bits in length. This provides an encryption strength of 2^112 bits. Thus, for public key authentication the probability is 1 in 2^112 of a randomly generated key pair to match. Thus, for every possible authentication method, the probability of a random attempt to be successful is less than 1 in 1,000,000. No more than 10,000 login attempts may be made over SSH in 1 minute. With password based authentication, that changes the probability to 1:803k which is less than 1:100k. With public key authentication, the 10k login attempts changes the probability to approximately 1:2^2034. No more than 500 login attempts may be made over the console in 1 minute. The probability of a successful password authentication login attempt over the console is then 500:26^7, or 1:16M. Under normal operations, at most 10 web service requests would be issued from the LM to the UCC per minute. No more than 4000 requests/minute can be attempted for connection attempts from LM to UCC. Given that a 2048‐bit RSA key provides 2^112 FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 12 of 31 bits of encryption strength, the likeliness of breaking the key in a minute with this strategy is 4000 in 2^112 attempts or 1 in 2^100. Thus, for every possible authentication method, the probability of a successful random attempt during a one‐minute period is less than one in 100,000. FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 13 of 31 4. Secure Operation and Security Rules In order to operate an Uplogix LM securely, the user should be aware of the security rules enforced by the module and should adhere to the required physical security rules and the required secure operation rules. 4.1. Security Rules The security rules derived from FIPS 140‐2 include both the security rules configured by the Crypto Officer and those imposed by the Uplogix LM. 4.1.1. Uplogix Security Rules enforced by the Crypto Officer The following are security rules that result from the security requirements of FIPS 140‐2. The Crypto Officer shall follow these rules to conform to FIPS 140‐2. 1. During initialization and set up of the Uplogix LM, the admin password must be changed from the standard credentials. 2. Tamper labels shipped with the LM must be properly applied while engaging the LM in FIPS mode. 3. If TACACS+ or RADIUS is used, ensure the shared secret is at least 7 characters long. 4. The IPSec shared key and IPSec X Auth user password must be at least 7 characters long. 5. The Crypto Officer will have the Uplogix LM generate its own unique TLS key pairs. The private key will never be exposed to any UI or exported from the LM. The public key and appropriate certificate signing requests may be exported via the UI for configuration purposes. 6. An Uplogix LM in FIPS mode will not communicate with a UCC that is not in FIPS mode. The UCC’s certificate must be imported into the Uplogix LM. 7. For the 3200, the power supply and I/O cards must be installed in the LM for opacity reasons. 8. For the 430, the modem slot must be populated in the LM for opacity reasons. 9. If a UCC is managing the LMs in the deployment, the Crypto Officer will ensure that the UCC address is correctly entered when defining the management server for Uplogix LMs. 4.1.2. Uplogix Security Rules enforced by the Uplogix LM The following are security rules that result from the security requirements of FIPS 140‐2. The module enforces these requirements when initialized into FIPS mode. 1. When initialized to operate in FIPS mode, the Uplogix LM shall only use FIPS‐ approved cryptographic algorithms. FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 14 of 31 2. The Uplogix LM shall employ the FIPS‐approved pseudo random number generators ANSI X9.31 RNG and the SP800‐90 DRBG whenever generating keys. 3. The Uplogix LM shall provide identity‐based authentication of operators by verifying the operator’s username and password or SSH public key. 4. The Uplogix LM software will disable the following services in FIPS mode: Telnet, Telnet pass‐through, dial‐in, xbrowser, service access (with the exception of service_access off), login via the power controller, editing of the boot menu, update via LCD, and configuration import via FTP. 5. All TLS transactions will require trusted public keys. 6. The Uplogix LM generates its own unique SSH key pairs. The public key may be transmitted to an accompanying UCC. 7. The Uplogix LM will enforce user password restrictions (at minimum 7 characters). 8. The config reinstall command provides a Crypto Officer the ability to zeroize keys and all other configuration data. 9. On every boot of the LM the FIPS self‐tests run. 10. All data transferred over PPTP is considered plain text unless protected by an SSH or TLS session. 11. All data transferred over SNMP is considered plain text. 4.2. Secure Operation Initialization Rules The Uplogix LMs provide many different cryptographic algorithms to ensure compatibility with today’s marketplace. Specifically, Uplogix provides the following algorithms: Table 5: Uplogix Cryptographic Algorithm Sizing Algorithm Sizing / Use Compliant? NSS Certificate # Libgcrypt Certificate # Asymmetric Algorithms DSA 1024 bit Yes 515 517 RSA 1024 to 4096 bit Yes 812 815 Symmetric Algorithms AES 128, 192, and 256 Yes 1644 1647 Triple‐DES 2TDEA, 3TDEA Yes 1074 1076 Hashing Algorithms SHA1 160, 224, 256, 384 and 512 bit variants Yes 1445 1448 HMAC‐SHA1 160, 224, 256, 384 and 512 bit variants Yes 966 968 Random Number Generators ANSI X9.31 AES 128‐bit Yes 881 DBRG 800‐90 SHA‐256 Yes 90 FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 15 of 31 Key Exchange RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 150 bits of encryption strength) TLS Pre‐Master Secret No* Diffie‐Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between 80 and 112 bits of encryption strength) TLS Pre‐Master Secret No* Diffie‐Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 192 bits of encryption strength) IKE Session Key No* Diffie‐Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength) SSH Session Key No* *This algorithm is not FIPS‐approved, but it is allowed for this use in FIPS mode. Table 6: Other Uplogix Cryptographic Algorithm Uses Algorithm How the Algorithm is Used FIPS‐approved DES SNMPv3 No AES/CFB * SNMPv3 No HMAC‐MD5‐96 SNMPv3 No HMAC‐SHA‐96 SNMPv3 No MD5 TACACS+ and RADIUS No RC4 PPTP No * SNMP v3 uses a non‐FIPS validated implementation of AES. FIPS 140‐2 prohibits the use of non‐FIPS approved algorithms while operating in a FIPS compliant manner. The Crypto‐officer should follow the following rules to initialize a new Uplogix LM to ensure FIPS level 2 compliance. 1. Power‐up the Uplogix LM. The default credentials for the LM are user name: admin and password: password. 2. Create the Factory Reset role by entering the command config role FactoryReset. Assign the factory reset privilege to the role by entering allow config reinstall. Exit the role creation wizard by typing exit. 3. Create a new user using the command config user . a. Select y to create this user. b. Add roles to this user by entering system admin to assign the admin role and system FactoryReset to assign the Factory Reset role. c. Type exit to complete the user creation and role assignment. FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 16 of 31 d. Add a password for use in FIPS mode using the command config password . The password should follow the FIPS restrictions of minimum seven characters. 4. Use the enable command to log out as admin and log in as . 5. Once the new user has been created, disable the admin account via the config user admin command. a. Type disabled to disable the admin account. b. Type no password to remove the password. c. Type authorized keys to enter the SSH public keys menu. d. Type exit to erase all keys associated with the admin user. e. Type no all admin to remove privileges. f. Verify there are no privileges for the admin account via the command show. If any privileges show, remove them individually via the command no . g. Type exit to complete the user creation and role assignment. 6. The Crypto Officer will delete all users currently present in the module except admin and the username created in step 3. The show user * will show all users currently present on the module. The config user no should then be repeated for all usernames except for the username created in the above step. 7. Turn off Service Access by entering the command service_access off at the system level. 8. Enter the command config sys fips enable; this will reboot the system. 9. Log in to the system as the user created in step 3. 10. If the LM will be managed by a UCC, complete the following steps; otherwise, skip to step 12: a. Run config sys crypto csr b. Obtain a signed certificate from your CA for the CSR you generated. c. Run config sys crypto certificate to import the signed certificate. d. Ensure that the CA that signed your certificate is accepted by your UCC installation. e. Run config sys crypto certificate management to import the UCC's heartbeat certificate. 11. Run config sys management to point the LM at the UCC. 12. The tamper evident labels shall be installed for the module to operate in a FIPS Approved mode of operation. The surface of the LM should be cleaned prior to application or reapplication of TELs. Place tamper labels on the LM as indicated in Figure 4: Tamper Evident Label Placement on the 430 and 3200. Additional TELs may be ordered from Uplogix using part number (61‐0001‐00). FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 17 of 31 Figure 5: Tamper Label Placement on the 430 and 3200 FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 18 of 31 4.3. Physical Security Rules As part of the FIPS‐mode enabling procedure, the Crypto‐Officer is responsible for applying the tamper‐evident labels on the modules, as shown in the Figure 4: Tamper label placement on the 430 and 3200. Each 430 and the 3200 module versions require a total of five tamper‐evident labels. The Crypto‐Officer must periodically inspect the physical case of the LM to ensure that no attacker has attempted to tamper with the LM. Signs of tampering include deformation, scratches, or scrape marks in tamper labels covering the LM. The Crypto‐Officer is also responsible for securing and having control at all times of any unused tamper‐evident labels, and for the direct control and observation of any changes to the module such as reconfigurations where the tamper evident labels may be removed or re‐installed to ensure the security of the module is maintained during such changes and the module is returned to the FIPS‐Approved state. 4.4. FIPS Operation Modes This section describes FIPS operation modes. 4.4.1. FIPS Running Mode Run the command show sys fips. If the LM is correctly placed into FIPS mode, the response will be “FIPS 140‐2 mode is enabled.” 4.4.2. FIPS Failure Modes This mode is entered when the module fails conditional or start up self‐tests with the exception of a software load failure. If a software load test failure occurs, the module rejects the invalid binary file. The module will not perform the software load and will continue normal operations. A. 430 – The heartbeat LED will blink S.O.S using Morse Code B. 3200 – The LCD will read “FIPS Failure” FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 19 of 31 5. Definition of SRDIs Modes of Access This section specifies the Uplogix’ Security Relevant Data Items as well as the access control policy enforced by the Uplogix LMs. 5.1. Cryptographic Keys, CSPs, and SRDIs While operating in a level 2 FIPS compliant manner, the Uplogix LM contains the following security relevant data items: Table 7: Uplogix Security Relevant Data Items Security Relevant Data Item Storage SRDI Description NSS RNG Seed RAM Used for the SP 800‐90 DRBG using SHA‐256 Libgcrypt RNG Seed RAM Used for ANSI X9.31 RNG using 128‐bit AES. Libgcrypt RNG Seed Key RAM Used for ANSI X9.31 RNG using 128‐bit AES. Operator Passwords Disk Used for user authentication via SSH, the console port, or with the UCC. Operator Public Keys Disk Alternative mechanism for user authentication via SSH. SSH RSA 2048 Public Key Disk Unique RSA public key used to identify the LM to SSH clients. It is used to verify data signed by the RSA private key. SSH RSA 2048 Private Key Disk Unique RSA private key used to sign SSH key exchange data. SSH DH Key Pair RAM Used to transmit keying information for SSH session keys. SSH HMAC Integrity Keys RAM Used to verify SSH transport data. Algorithm: HMAC‐ SHA1. SSH Session Keys RAM Used to encrypt the SSH transport. Algorithms: Triple‐DES CBC, AES 128 CBC, AES 192 CBC, AES 256 CBC. TLS RSA Certificate for LM Disk Unique to the LM. Used to authenticate and differentiate itself with the UCC web services. 2048, 3072, or 4096‐bit. TLS RSA Private Key for LM Disk Corresponding private key to decrypt messages created with the certificate/public key. TLS RSA Certificate for UCC Disk Used to authenticate the UCC to the LM for web services. TLS CA Certificates Disk Used to verify a server certificate used with generic HTTPS and SMTPS functionality. 1024‐4096 RSA or 1024 DSA keys. TLS Server Certificates Disk Used to verify a server certificate used with generic HTTPS and SMTPS functionality. 1024‐4096 RSA or DSA keys. TLS DH Key Pair RAM Used with the DHE_RSA/DHE_DSS TLS cipher suites. TLS Pre‐master Secret RAM 48‐bytes key used to generate session keys for TLS. TLS HMAC Integrity Keys RAM Used to verify TLS data. Algorithm: HMAC‐SHA1. TLS Session Keys RAM Used to encrypt the TLS transport. Algorithms: Triple‐DES CBC, AES 128 CBC, AES 256 CBC. IKE Pre‐Shared Key Disk Used to authenticate the LM with a VPN server during FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 20 of 31 phase 1 aggressive mode of IPSec. IPSec XAuth user Password Disk Secondary authentication for the LM with the VPN server using the XAuth extension after phase 1 aggressive mode. IKE DH Key Pair RAM Used during phase 1 aggressive mode to negotiate the IKE Session key. IKE HMAC Integrity Keys RAM Used to verify IKE data. Algorithm HMAC‐SHA1. IKE Session Key RAM Used to encrypt XAuth and phase 2 quick mode interactions. Algorithms: Triple‐DES CBC, AES 128 CBC, AES 192 CBC, AES 256 CBC. IPSec HMAC Integrity Keys RAM Used to verify IPSec data. Algorithm: HMAC‐SHA1. IPSec Session Keys RAM Used to encrypt the IPSec transported data. Algorithms: Triple‐DES CBC, AES 128 CBC, AES 192 CBC, AES 256 CBC. IPSec PFS DH Key Pair RAM Used during phase 2 quick mode to negotiate the IPSec Session keys. Uplogix Firmware Certificate Disk 2048‐bit RSA key used to verify the signature of Uplogix firmware images for the LM. RADIUS Shared Key Disk Shared secret used with RADIUS authentication server. TACACS+ Shared Key Disk Shared secret used with TACACS+ authentication server. SMS Key Disk The SMS key is a 128‐bit AES CBC key generated on the Uplogix LM and transmitted to the UCC via TLS web services. Its only purpose is to decrypt messages sent by the UCC to the LM over SMS. PPP Shared Key Disk Shared secret used with PPP server. PPTP Shared Key Disk Shared secret used with PPTP server. Email Passwords Disk Passwords used to authenticate LM with SMTP servers. Device Passwords Disk Passwords used to authenticate LM with devices it manages. IPMI Passwords Disk Passwords used to authenticate LM with device service processors (ex. Dell DRAC). Export Password Disk Password used to authenticate LM with SCP/FTP server receiving periodic stats via export process. SOCKS Proxy Password Disk Password used by UCC applet to authenticate with SOCKS server which proxies access to the LM. This is not used on the LM, but it is transmitted from the UCC to the LM during the heartbeat web (TLS) service. SNMPv3 Auth Password Disk Optional password used by SNMPv3 clients to retrieve very limited system information. SNMPv3 Priv Password Disk Optional password used by SNMPv3 clients to retrieve very limited system information. With the exception of the Uplogix Firmware certificate, all SRDIs that are stored on disk are zeroized when a factory reset is performed on the LM. There are multiple ways to perform a factory reset. FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 21 of 31 5.2. Access Control Policy The terminal allows controlled access to the SRDIs contained within it. The following table defines the access that an operator or application has to each SRDI while operating the LM in a given role performing a specific command. The permissions are categorized as a set of five separate permissions: read, write, execute, delete, and zeroize. If no permission is listed, then an operator has no access to the SRDI. Table 8: Uplogix Access Control Policy Uplogix LM SRDI/Role/Service Access Policy (r = read, w = write, d = delete, z = zeroize) Roles/Service Admin Role Show Functions Configuration Functions config sys fips enable SSH Other TLS functions IPSec SMS Monitor Update Functions Guest Role SSH Show Functions Configuration Functions Factory Reset Role Factory Reset (implicitly disables FIPS Mode) Uplogix Control Center Web Services Security Relevant Data Item NSS RNG Seed r r r r r r r libgcrypt RNG Seed r libgcrypt RNG Seed Key r Operator Passwords w d r r w r w w z w r w d Operator Public Keys r w d r r r z w r w d SSH RSA 2048 Public Key Pair w d r r z w r SSH RSA 2048 Private Key Pair w d r r z w SSH DH Key Pair r w r w SSH HMAC Integrity Keys r w r w SSH Session Keys r w r w TLS RSA Certificate for LM r w d z w r TLS RSA Private Key for LM w d z w TLS RSA Certificate for UCC r w d z w r TLS CA Certificates r w d r z w r w d TLS Server Certificates r w d r z w r w d TLS DH Key Pair r w r w TLS Pre‐master Secret r w r w TLS HMAC Integrity r w FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 22 of 31 Keys TLS Session Keys r w r w IKE Pre‐Shared Key w r z w r w d IPSec XAuth User Password w r z w r w d IKE DH Key Pair r w IKE HMAC Integrity Keys r w IKE Session Key r w IPSec HMAC Integrity Keys r w IPSec Session Keys r w IPSec PFS DH Key Pair r w Uplogix Firmware Certificate r RADIUS Shared Key w r r z w r w d TACACS+ Shared Key w r r z w r w d SMS Key w d r z w r PPP Shared Key w z w r w d PPTP Shared Key w z w r w d Email Passwords w z w r w d Device Passwords w z w r w d IPMI Passwords w z w r w d Export Password w z w r w d SOCKS Proxy Password z w w d SNMPv3 Auth Password w z w r w d SNMPv3 Priv Password w z w r w d Notes: On config sys fips enable, the SMS key, the TLS RSA LM key pair and certificate, the TLS RSA certificate for UCC, and the SSH RSA and DSA key pairs are deleted. When the system next boots, SMS and SSH keys are created automatically. The TLS certificates are manually created/configured. A user with only the guest role (config password, but not config user) is only able to see and edit his own SSH public keys. Likewise, a user with the guest role can only change his own password. FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 23 of 31 6. Mitigation of Other Attacks Uplogix does not wish to claim that the module mitigates any other attacks. FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 24 of 31 Appendix A: Roles and Their Permissions on Resources Unauthenticated Access: Model Mode Resource Permission Uplogix 3200 LCD/Keypad system config reinstall Uplogix 3200 LCD/Keypad system config system ip Uplogix 3200 LCD/Keypad system config system management Uplogix 3200 LCD/Keypad system config system pulse Uplogix 3200 LCD/Keypad system config system serial Uplogix 3200 LCD/Keypad system restart Uplogix 3200 LCD/Keypad system show alarms Uplogix 3200 LCD/Keypad port, system show info Uplogix 3200 LCD/Keypad modem, system show status Uplogix 3200 LCD/Keypad system show sys ipv6 Uplogix 3200 LCD/Keypad system show system ip Uplogix 3200 LCD/Keypad system show system management Uplogix 3200 LCD/Keypad system show system pulse Uplogix 3200 LCD/Keypad system show system serial Uplogix 3200 LCD/Keypad system shutdown Uplogix 3200 Console system show system fips Uplogix 3200 Console system show version Uplogix 430 and 3200 SNMP system show system properties Uplogix 430 and 3200 SNMP system show version Uplogix 430 430 button system restart Uplogix 430 430 button system config reinstall Uplogix 430 and 3200 Visual Inspection N/A Monitoring physical ports activity using the ports LEDs for both 430 and 3200 Uplogix 430 Visual Inspection N/A Monitoring FIPS‐mode status using the Heartbeat LED Uplogix 430 and 3200 Visual Inspection N/A Monitoring power status on both 430 and 3200 using the power LEDs Note: 3200 console prompt displays the OS version while prompting for username and password. Additionally, the 3200 console port outputs the FIPS Failure status message every FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 25 of 31 second when the module is in FIPS Failure/Error State, this message can be seen by any unauthenticated operator. Admin Access: The Admin Role is a standard role provided by LMS and thus is the same on all versions of the module. Resource Permission port assimilate port autorecovery port capture port certify port clear counters port clear log port clear password port clear service‐module server config aaa modem config answer port config authentication system config date port config device logging system config environment system config export server config filter system config group server config hierarchy system config import port config info port config init server config inventory server config label server config license port config log rule port, system config monitors powercontrol config outlets system config password modem config ppp port config properties FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 26 of 31 port config protocols forward port config protocols pass‐through port config protocols shadow port, system config removejob server config report system config restrict system config role system config rule system config ruleset port, system config schedule port config serial port config service‐processor port config settings system config slv system config system applet system config system archive system config system authentication system config system banner system config system clear archive system config system clear export system config system clear port system config system clear securid system config system clear slot system config system crypto certificate client system config system crypto certificate management system config system crypto certificate other* system config system crypto regenerate** system config system email system config system export system config system fips system config system ip system config system ipt system config system keypad system config system management system config system ntp system config system page‐length system config system properties FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 27 of 31 system config system protocols dhcp system config system protocols filter system config system protocols ssh system config system protocols telnet system config system pulse system config system serial system config system snmp system config system syslog‐options system config system timeout system config update system config user system config user certificate modem config vpn system connect port copy port delete port device execute port device ping port edit running‐config system export port forward port interface system login port name powercontrol off powercontrol on system, port ping port power modem ppp off modem ppp on port pull os port pull running‐config port pull startup‐config port pull tech port push os port push running‐config port push startup‐config FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 28 of 31 port reboot port recover configuration system restart port restore port rollback assimilate port rollback authentication port rollback config server run report system service access port service‐processor exec server show aaa port, system show alarms system show all modem show answer system show archive port show authentication port show buffer system show capture port show chassis powercontrol show circuit port show config system show date port show device change port show device changes port show device logging port show device syslog port show diff port show directory system show environment port, system show events port show faults server show filter port show gps events port show gps position system show group port show info system show install‐history FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 29 of 31 port show interface server show inventory port show label server show license port, system show log port, system show monitors powercontrol show outlets port show pingstats system show ports port show post modem show ppp system show privileges port show properties port show protocols forward port show protocols pass‐through port show protocols shadow port show remotestate server show report system show restrict system show role port show rollback‐config system show rule system show ruleset port show running‐config port, system show schedules port show serial port show service‐module port show service‐processor system show session system show sessions port show settings system show slv stats system show slv test port show startup‐config port show status system show system applet system show system archive FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 30 of 31 system show system authentication system show system banner system show system crypto certificate client system show system crypto certificate management system show system crypto certificate other system show system email system show system export system show system fips system show system ip system show system ipt system show system keypad system show system management system show system ntp system show system page‐length system show system properties system show system protocols system show system pulse system show system serial system show system snmp system show system syslog‐options system show system timeout port show tech system show user system show version modem show vpn system show who system shutdown port squeeze port, system suspend port terminal port terminal break port terminal force port terminal lock port terminal shadow server upload archive port use system auth Notes: FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy Uplogix 430 and 3200 877.857.7077 Uplogix Page 31 of 31 * provides config system crypto certificate ca and config system crypto certificate server ** provides config system crypto regenerate sms and config system crypto regenerate ssh All privileges in the table above with a port resource are also available on the power controller and modem. Guest Access: The Guest Role is a standard role provided by LMS and thus is the same on all versions of the module. Resource Permission system config password system login system, port ping system, port show alarms port show buffer system show date port show directory system show environment system show session port show status system show version system show who Factory Reset Access: The Factory Reset Role is created by the Crypto Officer. Resource Permission system config reinstall