FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification Pitney Bowes, Inc. X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Document Version 1.3 © Copyright 2021 Pitney Bowes, Inc. 27 Waterview Drive Shelton, CT 06484 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Cryptographic Module Specification....................................................................................................3 1.1 Overview....................................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Security Level...........................................................................................................................................4 1.3 Modes of Operation................................................................................................................................4 2. Module Ports and Interfaces ...................................................................................................................5 3. Roles, Services, and Authentication......................................................................................................5 3.1 Roles.............................................................................................................................................................5 3.1.1 Initialization.......................................................................................................................................6 3.2 Services.......................................................................................................................................................6 3.2.1 Service Access to Security Functions and CSPs ...................................................................8 3.3 Non-Approved Mode Roles and Services ................................................................................... 11 3.4 Security Rules........................................................................................................................................ 11 4. Physical Security....................................................................................................................................... 12 5. Mitigation of Other Attacks................................................................................................................... 12 6. Operational Environment...................................................................................................................... 12 7. Cryptographic Key Management........................................................................................................ 13 7.1 FIPS Approved Algorithms............................................................................................................... 13 7.2 FIPS Allowed Algorithms.................................................................................................................. 15 7.3 FIPS Non-Approved Algorithms..................................................................................................... 15 7.4 CSPs and Keys ....................................................................................................................................... 16 7.4.1 Critical Security Parameters..................................................................................................... 16 7.4.2 Public Security Parameters Keys............................................................................................ 18 7.4.3 Zeroization...................................................................................................................................... 19 8. Self-Tests...................................................................................................................................................... 19 8.1 Power on Self-Tests ............................................................................................................................ 19 8.2 Conditional Tests................................................................................................................................. 20 Appendix A: References................................................................................................................................... 21 Appendix B: Abbreviations and Definitions ............................................................................................ 22 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 2 TABLE OF TABLES Table 1 – X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) Component Versions............................................................ 3 Table 2 – Module Security Level........................................................................................................................................ 4 Table 3 – Roles and Authentication................................................................................................................................. 5 Table 4 – Strength of Authentication............................................................................................................................... 6 Table 5 – Services Available in FIPS Approved Mode .............................................................................................. 8 Table 6 – FIPS Approved Algorithms ............................................................................................................................13 Table 7 – FIPS Non-Approved Algorithms..................................................................................................................15 Table 8 – Secret Keys, Private Keys, Cryptographic Key Components, and Other CSPs ..........................16 Table 9 – Public Security Parameters ...........................................................................................................................18 Table 10 – References..........................................................................................................................................................21 Table 11 – Abbreviations and Definitions...................................................................................................................22 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 3 1. CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE SPECIFICATION 1.1 OVERVIEW This document describes the Security Policy for the X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) (the X4i HSM). The X4i HSM is a single-chip cryptographic module designed by Pitney Bowes, Inc. (PB) to conform with FIPS 140-2 Level 3 + EFP requirements. Table 1 – X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) Component Versions Item Version Hardware Components: MAX32590 Secure Microcontroller Revision B4 Firmware Components: PB Bootloader 00.00.0016 HSM Application Device Abstraction Layer (DAL) 21.04.0008 01.02.002F The HSM Application and DAL are compiled into a single firmware and integrity tested together. This single firmware is referred to as the HSM Application hereafter. The X4i HSM provides cryptographic services to a host device, including authentication, privacy, and key protection. The X4i HSM is defined as a single chip cryptographic module. Figure 1 – MAX32590 (Back and Front) The X4i HSM’s cryptographic boundary is defined as the IC package that comprises the Maxim Integrated MAX32590 DeepCover Secure Microcontroller (refer to Figure 1). PB executable code is stored in external memory and copied to internal SRAM to be executed. On each power up, the firmware components listed in Table 1 are copied to internal SRAM and then authenticated via digital signatures. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 4 The PB Bootloader is authenticated by verification of the “CRK” key using RSA 2048 with SHA-256 (Cert. #C477). Once the PB Bootloader has been loaded and authenticated, the PB Bootloader copies HSM Application (i.e., the combined Device Abstraction Layer (DAL) and HSM Application) to SRAM and authenticates it by verification of the “SWAK” Key using ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 (Cert. #C476). 1.2 SECURITY LEVEL The module meets the overall requirements of FIPS 140-2 Security Level 3 +EFP Table 2 – Module Security Level FIPS Area FIPS Security Requirement Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 3 2 Module Ports and Interfaces 3 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 3 4 Finite State Model 3 5 Physical Security 3 +EFP 6 Operational Environment N/A 7 Cryptographic Key Management 3 8 EMI/EMC 3 9 Self-Tests 3 10 Design Assurance 3 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks 3 1.3 MODES OF OPERATION The module supports both an Approved mode and a non-Approved mode of operation. The module provides an explicit mode of operation indicator: the FIPS mode status flag is returned in every response from the module. The FIPS mode flag is set to zero for an Approved mode of operation or to one for non-Approved mode of operation. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 5 2. MODULE PORTS AND INTERFACES The MAX32590 is supplied in a 324-pin BGA package where all power input, data input, data output, control input, and status output interfaces are supported. Ball Grid Array Pin Horizontal from “x” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Ball Grid Array Pin Vertical from “ x” A - - - - - - O - - - - - - - - - - - B - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - C - - P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D - - P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F - - - - - P P P P P P P IO IO - - - - G - - - - S P - - - - - P C - - - - - H - - - - P P - - - - - P S - - - - - J - - - - C P - - - - - P C - - - - - K - - - - C P - - - - - P C - - - - - L - - - - - P - - - - - P - - - - - - M - - - S - P - - - - - P - - - - - - N - - - - - P P P P P P P - S - - S S P - - - O - O O O O O O - O O O O O O R - - - - - - - - - IO IO IO IO O O O O O T - - - - - - - - - IO IO IO IO - O O O O U - - - - - - - - - IO IO IO IO - - O O O V - - - - - - - - - IO IO IO IO - - O O O I = Data In O = Data Out S = Status Out C = Control In P = Power - = Disabled Figure 2 – X4i HSM Interface Mapping 3. ROLES, SERVICES, AND AUTHENTICATION 3.1 ROLES The module supports two authenticated roles that are either categorized as Crypto-Officer (CO) Administrator, or CO/User role. Additionally, the module has a single unauthenticated role. The CO Admin role is implicitly selected and authenticated via digital signature. The CO/User identities are implicitly selected by a unique ID and possession of the respective HMAC key used for authentication. Table 3 – Roles and Authentication Role Authentication Method Authentication Type Crypto-Officer Administrator (CO Admin) Digital Signature (ECDSA P-256) authenticated by PAK Identity-based Crypto-Officer/User (CO/User) Uniquely Assigned ID in conjunction with HMAC key (128 bits – 256 bits) used with HMAC-SHA-256 Identity-based Unauthenticated None None FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 6 Table 4 – Strength of Authentication Authentication Mechanism Probability of False Acceptance (Single Attempt) Probability of False Acceptance (One Minute) Digital Signature The probability of a random access or false acceptance occurring is 1 in 2^128 for ECDSA P-256, which is less than 1 in 1,000,000. The module can execute at most 17.85 ECDSA verifications per second. Therefore, the probability of a successful random attempt in a one-minute period is 17.85 in 2^128 for ECDSA, which is far less than 1 in 100,000. Uniquely Assigned ID and HMAC key A 128-bit to 256-bit HMAC key (PSWD) is used for authentication. (Per SP 800-63B, HMAC keys are used to sign a 64-bit challenge nonce, which is authenticated by the module.) Given the strength of the HMAC key, the probability of a random access or false acceptance occurring is 1 in 2^128, which is less than 1 in 1,000,000. Password verification relies on HMAC authentication. The module can execute at most 3,000 HMAC authentication attempts per second. Therefore, the probability of a successful random attempt in a one-minute period is 3000 in 2^128 which is far less than 1 in 100,000. 3.1.1 INITIALIZATION During manufacturing, the PB Bootloader (verified by CRK key) and HSM application (verified by the SWAK key) are loaded at secure vendor facilities. The system is initialized. Initialization includes loading the entropy input, which is not persistently stored. The entropy input is 512 total bits and contains 419 bits of entropy. The entropy is generated by a FIPS module validated with an entropy rate of 82%. Per IG 7.14, there is no assurance of the minimum strength of generated keys. The DRBG seed, KEK (Key Encryption Key) and KAK (Key Authentication Key) are generated. The mode of operation is locked to Approved mode unless changed via a HSM LoadParameter command before additional keys are loaded or generated. Signed public keys, the Device Authentication Keys (DAK) and Device Privacy Key (DPK) are loaded and verified1. The module is now configured. 3.2 SERVICES Crypto-Officer Administrator (CO Admin): The services allocated to this role are as follows: • Load Parameters: Load a set of parameters into the HSM. • Firmware Update2: Secure firmware update process using the Software Download Utility (SDU) within the Device Abstraction Layer (DAL). The PB Bootloader verifies the ECDSA P- 256 (Cert. #C476) signature on the combined HSM Application and DAL firmware. Crypto-Officer/User (CO/User): The same services are allocated to these roles. These services are as follows: • Decrypt: Decrypt data. • Decrypt Compare: Decrypt encrypted data and compare to expected result. 1 The DAK and DPK are generated for modules configured as a Key Root Authority (KRA) HSMs 2 Any firmware loaded into this module that is not shown on the module certificate, is out of the scope of this validation and requires a separate FIPS 140-2 validation FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 7 • Decrypt Encrypt: Decrypt encrypted data and re-encrypt with another key. • Delay Echo: Respond with input message after delay. • Delete Key: Remove a key from the HSM. • Delete Key Parameter: Remove a key parameter from the HSM. • Derive Key Agreement: Establish a key to be used to exchange secure information with the HSM (AES 128/192/256 KW or HMAC-SHA-256). • Encrypt: Encrypt data. • Encrypt Nonce: Generate a nonce (if not passed in) and then encrypt the nonce. • Export Key: Securely export a key for storage / use in another location. • Generate: Generate a public/private key pair or a secret key. The message specifies the cryptographic algorithm and the parameters for use in the generation of the key(s). • Generate Password Block: Generate a HMAC-SHA-256 password for a specific HSM. • Generate Password Token: Generate a token used to login to a specific HSM. • Generate PSD RSA Record: Generate an RSA public/private key pair for a Postal Security Device (PSD). • Generate RSA Primes: Generate a pair of prime numbers used for RSA key generation. • Get Counters: Output a copy of the current values of the internal counters. • Join Key: Assemble a key that has been previously split. • Load Key: Load an encrypted or public key for later use. The command specifies the storage type: o Volatile: Store in RAM, can be replaced if space is needed. o Sticky: Store in RAM, can NOT be replaced until it is deleted by the host. o Static: Store in NVM • Load Key Parameters – Load a set of key parameters for later use, stored in NVM. • Load Parameters: Load a set of parameters into the HSM. • Load Password Block: Loads a HMAC-SHA-256 password. • Set Counter: Set an internal counter to a specific value. • Sign: Apply a cryptographic signature to a set of data. • Split: Divide a key into 2 or more parts. • Update Counters: Update specific internal counters • Verify: Verify a cryptographic signature on a set of data. Unauthenticated Services: Miscellaneous functions that do not require the HSM authentication of the entity. Unauthenticated Services (listed below) are available to all roles, both authenticated and unauthenticated. • Get Challenge: Get 8-byte pseudo-random number used as a challenge in a future command. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 8 • Get HW Status: Get the hardware specific status data of the HSM. • Get Key List: Return a list of all active keys stored in the HSM. • Get Key Parameters: Retrieve list of key parameters loaded into HSM. • Get Key Table: Retrieves data of key and key parameters stored in key table. • Get Parameters: Retrieve parameter values from the HSM. The Host can request individual parameter IDs or all of the stored parameters in the HSM. • Get Random: Get a pseudo-random number from the HSM. • Get Status: Get HSM status information. • Get Versions: Get the versions of the components in the HSM • Login: Crypto-Officer login with ID and authentication token • Perform Diagnostic Test: Perform one or more diagnostic tests. • Perform Full Diagnostics: Run power up tests and perform other maintenance activities. • Read Log: Get Log Data. The number of available entries, the size of each entry, and the data contained in each entry will depend on the log that is being requested. • Reboot: Reboot the device. • Reinit: Reinitialize HSM by erasing all NVM data except for HW Mfg Data and ‘persistent’ data (total device cycles, reinit count) and then invalidates the HSM Application. This command zeroizes the unique HSM Key Encryption Key (KEK), which results in the loss of all other private and secret keys. Used to ‘clean’ the HSM so it can be re-configured. 3.2.1 SERVICE ACCESS TO SECURITY FUNCTIONS AND CSPS Critical Security Parameter (CSP) and Public Security Parameter (PSP) access by services is classified as Read (R), Write (W), or Zeroize (Z) in the table below. Table 5 – Services Available in FIPS Approved Mode Role(s) with Service Access Service Security Functions Used CSP Access PSP Access CO Admin Load Parameters ECDSA P-256 SigVer None PAK: R Firmware Update ECDSA P-256 SigVer None SWAK: R CO/User All services with CSP access HMAC-SHA-256 AES 256 KW KAK: R KEK: R - Decrypt HMAC-SHA-256 or AES 128/192/256 or RSA 2048 Session Key: R or PK: R or DPK: R None Decrypt Compare HMAC-SHA-256 or AES 128/192/256 or RSA 2048 Session Key: R or PK: R or DPK: R None Decrypt Encrypt HMAC-SHA-256 or AES 128/192/256 or RSA 2048 Session Key: R or PK: R or DPK: R PK Public: R FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 9 Role(s) with Service Access Service Security Functions Used CSP Access PSP Access Delay Echo No additional No additional None Delete Key No additional All static keys except DAK, KEK, KEK’, KAK: Z All static public keys: Z Delete Key Parameter No additional No additional None Derive Key Agreement DRBG KAS-SSC KDA HMAC-SHA-256 or AES 128/192/256 (KW only) DRBG Working State: R, W ECC-CDH Key: W, R, Z Shared Secret: W, R, Z Session Key: W, R ECC-CDH Peer Public Key: W, R ECC-CDH Public Key: W, R Encrypt HMAC-SHA-256 or AES 128/192/256 or RSA 2048 Session Key: R or PK: R or DPK: R PK Public: R Encrypt Nonce DRBG HMAC-SHA-256 or AES 128/192/256 or RSA 2048 DRBG Working State: R, W Session Key: R or PK: R or DPK: R PK Public: R Export Key HMAC-SHA-256 AES 128/192/256 (KW only) All static keys except KEK, KEK’, KAK: R All static public keys: R Generate DRBG ECDSA P-224/P-256 KeyGen or RSA 2048 Key Gen or AES 128/192/256 Key Gen or HMAC-SHA-256 Key Gen DRBG Working State: R, W AK: W or PK: W or DAK: W3 or DPK: W or CRK Private: W or SWAK Private: W or PAK Private: W AK Public: W or PK Public: W or CRK Public: W4 or SWAK Public: W or PAK Public: W Generate Password Block DRBG HMAC-SHA-256 Key Gen HMAC-SHA-256 AES 128/192/256 (KW only) DRBG Working State: R, W All static keys except KEK, KEK’, KAK: R All static public keys: R Generate Password Token HMAC-SHA-256 PSDW: R None Generate PSD RSA Record DRBG RSA 2048 SigGen HMAC-SHA-256 AES 128/192/256 (KW only) DRBG Working State: R, W DPAG Private: W Session Key: R DPAG Public: W 3 DAK, DPK, CRK, SWAK, and PAK keys are only generated in modules configured as KRA HSMs 4 CRK, SWAK, and PAK keys are only generated in modules configured as KRA HSMs FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 10 Role(s) with Service Access Service Security Functions Used CSP Access PSP Access Generate RSA Primes DRBG RSA 2048 SigGen HMAC-SHA-256 AES 128/192/256 (KW only) DRBG Working State: R, W RSA Primes: W Session Key: R None Get Counters HMAC-SHA-256 ECDSA P-224/P-256 SigGen or RSA 2048 SigGen AK: R AK Public: R Join Key AES 256 KW ECDSA P-256 SigVer PK: W AK: R Load Key HMAC-SHA-256 or AES 128/192/256 ECDSA P-224/P-256 SigVer Session Key: R or PK: R or DPK: R All static keys except KEK, KEK’, KAK: W5 RSA primes: W AK Public: R All static public keys: W6 Load Key Parameters HMAC-SHA-256 or AES 128/192/256 ECDSA P-224/P-256 SigVer Session Key: R or PK: R or DPK: R AK Public: R Load Parameters ECDSA P-256 SigVer No additional PAK: R Load Password Block HMAC-SHA-256 AES 128/192/256 PSWD: W AK: R PK : R DAK: R PAK :R Set Counter No additional No additional None Sign DRBG ECDSA P-224/P-256 SigGen or RSA 2048 SigGen or HMAC-SHA-256 DRBG Working State: R, W AK: R or CRK Private: R or SWAK: R or PAK: R None Split DRBG ECDSA P-256 SigGen DRBG Working State: R, W AK: R PK: W None Update Counters No additional No additional None Verify ECDSA P-224/P-256 SigVer or RSA 2048 SigVer or HMAC-SHA-256 AK: R AK Public: R or CRK Public: R or SWAK Public: R or PAK Public: R Unauthenticated User Get Challenge None DRBG Working State: R, W None Get HW Status None None None 5 DAK, DPK, CRK, SWAK, and PAK keys are only loaded in Manufacturing 6 CRK, SWAK, and PAK keys are only loaded in Manufacturing FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 11 Role(s) with Service Access Service Security Functions Used CSP Access PSP Access Get Key List None None None Get Key Parameters None None None Get Key Table None None None Get Parameters None None None Get Random DRBG DRBG Working State: R, W None Get Status None None None Get Versions None None None Login HMAC-SHA-256 PSWD: R None Perform Diagnostic Test None None None Perform Full Diagnostics None None None Read Log None None None Reboot None None None Reinit None KEK: Z None 3.3 NON-APPROVED MODE ROLES AND SERVICES The non-Approved Mode of the module implements the same roles and services as the Approved Mode of operations, but this mode also allows the use of the algorithms specified in Section 7.3 FIPS Non-Approved Algorithms. Additionally, non-Approved mode includes the following services: Crypto-Officer/User (CO/User): • Decrypt Conv Encrypt: Decrypts, converts legacy records and re-encrypts. • Derive Key: Establish a Triple DES key to be used to exchange information between a PSD and a Post. • Get Entropy: Retrieves data from the hardware TRNG. 3.4 SECURITY RULES This section documents the security rules enforced by the cryptographic module to implement the security requirements of a FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Module. • The module shall not process more than one request at a time (i.e., single threaded). While processing a transaction, prior to returning a response, the module will ignore all other inputs to the module. No output is performed until the transaction is completed, and the only output is the transaction response. • The module shall validate identities using digital signatures or unique IDs and Message Authentication Codes (MACs) using unique HMAC keys for each identity • All keys generated in the module shall have at least 112 bits of cryptographic security strength for an Approved mode of operation. • The module shall not provide a bypass state where plaintext information is passed through the module. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 12 • The module shall not support a maintenance mode. • The module shall not output any secret or private key in plaintext form. • The module shall not accept any secret or private key in plaintext form outside of manufacturing. • There shall be no manual entry of keys into the system. • There shall be no entry or output of split shared keys from the module except when it is configured as a Key Root Authority (KRA). • Keys shall be established via an Approved method or entered into the system through FIPS Approved processes. • Once a module has been zeroized, it must be returned to the factory for software loading and parameterizing prior to being usable by a customer. 4. PHYSICAL SECURITY The X4i HSM utilizes the Maxim Semi-Conductor MAX32590 micro-controller, a single chip cryptographic module that protects key material from unauthorized disclosure, modification or substitution. The module is conformant to FIPS 140-2 Level 3 physical security requirements and is protected by an encapsulant. The hardness of the module encapsulant was tested at room temperature and over the module’s documented operating temperature range from -40˚C to + 85˚C. In addition to Level 3 physical security features, the module includes real time environmental monitoring (temperature, battery, voltage), and tamper detection and response. Triggering the environmental failure protection mechanisms or damaging the active shield (tamper detection) that protects the entire module results in a tamper event. A tamper event halts the processor and automatically zeroizes the master key encryption key (KEK). The operator should periodically inspect the module for evidence of tampering. 5. MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS The module has been designed to mitigate specific attacks outside the scope of FIPS 140-2, Level 3. It incorporates environmental failure protection mechanisms inherent to a Level 4 module. The module is designed to defend against out of bound voltage and temperature extremes. Additionally, the module provides a tamper detection and response mechanism. 6. OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT The FIPS 140-2 Area 6 (Operational Environment) requirements for the module are not applicable because the device does not contain a modifiable operational environment. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 13 7. CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT 7.1 FIPS APPROVED ALGORITHMS The following FIPS Approved cryptographic algorithms listed in Table 6 are supported by the module. Table 6 – FIPS Approved Algorithms CAVP Certs Algorithm Standards Modes/ Methods Key Lengths, Curves, or Moduli Use 5954 AES FIPS 197 SP 800-38A SP 800-38F CBC, ECB, KW 256, 192, 128 Data encryption and decryption Cryptographic key wrapping and unwrapping (KTS key establishment providing 256 bits of encryption) Vendor Affirmed CKG SP 800-133r2 Symmetric key generation and asymmetric seed generation from the unmodified output of the DRBG C472 DRBG SP 800-90A HASH_DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator with 256-bit security strength. DRBG does not support reseed. The entropy input pre- loaded into the module in manufacturing. The entropy input is 512 total bits and contains 419 bits of entropy. The entropy is generated by a FIPS module validated with an entropy rate of 82%. Per IG 7.14, there is no assurance of the minimum strength of generated keys. C476 ECDSA FIPS 186-4 KeyGen SigGen SigVer P-2247 P-256 P-224, SHA-256 P-256, SHA-256 P-224, SHA-256 P-256, SHA-256 Generation of cryptographic key pairs, and digital signature generation and verification. 7 The following ECDSA functionality is included in the algorithm certificate, but is not used in Approved mode: SigGen Component; SigVer (P-192, SHA-1) FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 14 CAVP Certs Algorithm Standards Modes/ Methods Key Lengths, Curves, or Moduli Use C464 HMAC FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA- 2568 256 bits Used to generate Message Authentication Codes (MACs). Truncated MACs (at least 128 bits) are used for some applications. A1869 KAS-SSC SP 800-56Ar3 ECC P-256 Key Agreement Protocol used to establish a session key (Ephemeral Unified Model C (2e, 0s, ECC CDH)). Provides 128 bits of encryption strength. A1869 KDA SP 800-56Cr1 One-Step KDF SHA-256 Key Derivation Function used with KAS-SSC to establish a session key KTS (AES Cert. #5954) SP 800-38F AES KW 128, 192, 256 Protects exported keys. Key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength. KTS (AES Cert. #5954 and HMAC Cert. #C464) SP 800-38F AES CBC 256 HMAC-SHA-256 256 Protects CSPs stored in Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) external to the module (using KEK and KAK keys) Provides 256 bits of encryption strength. C477 RSA FIPS 186-4 KeyGen SigGen (ANSI X9.31, PKCS 1.5, PKCSPSS) SigVer (ANSI X9.31, PKCS 1.5, PKCSPSS) 20489 2048, SHA-256 2048, SHA-256 Generation of cryptographic key pairs, digital signature generation and verification, and data encryption and decryption. C295 SHS FIPS 180-4 SHA-224 SHA-25610 SHS provides the hashing algorithm necessary for ECDSA and RSA digital signature generation/ verification and for the key derivation function 8 HMAC-SHA-1 is included in the algorithm certificate, but is not used in Approved mode 9 The following RSA functionality is included in the algorithm certificate, but is not used in Approved mode: SigVer ANSI X9.31 (1024, SHA-1 and SHA-256); SigVer PKCS 1.5 (1024, SHA-1 and SHA-256); SigVer PKCSPSS (1024, SHA-1 and SHA-256) and (2048, SHA-1) 10 SHA-1 is included in the algorithm certificate, but is not used in Approved mode FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 15 7.2 FIPS ALLOWED ALGORITHMS The module does not support any non-Approved but Allowed security functions. 7.3 FIPS NON-APPROVED ALGORITHMS The following cryptographic algorithms listed in Table 7 are used solely in a non-Approved mode of operation (this includes specified CAVP-validated algorithms). There exists no mechanism to allow the use of these algorithms in an Approved mode of operation. Table 7 – FIPS Non-Approved Algorithms Algorithm Key Lengths, Curves, or Moduli Use KAS (non-compliant) 1024 FFC KAS used to establish a Triple DES session key DSA (non-compliant) KeyGen: (1024, 160) SigGen: (1024, 160, SHA-1) SigVer: (1024, 160, SHA-1) Used to generate key pairs and generate/verify digital signatures. Legacy verification validated by CAVP DSA Cert. #C475. ECDSA (non-compliant) KeyGen: P-160 P-192 SigGen: P-160, SHA-1 P-192, SHA-1 SigVer: P-160, SHA-1 P-192, SHA-1 Used to generate key pairs and generate/verify digital signatures. Legacy verification of P-192, SHA-1 validated by CAVP Cert. #C476. HMAC (non-compliant) HMAC-SHA-1 Validated by CAVP Cert. #C464 NDRNG (non-compliant) -- Used to seed the DRBG in a non-Approved mode of operation RSA (non-compliant) KeyGen: 1024 SigGen ANSI X9.31, PKCS 1.5, PKCSPSS: (1024, SHA-1) SigVer ANSI X9.31, PKCS 1.5, PKCSPSS: (1024, SHA-1) Used to generate keys and digital signatures. Legacy verification validated by CAVP Cert. #C477 SHS (non-compliant) SHA-1 Hashing for digital signatures and key derivation. Validated by CAVP Cert. #C295 Triple-DES (non-compliant) 2 key and 3 key encrypt/decrypt Data encryption and decryption. Validated by CAVP TDES Cert. #2900. Triple-DES MAC (non-compliant) 128-bit, 192-bit Used to generate Message Authentication Codes (MACs). FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 16 7.4 CSPS AND KEYS 7.4.1 CRITICAL SECURITY PARAMETERS All CSPs except the KEK are stored in battery-backed memory encrypted by the KEK, or in Non- Volatile Memory (NVM) external to the module encrypted by the KEK and additionally protected by the KAK. Therefore, zeroizing the KEK destroys access to all CSPs. All CSPs that are input or output are wrapped in conformance to SP 800-38F by an AES KW key (128-256 bits). Table 8 – Secret Keys, Private Keys, Cryptographic Key Components, and Other CSPs CSP/Key Security Function Use Establishment Entry/Output Storage Destruction KEK (256-bit) (Key Encryption Key) AES KW 256 (Cert. #5954) Protect all keys stored internally or in NVM Generated Internally by FIPS approved DRBG (during manufacturing) Entry: N/A Output: N/A Plaintext Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power KEK’ (256-bit) (Backup Key Encryption Key) AES KW 256 (Cert. #5954) Backup KEK Generated Internally by FIPS approved DRBG (during manufacturing) Entry: N/A Output: N/A Encrypted with KEK Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power KAK (256-bit) (Key Authentication Key) HMAC-SHA-256 (Cert. #C464) Protect keys externally stored in NVM Generated Internally by FIPS approved DRBG (during manufacturing) Entry: N/A Output: N/A Encrypted with KEK Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power DAK (Device Authentication Keys) HMAC-SHA-256 (Cert. #C464) Additional integrity and authentication check for loaded keys Generated Internally by FIPS approved DRBG (KRA HSM only) Entered in manufacturing Entry: N/A Output: Encrypted by AES KW Encrypted with KEK Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power DPK (Device Privacy Key) AES CBC 256 or AES KW 256 (Cert. #5954) Keys used to encrypt data or keys Generated Internally by DRBG from entropy input pre-loaded into the module in manufacturing Entry: N/A Output: Encrypted by AES KW Encrypted with KEK Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power DRBG Seed (1024-bit) DRBG Seed Material Seeding the DRBG Loaded during manufacturing only. Entry: N/A Output: N/A Encrypted with KEK Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power DRBG Working State (1024-bit) DRBG (Cert. #C472) Internal working state of the DRBG Generated Internally by FIPS approved DRBG Entry: N/A Output: N/A Encrypted with KEK Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power AK (Authentication HMAC-SHA-256 (Cert. #C464) Used to provide Authentication Generated Internally by Entry: Encrypted by Encrypted with KEK Zeroization, Tamper or FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 17 CSP/Key Security Function Use Establishment Entry/Output Storage Destruction Key) ECDSA P-224 or P- 256 (Cert. #C476) Used to provide Authentication FIPS approved DRBG Or loaded as needed AES KW Output: Encrypted by AES KW Encrypted with KEK removal of all power RSA 2048 (Cert. #C477) Used to provide Authentication Encrypted with KEK PK (Privacy Key) AES CBC 128, 192, 256 or AES KW 128, 192, 256 (Cert. #5954) Keys used to encrypt data or keys Generated Internally by FIPS approved DRBG Or loaded as needed Entry: Encrypted by AES KW Output: Encrypted by AES KW Encrypted with KEK Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power RSA 2048 (Cert. #C477) Keys used to decrypt data Encrypted with KEK DPAG Private (DPAG Private Key) RSA 2048 (Cert. #C477) RSA Keys generated for PSDs Generated Internally by FIPS approved DRBG Or loaded as needed Entry: Encrypted by AES KW Output: Encrypted by AES KW Encrypted with KEK Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power ECC-CDH Key (256-bit) KAS-SSC (Cert. #A1869) Ephemeral ECC- CDH private key used in KAS-SSC Generated Internally by FIPS approved DRBG Entry: N/A Output: N/A Destroyed immediately after session established Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power Shared Secret (256-bit) KDA (Cert. #A1869) Used to derive session keys KAS-SSC per SP 800-56Ar3 Entry: N/A Output: N/A Destroyed immediately after session established Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power Session Key (256-bit) AES KW 128, 292, 256 (Cert. #5954) Encrypt data or wrap keys transported to infrastructure KAS-SSC per SP 800-56Ar3 + KDF per SP 800- 56Cr1 Entry: N/A Output: N/A Encrypted with KEK Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power HMAC-SHA-256 (Cert. #C464) Provide message Authentication CRK Private Customer Root Key (RSA PSS 2048) Signs the PB Bootloader firmware Generated Internally by FIPS approved DRBG (KRA HSM only) Or loaded as needed Entry: Encrypted by AES KW Output: Encrypted by AES KW Encrypted with KEK Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power SWAK Private Software Authentication Key (ECDSA P-256) Signs the HSM firmware Generated Internally by FIPS approved DRBG (KRA HSM only) Or loaded as needed Entry: Encrypted by AES KW Output: Encrypted by AES KW Encrypted with KEK Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 18 CSP/Key Security Function Use Establishment Entry/Output Storage Destruction PAK Private Parameter Authentication Key (ECDSA P-256) Signs the HSM parameters Generated Internally by FIPS approved DRBG (KRA HSM only) Or loaded as needed Entry: Encrypted by AES KW Output: Encrypted by AES KW Encrypted with KEK Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power PSWD (Password Authentication Key) HMAC-SHA-256 (Cert. #C464) Used to provide Login Authentication Loaded as needed Entry: Encrypted by AES KW Output: N/A Encrypted with KEK Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power RSA Primes Primes for RSA PSS 2048 Primes used to speed up RSA key generation Generated Internally by FIPS approved DRBG Or loaded as needed Entry: Encrypted by AES KW Output: Encrypted by AES KW Encrypted with KEK Zeroization, Tamper or removal of all power 7.4.2 PUBLIC SECURITY PARAMETERS KEYS Table 9 – Public Security Parameters Public Key Description Use Establishment Entry/Output Storage CRK Customer Root Key (RSA PSS 2048) Validates the PB Bootloader firmware integrity on power- on Loaded in Manufacturing Entry: N/A Output: Plaintext Plaintext SWAK Software Authentication Key (ECDSA P-256) Validates the HSM Application firmware integrity on power-on Loaded in Manufacturing Entry: N/A Output: Plaintext Plaintext PAK Parameter Authentication Key (ECDSA P-256) Validated loaded Parameters Loaded in Manufacturing Entry: N/A Output: Plaintext Plaintext ECC-CDH Peer Public Key ECC-CDH KAS Public counterpart received during the DH handshake ECDH public counterpart received as part of the EC DH exchange. Externally (Loaded during KAS-SSC) Entry: Authenticated per 56A Output: N/A Plaintext ECC-CDH Public Key ECC-CDH KAS Public key generated during the DH handshake ECDH public key transmitted as part of the EC DH exchange Generated Internally Entry: N/A Output: Plaintext Plaintext AK Public (Public Authentication Key) ECDSA P-224 or P- 256 Public Key Used to provide Authentication Generated Internally by FIPS approved DRBG Or loaded as needed Entry: Plaintext Output: Plaintext Plaintext RSA 2048 Public Key Used to provide Authentication FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 19 Public Key Description Use Establishment Entry/Output Storage PK Public (Public Privacy Key) RSA 2048 Public Key Keys used to encrypt data Generated Internally by FIPS approved DRBG Or loaded as needed Entry: Plaintext Output: Plaintext Plaintext DPAG Public (DPAG Public Key) RSA 2048 Public Key Used to provide Authentication Generated Internally by FIPS approved DRBG Or loaded as needed Entry: Plaintext Output: Plaintext Plaintext 7.4.3 ZEROIZATION The module is a single-chip, cryptographic module that incorporates an Active Shield that provides a tamper detection and response mechanism. When this mechanism is triggered, the module immediately zeroizes the KEK, which renders all encrypted keys non-operational. The module transitions to a hard error state in which it must be returned to manufacturing. Zeroization of the module can also be performed by the operator via the Reinit service. 8. SELF-TESTS The module supports the following self-tests. Power on self-tests (POSTs) can be run on demand by an unauthenticated operator by either power-cycling the module or via the Reboot service. Additionally, they may be executed via Perform Diagnostic Test or Perform Full Diagnostics services. Upon the failure of any of the self-tests the module transitions to an error state. All data output via the data output interface is inhibited while in the error state. No cryptographic operations can be performed while in the error state. To transition from the error state the module must be power- cycled. 8.1 POWER ON SELF-TESTS Firmware Integrity Tests: The module conducts the following digital signature verifications on power-up. • PB Bootloader o RSA 2048 (Cert. #C477) Digital Signature Verification • HSM Application o ECDSA P-256 (Cert. #C476) Digital Signature Verification Algorithm Tests: The module conducts the following Known Answer Tests (KATs) and Pairwise Consistency Tests (PWCT) on power-up. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 20 o AES (Cert. #5954) o AES-256 ECB Encrypt KAT o AES-256 ECB Decrypt KAT o AES-256 KW Encrypt KAT o AES-256 KW Decrypt KAT o DRBG (Cert. #C472) 11 o Instantiate KAT o Generate KAT o ECDSA (Cert. #C476) o P-256 Signature Generation and Verification PWCT o HMAC (Cert. #C464) and SHS (Cert. #C295) o HMAC-SHA-256 KAT o KAS-ECC-SSC (Cert. #A1869, C(2e, 0s, ECC CDH)) o KAS-SSC KAT: Primitive “Z” Computation KAT, conformant with IG D.8, Scenario X1 o KDA (Cert. #A1869) o KDA KAT per IG D.8, Scenario X1 o RSA (Cert. #C477) o 2048 Signature Generation KAT o 2048 Signature Verification KAT Critical Function Tests: o RTC Test o BRAM Pattern Test 8.2 CONDITIONAL TESTS The module conducts the following conditional tests. o PWCT upon cryptographic key pair generation: o ECDSA P-224 or P-256 PWCT o RSA 2048 PWCT o KAS-SSC (Cert. #A1869, C(2e, 0s, ECC CDH)) o ECC Full Public Key Validation (PKV) per SP 800-56Arev 3: o Software/Firmware Load Test: o ECDSA P-256 Signature Verification (Cert. #C476) 11 Per IG 9.8, the SP 800-90A-compliant DRBG does not perform the test described in AS.09.42 and AS.09.43 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 21 APPENDIX A: REFERENCES Table 10 – References Reference Title Publishing Entity Publication Date Digital Signature Standard (DSA) – FIPS PUB 186-4 NIST July 2013 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) – FIPS PUB 197 NIST November 2001 The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) – FIPS PUB 198-1 NIST July 2008 Secure Hash Standard – FIPS PUB 180-4 NIST March 2012 Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography - Special Publication 800-56A Revision 3 NIST April 2018 Recommendation for Key-Derivation Methods in Key-Establishment Schemes - Special Publication 800-56C Revision 1 NIST April 2018 Recommendation for Cryptographic Key Generation - - Special Publication 800-133 Revision 2 NIST June 2020 Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation, Methods and Techniques – Special Publication 800-38A NIST December 2001 Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators – Special Publication 800-90A NIST January 2012 FIPS PUB 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules NIST May 2001 Derived Test Requirements for FIPS PUB 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules NIST January 2011 FIPS PUB 140-2, Annex A – Approved Security Functions for FIPS PUB 140-2 NIST January 2018 FIPS PUB 140-2, Annex B – Approved Protection Profiles for FIPS PUB 140-2 NIST December 2016 FIPS PUB 140-2, Annex C – Approved Random Number Generators for FIPS PUB 140-2 NIST January 2016 FIPS PUB 140-2, Annex D – Approved Key Establishment Techniques for FIPS PUB 140-2 NIST May 2018 Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program NIST December 2019 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 22 APPENDIX B: ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS Table 11 – Abbreviations and Definitions Term Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard BRAM Battery Backed RAM CAVP Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program CBC Cipher Block Chaining CO Crypto Officer CSP Critical Security Parameters CVL Component Validation List DAL Device Abstraction Layer DH Diffie-Hellman DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator DSA Digital Signature Algorithm ECB Electronic Code Book ECC CDH Elliptic Curve Cryptography Cofactor Diffie-Hellman EC-DH Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm EFP Environmental Failure Protection EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards HMAC Hashed Message Authentication Code HSM Hardware Security Module KAS Key Agreement Scheme KRA Key Root Authority NDRNG Non-Deterministic Random Number Generator NVM Non-Volatile Memory PB Pitney Bowes POST Power-on Self-test PSD Postal Security Device PSS Probabilistic Signature Scheme PVD Postage Value Download RAM Random Access Memory FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for X4i Hardware Security Module (HSM) This document may be freely reproduced and distributed, but only in its entirety and without modification 23 Term Definition ROM Read-Only Memory RSA Rivest Shamir Adleman RTC Real Time Clock SDU Software Download Utility SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SSC Shared Secret Computation SRAM Static RAM