Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 1 SonicWall Capture Security Appliance (CSa) 1000 Module HW Version 101-500644-50 Rev A/ FW Version 1.2 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Document Version : 1.9 Date : March 21, 2023 Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 2 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Hardware.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Modes of Operation......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 2. Cryptographic Functionality................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 2.1 Critical Security Parameters and Public Keys................................................................................................................................................. 12 3. Roles, Authentication and Services..................................................................................................................................................................... 15 3.1 Assumption of Roles...................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 3.2 Authentication Methods............................................................................................................................................................................... 15 4. Authenticated/Secured Services......................................................................................................................................................................... 16 5. Self-Tests.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 6. Physical Security Policy ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 20 7. Operational Environment .................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 8. Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy....................................................................................................................................................................... 22 9. Security Rules and Guidance................................................................................................................................................................................ 22 References ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 3 List of Tables Table 1 - Cryptographic Module Configuration...................................................................................................................................................... 5 Table 2 – Security Level of Security Requirements................................................................................................................................................. 6 Table 3 - Ports and Interfaces ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Table 4 – TLS Cipher suites used in the Approved mode...................................................................................................................................... 10 Table 5 – Algorithms used in the Approved mode ............................................................................................................................................... 11 Table 6 – Allowed Algorithms .............................................................................................................................................................................. 12 Table 7 – CSPs and Public Keys............................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Table 8 – Roles Description .................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Table 9 - Authenticated Services.......................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Table 10 – CSP Access by Activity......................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Table 11 – Physical Security Inspection Guidelines.............................................................................................................................................. 20 List of Figures Figure 1 – Physical form of Module Configuration ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Figure 2 - CSa 1000 Tamper Seal #1 - Chassis Seam............................................................................................................................................ 19 Figure 3 - CSa 1000 Tamper Seal #2 (over drive bay protected plate)................................................................................................................. 19 Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 4 Copyright Notice Copyright © 2023 SonicWall, Inc. Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 5 1. Introduction Product Overview The SonicWall Capture Security Appliance™ (CSa) series bring Capture Advanced Threat Protection™ (ATP) and sandboxing malware analysis to on-premises deployment scenarios for customers with compliance and policy restrictions against sending files to cloud analysis, or who prefer for all of their data to remain inside their organization. The CSa series use a combination of reputation-based checks, static file analysis and SonicWall’s patented Real-Time Deep Memory Inspection™ (RTDMI) engine for dynamic analysis to deliver verdicts and reports on threat analysis. The SonicWALL CSa 1000, the first in this series, also referred to as “the Module”, is a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module enclosed in hard, commercial grade metal cases. The cryptographic boundary for the Module is the enclosure; however, the removable fans and the removable power supplies are outside the cryptographic boundary. The primary purpose of the Module is to provide secure remote access to internal resources via the Internet Protocol (IP). The Module provides network interfaces for data input and output. All traffic is encrypted using FIPS Approved Transport Layer Security (TLS) algorithms to protect from unauthorized users. The Module is designated as a limited operational environment under the FIPS 140-2 definitions. The Module includes a firmware load service to support necessary updates, using FIPS Allowed Integrity mechanisms. New firmware versions within the scope of this validation must be validated to FIPS 140-2 through the CMVP. Any other firmware loaded into this module is out of the scope of this validation and require a separate FIPS 140-2 validation. Module HW P/N and Version FW Version CSa 1000 101-500644-50 Rev A 1.2 Table 1 - Cryptographic Module Configuration Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 6 The Module meets the below FIPS 140-2 security level requirements: Security Requirement Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 2 Roles, Services, and Authentication 3 Finite State Model 2 Physical Security 2 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 2 EMI/EMC 2 Self-Tests 2 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Table 2 – Security Level of Security Requirements Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 7 1.1 Hardware The figure below depicts the physical form of the Module: Figure 1 – Physical form of Module Configuration Port Description Logical Interface Type Console Serial port ( RS 232 115200n8) Control in, Status out Ethernet Network traffic connections. (6 * 1G ports) Control in, Data in, Data out, Status out Display LCD display for basic status information. Status out LEDs Unit level: Disk Activity, Test, Alarm and Power (1 or 2 LEDs). Ethernet: Link and Activity LEDs. Status out Power AC power, inclusive of switch, dual (redundant) power supplies. Power USB Two (2) USB ports, used for disaster recovery mainly. Read-only as a backup for firmware installation and update images Table 3 - Ports and Interfaces Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 8 1.2 Modes of Operation FIPS 140-2 Approved Mode The Module can be configured to operate in FIPS Mode via its WebUI Management Console, under System>Configuration->Settings->FIPS Mode. Attempts to enable FIPS Mode via the Turn on FIPS Mode toggle button and clicking the Save button next to it, cause the Module to: • execute a FIPS Approved mode Compliance Checking tool which enforces the use of solely FIPS Approved mode ciphers • prompt for a password change if the compliance requirements are not already met • reboot to enforce module boot integrity checks and self-tests as well • disable features such as remote debugging via SSH Note that FIPS operations require a new user with admin role to be created and the default admin user to be disabled. In addition, users are recommended to upload a CA signed RSA certificate, distinct for FIPS mode, and using keys of length 2048 bit or larger. When successfully enabled, the Turn on FIPS Mode button on the said WebUI System Configuration page would turn ‘green’, indicating that the Module is in FIPS Mode. Errors, if caused due to failed cryptographic health checks during reboot, would cause the Module to transition through the error state into Safe Mode, and messages indicating the same would be displayed on the LCD display. Toggling the Turn on FIPS Mode toggle button will revert the module configuration back to non-Approved mode, removing all configured CSPs, and when FIPS mode is successfully disabled the Turn on FIPS Mode button on the said WebUI System Configuration page would no longer be ‘green’. Approved mode may then be configured once again via the process noted above. In the non-Approved mode, the features cited in the bullets below are available for use. See Section 9, Security Rules and Guidance for additional Approved mode operation guidance. Non-Approved Mode In the Non-Approved mode, the features cited below are available for use: • Remote SSH debugging • Safe Mode Console for System Recovery Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 9 Note that the corresponding protocols for the above are used solely in the non-approved mode of operation, and in particular, none of the keys derived using the inherent key derivation functions can be used in the approved mode. Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 10 2. Cryptographic Functionality The TLS Cipher suites below constitute the cryptographic protocols and primitives implemented and used by the Module in the Approved mode: Cipher Suite String (IETF enumeration) TLS Key Exchange Cipher Auth TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 1.2 ECDHE AES-128-CBC HMAC-SHA-1 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 1.2 ECDHE AES-128-CBC HMAC-SHA-256 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 1.2 ECDHE AES-128-GCM N/A (handled by AES GCM) TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 1.2 ECDHE AES-256-CBC HMAC-SHA-1 Table 4 – TLS Cipher suites used in the Approved mode The overall list of approved and allowed algorithms is enumerated below: CAVP Cert # Algorithm Standard Mode/ Method Key Lengths, Curves or Moduli Use A1906 AES FIPS 197, SP 800- 38A ECB, CBC, GCM* 128, 256 Data Encryption/Decryption A1906 RSA FIPS 186-4 2048, 4096 Key Generation PKCS1 v1.5, PSS 2048, 3072, 4096 - SHA-256 Signature Generation PKCS1 v1.5, PSS 2048, 3072, 4096 - SHA-1, SHA- 256 Signature Verification Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 11 A1906 ECDSA FIPS 186-4 B-571, P-224 Ephemeral key generation for KAS- ECC-SSC A1906 KAS ECC- SSC SP 800- 56Arev3 ECC B-571, P-224 Key Agreement A1906 HMAC FIPS 198- 1 HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-SHA- 256 160, 256 Message Authentication A1906 SHS FIPS 180-4 SHA-1**, SHA-256 A1906 CVL (TLS 1.2 KDF) SP 800- 135rev1 SHA-256 Key Derivation*** AES A1906 & HMAC A1906 KTS SP 800- 38F CBC, GCM, HMAC SHA-1, HMAC SHA-256 128, 256 Key Transport**** A1906 DRBG SP 800- 90Ar1 ctr AES-256 Random number generation Vendor Affirm CKG***** SP 800- 133rev2 Key Generation ENT (P) SP 800- 90B DRBG seeded with at least 128 bits of entropy. Entropy Input to Approved DRBG Table 5 – Algorithms used in the Approved mode *As described in RFCs 5116, 5246, 5288, and 5289 provisions; the cipher suites utilizing AES GCM are from SP 800-52 Rev 1, Section 3.3.1. When nonce_explicit is exhausted the module will initiate a new TLS handshake to establish a new encryption key. ** SHA-1 is used only for HMAC SHA-1 and for legacy use verification of existing RSA signatures. ***Note that no parts of this protocol, other than the KDF, have been tested by the CAVP and CMVP. ****Key establishment methodology provides 128 or 256 bits of encryption strength ***** The generated seed is an unmodified output from a DRBG Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 12 Algorithm Use Error detection code hash -- SHA-256 (non-compliant) Boot-up Firmware Integrity Verification Table 6 – Allowed Algorithms 2.1 Critical Security Parameters and Public Keys Key/CSP name Algorithm & Key Size(s) Generated Derived Established & Minimum security strength Input Output Cryptographically Associated Keys Storage Zeroization Use TLS Server Private key RSA 2048- 4096 bit FIPS 186-4 N/A KTS via Web GUI N/A TLS Server Public key Plaintext, Persistent on Disk On- demand, or on factory- reset. Server identification for TLS TLS Server Public key RSA 2048- 4096 FIPS 186-4 N/A - KTS via Web GUI Plaintext during TLS handshake TLS Server Private key Plaintext, Persistent on Disk N/A Server identification for TLS TLS Key Agreement Private Key KAS-ECC- SSC B-571 FIPS 186-4 N/A 256 bits N/A N/A TLS Key Agreement Public Key & TLS Master Secret Ephemeral in RAM Automatic when session ends, or on power off. TLS Key Establishment TLS Key Agreement Public Key KAS-ECC- SSC B-571 FIPS 186-4 N/A 256 bits N/A Plaintext during TLS handshake TLS Key Agreement Public Key & TLS Master Secret Ephemeral in RAM Automatic when session ends, or on power off. TLS Key Establishment Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 13 TLS Key Agreement Client Public Key KAS-ECC- SSC B-571 External N/A 256 bits Plaintext during TLS handshake N/A TLS Key Agreement Public Key & TLS Master Secret Ephemeral in RAM Automatic when session ends, or on power off. TLS Key Establishment TLS Pre-Master & Master Secret N/A SP 800- 56Arev3 key agreement - - N/A N/A TLS Session Encryption Key & TLS Session Authentication Key Ephemeral in RAM Automatic when session ends, or on power off. TLS Key Establishment TLS Session Encryption Key AES CBC, GCM 128, 256 SP800-135 TLS 1.2 KDF N/A 128 or 256 bits N/A N/A TLS Master Secret Ephemeral in RAM Automatic when session ends, or on power off. TLS Session Encryption & TLS Session Authentication Key HMAC 160, 256 SP800-135 TLS 1.2 KDF N/A - N/A N/A TLS Master Secret Ephemeral in RAM Automatic when session ends, or on power off. TLS Data Authentication & KTS DRBG V and Key CTR_DRBG - N/A - N/A N/A N/A Ephemeral in RAM On power off. Random Number Generation and input to Key Generation DRBG Seed CTR_DRBG From 90B ENT (P) N/A - N/A N/A N/A Ephemeral in RAM On power off. Random Number Generation and input to Key Generation Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 14 Authentication Passwords - - - - Encrypted via TLS or plaintext via console N/A N/A Hashed, Persistent on Disk On- demand, or on factory- reset. Password authentication API Key - - - - Encrypted via TLS Encrypted via TLS in WebGUI N/A Persistent on Disk On- demand, or on factory- reset. Known secret authentication Firmware Integrity Verification Key RSA 4096 public key External N/A N/A Factory loaded N/A N/A Plaintext, Persistent on Disk N/A Validation of firmware update Table 7 – CSPs and Public Keys Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 15 3. Roles, Authentication and Services 3.1 Assumption of Roles Role Authentication ID Description Type (A) Admin [FIPS Crypto Officer role] Root/Admin User – virtually omnipotent, with unrestricted access to configuration and administration of all system resources e.g. security, networking, dashboards, logs, reports, APIs, etc. The first/default admin created with this role is the singular super user and cannot be modified or deleted. Identity-based (using Local password verification) (RO)Read-Only System Admin Non-Admin User – access restricted to read-only privileges, configured/assigned by the admin, typically all admin rights with view privileges granted and all edit privileges denied. Identity-based (using Local password verification) (SA) Security Analyst [FIPS User role] Non-Admin User – access restricted per delegated rights, configured/assigned by the admin, typically a subset of the admin rights, and pertaining in particular to security/threat analysis. Identity-based (using Local password verification) Table 8 – Roles Description 3.2 Authentication Methods • The Local password verification method requires an 8 character minimum password, max length 50, using characters in the printable character set. The maximum rate for local password authentication is conservatively estimated to be approximately one (1) attempt per microsecond. Hence the probability of false authentication is less than the required 1/1,000,000: 1/(95^8) = 1.5E-16 And the probability of false authentication in a one minute period is less than the required 1/100,000: (60*10^6)/(95^8) = 9.0E-9. • In addition, an API key can also be used to authenticate API connections and are an alternate way available for each role to interact with the Module. API keys are 256 bits in length. The maximum API requests per device are limited to 100 per minute, thus ensuring the probability of false authentication in a one minute period is again less than the required 1/100,000. And the probability of false authentication in a one minute period is less than the required 1/100,000: (100)/( 2^256) = 8.6E-76. Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 16 4. Authenticated/Secured Services The Module constitutes the below authenticated services with RW (Read/Write), RO (Read Only) or N/A permissions enforced per Role, these are mapped to the CSP using activities of table 10: Service [Activity] Description A RO SA Management Portal [1] WebGUI facilitated, over an encrypted session established via an HTTPS (OpenSSL TLS 1.2) interface. RW R R User Administration [2] Management portal facilitated, creation and management of new/existing users and associated roles, configurable access rights, password (re)sets, etc. RW R N/A Network/System Configuration [3,5] Management portal facilitated, configurable system resources e.g. networking, ability to whitelist/blacklist based on hash/domain, configure digital certificates, configure allowed devices, schedule backups, restores, cloud hash lookup, etc. RW R N/A Scheduled Reporting/Report History Management portal facilitated, configurable system setting that enables the Module to schedule reports and view report archives over a given span. RW R N/A Alerting Management portal facilitated, configurable resource usage alerts e.g. CPU, memory, disk usage and malicious file detection RW R N/A Logging Management portal facilitated, menu based log views for time based result analysis and for typically viewing the status of recently submitted files. RW R R System Monitoring/Diagnostics Management portal facilitated, read-only access to all the above resource dashboards, scanning history, logs and alerts. R R N/A Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 17 REST API support for file submission and analysis [6] REST API interface for file submission and result querying via scripting, samples available here: R R R Licensing and Software/firmware updates [4] Management portal facilitated, licensing and there forth periodic updation of intelligence software and firmware updates. RW R N/A Remote System Maintenance/Support services (non-FIPS mode only) • Safe Mode UI o Authentication using a MSW maintenance key/password derived from a unique trio across each device - serial number, authcode and regcode. • Remote SSH (using OpenSSH based off OpenSSL) console access via DMZ and secure tunnel o Authentication to the remote SSH server is done using a private key and host/root certificate generated using RSA(key length 4096) RW N/A N/A Table 9 - Authenticated Services Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 18 Activity Critical Security Parameter Access TLS Server Private key TLS Server Public key TLS Key Agreement Private Key TLS Key Agreement Public Key TLS Key Agreement Client Public Key TLS Master Secret TLS Session Encryption Key TLS Session Authentication Key DRBG V and Key DRBG Seed Authenticati on Passwords API Key Firmware Integrity Verification Key 1 - Login via Web GUI (X) (O) (G,X) (G,O) (I, X) (G,X) (D,X) (D,X) (X) (I,X) 2 - Password (re)set (X) (X) (I) 3 - Certificate Management (I) (I) (X) (X) 4 - Firmware update (X) (X) (X) 5 - API Key Creation/Mana gement (X) (X) (G, O) 6 - REST API Operations (X) (O) (G,X) (G,O) (I, X) (G,X) (D,X) (D,X) (X) (I, X) Table 10 – CSP Access by Activity [G = generate, D = derive, I = input, O = output, X = execute] Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 19 5. Self-Tests Enabling FIPS mode causes the Module to reboot and initiate the following FIPS compliance Self Tests, else as indicated: Power-up • Firmware integrity test (Non-cryptographic error detection code based integrity test) • DRBG health tests from SP 800-90A section 11.3 • RSA signature and verification known answer tests (KATs) • KAS-ECC-SSC shared secret computation known answer tests (KATs) • AES GCM encryption and decryption known answer tests (KATs) • AES ECB encryption and decryption known answer tests (KATs) • HMAC generation known answer test (KAT) • SHA-1 hashing known answer test (KAT) • SHA-256 hashing known answer test (KAT) • SP 800-90B ENT (P) start-up health tests; run over 65536 consecutive samples Conditional • Firmware Integrity test (Signature Verification) • RSA key generation pairwise consistency test • SP 800-56Arev3 ECC Full Public-Key Validation • SP 800-56Arev2 ECC Recipient Partial Public-Key Validation • DRBG continuous RNG test • SP 900-90B ENT (P) continuous health tests Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 20 6. Physical Security Policy Each cryptographic module includes the following physical security mechanisms: • Production-grade components and production-grade opaque enclosure • Tamper-evident material and seals • Protected vents Some module components (e.g., hard drives) are field replaceable. Hard drives shall not be replaced in the FIPS module, an appliance with a failed hard drive must be returned for RMA. The removable fans of the Module and the removable power supplies of the same can be field replaced without issues because they are outside the cryptographic boundary, and aren’t covered by tamper labels. The location and placement of tamper seals for each configuration are shown in the figures below. The tamper-evident seals shall remain installed for the Module to operate in a FIPS mode of operation. The two (2) seals required are shown below. Physical Security Mechanism Recommended Frequency of Inspection/Test Inspection/Test Guidance Details Tamper-evident Seals Inspect tamper-evident seals monthly. On need basis. Table 11 – Physical Security Inspection Guidelines If evidence of tampering is detected remove the module from service and return for RMA. Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 21 Figure 2 - CSa 1000 Tamper Seal #1 - Chassis Seam Figure 3 - CSa 1000 Tamper Seal #2 (over drive bay protected plate) Copyright © SonicWall, Inc., 2023 Version 1.9 22 7. Operational Environment The Module is designated as a limited operational environment under the FIPS 140-2 definitions as cited in the Introduction. 8. Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy N/A 9. Security Rules and Guidance • Approved TLS/https communication for all external communication/data transfers • If power is lost, upon restoration the module will perform a new TLS handshake to establish a new AES GCM encryption key. • All firmware updates encrypted and signed at source for integrity, and verified at destination using FIPS Approved and Allowed algorithms. References • Bring the Power of RTDMI Analysis On-Premises with CSa 1000 • NIST references o FIPS Validation Lists o FIPS 140-2 Approved Security Functions Annex A o FIPS 140-2 Approved Random Number Generators Annex C o FIPS 140-2 Approved Key Establishment Techniques o FIPS Implementation Guidance for Validation o SP 800-133r2 Key Recommendations for Key Generation o SP 800-135 Rev. 1 Recommendation for Existing Application-Specific Key Derivation Functions o SP800-90B Recommendation for the Entropy Sources Used for Random Bit Generation