CyberCogs, Inc. CyberCogs Hardware Security Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hardware versions: CC50-3, CC100-3, CC200-3, CC300-3, CC400-3, CC50-4, CC100-4, CC200-4, CC300-4, CC400-4 Firmware version: 3.0 Date: September 5, 2022 Prepared by: Acumen Security 2400 Research Blvd, Suite 395 Rockville, MD 20850 © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 2 of 36 Introduction Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 — Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules (FIPS 140-2) specifies requirements for cryptographic modules to be deployed in a Sensitive but Unclassified environment. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS) Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) run the FIPS 140 program. The NVLAP accredits independent testing labs to perform FIPS 140 testing; the CMVP validates modules meeting FIPS 140 validation. Validated is the term given to a module that is documented and tested against the FIPS 140 criteria. More information is available on the CMVP website at: module-validation-program About this Document This non-proprietary Cryptographic Module Security Policy for the CyberCogs Hardware Security Module (HSM) from CyberCogs, Inc. provides an overview of the product and a high-level description of how it meets the overall Level 3 security requirements of FIPS 140-2. The CyberCogs Hardware Security Module may also be referred to as “the HSM”, or simply “the module” in this document. Disclaimer The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to continued progress in methodology, design, and manufacturing. CyberCogs, Inc. shall have no liability for any error or damages of any kind resulting from the use of this document. Notices This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 3 of 36 Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................2 Disclaimer......................................................................................................................................................2 Notices ..........................................................................................................................................................2 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................5 1.1 Scope ...........................................................................................................................................5 1.2 Overview......................................................................................................................................5 2. Security Level ....................................................................................................................................6 3. Cryptographic Module Specification.................................................................................................7 3.1 Cryptographic Boundary..............................................................................................................7 4. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces.....................................................................................8 4.1 Module Interface Description .....................................................................................................8 5. Roles, Services and Authentication...................................................................................................9 5.1 Roles ............................................................................................................................................9 5.1.1 User Role.............................................................................................................................10 5.1.2 Crypto Officer (CO) Role......................................................................................................10 5.1.3 Unauthenticated Role.........................................................................................................10 5.2 Authentication...........................................................................................................................10 5.2.1 Password Authentication....................................................................................................11 5.3 Services......................................................................................................................................11 6. Physical Security..............................................................................................................................15 7. Operational Environment ...............................................................................................................17 8. Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Management...........................................................................18 8.1 Cryptographic Algorithms..........................................................................................................18 8.2 Cryptographic Keys and CSPs ....................................................................................................23 8.3 Cryptographic Key Zeroization ..................................................................................................31 9. Self-Tests.........................................................................................................................................32 9.1 Power-On Self-Tests ..................................................................................................................32 9.2 Conditional Self-Tests................................................................................................................33 10. EMI/EMC.........................................................................................................................................34 © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 4 of 36 11. Guidance and Secure Operation.....................................................................................................34 11.1 Crypto Officer Guidance............................................................................................................34 11.2 Operator Guidance....................................................................................................................34 11.3 Verifying Module Status............................................................................................................34 11.4 Module Self-Tests......................................................................................................................35 11.5 Non-Approved Mode of Operation...........................................................................................35 11.6 Zeroization.................................................................................................................................35 Glossary.......................................................................................................................................................36 List of Tables Table 1 – FIPS 140-2 Target Level .................................................................................................................6 Table 2 – Mapping of FIPS 140-2 Interfaces to Physical and Logical Interfaces...........................................9 Table 3 – Roles and Authentication Data...................................................................................................10 Table 4 – Delay enforced for successive incorrect password attempts.......................................................11 Table 5 – Approved Roles, Services and CSP Access...................................................................................15 Table 6 – Approved Algorithms (HSM Crypto Library)................................................................................20 Table 7 – Approved Algorithms (HSM P11 Crypto Extensions) ..................................................................20 Table 8 – Approved Algorithms (Xilinx SHA3/384 Library Implementation) ..............................................20 Table 9 – Approved Algorithms (ATECC608B Implementation) .................................................................21 Table 10 – Allowed Algorithms...................................................................................................................21 Table 11 – Non-Approved Security functions..............................................................................................22 Table 12 – Approved Keys and CSPs Table .................................................................................................30 Table 13 – Conditional Self-tests ................................................................................................................34 Table 14 – Glossary of Terms......................................................................................................................36 List of Figures Figure 1 – CyberCogs HSM Top View ............................................................................................................7 Figure 2 – CyberCogs HSM Bottom View......................................................................................................8 Figure 3 – CyberCogs HSM PCI Bracket View................................................................................................9 © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 5 of 36 1. Introduction 1.1 Scope This document describes the cryptographic module security policy for the CyberCogs, Inc. CyberCogs Hardware Security Module (HSM) (also referred to as the “module” or “HSM” hereafter). It contains specification of the security rules under which the cryptographic module operates, including the security rules derived from the requirements of the FIPS 140-2 standard. 1.2 Overview The CyberCogs HSM is a multi-chip embedded hardware cryptographic module in the form of a PCI- Express card. The module is intended for use within a general-purpose or custom computing platform. The module is contained in its own secure tamper envelope providing active anti-tamper functionality. The module is designed to offer blind secure PKCS11 key signing, encryption, and token storage with physical security, over a PCIe connection to a Host server. There is no exposure of unprotected data from the HSM to the host. The module provides secure key generation and storage for symmetric keys and asymmetric key pairs along with symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic services. Access to key material and cryptographic services for operators and application software is provided through the PKCS #11 programming interface. The critical hardware components of the HSM are: • HSM processor, which is a Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC device that provides an ARMv8 quad core CPU • MSP430 TSM (Token Security Module) that prevents cloning of the HSM, provides tamper protection, and also includes a real-time clock, o Battery backed internal SRAM (8KB), o 256KB FRAM which is used internally by the MSP430 TSM, which is used to store master keys (zeroized on tamper event), • ATECC608B ring-oscillator based noise source, • 2GB RAM, which is used to execute the ephemeral root POSIX filesystem (Petalinux 2018.3) utilized by the Zynq processor, • 256 Mbit (32 Mbyte) non-volatile persistent NOR flash storage, used to store the Linux kernel and root filesystem image, • Do we 512KB MRAM (4Mb (512K x 8)), non-volatile memory used to store non cryptographic usage information, • 32GB NAND flash for storage of at-rest files, encrypted application data, signed update image (update) • Connectors for USB (smartcards) and Serial (diagnostics). A module may be explicitly configured to operate in either FIPS 140-2 Approved mode, or in a non- Approved mode of operation. Section 11 provides additional information for configuring the module in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode of operation. © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 6 of 36 2. Security Level The following table lists the level of validation for each area in FIPS 140-2: FIPS 140-2 Section Title Validation Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 3 Finite State Model 3 Physical Security 4 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 3 Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility 3 Self-Tests 3 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Overall Level 3 Table 1 – FIPS 140-2 Target Level © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 7 of 36 3. Cryptographic Module Specification 3.1 Cryptographic Boundary The CyberCogs HSM is a multi-chip embedded hardware module. The cryptographic boundary of the module is represented as a hard-metallic cover as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 (highlighted in red). Figure 1 depicts the top view of the CyberCogs HSM. Figure 2 depicts the bottom view. Note: There are 10 models tested (CC50-3, CC100-3, CC200-3, CC300-3, CC400-3, CC50-4, CC100-4, CC200-4, CC300-4, CC400-4). Each version uses an identical PCB, module components, firmware version, and enclosure. The models only differ by the number of configured CPU execution cores and how they are marketed to end- consumers. Figure 1 – CyberCogs HSM Top View © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 8 of 36 Figure 2 – CyberCogs HSM Bottom View 4. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 4.1 Module Interface Description The module supports the following physical ports and interfaces: • PCIe interface • Serial port • USB 2.0 port • 2x Jumper pin The physical ports of the module are shown in Figure 3. Port 1 is Type A USB port that is used to store split keys using a smart card reader directly connected to the USB port. Port 2 is Micro-DB9 for the Serial cable. The PCIe interface is depicted in Figures 1 and 2 above. © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 9 of 36 Figure 3 – CyberCogs HSM PCI Bracket View FIPS 140-2 Interface Physical Interface Logical Interface Data Input interface PCIe interface PKCS11 API USB port Split Key Backup Data Output interface PCIe interface PKCS11 API USB port Split Key Backup Control Input interface PCIe interface PKCS11 API 2x Jumper Pin User-specified tamper Status Output interface PCIe interface PKCS11 API Serial port Console status output Power PCIe interface N/A Table 2 – Mapping of FIPS 140-2 Interfaces to Physical and Logical Interfaces 5. Roles, Services and Authentication 5.1 Roles The HSM supports the defined “User Role” and “Crypto Officer Role” using Identity based authentication. These roles are mapped to four operator types; three of which are mapped to the Crypto Officer role and one is associated with the User role. • Crypto-Officer role o Admin Slot/Token Security Officer (ATS): o Admin Slot/Token User (ATU) o Non-Admin Slot/Token Security Officer (SO) • User role o Non-Admin Slot/Token User (USER) © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 10 of 36 These roles represent a default grouping of permissions that enable the ability to execute the module’s services. There is no Maintenance Role defined for the module. 5.1.1 User Role In this role, the Slot/Token User is allowed to access CSPs, generate and import new CSPs, export CSPs in encrypted form, and perform cryptographic operations within a non-Admin slot/token. They may change their own password as well. The list of services supported by the user role is listed in Section 5.3 of the document. 5.1.2 Crypto Officer (CO) Role There are three types that fill the role of the Crypto Officer “which are” the Admin Slot/Token Security Officer (ATS), the Admin Slot/Token User (ATU), and the Non-Admin Slot/Token Security Officer (SO). The ATS is responsible for performing device administrative functions such as setting the clock and performing initial configuration of the device into FIPS mode. The ATU performs initialization services, token management, firmware updates and can issue a factory reset. The SO performs user password management functions, split key backup and restore operations. The list of services supported by each CO role is listed in Section 5.3 of the document. 5.1.3 Unauthenticated Role An unauthenticated user is not allowed to perform any security related functionality. The list of services supported by the unauthenticated operator is listed in Section 5.3 of the document and is compliant with IG 3.1. 5.2 Authentication An operators of the HSM must authenticate themselves as one of these users in order to perform any cryptographic service that utilizes keys or to perform any actions that modify the state of the HSM. Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data Non-Admin Slot/Token User Identity Based Password Non-Admin Slot/Token Security Officer Identity Based Password Admin Slot/Token User Identity Based Password Admin Slot/Token Security Officer Identity Based Password Table 3 – Roles and Authentication Data HSM operators are authenticated using identity-based authentication. The module supports multiple concurrent operators. Each operator provides their respective identity (unique token identifier), when using the PKCS11 API and also authentication data. That authentication data is supplied as a password. © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 11 of 36 5.2.1 Password Authentication A password must be at least four (4) characters long. The acceptable character set is as follows: • 26 Alphabetics A through Z • 26 Alphabetics a through z • 10 Numerics 0 through 9 • 10 Symbolics found on shifted numerics ! through ) • 22 Symbolics (unshifted and shifted) • 1 Space key The module supports a character set consisting of at least 95 possible ASCII characters. At a minimum length of 4 characters, the probability of randomly guessing the correct sequence is one (1) in 81,450,625 (the calculation should be 95*95*95*95 = 81,450,625). Therefore, for each attempt to use the authentication mechanism, the associated probability of a successful random attempt is approximately 1 in 81,450,625, which is less than the 1 in 1,000,000 required by FIPS 140-2. Incorrect passwords supplied to the HSM cause the module to step through a progressive delay before the next attempt is possible. For the first three consecutive incorrect passwords, the module does not impose any delay but stalls after three consecutive incorrect passwords. The module will no longer permit password authentication for the next 5 seconds. Each successive failed authentication attempt (once the timeout has expired) will increase the next timeout by a progressively larger multiple of 5 seconds. The Nth timeout is (N - 3)*5 seconds such that the cumulative delay incurred by that time is (5/2) (N - 3)*(N - 2) for N > 2. Note that any successful password authentication resets back to the initial condition. Attempt Number Minimum Cumulative Attack Time Offset 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 5 5 10 6 15 7 20 Table 4 – Delay enforced for successive incorrect password attempts The maximum number of failed authentication attempts within one minute is 7. The associated probability of a successful random attempt for a minute is approximately 1 in (81,450,625/7), which is less than the 1 in 100,000 required by FIPS 140-2. 5.3 Services The HSM supports a number of services that are available to authenticated users. The module implements the following access control policy on keys and CSPs in the module shown in the following table. The access policy is noted by R=Read, W=Write, X=Execute, and Z = Zeroize. © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 12 of 36 Service Role Required Key and CSP Access HSM Initialization ATU Z: All Keys and CSPs X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V X: SPIN(default) W:SLP,SLC,SWP,SMK Show HSM Clock ATS or Unauthenticated N/A Set HSM Clock ATS N/A Set FIPS Mode ATS Z: All Keys and CSPs X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V X: SPIN(default) W: SLP,SLC,SWP,SMK Create Token ATU X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V X: SPIN(default, of the new token) W: SLP,SLC,SWP,SMK (Re)Initialize Token SO1 X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V X: SPIN W: SLP,SLC,SWP,SMK Z: PTO-AK, PTO-SK Delete Token ATU Z: All Token Keys and CSPs Set USER Password SO X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V X: UPIN W: ULP,ULC,UWP,UWK,UMK Change USER Password USER2 X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V X: UPIN W: ULP,ULC,UWP,UWK,UMK Change CO Password SO X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V X: SPIN W: SLP,SLC,SWP,SWK,SMK Establish channel to HSM Unauthenticated X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V WX: ECC Secure Channel Private Key/Public Key WXZ: ECDH Shared Secret WX: ECDH Secure Channel Session Key Establish/Terminate PKCS11 Token Session Unauthenticated N/A USER Login to Session (aka Token) USER X: UPIN R: ULP,ULC,UWP,UWP,UMK X: TMK,TEK 1 The CO (Token-CO) role will be ATS whenever the token being addressed is the admin token in slot zero. 2 The USER (Token-USER) role will be ATU whenever the token being addressed is the admin token in slot zero. © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 13 of 36 Service Role Required Key and CSP Access CO Login to Session (aka Token) SO X: SPIN R: SLP,SLC,SWP,SWP,SMK X: TMK,TEK Logout from Session (aka Token) SO or USER N/A Generate SHA Digest SO or USER or Unauthenticated N/A Generate Random Data SO or USER or Unauthenticated X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V Encrypt Data USER X: PTO-SK or PTO-AK (public) X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V for IV when using AES-GCM Decrypt Data USER X: PTO-SK or PTO-AK (private) Generate HMAC and AES CMAC USER X: PTO-SK Verify HMAC and AES CMAC USER X: PTO-SK Generate Digital Signature USER X: PTO-AK (private) Verify Digital Signature USER X: PTO-AK (public) Split Key/Token Backup SO X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V WXZ: Split Password WX: Split key parameters R: PTO-SK or PTO-AK (public) Split Key/Token Restore SO WXZ: Split Password RX: Split key parameters W: PTO-SK or PTO-AK (private) Zeroization (Tamper) SO or Unauthenticated Z: All Keys and CSPs Zeroization (Destroy Object) USER Z: PTO-SK or PTO-AK Perform Firmware Update3 ATU X: Firmware Update Key Generate Symmetric Key USER X: DRBG-K RW:DRBG-V W: PTO-SK, TEK X: TMK,TEK Promote AES Key To Wrapping Key SO RW: PTO-SK (attribute) X: TEK Generate Key Pair USER X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V W: PTO-AK, TEK X: TMK,TEK 3 Any firmware loaded into this module that is not shown on the module certificate, is out of the scope of this validation and requires a separate FIPS 140-2 validation. © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 14 of 36 Service Role Required Key and CSP Access Key Agreement – SSC USER WXZ: PTO-AK X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V W: TEK X: TMK, TEK W: DH/ECDH Shared Secret, TEK Key Agreement – KDA USER WXZ: PTO-AK X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V W: TEK X: TMK, TEK W: DH/ECDH Shared Secret, User KDF Derived Key, TEK Key Derivation – KBKDF USER X: PTO-SK X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V W: TEK X: TMK, TEK W: User KDF Derived Key, TEK Wrap Key (with/without metadata) USER R: PTO-SK or PTO-AK (public) (with/without metadata) X: PTO-SK Unwrap Key (with/without metadata) USER X: PTO-SK X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V W: TEK X: TMK, TEK W: PTO-SK or PTO-AK (private) (with/without metadata) PK Wrap Key (without metadata) USER R: PTO-SK or PTO-AK (public) (without metadata) X: PTO-AK PK Unwrap Key (without metadata) USER X: PTO-AK X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V W: TEK X: TMK, TEK W: PTO-SK or PTO-AK (private), TEK Wrap Token ATU of the wrapping HSM; SO and USER Passwords of the wrapped token WX: ECIES Session Keys R: PTO-AK or PTO-SK X: PTO-AK (public) © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 15 of 36 Service Role Required Key and CSP Access Unwrap Token ATU of the unwrapping HSM; SO and USER Passwords of the token being unwrapped WX: ECIES Session Keys: PTO-AK (private) X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V W: TEKs X: TMK, TEKs W: PTO-SK or PTO-AK, TEKs CO Wrap Object SO R: PTO-SK or PTO-AK X: PTO-SK CO Unwrap Object SO X: PTO-SK X: DRBG-K RW: DRBG-V W: TEK X: TMK, TEK W: PTO-SK or PTO-AK, TEK Export Public Key USER or Unauthenticated R: PTO-AK (public) Import Public Key USER W: PTO-AK (public) Get Info SO or USER or Unauthenticated N/A Get FIPS Status SO or USER or Unauthenticated N/A Get Logs ATU N/A Perform Self-Tests ATU or Unauthenticated N/A Table 5 – Approved Roles, Services and CSP Access 6. Physical Security The module is a multiple-chip embedded cryptographic module made of production-grade materials. the module includes only standard, production-quality ICs, designed to meet typical commercial-grade specifications for power, temperature, reliability, shock and vibration. The ICs used in the module are coated with commercial standard passivation. The CyberCogs HSM Cryptographic module is contained within a production-grade tamper-evident metal enclosure; inside the metal enclosure consists of the flex circuit surrounding the entirety of the module’s internal circuitry. In addition to the metal enclosure and flex circuit, the CyberCogs HSM module internal components are encapsulated in a hard, black, potting compound using production grade Epoxies 50-3150 FR. Please note that all the tests are performed on the metal enclosure and that meets the Level 4 requirements of FIPS 140-2 Physical Security. The hard potted epoxy acts as an additional layer of security for the module. The module does not have any ventilation holes, slits, or other openings and meets the opacity requirements. The module does not contain any doors or removable covers or a maintenance access interface. The flex circuit prevents physical access to any of the internal components such that attempts at accessing the internals will guarantee immediate zeroization of cryptographic keys and CSPs. © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 16 of 36 The CyberCogs HSM module provides Environmental Failure Protection (EFP). Normal operating temperature range is from 0°C to 60°C. When the module’s temperature is close to the appropriate extreme of the normal operating range (i.e., at 0°C and 60°C), the module continues to operate normally and extending the module's temperature below 0°C and above 60°C will zeroize all plaintext keys and CSPs of the module. The ambient voltage range for the PCIe interface is 11.4V - 13.6V and the external battery has an operating voltage range of 2.7V - 3.5V. In both cases, whenever the module is close to the appropriate extreme of the normal operating range (i.e., at 11.4V and 13.6V for PCIe interface, 2.7V and 3.5V for external battery), the module continues to operate normal and extending the voltage below 11.4V (for PCIe interface) and 2.7V (for external battery) and above 13.6V (for PCIe interface) and 3.5V (for external battery) will result in zeroization of all plaintext keys and CSPs of the module. © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 17 of 36 7. Operational Environment The operational environment of the module is limited and therefore the requirements of this section are not applicable. The module is classified as Limited OE as that is designed to accept only controlled firmware changes that successfully pass the firmware load test. © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 18 of 36 8. Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Management 8.1 Cryptographic Algorithms The module implements the following Approved algorithms. There are algorithms, modes, and keys that have been CAVs tested but not used by the module. Only the algorithms, modes/methods, and key lengths/curves/moduli shown in this table are used by the module: CAVP Cert # Algorithm Standard Mode/ Method/ Key Lengths, Curves, or Moduli Use A1438 AES FIPS PUB 197 NIST SP 800- 38A CBC (128, 192, 256) CTR (128, 192, 256) ECB (128, 192, 256) Encryption/Decr yption FIPS PUB 197 NIST SP 800- 38D GCM4 (128, 192, 256) Authenticated Encryption/Decr yption NIST SP800- 38C CCM (128, 192, 256) Authenticated Encryption/Decr yption NIST SP800- 38B CMAC (128, 192, 256) Authenticated Generation/Verif ication ECDSA FIPS 186-4 Key Generation (P-224/256/384/521) Key Verification (P-224/256/384/521) Signature Generation (P-224/256/384/521) Signature Verification (P-224/256/384/521) Key Gen/Key Ver/Sign/Verify HMAC FIPS PUB 198- 1 SHA-1, SHA2-224/SHA3-224 SHA2-256/SHA3-256 SHA2-384/SHA3-384 SHA2-512/SHA3-512 Keyed-Hash Message Authentication KAS NIST SP800- 56Arev3 KAS-ECC: Scheme: “OnePassDH” with One Step KDF and curves “P-224/256/384/521” Scheme: “Ephemeral Unified” with One Step KDF and curves “P-224/256/384/521” Scheme: “Static Unified” with One Step KDF and curves “P-224/256/384/521” Key Establishment KAS-SSC NIST SP800- 56Arev3 KAS-ECC-SSC: Scheme: “OnePassDH” with curves “P- 224/256/384/521” Scheme: “Ephemeral Unified” with curves “P-224/256/384/521” Scheme: “Static Unified” with “P- 224/256/384/521” Key Establishment 4 The module meets scenario 2 of IG A.5. The IV is at least 96-bits in length as generated in its entirety internally by the module’s Approved DRBG. © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 19 of 36 KAS-FFC-SSC: Schemes: “dhEphem”, “dhOneFlow”, and “dhStatic” Safe Primes NIST SP800- 56a r3 Key Generation and Key Verification: MODP-2048/3072/4096/6144/8192 Ffdhe2048/3072/4096/6144/8192 KTS FIPS 140-2 IG D.9 AES Cert. #A1438: AES CCM 256-bit Key Transport KTS FIPS 140-2 IG D.9 AES Cert. #A1438 and AES Cert. #A1438): AES-256-CTR and AES-128-CMAC. Key Transport KTS-RSA NIST SP800- 56Brev2 Key Generation Methods: rsakpg1-basic, rsakpg1-crt and rsakpg1-prime-factor Scheme: KTS-OAEP-basic Modulo(s): RSA 2048/3072/4096/6144/8192-bit Key Wrap/Unwrap PBKDF5 NIST SP800- 132 HMAC SHA2-224/256/384/512 and HMAC SHA3-224/256/384/512 Key Derivation Function RSA FIPS PUB 186- 4 Key Generation (186-4: 2048/3072/4096/6144/81926 bits), Signature Generation (186-4: PKCS1 v1.5/PSS – 2048/3072/4096/6144/8192 bits), Signature Verification (186-4: PKCS1 v1.5/PSS –2048/3072/4096/6144/8192 bits), Signature Verification (186-2: PKCS1 v1.5/PSS – 2048/3072/4096 bits). Gen/Sign/Verify RSA (CVL) FIPS PUB 186- 4 SP800- 56Brev2 Signature Primitive Decryption Primitive SHS FIPS PUB 180- 4 (SHA-1 and SHA-2 functions) SHA-1 SHA2-224/SHA3-224 SHA2-256/SHA3-256 SHA2-384/SHA3-384 SHA2-512/SHA3-512 Hashing 5 Keys derived using PBKDF2 shall only be used in storage applications. The minimum password length allowed is 4, alpha-numeric characters. This puts the probability of the password being guessed at 1 in 81,450,625. A larger, more complex password is recommended to further decrease the probability of the password being guessed. The minimum salt length is 128 bits, which is randomly generated. For general purpose key derivation, the minimum iteration count is 1,000. For ULP/SLP and UWK/SWK derivation, the minimum iteration count is 98,304. For Split Key Backup keys, the minimum iteration count is 100,000. 6 Per IG section A.14 and FIPS 186-4 section B.3.1, RSA keys with modulus sizes larger than 4096 are generated according to method A. Primes p and q are generated according to B.3.3 and C.3.1. © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 20 of 36 FIPS PUB 202 (SHA-3 functions) DRBG SP 800-90A AES-CTR-256 Random Bit Generation N/A CKG SP 800- 133rev2 Section 4 Option 1 (Symmetric keys and seed values for Asymmetric keys) Cryptographic Key Generation Table 6 – Approved Algorithms (HSM Crypto Library) CAVP Cert # Algorithm Standard Mode/ Method/ Key Lengths, Curves, or Moduli Use A1468 AES NIST SP800- 38F KW (128, 192, 256) KWP (128, 192, 256) Authenticated Encryption/De cryption KBKDF SP800-108 KDF Mode: Counter MAC Modes: HMAC SHA2- 224/256/384/512, HMAC SHA3- 224/256/384/512 and AES CMAC (128/192/256 bit) Key Based Key Derivation KDA SP800-56C r1 Auxiliary Function: SHA2-224/256/384/512, SHA3-224/256/384/512 Key Derivation KTS FIPS 140-2 IG D.9 AES Cert. #A1468 (key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength): AES KW and AES KWP (128, 192 and 256- bit) AES Cert. #A1468 and HMAC Cert. #A1438: AES 256 KWP Key Wrapping / Unwrapping Table 7 – Approved Algorithms (HSM P11 Crypto Extensions) CAVP Cert # Algorithm Standard Mode/ Method/ Key Lengths, Curves, or Moduli Use 20 SHS FIPS PUB 202 (SHA-3 functions) SHA3-384 Hashing Table 8 – Approved Algorithms (Xilinx SHA3/384 Library Implementation) CAVP Cert # Algorithm Standard Mode/ Method/ Key Lengths, Curves, or Moduli Use © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 21 of 36 N/A ENT (P) SP 800-90B N/A Entropy Source7 C1777 DRBG SP 800-90A AES-CTR-128 Random Bit Generation Table 9 – Approved Algorithms (ATECC608B Implementation) The following non-Approved but Allowed algorithms are implemented when the module has been configured to operate in FIPS-approved mode. Algorithm Standard Mode/ Method/ Key Lengths, Curves, or Moduli Use ECDSA FIPS 186-4 • Brainpool r1 and t1 curves at sizes 224, 256, 320, 384, and 512 • Ed25519 • Ed448 Key Generation Signature Generation Signature Verification IG A.2, D.8 Scenario X2 EC Diffie-Hellman SP 800-56Arev3, FIPS 140-2 IG A.2, D.8 Scenario X2 • Brainpool r1 and t1 curves at sizes 224, 256, 320, 384, and 512 • Curve25519 • Curve448 Key Agreement AES (no security claimed) SP 800-38A • ECB (256 bit) Obfuscation of stored CSP (Tamper Key) IG 1.23 Scenario 1 Table 10 – Allowed Algorithms The Approved Key Transport schemes per IG D.9 are as follows: o KTS (AES Cert. #A1438): AES CCM 256-bit o KTS (AES Cert. #A1468; key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength): AES KW and AES KWP (128, 192 and 256-bit) o KTS (AES Cert. #A1438 and AES Cert. #A1438): AES 256 CTR and AES 128 CMAC o KTS (AES Cert. #A1468 and HMAC Cert. #A1438): AES 256 KWP o KTS-RSA (Cert. #A1438; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 192 bits of encryption strength) 7 Per SP800-90B, the initial entropy estimate of a binary noise source is calculated as HI =min(Horiginal, Hsubmitter). As a result, HI =min(0.874572, 0.5268) = 0.5268. The noise source is estimated to provide a full 128 bits of entropy for each 128-bit sample output from the noise source. © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 22 of 36 Non-FIPS Approved security functions/algorithms are not available for use when the module has been configured to operate in FIPS-approved mode. The following functions are only available in the non- Approved mode: Non-Approved Security Functions Triple DES ECB/CBC key gen, Encrypt/Decrypt (PKCS11) AES CBC KW 128/192/256 bit Encrypt/Decrypt HMAC SHA-1 Key derivation function SHA-1 KDA Auxiliary function RSA SHA1 (PKCS#1v1.5, PSS) RSA X9.31 RSA 1024 bit RSA Sign/Verify with message recovery ECDSA SHA1 SM2 P-192, BP-160, BP-192 SM3 SM3 HMAC SM3 Key derivation function SM4 CTR/CBC/ECB 128 bit Encrypt/Decrypt SM4 CMAC 128 bit Sign and Verify SM4 CCM 128 bit Encrypt/Decrypt Table 11 – Non-Approved Security functions © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 23 of 36 8.2 Cryptographic Keys and CSPs The cryptographic keys and CSPs used by the module are described in Table 12. Each CSP is stored in one or more of the following locations: • Token NVM (NVM): the SD card filesystem. • TSMRAM: MSP430 Token Security Module RAM. • Token RAM: per-client-connection memory allocated/initialized after a client application establishes a secure channel with the HSM. • Session RAM: per (PKCS11) session RAM allocated/initialized each time a client application instantiates a new PKCS11 session within a secure channel via API call C_OpenSession. • Ephemeral RAM: stack memory. CSPs in the above locations can be zeroized or otherwise rendered invalid by the following events: • Power cycle: removal of PCI bus power. • Tamper: via either breach of the tamper enclosure or API command A_Tamper. • Logout: Exiting an authenticated role via the API command C_Logout • Loss of client connection: closure of the socket connection from the client, such as via API command C_Finalize. • Token deletion: removal of the token and its CSPs via API command A_DelSlot • Token initialization: CO reset of the state of a token via API command C_InitToken • Password change: a change of a role password via API commands C_InitPIN, C_SetPIN, C_InitToken Keys / CSP Description Key / CSP Type Input/Output Storage Zeroization Token (Object) Encryption Key (TEK) Each unique TEK is used to encrypt one PTO-SK or PTO-AK (one-to- one mapping) AES GCM 256 bit Generated using the SP800-90A AES CTR DRBG Token NVM (encrypted with TMK) Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) NVM: invalidated upon TMK zeroization (token deletion or tamper). © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 24 of 36 Keys / CSP Description Key / CSP Type Input/Output Storage Zeroization Neither input nor output ER: zeroized upon the completion of an operation (e.g. load/store of the PTO from/to NVM). Token Master Key (TMK) Used to encrypt TEK (one master key per token) AES KW 256 bit Generated using the SP800-90A AES CTR DRBG Neither input nor output Token NVM (this key is encrypted and stored twice: once with SWK and separately using UWK) Session RAM (plaintext) NVM: invalidated upon SWK and UWK zeroization (on token deletion or during tamper event). SR: zeroized upon power cycle, or at session logout. User/SO PIN (UPIN/SPIN) Used for authentication of User/SO and derivation of UWK/SWK Password must be at least four (4) valid characters as defined in Section 5.2.1. Input via KTS during login (ECDH secure channel (host- to-card) Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) Zeroized upon the completion of an operation (e.g. authentication). User/SO Login Code (ULC/SLC) Used to authenticate User/SO by comparing the previously stored value Output of SP800- 132 PBKDF Derived using SP800-132 PBKDF and written to Token NVM upon successful PIN initialization or change and verified during login. Token NVM (Protected in accordance with IG 7.16) Token RAM (plaintext) NVM: zeroized on token deletion, initialization, password change; invalidated on tamper. TR: zeroized upon power cycle. Also, as per NVM above. ER: zeroized upon the completion of an operation (e.g. comparison, password change). Also, as per NVM above. © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 25 of 36 Keys / CSP Description Key / CSP Type Input/Output Storage Zeroization Neither input nor output. Ephemeral RAM (plaintext, computed) User Wrap Key/SO Wrap Key (UWK/SWK) Used to wrap/unwrap TMK (one per token) AES KW 256 bit Derived using SP800-132 PBKDF during login. Neither input nor output Session RAM (plaintext) Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) SR: zeroized upon logout, change of authorization state, loss of client connection. ER: zeroized upon the completion of an operation (e.g. authentication, password change) Tamper Key Key used to obfuscate SP 800- 132 salt value AES-256-ECB Generated using the SP800-90A AES CTR DRBG Neither input nor output TSMRAM (Plaintext) TSMRAM: zeroized on tamper event. Split Password Used for derivation of the split key encryption key used to encrypt the PTO-SK and PTO-AK key splits for Slot Backup (One password per split) Password must be at least four (4) valid characters as defined in Section 5.2.1. Input in via KTS during operator input (ECDH secure channel (host- to-card). Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) Zeroized upon the completion of an operation (e.g. key derivation). © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 26 of 36 Keys / CSP Description Key / CSP Type Input/Output Storage Zeroization Split Key Parameters Used as input to SP800-132 PBKDF for generating PTO-SK and/or PTO-AK splits (one set of parameters per split) Salt value Generated using the SP800-90A AES CTR DRBG. Input from and output to smart cards via USB (IG 2.1). Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) Zeroized upon the completion of an operation (e.g. key derivation). Split Key Encryption/De cryption Key Used to AEAD encrypt and decrypt split PTO- SK and/or PTO-AK backups (one per split) AES CCM 256 bit Key derived using SP800- 132 PBKDF during Slot Backup and Slot Restore operations Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) Zeroized upon the completion of an operation (key wrapping). Plaintext Token Object, Asymmetric private key (PTO-AK) User token private key used to sign, verify, wrap, unwrap, or perform key agreement. ECC: P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521, Brainpool r1 and t1 curves at sizes 224, 256, 320, 384, and 512, Ed25519, Ed448 Generated using the SP800-90A AES CTR DRBG and FIPS PUB 186-4 Encrypted key splits are input and output to smart cards Session RAM (plaintext) Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) Token NVM (encrypted with TEK) SR: deletion of the object, session closure, logout, loss of client connection, or tamper event. ER: completion of the operation (e.g. sign). NVM: invalidated upon TEK zeroization (deletion or during tamper event) © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 27 of 36 Keys / CSP Description Key / CSP Type Input/Output Storage Zeroization FFC: 2048-bit 3072-bit 4096-bit 6144-bit 8192-bit RSA: 2048 bit 3072 bit 4096 bit 6144 bit 8192 bit via USB (IG 2.1) Input and output via KTS (IG D.9) Plaintext Token Object, Symmetric key (PTO-SK) User token symmetric key used to encrypt, decrypt, wrap, unwrap, generate MAC, verify MAC, or perform key derivation. AES: 128 bit 192 bit 256 bit HMAC: SHA-1 SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512 Generated using the SP800-90A AES CTR DRBG Encrypted key splits are input and output to smart cards via USB (IG 2.1) Session RAM (plaintext) Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) Token NVM (encrypted with TEK) SR: deletion of the object, session closure, logout, loss of client connection, or tamper event. ER: completion of the operation (e.g. encrypt). NVM: invalidated upon TEK zeroization (deletion or during tamper event) © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 28 of 36 Keys / CSP Description Key / CSP Type Input/Output Storage Zeroization Input and output via KTS (IG D.9) ECC Secure Channel Private Key/Public Key Asymmetric keys used to derive Secure Channel ECDH Shared Secret ECDSA P-521 Generated using the SP800-90A AES CTR DRBG and FIPS PUB 186-4 Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) Zeroized upon power cycle or at the end of a session. ECDH Secure Channel Session Key Symmetric keys used to encrypt session data Secure Channel: AES-256-CTR and AES-128-CMAC Derived according to SP 800- 56Crev1 Session RAM (plaintext) Zeroized upon power cycle or at the end of a secure channel session. ECDH Secure Channel Shared Secret Shared Secret Computation (Secure Channel) Shared Secret Generated according to SP 800- 56Arev3 Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) Zeroized immediately after deriving ECDH Secure Channel Session. ECDH Shared Secret Shared Secret Computation (User-defined) Shared Secret Generated according to SP 800- 56Arev3 Session RAM (plaintext) Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) Token NVM (encrypted with TEK) SR: deletion of the object, session closure, logout, loss of client connection, or tamper event. ER: completion of the operation (e.g. encrypt). NVM: invalidated upon TEK zeroization (deletion or during tamper event) © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 29 of 36 Keys / CSP Description Key / CSP Type Input/Output Storage Zeroization DH Shared Secret Shared Secret Computation (User-defined) Shared Secret Generated according to SP 800- 56Arev3 Session RAM (plaintext) Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) Token NVM (encrypted with TEK) SR: deletion of the object, session closure, logout, loss of client connection, or tamper event. ER: completion of the operation (e.g. encrypt). NVM: invalidated upon TEK zeroization (deletion or during tamper event) User Defined KDF Derived Key Output of SP 800- 56Crev1 KDF User Defined: AES, HMAC, CMAC Derived according to SP 800- 56Crev1 Session RAM (plaintext) Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) Token NVM (encrypted with TEK) SR: deletion of the object, session closure, logout, loss of client connection, or tamper event. ER: completion of the operation (e.g. encrypt). NVM: invalidated upon TEK zeroization (deletion or during tamper event) ECIES Session Keys Symmetric keys used to encrypt and authenticate remote token export/import AES-256-KWP and HMAC-SHA- 512 Derived according to SP 800- 56Crev1 Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) Zeroized at the end of the transaction (wrap, etc.). DRBG Entropy Input String Random bit generation DRBG input Internally Generated from hardware Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) Zeroized upon DRBG consumption of input string. © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 30 of 36 Table 12 – Approved Keys and CSPs Table Keys / CSP Description Key / CSP Type Input/Output Storage Zeroization sources DRBG Seed Random bit generation DRBG input Internally Generated from hardware sources Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) Zeroized upon DRBG consumption of seed. DRBG V (DRBG-V) Random bit generation Internal state value Internal value used as part of SP 800-90a CTR_DRBG Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) Zeroized upon power cycle or end of client connection. DRBG Key (DRBG-K) Random bit generation Internal state value Internal value used as part of SP 800-90a CTR_DRBG Ephemeral RAM (plaintext) Zeroized upon power cycle or end of client connection. Manufacturer Installed Keys/CSPs Firmware Update Key Used for the verification of the firmware update package RSA 4096-bit with SHA3-384 hash Input during manufacturing and not Output. Boot ROM (plaintext) N/A © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 31 of 36 8.3 Cryptographic Key Zeroization All plaintext keys and CSPs are zeroized within the HSM when one of the following actions occur: • By removing the external RTC Battery. • By receiving a user-defined Tamper Signal. • By executing the command "CCconf tamper". • Any breach to the metal enclosure of the module occurs. • If the module goes outside the normal operational (voltage/temperature) conditions. In all the above cases, all plaintext cryptographic keys and CSPs are Zeroized. The transition of the module from FIPS mode to non-FIPS mode or vice-versa causes an implied tamper event such that all keying material is lost during the transition thus zeroizing all plaintext keys and CSPs of the module before entering or exiting FIPS mode of operation. © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 32 of 36 9. Self-Tests FIPS 140-2 requires the module to perform self-tests to ensure the module integrity and the correctness of the cryptographic functionality at start-up. Some functions also require conditional tests during normal operation of the module. If any of the power-on self-tests fail, the module enters an error state where no cryptographic functions can be executed. The module will automatically tamper, resulting in zeroization of all stored CSPs and returning the module to a factory default uninitialized state. If the module encounters an error in the conditional self-tests (failed upgrade, noise source error, etc.) the module will enter a soft error state where the requested command fails. The error condition may be cleared by re-executing the service which prompted the conditional self-test. If the error condition is not cleared, then the module is considered to be malfunctioning and should be returned to the manufacturer. 9.1 Power-On Self-Tests Power-on self-tests are run upon the initialization of the module and do not require operator intervention to run. The module implements the following startup tests: • SP800-90B RCT and APT Health tests - the startup test runs over 1024 samples which meets the SP800-90B requirement. The module implements the following integrity test: • Firmware Integrity test using a SHA3-384 EDC. The module implements the following power-on self-tests for the HSM Crypto Library: • AES-ECB KAT (Encrypt – 128, 192 and 256 bits) • AES-ECB KAT (Decrypt – 128, 192 and 256 bits) • AES-CBC KAT (Encrypt – 128 and 256 bits) • AES-CBC KAT (Decrypt – 128 and 256 bits) • AES-CCM KAT (Encrypt – 128, 192 and 256 bits) • AES-CCM KAT (Decrypt – 128, 192 and 256 bits) • AES-GCM KAT (Encrypt – 128 and 192 bits) • AES-GCM KAT (Decrypt – 128 and 192 bits) • SHA-1 KAT • SHA2-224 KAT • SHA2-256 KAT • SHA2-384 KAT • SHA2-512 KAT © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 33 of 36 • SHA3-224 KAT • SHA3-256 KAT • SHA3-384 KAT • SHA3-512 KAT • HMAC-SHA-1 KAT • HMAC-SHA-224 KAT • HMAC-SHA-256 KAT • HMAC-SHA-384 KAT • HMAC-SHA-512 KAT • AES-256 CTR DRBG KAT o SP800-90A Section 11 health tests • SP800-56A rev3 KAT for ECC and FFC o ECDH primitive “Z” KAT (Curves used: P-256, P-384 and P-521) o DH primitive “Z” KAT (Moduli: 2048 bit) • PBKDF KAT • ECDSA P-521 Sign/Verify PCT • RSA 2048-bit modulus using PKCS1 v1.5 Sign/Verify KAT • RSA 2048-bit modulus using OAEP Encrypt/Decrypt KAT The module implements the following power-on self-tests for the HSM P11 Crypto Extensions: • AES Key Wrap KAT (Encrypt – 128, 192 and 256 bits) • AES Key Wrap KAT (Decrypt – 128, 192 and 256 bits) • AES KWP KAT (Encrypt – 128, 192 and 256 bits) • AES KWP KAT (Decrypt – 128, 192 and 256 bits) • KBKDF in counter mode KAT • One Step KDA (SP800-56C r1) KAT The module implements the following power-on self-tests for the ATECC608B DRBG: • AES-128 CTR DRBG KAT o SP800-90A Section 11 health tests 9.2 Conditional Self-Tests Conditional self-tests are tests that run during operation of the module. The module performs the following conditional self-tests: Type Test Description Pairwise- consistency Test Whenever an RSA and ECDSA key pair of any valid size is generated on the HSM, before the operation is completed and the keys are made available for use to the operator, a pair-wise consistency test is executed on the key pair. Repetition Count Test on Entropy This test is intended to identify if the noise source is repeating a given value continuously. The test is implemented per the details of SP800-90B section © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 34 of 36 Source 4.4.1. Adaptive Proportion Test on Entropy Source The test continuously measures the local frequency of occurrence of a sample value in a sequence of noise source samples to determine if the sample value occurs too frequently. The test is implemented per the details of SP800-90B section 4.4.2. Firmware Load Test When firmware is updated on the HSM, the update image must be validated before the underlying firmware on the device is updated. This is accomplished through an “SHA256 RSA 4096” signature validation on the update image. Table 13 – Conditional Self-tests 10. EMI/EMC The module conforms to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by part 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class B. 11. Guidance and Secure Operation 11.1 Crypto Officer Guidance To fully utilize the CyberCogs HSM, a user will need to use the provided Cryptoki Library that is PKCS11 compliant, an administration application (CCconf), and, optionally, smart cards. To initialize the module into the FIPS approved mode, perform the following steps: 1. Enter FIPS mode by running “CCconf set-ci=policy:FIPS” 2. Enter the default administrative token PIN 3. Initialize the administrative token by running “CCconf init-token=0” 4. Set a new administrative token (ATS) PIN on the newly created administrative token by running “CCconf set-so-pin=0” 5. Set a new administrative token user (ATU) PIN on the newly created administrative token by running “CCconf init-user=0” 6. Create a new non-administrative token by running “CCconf create=1” 7. Initialize the new token by repeating steps 2-5 but replacing the ‘0’ value with ‘1’ 11.2 Operator Guidance The PKCS11 interface may be managed by module operators using the “CCconf” command line interface. CCconf is a CyberCogs-developed CLI provided with the module for ease of use, which abstracts the module’s PKCS11 API interface to the end-user or operator. A reference for the module’s PKCS11 API may be found in the PKCS #11 Cryptographic Token Interface Base Specification Version 2.40. 11.3 Verifying Module Status The module implements a persistent indicator that provides the operator with assurance that the module is running in a FIPS Approved mode of operation. To query the FIPS Approved mode indicator, run “CCconf query=ciPolicy” command. It will output the following policy flags: © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 35 of 36 • +PolicyLock +FipsAlgorithms +FwUpTamper -CrmTamperProof +RequireLogin +NoCrm +SecureChannel If the status returned does not match the above, the module is not running in the FIPS Approved mode and should be reinitialized. 11.4 Module Self-Tests To verify whether the module has successfully run its power-on self-tests, run the “CCconf query=ciPostFailures” command. The output returned should be “none”. If any other status is returned, the module is not running in the FIPS Approved mode and should be reinitialized. To perform the module self-tests on-demand, run the “CCconf reset” command, which will re-initialize the module and re-execute the power-on self-tests. 11.5 Non-Approved Mode of Operation If the steps outlined in section 11.1 above have not been followed, the module will be in a non-approved mode of operation where the non-approved algorithms defined in Table 11 will be available. When FIPS mode is enabled or disabled, the module will automatically tamper, meaning the CSPs will be zeroized, thus cannot be shared between approved and non-approved modes. The module will perform the self-tests as described in section 9 regardless of whether the module is running in an approved or non-approved mode. 11.6 Zeroization The module may be zeroized by either physically removing the RTC battery or by receiving a user- specified tamper signal on the jumper pins or by running the following command: • CCconf tamper © CyberCogs 2022 Version 1.1 Page 36 of 36 Glossary Term Description AES Advanced Encryption Standard ARM Advanced RISC Machine ATS Admin Slot/Token Security Officer ATU Admin Slot/Token User CAVP Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program CKG Cryptographic Key Generation CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CRNGT Continuous Random Number Generator Test CSP Critical Security Parameter CTR Counter DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator DSA Digital Signature Algorithm ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm EMI/EMC Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array GCM Galois/Counter Mode HMAC Hashed Message Authentication Code HSM Hardware Security Module IG Implementation Guidance IV Initialization Vector KAS-SSC Key Agreement Scheme-Shared Secret Computation KAT Known Answer Test KBKDF Key-Based Key Derivation Function KDA Key Derivation Algorithm KDF Key-Derivation Function KTS Key-Transport Scheme LED Light Emitting Diode NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology PBKDF Password-Based Key Derivation Function PCB Printed Circuit Board PCIe Peripheral Component Interconnect Express RSA Rivest Shamir Adleman SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SHS Secure Hash Standard SO Non-Admin Slot/Token Security Officer UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter USB Universal Serial Bus USER Non-Admin Slot/Token User Table 14 – Glossary of Terms