Gemalto .NET Smart Card Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 1 Gemalto .NET Smart Card Security Policy TITLE .NET Smart Card - Security Policy REV : 1.1 DATE OF CREATION: 15/01/08 LAST UPDATE : 10/03/09 AUTHORS: Florence Defrance, Karen LU Gemalto .NET Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Gemalto .NET Smart Card Security Policy..................................................................................................1 1 Scope..............................................................................................................................................5 2 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................6 2.1 Gemalto Smart Card Overview ....................................................................................................6 2.2 Gemalto Smart Card Open Platform.............................................................................................6 2.3 Security Level............................................................................................................................7 3 Cryptographic Module Specification....................................................................................................7 3.1 Gemalto Crypto-Module Cryptographic Boundary ..........................................................................7 3.2 .NET Smart Card applications......................................................................................................8 3.2.1 Content manager ................................................................................................................8 3.2.2 FIPS Assembly ....................................................................................................................8 3.2.3 FIPS Access Manager...........................................................................................................8 3.3 Hardware Chip...........................................................................................................................8 3.4 FIPS Approved Mode of Operation...............................................................................................9 4 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces.......................................................................................10 4.1 Physical Port – Contact mode....................................................................................................10 4.1.1 PIN assignments and contact dimensions: ...........................................................................10 5 Roles, Services, and Authentication..................................................................................................11 5.1 Authentication .........................................................................................................................11 5.1.1 Critical Security Parameters (CSP).......................................................................................12 5.1.2 Authentication Security Rules .............................................................................................12 5.2 Roles and Services...................................................................................................................13 5.2.1 Security rules....................................................................................................................14 6 Physical Security ............................................................................................................................15 6.1 Manufacturing Process .............................................................................................................15 7 Operational Environment.................................................................................................................15 8 EMI/EMC .......................................................................................................................................15 9 Self Tests ......................................................................................................................................15 9.1 Self-Test Execution ..................................................................................................................16 9.2 Self-Test Failure ......................................................................................................................16 10 Mitigation of Other Attacks...........................................................................................................17 Gemalto .NET Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 3 Table of Figures: Figure 1 - Gemalto .NET Smart Card architecture.......................................................................................8 Figure 2 - Contact plate physical interface...............................................................................................10 Table of Tables: Table 1 - FIPS 140-2 Security Levels.........................................................................................................7 Table 2 - FIPS Approved Security Functions ..............................................................................................9 Table 3 - FIPS non-Approved Security Functions........................................................................................9 Table 4 - Contact plate pin list – Contact mode........................................................................................10 Table 5 - Roles, mechanism and strengths of authentication mechanisms..................................................11 Table 6 - Table of CSP...........................................................................................................................12 Table 7 - Authentication Security Rules...................................................................................................12 Table 8 - Services Authorized for Roles ...................................................................................................13 Table 9 - Security Rules.........................................................................................................................14 Table 10 - Self-tests list.........................................................................................................................15 Gemalto .NET Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 4 References [1] FIPS PUB 140-2 – Federal Information Processing Standard Publication – Security requirements for cryptographic modules – 2001, May the 25th , with change notice (12-03-2002). [2] Derived Tests Requirements for FIPS PUB 140-2 - Federal Information Processing Standard Publication – Security requirements for cryptographic modules – 2004, March the 24th . [3] NIST Web site, [4] ISO 7816 [5] Infineon SLE88CFX4000P datasheet. [6] Gemalto .NET smartcard framework SDK documentation. [7] K. Sachdeva and S. Prevost, “Data Access Security Implementation Using the Public Key Mechanism,” United States Patent Application, August 20, 2004. Omniworks secure server in Austin, scnet2\docs\public_key_token_76.0938.pdf. [8] S.S. Keller, “NIST-Recommended Random Number Generator Based on ANSI X9.31 Appendix A.2.4 Using the 3-Key Triple DES and AES Algorithms,” NIST, January 31, 2005. Gemalto .NET Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 5 1 Scope This Security Policy specifies the security rules under which the Gemalto .NET Smart Card must operate. Some of these rules are derived from the security requirements of the FIPS140-2’ standard [1], others are derived from the Gemalto’ experience in embedded security firmware. These rules define the interrelationships between the: ƒ Module users and administrators, ƒ Module services, ƒ Critical Security Parameters (CSP) Gemalto .NET Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 6 2 Introduction 2.1 Gemalto Smart Card Overview Gemalto aims to provide FIPS140-2 Level 3 cryptographic smart cards. The Gemalto .NET Smart Card is a post-issuance programmable smart card. The .NET Smart Card provides cryptographic services to applications running on a local host computer or a remote computer. It is under the charge of applications to use the .NET Smart Card cryptographic module, in conformance with specifications. 2.2 Gemalto Smart Card Open Platform The core technology implemented in the .NET Smart Card Framework is based on the HiveMinded Smartcard .NET reference implementation of the CLI, which conforms to the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) Common Language Infrastructure standard, ECMA-335. The Gemalto .NET Smart Card was introduced by Gemalto in 2002 as an on-card application programming solution for .NET infrastructures. The technology offers support for multi-language application programming using an appropriate subset of the .NET class libraries. This subset has been tailored for smart card applications, and provides an optimized runtime environment on the smart card to enable communication between card and terminal using .NET remoting, ensure secure simultaneous execution of multiple applications, and exploit many other .NET framework features. The .NET Smart Card is a cryptographic module that consists of hardware and firmware This highly secure product benefits from Gemalto’s expertise in security and provides FIPS Approved cryptographic algorithms and self-tests. The cryptographic module integrates symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algorithms, provides hashing algorithms, and a deterministic random number generator. The module is referenced through PDM data model as S1057014 (mask reference). This tool includes a clear mapping to the hardware and firmware on the card. Gemalto .NET Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 7 2.3 Security Level The cryptographic module meets the overall requirements applicable to FIPS140-2 Level 3. The individual security requirements meet the level specifications as follows. Security Requirements Section Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3 Roles, Services and Authentication 3 Finite State Model 3 Physical Security 3 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 3 EMI/EMC 3 Self-Tests 3 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks 3 Table 1 - FIPS 140-2 Security Levels 3 Cryptographic Module Specification 3.1 Gemalto Crypto-Module Cryptographic Boundary The Cryptographic Boundary is defined to be the ‘module edge’ of the .NET Smart Card– FIPS referred to hereafter as the Micro Module, a set of “embedded” hardware and firmware that implements cryptographic functions and processes, including cryptographic algorithms and key generation. .NET Smart Card – FIPS Micro-Module is a single chip implementation of a cryptographic module. The micro-module is designed to be embedded in a plastic card body to provide an ISO-7816 compliant smart card. The cryptographic boundary of the Gemalto .NET Smart Card is the integrated circuit chip (ICC) module of the card. The ICC module includes hardware and firmware. All the components of the .NET Smart Card – FIPS Micro-Module that are included in the cryptographic module boundary are those as shown in the following figure: Gemalto .NET Smart Card firmware is strictly layered as illustrated in the following figure. Gemalto .NET Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 8 Applications & Libraries CHIP OS CLR Chip OS CLR Applications & Libraries IO External World Figure 1 - Gemalto .NET Smart Card architecture. 3.2 .NET Smart Card applications The Gemalto .NET Smart Card, FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated, contains three on-card services loaded at personalization time: Content Manager, FIPS Assembly, and FIPS Access Manager. 3.2.1 Content manager Content Manager Service, a part of the .NET platform (FW: v2.2) allows managing the life cycle of the card by managing the file system, setting card properties, and loading/unloading assemblies [6]. 3.2.2 FIPS Assembly The FIPS Assembly (FW: v1.1) is designed as a .NET on-card application so that the same .NET Smart Card mask can produce both FIPS cards and non-FIPS cards. The .NET Smart Card enables FIPS features when the FIPS assembly is loaded into the card. The assembly contains power-up tests of cryptographic algorithms. The rest of the power-up tests and conditional tests are encoded in the .NET Smart Card framework. 3.2.3 FIPS Access Manager The FIPS Access Manager (FW: v1.0) application is an implementation of the .NET Smart Card Access Manager. It controls the access to the card, such as user login and administrator login. 3.3 Hardware Chip ƒ The cryptographic module includes the Infineon SLE 88CFX4000P secure IC chip. Gemalto .NET Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 9 3.4 FIPS Approved Mode of Operation The module, as configured, only operates in the FIPS Approved mode of operation. The module supports the loading of applications; however, once an application is loaded the module ceases to be a FIPS validated module. There is no assurance of operation unless the modified module has been FIPS 140 validated, per CMVP requirements. The following tables provide a list of supported FIPS Approved and non-Approved security functions allowed in the Approved mode of operation. Of the security functions supported the module, as configured, employs the following security functions: • RSA signature verification using SHA-1 hash. • AES 192 bit key wrapping • DRNG and NDRNG for random number generation. • Triple-DES SECURITY FUNCTION Cert # DETAILS ECB mode encryption / decryption Triple-DES 719 CBC mode encryption / decryption SHA-1 869 Hashing operation SHA-256 869 Hashing operation HMAC-SHA1 491 Keyed hash algorithm Signature - PKCS#1 with SHA-1 hashing RSA (1024 and 2048) 424 Verification - PKCS#1 with SHA-1 hashing RNG 503 Deterministic Random Number Generation (ANSI x9.31) ECB mode encryption / decryption AES (128, 192, 256) 877 CBC mode encryption / decryption Table 2 - FIPS Approved Security Functions SECURITY FUNCTION DETAILS RSA (1024 and 2048) Encryption / Decryption (provides 80 or 112 bits of encryption strength) NDRNG Infineon SLE 88CFX4000P TRNG Table 3 - FIPS non-Approved Security Functions Gemalto .NET Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 10 4 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces The .NET Smart Card – FIPS Micro-Module restricts all information flow and physical access. Physical and logical interfaces define all entry and exit points to and from the micro module. 4.1 Physical Port – Contact mode 4.1.1 PIN assignments and contact dimensions: .NET Smart Card– FIPS Micro-Module follows the standards “ISO 7816-1 Physical characteristics” and “ISO 7816-2 Dimensions and contact location” [4] C2 C3 C4 C1 C6 C7 C8 C5 Figure 2 - Contact plate physical interface Contact No. Assignments Contact No. Assignments C1 VCC (Supply voltage) Control input signal C5 GND (Ground) Control input signal C2 RST (Reset signal) Control input signal C6 Not connected C3 CLK (Clock signal) Control input signal C7 I/O (Data Input/Output) Control Input data Status output data C4 Not connected C8 Not connected Table 4 - Contact plate pin list – Contact mode Gemalto .NET Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 11 5 Roles, Services, and Authentication 5.1 Authentication The Gemalto .NET Smart Card enforces the authentication of roles using operator authentication. The following table lists the roles, their authentication mechanisms and the strength of mechanism. The module performs identity-based authentication using a unique PIN and challenge/response mechanism. A unique index value is associated with the PIN or the key to uniquely identify the off-card entity performing the authentication. Role Mechanism Strength of Mechanism1 User Challenge/response The probability that a random attempt will succeed or a false acceptance will occur is 1/94n , where n the number of characters in the PIN. When n=4, the minimum PIN length, 1/944 = 1/78,074,896, which is less than 1/1,000,000. With the .NET card (Infineon SLE88), the user authentication takes more than 2.5s. The maximum number of tries in one minute is 60/2.5 = 24. For n = 4, the probability of successfully authenticating to the module through random attempts within one minute is less than 24/944 = 0.0307 x 10- 5 , which is less than 1/100,000. Administrator (Crypto-Officer) Challenge/response The probability that a random attempt will succeed or a false acceptance will occur is 1/264 = 1/1.84x1019 , which is less than 1/1,000,000. With the .NET card (Infineon SLE88), the admin authentication takes about 0.125s. The maximum number of tries in one minute is 60/0.125 = 480. The probability of successfully authenticating to the module through random attempts within one minute is 480/264 = 2.61x10-17 , which is less than 1/100,000. Table 5 - Roles, mechanism and strengths of authentication mechanisms 1 The strength of an authentication mechanism is the probability that a random attempt succeeds Gemalto .NET Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 12 5.1.1 Critical Security Parameters (CSP) The Gemalto .NET Smart Card has the following critical security parameters: Table 6 - Table of CSP CSP Purpose Administrator key TDES key used to authenticate the administrator role. Note: The admin key must be updated at least once. Admin Key encryption key (KEK) AES key used by the administrator role. (Change the administrator key, Unblock user PIN and update Admin or User KEK.) Seed and seed key Initializes DRNG. The seed key is a TDES key. User PIN Authenticate the user role. Note: The user pin must be changed at least once. User Key encryption key (KEK) AES key used by the User role (Change the user PIN). Public Key Purpose Gemalto FW public key Authentication and integrity for FW loading. 5.1.2 Authentication Security Rules The following table presents the security rules applied to these mechanisms: Table 7 - Authentication Security Rules Rule Identifier Description IA_PIN_RULE.1 It is not possible to get authenticated through the PIN authentication mechanism if the authorized number of attempts is reached. IA_PIN_RULE.2 It is not possible to get authenticated through the PIN authentication mechanism if the referenced PIN is not found IA_PIN_RULE.3 It is not possible to get authenticated through the PIN authentication mechanism if the submitted PIN is incorrect IA_PIN_RULE.4 The pin must be re-authenticated if the card is reset IA_PIN_RULE.5 The pin remains active if another application is selected IA_PIN_RULE.6 The PIN length must have a minimum length equal to 4 IA_PIN_RULE.7 The user PIN must be changed at least once IA_CHAL/RESP_RULE.1 The administrator must be re-authenticated if the card is reset. IA_CHAL/RESP_RULE.2 The administrator must be re-authenticated if the cryptographic module detects a corrupted response. IA_ADM_KEY.1 The admin key must be changed at least once Gemalto .NET Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 13 5.2 Roles and Services The Gemalto .NET Smart Card product supports two operator roles: User and Administrator (Crypto-Officer). The two roles are authenticated differently and have different access rights for resources and services on the card. The authorized services for each role are product dependent. The follow table lists common authorized services for the user role and the administrator role for the .NET Smart Card. Table 8 - Services Authorized for Roles Role Authorized Services CSP Access User PIN Utilize User Login: log into the card. DRNG State Utilize User PIN Utilize, Replace User KEK Utilize Change PIN: allows authenticated user to modify PIN value used for authentication and settings. DRNG State Utilize Get Status: get module status information N/A N/A User: Logout: logout of the card N/A N/A Administrator Key Utilize Administrator Login: log into the card. DRNG State Utilize Logout: logout of the card N/A N/A Administrator Key Utilize, Replace Change Administrator key: allows authenticated administrator to update Admin Key value used for authentication and settings. Administrator KEK Utilize Administrator Key Utilize Administrator KEK Utilize, Replace Change KEK: update the Administrator KEK or User KEK User KEK Utilize, Replace Administrator: (Crypto-Officer) Un-Block user PIN Administrator Key Utilize Gemalto .NET Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 14 Role Authorized Services CSP Access Aministrator KEK Utilize User PIN Replace DRNG State Utilize Manage Card Content: View and manage content of files on card. N/A N/A Administrator Key Destroy Administrator KEK Destroy User PIN Destroy User KEK Destroy Zeroize: Overwrites memory content with Zero’s and resets the module. DRNG State Destroy Get Status: Get module status information N/A N/A Unauthenticated: Get Status: Get module status information N/A N/A 5.2.1 Security rules The following table presents the security rules applied to these mechanisms: Table 9 - Security Rules Rule Identifier Description AC_AMS_RULE.1 Only authorized entities can use Content Manager Service. AC_PKT_RULE.2 Application loaded must be cryptographically signed. AC_APD_RULE.3 Application Domain provides security and isolation among multiple applications On the card. AC_FSA_RULE.4 Data files are protected using public and private privileges AC_ACL_RULE.5 The role is checked before allowing actions on files. AC_KEA_RULE.6 To key access the privileges must be checked. Gemalto .NET Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 15 AC_TMT_RULE.7 In case of interrupted transaction the transaction consistency is ensured. 6 Physical Security The .NET Smart Card single chip module is designed to meet the FIPS140-2 level 3 Physical Security requirements. Specifically, the module micro-module is enclosed within a hard opaque epoxy. 6.1 Manufacturing Process The manufacturing process consists of wire bonding the ICC over printed circuit plate providing ISO contacts and sealing the chip and wires in a ‘glue globe’: - Opaque black epoxy coating polymerized with temperature Attempting to extract the chip from the micro-module has a high probability of causing serious damage to the chip. Furthermore, attempts to attack the chip or micro-module will result in signs of tampering such as scratches and deformation. 7 Operational Environment The Gemalto .NET Smart Card provides a limited operational environment. The micro-module allows loading of digitally signed firmware. If any firmware is loaded into the micro-module, the module ceases to be FIPS 140-2 validated. The FIPS validated operational environment is as defined in Section 3 of this document. 8 EMI/EMC The .NET Smart Card cryptographic module has been tested to meet the EMI/EMC requirements specified in FCC Part 15 Subpart B, Class B. 9 Self Tests The .NET Smart Card performs the following self-tests to ensure that the module works properly. Table 10 - Self-tests list SELF-TESTS EXECUTION CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHM TEST (KNOWN-ANSWER TESTS FOR TRIPLE-DES, AES, SHA-1, SHA-256, RSA, HMAC-SHA1) AT POWER-UP FIRMWARE INTEGRITY TEST. AT POWER-UP Gemalto .NET Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 16 SELF-TESTS EXECUTION RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR TEST (KNOWN-ANSWER DRNG) AT POWER-UP PAIR-WISE CONSISTENCY TESTS. CONDITIONAL CONTINUOUS RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR TEST FOR DRNG AND NDRNG. CONDITIONAL FIRMWARE LOAD TEST. CONDITIONAL The Gemalto .NET Smart Card does self-tests including power-up tests at start up and conditional tests during the runtime. 9.1 Self-Test Execution After .NET Smart Card is powered up and before executing any APDU commands, the module enters the self- test state and performs all of the cryptographic algorithm and firmware integrity self-tests as specified in FIPS 140-2 standard [1]. In addition to the FIPS 140-2 required self-tests, at each power-up (reset), the microprocessor chip of the cryptographic module performs security tests for chip sensors and built-in self-test to detect physical defects. The chip is muted if any of the tests fails. These tests are conducted automatically in FIPS mode as part of the normal functions of the cryptographic module. They do not require any additional operator intervention. Power-up self-tests are executed upon reset. The cryptographic module start-up process in FIPS mode has been designed in such a way that it cannot be bypassed. This enforces the execution of the self-tests before allowing any use and administration of the module, thus guaranteeing a secure execution of the module cryptographic services. All data output via the output interface are inhibited while any power-up and conditional self-test is running. Resetting the cryptographic module provides a means by which the operator can repeat the full sequence of power-up operating tests. 9.2 Self-Test Failure No cryptographic operations can be processed and no data can be output via the data output interface, while in the error state. If an error occurs during the Firmware Load test, the smart card enters an error state and an error code is returned via the status interface and the loading is aborted. When a FIPS test error occurs, the .Net Smart Card enters an error state where no commands will be performed and no data (except error status) will be sent out. The card sends out an error status and then mutes itself until the next reset. Gemalto .NET Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirely (without revision). Copyright Gemalto Corp 17 10 Mitigation of Other Attacks The .NET Smart Card has been designed to mitigate the following attacks: ¾ Fault Attack, ¾ Probing attacks. A separate and proprietary document describes the mitigation of attacks policy provided by the .NET Smart Card.