Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary FIPS 140-2 Security Policy (Software Version 1.1) Security Policy version: 1.3 Date: May 27, 2022 Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2 Table of Contents 1 Cryptographic Module Specification...............................................................................4 1.1 Module Overview.........................................................................................................................4 1.2 Module Specification....................................................................................................................4 1.3 Algorithm implementation...........................................................................................................6 1.4 Modes of Operation.....................................................................................................................8 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces ...................................................................9 3 Roles, Services and Authentication .............................................................................. 10 3.1 Roles...........................................................................................................................................10 3.2 Services.......................................................................................................................................10 3.3 Authentication............................................................................................................................12 4 Physical Security.......................................................................................................... 13 5 Operational Environment ............................................................................................ 14 6 Cryptographic Key Management .................................................................................. 15 6.1 Critical Security Parameters.......................................................................................................15 6.2 Random Number Generation.....................................................................................................17 6.3 Key Agreement...........................................................................................................................17 6.4 Key Derivation............................................................................................................................17 6.5 Key Entry/Output .......................................................................................................................17 6.6 Key/CSP Storage.........................................................................................................................18 6.7 Key/CSP Zeroization ...................................................................................................................18 6.8 Key Transport .............................................................................................................................18 7 Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMI/EMC)..................... 19 8 Self-tests ..................................................................................................................... 20 8.1 Power Up Self-tests....................................................................................................................20 8.2 Cryptographic Algorithm Tests...................................................................................................20 8.3 Conditional Self-Tests.................................................................................................................20 8.4 On-Demand self-tests.................................................................................................................20 9 Guidance ..................................................................................................................... 21 9.1 Crypto Officer Guidance.............................................................................................................21 9.1.1 Module Installation.......................................................................................................................21 9.1.2 Starting the OpenSSH Client .........................................................................................................21 9.1.3 Configurations...............................................................................................................................21 9.2 User Guidance............................................................................................................................22 9.2.1 OpenSSH Client Management ......................................................................................................22 9.2.2 SSH ................................................................................................................................................23 9.2.3 Triple-DES......................................................................................................................................23 9.2.4 AES-GCM IV...................................................................................................................................23 Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3 9.2.5 Handling Self-Test Errors ..............................................................................................................23 10 Mitigation of Other Attacks ......................................................................................... 24 11 References and Definitions .......................................................................................... 25 List of Tables Table 1 - Security Level of Security Requirements........................................................................................4 Table 2 – Cryptographic Module Components.............................................................................................5 Table 3 – Tested platforms ...........................................................................................................................6 Table 4 – FIPS Approved Algorithms.............................................................................................................6 Table 5– Algorithms from the bound OpenSSL Module...............................................................................7 Table 6– Non-Approved Cryptographic Functions........................................................................................8 Table 7 – Ports and Interfaces ......................................................................................................................9 Table 8 – Roles Description.........................................................................................................................10 Table 9 – Services in FIPS mode..................................................................................................................10 Table 10– Services in non-FIPS mode .........................................................................................................12 Table 11– Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) ............................................................................................15 Table 12– References..................................................................................................................................25 Table 13– Acronyms....................................................................................................................................25 List of Figures Figure 1 – Logical Cryptographic Boundary ..................................................................................................5 Figure 2 – Cryptographic Module Physical Boundary...................................................................................6 Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4 1 Cryptographic Module Specification This document is the non-proprietary FIPS 140-2 (Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2) Security Policy for the Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module, software version 1.1 (version 8.2p1). It contains the security rules under which the module must operate and describes how this module meets the requirements as specified in FIPS PUB 140-2 for a Security Level 1 module. The following sections describe the cryptographic module and how it conforms to the FIPS 140-2 specification in each of the required areas. 1.1 Module Overview The Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module (referred to as the module) is a client application implementing the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol in the EulerOS user space. The module interacts with an SSH server via the SSH protocol and only supports SSHv2 protocol. The module uses the Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSL Cryptographic Module as a bound module (also referred to as “the bound OpenSSL module”), which provides the underlying cryptographic algorithms necessary for establishing and maintaining SSH sessions. The Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSL Cryptographic Module is a FIPS validated module (certificate #4235) in the same Operational Environments. For the purpose of the FIPS 140-2 validation, the module is a software-only, multi-chip standalone cryptographic module validated at overall security level 1. The table below shows the security level claimed for each of the eleven sections that comprise the FIPS 140-2 standard: Table 1 - Security Level of Security Requirements Security Requirement Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security N/A Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 1 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 1.2 Module Specification The module logical cryptographic boundary is the shared library files and their integrity check HMAC files, which are shown in Table 2. Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5 Table 2 – Cryptographic Module Components Components Description /usr/bin/ssh SSH client application /usr/lib64/fipscheck/ssh.hmac Integrity verification file for SSH Client application /usr/bin/fipscheck Cryptographic binary used to check the integrity /usr/lib64/fipscheck/fipscheck.hmac Integrity verification file for fipscheck binary /usr/lib64/ Cryptographic library used to check the integrity /usr/lib64/fipscheck/ Integrity verification file for library The module is delivered as part of the EulerOS 2.0 ISOs files (see section 9.1). The OpenSSH client package includes the binary files, integrity check HMAC files and Man Pages. The FIPS certificate for this module will not be valid if any other application than the OpenSSH Client application is used. Figure 1 shows the logical block diagram of the module executing in memory on the host system. The logical cryptographic boundary is indicated with a dashed colored box. Figure 1 – Logical Cryptographic Boundary The module is aimed to run on a general purpose computer (GPC); the physical boundary is the surface of the case of the tested platforms, as shown in the diagram below: Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6 Figure 2 – Cryptographic Module Physical Boundary The module has been tested on the following platforms shown below: Table 3 – Tested platforms HW platform OS & Version Processor Taishan200 Huawei EulerOS 2.0 Huawei Kunpeng 920 FusionServer RH2288 Huawei EulerOS 2.0 Intel Xeon E5-2690 v3 1.3 Algorithm implementation The module supports the following FIPS Approved Algorithm listed in Table 4 below: Table 4 – FIPS Approved Algorithms Certificate Number Algorithm Standard Mode/Method Key Lengths Curves/module (in bits) Use #A1079 CVL (SSH) [NIST SP 800-135] SHA-1, SHA2-256, SHA2-384, SHA2- 512 AES-128, AES-192, AES- 256, TDES Key derivation in the SSHv2 protocol The following table shows Approved or allowed security functions provided by the bound OpenSSL module. There are algorithms, modes, and keys that have been CAVP tested but not used by the module. Only the algorithms, modes/methods, and key lengths/curves/moduli shown in this table are used by the module Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 7 Table 5– Algorithms from the bound OpenSSL Module Certificate Number Algorithm Standard Mode/Method Key Lengths Curves/module (in bits) Use #A903 AES [FIPS PUB 197] CBC, CTR 128, 192, 256 Encryption/Decryption [NIST SP 800- 38D] GCM 128, 256 DRBG [NIST SP 800- 90A] CTR-based 256 Deterministic Random Bit Generation DSA [FIPS 186-4] SHA-1 L:2048 – N:224 L:2048 – N:256 L:3072 – N:256 Signature verification ECDSA [FIPS 186-4] SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 P-256, P-384, P-521 Key Generation Signature generation Signature verification HMAC [FIPS PUB 198- 1] SHA-1, SHA2-256, SHA2-512 - Integrity verification KAS–ECC- SSC [NIST SP 800- 56ARev3] Ephemeral Unified scheme P-224, P-256, P- 384, P-521 EC Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement; Key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 256 bits of encryption strength. KAS–FFC- SSC [NIST SP 800- 56ARev3] dhEphem scheme MODP-2048, MODP-3072, MODP-4096, MODP-6144, MODP-8192 Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement; Key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 200 bits of encryption strength. KTS FIPS PUB 197 NIST SP 800-38F FIPS PUB 198-1 TDES+HMAC 192 Key wrapping KTS FIPS PUB 197 NIST SP 800-38F FIPS PUB 198-1 AES+HMAC 128, 192, 256 Key wrapping Safe Prime [NIST SP 800- 56ARev3] Key Generation MODP-2048, MODP-3072, MODP-4096, MODP-6144, MODP-8192 Generation keys with SafePrimes groups RSA [FIPS PUB 186- 4] PKCS 1.5 2048, 3072, 4096 Signature generation Signature verification Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 8 SHS [FIPS PUB 180- 4] SHA-1, SHA2-256, SHA2-384, SHA2-512 - Message digest Triple-DES (TDES) [SP 800- 67][SP800-38A] CBC 192 Encryption/Decryption N/A ENT (NP) [NIST SP 800- 90B] - - Entropy source The following table shows the non-approved functions provided by the bound OpenSSL module. Table 6– Non-Approved Cryptographic Functions Algorithm Usage RSA signature generation with SHA-1 or with key sizes smaller than 2048 RSA signature verification with key sizes smaller than 1024 bits Signature generation Signature verification DSA signature generation with SHA-1 and 1024 bits key Signature generation 1.4 Modes of Operation The module supports two modes of operation: 1. FIPS mode (the Approved mode of operation): only approved or allowed security functions with sufficient security strength can be used. 2. Non-FIPS mode (the non-Approved mode of operation): The module is in non-FIPS mode when the non-Approved services are exercised. The module enters in operational mode after power-up tests succeed. Once the module is operational, the mode of operation is implicitly assumed depending on the security function invoked and the security strength of the cryptographic keys. The status of the module can be determined by the availability of the module. If the module is running, then it had passed all self-tests. If the module has shown ‘FIPS integrity verification test failed’, it is because the self-test failed and the module has transitioned to the error state Critical security parameters used or stored in FIPS mode are not used in non-FIPS mode and vice versa. Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces As a software-only module, the module does not have physical ports. For the purpose of the FIPS 140-2 validation, the physical ports are interpreted to be the physical ports of the hardware platform on which it runs. The logical interfaces are the ssh command, the messages sent to and received from the SSH server (SSHv2 protocol), and the application program interface (API) provided by the bound OpenSSL module. The following table summarizes the four logical interfaces: Table 7 – Ports and Interfaces Logical Interface Type Port Description Data input Keyboard, Ethernet port Input parameters of the ssh command on the command line with configuration file~/.ssh/known_hosts,/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts, key files~/.ssh/id_dsa, ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa*, ~/.ssh/id_rsa*, input data via SSHv2 channel, input data via local or remote port-forwarding port, input data sent to the bound OpenSSL module via its API parameters Data output Display, Ethernet ports Output data returned by the ssh command, output data sent via the SSHv2 channel, output data sent via local or remote port-forwarding port, output data sent to the bound OpenSSL module via its API parameters. Control input Keyboard, Ethernet ports Invocation of the ssh command on the command line or via the etc/ssh/ssh_config and ~./.ssh/config file, SSHv2 protocol message requests received from SSH server Status output Display, Ethernet ports Status messages returned after execution of ssh command, status of processing SSHv2 protocol message requests. Power input GPC Power Supply Port N/A Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10 3 Roles, Services and Authentication 3.1 Roles The module supports two distinct operator roles, User and Cryptographic Officer (CO). The details are in Table 9. The User and Crypto Officer roles are implicitly assumed by the entity accessing services implemented by the module. Table 8 – Roles Description Role ID Role Description Cryptographic Officer (CO) Performs services of configuration and terminate ssh application. User Performs services of establish, maintain and close SSH session, show status and self-tests 3.2 Services The module provides services to users that assume one of the available roles. All services implemented by the module are listed in tables below. The approved services are shown in Table 10 and the non- approved but allowed services available in FIPS Approved mode are shown in Table 11. Each service description also describes all usage of CSPs by the service.  R – Read: the calling application can read the CSP.  W – Write: The CSP is established, generated, modified, or zeroized.  X – Execute: The CSP is used within an Approved or Allowed security function. Table 9 – Services in FIPS mode Service Role Description Input Output CSP and Type of Access Establish SSH Session User SSH authentication Certificate None RSA Client Public Key – R/X RSA Client Private Key – R/X ECDSA Client Public Key – R/X ECDSA Client Private Key – R/X RSA Server Public Key – R ECDSA Server Public Key – R Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11 Service Role Description Input Output CSP and Type of Access Negotiate a SSH V2 key agreement None shared secret Server Diffie-Hellman public key – R/X Server EC Diffie-Hellman public key – R/X Client Diffie-Hellman public key – W/X Client Diffie-Hellman private key – W/X Client EC Diffie-Hellman public key – W/X Client EC Diffie-Hellman private key – W/X Key derivation using SP800-135 SSH KDF None Session key Diffie-Hellman Shared Secret - W/R/X EC Diffie-Hellman Shared Secret - W/R/X Triple-DES Session keys – W/X AES Session keys – W/X Session data authentication keys (HMAC) – W/X Maintain SSH Session User Provide data encryption/decryptio n and data authentication over SSH V2 network protocol None None Triple-DES Session keys – X AES Session keys – X Session data authentication keys (HMAC) – X Close SSH Session User Zeroize SSH derived session encryption and data authentication keys by closing the SSH session Command Line None Triple-DES Session keys – W AES Session keys – W Session data authentication keys (HMAC) – W Terminate ssh application CO Zeroize SSH derived session encryption and data authentication keys by terminating the ssh application Command Line None Triple-DES Session keys – W AES Session keys – W Session data authentication keys (HMAC) – W Configure SSH Client CO Configure the SSH Client Modifying /etc/ssh/ssh _config None N/A Show status User Show status of the module Command Line status N/A Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 12 Service Role Description Input Output CSP and Type of Access Self-test User Perform on-demand self-tests None None N/A Table 10– Services in non-FIPS mode Service Role Description Input Output CSP and Type of Access Establish SSH Session User SSH authentication (Digital Signature using non-Approved algorithms or key sizes. • DSA signature generation with SHA-1 and 1024-bit key. • RSA signature generation with SHA-1 and/or key sizes smaller than 2048 bits, RSA signature verification with key sizes smaller than 1024 bits.) Certificate None RSA Client Public Key – R/X RSA Client Private Key – R DSA Client Public Key – R/X DSA Client Private Key – R RSA Server Public Key – R DSA Server Public Key – R 3.3 Authentication The module does not support operator authentication mechanisms. The user roles are implicitly assumed based on the service requested. Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 13 4 Physical Security The module is comprised of software only and therefore this security policy does not make any claims on physical security. Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 14 5 Operational Environment The module operates in a modifiable operational environment per FIPS 140-2 level 1 specifications. The module runs on the operating system executing on the hardware platforms listed in Table 3. The operating system is restricted to a single operator. Concurrent operators are explicitly excluded. The application that requests cryptographic services is the single user of the module. All cryptographic keys and CSPs are under the control of the OS, which protects its CSPs against unauthorized disclosure, modification, and substitution. Additionally, the OS provides dedicated process space to each executing process, and the module operates entirely within the process space. Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 15 6 Cryptographic Key Management All Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) and how they are used and managed by the module are described in this section. 6.1 Critical Security Parameters The following table summarizes all the CSPS in details. Table 11– Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) CSP CSP Type Generation/Input Output Storage Zeroization Use RSA Client Private Key 2048, 3072, 4096 Read from the host key file The keys are output to the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters Not persisten tly stored Zeroized automaticall y when closing SSH session or terminating ssh application Signature generation RSA Client Public Key 2048, 3072, 4096 Read from the host key file The keys are output during SSH session handshake Not persisten tly stored Signature verification ECDSA Client Private Key P-256, P-384, P-521 Read from the host key file The keys are output to the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters Not persisten tly stored Signature generation ECDSA Client Public Key P-256, P-384, P-521 Read from the host key file The keys are output during SSH session handshake Not persisten tly stored Signature verification ECDSA Server Public Key P-256, P-384, P-521 Entered during SSH authentication The keys are output to the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters Not persisten tly stored Signature verification RSA Server Public Key 2048, 3072, 4096 Entered during SSH authentication The keys are output to the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters Not persisten tly stored Signature verification Client Diffie- Hellman public key p=2048, q=224; p=2048, q=256 Entered from the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters The keys are output SSH session handshake Not persisten tly stored Derive shared secret Client EC Diffie- Hellman public key P-256, P-384, P-521 Entered from the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters The keys are output SSH session handshake Not persisten tly stored Derive shared secret Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 16 CSP CSP Type Generation/Input Output Storage Zeroization Use Client Diffie- Hellman private key p=2048, q=224; p=2048, q=256 Entered from the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters The keys are output to the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters Not persisten tly stored Derive shared secret Client EC Diffie- Hellman private key P-256, P-384, P-521 Entered from the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters The keys are output to the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters Not persisten tly stored Derive shared secret Server Diffie- Hellman public key p=2048, q=224; p=2048, q=256 Entered during SSH handshake The keys are output to the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters Not persisten tly stored Derive shared secret Server EC Diffie- Hellman public key P-256, P-384, P-521 Entered during SSH handshake The keys are output to the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters Not persisten tly stored Derive shared secret Diffie-Hellman Shared Secret DH derived keys Entered from the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters Never exits the module Not persisten tly stored SSH communic ation EC Diffie- Hellman Shared Secret ECDH derived keys Entered from the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters Never exits the module Not persisten tly stored SSH communic ation AES Session keys 128, 192, 256 Derived from the shared secret via SP800-135 SSH KDF The keys are output to the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters Not persisten tly stored Symmetric encryption AES GCM IV 96-bits value Generated internally, deterministically in compliance with Section 8.2.1 of NIST SP 800-38D Never exists the module Not persisten tly stored Initializatio n vector Triple-DES Session keys 192 Derived from the shared secret via SP800-135 SSH KDF The keys are output to the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters Not persisten tly stored Symmetric encryption Session data authentication keys (HMAC) 112 bits or greater Derived from the shared secret via SP800- 135 SSH KDF The keys are output to the bound OpenSSL module via API parameters Not persisten tly stored Keyed- Hash Message Authentica tion Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 17 In case the module’s power is lost and then restored, the key used for the AES GCM encryption or decryption shall be redistributed. The nonce_explicit part of the IV does not exhaust the maximum number of possible values for a given session key. The design of the SSH protocol in this module implicitly ensures that the nonce_explicit, or counter portion of the IV will not exhaust all of its possible values. The AES GCM IV generation is in compliance with the [RFC5647] and shall only be used for the SSH protocol version V2 to be compliant with IG A.5, provision 1 (" SSHv2 protocol IV generation "); Moreover, the module is compliant with Section 3.3.1 of [SP800-52] Rev2 6.2 Random Number Generation The module does not implement any random number generator. Instead, it uses the Random Number Generation service provided by the bound OpenSSL module, which implements a Deterministic Random Bit Generator (DRBG) based on [SP800-90A]. The module does not generate keys. Keys are generated by the bound module and used by the cryptographic module. The only method to generated keys, based on the information provided under section "6.2 Derivation of Symmetric Keys" of the SP800-133Rev2 document, is the SSH KDF (SP800-135) which is considered as approved. This method derives the "Z" value obtained from the Key Agreement /Key Exchange phase to generate symmetric keys used to cipher the SSH channel. 6.3 Key Agreement The module does not implement any Key agreement. Instead, it uses the Key Agreement services provided by the bound OpenSSL module, which implements Diffie-Hellman and EC Diffie-Hellman key agreement schemes. These “shared secret computation” Key Agreement algorithms together with the SSH KDF (which is listed below and is provided by this cryptographic module), establish a Key Agreement Scheme that is listed as follow: KAS (KAS-SSC Cert. #A903, CVL Cert. #A1079). 6.4 Key Derivation The module implements SP800-135 SSH KDF for the SSHv2 protocol, which is considered an approved key establishment method according the Annex D of the FIPS PUB 140-2 document. 6.5 Key Entry/Output Keys are brought into the module via well-defined APIs in plain text, or generated internally (via SSH function KDF SP800-135rev2). Conversely, keys are output to the module in plain text. The module does not support manual key entry or intermediate key generation key output. Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 18 6.6 Key/CSP Storage The module does not perform persistent storage of keys. The keys and CSPs are temporarily stored as plaintext in the RAM. The client public and private keys are stored in the host key files in /etc/ssh directory, which are within the module physical boundary but outside its logical boundary. The HMAC key used for the Integrity Test is stored in the module and relies on the operating system for protection. 6.7 Key/CSP Zeroization Zeroization occurs when the “Close SSH session” and the “Terminate ssh application” services are invoked. The memory occupied by keys is allocated by regular memory allocation operating system calls. The module calls appropriate key zeroization functions provided by the bound OpenSSL module, which overwrite the memory occupied by keys with “zeros” and deallocate the memory with the regular memory deallocation operating system call. 6.8 Key Transport The module provides approved key transport methods according to IG D.9 exclusively within the context of the SSH protocol. The methods are available once the SSH connection is established using the approved services of this module. The approved methods are provided with the assistance of the bound module by using a combination method, consisting of using an approved symmetric encryption mode from the bound module (e.g., AES, Triple-DES) together with an approved message authentication method from the bound module (e.g., HMAC) as follows:  KTS (AES Cert. #A903 and HMAC Cert. #A903; key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength)  KTS (T-DES Cert. #A903 and HMAC Cert. #A903; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength) Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 19 7 Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMI/EMC) The Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module was tested on the servers listed above, in Table 3 – Tested Platforms. These servers were tested and found to conform to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class A (Business use). Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 20 8 Self-tests 8.1 Power Up Self-tests At the beginning of the execution, the cryptographic module automatically performs the power-up self- tests to ensure that neither it and nor its components have been modified. Note that during the execution of the on-demand self-tests, crypto services are not available and no data output or input is possible. The integrity of the module is verified by comparing an HMAC-SHA2-256 value calculated at run time with the HMAC value stored in the .hmac file that was computed at build time for each software component of the module. If the HMAC values do not match, the test fails and the module enters the error state. The integrity verification is performed as follows: the OpenSSH Client application links with the library which is intended to execute “fipscheck” to verify the integrity of the OpenSSH Client application file using the HMAC-SHA2-256 algorithm. Upon calling the FIPSCHECK_verify() function (it returns ‘1’ if the integrity test successes. Otherwise, it returns ‘0’ and prints ‘FIPS integrity verification test failed’ throughout the status output interface) provided with, fipscheck is loaded and executed, and the following steps are performed:  The OpenSSL module loaded by “fipscheck”, performs the integrity check of the OpenSSL library files using the HMAC-SHA2-256 algorithm.  “fipscheck” performs the integrity check of its application file and automatically verifies the integrity of “” before processing requests of calling applications.  The “fipscheck” application performs the integrity check of the OpenSSH Client application file. The fipscheck computes the HMAC-SHA2-256 checksum of that and compares the computed value with the value stored inside the /usr/lib64/fipscheck/.hmac checksum file. The library reports the result to the OpenSSH Client application. 8.2 Cryptographic Algorithm Tests The module uses the EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSL Cryptographic Module as a bound module which provides the underlying cryptographic algorithms. All the known answer tests (KAT) are implemented by the bound OpenSSL module. Per section 9.4 of Implementation Guidance document, no KAT KDF for SSH is required because this function is considered an algorithm component. 8.3 Conditional Self-Tests The module does not perform conditional tests. 8.4 On-Demand self-tests The module provides the Self-Test service to perform self-tests on demand. On demand self-tests can be invoked by powering-off and reloading the module. This service performs the same cryptographic algorithm tests executed during power-up. During the execution of the on-demand self-tests, crypto services are not available and no data output or input is possible. Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 21 9 Guidance This section documents the guidance for the cryptographic officer and the user. In order to satisfy requirements in FIPS 140-2, the cryptographic officer and the user should follow this guidance to maintain proper use of the module. 9.1 Crypto Officer Guidance 9.1.1 Module Installation The vendor provides the ISO file of the EulerOS 2.0 Operating System fully operational with the module ready to operate in FIPS mode. No more actions are needed (such as install someone else .rpm packet) by the operator to work with the cryptographic module. Prior to the Operating System installation, the vendor encourages the operator to check the SHA-1 digest value of the “ISO” binaries.  ARM-based ISO: EulerOS-V2.0SP9-aarch64-dvd.iso SHA-1: c0cc3041e77582dfedcb51110fbc855ea68a2aa5  x86-based ISO: EulerOS-V2.0SP9-x86_64-dvd.iso SHA-1: 28a7c73b2d4dc69a973bc4f8a14815e679c0dd6f 9.1.2 Starting the OpenSSH Client To manually start the ssh client, use the following command: ssh username@hostname To stop the ssh program, use the exit command within the shell that is prompted after the login. 9.1.3 Configurations With operating environment setup as stated in the above section, the following restrictions are applicable. For the module, the mode of operation is implicitly assumed depending on the services/security functions invoked and the successive sections lists the available ciphers from the module. Any use of non-approved cipher or non-Approved key size will result in the module entering the non-FIPS mode of operation. Do not add any cipher by configuration or command line options. 1. SSH protocol version 1 is not allowed 2. GSSAPI is not allowed. 3. Only the following ciphers, Message authentication code algorithms as well as key exchange schemes are allowed:  Ciphers:  aes256-ctr   Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 22  aes128-cbc  aes256-cbc Also configurable:  aes128-ctr  aes192-ctr  aes192-cbc  3des-cbc  KexAlgorithms:  diffie-hellman-group14-sha256  diffie-hellman-group16-sha512  diffie-hellman-group18-sha512  diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256  ecdh-sha2-nistp256  ecdh-sha2-nistp384  ecdh-sha2-nistp521  MACs:  hmac-sha2-512    hmac-sha1  9.2 User Guidance The cryptographic module is designed to be used by connecting to servers (SSH). In order to run the module in FIPS Approved mode, the user can only use services and security functions listed in Table 4 and Table 5. The user shall ensure that the module is in FIPS mode during using the module. 9.2.1 OpenSSH Client Management To operate the module in FIPS mode, please consider the following restrictions:  Only the SSHv2 cipher suites listed in 9.1.3 section are available to be used.  Use of 1024-bit DSA keys for signature generation will result in the module entering non-FIPS mode implicitly. The DSA signature verification with 1024-bit key is only for legacy use. Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 23  Use of less than 2048-bit RSA keys for signature generation or less than 1024-bit RSA keys for signature verification will result in the module entering non-FIPS mode implicitly. 9.2.2 SSH No parts of the SSH protocol have been tested by the CAVP or CMVP, but for the key derivation function (KDF). 9.2.3 Triple-DES Data encryption using the same three-key Triple-DES key shall not exceed 216 Triple-DES (64-bit) blocks, in accordance to [SP800-67] and IG A.13. The user of the module is responsible for ensuring the module’s compliance with this requirement. 9.2.4 AES-GCM IV In case the module’s power is lost and then restored, the key used for the AES GCM encryption or decryption shall be redistributed. The nonce_explicit part of the IV does not exhaust the maximum number of possible values for a given session key. The design of the SSH protocol in this module implicitly ensures that the nonce_explicit, or counter portion of the IV will not exhaust all of its possible values. The AES GCM IV generation is in compliance with the [RFC5647] and shall only be used for the SSH protocol version V2 to be compliant with IG A.5, provision 1 (" SSHv2 protocol IV generation "); Moreover, the module is compliant with Section 3.3.1 of [SP800-52] Rev2." 9.2.5 Handling Self-Test Errors When the self-test fails, the module returns the following message ‘FIPS integrity verification test failed’ and enters in the error state (Critical Error State). In error state, no cryptographic operation is available. The module must be restarted and perform power-up test again to recover from this error state. Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 24 10 Mitigation of Other Attacks The module does not mitigate against attacks. Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 25 11 References and Definitions Table 12– References Abbreviation Full Specification Name [FIPS 140-2] FIPS 140-2 Security Requirements for Cryptographic modules [IG] Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program [FIPS 197] FIPS 197 Advanced Encryption Standard [FIPS 180-4] FIPS 180-4 Secure Hash Standard [FIPS 198-1] FIPS 198-1 The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) [FIPS 186-4] FIPS 186-4 Digital Signature Standard (DSS) [SP 800-67] NIST SP 800-67 Recommendation for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) Block Cipher [SP 800-38A] NIST SP 800-38A, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation Methods and Techniques [SP 800-38D] NIST SP 800-38D, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC [SP 800-38F] NIST SP 800-38F, - Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods for Key Wrapping [SP 800-56A] NIST SP 800-56A, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography , rev2 [SP 800-90A] NIST SP 800-90A, Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators [SP 800-131A] NIST SP 800-131A, Transitioning the Use of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths [SP 800-135] NIST SP 800-135, Recommendation for Existing Application-Specific Key Derivation Functions, rev1 Table 13– Acronyms Acronym Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard API Application Program Interface CAVP Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program CBC Cipher Block Chaining CFB Cipher Feedback CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CSP Critical Security Parameter Huawei EulerOS 2.0 OpenSSH Client Cryptographic Module Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 26 Acronym Definition CTR Counter Mode DES Data Encryption Standard DSA Digital Signature Algorithm ECB Electronic Code Book ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography EMI/EMC Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Compatibility FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards Publication GCM Galois Counter Mode GPC General Purpose Computer HAMC Hash Message Authentication Code IG Implementation Guidance KAT Known Answer Test KDF Key Derivation Function MAC Message Authentication Code NIST National Institute of Science and Technology PSS Probabilistic Signature Scheme RSA Rivest, Shamir, Addleman SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SHS Secure Hash Standard TLS Transport Layer Security