Security Policy nToken Page 2 of 21 Security Policy Version: 3.3 Date: 29 October 2019 Copyright © 2019 nCipher Security Limited. All rights reserved. Copyright in this document is the property of nCipher Security Limited. It is not to be reproduced, modified, adapted, published, translated in any material form (including storage in any medium by electronic means whether or not transiently or incidentally) in whole or in part nor disclosed to any third party without the prior written permission of nCipher Security Limited neither shall it be used otherwise than for the purpose for which it is supplied. Words and logos marked with ® or ™ are trademarks of nCipher Security Limited or its affiliates in the EU and other countries. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. nCipher Security Limited makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this information, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. nCipher Security Limited shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages concerned with the furnishing, performance or use of this material. Where translations have been made in this document English is the canonical language. nCipher Security Limited Registered Office: One Station Square, Cambridge, CB1 2GA, United Kingdom Registered in England No. 11673268 Security Policy Page 3 of 21 Contents 1 Purpose .........................................................................................................................................5 1.1 Initializing the nToken ............................................................................................................5 1.2 Using the nToken...................................................................................................................6 1.3 Upgrading Firmware.............................................................................................................6 1.4 Verifying firmware ..................................................................................................................7 2 Excluded Components .................................................................................................................8 3 Roles .............................................................................................................................................9 3.1 Administrator.........................................................................................................................9 3.2 User ......................................................................................................................................9 4 Services.......................................................................................................................................10 5 Keys .............................................................................................................................................11 5.1 Module keys.........................................................................................................................11 5.2 Authentication Key..............................................................................................................11 5.3 Firmware Integrity Key .......................................................................................................11 5.4 Firmware Confidentiality Key .............................................................................................11 5.5 Master Feature Enable Key ...............................................................................................12 5.6 DRBG Key ..........................................................................................................................12 6 Rules............................................................................................................................................13 6.1 Object re-use .......................................................................................................................13 6.2 Error conditions...................................................................................................................13 6.3 Security Boundary ..............................................................................................................13 6.4 Status information...............................................................................................................13 7 Physical security.........................................................................................................................14 7.1 Checking the module ...........................................................................................................14 8 Strength of functions..................................................................................................................15 8.1 Attacking Object IDs...........................................................................................................15 9 Self Tests.....................................................................................................................................16 10 Supported Algorithms.................................................................................................................17 10.1 FIPS approved and allowed algorithms:...............................................................................17 10.1.1 Symmetric Encryption..............................................................................................17 Page 4 of 21 Security Policy 10.1.2 Hashing and Message Authentication ....................................................................17 10.1.3 Signature ..................................................................................................................17 10.1.4 Key Establishment ....................................................................................................18 10.1.5 Other.........................................................................................................................18 10.2 Non-FIPS approved algorithms............................................................................................19 10.2.1 Symmetric.................................................................................................................19 10.2.2 Asymmetric ...............................................................................................................19 10.2.3 Hashing and Message Authentication .......................................................................19 10.2.4 Non-deterministic entropy source..............................................................................19 10.2.5 Other.........................................................................................................................19 Contact Us ..........................................................................................................................................20 Security Policy Page 5 of 21 1 Purpose The nToken is a FIPS 140-2 level 2 module with level 3 physical security. It is designedto protect a single DSA key used to identify a host to a netHSM or nShield Connect. The only purpose of the nToken is to sign a message containing a nonce to prove to the netHSM or nShield Connect that the session was instigated by a client running on the host. nTokens are defined as multi-chip embedded cryptographic modules as defined by FIPS PUB 140-2. Unit ID Model Number RTC NVRAM SEE Potting EMC Crypto Accelerator Overall level nToken nC2023P-000 No No Yes A None 2 All modules are now supplied at build standard “N” to indicate that they meet the latest EU regulations regarding ROHS. The module runs firmware provided by nCipher. There is the facility for the administrator to upgrade this firmware. In order to determine that the module is running the correct version of firmware they should use the Show Status service which reports the version of firmware currently loaded. The validated firmware version is 2.50.16-2 and 2.50.35-2. Provided that the nToken is only used with the FIPS approved firmware, it can only be operated in its FIPS approved mode of operation. It is possible to load new firmware. The administrator should ensure that any new firmware is FIPS validated before they load it into themodule. The nToken connects to the host computer via a PCI bus. The nToken must be accessed by a custom written application. The module can be connected to a computer running one of the following operating systems: • Windows • Solaris • HP-UX • AIX • Linux x86 Windows XP and Solaris were used to test the module for this validation. 1.1 Initializing the nToken When the module is initialized it generates a random AES key for use as a module key. This key is stored in the modules EEPROM and is never revealed. This step is usually performed in the nCipher factory. Page 6 of 21 Security Policy In order to enrol an nToken, the administrator runs the nTokenEnrol utility on a host computer, that is outside the security boundary. The utility performs the following steps: 1. generates a DSA key pair (Generate DSA key service) 2. wraps the private half as a key blob protected by the module key (Wrap key service) and exports this blob to the host's hard disk. 3. exports a certificate containing the public key and the nToken's Electronic Serial number to the netHSM or nShield Connect. (Export service) 4. displays the SHA-1 hash of the DSA public key on the host computer's display, to enable the administrator to verify that they are enrolling the correct nToken. (Hash service) The utility then sends this data to the netHSM or nShield Connect that will rely on the nToken. Once administrator confirms that the hash shown on the front panel display of the netHSM or nShield Connect is the same as that displayed at step 4, the netHSM or nShield Connect adds the nToken public key and serial number and the identity of the host in which it is installed to the it’s configuration file. 1.2 Using the nToken Once the nToken is enrolled - whenever the nCipher server is started it loads the key blob created when the module was initialized obtaining a key ID for the signing key. The nToken is used when a operator wishes to open a connection from a host application to a netHSM or nShield Connect via the nCipher server. When the operator attempts to open such a connection, the nCipher server obtains a nonce from the netHSM or nShield Connect and has the nToken sign a message containing this nonce to confirm the identity of the computer the application is running on. The nCipher server sends this message to the netHSM or nShield Connect. The netHSM or nShield Connect verifies the signature and can then determines whether the host is authorized. Although the nToken uses the same firmware image as nShield modules, nToken modules are factory configured so that they can only perform a limited subset of operations. See nCipher Master Feature Enable Key for more details. The nCipher server uses the Show Status service to determine which attached modules are nTokens and which are nShields. If the operator requests a service that the nToken cannot perform, the server ensures the command is routed to an nShield and not an nToken. 1.3 Upgrading Firmware Although nCipher do not expect that there will ever need to update the firmware in an nToken, nCipher provide a utility to perform this. Security Policy Page 7 of 21 1.4 Verifying firmware The administrator or operator can use the fwcheck utility to check that the nToken has been programmed with valid firmware. This utility takes a copy of the signed and encrypted firmware file and performs a zero knowledge check to ensure the firmware loaded on the module is the same as the copy on disk. Page 8 of 21 Security Policy 2 Excluded Components The following components are excluded from FIPS 140-2 validation: • Standard 32-bit PCI interface • mode links • Reset switch • Status LED Security Policy Page 9 of 21 3 Roles The module has two roles which implicitly assumes all services: 3.1 Administrator The Administrator Role is an implicitly assumed role that is procedurally assumed as part of the setup and initialization procedures of the nToken. The Administrator generates or replaces the secret AES Module Key. This step is performed by nCipher before the module is shipped, but can be repeated by the customer as part of the setup and initialisation process. Generates the signing key. To assume the administrator role, the administrator must run the nTokenEnrol utility. Running this utility implicitly selects the administrator role. This destroys all stored keys and creates a new key blob that is used to authenticate the user role and exports the public key that can be used to verify messages. After the module has been configured, and is operating in its FIPS mode, there is no further requirement for the administrator role to interact with the module and all further services interaction is are performed in the implicitly assumed Administrator / User Role. 3.2 User The user role uses the key to sign messages. To assume the user role, the operator must present the key blob generated by the administrator. If this blob load correctly the module returns an ObjectID for the signing key. To sign a message the operator sends the Sign command with the KeyID and message. The module returns the signed message. Page 10 of 21 Security Policy 4 Services The following services are provided by the nToken. Service Key type Role Description Check Firmware DSA and AES Admin / User Performsazeroknowledgecheckof thefirmware image. Generate Key AES Admin Themoduleautomaticallygeneratesa newAESkeyused asthemodulekey. Thiskeyisneverexported.Thisis performed as part of the setup and initialisation procedure. Generate Key DSA Admin The module generates a DSA key pair, used to sign messages. This is performed as part of the setup and initialization procedure. Wrap Key AES + HMAC Admin TheprivateDSAkeyiswrappedasan nCipher keyblob. Wrapping uses AES CBC mode for encryption and SHA- 1 HMAC for integrity. This is performed as part of the setup and initialisationprocedure. Export DSA public Admin ThepublichalfoftheDSAkeypairis exportedinplain text. This is performed as part of the setup and initialisation procedure. Hash SHA-1 Admin ThemoduleexportstheSHA-1hash oftheDSAkeyto enablethe keytobe identifiedin otherservices.The hash canbecalculatedfromeitherthe privateorpublic halfof thekey.This featurecanbe usedtoensurethe correct parts of a key pair are being used. This is performed as part of the setup and initialisation procedure. Unwrap Key AES + HMAC User Theoperatorpresentsthewrapped privatekeyatthe start of a session. If the key unwraps and the MAC verifies, the operator is authorized. Sign DSA private User Once the operator has loaded the private key they can use it to sign messages. Zero DSA private Admin / User Clearsallunwrappedkeys.The Modulekeycanbe zeroed by repeating the Key Generation Service. Show Status Admin / User Displays status information. Loads Firmware DSA and AES Admin Replacesafirmwareimagewithnew firmware.The firmware is signed and encrypted withkeys heldat nCipher. ThenTokenmustbere-initializedafter loading firmware. Security Policy Page 11 of 21 5 Keys For each type of key used by the nToken, the following section describes the access that a operator has to the keys. The nToken refers to keys by their handle, an arbitrary number, or by its SHA-1 hash. 5.1 Module keys The Module key is an AES key used to protect other keys. This key is generated by the module key when it is initialized. If the module is re-initialized, the AES key is cleared and a new key must be generated before the module can be started in operational mode. nTokens are initialized by nCipher before they are supplied to the customer and do not normally need re-initializing. The module key is guaranteed never to have been known outside this module. 5.2 Authentication Key When the nToken is enrolled it generates a DSA key pair used for signature generation. The public half of this key is exported in plain text and has to be transferred to the netHSM or nShield Connect. The private half is encrypted under the module key and exported as an nCipher format key blob which is stored on the host computer's hard disk. In order to use the signature key, the operator loads the key blob. When the key is loaded in the module it is stored in RAM and identified by a random identifier that is specific to the operator and session. The operator can then have the module sign messages by providing this identifier. 5.3 Firmware Integrity Key All firmware is signed using a 3072-bit DSA2 key pair. Signatures with this key use SHA-256. The module checks the signature before new firmware is written to flash. A module only installs new firmware if the signature decrypts and verifies correctly. The private half of this key is stored at nCipher. The public half is included in all firmware. The firmware is stored in flash memory when the module is switched off, this is copied to RAM as part of the start up procedure. 5.4 Firmware Confidentiality Key All firmware is encrypted using AES to prevent casual decompilation. The encryption key is stored at nCipher's offices and is in the firmware. The firmware is stored in flash memory when the module is switched off, this is copied to RAM as part of the start up procedure. Page 12 of 21 Security Policy 5.5 Master Feature Enable Key The nToken uses the same firmware and basically the same hardware as the nCipher nForce and nShield modules. However most functionality is disabled using nCipher's Feature Enable Mechanism. This controls features using certificates signed by the nCipher Master Feature Enable Key. Presenting such a certificate causes the module to set the appropriate bit in the FRAM. The Master Feature Enable Key is a DSA key pair. The private half of this key pair is stored at nCipher's offices. The public half of the key pair is included in the firmware. The firmware is stored in flash memory when the module is switched off, this is copied to RAM as part of the start up procedure. 5.6 DRBG Key The module uses the CTR_DRBG from SP800-90 with a 256-bit AES key. This key is seeded from the on board entropy source whenever the module is initialised and is reseeded according to SP800-90 with a further 512-bits of entropy after every 2048-bytes of output. This key is only ever used by the DRBG. It never exposed outside the module. Security Policy Page 13 of 21 6 Rules 6.1 Object re-use All objects stored in the module are referred to by a handle. The module's memory management functions ensure that a specific memory location can only be allocated to a single handle. The handle also identifies the object type, and all of the modules enforce strict type checking. When a handle is released the memory allocated to it is actively zeroed. 6.2 Error conditions If the module cannot complete a command due to a temporary condition, the module returns a command block with no data and with the status word set to the appropriate value. The operator can resubmit the command at a later time. The server program can record a log of all such failures. If the module encounters an unrecoverable error it enters the error state. This is indicated by the status LED flashing in the Morse pattern SOS. As soon as the unit enters the error state all processors stop processing commands and no further replies are returned. In the error state the unit does not respond to commands. The unit must be reset. 6.3 Security Boundary The physical security boundary is the plastic jig that contains the potting on both sides of the PCB. All cryptographic components are covered by potting. Some items are excluded from FIPS 140-2 validation as they are not security relevant see Excluded Components on page 9. 6.4 Status information The module has a status LED that indicates the overall state of the module. The module also returns a status message in the reply to every command. This indicates the status of that command. Page 14 of 21 Security Policy 7 Physical security All security critical components of the module are covered by epoxy resin. The module has a clear button. Pressing this button put the module into the self-test state, clearing all stored key objects, logical tokens and impath keys and running all self-tests. The long term security critical parameters, module keys, module signing key and nCipher Security Officer's key can be cleared by returning the module to the factory state, as described above. 7.1 Checking the module To ensure physical security, make the following checks regularly: Examine the epoxy resin security coating for obvious signs of damage. The smart card reader is directly plugged into the module or into a port provided by any appliance in which the module is integrated and the cable has not been tampered with. Where the module is in an appliance the security of this connection may be protected by the seals or other tamper evidence provided by the appliance. Security Policy Page 15 of 21 8 Strength of functions 8.1 Attacking Object IDs A operator is authenticated by a key blob, which is encrypted by a 256-bit AES key with integrity provided by a 160-bit HMAC key. It is therefore almost impossible to spoof this authentication. An attacker may however get the module to sign a message with the stored key by guessing the client and key identifiers. Connections are identified by a ClientID, a random 32 bit number. Objects are identified by an ObjectID again this is a random 32 bit number. In order to randomly gain access to a key loaded by another operator you would need to guess two random 32 bit numbers. There are 264 possibilities therefore meets the 1 in a 106 requirement. The module can process about 216 commands per minute - therefore the chance of succeeding within a minute is 216 / 264 = 2-48 which is significantly less that the required chance of 1 in 105 (~2-17 ) Page 16 of 21 Security Policy 9 Self Tests When power is applied to the module it enters the self test state. The module also enters the self test state whenever the unit is reset, by pressing the clear button. In the self test state the module clears the main RAM, thus ensuring any loaded keys or authorization information is removed and then performs its self test sequence, which includes: An operational test on hardware components An integrity check on the firmware, verification of a SHA-1 hash. A statistical check on the random number generator Known answer and pair-wise consistency checks on all approved and allowed algorithms in all approved modes and of the DRBG Verification of a MAC on FRAM contents to ensure it is correctly initialized. This sequence takes a few seconds after which the module enters the Pre-Maintenance, Pre-Initialisation, Uninitialised or Operational state; depending on the position of the mode switch and the validity of the FRAM contents. While it is powered on, the module continuously monitors the temperature recorded by its internal temperature sensor. If the temperature is outside the operational range it enters the error state. The module also continuously monitors the hardware entropy source and the approved AES-256 based DRBG. If either fail it enters the error state. When firmware is updated, the module verifies a DSA signature on the new firmware image before it is written to flash. In the error state, the module’s LED repeatedly flashes the Morse pattern SOS, followed by a status code indicating the error. All other inputs and outputs are disabled. Security Policy Page 17 of 21 10 Supported Algorithms Algorithms marked with an asterisk (*) are not enabled when the module is configured as a nToken. 10.1 FIPS approved and allowed algorithms: 10.1.1 Symmetric Encryption • AES Certificate #1579 ECB, CBC GCM∗ and CMAC∗ modes • Triple-DES∗ Certificate #1035 ECB and CBC mode 10.1.2 Hashing and Message Authentication • AES CMAC∗ AES Certificate #1579 • AES GMAC∗ AES Certificate #1579 • HMAC SHA-1, HMAC SHA-224, HMAC SHA-256, HMAC SHA-384 and HMAC SHA-512 Certificate #925 • SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 Certificate #1398 • Triple-DES MAC∗ Triple-DES Certificate #1035 vendor affirmed 10.1.3 Signature • DSA Certificate #487 FIPS 186-2 and FIPS 186-3 signature generation and verification Modulus 1024-bits Sub-group 160-bits SHA-1 Modulus 2048-bits Sub-group 224-bits SHA-224 Modulus 2048-bits Sub-group 256-bits SHA-256 Modulus 3072-bits Sub-group 256-bits SHA-256 Page 18 of 21 Security Policy • ECDSA* Certificate #192 FIPS186-2: Signature Generation and Verification P-192 P-224 P-256 P-384 P-521 K-163 K-233 K-283 K-409 K-571 B-163 B-233 B-283 B-409 and B-571 Curves • RSA∗ Certificate #770 RSASSA-PKCS1_V1_5 signature generation and verification Modulus 1024 - 4096 bits with SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256,SHA-384 and SHA-512 10.1.4 Key Establishment • Diffie-Hellman* (CVL Cert. #1, key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between 80 and 256 bits of encryption strength) • Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman* (CVL Cert #1, key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between 80 and 256 bits of encryption strength) • EC-MQV* (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between 80 and 256 bits of encryption strength) • RSA* (key wrapping, key establishment methodology provides between 80 and 256 bits of encryption strength) • AES* (AES Certificate #1579, key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength) AES Key Wrap, AES CMAC Counter mode according to SP800-108, AES CBC mode • Triple DES* (Triple DES Certificate #1035, key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 80 or 112 bits of encryption strength) CBC mode 10.1.5 Other • Deterministic Random Bit Generator Certificate #72 SP 800-90 using Counter mode of AES-256 Security Policy Page 19 of 21 10.2 Non-FIPS approved algorithms 10.2.1 Symmetric • Aria* • Arc Four (compatible with RC4)* • Camellia* • CAST 6 (RFC2612)* • DES* • SEED (Korean Data Encryption Standard) - requires Feature Enable activation* 10.2.2 Asymmetric • El Gamal * (encryption using Diffie-Hellman keys) • KCDSA (Korean Certificate-based Digital Signature Algorithm) - requires Feature Enable activation* • RSA encryption and decryption* 10.2.3 Hashing and Message Authentication • HAS-160 - requires Feature Enable activation* • MD5 - requires Feature Enable activation* • RIPEMD 160* • Tiger* • HMAC (MD5, RIPEMD160, Tiger)* 10.2.4 Non-deterministic entropy source • Non-deterministic entropy source, used to seed approved random bit generator. 10.2.5 Other SSL*/TLS master key derivation PKCS #8 padding*. Note: TLS key derivation is approved for use by FIPS 140-2 validated modules - though there is as yet no validation test. MD5 may be used within TLS key derivation. Page 20 of 21 Security Policy Contact Us Web site: Help Centre: Email Support: Contact Support Numbers: Search: nCipherSecurity TRUST. INTEGRITY. CONTROL. About nCipher Security nCipher Security, an Entrust Datacard company, is a leader in the general-purpose hardware security module (HSM) market, empowering world-leading organizations by delivering trust, integrity and control to their business critical information and applications. Today’s fast-moving digital environment enhances customer satisfaction, gives competitive advantage and improves operational efficiency – it also multiplies the security risks. Our cryptographic solutions secure emerging technologies such as cloud, IoT, blockchain, and digital payments and help meet new compliance mandates. We do this using our same proven technology that global organizations depend on today to protect against threats to their sensitive data, network communications and enterprise infrastructure. We deliver trust for your business critical applications, ensure the integrity of your data and put you in complete control – today, tomorrow, always.