ESCRYPT’s CycurLIB Version 3.5.3-FIPS-1.2 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Deployed by Landis+Gyr II Table of Contents List of Figures...........................................................................................................................................................iv List of Tables.............................................................................................................................................................v 1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................................6 Purpose......................................................................................................................................................................6 Module Description ................................................................................................................................................6 FIPS 140-2 Validation Scope.................................................................................................................................6 2. Cryptographic Module Specifications........................................................................................................8 Logical and Physical Boundaries..........................................................................................................................8 Modes of Operation...............................................................................................................................................9 Approved Security Functions ...............................................................................................................................9 3. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces..........................................................................................12 4. Roles, Services, and Authentication..........................................................................................................14 Roles .........................................................................................................................................................................14 Operator Services and Descriptions .................................................................................................................14 Authentication........................................................................................................................................................16 5. Physical Security............................................................................................................................................16 6. Operational Environment ...........................................................................................................................17 7. Cryptographic Key Management..............................................................................................................18 Random Number Generation ........................................................................................................................... 20 Key Generation ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 Key Entry................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Key Output..............................................................................................................................................................21 Key Establishment..................................................................................................................................................21 Key Storage.............................................................................................................................................................21 Key Zeroization......................................................................................................................................................21 8. Electromagnetic Interference/ Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMI/ EMC)................................... 22 9. Self-Tests........................................................................................................................................................ 23 Power-ON Self-Tests (POST)............................................................................................................................. 23 Conditional Self-Tests (CST)............................................................................................................................... 25 III 10. Design Assurance ........................................................................................................................................ 25 Configuration Management.............................................................................................................................. 25 Delivery and Operation....................................................................................................................................... 26 10.2.1 Delivery...................................................................................................................................................................26 10.2.2 Operation...............................................................................................................................................................26 Development......................................................................................................................................................... 26 Guidance Documents.......................................................................................................................................... 26 10.4.1 Cryptographic Officer Guidance ......................................................................................................................26 10.4.2 User Guidance.......................................................................................................................................................27 11. Mitigation of Other Attacks....................................................................................................................... 27 IV List of Figures Figure 1. Module Block Diagram .............................................................................................................................8 V List of Tables Table 1. Module Validation Scope...........................................................................................................................7 Table 2. Approved Algorithms..................................................................................................................................9 Table 3. Allowed Algorithms................................................................................................................................... 12 Table 4. Logical interfaces ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Table 5. Services and CSP access.......................................................................................................................... 14 Table 6. Critical security parameters.................................................................................................................... 18 Table 7. Power-On Self-Tests (POST) .................................................................................................................. 23 Table 8. Conditional Self-Tests (CST)................................................................................................................... 25 Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 6 of 27 1. Introduction Purpose This document is the non-proprietary security policy of escrypt’s CycurLIB version 3.5.3-FIPS- 1.2 module, hereafter referred to as the “Module”. It describes the Module and the FIPS 140-2 cryptographic services it provides. This document was prepared in fulfillment of the FIPS 140-2 requirements for cryptographic modules and is intended for security officers and end-users. Module Description The Module is a software library providing a C-language Application Program Interfaces (APIs) for use by other processes that require cryptographic functionality. The Module is a software module, a multiple-chip standalone module embodiment as classified by FIPS140-2. The cryptographic services offered by the Module are:  Data encryption/decryption.  Generation of hash values.  Message authentication.  Signature generation/verification.  Random number generation.  Key generation.  Key agreement and key derivation.  Key wrapping. FIPS 140-2 Validation Scope Table 1 shows the security level for each of the eleven required areas of the validation. Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 7 of 27 Table 1. Module Validation Scope FIPS 140-2 Security Requirement Area Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services and Authentication 1 Finite State Machine Model 1 Physical Security NA Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 3 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks NA Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 8 of 27 2.Cryptographic Module Specifications Logical and Physical Boundaries The logical cryptographic boundary of the Module consists of the shared library file named “”. The physical boundary of the Module is the solid enclosure of the host system running the Module. Figure 1 shows the logical and physical boundaries of the Module executing in the memory of a host system. Figure 1. Module Block Diagram Application CPU System calls Operating System CycurLIB Memory Mass Storage Network System calls, Data API Calls Logical Boundary Physical Boundary of the Host System API Entry Point Local memory Caller CSPs Calling function Key Input Buffer Output Buffer Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 9 of 27 Modes of Operation The Module supports a FIPS 140-2 approved mode of operation and operates in this mode by default. If the Module is successfully loaded in memory, i.e., without any errors, this means that all self-tests have been executed successfully and the Module is in the FIPS140-2 approved mode. If the module encounters an error, the module enters an error state and is no longer in the approved mode. In the error state, no output from the Module is allowed as every cryptographic function in the Module checks the status of the Module before its execution. In the error state, no cryptographic function in the Module will be executed. In addition, the operator of the module must adhere to all rules in 10.4.1 and 10.4.2 and if not, the module is also considered to be in a non-approved mode of operation. Approved Security Functions The Module supports only a FIPS140-2 approved mode. Table 2 lists all the approved functions included in the Module. Table 2. Approved Algorithms Function Algorithm Options Cert. No. Symmetric Encryption/Decryption AES [FIPS 197] 128/192/256 ECB, CBC, [SP 800-38C] CCM, CTR, [SP 800-38D] GCM, GMAC. [SP 800-38E] 128/256 XTS C971 [SP 800-67 Rev1] Triple-DES 3-key CBC C971 Key Wrap [SP800-38F] AES 128/192/256 Key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength C971 Message AES 128/192/256 C971 Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 10 of 27 Authentication Code (CMAC) [SP 800-38B] Triple-DES 3-key C971 Message Digest [FIPS180] SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 C971 [FIPS202] SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3- 384, SHA3-512 C971 Keyed Hash [FIPS 198-1] HMAC SHA-1, SHA2-224, SHA2-256 C971 Digital Signature and key generation [FIPS186-4] ECDSA  Supported curves (P-224/P- 256/ P-384/ P-521)  Public key validation  Key pair generation  Signature generation  Signature verification C971 [FIPS186-4] RSA  RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 signature generation 2048/3072/40961 with SHA- 224/SHA-256/SHA-384/SHA- 512 and 2048/3072 with SHA-1  RSASSA-PSS signature generation 2048/3072/40961 with SHA-224/SHA-256/SHA- 384/SHA-512 and 2048/3072 with SHA-1  RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 signature verification 1024/2048/3072/40961 with SHA-1/SHA-224/SHA- 256/SHA-384/SHA-512  RSASSA-PSS signature verification 1024/2048/3072/40961 with SHA-1/SHA-224/SHA- 256/SHA-384/SHA-512 C971 [FIPS 186-4] DSA  DSA key generation for key length 2048 bits  Used in Ephemeral Diffie- C971 1 Although RSA 4096 bit modulus size is not tested under C971, it is approved for use under IG A.14. Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 11 of 27 Hellman key agreement scheme Key agreement [SP800-56A Rev2] ECC Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral ECC Diffie-Hellman P-224 (SHA-256, HMAC) P-256 (SHA-256, HMAC) P-384 (SHA-256, HMAC) P-521 (SHA-256, HMAC) Key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 256 bits of encryption strength Vendor Affirmed [SP800-56A Rev2] Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman: FB: Len P – 2048, Len q – 224 SHA-256, HMAC Key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength Vendor Affirmed [SP 800-56A Rev2] ECC Diffie-Hellman CVL KAS-ECC CDH Primitive P-224 P-256 P-384 P-521 C971 Key derivation ECC Diffie-Hellman KDA [SP800-56C Rev1] Hash-KDF with SHA-256 Vendor Affirmed Diffie-Hellman KDA [SP800-56C Rev1] Hash-KDF with SHA-256 Vendor Affirmed Asymmetric decryption RSADP CVL [SP800- 56B] RSADP primitive with 2048-bit modulus C971 Random number generator [SP800-90A] DRBG Hash DRBG with SHA-256 C971 Key generation CKG [SP 800-133] N/A Vendor Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 12 of 27 Affirmed Table 3. Allowed Algorithms Function Algorithm Options Cert. No. Random number generator (for seeding the DRBG) NDRNG Entropy of at least 256 bits 3.Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces The physical ports of the Module are the ports of the underlying embedded system hosting the Module execution. The Module logical interfaces are C-language APIs which can be categorized into the following:  Data input interface.  Data output interface.  Control input interface.  Status output interface. The description of these logical interfaces is given in the following table. Table 4. Logical interfaces Logical interface type Description Data input The input variables passed as arguments to the APIs of the Module. Data output The variables passed as output arguments by the APIs of the Module to the calling application. Control input The configuration variables of the Module which control its cryptographic functions mode of operation. Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 13 of 27 Status output The return codes and messages. The data input is logically separated from the control input because the data input is passed by the input variables to the Module while the control input is passed in a configuration file. Also, the data output is logically separated from the status output because the data output is passed out by the Module’s API arguments while the status output is passed by return codes and messages. Since the Module is a software module, the control of the physical ports is outside the scope of the Module. When the Module is performing self-tests, or is in error-state, all outputs on the logical data output interface are inhibited. The Module is single- threaded and, in error scenarios, returns only an error value. Since the Module is single-threaded, there is no data output passed by the Module during key generation and zeroization of cryptographic keys. Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 14 of 27 4.Roles, Services, and Authentication Roles The Module supports a Crypto Officer (CO) role and a User (U) role as required by FIPS 140-2. The Module does not support authentication mechanism for these roles but rather relies on the access control mechanisms of the underlying operation system. Hence, these roles are implicitly assumed by the entity accessing the Module. Moreover, the Module does not support concurrent users. Operator Services and Descriptions The services available to the User (U) and Crypto Officer (CO) are indicated in Table 5 below, along with the type of CSP access per service: R = Read, W = Write, X = Execute, Z = Zeroize Table 5. Services and CSP access Service Description Key and CSP(s) Roles Type of access Installation Module Installation None U, CO X Self-Test Initiate power-on self- tests None U, CO R, X Show Status Provides Module status information None U, CO R, X Symmetric Encryption/Decryption Encrypt/Decrypt blocks of data using AES or Triple- DES AES key or Triple-DES 3 keys. U, CO R, W, X Asymmetric Key Generate Diffie-Hellman Diffie-Hellman and U, CO R, W, X Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 15 of 27 Generation and ECC Diffie-Hellman keys ECC Diffie-Hellman keys Digital Signature Generation/Verification Sign/Verify a message digest RSA and ECDSA keys. U, CO R, W, X Message Digest Hash a block of data None U, CO R, W, X Keyed Message digest (HMAC) Generate/Verify a signature on a block of data HMAC key U, CO R, W, X Keyed Message digest (CMAC) Generate/Verify a signature on a block of data AES key or Triple-DES 3 keys. U, CO R, W, X Random Number Generator Generate random numbers and keys Random numbers and keys U, CO R, X, Z Key Agreement Calculate a shared key between two parties Diffie-Hellman and ECC Diffie-Hellman private keys and shared keys U, CO R, W, X Key Transport Encrypt/decrypt a key. AES key encryption key and key to be encrypted/ decrypted. U, CO R, W, X Zeroization All functions automatically overwrites CSPs stored in the functions stack frame. Each module provides a function for the user to zeroize the module context (created in the calling application’s own All keys and CSPs U, CO X, Z Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 16 of 27 stack). Other CSPs provided as arguments to the functions are the responsibility of the calling application. Authentication The Module does not support operator authentication mechanisms. The Module relies on the operating system for any operator authentication. 5.Physical Security The Module is a software library and is intended to operate on a host system that has a production grade components and enclosure. The Module does not claim any physical security. Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 17 of 27 6.Operational Environment The module operates in a modifiable operational environment per FIPS140-2 level 1 specifications. The Module was tested in a Linux 4.9 operating environment running on a Landis+Gyr Network Bridge N2250 with an ARM Cortex-A5. When the Module is loaded into memory by the operating system, FIPS Power-On Self-Test (POST) functionality along with any other mandatory FIPS tests are invoked. The Module relies on the underlying operating system built-in kernel functionality to ensure that user access rights are in place for accessing the module and that one user accesses the library at any given time. The underlying operating system also ensures process isolation in terms of execution and memory space. Moreover, the Module, being a software-only module, consists of an executable binary that does not store process context or state. Each process manages its own stack and data space. Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 18 of 27 7. Cryptographic Key Management All the keys and Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) used by the Module are indicated in Table 6 below. The CSP names are generic and they correspond to API parameter data structures. Table 6. Critical security parameters CSP Name Generation/Input Use AES (ECB, CBC, CCM, CTR, GCM) key (128, 192, 256 bits) The key is passed to the Module via API input - Encrypt/Decrypt operations. - Authenticated encryption/decryption in CCM, GCM AES Key Wrap key (128, 192, 256 bits) The keys are passed to the Module via API input - Key Encrypt/Decrypt operations. AES XTS keys (128, 256 bits) The keys are passed to the Module via API input - Encrypt/Decrypt operations. Triple-DES (CBC) 3-key The keys are passed to the Module via API input - Encrypt/Decrypt operations. CMAC (AES, Triple-DES) key The keys are passed to the Module via API input - Used to generate and verify MAC’s with AES or Triple-DES as part of the CMAC algorithm. HMAC (SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256) key The key is passed to the Module via API input - Used to generate and verify MAC as part of the HMAC algorithm. ECDSA/ECC Diffie- Hellman key pair (P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521) Keys are generated as per FIPS 186-4 and the random value used in the key generation is generated using Hash-DRBG as per SP800-90A - ECDSA public/private keys used to sign and verify data. - ECC Diffie-Hellman key pair used as part of the key agreement protocol. Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 19 of 27 Diffie-Hellman key pair (2048 bits) Keys are generated as per FIPS 186-4 and the random value used in the key generation is generated using Hash-DRBG as per SP800- 90A - Diffie-Hellman key pair used as part of the key agreement protocol. RSASSA (PKCS1- v1_5/PSS) key pair (2048, 3072, 4096 bits) The keys are passed to the Module via API input - RSA public/private keys used to sign and verify data. DRBG seed Seed is obtained internally from NDRNG - Used as inputs to the DRBG internal functions. DRBG input string Input string is obtained internally form NDRNG - Used as inputs to the DRBG internal functions. DRBG V DRBG V is generated and updated internally. - Used to maintain the secret internal state of the DRBG. DRBG C DRBG C is generated and updated internally. - Used to maintain the secret internal state of the DRBG. Software Integrity key HMAC SHA-256 key stored within the module, protected by the operating system access control mechanism. - Used first by the make build system to create an HMAC tag on the module binary file and store it in a separate file. - When the module is loaded, its integrity is checked by calculating the HMAC tag on the module binary file and comparing it with the one stored at build time. The following discussion in this section applies to all the CSPs listed in Table 6. Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 20 of 27 Random Number Generation Entropy source:  The Module implements NDRNG using “/dev/random” as the source of entropy.  The Module relies on the underlying Linux kernel which is within the physical boundary of the Module but outside its logical boundary.  The NDRNG provides at least 256 bits of entropy to the DRBG.  As part of the conditional Self-Test, the Module performs Continuous Random Number Generator (CRNG) test to ensure that consecutive random numbers in the NDRNG are not repeated. DRBG:  The Module has an SP800-90A-compliant Hash-DRBG which is seeded from the NDRNG to generate keys and random numbers.  Continuous health tests are performed on the DRBG whenever it is invoked by any function in the Module. Key Generation  The Module offers a DRBG seeded with 256-bit entropy and is SP-800-90A compliant of security strength 256 bits. Hence, it can be used to generate symmetric keys.  The Module generates Diffie-Hellman, ECC Diffie-Hellman and ECDSA key pairs in compliance with FIPS 186-4 where the private keys are generated by an SP800-90A-compliant DRBG.  The resulting symmetric key or a generated seed is an unmodified output from a DRBG.  Keys residing in internally allocated data structures (during the lifetime of an API call) can only be accessed using the Module defined API.  The DRBG is seeded from the NDRNG.  The user can choose to use a single or multiple DRBGs to generate the different keys  The calling application is responsible for storing the generated keys.  No intermediate key generation values are output from the Module.  Intermediate values computed by the module are zeroized before an API function returns its output.  For GCM, the module generates the IV randomly from the DRBG and the IV length is 96 bits. Key Entry The Module takes CSPs as API input parameters designated by memory location:  For symmetric-key algorithms or for HMAC, the keys are provided to the module via API plaintext input parameters for the cryptographic operations. Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 21 of 27  Public-key key pairs are provided in pertinent data structures that are generated, formatted by other API functions.  Keys residing in internally allocated data structures (during the lifetime of an API call) can only be accessed using the Module defined API.  None of the entered CSPs cross the physical boundary of the Module. Key Output The Module does not output CSPs, other than the explicit results of the key generation services. Those CSPs are considered ephemeral. None of the generated CSPs cross the physical boundary of the Module. Key Establishment The Module supports the [SP800-56A Rev2] Diffie-Hellman with at least 2048 bits key size and ECC Diffie-Hellman with P-224, P-256, P-384, or P-521 curve. The Module performs key derivation directly on the shared secret established by Diffie-Hellman or ECC Diffie-Hellman and only outputs the derived key. The Module provides key establishment service using the AES Key Wrapping algorithm. Key Storage The module does not support persistent key storage. The keys and CSPs are stored as plaintext in the RAM. The keys are provided to the module via API input parameters, and are destroyed by the module using appropriate API function calls before they are released in the memory. The HMAC key used for the Module’s integrity test is stored in the Module and relies on the operating system for protection. Key Zeroization  Key zeroization is performed by filling the corresponding memory location by zeros.  Zeroization of sensitive data is performed automatically by API function calls for temporarily stored CSPs before the function returns.  In addition, the Module provides functions to explicitly destroy CSPs related to random number generation services and API-specific data structures (function contexts). Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 22 of 27  The calling application is responsible for parameters passed in and out of the Module. 8.Electromagnetic Interference/ Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMI/ EMC) The EMI/EMC properties of the Module is not pertinent to this policy as the Module is a software library. Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 23 of 27 9.Self-Tests As required by FIPS 140-2, upon loading the Module in memory, the Module performs power-on self-tests to ensure its integrity and the correctness of its supported cryptographic functions. Moreover, conditional self-tests are performed upon calling some cryptographic functions as specified in FIPS140-2 to ensure their correctness. The power-on self-tests and the conditional self-tests are indicated below. Power-ON Self-Tests (POST)  The Module performs power-on self-tests automatically upon loading the Module in memory by making use of the default entry point and requires no operator intervention.  The Module does not provide any output and it is not available during POST.  The integrity of the Module is checked using HMAC SHA-256. The HMAC key is stored within the Module. The HMAC value is calculated at the build time and stored in a binary file. The run-time HMAC calculated value is compared to that stored in the HMAC file during the integrity test. If a match exists, then the rest of POST is performed.  If POST is successful, the module returns a status of “Esc_FIPS_MODE_AVAILABLE” and it becomes operational and the cryptographic services become available.  If the Module integrity check test or any of the tests in POST fail, the module returns an error code of “Esc_FIPS_MODE_DISABLED” and it goes into an error state where none of the cryptographic functions will be available. Table 7 shows a list of the performed POST: Table 7. Power-On Self-Tests (POST) KAT = Known Answer Test, PCT = Pairwise Consistency Test. Algorithm Type Description Software integrity check KAT HMAC-SHA256 AES ECB KAT Separate encrypt and decrypt, 128 bits key length AES CCM KAT Separate encrypt and decrypt, 256 bits key length AES GCM KAT Separate encrypt and decrypt, 128 bits key length Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 24 of 27 AES XTS KAT Separate encrypt and decrypt, 128 bits key length AES Key Wrap KAT Separate encrypt and decrypt, 128 bits key length AES CMAC KAT Separate sign and verify, ECB mode, 256 bits key length Triple-DES CMAC KAT Separate sign and verify, 256 bits key length Triple DES KAT Separate encrypt and decrypt, CBC mode, 3-key SHA-1 KAT SHA-1 SHA-2 KAT SHA-224/256/384/512 SHA-3 KAT SHA-3: 224/256/384/512 HMAC KAT SHA1, SHA224, SHA256 Diffie-Hellman KAT Primitive “Z”, 2048 bits key length ECC Diffie-Hellman KAT Primitive “Z”, 256 bits key length ECDSA PCT Sign and verify, P-256 DRBG KAT HashDrbg: SHA256 RSA PKCS1 KAT Separate sign and verify, 2048 bits key length RSA PSS KAT Separate sign and verify, 4096 bits key length  POST can be executed on demand at any time or to exit from “Esc_FIPS_MODE_DISABLED” status by calling EscFipsPost_Run( ), which returns “Esc_NO_ERROR” (defined as 0) in case of success, and a numeric error code otherwise.  In all the Known-Answer Tests (KAT) listed in Table 7, the calculated answer is compared byte-by-byte with the expected answer. If there is a match, then test passes, otherwise, the test fails. If the test fails, the Module will enter in the error state “Esc_FIPS_MODE_DISABLED” which will render the Module unusable. Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 25 of 27 Conditional Self-Tests (CST) Conditional Self-Tests are performed by the Module when some cryptographic functions are called as per FIPS 140-2 requirements. If any CST fails, the corresponding function returns an error and it does not produce the required output. Table 8 shows a list of the implemented CST. Table 8. Conditional Self-Tests (CST) Algorithm Test DRBG SP800-90A Health Tests ECC (ECDSA and ECC Diffie-Hellman) Pairwise Consistency Test (sign/verify) RSA Pairwise Consistency Test (sign/verify) Diffie-Hellman and ECC SP800-56A Rev2 Assurance Test NDRNG Continuous Random Number Generator Test AES-XTS Key Test (IG A.9) 10. Design Assurance Configuration Management Escrypt hosts its own subversion (SVN) as a Version Control System (VCS) to manage and record the source code and associated documentation files. SVN provides a unique identification for each submitted version of any component of the Module and its documentation. Document management utilities provide access control, versioning, and logging. Access to the SVN repository is granted or denied to Escrypt team members by the server administrator based on the vendor policy. Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 26 of 27 Delivery and Operation 10.2.1 Delivery The Module will be delivered to the customer as a Software shared library binary file where the integrity of the Module is checked using HMAC SHA-256. The HMAC key is stored within the Module. The calculated HMAC value at the build time is stored in the Module. During run-time, an HMAC value is calculated and compared to that stored in the Module during the integrity test performed whenever the Module is loaded in memory. If a match exists, then the Module will be usable, otherwise the Module will not be usable. 10.2.2 Operation The Module is a Software shared library:  It does not require installation. It only needs to reside in a path accessible to the loader together with its signature file. See Sec.10.4.2 User Guidance.  A user application would use the library by invoking any of the FIPS API functions as documented in the Modules section of the Doxygen documentation.  The invocation of any of the Module’s functions for the first time results in the kernel loading it into memory.  Once loaded, the Power-On Self-Tests (POST) begin execution. See Sec.9.1 Power-ON Self-Tests (POST).  Upon successful return of POST, the Module is available from then on for any subsequent invocation of a FIPS API function. Development The Module went through frequent builds. Extensive testing is done on each build including parameter testing, compliance testing, KAT consistency testing, POST, conditional self-testing and Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program (CAVP) testing. Guidance Documents The following guidance items are to be used for assistance to maintain the FIPS-approved mode while in use. 10.4.1 Cryptographic Officer Guidance The FIPS-approved mode is configured by default in Module. If the Module loads without any errors, this means that all the self-tests have been executed successfully and the Module is in the FIPS140-2 approved mode. Otherwise, the Module will be in error state and no FIPS API cryptographic function can be executed. If in error state, the host system should be restarted or POST re-executed by calling EscFipsPost_Run( ). Albert Wasef, Nevine Ebeid | 2019-06-10 public File: ESCRYPT_FIPS_CycurLIB_Security_Policy.docx State : released Version : 03 If printed, this document is an uncontrolled copy. Ident : 00TE009 Page 27 of 27 10.4.2 User Guidance The FIPS-approved mode is configured by default in Module. If the Module loads without any errors, this means that all the self-tests have been executed successfully and the Module is in the FIPS140-2 approved mode. Otherwise, the Module will be in error state and no FIPS API cryptographic function can be executed. If in error state, the host system should be restarted or POST re-executed by calling EscFipsPost_Run( ). Users of the Module should adhere to the following: - Keeping the HMAC signature file libfips_hmac.bin with the shared library file in the same directory. - Setting the load path to the directory where both files reside, for example by running: $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH - Always checking that the return status of a function from the FIPS API is Esc_NO_ERROR before collecting its output and using it. - The user of the Module should use the Module and its FIPS APIs without any modifications, otherwise; the Module is not considered a validated FIPS140-2 module. - The utilized HMAC keys must be at least 112 bits. - AES-XTS must only be used in storage applications. - When using Triple-DES, the number of encryptions with the same key must be less than 2^16 (IG A.13). If the above rules are not followed, the module is not considered to be operating in an approved state. 11. Mitigation of Other Attacks The Module is not designed to mitigate against attacks which are outside the scope of FIPS 140-2.