Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 1 Canon MFP Security Chip FIPS140-3 Security Policy Version 1.27 2024/8/22 Canon Inc. Non-proprietary Security Policy Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2 Contents 1 General...................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Reference.................................................................................................................3 1.2 Terms and Abbreviations ..........................................................................................3 1.3 Security Level ...........................................................................................................3 1.4 Certificate Caveat .....................................................................................................4 2 Cryptographic Module Specification.......................................................................................5 2.1 Cryptographic Module Overview ...............................................................................5 2.2 Cryptographic Module Description ............................................................................6 2.3 Mode of Operation ....................................................................................................7 2.4 Cryptographic Algorithm............................................................................................8 3 Cryptographic Module Interfaces ...........................................................................................9 4 Roles, Services, and Authentication ....................................................................................10 4.1 Roles, Service Commands, Input and Output .........................................................10 4.2 Roles ......................................................................................................................12 4.3 Operator Authentication ..........................................................................................13 4.4 Services..................................................................................................................13 5 Software/Firmware Security .................................................................................................18 6 Operational Environment......................................................................................................18 7 Physical Security ..................................................................................................................18 8 Non-invasive Security...........................................................................................................18 9 Sensitive Security Parameters Management.......................................................................19 9.1 Definition of Sensitive Security Parameters (SSPs) ................................................19 10 Self-Tests..............................................................................................................................23 10.1 Pre-operational Self-test .........................................................................................23 10.2 Conditional Self-test................................................................................................24 11 Life-cycle Assurance ............................................................................................................24 11.1 Initial Set-Up ...........................................................................................................24 11.2 Sanitization .............................................................................................................25 11.3 Guidance Documents .............................................................................................25 12 Mitigation of Other Attacks ...................................................................................................25 Trademark Notice ・ Canon and the Canon logo are trademarks of Canon Inc. ・ All names of companies and products contained herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies. Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 3 1 General This security policy (hereinafter referred to as SP) is the security policy for the hardware cryptographic module developed by Canon called the Canon MFP Security Chip. This document describes how the Canon MFP Security Chip meets the FIPS140-3 Level 2 security requirements. This SP is a non- proprietary document. 1.1 Reference This section provides basic information about this SP. Title Canon MFP Security Chip FIPS140-3 Security Policy Version 1.27 Issuer Canon Inc. Date of issue 2024/8/22 1.2 Terms and Abbreviations The following terms and abbreviations are used throughout this SP. Table 1 Terms and abbreviations Term/abbreviation Description AES Advanced Encryption Standard XTS XEX encryption mode with tweak and ciphertext stealing ENT (P) Physical entropy source compliant with NIST SP 800-90B. CO Crypto Officer CSP Critical Security Parameter PSP Public Security Parameter SSP Sensitive Security Parameter FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards Canon MFP/printer A general term that refers to a Canon brand multifunction peripheral or printer. Serial ATA (SATA) A standard for connecting storage devices, based on serial transmission technology. Storage device Refers to the storage device on the Canon MFP/printer such as HDD/SSD. 1.3 Security Level The Canon MFP Security Chip is a cryptographic module designed and implemented to meet the FIPS140-3 Level 2 security requirements. Table2 shows the security level met by the Canon MFP Security Chip for each of the specified areas. The overall level is level 2. Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 4 Table 2 Security Levels 1.4 Certificate Caveat When installed, initialized and configured as specified in Section 11 of the Security Policy. When entropy is externally loaded1, no assurance of the minimum strength of generated SSPs (e.g., keys). 1 “externally loaded” caveat is only applicable when “Input secret information” service is used. ISO/IEC 24759 Section 6. [Number Below] FIPS 140-3 Section Title Security Level 1 General 2 2 Cryptographic module specification 2 3 Cryptographic module interfaces 2 4 Roles, services, and authentication 2 5 Software/Firmware security 2 6 Operational environment N/A 7 Physical security 2 8 Non-invasive security N/A 9 Sensitive security parameter management 2 10 Self-tests 2 11 Life-cycle assurance 2 12 Mitigation of other attacks N/A Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 5 2 Cryptographic Module Specification 2.1 Cryptographic Module Overview The Canon MFP Security Chip handles cryptography for the storage device of the Canon MFP/printer. The Canon MFP Security Chip realizes high-speed data encryption/decryption through a serial ATA interface, using XTS-AES mode. This allows the Canon MFP/printer's storage device to be protected against the risk of information leakage, without compromising objectives such as extensibility, flexibility, usability, and high performance. The Canon MFP Security Chip is a “Multiple-chip embedded cryptographic module” and the cryptographic boundary is the surface of the package. The following table shows the hardware and firmware comprising the Canon MFP Security Chip (As described in Section 2.2, all elements of the module are enclosed in a single package). The firmware includes the boot loader. Table 3 Cryptographic Module Tested Configuration Figure1 and Figure2 show the appearance of the Canon MFP Security Chip. The physical perimeter of the Canon MFP Security Chip is the surface of the package. Figure 1 Appearance of the Canon MFP Security Chip Figure 2 Appearance of Canon MFP Security Chip (Bottom view) Model Hardware Version Firmware Version Canon MFP Security Chip 3.0 3.00, 3.00(V05L00), 3.00(V05L01) non-security relevant signal GPIO SATA-I/F Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 6 2.2 Cryptographic Module Description In addition to the cryptographic process, the Canon MFP Security Chip has SATA HOST and SATA DEVICE interface. Figure 3 shows an example of configuration for cryptographic module operation. The red line in the figure shows the cryptographic boundary. SATA-Device I/F SATA-Host I/F SATA-Host I/F Flash memory CPU RAM Cryptographic engine (AES) Host System HDD HDD Cryptographic boundary SATA SATA SATA H Block F Block I Block non-security relevant signal Power Supply GPIO Reset Clock Power Supply PCIe I/F Controller non-security relevant signal Other I/F Figure 3 Example of operational configuration of Canon MFP Security Chip The Canon MFP Security Chip is located between the host system and storage device. The host system is a system to use the services provided by the Canon MFP Security Chip, while the storage device is a memory device to store data encrypted by the Canon MFP Security Chip. The Canon MFP Security Chip also has a mirroring function thus it is possible to connect two storage devices. However, the second storage device is optional, and it is possible to operate with only one storage device. Serial ATA is used as the interface between the host system and Canon MFP Security Chip, and between the Canon MFP Security Chip and storage device. The Canon MFP Security Chip consists of three blocks: H block for the main process of the cryptographic module; F block where flash memory is mounted; and I block not related to the services provided by the cryptographic module. The Canon MFP Security Chip consists of two dies: H and I blocks sit on one die, and F block, on the other. All these elements are enclosed in a single package, making up the cryptographic chip. All the security services of the cryptographic module are implemented in H block and F block. Firmware and CSP data to be executed in H block are stored in the flash memory in F block. I block does not have any physical I/F with H and F blocks, including the power supply. Therefore, it is not possible to access SSPs from I block and there is no impact on input/output of the cryptographic module. I block has no impact on the security of the Canon MFP Security Chip and thus explicitly excluded from the FIPS140-3 requirements. The following shows the role of each component of H and F blocks: Table 4 Roles of components of the Canon MFP Security Chip Component Role RAM Volatile memory that stores data and programs. CPU Executes programs stored in memory. Flash memory Non-volatile memory that stores the firmware controlling the Canon MFP Security Chip as well as CSPs. SATA-Device I/F Interface to process SATA I/O for the Canon MFP Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 7 SATA-Host I/F Security Chip. Cryptographic engine Handles AES encryption and decryption. 2.3 Mode of Operation The Canon MFP Security Chip supports Approved mode, which implements security features approved by CMVP, and non-Compliant state, which is considered outside the scope of this certification. The Canon MFP Security Chip operates in non-Compliant state when installed. It becomes validated one by using the Initialization operation described in Section 11 and is always in Approved mode. If “Sanitization” service is used in Approved mode, the module will transition to non-Compliant state. Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 8 2.4 Cryptographic Algorithm The Canon MFP Security Chip provides the following approved algorithms in Approved mode. Table 5 Approved algorithms CAVP Cert Algorithm and Standard Mode/ Method Description / Key Size(s) / Key Strength(s) Use / Function #C217 AES2 FIPS PUB 197 SP 800-38E XTS Encryption/ Decryption Key Strength: 128 bits, 256 bits Length: 128 bits, 256 bits Used in encryption/decryption of data stored in storage device. #4547 SHS FIPS PUB 180-4 SHA-256 Size: 256 bits Used in Hash_DRBG random bit generation, response generation for Device Identification and Authentication, and RSA digital signature verification. #3059 RSA FIPS PUB 186-4 PKCS#1 Signature Verification Modulus: 2048 bits Used for firmware verification. #2300 Hash_DRBG SP 800-90A Rev.1 N/A SHA-256 Used in cryptographic key generation, and challenge generation for Device Identification and Authentication. ENT(P) Entropy Source SP 800-90B N/A Used in generating the seed value for approved DRBG Vendor Affirmed CKG SP 800-133rev2 N/A Used in cryptographic key generation. As per SP 800-133rev2 Section 4. The Canon MFP Security Chip does not implement any non-Approved algorithms. 2 #C217 includes AES-ECB as validated algorithm. This is used as a prerequisite for XTS-AES encryption and decryption. Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 9 3 Cryptographic Module Interfaces This section describes the physical ports of the Canon MFP Security Chip, and how they relate to the data input/output and power supply interfaces. In terms of the logical interface, the Canon MFP Security Chip operates upon ATA commands that are input from the host system. Each ATA command is associated with a different interface, namely Data Input, Data Output, Control Input, and Status Output. Table 6 Ports and Interfaces Physical port Logical interface Data that passes over port/interface SATA-Device Control Input - Non-data portion of the ATA command Status Output - Non-data portion of the response to the ATA command Data Input - Plaintext user data - "Authentication ID" (plaintext) - "CO authentication information" (plaintext) - Challenge for device authentication - Response for host authentication - New firmware image for Update firmware service - "Key seed" (plaintext) Data Output - "Key seed" (plaintext) - Challenge for host authentication - Response for device authentication SATA-Host Data Input - Ciphertext user data Data Output Power supply Power supply None GPIO Status Output - Module status output (indicating a status, such as SSD access) Reset Control Input - Reset signal Clock Control Input - Clock signal There is no control output in the Canon MFP Security Chip. Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 10 4 Roles, Services, and Authentication 4.1 Roles, Service Commands, Input and Output This section describes the roles with corresponding service with input and output provided by the Canon MFP Security Chip. Table 7 Roles, Service Commands, Input and Output Role Service Input Output CO (USER) AES encryption DMA*2 Plaintext user data, ATA command (WRITE DMA) Result*1, Ciphertext user data CO (USER) AES encryption MULTIPLE*2 Plaintext user data, ATA command (WRITE MULTIPLE) Result*1, Ciphertext user data CO (USER) AES encryption SECTOR(S) *2 Plaintext user data, ATA command (WRITE SECTOR(S)) Result*1, Ciphertext user data CO (USER) AES encryption DMA EXT*2 Plaintext user data, ATA command (WRITE DMA EXT) Result*1, Ciphertext user data CO (USER) AES encryption MULTIPLE EXT*2 Plaintext user data, ATA command (WRITE MULTIPLE EXT) Result*1, Ciphertext user data CO (USER) AES encryption SECTOR(S) EXT*2 Plaintext user data, ATA command (WRITE SECTOR(S) EXT) Result*1, Ciphertext user data CO (USER) AES decryption DMA*2 Ciphertext user data, ATA command (READ DMA) Result*1, Plaintext user data CO (USER) AES decryption MULTIPLE*2 Ciphertext user data, ATA command (READ MULTIPLE) Result*1, Plaintext user data CO (USER) AES decryption SECTOR(S) *2 Ciphertext user data, ATA command (READ SECTOR(S)) Result*1, Plaintext user data CO (USER) AES decryption DMA EXT*2 Ciphertext user data, ATA command (READ DMA EXT) Result*1, Plaintext user data CO (USER) AES decryption MULTIPLE EXT*2 Ciphertext user data, ATA command (READ MULTIPLE EXT) Result*1, Plaintext user data CO (USER) AES decryption SECTOR(S) EXT*2 Ciphertext user data, ATA command (READ SECTOR(S) EXT) Result*1, Plaintext user data CO Configure secret information Authentication ID, CO authentication information, extended ATA command (INSTALL SECRET INFO) Result*1 CO Output secret information extended ATA command*4 (EXPORT CSP) Result*1, Key seed CO Input secret information Key seed, extended ATA command*4 (IMPORT CSP) Result*1 CO Change CO authentication information CO authentication information, extended ATA command*4 (CONFIG SECRET INFO) Result*1 CO Update firmware New firmware image, extended ATA command*4 (UPDATE BUILD IN FW) Result*1 None Process ATA command services*3 ATA command (General feature set/ Power Management feature set/ 48-bit Address feature set/ SMART feature set/ General Purpose Logging feature set/ Security feature set/ Long Logical Sector (LLS) feature set/ Result*1 Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 11 Trusted Computing feature set/ Sanitize Device feature set/ Software Setting Preservation (SSP) feature set) None Reconfiguration Power on None None Zeroize AES key Power off None None Initialize Settings extended ATA command*4 (INITIALIZE SETTINGS) Result*1 None To Config extended ATA command*4 (TO CONFIG) Result*1 None Setup Mirroring extended ATA command*4 (SETUP MIRRORING) Result*1 None Change Mode extended ATA command*4 (CHANGE MODE) Result*1 None Self-reset extended ATA command*4 (SELF RESET) Result*1 None Show status extended ATA command*4 (GET STATUS) Result*1, current status and the error factor if an error occurs None Get FW Version Info extended ATA command*4 (GET VERSION INFO) Result*1, version of the Firmware module None Get HW Version Info extended ATA command*4 (CHECK CHIP VERSION) Result*1, version of the Hardware module None Zeroize secret information extended ATA command*4 (ERASE SECRET INFO) Result*1 None Sanitization extended ATA command*4 (CHANGE TO NONFIPS) Result*1 None Prepare Sanitization extended ATA command*4 (PREPARE CHANGE TO NONFIPS) Result*1 None Send challenge for Device Identification and Authentication Challenge, extended ATA command*4 (SEND CHA1) Result*1 None Request response for Device Identification and Authentication extended ATA command*4 (REQUEST RES1) Result*1, Response None Request challenge for Device Identification and Authentication extended ATA command*4 (REQUEST CHA2) Result*1, Challenge None Device Identification and Authentication Response, extended ATA command*4 (SEND RES2) Result*1 None Request challenge for C1 authentication extended ATA command*4 (REQUEST CHA C1) Result*1, Challenge None C1 authentication Response, extended ATA command*4 (SEND RES C1) Result*1 None Request challenge for C3 authentication extended ATA command*4 (REQUEST CHA C3) Result*1, Challenge None C3 authentication Response, extended ATA command*4 (SEND RES C3) Result*1 None Request challenge for C4 authentication extended ATA command*4 (REQUEST CHA C4) Result*1, Challenge None C4 authentication Response, extended ATA Result*1 Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 12 command*4 (SEND RES C4) None Request challenge for C5 authentication extended ATA command*4 (REQUEST CHA C5) Result*1, Challenge None C5 authentication Response, extended ATA command*4 (SEND RES C5) Result*1 None Request challenge for C6 authentication extended ATA command*4 (REQUEST CHA C6) Result*1, Challenge None C6 authentication Response, extended ATA command*4 (SEND RES C6) Result*1 None Self-test Power on None *1 Result indicates success or failure as a result of executing the service. *2 AES encryption/decryption services perform different methods of data transfer to the storage device according to the ATA command (i.e., write a single block or multiple blocks, etc.). No matter which command is executed, the module provides same function (data encryption/decryption). *3 The Process ATA Command services sends non-cryptographic-related ATA commands (as defined in the ANSI INCITS 452 standard document (ATA 8)) received from a host to storage, and sends a response from storage to the host. The Canon MFP Security Chip has a service corresponding to each ATA command, and these services are collectively referred to as the Process ATA Command services. *4 The extended ATA command is proprietary to the Canon MFP Security Chip. 4.2 Roles The Canon MFP Security Chip supports two distinct operator roles, CO(USER) and CO. These roles are the "Crypto Officer Role" specified in ISO/IEC 19790 Section 7.4.2. The Canon MFP Security Chip has no "User Role". CO(USER) serves to allow connection to the Host. CO (USER) is allowed use of the AES encryption/decryption services as described in Table 10. CO (USER) is a role that undertakes the CO Role. Further, CO includes C1, C3, C4, C5, and C6. C1 can configure the secret information, C3 can export the secret information, C4 can import the secret information, C5 can change the secret information, and C6 can update the firmware of the Canon MFP Security Chip, respectively. The following table shows the authentication method of each role. The Canon MFP Security Chip does not provide the maintenance service, so no MAINTENANCE role is supported. It does not support concurrent use by multiple operators or bypass function. Table 9 Roles and Authentication Role Authentication Method Authentication Strength CO (USER) CO(USER) is authenticated by “Device Identification and Authentication” service. The method is role-based authentication by shared secret. See Section 4.3 for more information. 32-byte CO CO is authenticated by C1, C3, C4, C5, or C6 authentication service. The method is role-based authentication by shared secret. It is possible to set different authentication information for C1, C3, C4, C5, and C6. The authentication method and specification of each authentication information are the same and are referred to as CO authentication. See Section 4.3 for more information. 32-byte Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 13 4.3 Operator Authentication Before providing any of the services associated with CO(USER) and CO respectively, the Canon MFP Security Chip performs role-based authentication by shared secret. The authentication mechanism differs for each role, as follows. ・ CO(USER) authentication Uses challenge-response authentication based on Authentication ID defined in 9.1. CO(USER) authentication is referred to as “Device Identification and Authentication” service. In Device Identification and Authentication, the challenge generated from the DRBG and a response value derived from the challenge and the Authentication ID, are used to mutually identify/authenticate the host system and the Canon MFP Security Chip. Response value is calculated by concatenating challenge and authentication ID, and then calculating hash values. ・ CO authentication Uses challenge-response authentication based on CO authentication information defined in section 9.1. The Canon MFP Security Chip generates challenge from DRBG and performs CO authentication using the response value notified by the host system. Response value is calculated by concatenating challenge and CO authentication information, and then calculating hash values. The hash algorithm used in CO (USER) and CO authentication is SHS as described in # 4547 of Table 5, and SHA-256 is used to calculate the hash value. For the shared secret, both CO authentication and CO(USER) authentication use a 32-byte random number, so the probability that a random attempt will succeed is 1/2256, which is less than the objective of 1/1,000,000. The module can perform CO authentication every 60 milliseconds, and CO(USER) authentication, every 120 milliseconds. Therefore, the probability that multiple consecutive random authentication attempts will be successful during a one-minute period is 1000/2256 and 500/2256 respectively, both of which are less than the objective of 1/100,000. 4.4 Services This section describes the cryptographic services provided by the Canon MFP Security Chip. The Access rights shown in the table mean the access rights to Keys and/or SSPs and are defined as follows: G = Generate: The module generates or derives the SSP. R = Read: The SSP is read from the module (e.g., the SSP is output). W = Write: The SSP is updated, imported, or written to the module. E = Execute: The module uses the SSP in performing a cryptographic operation. Z = Zeroise: The module zeroises the SSP. Zeroisation of SSP is performed by overwriting the area where corresponding SSP is stored with 0 or 1. See Table 9 for the method used for authentication to each operator role. Table 10 Approved Services Service Description Approved Security Functions Keys and/or SSPs Roles Access rights to Keys and/or SSPs Indicator AES encryption DMA Encrypts and writes data to the storage device(s). AES Encryption AES cryptographic keys CO (USER) E command response AES encryption MULTIPLE Encrypts and writes data to the storage device(s). AES Encryption AES cryptographic keys CO (USER) E command response Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 14 AES encryption SECTOR(S) Encrypts and writes data to the storage device(s). AES Encryption AES cryptographic keys CO (USER) E command response AES encryption DMA EXT Encrypts and writes data to the storage device(s). AES Encryption AES cryptographic keys CO (USER) E command response AES encryption MULTIPLE EXT Encrypts and writes data to the storage device(s). AES Encryption AES cryptographic keys CO (USER) E command response AES encryption SECTOR(S) EXT Encrypts and writes data to the storage device(s). AES Encryption AES cryptographic keys CO (USER) E command response AES decryption DMA Reads data from the storage device and decrypts. AES Decryption AES cryptographic keys CO (USER) E command response AES decryption MULTIPLE Reads data from the storage device and decrypts. AES Decryption AES cryptographic keys CO (USER) E command response AES decryption SECTOR(S) Reads data from the storage device and decrypts. AES Decryption AES cryptographic keys CO (USER) E command response AES decryption DMA EXT Reads data from the storage device and decrypts. AES Decryption AES cryptographic keys CO (USER) E command response AES decryption MULTIPLE EXT Reads data from the storage device and decrypts. AES Decryption AES cryptographic keys CO (USER) E command response AES decryption SECTOR(S) EXT Reads data from the storage device and decrypts. AES Decryption AES cryptographic keys CO (USER) E command response Configure secret information Configures the authentication ID and CO authentication information and generates the key seed for AES cryptographic key generation. Writes the Host- originated CSPs to Flash memory. Hash_DRBG CKG Authentication ID, CO authentication information CO W command response AES cryptographic keys G Key seed G/E DRBG seed G/E/Z DRBG internal state E/G Output secret information Key seed is output in plaintext form from the cryptographic module. - Key seed CO R command response Input secret information Replaces the key seed, with the secret information received from the host system in plaintext form. - Key seed CO E/W command response AES cryptographic keys G Change CO authentication information Modifies CO authentication information. - CO authentication information CO W/Z command response Update firmware Updates firmware of the cryptographic module except for the boot loader. See section 5. RSA SHA-256 Vendor public key CO E command response CO authentication information, key seed, authentication ID, DRBG internal state, AES cryptographic Z Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 15 keys Process ATA command services Sends non-encryption- related ATA commands received from the host to the storage and sends a response from the storage to the host. - N/A None N/A command response Reconfiguratio n Initializes the Canon MFP Security Chip. The cryptographic key is calculated using the key seed and stored in work memory within the module. Hash_DRBG CKG RSA SHA-256 AES cryptographic keys None G Show status Key seed E DRBG seed G/E/Z DRBG internal state G Vendor public key E Zeroize AES key Clears the cryptographic key stored in volatile memory. - AES cryptographic keys None Z The module is powered- off. Initialize Settings Initializes the non- security relevant settings of the Canon MFP Security Chip. After initializing, the module automatically resets. Hash_DRBG CKG RSA SHA-256 AES cryptographic keys None G command response Key seed E DRBG seed G/E/Z DRBG internal state G Vendor public key E To Config Clears the CO(USER) authentication state and transitions to the Config state. - N/A None N/A command response Setup Mirroring Configures the behavior settings of the Canon MFP Security Chip for mirroring mode. - N/A None N/A command response Change mode Configures the behavior settings of the Canon MFP Security Chip for mirroring mode. - N/A None N/A command response Self-reset Performs self-reset and self-tests. Hash_DRBG CKG RSA SHA-256 AES cryptographic keys None G Show status Key seed E DRBG seed G/E/Z DRBG internal state G Vendor public key E Show status Shows the current status of the module, including status indicators in response to request of some services. If the service resulted in an error, the cause of the error is also shown. - N/A None N/A command response Get FW Version Info Shows the version of the cryptographic Firmware module. - N/A None N/A command response Get HW Version Info Shows the version of the cryptographic Hardware module. - N/A None N/A command response Zeroize secret information Clears (zeroizes) secret information. - Key seed, authentication ID, None Z command response Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 16 AES cryptographic keys Sanitization Clears (zeroizes) all CSPs and transitions to non-Compliant state. - CO authentication information, key seed, Authentication ID, DRBG internal state, AES cryptographic keys None Z command response Prepare Sanitization Prepares to use “Sanitization” service. - None None N/A command response Send challenge for Device Identification and Authentication Provides a challenge value for Device Identification and Authentication from the host system to the module. - Challenge- response None W command response Request response for Device Identification and Authentication Provides a response value for Device Identification and Authentication from the module to the host system. SHA-256 Authentication ID None E command response Challenge- response G/Z/R Request challenge for Device Identification and Authentication Provides a challenge value for Device Identification and Authentication from the module to the host system. Hash_DRB G DRBG internal state None E/W command response Challenge- response G/W/R Device Identification and Authentication Uses challenge-response authentication to identify/authenticate that the connection is with the correct host system. The Canon MFP Security Chip provides services such as encryption/decryption, only when authentication succeeds. SHA-256 Authentication ID None E command response Challenge- response Z/W Request challenge for C1 authentication Provides a challenge value for C1 authentication from the module to the host system. Hash_DRB G DRBG internal state None E/W command response Challenge- response G/R C1 authentication Performs C1 authentication with challenge-response authentication. The Canon MFP Security Chip provides services to CO only when authentication succeeds. SHA-256 CO authentication information None E command response Challenge- response Z/W Request challenge for C3 authentication Provides a challenge value for C3 authentication from the module to the host system. Hash_DRB G DRBG internal state None E/W command response Challenge- response G/R Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 17 C3 authentication Performs C3 authentication with challenge-response authentication. The Canon MFP Security Chip provides services to CO only when authentication succeeds. SHA-256 CO authentication information None E command response Challenge- response Z/W Request challenge for C4 authentication Provides a challenge value for C4 authentication from the module to the host system. Hash_DRB G DRBG internal state None E/W command response Challenge- response G/R C4 authentication Performs C4 authentication with challenge-response authentication. The Canon MFP Security Chip provides services to CO only when authentication succeeds. SHA-256 CO authentication information None E command response Challenge- response Z/W Request challenge for C5 authentication Provides a challenge value for C5 authentication from the module to the host system. Hash_DRB G DRBG internal state None E/W command response Challenge- response G/R C5 authentication Performs C5 authentication with challenge-response authentication. The Canon MFP Security Chip provides services to CO only when authentication succeeds. SHA-256 CO authentication information None E command response Challenge- response Z/W Request challenge for C6 authentication Provides a challenge value for C6 authentication from the module to the host system. Hash_DRB G DRBG internal state None E/W command response Challenge- response G/R C6 authentication Performs C6 authentication with challenge-response authentication. The Canon MFP Security Chip provides services to CO only when authentication succeeds. SHA-256 CO authentication information None E command response Challenge- response Z/W Self-test Performs self-tests. Hash_DRBG CKG RSA SHA-256 AES cryptographic keys None G Show status Key seed E DRBG seed G/E/Z DRBG internal state G Vendor public key E Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 18 5 Software/Firmware Security At the start-up, the Canon MFP Security Chip perform the boot loader integrity test using 32-bit CRC and an integrity test of the firmware (ELF format) using digital signature of RSA 2048-bit. By resetting the Canon MFP Security Chip, it is possible to perform an on-demand integrity test of the firmware. It is also possible for CO to update the firmware except for the boot loader by completely replacing it using Update firmware service. For firmware update, the new firmware image for firmware updating is stored to the non-running firmware storage space of the two storage spaces. After receiving all the firmware data, the Canon MFP Security Chip verifies the received digital signature of RSA 2048-bit by public key that is embedded in the current firmware. In case the verification succeeds, the Canon MFP Security Chip zeroizes CSPs, returns a success status and switches to non-Compliant state. Then, the next start-up, the Canon MFP Security Chip starts with the new firmware. The new firmware launches for the first time after the device is reset. After the new firmware becomes effective, the module becomes another one, and new validation is needed. If verification fails, the Canon MFP Security Chip discards the new firmware, returns an error, and quits the firmware update. In that case, the Canon MFP Security Chip will continue to operate with the pre-update firmware. The CO can verify the updated firmware version by Get FW Version Info service. The firmware version is displayed, consisting of the updated part and the unupdated boot loader. 6 Operational Environment The Canon MFP Security Chip operates in limited operational environment. It has a function to update firmware but the firmware to be updated has to be the one approved by CMVP. In case other firmware is loaded, it is considered outside of the scope of this certification. The firmware will be completely replaced by the update function. 7 Physical Security The Canon MFP Security Chip is a multi-chip embedded module where all the components are enclosed in a package and sealed by opaque plastic mold (coating). Therefore, in order to see inside of the Canon MFP Security Chip, it is necessary to remove at least a part of the plastic mold thus tamper evidence will be left if an attempt to remove the mold is made. Table 11 Physical Security Inspection Guidelines Physical Security Mechanism Recommended Frequency of Inspection/Test Inspection/Test Guidance Details All components are enclosed in a package and sealed by opaque plastic mold (coating). Before use The administrator shall inspect the coating for any signs of tampering. If the administrator discovers tamper evidence, the Canon MFP Security Chip should not be used. 8 Non-invasive Security The Canon MFP Security Chip does not implement a non-invasive security technology to protect SSPs from non-invasive attacks. Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 19 9 Sensitive Security Parameters Management 9.1 Definition of Sensitive Security Parameters (SSPs) The following tables show CSPs, and PSPs handled by the Canon MFP Security Chip. Key seed, authentication ID and CO authentication information are collectively called “secret information”. There are no cryptographic algorithms and its parameters with an expiration date in this module. Since the establishment method does not apply to all CSPs, the description is omitted. Table 12 SSPs Key/SSP Name/ Type Strength Security Function and Cert. Number* Generation Import/Export Establish ment Storage Zeroisation Use & related keys AES cryptograp hic keys (CSP) 128 bits, 256 bits XTS-AES Generated by using CKG shown in Table 5. N/A N/A Plaintext in RAM “Zeroize AES key”, “Zeroize secret information”, “Update firmware” and “Sanitization ” “Zeroize AES key” implicitly performs zeroisation. Other services explicitly perform zeroisation. “Symmetric Key” for encryption/de cryption Key seed (CSP) 256 bits Hash_DR BG Generated by the instantiation function of Hash_DRBG in Table 5 by “Configure secret information” in CO Role, that uses DRBG seed described below. Import/Export: Input from the Host System by “Input secret information” in CO Role. The importing Key seed requires to have 256 bits of strength. The “Input secret information” service assumes that the Key seed output by the “Output secret information” service from this module is input. N/A Plaintext in Flash “Zeroize secret information”, “Update firmware” and “Sanitization ” All services explicitly perform zeroisation. Used in AES Cryptographic key generation Authentica tion ID (CSP) Refer to Section 4.3 of [SP]. N/A N/A Import: Set by “Configure secret information” service. N/A Plaintext in Flash “Zeroize secret information”, “Update firmware” and “Sanitization ” All services Used for mutually authenticating the Canon MFP Security Chip and the host system, for Device Identification and Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 20 explicitly perform zeroisation. Authentication . CO authentica tion informatio n (CSP) Refer to Section 4.3 of [SP]. N/A N/A Import: Set by “Configure secret information” service and “Change CO authentication information” service. It is possible to set different authentication information for each service and the cryptographic module can retain multiple sets of authentication information. N/A Plaintext in Flash “Sanitization ”, “Change CO authenticati on information” and “Update firmware” All services explicitly perform zeroisation. Information for CO authentication . DRBG internal state (CSP) 256 bits N/A It is generated by the instantiation function of Hash_DRBG in Table 5, that uses DRBG seed described below. N/A N/A Plaintext in RAM “Sanitization ”, “Zeroize AES key” and “Update firmware” "Zeroize AES key" implicitly performs zeroisation. Other services explicitly perform zeroisation. Used for challenge generation, for “Device Identification and Authentication ”, “C1 Authentication ”, “C3 authentication ”, “C4 authentication ”, “C5 authentication ” and “C6 authentication ” services. And it is updated whenever the generation function of Hash_DRBG is called. DRBG seed (CSP) 256 bits N/A DRBG seed is generated by combining random numbers from Chapter 3.4 ENT (P) that are generated as Entropy Input or Nonce. N/A N/A Plaintext in RAM “Configure secret information” and “Reconfigur ation” All services implicitly perform zeroisation. Used for key seed generation. Used for DRBG internal state generation. Challenge- response (PSP) N/A Hash_DR BG SHS Challenge is generated for “Device Identification and Authentication ” and “CO authentication ”. Response is Import: a challenge code is input into the module at "Send challenge for Device Identification and Authentication" service, and response codes are input into the module N/A Plaintext in RAM. Tempora rily stored during “Device Identifica tion and Authenti “Device Identification and Authenticati on”, “C1 authenticati on”, “C3 authenticati on”, “C4 authenticati Used for “CO authentication ” and “Device Identification and Authentication ”. Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 21 generated for “Device Identification and Authentication ”. at "C1 authentication”, “C3 authentication” service, “C4 authentication” service, “C5 authentication” service, “C6 authentication” service, and "Device Identification and Authentication" service. Export: a response code is output from the module at "Request response for Device Identification and Authentication" service, and challenge codes are output from the module at "Request challenge for Device Identification and Authentication" service, "Request challenge for C1 authentication" service, "Request challenge for C3 authentication" service, "Request challenge for C4 authentication" service, "Request challenge for C5 authentication" service and "Request challenge for C6 authentication" service. cation”, “C1 authentic ation”, “C3 authentic ation”, “C4 authentic ation”, “C5 authentic ation” and “C6 authentic ation” on”, “C5 authenticati on”, “C6 authenticati on” and “Request response for Device Identification and Authenticati on” All services implicitly perform zeroisation Vendor public key (PSP) [Strength] 112 bits [Length] 2048 bits RSA Stored when manufacturing the Canon MFP Security Chip. Import: Set by “Update firmware” service. N/A Plaintext in Flash N/A Used for verification of firmware. * See Table 5 for algorithm Certification number. The RBG entropy source is ENT (P). ENT (P) is used in generating the seed value for approved Hash_DRBG shown in Table 5. The Table shows entropy source specification. Table 15 Non-Deterministic Random Number Generation Specification Entropy sources Minimum number of bits of entropy Details ENT (P) ring oscillator embedded in the Canon MFP Security Chip 5 bits per 8 bits Minimum entropy provided by the ENT (P) is 5 bits per 8 bits. Total 896 bits random data is provided by ENT (P) to Hash_DRBG for key generation, and it includes 560 bits (=896 bits x 5 bits/8 bits) entropy. Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 22 If the entropy source deteriorates to the point that it can no longer guarantee the generation of a sufficient amount of entropy, the Canon MFP Security Chip transitions to an error state as the result of the Conditional Self-test shown in 11.2. To recover from the error condition, it is necessary to contact the vendor to repair the Canon MFP security chip. Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 23 10 Self-Tests The Canon MFP Security Chip has pre-operational self-test and conditional self-test functions. Table 16 shows tests to be performed in self-test. Table 16 Self-test Test item Test method Test type Parameter Condition Firmware Integrity Test Firmware integrity test uses RSA 2048- bit digital signature to verify the firmware except for the boot loader Pre-operational (software/firmware integrity test) public key, 2048-bit RSA digital signature performed automatically when the power is turned on Boot Loader Integrity Test Boot Loader integrity test using CRC Check(32bit) Pre-operational (software/firmware integrity test) CRC same as above AES Encryption Known answer test (XTS) Conditional (Cryptographic algorithm test) 256-bit key same as above AES Decryption Known answer test (XTS) Conditional (Cryptographic algorithm test) 256-bit key same as above Hash_DRBG Known answer test (instantiate/generate) Conditional (Cryptographic algorithm test None same as above SHA-256 Known answer test Conditional (Cryptographic algorithm test) None same as above RSA signature Known answer test using 2048-bit RSA digital signature Conditional (Cryptographic algorithm test) 2048-bit RSA digital signature same as above Hash_DRBG Continuous random bit generator test Conditional (Cryptographic algorithm test) None performed before using Hash_DRBG Entropy Source Test Perform the Repetition Count Test and Adaptive Proportion Test as "Start-up health tests" and "Continuous health tests" as specified in SP 800-90B. Conditional (Cryptographic algorithm test) None performed automatically when the power is turned on Conditional (Cryptographic algorithm test) None performed before seed generation CSP Integrity Test Secret information integrity test using CRC Check (32 bits) Conditional (Critical functions test) CRC performed when secret information is read Firmware Load Test Firmware verification with 2048-bit RSA digital signature when loading firmware Conditional (software/firmware load test) public key, 2048-bit RSA digital signature performed when updating the firmware 10.1 Pre-operational Self-test When the power is turned on, the Canon MFP Security Chip performs pre-operational self-test Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 24 automatically. It performs the firmware integrity test shown in Table 16 as the pre-operational self-test. Cryptographic algorithm tests are also conducted since the firmware integrity test uses RSA signature verification and SHA-256. In case the result of the firmware integrity test and cryptographic algorithm tests is an error, the Canon MFP Security Chip transitions to an error state immediately, and after that, no data can be written to, or read from, the storage device(s). Status of the error state can be obtained by Show status service. In order to recover from an error state, it is necessary to contact the vendor to repair the cryptographic module. On-demand pre-operational self-test can be performed by resetting the Canon MFP Security Chip. 10.2 Conditional Self-test The Canon MFP Security Chip provides cryptographic algorithm tests, Hash_DRBG continuous random bit generator test, entropy source test, CSP integrity test, and test for firmware loading as the conditional self-test shown in Table 16. The cryptographic algorithm tests are conducted at the same time as the pre-operational self-test, as described in 11.1. Hash_DRBG continuous random bit generator test is conducted every time before using the Hash_DRBG pseudo-random number generator. Entropy source tests are conducted as conditional cryptographic algorithm tests when performing start-up (i.e., as start-up health tests) and seed generation (i.e., as continuous health tests). The Canon MFP Security Chip also provides a management function of secret information as a critical function. It implements CSP integrity test shown in Table 16 as critical functions test. In CSP integrity test, each time secret information stored in the flash memory is read, the integrity of the secret information is confirmed by using 32-bit CRC. The Canon MFP Security Chip has the update firmware function and the firmware load test shown in Table 16 is performed when updating the firmware. In case the result of one of the cryptographic algorithm tests is an error, the Canon MFP Security Chip immediately transitions to an error state, and after that, no data can be written to, or read from, the storage device(s). The status of the error state can be obtained by using Show status service. In order to recover from an error state, it is necessary to contact the vender to repair the Canon MFP Security Chip. In case the transition to the error state is made as a result of the conditional self-test except the cryptographic algorithm tests and firmware load test, it is possible to recover from an error state by transitioning to non-Compliant state using “Sanitization” service. The status of the error state can be obtained by using Show status service. If the Firmware load test fails, the Canon MFP Security Chip will terminate the firmware update and continue to work with the existing firmware. The result can be obtained by using Show status service. No bypass test is implemented because the Canon MFP Security Chip does not have a bypass function. 11 Life-cycle Assurance 11.1 Initial Set-Up The Canon MFP Security Chip operates in non-Compliant state when installed. In this state, the SSPs are not in the Canon MFP Security Chip and no security functions can be performed. To use the Canon MFP Security Chip in Approved mode, the CO shall perform the following. The CO first runs "Initialization operation" by the [PREPARE INSTALL] extended ATA command in non-Compliant state, and the Canon MFP Security Chip transitions to Approved mode after conducting pre-operational tests and cryptographic algorithm tests described in Section 10. Then, the CO uses the “Configure secret information” service, to set secret information to the Canon MFP Security Chip. Date of Issue: 2024/8/22 Copyright© 2021-2024 Canon Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 25 The Canon MFP Security Chip, in its initial state, does not have default CO authentication information and default authentication ID. In the service, the CO should set both CO authentication information and authentication ID at the same time. The 32 Byte value which is written in the specified position of the setting command is set as the CO authentication information. It should not be easily guessed. Upon receiving a request for this service, the Canon MFP Security Chip writes the authentication ID and CO authentication information to flash memory, and generates the key seed for AES cryptographic key generation. The Canon MFP Security Chip specifies the key size by the [INSTALL SECRET INFO] extended ATA command in the “Configure secret information” service. “Show status” service by the [GET STATUS] extended ATA command can be used to determine the current operating mode. In response, the operator receives status information from the Canon MFP Security Chip indicating whether it is on Approved mode or non-Compliant state. The administrator shall periodically perform tamper evidence inspection of the Canon MFP Security Chip. Physical access to the contents of the module cannot be gained without removing at least one part of the coating that covers the cryptographic chip. The administrator shall inspect the coating for any signs of tampering. If the administrator discovers tamper evidence, the Canon MFP Security Chip should not be used. Although it cannot be switched, key sizes can be re-set after erasing CSPs by the [ERASE SECRET INFO] command. In this case, user data will not be migrated. 11.2 Sanitization The Canon MFP Security Chip zeroizes all CSPs and switches to non-Compliant state by using the “Sanitization” service. 11.3 Guidance Documents Provide the following private document as Administrator guidance and non-Administrator guidance. - Canon MFP Security Chip Firmware specification 12 Mitigation of Other Attacks The Canon MFP Security Chip does not implement functions to mitigate the impact of other types of attacks. END