Monaco Enterprises, Inc. 14820 E. Sprague Avenue, P. O. Box 14129, Spokane, Washington 99214-0129 Web Site:  Email: Telephone: (509) 926-6277  FAX: (509) 924-4980 Monaco Enterprises Inc. Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 SECURITY POLICY H.W. Part Number: 314R0006 F.W. Version: 51.01 Document Revision: 1.1 Document Date: March 30, 2022 Non-proprietary Security Policy REVISION HISTORY Author(s) Version Updates Don Skinfill 1.0 Initial release John Webster 1.1 Minor clarifications Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Monaco Enterprises Inc. Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2021 2 Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 3 2 SECURITY LEVEL SPECIFICATION ................................................................................. 3 3 MODULE OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................ 4 3.1 CRYPTOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY ....................................................................................... 4 3.2 PHYSICAL PORTS AND LOGICAL INTERFACES............................................................. 6 4 MODES OF OPERATION................................................................................................... 7 4.1 APPROVED MODE OF OPERATION ................................................................................ 7 4.2 SECURITY RULES............................................................................................................. 7 4.3 CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS .................................................................................... 9 5 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT .........................................................................10 5.1 LIST OF KEYS AND CSPS ...............................................................................................10 6 ROLES, SERVICES AND ACCESS CONTROL POLICY ..................................................11 6.1 ROLES ..............................................................................................................................11 6.2 SERVICES AND ACCESS CONTROL ..............................................................................11 6.3 BYPASS CAPABILITY.......................................................................................................13 7 SELF-TESTS.....................................................................................................................14 8 IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION POLICY........................................................15 9 PHYSICAL SECURITY POLICY........................................................................................15 10 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................................16 11 EMI/EMC ...........................................................................................................................16 12 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS .................................................................................16 13 ACRONYMS......................................................................................................................17 Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Monaco Enterprises Inc. Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2021 3 1 Introduction The Monaco Enterprises Inc. Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 (H.W. Part Number: 314R0006, F.W. Version: 51.01) is a single chip cryptographic module designed to provide FIPS 140-2 AES-256 encryption for secure RF radio communications. The Overall security level of the Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 is Level 1. 2 Security Level Specification SECURITY REQUIREMENTS AREA LEVEL Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security 1 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 1 Self-tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Table 1 – Security Level of Security Requirements. Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Monaco Enterprises Inc. Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2021 4 3 Module Overview 3.1 Cryptographic Boundary The following diagram defines the cryptographic boundary: Figure 1 – Specification of Cryptographic Boundary Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Monaco Enterprises Inc. Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2021 5 Figure 2 – The Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Monaco Enterprises Inc. Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2021 6 3.2 Physical Ports and Logical Interfaces The Cryptographic Module provides the following physical ports and interfaces. Physical Port Logical Interface UART3 SPI port UART0 Data Input UART0 Control Input UART3 SPI port UART0 Data Output UART0 Dedicated I/O pin for indicators Status Output Vdd Power Input Table 2 – Specification of Cryptographic Module Physical Ports and Logical Interfaces All of the three ports are bidirectional i.e. the port can be used for both an input and output, however, the inputs and outputs are on separate physical lines. The firmware inside the cryptographic module is built around a state machine such that there are no states where confusion can exist between input data and control input information or between the data output and the status output signals. In addition, control input signal and status output signals are formatted in such a way both in timing and in content to make them unique from general data input and output. This process also prevents key entry from interfering with general input digital data stream input which shares the same port. The other two ports, the SPI port and UART3 are physically separate from the port, UART0, that handles digital data and input and output commands for control and status. The nature of the port control within the processor is such that the three ports may be operated simultaneously without interfering with each other or corrupting each other information stream. Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Monaco Enterprises Inc. Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2021 7 4 Modes of Operation 4.1 Approved Mode of Operation The module has only one mode of operation which is the Approved Mode. The module will remain operating in the Approved Mode if all the power-up self-tests and conditional self-tests pass. 4.2 Security Rules The following specifies the security rules under which the cryptographic module shall operate: ❖ The module is initialized automatically the first time that it is powered up after having the firmware loaded. ❖ The module is embedded in another piece of equipment with no physical user access without disassembling. The module cannot be accessed before initialization and no other access points other than what is explicitly described in this document is provided. ❖ Maintenance (N/A): The module does not support a maintenance role. • There are no maintenance capabilities related to encryption or security, only normal radio operation and adjustments. ❖ Key Programming Rules (Key Entry) - When entering keys into the module the operator shall follow these rules: 1- Key programming shall only be performed on the MCU Pin #95 interface, 2- Configure MCU PIN #83 to High, and 3- Configure MCU PIN #82 to non-active. ❖ Key rotation: The Crypto officer must perform KEY ROTATION once a year. ❖ The module will always decrypt a received message if it has the active key for the received message and is not in an error state. ❖ The module will run the self-tests automatically upon power up (See section 7). ❖ If the module encounters an error the module will remain in that error state until an error recovery is performed. ❖ The Crypto-officer is responsible for • Maintaining module’s operation • Managing the Keys • Firmware loading ❖ Any firmware loaded into this module that is not shown on the module certificate, is out of the scope of this validation and requires a separate FIPS 140-2 validation ❖ To recover the module the Crypto-officer shall first power-cycle the module to rerun the self-test and observe that the self-tests have passed. Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Monaco Enterprises Inc. Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2021 8 The following describes the status output indication when operating normally and when encountering a Self-test Error: Self-test Status output Module Status No failure Pin 66: N/A Pin 67: N/A The module operating normally Bootloader CRC-32, App CRC-32, CMAC KAT, or CMAC Key CRC-32*: Fail Pin 66 high Pin 67 toggles every 24ms The module is inoperable App CRC-32: Pass CMAC self-test: Pass AES-KATs: Fail Pin 66 toggles every 88ms Pin 67 high Pin 66 will toggle until the error is cleared (power- cycling the module) Any failed conditional self- test Pin 66 high Pin 67 toggles every 1.4s Pin 67 will toggle until the error is cleared (power- cycling the module) Table 3 – Power-up self-test Failures Pin output Legend: High = 3.3V, Low = ground (0V), Toggle = transition from low to high or high to low Note*: A Zeroized CMAC key will also cause a power-up self-test failure and the module will become inoperable. Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Monaco Enterprises Inc. Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2021 9 4.3 Cryptographic Algorithms Approved Algorithms The following is a list of the Approved Algorithms: ACVTS Cert Algorithm Standard Mode/Method Key Lengths, Curves, Or Moduli Use A1230 AES ECB OFB FIPS 197 SP 800-38A Encrypt Decrypt 256 Encryption Decryption A1230 AES-CMAC SP800-38B Verify 256 Firmware Integrity Table 4 – Table of Approved Algorithms Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Monaco Enterprises Inc. Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2021 10 5 Cryptographic Key Management 5.1 List of Keys and CSPs Table 5 – Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Management Table Description /Usage Type Generation/ Establishment Input/Output Storage Persistent (NVM)/ Working Memory (RAM) Zeroization Short data keys (12-bytes or less) AES-256 ECB Input: Plaintext, Manual distribution, electronic entry Output: N/A persistent, working memory Zeroize Service: actively overwriting memory Long data keys AES-256 OFB Input: Plaintext, Manual distribution, electronic entry Output: N/A persistent, working memory Zeroize Service: actively overwriting memory Voice keys AES-256 OFB Input: Plaintext, Manual distribution, electronic entry Output: N/A persistent, working memory Zeroize Service: actively overwriting memory Key CRC CRC-32 Input: Plaintext, Manual distribution, electronic entry Output: N/A persistent, working memory Zeroize Service: actively overwriting memory Firmware Upgrade Key AES-CMAC- 256 Input: N/A Output: N/A persistent, working memory Zeroize Service: actively overwriting memory Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Monaco Enterprises Inc. Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2021 11 6 Roles, Services and Access Control Policy 6.1 Roles The module has two roles that are implicitly assumed by the operator. The module does not support concurrent operators. The Crypto-Officer Role: is the operator that manages the Encryption Keys and can also perform all of the functions and responsibilities of a User. The CO is responsible for generating and safeguarding the encryption keys. The User Role: is an operator who manages the configuration of the radios. This includes injecting the Keys, managing the status of the encryption keys and configuring the non-security relevant radio parameters. 6.2 Services and Access Control Service Description Role(s)* Access Type(s) of Keys and CSPs** Data Encryption This service encrypts outgoing data such as short data, long data, and voice data. CO, U Short data keys (E) Long data keys (E) Voice keys (E) Data Decryption This service decrypts incoming data such as short data, long data, and voice data. CO, U Short data keys (E) Long data keys (E) Voice keys (E) Keying/unkeying the transmitter This service toggles on/off the transmitter CO, U Short data keys (R) Long data keys (R) Voice keys (R) Change Channel Key number (Bypass Toggle) The radio four communication channels that can be configured for use. Only one channel is active at a time. Each channel can be configured for encrypted communication or non-encrypted communication (bypassed). If encrypted, a key from a table of 64 possible keys needs to be CO, U Short data keys (R) Long data keys (R) Voice keys (R) Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Monaco Enterprises Inc. Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2021 12 configured to use for encryption. This command allows the current key number (not key value) that is use on a channel to be changed. Change Channel (Bypass Toggle) This service will change the current channel. The new channel could be another encrypted channel or a non-encrypted channel (bypass) CO, U Short data keys (R) Long data keys (R) Voice keys (R) Key Programming This service allows the CO to change the 256-bit key value for any of the 64 keys in the key table CO Short data keys (W) Long data keys (W) Voice data keys (W) Key CRC (W) Activate/Deactivate Key A non-zeroized key can be marked as Active or Inactive. CO, U N/A Self-test Preforms the power-up self-tests (via power cycling) CO, U N/A Show Status Shows the status of the module CO, U N/A Test Tone This service keys up the radio with a modulated 1031Hz test tone if on a digital channel CO, U Voice keys (E) Zeroize This service can zeroize a specific set of keys (Short key, Long key, and Voice Key for a key number), or all existing keys and CSPs in the module. CO, U Short data keys (Z) Long data keys (Z) Voice keys (Z) Key CRC (Z) Firmware Upgrade Key (Z) Firmware Upgrade This service allows loading new firmware to the module. CO Firmware Upgrade Key (R, E) Field Use (Non-FIPS related) This service allows the operator to perform non-security relative operations in the field such as radio configuration. CO, U N/A Table 6 – Services Authorized for Roles, Access Rights within Services Note*: CO = Crypto-Officer, U = User Note**: R=read, W=write, E=execute, Z=zeroize Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Monaco Enterprises Inc. Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2021 13 6.3 Bypass capability The module has four communication channels that can be configured for use. Only one channel is active at a time. Each channel can be configured for encrypted communication or non-encrypted communication (bypassed). The module can be configured to operate from normal operation to bypass mode and vice versa using the following two services: 1- Change Channel Key number: Normal operation to Bypass mode configuration: The operator must use the “Change Chanel Key number” service and remove the assigned key. The module will request confirmation from the user before executing the command. Bypass mode to Normal operation configuration: The operator must use the “Change Channel Key number” service and set a key to be used for this channel. 2- Change Channel: Normal operation to Bypass mode configuration: The operator must use the “Change Chanel” service and switch to a non-encrypted channel . The module will request confirmation from the user before executing the command. Bypass mode to Normal operation configuration: The operator must use the “Change Channel” service and switch to an encrypted channel. When switching to non-bypass mode the module will perform the alternating bypass mode self-test which will verify the Keys CRCs and run the AES Known Answer Tests listed in section 7. The operator can use the status command to check if a given channel is in bypass mode or not. If the module is in bypass mode it will return “Using software channel # bypass mode”. Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Monaco Enterprises Inc. Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2021 14 7 Self-Tests Power-up self-tests ALGORITHM Test Description AES-ECB-256 Encrypt ECB KAT AES-ECB-256 Decrypt ECB KAT AES-OFB-256 Encrypt OFB KAT AES-CMAC-256 Verify KAT CRC-32 Bootloader Firmware integrity test CRC-32 App Firmware integrity test Table 7 - Power-up Self-test Table Conditional Self-tests Self-Test Test Description Manual key Entry Test CRC-32 Firmware Load Test AES-CMAC-256 Alternating Bypass Test CRC-32 with AES-OFB KAT and AES-ECB KATs Table 8 - Conditional Self-test Table Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Monaco Enterprises Inc. Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2021 15 8 Identification and Authentication Policy The Module does not implement Authentication of the operator roles. Role Authentication Type Authentication Data Cryptographic Officer N/A N/A User N/A N/A Table 9 - Roles and Required Identification and Authentication Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism N/A N/A N/A N/A Table 10 - Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms 9 Physical Security Policy The module is a single chip cryptographic module which meets the Security Level 1 production-grade components requirement. Physical Security Mechanisms Recommended Frequency of Inspection/Test Inspection/Test Guidance Details N/A N/A N/A Table 11- Inspection/Testing of Physical Security Mechanisms Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Monaco Enterprises Inc. Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2021 16 10 Operational Environment The module runs in a limited operational environment. 11 EMI/EMC The module is part of a device that meets 47 CFR FCC Part 15. Subpart B, Class A (Business use). Applicable FCC requirements (for radio). 12 Mitigation of Other Attacks The module provides no additional mitigation of other attacks. Other Attacks Mitigation Mechanism Specific Limitations N/A N/A N/A Table 12 – Table of Mitigation of Other Attacks Monaco Communication Cryptographic Module 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Monaco Enterprises Inc. Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2021 17 13 Acronyms TERM DESCRIPTION ACVP Automated Cryptographic Validation Program AES Advanced Encryption Standard, as specified in [FIPS 197] CAVP Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program CBC Cipher Block Chaining CCCS Canadian Centre for Cyber Security CERT Certificate CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CO Crypto Officer CST Cryptographic and Security Testing FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard FISMA Federal Information Security Management Act FSM Finite State Model IG Implementation Guidance NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NVLAP National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program OFB Output Feedback PUB Publication Table 13 – Specification of Acronyms and their Descriptions