Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 11 March 2005 Secure Generic Sub-System (SGSS) Cryptographic Module Security Policy Thales e-Security 4th /5th Floors 149 Preston Road Brighton BN1 6BN UK Tel: +44 (0)1273 384600 Fax: +44 (0)1273 384601 Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page i 11 March 2005 Document History Version Date Description 001 13 October 1999 FIPS 140-1 level 4 Cryptographic Module Security Policy 002 29 October 1999 Updated to incorporate the formal aspects of CMSP 003 9 November 1999 Modified following comments by Cygnacom 004 23 November 1999 Modified to more closely relate to FSM 005 9 December 1999 Modified following further comments by Cygnacom 006 1 February 2000 Updated in an attempt to make the whole document set more generic 007 2 May, 2000 Modified following comments from CygnaCom 008 10 May, 2000 Copyright banner removed 009 29 August, 2000 Updated to reflect responses to NIST questions 010 14 May, 2003 Company’s name and address changed 011 11 March, 2005 Change SafeGuard Security Subsystem to Secure Generic Sub-System Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page ii 11 March 2005 Distribution List Text Location Master Copy Project log. Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page iii 11 March 2005 Contents 1. Glossary..............................................................................................................................1 2. Related documents..............................................................................................................2 3. Introduction.........................................................................................................................3 4. Formal Aspects of the Security Policy..................................................................................4 5. Roles and Services..............................................................................................................4 5.1 Roles..............................................................................................................................4 5.1.1 Crypto-Officer Role...................................................................................................4 5.1.2 User Role ..................................................................................................................4 5.2 Services.........................................................................................................................4 5.2.1 Self-Tests..................................................................................................................5 5.2.2 Cryptographic services...............................................................................................5 5.2.3 Other.........................................................................................................................5 5.3 Crypto-officer Authentication..........................................................................................5 6. Physical Security.................................................................................................................5 7. Software Security................................................................................................................6 8. Cryptographic Key Management.........................................................................................6 9. Cryptographic Algorithms ....................................................................................................7 10. Self-test ..............................................................................................................................7 11. Formal Description of the System Software..........................................................................7 11.1 Initial State .....................................................................................................................8 11.2 Self-Test ......................................................................................................................10 11.3 Load Application..........................................................................................................11 11.3.1................................................................................................................Start upload 12 11.3.2..............................................................................................................Upload block 12 11.3.3.........................................................................................................Complete upload 12 Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page iv 11 March 2005 11.3.4.............................................................................................................Cancel upload 13 11.4 Other Services..............................................................................................................13 11.4.1...........................................................................................................................Echo 13 11.4.2.......................................................................................................................Reboot 14 11.4.3...................................................................................Read Application Configuration 14 11.4.4...................................................................................Write Application Configuration 14 11.4.5................................................................................................Set Comms Baud Rate 14 11.4.6............................................................................................................Get CA Name 14 11.4.7.............................................................................................................. SGSSversion 15 11.5 Trap 15........................................................................................................................15 Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page 1 11 March 2005 1. Glossary CA Certificate Authority DSA Digital Signature Algorithm EDC Error Detection Code KAT Known Answer Test LED Light Emitting Diode SGSS Secure Generic Sub-System SHA-1 Secure Hashing Algorithm Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page 2 11 March 2005 2. Related documents FIPS140-1 Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-1, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules 0550A109 Key Management Specification 0562A195 Secure Generic Sub-System (SGSS) FIPS 140-1 Supporting Documentation Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page 3 11 March 2005 3. Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide the information required in order to satisfy the FIPS 140-1 requirements for a formal model of the Cryptographic Module Security Policy for submission of the Secure Generic Sub-System(SGSS) at level 4. The SGSS is a multi-chip embedded module, as described in Secure Generic Sub-System(SGSS) FIPS 140-1 Supporting Documentation (0562A195). The SGSS provides the functionality necessary to start an installed application, and it provides functionality to securely upgrade this application. The SGSS is a level four multi-chip embedded module. The module is designed to lie inside a Datacryptor 2000 or similar device where the module will provide a highly secure security subsystem. In this capacity, the module provides the Datacryptor 2000 (or other such devices) a bootstrap capable of securely loading an application while in the field. Applications support services provided by the Datacryptor 2000. The bootstrap provides system initialization and transfer of control to the application. The bootstrap may also be used to load a new bootstrap or new application. The code that is loaded is signed with the Digital Signature Algorithm. Once the signature is verified, the new code becomes operational. The purpose of the SGSS is to securely validate the digital signature. The private and the public key pair that is used to sign and verify the bootstrap of application is generated by the factory Certificate Authority (CA). The cryptographic officer loads the public key certificate into the module at the factory and the factory retains the private key. The SGSS is a Level 4 module for the secure loading of applications. Once an application is loaded the SGSS functions as a component of the Datacryptor 2000 and may no longer function independently as a Level 4 module. In normal operation, the user need not be aware of the existence of the bootstrap. Its use is restricted to configuration and maintenance tasks such as reading and updating configuration information and erasing and updating the loaded application. When a user application is present, the bootstrap will provide basic system initialisation and transfer control to the application. The application is provided with an interface to the bootstrap via the trap 15 instruction. To allow for erasure of a malfunctioning application, at system boot time a specific data exchange sequence is attempted using the bootstrap command protocol. If this succeeds, the application is erased and control returned to the bootstrap. When no application is present the bootstrap operates in a command mode to allow loading of a new application. Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page 4 11 March 2005 The SGSS guarantees the integrity of any application loaded within the SGSS. This document is a mixture of informal descriptive text and formal notation. The descriptive text is included to make the formal Z definitions more accessible to the reader. 4. Formal Aspects of the Security Policy Only those aspects of the security policy that directly relate to FIPS 140-1 relevant aspects of the SGSS are specified using the Z notation. These aspects are: ♦ Crypto-officer role ♦ Show status ♦ Self-tests ♦ Cryptographic services ♦ Physical security There are sections within this document relating to each of these aspects in the security policy. The formalisation of these aspects builds directly on their informal specification. In fact, this exercise simply reiterates the informal specification using the formal notation of Z, for these aspects. 5. Roles and Services 5.1 Roles 5.1.1 Crypto-Officer Role The SGSS is required to contain a DSA public key. The purpose of this key is to enable the SGSS to verify the signature of any application that it is requested to load. The manufacturing plant requires a crypto-officer to load the SGSS public key certificate. Once the SGSS is fielded, new applications may be generated at the plant and signed using the private key. In the field, the user, acting on behalf of the factory, may load the signed application into the SGSS where the signature is verified using the public key. 5.1.2 User Role An individual performing the user role, acting on behalf of the factory, is responsible for loading new application images into the SGSS using the commands specified in Section 11. See section 5.2.2 for the formal specification of this role. 5.2 Services The SGSS offers a number of services. The only cryptographic service is invoked when a certified application is loaded into the SGSS. However the other services operate in such a way as to maintain the SGSS in a secure state. Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page 5 11 March 2005 5.2.1 Self-Tests At start-up the SGSS validates its application by checking it using an EDC algorithm. It also performs a known answer test (KAT) on the signature checking algorithms (DSA with SHA-1). This is described formally in section 11.2. 5.2.2 Cryptographic services Loading a new application is the only cryptographic service offered by the SGSS software. The SGSS checks the signature of an application before loading it. It uses DSA with SHA-1 and its own DSA certificate. It rejects any application whose signature fails to verify. This is formally described in section 11.3.3. 5.2.3 Other The user role may perform the following other non sensitive services: Ø Echo (Echoes back an input string) Ø Erase application (Erases application) Ø Get version (Provides SGSS version number) Ø Get CA name (Provides name of CA (factory) which generated public/private key pair) Ø Read/Write configuration (Provides/selects current configuration) Ø Reboot unit (Resets the unit) 5.3 Authentication The module provides two roles (Crypto-officer and User), and only one identity, that of the factory. The Cryptographic Officer, acting on behalf of the factory, initializes the module by inserting the public key certificate into the module. The user, acting on behalf of the factory, loads the application. The identification and authentication of the factory is performed by the fact that the application is validated by means of the digital signature. Only the factory could have created the application that is successfully loaded into the module. Thus, the SGSS permits the factory to authenticate and load secure applications. 6. Physical Security The SGSS is enclosed in a tamper resistant system that surrounds the secure area. This is called the alarm circuit. The circuit consists of an electronic wire grid, which is encased in a hard opaque epoxy. Breaking the wire grid will trigger the alarm circuit that will erase the contents of the RAM and cipher FPGA. Superficial tampering would mar the epoxy and could be detected by inspection. Any penetration significant enough to disturb the wire grid would erase the critical security parameters. Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page 6 11 March 2005 The alarm circuit is powered from the main power supply when this is available, but if the unit is not powered up then a battery powers it. If this battery is disconnected of fails the alarm triggers. Similarly, if the power levels surge or are actively driven above of below the normal levels, then the alarm circuit is triggered. The voltage protection is on the VCCC pin (+5V). The effects of triggering this are the same as for any other of the alarm circuit triggers. The alarm circuit is described in section of the “Secure Generic Sub-System(SGSS) FIPS 140-1 supporting documentation”. The alarm will trigger at some point between 6.5 and 7 volts on the VCC line. If this line drops below 4.5 volts, the microprocessor is not powered. In this case a battery powers the alarm circuit. If the battery line drops below 2.3 volts, then the alarm circuit is triggered. Additionally, a temperature sensor causes the alarm circuit to be triggered at temperatures above 60°C or below -5°C. The effect of triggering the alarm is to erase the RAM and the FPGA, and isolate the interface lines of the SGSS. Once an alarm has been triggered, the unit must be returned to the factory for the alarm to be reset. PhysicalSecurity AlarmState ALARM ::= alarmed | notAlarmed POWER ::= acceptable | unacceptable ENCLOSURE ::= intact | tampered OperatingTemperature : -5°C . . 60°C AlarmState t? : Temperature p? : POWER e? : ENCLOSURE a! : ALARM a! = (t? ∉ ran OperatingTemperature ⇒ alarmed) ∨ (p? = unacceptable ⇒ alarmed) ∨ (e? = tampered ⇒ alarmed) ∨ notAlarmed 7. Software Security See sections 5.2.2, 8, and 9. 8. Cryptographic Key Management There is no cryptographic key management performed by the SGSS software. The SGSS contains the public key component of its CA. Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page 7 11 March 2005 The SGSS CA can be changed only if a new certified SGSS application that contains a new CA is loaded to replace the existing SGSS that contains the existing CA public key. 9. Cryptographic Algorithms The only cryptographic algorithm used by the SGSS is DSA with SHA-1 used to validate the signatures on any prospective application before loading it. 10. Self-test See section 5.2.1. 11. Formal Description of the System Software This section contains a complete Z specification of the software that makes up the SGSS product. Attempts have been made to group the information according to function and operational state. Types: OPERATIONAL_STATE ::= POS | TEST | CMD | LOAD | RUN | TRAP PERSON ::= an individual UNIT ::= SGSS product CA_NAME ::= ASCII string String ::= ASCII string errorCheckResult ::= validEDC | invalidEDC dsaKatResult ::= validKAT | invalidKAT powerOnEraseRequest ::= ErasureRequested | RequestTimedOut Trap15Command ::= GetSgssVersion | RebootUnit | EraseApplication | ReadAppConfig | WriteAppConfig | GetDramSize | CacheControl CacheSetting ::= enable | disable | invalidate booleanFlag ::= TRUE | FALSE BAUD_RATE ::= 110 | 300 | 600 | 1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 14400 | 19200 | 28800 | 38400 | 56000 | 57600 | 115200 Sets: vApp = = set of all valid candidateApplication Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page 8 11 March 2005 invApp = = set of all invalid candidateApplication App = = vApp ∪ invApp unitPool = = set of all UNIT cryptoOfficerPool = = set of all PERSON Data: CA_name : CA_NAME currentBaudRate : BAUD_RATE EraseApplicationRequest : powerOnEraseRequest Version : String CacheState : CacheSetting DRAM : System cryptoOfficer : cryptoOfficerPool appInUse : vApp sgssApp : vApp opState : OPERATIONAL_STATE s : unitPool #cryptoOfficer = 1 #s = 1 AssignCryptoOfficer m? : cryptoOfficerPool CryptoOfficer ≠ ∅ ⇒ cryptoOfficer = m 11.1 Initial State InitialState ∆ System s? : unitPool appInUse = ∅ cryptoOfficer? = ∅ s′ = s? CA_name = "Racal Manufacture" currentBaudRate = 38400 Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page 9 11 March 2005 Version = //version specific string CacheState = disabled DRAM = amount of DRAM on mainboard PowerOnState ∆ System s? : unitPool opState? : OPERATIONAL_STATE if opState? = POS ((EraseApplicationRequest = ErasureRequested) ⇒ appInUse = ∅) ∨ opState! = TEST fi Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page 10 11 March 2005 11.2 Self-Test poSelfTest Ξ System opState? : OPERATIONAL_STATE if opState? = TEST ((errorCheckSGSS ∧ posSuccess) ∧ (dsaKat ∧ posSuccess) ∧ (errorCheckApp ∧ posSuccess) ⇒ opState! = RUN) ∨ ((errorCheckSGSS ∧ posSuccess) ∧ (dsaKat ∧ posSuccess) ∧ (errorCheckApp ∧ errorCheckAppErr) ⇒ opState! = CMD) ∨ ((errorCheckSGSS ∧ posSuccess) ∧ (dsaKat ∧ dsaKatErr) ⇒ opState! = POS) fi errorCheckSGSS Ξ System result! : errorCheckResult checksum_a, checksum_b, checksum, j : checksum_a = 0xff checksum_b = 0xff j = sgssFlashStart do j ≤ sgssFlashEnd checksum_a = checksum_a + *j & 0xff checksum_b = checksum_b + checksum_a & 0xff od checksum = ((checksum_a << 8) | checksum_b) & 0xffff ((checksum = storedChecksum) ⇒ result! = validEDC) ∨ ((checksum ≠ storedChecksum) ⇒ result! = invalidEDC) errorCheckApp Ξ System result! : errorCheckResult checksum_a, checksum_b, checksum, j : checksum_a = 0xff checksum_b = 0xff j = appFlashStart do j ≤ appFlashEnd checksum_a = checksum_a + *j & 0xff checksum_b = checksum_b + checksum_a & 0xff od checksum = ((checksum_a << 8) | checksum_b) & 0xffff ((checksum = storedChecksum) ⇒ result! = validEDC) Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page 11 11 March 2005 ∨ ((checksum ≠ storedChecksum) ⇒ result! = invalidEDC) dsaKat Ξ System result! : dsaKatResult validKAT ⇒ result! = posSuccess ∨ invalidKAT ⇒ result! = dsaKatErr posSuccess Ξ System r! : Rep r! = OK errorCheckSGSSErr Ξ System r! : Rep r! = errorCheckSGSSFailure errorCheckAppErr Ξ System r! : Rep r! = errorCheckAppFailure dsaKatErr Ξ System r! : Rep r! = dsaKatFailure 11.3 Load Application Types: block ::= 512 byte memory block candidateApplication ::= array of 512 byte blocks configuration_area ::= area of memory immediately before application header_block ::= twenty bytes of data divided into five four-byte parameters Data: upload_in_progress : booleanFlag currentConfig : configuration_area Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page 12 11 March 2005 11.3.1 Start upload SetupConfigurationArea params? : header_block config? : configuration_area //implementation specific, sets up currentConfig to match config? StartUpload ∆ System opState? : OPERATIONAL_STATE if opState? = CMD ((GetApplicationSize < GetAvailableSpace) ∧ InsufficientStorageErr) ∨ (SetupConfigurationArea ⇒ (upload_in_progress = TRUE ∧ opState! = LOAD)) fi 11.3.2 Upload block UploadBlock ∆ System opState? : OPERATIONAL_STATE index : appBlock : block if opState? = LOAD candidateApplication[index] = appBlock fi 11.3.3 Complete upload TotalLoadApplication (LoadApplication ∧ Success) ∨ InvalidSignatureErr ∨ InsufficientStorageErr LoadApplication ∆ System opState? : OPERATIONAL_STATE a? : candidateApplication if opState? = LOAD (a? ∈ vApp ⇒ (Success ∧ appInUse = a?)) ∨ (a? ∈ invApp ⇒ InvalidSignatureErr) upload_in_progress = FALSE opState! = CMD fi Success Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page 13 11 March 2005 Ξ System a? : candidateApplication r! : Rep a? ∈ vApp r! = OK GetApplicationSize size! : a? : candidateApplication //implementation specific GetAvailableSpace size! : s? : unitPool //implementation specific InvalidSignatureErr Ξ System a? : candidateApplication r! : Rep a? ∉ vApp r! = SignatureInvalid InsufficientStorageErr Ξ System a? : APPLICATION r! : Rep r! = NotEnoughSpace 11.3.4 Cancel upload CancelUpload opState? : OPERATIONAL_STATE if opState = LOAD upload_in_progress = FALSE opState! = CMD fi 11.4 Other Services 11.4.1 Echo Echo Ξ System in? : String out! : String Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page 14 11 March 2005 if opState? = CMD out! = in? fi 11.4.2 Reboot Reboot ∆ System s? : unitPool opState? : OPERATIONAL_STATE opState! = POS 11.4.3 Read Application Configuration ReadApplicationConfig Ξ System config! : configuration_area if (opState? = CMD ∨ opState? = TRAP) config! = currentConfig fi 11.4.4 Write Application Configuration WriteApplicationConfig ∆ System config? : configuration_area opState? : OPERATIONAL_STATE if (opState? = CMD ∨ opState? = TRAP) currentConfig = config? fi 11.4.5 Set Comms Baud Rate SetCommsBaudRate ∆ System baudrate? : BAUD_RATE opState? : OPERATIONAL_STATE if opState? = CMD currentBaudRate = baudrate? fi 11.4.6 Get CA Name GetCAname Ξ System Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page 15 11 March 2005 name! : CA_NAME if opState? = CMD name! = CA_name fi 11.4.7 SGSSversion SGSSversion Ξ System opState? : OPERATIONAL_STATE ver! : String if (opState? = CMD ∨ opState? = TRAP) ver! = Version fi 11.5 Trap 15 Trap15 Ξ System s? : unitPool opState? : OPERATIONAL_STATE if opState? = CMD opState! = TRAP fi HandleTrap15 opState? : OPERATIONAL_STATE command? : Trap15Command if opState? = TRAP (command? = GetSgssVersion ⇒ (SGSSversion ∧ opState! = RUN)) ∨ (command? = RebootUnit ⇒ opState! = POS) ∨ (command? = EraseApplication ⇒ (appInUse = ∅ ∧ opState! = POS)) ∨ (command? = ReadAppConfig ⇒ (ReadApplicationConfig ∧ opState! = RUN)) ∨ (command? = WriteAppConfig ⇒ (WriteApplicationConfig ∧ opState! = RUN)) ∨ (command? = GetDramSize ⇒ (DRAMsize ∧ opState! = RUN)) ∨ (command? = CacheControl ⇒ (Cache ∧ opState! = RUN)) fi Cache ∆ System opState? : OPERATIONAL_STATE newSetting? : CacheSetting if opState? = TRAP CacheState = newSetting? fi Thales e-Security Secure Generic Sub-System Cryptographic Module Security Policy 0562A193.011 Page 16 11 March 2005 DRAMsize Ξ System opState? : OPERATIONAL_STATE size! : if opState? = TRAP size! = DRAM fi