Security Builder® FIPS Module Version 6.3.0 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Certicom Corp. February 1, 2019 2 Copyright © 2019 Certicom Corp. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. This software contains trade secrets, confidential information, and other intellectual property of Certicom Corp. and its licensors. This software cannot be used, reproduced, or distributed in whole or in part by any means without the explicit prior consent of Certicom Corp. Such consent must arise from a separate license agreement from Certicom or its licensees, as appropriate. 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Patents per 35 U.S.C. § 287(a) and in other jurisdictions, where allowed: 3 Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 5 1.1 OVERVIEW ...............................................................................................................5 1.2 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................5 1.3 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................5 1.4 CHANGE HISTORY......................................................................................................6 2 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE SPECIFICATION ............................................................. 7 2.1 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS ...........................................................................................7 2.2 COMPUTER HARDWARE AND OS..................................................................................9 2.3 SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS.........................................................................................9 3 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE PORTS AND INTERFACES............................................. 10 4 ROLES, SERVICES, AND AUTHENTICATION............................................................. 11 4.1 ROLES AND SERVICES ...............................................................................................11 4.2 OPERATOR AUTHENTICATION ....................................................................................14 5 FINITE STATE MODEL............................................................................................ 15 6 PHYSICAL SECURITY.............................................................................................. 16 7 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................. 17 8 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT................................................................... 18 8.1 KEY GENERATION ....................................................................................................18 8.2 KEY ESTABLISHMENT................................................................................................19 8.3 KEY ENTRY AND OUTPUT ..........................................................................................19 8.4 KEY STORAGE .........................................................................................................19 8.5 ZEROIZATION OF KEYS AND CSPS................................................................................19 9 SELF-TESTS............................................................................................................ 20 9.1 POWER-UP TESTS....................................................................................................20 9.1.1 Tests upon Power-up..............................................................................20 9.1.2 On-Demand Self-Tests............................................................................21 9.2 CONDITIONAL TESTS ................................................................................................21 9.3 CRITICAL FUNCTION TESTS ........................................................................................21 9.4 FAILURE OF SELF-TESTS ............................................................................................21 10 DESIGN ASSURANCE.............................................................................................. 22 10.1 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT................................................................................22 10.2 DELIVERY AND OPERATION........................................................................................22 10.3 DEVELOPMENT .......................................................................................................22 10.4 GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS ...........................................................................................22 11 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS.......................................................................... 23 11.1 TIMING ATTACK ON RSA ..........................................................................................23 A CRYPTO OFFICER AND USER GUIDE....................................................................... 24 4 A.1 INSTALLATION.........................................................................................................24 A.1.1 Installing ................................................................................................24 A.1.2 Uninstalling............................................................................................24 A.2 COMMANDS...........................................................................................................24 A.2.1 Load .......................................................................................................24 A.2.2 Unload....................................................................................................24 A.2.3 Self-Tests................................................................................................24 A.2.4 Show Status/Mode.................................................................................24 A.3 WHEN MODULE IS DISABLED.....................................................................................24 A.4 OPERATION LIMITATION FOR FIPS APPROVED MODE ......................................................25 5 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview This is a non-proprietary Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 Security Policy for Certicom’s Security Builder® FIPS Module Version 6.3.0 (SB FIPS Module). SB FIPS Module is a cryptographic toolkit for C language users, providing services of various cryptographic algorithms such as hash algorithms, encryption schemes, message authentication, and public key cryptography. This Security Policy specifies the rules under which SB FIPS Module must operate. These security rules are derived from the requirements of FIPS 140-2 [1], and related documents [6, 7, 8]. 1.2 Purpose This Security Policy is created for the following purposes: 1. It is required for FIPS 140-2 validation. 2. To outline SB FIPS Module’s conformance to FIPS 140-2 Level 1 Security Requirements. 3. To provide users with information on how to configure and operate the cryptographic module in order to comply with FIPS 140-2. 1.3 References References [1] NIST Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, FIPS PUB 140-2, December 3, 2002. [2] NIST Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, Annex A: Approved Security Functions for FIPS PUB 140-2, Draft, May 10, 2017. [3] NIST Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, Annex B: Approved Protection Profiles for FIPS PUB 140-2, Draft, December 21, 2016. [4] NIST Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, Annex C: Approved Random Number Generators for FIPS PUB 140-2, Draft, January 04, 2016. [5] NIST Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, Annex D: Approved Key Establishment Techniques for FIPS PUB 140-2, Draft, May 10, 2017. [6] NIST Derived Test Requirements for FIPS 140-2, Draft, January 4, 2011. [7] NIST Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program, May 10, 2017. [8] NIST Frequently Asked Questions for the Cryptographic Module Validation Program, October 28, 2016. 6 1.4 Change History Change history is recorded in Table 1. Table 1: Change History Revision Date Author Description 0.1 2017/07/10 H.W. Initial revision. Created based on the Security Policy for SB FIPS Module 6.0. 0.2 2017/10/31 H.W. Updated after initial review. 0.3 2018/02/05 R.T. Editorial corrections. 0.4 2018/03/05 H.W. Address Lab Observations. 0.5 2018/03/20 H.W. Address Lab Observations. 0.6 2018/04/10 H.W. Address Lab Observations. 0.7 2018/04/25 H.W. Address Lab Observations. 0.8 2018/05/03 H.W. Address Lab Observations. 0.9 2018/08/08 H.W. Address CMVP comments. 0.10 2018//08/20 R.T. Address CMVP comments. 0.11 2018/11/28 R.T. Address CMVP comments. 0.12 2018/12/13 R.T. Address CMVP comments. 0.13 2018/12/18 R.T. Address further CMVP comments. 0.14 2019/02/01 R.T. Address further CMVP comment. 7 2 Cryptographic Module Specification SB FIPS Module is a multiple-chip standalone software cryptographic module in the form of an object that operates with the following components: • Commercially available general-purpose computer hardware. • Commercially available Operating System (OS) that runs on the computer hardware. Table 2: level of validation FIPS 140-2 Section Title Validation Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security N/A Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 1 Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility 1 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks 1 2.1 Physical Specifications The tested platforms consist of the following devices: 1. CPU (Microprocessor) 2. Memory (a) Working memory is located on the RAM containing the following spaces: i. Input/output buffer ii. Plaintext/ciphertext buffer iii. Control buffer Key storage is not deployed in this module. (b) Program memory is also located on RAM. 3. Hard Disk (or disks) 4. Display Controller, including Touch Screen Controller 5. Keyboard Interface 6. Mouse Interface, including Trackball Interface 7. Audio Controller 8. Network Interface 9. Serial Interface 10. Parallel Interface 8 11. USB Interface 12. Power Supply The configuration of this component is illustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1: Cryptographic Module Hardware Block Diagram : Physical Cryptographic Boundary : Flow of data, control input, and status output : Flow of control input : Flow of status output Display Terminal USB Interface Keyboard Mouse External Source of Power Hard Disk Drive Display Controller Keyboard Interface Mouse Interface Power Supply System Bus CPU Memory Network Interface Serial Interface USB Port Network Serial Port Speaker/M icrophone Audio Controller Parallel Interface Parallel Port 9 2.2 Computer Hardware and OS The combinations of computer hardware and OS include the following representative platforms. 1. QNX SDP 7 on Renesas R-Car Pro(M3) development board, Cortex-A57/A-53 64-bit ARMv8 processor. 2. QNX SDP 7on BeagleBone Black development board, TI AM335x ARMv7 processor. 3. QNX SDP 7 on SUPERMICRO A2SDi-4C-HLN4F-O server mother board, Intel Atom C3558 64-bit x86 processor. 4. QNX SDP 6.6 on Boundary Devices NITROGEN6X i.MX6Q development board, Cortex-A8 ARMv7 processor. 5. Android 7.1.2 on BlackBerry KEYone smart phone, Qualcomm MSM8953 64- bit ARMv8 processor For the platforms listed above, SB FIPS Module is tested supporting NEON instructions on ARMv7 and ARMv8 processor, supporting Crypto Extensions instructions on ARMv8 processor, supporting AES-NI instructions on 64-bit x86 processor. It has also been tested that when these instruction sets are missing or turned off, SB FIPS Module still works. SB FIPS Module is also suitable for any platforms of any manufactures with compatible processors and equivalent system configurations, and compatible OS versions. For example, an identical SB FIPS Module can be used on any compatible QNX for 64-bit x86 processors, or Android for ARMv8 processors. SB FIPS Module will run on such platforms and OS versions while maintaining its compliance to the FIPS 140-2 Level 1 requirements. Additionally, the CMVP makes no statement as to the correct operation of the module or the security strengths of the generated keys when ported to an operational environment which is not listed on the validation certificate. 2.3 Software Specifications SB FIPS Module is manufactured by Certicom Corp., providing services to the C computer language users in object format. The interface into SB FIPS Module is via Application Programmer’s Interface (SB API) function calls. These function calls provide the interface to the cryptographic services, for which the parameters and return codes provide the control input and status output (see Figure 1). Figure 2: Cryptographic Module Software Block Diagram 10 : Cryptographic Boundary : Data flows 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces The physical and logical interfaces are summarized in Table 3. Table 3: Logical and Physical Interfaces I/O Logical Interface Physical Interface Data Input API Keyboard, Mouse, USB ports, Serial, and Ethernet port Data Output API USB ports, Serial ports and Ethernet port Control Input API Keyboard and Mouse Status Output API return code and state returned by sbg_FIPS140GetState() Display Power Input OS API to load the module (library) The Power Supply is the power interface. Maintenance Not supported Not supported The APIs logically separate data input from control input, and data output and status output. Operating System Application Program SB FIPS Module Module Interface (API) 11 4 Roles, Services, and Authentication 4.1 Roles and Services SB FIPS Module supports Crypto Officer and User Roles (see Table 4). These roles are enforced by this Security Policy. Table 4: Roles and Services Service Roles Key/CSP Permission Installation, etc. Installation Crypto Officer/User None execute Self-tests Crypto Officer/User All Keys/CSPs listed in Table 6, with the exception of ephemeral key pair generation. execute Show status Crypto Officer/User None execute Symmetric Ciphers (AES and Triple-DES) Key generation User AES Key, Triple-DES key read/write/execute Key input User AES Key, Triple-DES key read/write/execute Encrypt User AES Key, Triple-DES key read/write/execute Decrypt User AES Key, Triple-DES key read/write/execute Key zeroization User AES Key, Triple-DES key read/write/execute Hash Algorithms and Message Authentication (SHA, HMAC) Hashing User None read/write/execute Message Authentication User HMAC Key read/write/execute Seed from system (NDRNG) Request User None read/write/execute Random Number Generation (DRBG) Instantiation User Entropy input, V, Key or C read/write/execute Seeding User Entropy input, V, Key or C read/write/execute Request User Entropy input, V, Key or C read/write/execute CSP/Key zeroization User Entropy input, V, Key or C read/write/execute Digital Signature (DSA, ECDSA, RSA) Key pair generation User Key pair read/write/execute Key pair input User Key pair read/write/execute Sign User Private Key read/write/execute Verify User Public Key Key zeroization User Key pair read/write/execute Key Establishment (DH, ECDH, ECMQV, RSA) Key pair generation User Key pair read/write/execute Key pair input User Key pair read/write/execute Shared secret generation (DH, ECDH, and ECMQV) User Public Key and Private Key, secret read/write/execute Wrap and Unwrap (RSADP) User RSA Public Key and RSA Private Key read/write/execute Wrap and Unwrap (RSA- OAEP) User RSA Public Key and RSA Private Key read/write/execute Key zeroization User Key pair read/write/execute SB FIPS Module does not support multiple concurrent operators. SB FIPS Module supports many cryptographic algorithms. The set of cryptographic algorithms supported by SB FIPS Module is given in Table 5. 12 Table 5: Supported Algorithms and Standards Algorithm FIPS Approval Cert # Block Ciphers 3-Key Triple-DES (ECB, CBC, CFB64, OFB64) [SP 800-67rev2] Approved #2714 2-Key Triple-DES (ECB, CBC, CFB64, OFB64) encryption [SP800-67rev2] Disallowed 2-Key Triple-DES (ECB, CBC, CFB64, OFB64) decryption [SP800-67rev2] Allowed AES (ECB, CBC, CFB128, OFB128, CTR) [FIPS 197] Approved #5387 DES (ECB, CBC, CFB64, OFB64) Disallowed DESX (ECB, CBC, CFB64, OFB64) Disallowed AES EAX [ANSI C12.22] Disallowed ARC2 (ECB, CBC, CFB64, OFB64) [RFC 2268] Disallowed Block Cipher Modes CMAC [NIST SP 800-38B] Approved #5387 CCM [NIST SP 800-38C] Approved #5387 GCM [NIST SP 800-38D] Approved #5387 XTS-AES [NIST SP 800-38E] Approved #5387 KW [NIST SP 800-38F] Approved #5387 AES (CCM*) [ZigBee 1.0.x] Disallowed Stream Cipher ARC4 Disallowed Hash Functions SHA-1 [FIPS 180-4] Approved #4321 SHA-224 [FIPS 180-4] Approved #4321 SHA-256 [FIPS 180-4] Approved #4321 SHA-384 [FIPS 180-4] Approved #4321 SHA-512 [FIPS 180-4] Approved #4321 SHA-512/224 [FIPS 180-4] Approved #4321 SHA-512/256 [FIPS 180-4] Approved #4321 SHA3-224 [FIPS 202] Approved #43 SHA3-256 [FIPS 202] Approved #43 SHA3-384 [FIPS 202] Approved #43 SHA3-512 [FIPS 202] Approved #43 MD5 [RFC 1321] Disallowed MD4 [RFC 1320] Disallowed MD2 [RFC 1115] Disallowed AES MMO [ZigBee 1.0.x] Disallowed Extended-Output Functions SHAKE128 [FIPS 202] Approved #43 SHAKE256 [FIPS 202] Approved #43 Message Authentication HMAC-SHA-1 [FIPS 198-1] Approved #3568 HMAC-SHA-224 [FIPS 198-1] Approved #3568 HMAC-SHA-256 [FIPS 198-1] Approved #3568 HMAC-SHA-384 [FIPS 198-1] Approved #3568 HMAC-SHA-512 [FIPS 198-1] Approved #3568 HMAC-SHA-512/224 [FIPS 198-1] Approved #3568 HMAC-SHA-512/256 [FIPS 198-1] Approved #3568 13 HMAC-SHA3-224 [FIPS 198-1] Approved #3568 HMAC-SHA3-256 [FIPS 198-1] Approved #3568 HMAC-SHA3-384 [FIPS 198-1] Approved #3568 HMAC-SHA3-512 [FIPS 198-1] Approved #3568 HMAC-MD5 [RFC 2104] Disallowed AES-XCBC-MAC [RFC 3566] Disallowed Random Number Generators DRBG [NIST SP 800-90A] Approved #2085 ANSI X9.62 RNG [ANSI X9.62] Disallowed ANSI X9.31 RNG [ANSI X9.31] Disallowed NDRNG Allowed Digital Signature DSA [FIPS 186-4] Security strength 112-256 Approved #1391 DSA [FIPS 186-4] Security strength 56-111 Disallowed ECDSA [FIPS 186-4, ANSI X9.62] Security strength 112-256 Approved #1423 ECDSA [FIPS 186-4, ANSI X9.62] Security strength 80-111 Disallowed RSA PKCS1 v1.5 [FIPS 186-4, PKCS #1 v2.1] Security strength 112-256 Approved #2881 RSA PSS [FIPS 186-4, PKCS #1 v2.1] Approved #2881 RSA PKCS1 v1.5 [FIPS 186-4, PKCS #1 v2.1] Security strength 56-111 Disallowed ECNR [IEEE 1363] Disallowed ECQV Disallowed Key Management DH [NIST SP 800-56A] Security strength 112-256 bits Approved #178 DH [NIST SP 800-56A] Security strength 56-111 bits Disallowed ECDH [NIST SP 800-56A] Security strength 112- 256 Approved #178 ECDH [NIST SP 800-56A] Security strength 80-111 Disallowed ECMQV [NIST SP 800-56A] ] Security strength 112-256 Approved #178 ECMQV [NIST SP 800-56A] ] Security strength 80- 111 Disallowed ECPVS [ANSI X9.92] Disallowed ECSPEKE [IEEE 1363.2] Disallowed RSA KEM [ANSI X9.44] Disallowed RSA OAEP [NIST SP 800-56B] Security strength 112-256 bits (used in key wrapping) Vendor Affirmed RSA OAEP [NIST SP 800-56B] Security strength 56-111 bits (used in key wrapping) Disallowed Components CVL-ECDH Primitive [NIST SP 800-56A] (used in key agreement) Approved #1849 CVL-RSADP [NIST SP 800-56B] (used in key wrapping) Approved #1851 CVL-ANSI X9.63-2001 KDF [NIST SP 800-135] (used in ECDH key agreement) Approved #1850 ECIES [ANSI X9.63] Disallowed Note: CKG (Cryptographic Key Generation, SP 800-133) is using output from DRBG for asymmetric and symmetric key generation, no post-processing. For DSA signature generation, only the primes p and q pairs with bit lengths (2048, 224), (2048, 256) and (3072, 256) can be used in the approved mode for signature generation. Digital signature generation using SHA-1 as its underlying hash function is disallowed. HMAC-SHA-1 shall have a key size of at least 112 bits. 14 Table 6 summarizes the keys and CSPs used in the FIPS mode. Table 6: Key and CSP, Key Size, Security Strength, and Access Algorithm Keys and CSPs Key Size Strength Access AES key 128-256 bits 128-256 bits Create, Read, Use AES-GCM IV >= 96 bits >=96 bits Create, Use Triple-DES key 168 bits 112 bits Create, Read, Use HMAC key 160-512 bits 128-256 bits Use DRBG Seed seed 112-256 bits 112-256 bits Use DRBG(CTR_AES) V and AES Key, entropy input 112-256 bits 112-256 bits Use DRBG(HASH) V and C, entropy input 112-256 bits 112-256 bits Use DRBG(HMAC) V and Key, entropy input 112-256 bits 112-256 bits Use DSA key pair L=2048-15360, N=224-512 bits 112-256 bits Create, Read, Use ECDSA key pair f=224-521 bits 112-256 bits Create, Read, Use RSA key pair k=2048-15360 bits 112-256 bits Create, Read, Use RSADP key pair k=2048-15360 bits 112-256 bits Create, Read, Use DH static/ephemeral key pair L=2048-15360, N=224-512 bits 112-256 bits Create, Read, Use ECDH static/ephemeral key pair f=224-521 bits 112-256 bits Create, Read, Use ECMQV static/ephemeral key pair f=224-521 bits 112-256 bits Create, Read, Use RSA Key wrapping key pair k=2048-15360 bits 112-256 bits Create, Read, Use 4.2 Operator Authentication SB FIPS Module does not deploy authentication mechanism. The roles of Crypto Officer and User are implicitly selected by the operator. 15 5 Finite State Model The Finite State model contains the following states: • Installed • Loaded • Self-Test • Idle • Crypto Officer/User • Error The following is the important features of the state transition: 1. When the module is installed by the Crypto Officer, the module is in the Installed state. 2. When the module is loaded on the memory, turning to the Loaded state. Then, it transitions to the Self-Test state automatically, running the Power-up Tests. While in the Self-Test state, all data output via the data output interface is prohibited. On success, the module enters Idle state; on failure, the module enters the Error state and the module is disabled. From the Error state the Crypto Officer may need to re-install to attempt correction. 3. From the Idle state (which is only entered if self-tests have succeeded), the module can transition to the Crypto Officer/User state when an API function is called. 4. When the API function has completed successfully, the state transitions back to Idle. 5. If the Conditional Test (Continuous RNG Test or Pair-wise Consistency Test) fails, the state transitions to Error and the module is disabled. 6. When On-demand Self-test is executed, the module enters the Self-Test state. On success, the module enters Idle; on failure, the module enters Error and the module is disabled. 16 6 Physical Security Physical security is not applicable to this software module at Level 1 Security. 17 7 Operational Environment This module is designed for commercially available general-purpose computer operating systems such as Android or QNX. These operating systems provide modifiable environment. This module is to be run in single user operational environment, where each user application runs in virtually separated independent space. Note that modern Operating Systems such as Android or QNX provide such operational environment, that no other process can access private and secret keys, intermediate key generation values, and other CSPs, while the cryptographic process is in use. 18 8 Cryptographic Key Management SB FIPS Module provides the underlying functions to support FIPS 140-2 Level 1 key management. The user will select FIPS Approved algorithms and will handle keys with appropriate care to build up a system that complies with FIPS 140-2. It is the Crypto Officer and User’s responsibility to select FIPS 140-2 validated algorithms (see Table 5). Table 7 summarizes the management of the keys and CSPs used in the FIPS mode. Table 7: Cryptographic Key Management Algorithm Keys and CSPs Generation/Input Output Storage Zeroization AES key Internally Generated or Input API parameter Volatile Memory API call Power cycle AES-GCM IV IV is generated according to scenario 2 in IG A.5 API parameter Volatile Memory API call Power cycle Triple-DES key Internally Generated or Input API parameter Volatile Memory API call Power cycle HMAC key Internally Generated or Input API parameter Volatile Memory API call Power cycle DRBG seed Seed Internally Generated or Input API parameter Volatile Memory API call Power cycle DRBG(CTR) V and Key, entropy input Entropy: generated by NDRNG. V and Key: internally generated. API parameter Volatile Memory API call Power cycle DRBG(HASH) V and C, entropy input Entropy: generated by NDRNG. V and C: internally generated. API parameter Volatile Memory API call Power cycle DRBG(HMAC) V and Key, entropy input Entropy: generated by NDRNG. V and Key: generated. API parameter Volatile Memory API call Power cycle DSA key pair Internally Generated or Input API parameter Volatile Memory API call Power cycle ECDSA key pair Internally Generated or Input API parameter Volatile Memory API call Power cycle RSA key pair Internally Generated or Input API parameter Volatile Memory API call Power cycle RSADP key pair Internally Generated or Input API parameter Volatile Memory API call Power cycle DH static/ephemeral key pair Internally Generated or Input API parameter Volatile Memory API call Power cycle ECDH static/ephemeral key pair Internally Generated or Input API parameter Volatile Memory API call Power cycle ECMQV static/ephemeral key pair Internally Generated or Input API parameter Volatile Memory API call Power cycle RSA Key wrapping key pair Internally Generated or Input API parameter Volatile Memory API call Power cycle Note: Keys must be imported or exported from the cryptographic boundary in encrypted form using a FIPS Approved algorithm. To comply with FIPS 140-2, AES-GCM must generate IV internally with Approved DRBG. DRBG seed also must be generated internally. The minimum 96-bit IV length is enforced by the module. 8.1 Key Generation SB FIPS Module provides FIPS 140-2 compliant key generation. The underlying random number generation uses a FIPS Approved method, a DRBG (Hash, HMAC or Counter). 19 The module also supports ANSI X9.62 and ANSI X9.31 RNGs, however, the use of ANSI X9.62/ANSI X9.31 RNG is non-approved for key generation. No keys generated using ANSI X9.62/ANSI X9.31 RNG can be used to protect sensitive data in the Approved mode. 8.2 Key Establishment SB FIPS Module provides the following FIPS Approved or allowed key establishment techniques [5]: 1. Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 256 bits of encryption strength) 2. EC Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 256 bits of encryption strength) 3. ECMQV (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 256 bits of encryption strength) 4. RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 256 bits of encryption strength) 5. KTS (AES Cert. #5387; key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength) It is the responsibility of the application to ensure that the appropriate key establishment techniques are applied to the appropriate keys. 8.3 Key Entry and Output Keys must be imported or exported from the cryptographic boundary in encrypted form using a FIPS Approved algorithm. 8.4 Key Storage SB FIPS Module is a low-level cryptographic toolkit, and as such does not provide key storage. 8.5 Zeroization of Keys and CSPs SB FIPS Module provides zeroizable interfaces which implement zeroization functions (see Table 4). Zeroization of keys and CSPs must be performed by calling the corresponding destroy functions of the objects when no longer needed. Internally, SB FIPS Module zeroize all intermediate keys and CSPs upon each function returns. 20 9 Self-Tests 9.1 Power-up Tests 9.1.1 Tests upon Power-up Self-tests are initiated automatically by the module at start-up without any intervention from an application. It does not involve any inputs by the operator. The following tests are applied: 1. Software Integrity Test: The software integrity test deploys HMAC SHA-256 to verify the integrity of the module. 2. Known Answer Tests (KATs): The following KATs are performed: AES-ECB Encrypt KAT, AES-ECB Decrypt KAT, AES-GCM Encrypt KAT, AES-GCM Decrypt KAT, AES-KW Wrapping KAT, AES-KW Unwrapping KAT, DRBG-CTR KAT, DRBG-HASH KAT, DRBG-HMAC KAT, DH KAT, DSA PCT, ECDH KAT, ECDSA PCT, HMAC SHA-1 KAT, HMAC SHA-224 KAT, HMAC SHA-256 KAT, HMAC SHA-384 KAT, HMAC SHA-512 KAT, HMAC SHA-512/224 KAT, HMAC SHA-512/256 KAT, HMAC SHA3-224 KAT, HMAC SHA3-256 KAT, HMAC SHA3-384 KAT, HMAC SHA3-512 KAT, ANS X9.63-2001 KDF KAT, RSA Signature Generation KAT, RSA Signature Verification KAT, RSADP Encrypt KAT, RSADP Decrypt KAT, Triple-DES-ECB Encrypt KAT, and Triple-DES-ECB Decrypt KAT. Pairwise-consistency test(PCT) is used for DSA and ECDSA. ECMQV tests are covered by the underlying arithmetic tests via ECDSA PCT and ANS X9.63- 2001 KDF KAT. Each SHA KAT is considered covered by the corresponding HMAC SHA KAT. SP 800-56A Primitive “Z” Computation KATs are covered by DH KAT and ECDH KAT. The SP 800-56B Self-Tests per IG D.4 are covered by RSADP Encrypt KAT and RSADP Decrypt KAT. 21 9.1.2 On-Demand Self-Tests On-demand self tests may be invoked by the Cryptographic Officer or User by invoking a function, which is described in the Crypto Officer And User Guide in Appendix A. 9.2 Conditional Tests Continuous RNG Tests for NDRNG, Continuous RNG Tests for DRBG-CTR, Continuous RNG Tests for DRBG-HASH, Continuous RNG Tests for DRBG-HMAC, Pair-wise Consistency Tests for DH key generation, Pair-wise Consistency Tests for DSA key generation, Pair-wise Consistency Tests for ECDH key generation, Pair-wise Consistency Tests for ECDSA key generation, Pair-wise Consistency Tests for ECMQV key generation, and Pair-wise Consistency Tests for RSA key generation. 9.3 Critical Function Tests For DRBG (CTR, HASH, and HMAC), the module implements the following critical function tests: • SP 800-90A DRBG Instantiate Health Test • SP 800-90A DRBG Generate Health Test • SP 800-90A DRBG Reseed Health Test • SP 800-90A DRBG Uninstantiate Health Test 9.4 Failure of Self-Tests Failure of the Self-tests places the cryptographic module in the Error state, wherein no cryptographic operations can be performed. If any Self-test fails, the cryptographic module will output an error code, and goes into the Error state. 22 10 Design Assurance 10.1 Configuration Management A configuration management system for the cryptographic module is employed and has been described in a document to the testing laboratory. It uses Subversion (SVN) to track the configurations. 10.2 Delivery and Operation Please refer to Section A.1 of Crypto Officer And User Guide in Appendix A to review the steps necessary for the secure installation and initialization of the cryptographic module. 10.3 Development Detailed design information and procedures have been described in documentation submitted to the testing laboratory. The source code is fully annotated with comments, and is also submitted to the testing laboratory. 10.4 Guidance Documents Crypto Officer Guide And User Guide is provided in Appendix A. This appendix outlines the operations for Crypto Officer and User to ensure the security of the module. 23 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks SB FIPS Module implements mitigation of the following attacks: 1. Timing Attack on RSA 11.1 Timing Attack on RSA When employing Montgomery computations, timing effects allow an attacker to tell when the base of exponentiation is near the secret modulus. This leaks information concerning the secret modulus. In order to mitigate this attack, the following is executed: The bases of exponentiation are randomized by a technique that requires no inversion to remove (unlike other blinding methods e.g. BSAFE Crypto-C User Manual v 4.2). Note that Remote Timing Attacks are practical: dabo/papers/ssl-timing.pdf 24 A Crypto Officer and User Guide A.1 Installation In order to carry out a secure installation of SB FIPS Module, the Crypto Officer must follow the procedure described in this section. A.1.1 Installing The Crypto Officer is responsible for the installation of SB FIPS Module. Only the Crypto Officer is allowed to install the product. Place the object in an appropriate location on the computer hardware for your development and runtime environments. A.1.2 Uninstalling Remove the object from the computer hardware. A.2 Commands A.2.1 Load SB FIPS Module typically is a shared library. Depending on the platform, the module can be loaded on the memory automatically when an executable is run or calling a loader system function by an executable. Once the module is loaded, a series of self-tests will be automatically started without any intervention from an application. These tests examine the integrity of the object, and the correct operation of the cryptographic algorithms. If these tests are successful, a value of SB_SUCCESS will be returned and the module will be enabled. A.2.2 Unload When the executable which loaded SB FIPS Module finishes running, the module will be unloaded from the memory. A.2.3 Self-Tests sbg_FIPS140RunTest() This user callable function runs a series of self-tests, and return SB_SUCCESS if the tests are successful. These tests examine the integrity of the object, and the correct operation of the cryptographic algorithms. If these tests fail, the module will be disabled. Section A.3 of this document describes how to recover from the disabled state. A.2.4 Show Status/Mode sbg_FIPS140GetState() This function will return the current state of the module. A.3 When Module is Disabled When SB FIPS Module becomes disabled, uninstall the module and re-install it. If the module is loaded successfully by this re-installation, the recovery is successful. If this recovery attempt fails, it indicates a fatal error. Please contact Certicom Support immediately. 25 A.4 Operation Limitation for FIPS approved mode For 3-key Triple-DES, NIST SP 800-67rev1 requires a limit that the same Triple-DES key shall not be used for more than 228 encryptions.