© 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Harris Corporation RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA (Hardware Versions: RF-7800W-RP50x, RF-7800W-RP47x; Firmware Version: 6.00) FIPS 140-2 Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy Level 2 Validation Document Version 1.2 Harris Corporation, Communication Systems 1680 University Avenue Rochester, NY 14610 Phone: (585) 244-5830 Fax: (585) 242-4755 http://www.harris.com Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 2 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................3 1.1 PURPOSE ......................................................................................................................................................3 1.2 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................3 1.3 DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION.........................................................................................................................3 2 HARRIS CORPORATION RF-7800W INTEGRATED RADIO/PA............................................................4 2.1 OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................................4 2.2 MODULE INTERFACES ..................................................................................................................................5 2.3 ROLES AND SERVICES ..................................................................................................................................8 2.3.1 Crypto-Officer Role.........................................................................................................................8 2.3.2 User Role ......................................................................................................................................10 2.3.3 Bypass Mode .................................................................................................................................11 2.3.4 Authentication Mechanisms ..........................................................................................................11 2.4 PHYSICAL SECURITY ..................................................................................................................................12 2.5 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT....................................................................................................................14 2.6 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT........................................................................................................14 2.7 ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE / ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY...............................................19 2.8 SELF-TESTS................................................................................................................................................19 2.8.1 Power-Up Self-Tests .....................................................................................................................19 2.8.2 Conditional Self-Tests...................................................................................................................19 2.8.3 Critical Functions Tests................................................................................................................20 2.9 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS ..............................................................................................................20 3 SECURE OPERATION....................................................................................................................................21 3.1 CRYPTO-OFFICER GUIDANCE.....................................................................................................................21 3.1.1 Initialization..................................................................................................................................21 3.1.2 Management..................................................................................................................................22 3.2 USER GUIDANCE ........................................................................................................................................22 4 ACRONYMS......................................................................................................................................................23 Table of Figures FIGURE 1 – HARRIS RF-7800W INTEGRATED RADIO/PA...............................................................................................4 FIGURE 2 – LOCATION OF PHYSICAL INTERFACES .............................................................................................................7 FIGURE 3 – TAMPER-EVIDENT LABEL LOCATIONS FOR RF-7800W .............................................................................13 List of Tables TABLE 1 – RF-7800W MODELS AND FEATURES.............................................................................................................5 TABLE 2 – SECURITY LEVEL PER FIPS 140-2 SECTION ..................................................................................................5 TABLE 3 – FIPS 140-2 LOGICAL INTERFACES ................................................................................................................6 TABLE 4 – MAPPING OF CRYPTO-OFFICER ROLE’S SERVICES TO CSPS AND TYPE OF ACCESS.......................................8 TABLE 5 – MAPPING OF USER ROLE’S SERVICES TO CSPS AND TYPE OF ACCESS........................................................11 TABLE 6 – AUTHENTICATION MECHANISMS EMPLOYED BY THE MODULE...................................................................12 TABLE 7 – CERTIFICATE NUMBERS FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHM IMPLEMENTATIONS ........................................14 TABLE 8 – LIST OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEYS, CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY COMPONENTS, AND CSPS.....................................15 TABLE 9 – ACRONYMS .................................................................................................................................................23 Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 3 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose This is a non-proprietary Cryptographic Module Security Policy for Harris Corporation's RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA (running firmware version 6.00). This Security Policy describes how the RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA meets the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS) requirements for cryptographic modules as specified in Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS) 140-2. This document also describes how to run the module in its Approved FIPS 140-2 mode of operation. This policy was prepared as part of the Level 2 FIPS 140-2 validation of the module. The Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA running firmware version 6.00 is referred to in this document as the RF- 7800W, the cryptographic module, or the module. 1.2 References This document deals only with operations and capabilities of the module in the technical terms of a FIPS 140-2 cryptographic module security policy. More information is available on the module from the following sources:  The Harris website (http://www.harris.com/) contains information on the full line of products from Harris.  The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) website (https://csrc.nist.gov/Projects/Cryptographic-Module-Validation-Program) contains information about the FIPS 140-2 standard and validation program. It also lists contact information for answers to technical or sales-related questions for the module. 1.3 Document Organization The Security Policy document is one document in a FIPS 140-2 Submission Package. In addition to this document, the Submission Package contains:  Vendor Evidence document  Finite State Machine  Submission Summary  Other supporting documentation as additional references With the exception of this Non-Proprietary Security Policy, the FIPS 140-2 Validation Documentation is proprietary to Harris and is releasable only under appropriate non-disclosure agreements. For access to these documents, please contact Harris. Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 4 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2 Harris Corporation RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA 2.1 Overview The RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA by Harris Corporation leverages proven orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) technology to deliver high-speed Ethernet throughput over wireless links. Under clear line- of-sight conditions, the RF-7800W can provide robust, long-range connectivity at distances beyond 100 kilometers. The all-Internet Protocol (IP) design of the RF-7800W delivers a seamless extension of Ethernet local area networks and wide area networks, at proven Ethernet data rates greater than 430 Mbps1 . The RF-7800W provides unmatched spectral flexibility with support for four different channel sizes (5, 10, 20, and 40 MHz2 ) in Point-to-Point (PTP) mode and Point-to-Multipoint (PMP) mode, and center frequency specification in 0.5 MHz increments. Extremely low latency in PTP (less than 4 ms3 ), and PMP (less than 10 ms) ensures the successful delivery of bandwidth- intensive applications such as Voice-over-IP (VoIP), real time video, teleconferencing, and C4I. Designed for the harshest outdoor conditions, the radio receives Direct Current (DC) Power Over Ethernet (POE) from the indoor unit via standard CAT4 -5 Ethernet cable. Operating over the 4.4–5.875 GHz5 frequency band, covering the 4.94–4.99 GHz Public Safety band, the RF-7800W can be considered for wireless networking solutions such as public safety, first responders, training and simulation networks, and long/short-haul battlefield communications connectivity. Transmissions can be secured via the embedded encryption capability or via external Ethernet Inline Network Encryption (INE) devices. The lightweight RF-7800W is easy to configure and deploy. Using a standard Web browser, an operator has access to all required configuration items and statistics necessary to configure and monitor the operation of the radio. Third-party network management applications can also be utilized via the standard Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) interface. Although SNMPv3 can support AES encryption in CFB mode the module firmware has been designed to block the ability to view or alter critical security parameters (CSPs) through this interface. Also note that the SNMPv3 interface is a management interface for the Harris devices and that no CSPs or user data are transmitted over this interface. Figure 1 – Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA The module is available in two different variants: RF-7800W-RP50x and RF-7800W-RP47x and two different colors: green (x=0) and tan (x=1). 1 Mbps – megabits per second 2 MHz – megahertz 3 ms – milliseconds 4 CAT – category 5 GHz – gigahertz Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 5 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Table 1 – RF-7800W Models and Features Model / Feature RF-7800W-RP50x RF-7800W-RP47x Frequency Band 4.4 – 5.875 GHz 4.4 – 5.0 GHz Supported Channel Sizes 5, 10, 20, 40 MHz 5, 10, 20, 40 MHz Supported Wireless Encryption AES (128, 256) AES (128, 256) Data Smoothing, Yes Yes Electronic Interference Mitigation (EIM), Yes Yes X509 authentication, Yes Yes Multi-Hop Yes Yes GPS Yes (optional) Yes (optional) The RF-7800W is validated at the FIPS 140-2 section Levels shown in Table 2 below. Table 2 – Security Level Per FIPS 140-2 Section Section Section Title Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 2 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 2 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 2 4 Finite State Model 2 5 Physical Security 2 6 Operational Environment N/A 7 Cryptographic Key Management 2 8 Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMI/EMC) 2 9 Self-tests 2 10 Design Assurance 2 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 14 Cryptographic Module Security Policy 2 2.2 Module Interfaces The RF-7800W is a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module that meets overall Level 2 FIPS 140-2 requirements. The cryptographic boundary of the RF-7800W is defined by the aluminum case, which surrounds all the hardware and software components. Interfaces on the module can be categorized into the following FIPS 140-2 logical interfaces:  Data Input Interface  Data Output Interface  Control Input interface Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 6 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice.  Status Output Interface  Power Interface Ports on the module can be categorized into the following FIPS 140-2 physical interfaces:  Ethernet port  DC in port  RF port (2 RF ports)  GPS Antenna port  Synchronization port  Local console port (serial port)  Accessories port  Buzzer All of these physical interfaces are separated into logical interfaces defined by FIPS 140-2, as described in the following table: Table 3 – FIPS 140-2 Logical Interfaces FIPS 140-2 Logical Interface Module Port/Interface Data Input Ethernet port, RF port, GPS Antenna port, synchronization port Data Output Ethernet port, RF port Control Input Ethernet port, RF port, console port Status Output Ethernet port, buzzer, console port, accessories port, synchronization port Power Ethernet port, DC in port Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 7 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Figure 2 – Location of Physical Interfaces Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 8 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2.3 Roles and Services The module supports role-based authentication. There are two roles in the module that operators may assume: a Crypto-Officer role (“Administrators” with full configuration access and “Users” with full access to all configuration parameters required for an installation including all CSPs) and a User role (“Monitor”). 2.3.1 Crypto-Officer Role The Crypto-Officer (“admin” and “user” type account) performs administrative services for the module, such as initialization, configuration, and monitoring of the module. Before accessing the module for any administrative service, the operator must authenticate to the module. The module offers three management interfaces:  Web Interface  Command Line Interface (CLI)  SNMPv3 The Web Interface is Harris’s proprietary web-based GUI6 that can be accessed via the local network using a web browser. The Web Interface serves as the primary management tool for the module. All Web Interface sessions with the module are protected over a secure TLS channel. Authentication of the CO requires the input of a username and password which is checked against a local password database. The CLI is accessed via the Ethernet port using a Secure Shell (SSH) session or via the local console port. Authentication of the CO on the CLI requires the input of a username and password. The system will drop the connection after three failed login attempts. Descriptions of the services available to the Crypto-Officer role are provided in the table below. The services listed for the Crypto-Officer role are mapped to relevant CSPs and the type of access required to CSPs associated with the service (X - Execute, R - Read, or W - Write). Table 4 – Mapping of Crypto-Officer Role’s Services to CSPs and Type of Access Service Description CSP and Type of Access Key Agreement Used to establish keys for setting up a secure communications tunnel. Local RSA public/private key (R/X), CA7 RSA public key (R/X), Wireless Key Agreement Keys (R/W/X); Wireless session key encryption key (R/W) Wireless session key (R/W) TLS Key Agreement Key (R/W/X); TLS Session Authentication Key (R/W); TLS Session Key (R/W), Authentication public/private keys(R/X) SSH Key Agreement Key (R/W/X); SSH Session Authentication Key (R/W); SSH Session Key (R/W); Peer RSA/DSA public keys (R/W/X); Authenticate Used to log in to the module Administrator Password (R/X) User Password (R/X); 6 GUI – Graphical User Interface 7 CA – Certification Authority Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 9 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Service Description CSP and Type of Access Enable FIPS mode Allows Crypto-Officer to configure the module for FIPS mode. None Configure Bypass mode Allows Crypto-Officer to toggle between encrypted modes and no encryption. None Encryption Allows the crypto officer to enable encryption Pre-shared Secret (R/X) Get FIPS Status Allows Crypto-Officer to view general System and Configuration parameters None Perform Self Tests Allows Crypto-Officer to run on-demand self tests None View General Information Allows Crypto-Officer to view general system identification and Configuration Settings. None View System Status Allows Crypto-Officer to view system, Ethernet, and wireless statistics. None View System Log Allows Crypto-Officer to view the system status messages. None Configure System Allows Crypto-Officer to view and adjust configuration system, IP address, management, and wireless settings. Pre-shared Secret (W) Upload Firmware Allows Crypto-Officer(administrators only) to upload new software binary file Harris Firmware Update Public key (R/X) User Management Allows Crypto-Officer(administrator only) to add/delete users and modify existing login passwords. Administrator Passwords (R/W); User Passwords (R/W); Monitor Passwords (R/W) Spectrum Sweep Allows Crypto-Officer to scan radio frequencies to detect additional RF sources which could be a source of interference None Zeroize Zeroize all keys and CSPs. When the command is issued all keys and CSPs will be erased from memory and replaced with “1”s. All keys and CSPs (W) Clear Clears commands None Del Deletes an ID None Freq Used to enter the frequency ranges for autoscan and dynamic frequency selection None Generate Creates new RSA keys for wireless and https or RSA/DSA keys for use with SSH SP 800-90A DRBG seed/V/C values(R/W/X) Local RSA public/private key (R/W), Authentication public/private keys(R/W) Get Displays statistic and parameter values None Load File Initiate file download Local RSA public/private key (W), CA8 RSA public key (W), Authentication public/private keys(W) 8 CA – Certification Authority Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 10 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Service Description CSP and Type of Access Load Script Loads a script for backup. The config script contains a string of CLI commands that can be used to restore a previously exported configuration of the RF-7800W. None Ping Ping utility None Reboot Restarts the module None Reset Resets the statistical values stored in the module None Save Saves the selected configuration settings None Export Script Generates and outputs a config script. The config script contains a string of CLI commands that can be used to restore the current (active) configuration of the RF- 7800W. None Set Displays system parameter values and allows modification to the displayed values Pre-shared Secret (W) Show Displays configuration and additional system compound objects None Test Allows configuration changes to be run for a five minute test period None Manage module via SNMPv3 Non security related monitoring and configuration by the CO using SNMPv3 snmpEngineId (R/W/X), SNMPv3 Session Key (R/W/X), Administrator Password (R/X); User Password (R/X); Secure management Allows Crypto-Officer to securely manage the module over SSH or HTTPS. TLS Session Authentication Key (R/X); TLS Session Key (R/X), SSH Session Authentication Key (R/X); SSH Session Key (R/X); Wireless Communication Provides secure wireless communication between RF-7800W modules Wireless management encryption key (R/W/X); Wireless session key (R/W/X); Wireless session key encryption key (R/W/X) SP 800-90A DRBG seed/V/C values(R/W/X) 2.3.2 User Role The User (“monitor” type account) has the ability to view general status information about the module, and utilize the module’s data transmitting functionalities via the Ethernet port. Descriptions of the services available to the User role are provided in the table below. The services listed for the User role are mapped to relevant CSPs and the type of access required to CSPs associated with the service (X - Execute, R - Read, or W - Write). Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 11 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Table 5 – Mapping of User Role’s Services to CSPs and Type of Access Service Description CSP and Type of Access Key Agreement Used to establish keys for setting up a secure communications tunnel. TLS Key Agreement Key (R/W/X); TLS Session Authentication Key (R/W); TLS Session Key (R/W), Authentication public/private keys(R/X) SSH Key Agreement Key (R/W/X); SSH Session Authentication Key (R/W); SSH Session Key (R/W); Peer RSA/DSA public keys (R/W/X); Authenticate Used to log in to the module Monitor Password (R/X) Access the Module via SNMPv3 Used to log in to the module using SNMP v3 protocol snmpEngineId (R/X), SNMPv3 Session Key (R/W/X), Monitor Password (R/X) General Information Allows Users to view general system identification and Configuration Settings. None System Status Allows Users to view system, Ethernet, and wireless statistics. None System Log Allows Users to view the system status messages. None Get Displays statistic and parameter values None Ping Ping utility None Change Password Allows Users to change login password Monitor Password (R/W) Secure management Allows Users to securely manage the module over SSH or HTTPS. TLS Session Authentication Key (R/X); TLS Session Key (R/X), SSH Session Authentication Key (R/X); SSH Session Key (R/X); 2.3.3 Bypass Mode The cryptographic module supports an exclusive bypass capability by allowing the encryption type configuration parameter to be set to NONE, AES 128, and AES 256. When encryption is enabled, no Ethernet packets are allowed to be transferred over-the-air in plaintext. The Crypto-Officer can determine the bypass status by examining the wireless encryption status with the web interface and CLI. If wireless encryption is enabled, then bypass capability is not activated; if wireless encryption is disabled, then bypass is activated. 2.3.4 Authentication Mechanisms The module employs the following authentication methods to authenticate Crypto-Officers and Users. Passwords are used for authenticating with the RF-7800W and certificates are used when establishing a TLS session. Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 12 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Table 6 – Authentication Mechanisms Employed by the Module Type of Authentication Authentication Strength Password Passwords are required to be at least 8 characters long. Alphabetic (uppercase and lowercase) and numeric characters can be used, which gives a total of 62 characters to choose from. With the possibility of repeating characters, the chance of a random attempt falsely succeeding is 1 in 628 , or 1 in 218,340,105,584,896. The theoretical maximum number of attempts per minute is 750,000,000 therefore the chance of succeeding with multiple attempts in a one minute interval is 1 in 291,120. Certificate Certificates used as part of TLS or for wireless authentication in FIPS mode of operation are 2048 bits. The chance of a random attempt falsely succeeding is 1 in 2112 , or 1 in 5.1922968 x 1033 . The theoretical maximum number of attempts per minute is 29,296,875 therefore the chance of succeeding with multiple attempts in a one minute interval is 1 in 1,772,304 x 1020 . 2.4 Physical Security The Harris RF-7800W is a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module. The module is enclosed in a weatherproof aluminum alloy case, which is defined as the cryptographic boundary of the module. The module’s enclosure is opaque within the visible spectrum. There are multiple color variants:  Green: RF-7800W-RPxx0  Tan: RF-7800W-RPxx1 The module’s enclosure is sealed using tamper-evident labels, which prevent the case from being opened without signs of tampering. All connectors are secured via structures internal to chassis which prevent them from being pulled out of or pushed into the chassis. The location of the tamper-evident labels is indicated with the red circles below. Two tamper labels on opposite sides of the module will prevent unauthorized users from gaining undetected access, even if screws not covered by tamper labels are removed. Although the tamper-evident labels are placed at the factory, it is the responsibility of the Crypto-Officer—during deployment or repositioning of the module—to ensure that both labels have not been tampered. In is also the responsibility of the Crypto-Officer to schedule and implement a periodic inspection routine to ensure that the tamper evident labels have not been breached. Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 13 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Figure 3 – Tamper-Evident Label Locations for RF-7800W Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 14 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2.5 Operational Environment The operating system (OS) employed by the module is referred to as Wind River VxWorks version 6.8 OS. The OS is not modifiable by the operators of the modules, and only the modules’ custom written image can be run in the system. The modules provide a method to update the firmware in the module with a new version. This method involves uploading a digitally signed firmware update to the module. If the signature test fails the new firmware will be ignored, and the current firmware will remain loaded. If the signature test passes the new firmware will be loaded and the Crypto-Officer is responsible to following the steps listed in Secure Operation to place the module in FIPS-approved mode of operation. NOTE: In order to maintain validation for the module, only FIPS-validated firmware may be loaded, and it must be configured to execute in its defined FIPS mode of operation. 2.6 Cryptographic Key Management The module implements the FIPS-Approved algorithms shown in Table 7 below. Table 7 – Certificate Numbers for Cryptographic Algorithm Implementations Approved Security Function Certificate Number Symmetric Key – Encryption Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128-, 192-, 256-bit in CBC9 , CFB12810 modes #5525 AES Key Wrap 256-bit #5525 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128-, 192-, 256-bit in ECB11 , CCM modes #5526 Triple-DES12 (3-key) in CBC mode #2783 Asymmetric Key – Signature RSA13 PKCS14 #1 signature generation 2048-bit (FIPS 186-4) #2963 RSA PKCS#1 signature verification 1024, 1536, 2048-bit (FIPS 186-2), 1024, 2048-bit (FIPS 186-4) #2963 RSA Key Generation (2048-bit) (FIPS 186-4) #2963 Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) signature generation – 2048-bit #1416 Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) signature verification – 1024 / 2048-bit #1416 Hashing Secure Hash Standard (SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512) #4434 9 CBC – Cipher-Block Chaining 10 CFB – Cipher Feedback 11 ECB – Electronic Codebook 12 DES – Data Encryption Standard 13 RSA – Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman 14 PKCS – Public Key Cryptography Standard Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 15 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Approved Security Function Certificate Number Message Authentication HMAC15 using SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 #3679 Random Number Generators NIST16 SP 800-90A DRBG17 : Hash SHA-1 and Hash SHA-256 #2187 Key Agreement Schemes KAS (Diffie-Hellman)(Key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength) #187 Component Component Test (TLS (TLS1.0/1.1), SSH, SNMP) #1969 Notes: 1. No parts of the TLS, SSH and SNMPv3 protocols, other than the key derivation functions, have been tested or reviewed by the CMVP or the CAVP. 2. KTS (AES Cert. #5525 and HMAC Cert. #3679; key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength). 3. KTS (Triple-DES Cert. #2783 and HMAC Cert. #3679; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength). The module implements the following non-FIPS-Approved algorithms allowed in FIPS mode of operation:  RSA 2048-bit key (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength).  MD5 (for TLS use).  NDRNG used as entropy source for the SP800-90A DRBG. The module supports the following critical security parameters: Table 8 – List of Cryptographic Keys, Cryptographic Key Components, and CSPs Key Key Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Use SNMPv3 Session Key AES 128- bit CFB key Internally generated Never exits the module Stored in volatile memory Upon reboot or session termination Provides secured channel for SNMPv3 management snmpEngineID SNMPv3 engine ID Internally generated from the SNMP Enterprise OID and the MAC address Exported electronically in encrypted form Stored in volatile memory Upon reboot Unique ID of the SNMP v3 engine 15 HMAC – Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code 16 NIST – National Institute of Standards and Technology 17 DRBG – Deterministic Random Bit Generator Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 16 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Key Key Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Use Pre-shared Secret (key) Shared secret Externally generated and imported electronically in encrypted form or plaintext from a non- networked GPC18 . Never exits the module Stored in non-volatile memory. Delete key Used to derive the first KEK (key exchange) and MEK (management key) Authentication public/private keys RSA 2048- bit keys or DSA 2048- bit key RSA/DSA keys are internally generated or externally generated and imported electronically into the module in encrypted form or plaintext from a non- networked GPC. Public key exported electronically in plaintext via Ethernet or RF ports, private component not exported Stored in non-volatile memory By Zeroize command Peer Authentication of SSH/TLS sessions Peer RSA/DSA public keys RSA/DSA 2048-bit keys Imported electronically during handshake protocol Never exits the module Stored in volatile memory Upon reboot or session termination Peer Authentication for SSH sessions Local and CA19 RSA public/private (local unit only) keys RSA 2048- bit keys Internally generated (local unit only) or externally generated and imported electronically into the module in encrypted form or plaintext from a non- networked GPC Public key certificate exported electronically in plaintext via wireless or Ethernet port; private component not exported Stored in non-volatile memory. By Zeroize command Establish trusted point in peer entity 18 GPC – General Purpose Computer 19 CA – Certification Authority Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 17 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Key Key Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Use TLS Key Agreement keys Diffie- Hellman 2048-bit public key, 256 bit private key Internally generated Public key exported electronically in plaintext; private key not exported Stored in volatile memory Upon reboot or session termination Key agreement/establishment for TLS sessions SSH Key Agreement keys Diffie- Hellman 2048-bit public key, 256 bit private key Internally generated Public key exported electronically in plaintext; private key not exported Stored in volatile memory Upon reboot or session termination Key agreement/establishment for SSH sessions Wireless Key agreement keys Diffie- Hellman 2048 bit public key, 256 bit private key Internally generated Public key exported electronically in plaintext, private key not exported Stored in volatile memory Upon reboot or session termination Key agreement/establishment for wireless link establishment TLS Session Authentication Key HMAC SHA-1 key Internally generated Never exits the module Stored in plaintext in volatile memory Upon reboot or session termination Data authentication for TLS sessions TLS Session Key Triple- DES, AES- 128, AES- 256 Internally generated Never exits the module Stored in plaintext in volatile memory Upon reboot or session termination Data encryption for TLS sessions SSH Session Authentication Key HMAC- SHA1 key Internally generated Never exits the module Stored in plaintext in volatile memory Upon reboot or session termination Data authentication for SSH sessions SSH Session Key Triple- DES, AES- 128, AES- 192, AES- 256 Internally generated Never exits the module Stored in plaintext in volatile memory Upon reboot or session termination Data encryption for SSH sessions Harris Firmware Update Public Key RSA 2048- bit public key Externally generated and hard coded in the image Never exits the module Stored in plaintext in non-volatile and volatile memory N/A Verifies the signature associated with a broadband radio firmware update package Administrator Passwords 8-15 character ASCII20 string Entered in plaintext Never exits the module Stored in non-volatile memory in plaintext By password change command Authentication for administrator login 20 ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 18 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Key Key Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Use User Passwords 8-15 character ASCII string Entered in plaintext Never exits the module Stored in non-volatile memory in plaintext By password change command Authentication for user login Monitor Passwords 8-15 character ASCII string Entered in plaintext Never exits the module Stored in non-volatile memory in plaintext By Zeroize command Authentication for monitor login NIST SP 800- 90A DRBG seed 250 bytes random value Internally generated Never exits the module Generated after reset. Stored in plaintext volatile memory Overwritten (as a circular buffer) by random value Used during FIPS- approved random number generation NIST SP 800- 90A DRBG “V” value Internal DRBG state value Internally generated Never exits the module Stored in plaintext volatile memory Upon reboot or power cycle Used during FIPS- approved random number generation NIST SP 800- 90A DRBG “C” value Internal DRBG state value Internally generated Never exits the module Stored in plaintext volatile memory Upon reboot or power cycle Used during FIPS- approved random number generation Wireless management encryption key AES 128-, 256-bit CCM key Internally generated Never exits the module Stored in plaintext volatile memory Upon reboot or power cycle Used to encrypt the wireless control & management traffic Wireless session key encryption key (KEK) 256-bit AES KW key Internally generated Exits the module in encrypted form during session establishment Stored in plaintext volatile memory Overwritten every time a new key is generated, by reboot or power cycle. Used to encrypt wireless session keys Wireless session key AES 128-, 256-bit CCM key Internally generated Exits the module in encrypted form during session establishment Stored in plaintext volatile memory Overwritten every time a new key is generated, by reboot or power cycle. Used to encrypt the user data traffic The module performs key generation as per SP800-133 (vendor affirmed). The module collects entropy from inside the module as per FIPS 140-2 IG 7.14 scenario 1(a) and provides a minimum of 1250 bits of entropy to the DRBG. It is required that each validated module shall have a limit of 216 encryptions with the same Triple-DES key. As Triple-DES encryption is used by the module only for management using SSH or HTTPS it is required that any management session that uses Triple-DES encryption to be limited to an interval of maximum 10 minutes. It is recommended that all the RSA and DSA keys used be 2048 bits. Starting January 1st 2014 the following algorithms/key length combinations are disallowed or accepted only for legacy use:  RSA1024 Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 19 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice.  SHA-1  DSA1024 More information is available on the CMVP Web site (https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/cryptographic-module- validation-program). 2.7 Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility The Harris RF-7800W was tested and found to be conformant to the Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMI/EMC) requirements specified by Federal Communications Commission CFR 47, Parts 2, 15, and 90 (Subpart Y) – Regulations Governing Licensing and Use of Frequencies in the 4940-4990 MHz Range. Compliance with these regulations meets FIPS Level 2 requirements for EMI/EMC. 2.8 Self-Tests 2.8.1 Power-Up Self-Tests The RF-7800W performs the following self-tests at power-up:  Firmware integrity check using an Error Detection Code (16 bit CRC21 )  Known Answer Tests (KATs) for the following FIPS-Approved algorithms: o AES (encrypt - hardware) o AES (decrypt - hardware) o AES (encrypt - firmware) o AES (decrypt - firmware) o HMAC (SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512) o NIST SP 800-90A DRBG o RSA (signature generation and signature verification) o SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 o Triple-DES (encrypt) o Triple-DES (decrypt) o Diffie-Hellman Primitive “Z” Computation KAT  Pair-wise Consistency Test: o DSA If any of the power-up tests fail, the module enters into a critical error state. An error message is logged in the System Log for the Crypto-Officer to review, and a CO must power cycle the module or reload the module image to clear the error state. A CO may initiate on demand self-tests by power cycling the module. 2.8.2 Conditional Self-Tests The RF-7800W also performs the following conditional self-tests:  Continuous RNG Test for the NIST SP 800-90A DRBG  Continuous RNG Test for the entropy source for the NIST SP 800-90A DRBG  RSA Pair-wise Consistency Test  DSA Pair-wise Consistency Test  Bypass Test  Firmware Load Test 21 CRC – Cyclic Redundancy Check Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 20 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. If any of the above tests fail, the module enters a soft error state and logs an error message in the System Log. 2.8.3 Critical Functions Tests The RF-7800W performs the following critical functions tests and it will enter an error state if any of these fail:  SP800-90A DRBG Instantiate Test  SP800-90A DRBG Generate Test  SP800-90A DRBG Reseed Test 2.9 Mitigation of Other Attacks In a FIPS Mode of operation, the module does not claim to mitigate any additional attacks. Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 21 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 3 Secure Operation The RF-7800W meets the Level 2 requirements for FIPS 140-2. The sections below describe how to place and keep the module in FIPS-approved mode of operation. 3.1 Crypto-Officer Guidance The Crypto-Officer is responsible for the initialization and management of the module. Please view the RF-7800W User Manual for additional information on configuring and maintaining the module. The Crypto-Officer can receive the module from the vendor via trusted delivery couriers including UPS, FedEx, and Roadway. The Crypto-Officer can also arrange for pick up directly from Harris. Upon receipt of the module the Crypto-Officer should check the package for any irregular tears or openings. Upon opening the package the Crypto-Officer should inspect the tamper-evident labels. If the Crypto-Officer suspects tampering, he/she should immediately contact Harris. The Module must be periodically inspected by the User for evidence of tampering. If tampering is suspected, the Crypto-Officer should assume that the module has been compromised, remove the unit from the network and contact Harris. 3.1.1 Initialization The Crypto-Officer is responsible for the Initialization of the module through the Web Interface or CLI over SSH. The Crypto-Officer must log in to the module using the default username and password. Once initial authentication has completed, the Crypto-Officer must set up all Crypto-Officer and User accounts passwords (eight characters minimum) and verify via the System Configuration window that FIPS Mode is enabled. If FIPS Mode is disabled, the Crypto-Officer can enable it by performing the following steps: 1. Change the default Crypto-Officer (“admin” and “user” type account) password and default User (“monitor” type account) password. For a unit configured as an SC, change the STID password for all Link Templates. For a unit configured as an SS, change the STID password. The minimum password length is 8 characters and the maximum is 15 characters. 2. Make sure the Encryption Type is set to None 3. Disable HTTP22 , Telnet and RADIUS 23 4. If SNMP is required, enable SNMPv3 5. Enable HTTPS24 and SSH 6. Turn FIPS Mode Flag to ON 7. Save the configuration. 8. A reboot will be triggered by the step above. The reboot process can take a few minutes. A continuous “ping” can be used to determine when the unit is back up. 9. Log in using SSH or using the console port. 10. Load the Local RSA public/private keys (if X509 Authentication is used) and Authentication (RSA) public/private keys. Load the TLS certificate and private key if HTTPS will be used. 11. If X509 Authentication is used load the Certificate Authority’s public key 12. Reboot (by issuing the “reboot” command) 13. Enter the Pre-Shared Secret. The pre-shared secret can have between 32 and 64 characters. 14. Set the Wireless Encryption Type to AES 128 or AES 256. 15. Enable X509 wireless authentication (optional). 22 HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol 23 RADIUS - Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service 24 HTTPS – Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 22 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 16. Check if the module is in FIPS mode using the “get fipsstatus” command (returns “ON” for FIPS mode). For additional initialization guidance, please reference the “Multimission HCLOS Installation/Operation Manual”. 3.1.2 Management In FIPS-Approved mode, only FIPS-Approved algorithms listed in Table 7 are used. The Crypto-Officer (“admin” and “user” type account) is able to configure and monitor the module via the Web Interface over TLS and CLI over SSH or local console port. The Crypto-Officer should check the System Status and System Logs frequently for errors. If the same errors reoccur or the module ceases to function normally, then Harris customer support should be contacted. The appliance can be configured into an explicit FIPS mode of operation as per the instructions provided in Section 3.1.1. However, the appliance supports a non-compliant state, the initialization of which requires an explicit separate configuration. When the appliance is operating in non-compliant state, the services have access to non-Approved and non-Allowed algorithms. The logical boundary of the module is defined such that all functionality available in non-compliant state is scoped out from the module boundary. Thus, when the module is operating in FIPS Approved mode of operation, it can access only FIPS Approved or Allowed algorithms as access to non-Approved and non- Allowed algorithms are explicitly inhibited by design of the module. The radio will be operating as a validated cryptographic module when all the steps to install, initialize and configure the radio are performed correctly. If the steps are not executed properly, the module will be operating outside the scope of the security policy and will not be operating as a validated cryptographic module. For all zeroization operations the module is under the direct control of the Crypto Officer. 3.2 User Guidance The User role (“monitor” type account) is able to access the module over the Ethernet port and perform basic services including: viewing general system status information and changing their own password. A list of commands available to the User role is found in Table 5. A User should check the system status information to confirm the FIPS mode flag is set to ON. Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 23 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 4 Acronyms This section defines the acronyms used throughout this document. Table 9 – Acronyms Acronym Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange BOM Bill of Materials CAPA Corrective and Preventive Action CAT Category CBC Cipher-Block Chaining CCM Counter with CBC-MAC CFB Cipher Feedback CFR Code of Federal Regulations CLI Command Line Interface CM Configuration Management CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CO Crypto-Officer CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check CSE Communications Security Establishment CSP Critical Security Parameter DC Direct Current DES Digital Encryption Standard DH Diffie-Hellman DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator DSA Digital Signature Algorithm ECB Electronic Codebook EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference FCC Federal Communications Commission FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GHz Gigahertz GUI Graphical User Interface HMAC (Keyed-) Hash Message Authentication Code HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTPS Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol Harris RF-7800W Radio with High Power PA Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 March 18, 2019 Harris RF-7800W Integrated Radio/PA Page 24 of 24 © 2019 Harris Corporation This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Acronym Definition RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service ID Identification INE Inline Network Encryption IP Internet Protocol KAT Known Answer Test MAC Message Authentication Code Mbps Megabits per second MHz Megahertz Ms Milliseconds NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology OFDM Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing OS Operating System PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standard PMP Point-to-Multipoint POE Power Over Ethernet PTP Point-to-Point RNG Random Number Generator RSA Rivest Shamir and Adleman SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol SSH Secure Shell SSL Secure Socket Layer TLS Transport Layer Security VoIP Voice-over-Internet Protocol