ValiCert Security Module 1.0: Security Policy file:///C:/josh/Projects/ValiCert/new-new-sp/policy.htm 1 of 11 2002-12-04 18:46 ValiCert Security Module 1.0 Security Policy Revision 11/22/02 1.1 Introduction This security policy was prepared as part of FIPS 140-1 certification of the ValiCert Security Module. The ValiCert Security Module meets all FIPS 140-1 level 1 requirements. This security policy describes how the ValiCert Security Module meets these requirements, and how it can be operated in a secure fashion. The security policy defined in this document specifies the security rules under which the ValiCert Cryptographic Module must operate. It includes the rules derived from the security requirements of the FIPS PUB 140-1 standard, and additional security rules imposed by ValiCert. These rules define within which role(s), and under what circumstances (when performing which services), an operator is allowed to maintain or disclose each security relevant data item of the cryptographic module. For more detailed information about the ValiCert Security Module and all other ValiCert products that are based on the ValiCert Security Module, please visit the ValiCert web site at The web site contains non-technical descriptions of ValiCert products, product functionalities, product offerings and much more. 1.2 Specification of Security Policy 1.2.1 ValiCert Security Module The ValiCert Security Module is a software cryptographic module implemented as a set of libraries. These libraries represent the cryptographic module, which present the same application programmer interface (API) to all other ValiCert products. Supported FIPS approved algorithms are DES, Triple-DES, SHA-1, and RSA. Other algorithms that also are supported in a non-FIPS mode are MD2, MD5, RC2, and RC4. The ValiCert Security Module for the purpose of this FIPS testing is tested on Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and Sun Solaris 2.8. 1.2.2 FIPS 140 -1 Security Level The table below lists the security levels to which the ValiCert Security Module has been certified. Security Requirements Section Level Cryptographic Module 1 Module Interfaces 1 Roles and Services 1 Finite State Machine 1 Physical Security 1 Software Security 1 ValiCert Security Module 1.0: Security Policy file:///C:/josh/Projects/ValiCert/new-new-sp/policy.htm 2 of 11 2002-12-04 18:46 Operating System Security 1 Key Management 1 Cryptographic Algorithms 1 EMI/EMC 1 Self-Tests 1 1.2.3 Cryptographic Boundary The physical cryptographic boundary is defined to be the computer case that the ValiCert Cryptographic Module is installed on. The module is therefore viewed in FIPS 140-1 terms as "multi-chip standalone module". The software cryptographic boundary is defined to be a subset of the ValiCert Cryptographic Module libraries. It does not include the functions associated with algorithms that are not used in a non-FIPS mode as well as functions that do not effect the security of the module. The cryptographic boundary is indicated in the cryptographic boundary diagram below (Figure 1): ValiCert Security Module 1.0: Security Policy file:///C:/josh/Projects/ValiCert/new-new-sp/policy.htm 3 of 11 2002-12-04 18:46 Figure 1: Cryptographic Boundary 1.2.4 Roles and Services Roles ValiCert's Security Module utilizes a single user approach -- this user refered as ValiCert User. The module has a User role and a Cryptoofficer role. Both roles have same set of services. When the ValiCert User performs any of the modules services he is in both the roles of a Cryptoofficer and a User. ValiCert Security Module does not have any service that is associated with maintenance and hence does not have a maintenance role. Authentication For Level 1, a cryptomodule is not required to employ authentication mechanisms to control access to the module. Hence the ValiCert Security Module does not employ any authentication mechanism to control access to the module. Multiple Concurrent Operator Roles and Services Since ValiCert applications always operate under a single user, the ValiCert Security Module does not have multiple concurrent operators at a time. The module does not support bypass mode. Services Services in FIPS mode may include, but not be limited to, the following: Cryptographic operations such as encryption, decryption, hashing, digital signature generation, digital signature verification. Key management operations such as key and parameter entry, key generation, key output , key archiving, key zeroization, and other key management functions. Performance of self tests, such as cryptographic algorithm tests, continous random number generator tests, or any additional tests. In each of the following services, since there is only one user, the user has access to ALL the services mediated by the application (for both client and server products). Table: Services Name of Service Description of Service in Terms of Routines Certificate Storage and Retrieval This service consists of the following routines to perform certificate storage and retrieval: PEM_read_bio_X509, PEM_read_bio_X509_CRL, PEM_write_bio_X509, PEM_write_bio_X509_CRL, X509_free, X509_LOOKUP_load_file, X509_STORE_add_cert(), X509_STORE_free, X509_LOOKUP_by_subject, X509_LOOKUP_by_issuer_serial, X509_LOOKUP_by_fingerprint.. ValiCert Security Module 1.0: Security Policy file:///C:/josh/Projects/ValiCert/new-new-sp/policy.htm 4 of 11 2002-12-04 18:46 Digital Signatures This service consists of the following routines to perform RSA signature generation, verification and for key encryption/agreement:RSA_sign(), RSA_verify(), RSA_public_encrypt(), RSA_private_encrypt(), RSA_public_decrypt(), RSA_private_decrypt(). Encryption/ Decryption This service consists of the following routines used to perform DES: des-ecb-encrypt() and des-cbc-encrypt() This service consists of the following routines used to perform Triple-DES: des-ede3-cbc-encrypt() and des-ecb3-encrypt() Hashing This service consists of the following routines used to perform SHA-1 hashing: SHA1_Init, SHA1_Update, SHA1_Final Key Generation This service is utilized to perform RSA key generation and DES key generation and consists of the following routines: RSA_generate_key(), des_random_key(). PKCS #12 Personal Information Exchange The PKCS #12 API will specify a standard interface based upon the PKCS #12 standard which allows this service to be used to exchange data such as private keys and certificates between two parties and consists of the following routines: PKCS12_create(), PKCS12_parse() can be used to parse a PKCS12 object, d2i_PKCS12() can be used to import a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) PKCS12 object and i2d_PKCS12() can be used to export a PKCS12 object to a DER encoded form. PKCS12_free is used to free a PKCS12 object. Private Key Storage and Retrieval This service is utilized to perform RSA private key storage and retrieval and consists of the following routines: PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivatekey() and PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivatekey(), RSA_free( ) is used to free an RSA key. Pseudorandom Number Generation This service consists of the following routines used for pseudorandom number generation: RAND_bytes() TLS Session ID Cache (Secret Management) This service consists of the following routines used to perform session ID cache management: ssl_get_new_session(), SSL_CTX_add_session(), SSl_CTX_remove_session(), SSL_SESSION_free, tls1_generate_master_secret. Show Status This service outputs the current state of the module. This service consists of the return value of each of the API calls. Self Test This service runs the complete set of power-up self tests. This service is run when the module is unloaded and reloaded. Zeroization RSA keys are zeriozed by the function RSA_free() and TLS Session ID cache is zeroized using SSL_SESSION_free(). To zeroize the key used by the FIPS_verify_dac() and ValiCert Security Module 1.0: Security Policy file:///C:/josh/Projects/ValiCert/new-new-sp/policy.htm 5 of 11 2002-12-04 18:46 FIPS_create_dat(), the operator would need to delete the binary in which the key is contained. 1.2.5 Access Control Policy The access control policy enforced by the cryptographic module lets the operator and testers to know what security relevant data items the operator has access to while performing a service, and the modes of access he or she has to these data items. Also, the testers and operator must be able to know if and how the kinds of data items accessible changes when the service is invoked from each role in which it can be invoked. Security Relevant Data Items Security relevant data items consist of data types used for Certificate Storage and Retrieval, Digital Signatures, Encryption/Decryption, Generic Containers, Hashing, Key Generation, PKCS #12 Personal Information Exchange, Private Key Storage and Retrieval, Pseudorandom Number Generation, and TLS Session ID Cache (Secret Management). All security relevant data items are identified by service, type, name, and description in the following table: Table: Security Relevant Data Items Service Name of Data Item Description of Data Item Certificate Storage and Retrieval X509_STORE, X509_LOOKUP,X509, X509_CRL X509_STORE holds the tables with certs and uses X509_LOOKUP certificates. X509 is a certificate object and X509_CRL is a certifica Digital Signatures RSA This data structure contains the private/public key for signing/encryption/verifying/decryption when using RSA algorithm. Encryption/ Decryption des_key_schedule ks(1/2/3) des_cblock iv The DES key(s) used to encrypt/decrypt data. The initilization vector used for CBC encryption/decryption. Hashing SHA_CTX The structure representing the context of a SHA-1 hash containing in to performing a SHA-1 hash. Key Generation RSA des_cblock The RSA_generate_key() function returns this data structure which c The data structure that contains the des key. PKCS #12 Personal Information Exchange PKCS12, X509_CERT, X509_STORE, EVP_PKEY, passphrase The PKCS12 object that is created/managed by this interface. The X509 _CERT that is added to the PKCS12 object. The X509_STORE of ca certificates that are added to the PKCS12 The private key for the X509_CERT that gets added to the PKCS1 The passphrase used to protect the PKCS12 object. Private Key Storage and Retrieval RSA The structure representing the private key. Pseudorandom Number buf The seed value used to seed the random number generator in RAND ValiCert Security Module 1.0: Security Policy file:///C:/josh/Projects/ValiCert/new-new-sp/policy.htm 6 of 11 2002-12-04 18:46 Generation TLS Session ID Cache (Secret Management) SSL_CTX SSL_SESSION, SSL SSL_CTX is the structure that contains the context information of th SSL_SESSION is the structure containing the data relevant to the se SSL is an internal SSL structure. Service Relationships to Security Relevant Data Items Matrix ValiCert Security Module 1.0: Security Policy file:///C:/josh/Projects/ValiCert/new-new-sp/policy.htm 7 of 11 2002-12-04 18:46 Table: Service Routine to Security Relevant Data Items Matrix Service Service Routine Security Relevant Data Item Read Access Write Access Certificate Storage and Retrieval X509_STORE_add_cert(), X509_STORE_free X509_STORE X X509_LOOKUP_by_subject, X509_LOOKUP_by_issuer_serial, X509_LOOKUP_by_fingerprint. X509_LOOKUP X X509_LOOKUP_load_file X509_LOOKUP X PEM_read_bio_X509 X509 X PEM_write_bio_X509, X509_free X509 X PEM_read_bio_X509_CRL X509_CRL X PEM_write_bio_X509_CRL X509_CRL X Digital Signatures RSA_sign(), RSA_verify(), RSA_public_encrypt(), RSA_private_encrypt(), RSA_public_decrypt(), RSA_private_decrypt(). RSA X Encryption/ Decryption des-ecb-encrypt() ks X des-cbc-encrypt() ks X IV X X ValiCert Security Module 1.0: Security Policy file:///C:/josh/Projects/ValiCert/new-new-sp/policy.htm 8 of 11 2002-12-04 18:46 des-ecb3-encrypt() ks1, ks2, ks3 X des-ede3-cbc-encrypt() ks1, ks2, ks3 X IV X X Hashing SHA1_Init SHA_CTX X SHA1_Update X X SHA1_Transform X X SHA1_Final X Key Generation RSA_generate_key() RSA des_cblock X X X X des_random_key() PKCS #12 Personal Information Exchange PKCS12_create, PKCS12_parse, i2d_PKCS12, d2i_PKCS12,PKCS12_free PKCS12 X509_CERT X509_STORE EVP_PKEY passphrase X X X X X X Private Key Storage and Retrieval PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivatekey() RSA X PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivatekey() RSA X Pseudorandom Number Generation RAND_seed() buf X TLS Session ID Cache SSL_CTX_add_session() SSL_CTX X SSl_CTX_remove_session() SSL_CTX X SSL_CTX_flush_sessions() SSL_CTX X ssl_get_new_session() SSL_SESSION/SSL X X SSL_SESSION_free() SSL_SESSION X tls1_generate_master_secret SSL X ValiCert Security Module 1.0: Security Policy file:///C:/josh/Projects/ValiCert/new-new-sp/policy.htm 9 of 11 2002-12-04 18:46 1.2.6 Security Policy Rules Given below are the security policy rules, which will be adhered to by each ValiCert product. The rules are categorized based on the sections of the FIPS 140-1 standard. Rules: I Cryptographic Module: ValiCert's cryptographic module consists of a set of binary software libraries compiled for each supported platform and utilized by ALL ValiCert products. The modules FIPS 140-1 mode of operation is accomplished by using only the FIPS approved algorithms in 1.2.6 Rule IX. II Module Interfaces: The ValiCert Security Module ensures that critical errors are not allowed to compromise security. III Roles and Services: The single user (ValiCert User) who is in the role of a User and a Cryptoofficer shall have access to ALL the services supplied by the cryptographic module. IV Finite State Machine: Even though the FSM does not show transitions from all other service states to Un-Initial State, they are implied. V Physical Security: The Valicert Security Module is installed on a workstation that meets standard physical secuirty requirements for level 1 (Standard production quality ICs and all chips have standard passivation techniques). VI Software Security: None. VII Operating System Security: The authenticity of the cryptographic module is verified using a SHA-1 HMAC. The operating system shall be configured in a single user usage mode. The operating system shall be configured to allow only a single user to access the cryptographic module. VIII Key Management: ValiCert Security Module 1.0: Security Policy file:///C:/josh/Projects/ValiCert/new-new-sp/policy.htm 10 of 11 2002-12-04 18:46 All passwords and private keys shall be stored in an encrypted form in secondary storage. The user's password shall act as the key material to encrypt/decrypt private key material. The cryptographic module shall extract private keys wrapped with a password according to PKCS #12. The FIPS PUB 140-1 cryptographic module shall utilize pseudorandom number generation as defined via the mechanisms described in Appendix 3.1 of FIPS PUB 186. SSL master secrets (private key data) shall be protected within the boundary of the cryptographic module (the TLS secure session ID cache shall be considered within the boundary of the cryptographic module). IX Cryptographic Algorithms: The FIPS 140-1 cipher suite implemented by the module consists solely of DES and 3DES for encryption/decryption. PKCS#1 signatures are used with RSA algorithm. SHA-1 hash is used for secure hash, with cryptographic module HMAC, and in the context of TLS protocol. The module in a non-FIPS mode can support MD2, MD5, RC2, and RC4. If any of the functions associated with the algorithms MD2, MD5 and RC2 and RC4 are called then the module will not be in the FIPS Mode; however, in some portions of the TLS key derivation process MD5 is used in a non security relevant manner. As defined in TLS RFC 2246, the following TLS cipher suites are the only ones allowed in the FIPS 140-1 mode of operation: TLS_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA 3DES is the prefered encyrption algorithm used by the module, and DES is used only for legacy and compatibility purposes. X EMI/EMC: The ValiCert Security Module is installed on a workstation that complies with FCC requirements. XI Self-Tests: Upon initialization of the FIPS PUB 140-1 cryptographic module, the following power-up self-tests shall be performed and the following known answer tests will be performed for the following algorithms: (1) RC2-ECB Encrypt/Decrypt, (2) RC2-CBC Encrypt/Decrypt, (3) RC4 Encrypt/Decrypt, (4) DES-ECB Encrypt/Decrypt, ValiCert Security Module 1.0: Security Policy file:///C:/josh/Projects/ValiCert/new-new-sp/policy.htm 11 of 11 2002-12-04 18:46 (5) DES-CBC Encrypt/Decrypt, (6) triple DES-ECB Encrypt/Decrypt, (7) triple DES-CBC Encrypt/Decrypt, (8) MD2 Hash, (9) MD5 Hash, (10) SHA-1 Hash, (11) RSA Encrypt, (12) RSA Decrypt, (13) RSA Signature, (14) RSA Signature Verification (15) Module Software self test using SHA-1 HMAC The conditional tests that are performed are pair-wise consistency test and continuous random number test.