ISC Cryptographic Development Kit (CDK) Version 7.0 FIPS 140-1 Security Policy Document Version: 3.10 Issue Date: August 25, 2003 Authors: Michael J. Markowitz, Roger S. Schlafly, Jonathan C. Schulze-Hewett Abstract: This document is a non-proprietary Cryptographic Module Security Policy for Information Security Corporation’s CDK Version 7.0. It describes how the ISC CDK meets the security requirements of FIPS 140-1, and how to use the ISC CDK in a secure FIPS 140-1 mode. This policy was prepared as part of the FIPS 140-1 Level 1 validation of the ISC CDK. © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 2 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. Table of Contents 0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3 0.1 Document Organization................................................................................................ 3 0.2 Platform Availability..................................................................................................... 3 0.3 References ...................................................................................................................... 4 1 Cryptographic Module Architecture................................................................................... 5 1.1 Module Description and Overview .............................................................................. 5 2 Module Interfaces.................................................................................................................. 7 3 Roles and Services ................................................................................................................. 8 4 Finite State Model ............................................................................................................... 13 5 Physical Security.................................................................................................................. 14 6 Software Security ................................................................................................................ 15 7 Operating System Security ................................................................................................. 16 8 Cryptographic Key Management ...................................................................................... 17 8.1 Key Generation............................................................................................................ 17 8.2 Key Distribution .......................................................................................................... 17 8.3 Key Entry and Output ................................................................................................ 17 8.4 Key Storage/Archiving................................................................................................ 19 8.5 Key Destruction ........................................................................................................... 19 9 Cryptographic Algorithms ................................................................................................. 20 10 EMI/EMC......................................................................................................................... 23 11 Self-tests............................................................................................................................ 24 11.1 Power-Up Tests............................................................................................................ 24 11.2 Conditional Self-Tests ................................................................................................. 25 11.2.1 Continuous Random Number Generation Test .................................................................. 25 11.2.2 Pair-wise Self-Tests............................................................................................................ 25 11.2.3 On-Demand Self-Tests....................................................................................................... 25 12 FIPS 140-1 Mode ............................................................................................................. 26 Page 3 © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. 0 Introduction Information Security Corporation’s Cryptographic Development Kit (ISC CDK) Version 7.0 is a software module. The software module is a dynamic link library (DLL) that contains cryptographic primitives that are cryptographic software building blocks which may be used by application developers to build security-enhanced features into their own applications. The ISC CDK provides public-key algorithms, as well as symmetric ciphers, hashing functions, and related cryptographic and PKI operations. The CDK was designed and implemented to meet FIPS 140-1 level 1 security requirements. 0.1 Document Organization ISC’s submission for FIPS 140-1 validation includes this security policy document and: • Vender evidence (Self-test document, Key Management document, Evaluator’s guide, and CDK Methods document), • Finite state machines model diagram and explanation, • Proprietary source code and build configuration files. 0.2 Platform Availability The ISC CDK software was designed for use on a variety of operating systems and hardware platforms. For FIPS 140-1 validation purposes, the software was tested on a Dell Optiplex GX1 Personal Computer running the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system configured as single user system. The ISC CDK software is provided in the form of compiled code as dynamic link libraries (DLL), which can be run on Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, and XP operating systems. The DLL’s application programming interface (API), which provides access to the supported cryptographic primitives, consists of a set of C++ classes as documented in ‘cdk.h’, the other header files referenced therein, and related documentation. For FIPS 140-1 testing purposes, a testing application was loaded in order to exercise the DLL. © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 4 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. 0.3 References Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS PUB) 140-1, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, details U.S. Government requirements for cryptographic modules. Below are hyperlinks to websites containing more information on NIST cryptographic programs, FIPS 140-1, and the ISC CDK. NIST Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMV) FIPS 140-1 Security Requirements The ISC CDK NIST Validation Lists for Cryptographic Standards – this site contains the technical implementations of the algorithms that have been validated to conform to the NIST approved algorithm standards Page 5 © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. 1 Cryptographic Module Architecture 1.1 Module Description and Overview The ISC CDK is a software module. The physical embodiment of the computer hardware on which it runs is a “multi-chip standalone module” in FIPS 140-1 terminology. The “physical cryptographic boundary” is defined to be the entire computer on which the ISC CDK software runs. As a software module, the “logical boundary” contains the software modules that comprise the ISC CDK dynamic link library. The following diagram (Figure 1) illustrates the relationship between a typical software application (such as the supplied CDK test program) and the ISC CDK, the computer’s operating system, and system BIOS. Application ISC CDK Operating System BIOS Figure 1: Relationship between an Application and the Cryptographic Module © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 6 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. The following diagram (Figure 2) is a block diagram displaying the most important components of the ISC CDK software. (Certain dependencies between the various components are suppressed for simplicity.) self-tests strings, utilities CDK API (data and control I/O, error handling) ASN.1 utilities, certificate handling message digests symmetric ciphers public key algorithms groups, rings, fields, curves high-precision arithmetic Password generator PRNG Figure 2: Important Components of the ISC CDK Page 7 © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. 2 Module Interfaces As a FIPS 140-1 multi-chip standalone module, the ISC CDK has a physical power interface and physical input and output data paths, which are the computer system’s standard input/output ports and power interface. The input/output ports on the computer are used for connecting external devices such as monitors and keyboards however these devices are outside the physical boundary of the ISC CDK. The ISC CDK software is written in C++; its logical interfaces are the application program interfaces (API) defined by C++ classes and global methods. The calling program inputs control and data to the ISC CDK through the input fields of the API and receives output data and/or status information through the output parameters of the API. Vendor documentation describes what output indicates an error and what output constitutes successful completion of the operation. A “show status” service is provided by the static Algorithm::isErrorState() method which may be called at anytime to determine if the CDK is in the hard error state. If the CDK enters the hard error state, an error code is returned through the API interface, and no data output is returned. Methods performing key generation do not output intermediate key values. Methods performing key zeroization only return status output describing success or failure of the operation. Below is a table that maps the logical interfaces to the physical interfaces. Interface Logical Interface Physical Port Data Input Data passed to the API calls to be used by the Module Standard Input Port (e.g. Keyboard) Date Output Data returned from API calls, generated by the Module Standard Output Port (e.g. Monitor) Control Input API calls N/A Status Output C++ exceptions and the Algorithm::isErrorState() function Standard Output Port (e.g. Monitor) Power N/A Supplied by PC Table 1: Module Interface Mapping © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 8 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. 3 Roles and Services The ISC CDK module supports two roles: “Crypto-Officer” (CO) and “User.” The ISC CDK provides no maintenance access interface and therefore does not support a Maintenance role. FIPS 140-1 Level 1 cryptographic modules are not required to employ authentication as a means of controlling access to the module. Such authentication mechanisms are not supported by the ISC CDK for the CO and User roles. No other roles are supported. The CO configures the computer system, operating system, and the ISC CDK to operate in a secure FIPS 140-1 mode, if that is desired (this may include configuring the system on which the application is installed as part of the installation process). Conditions for meeting FIPS 140-1 requirements are provided in Section 12 of this document. The User has access to only those services provided by the ISC CDK that are exposed for his use by the CO. A “show status” service is provided by the static Algorithm::isErrorState() function. The API will return TRUE if the CDK is in the hard error state and FALSE otherwise. Self-test services are described in Section 11 of this document. Bypass services are not provided. Tables 2 and 3 provide details on the services available to each role, and each role’s access rights within those services. If the CO does not place any restrictions on the user during installation, the user has the right to perform any of the following basic encryption or decryption methods: • AES::crypt – perform AES encryption or decryption. • DES::crypt – perform DES1 , DESX, or TDES encryption or decryption. • EES::crypt – perform EES encryption or decryption. • Key::Encrypt – perform RSA, ElGamal, or Elliptic Curve ElGamal, key wrapping. • Key::Decrypt – perform RSA, ElGamal, or Elliptic Curve ElGamal, key unwrapping. 1 DES is for legacy system interoperability use only. Page 9 © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. Role Security Service Cryptographic Keys and Critical Security Parameters Type of Access Crypto Officer Test ISC CDK software integrity TDES MAC key Read, write to disk Crypto Officer Configure ISC CDK to perform selective cryptographic functions Start-up type for each service Read, write to disk Crypto Officer or User Perform self-tests Known Answers for CRC, MD2, MD5, SHA- 1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, HMAC-SHA-1, DES, TDES, AES, RC2, RC4, EES, DSA, ECDSA, RSASign, PRNG, and PWD. Read from memory Crypto Officer or User Show status Error indicators Read from memory Crypto Officer or User Generate session key using PRNG for use in DES, TDES, AES, EES encryption Session Key Read, write to memory Crypto Officer or User Generate Random numbers Random numbers Read, write to memory Crypto Officer or User Shown in Table 3 Shown in Table 3 Read, write to memory Table 2: Services Available to Cryptographic Officer and User Roles © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 10 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. Table 3 shows the cryptographic methods available to the Cryptographic Officer and User Roles. Method Critical Security Parameters Type of Access AES::init symmetric key, IV, mode write memory AES::crypt IV and CTR updated read/write memory AES::clear symmetric key, IV, CTR write memory AES::~AES symmetric key, IV, CTR write memory AES::setcounter CTR write memory DES::init symmetric key, IV, mode, variant 2 write memory DES::crypt IV and CTR updated read/write memory DES::clear symmetric key, IV, CTR write memory DES::~ DES symmetric key, IV, CTR write memory DES::setcounter CTR write memory DES::reset symmetric key read/write memory EES::init symmetric key, IV, mode write memory EES::crypt IV and CTR updated read/write memory EES::clear symmetric key, IV, CTR write memory EES::~ EES symmetric key, IV, CTR write memory EES::setcounter CTR write memory HMAC symmetric key read/write memory RSA::clear public key, private key read/write memory RSA::RSA public key, private key read/write memory RSA::~RSA public key, private key read/write memory RSA::setup public key, private key read/write memory RSA::genpub public key read/write memory RSA::loadpub public key read/write memory RSA::loadpriv private key read/write memory RSA::encrypt public key read memory RSA::decrypt private key read memory RSA::Sign private key read memory RSA::asn1private private key write memory RSA::loadasn1private private key read/write memory RSA::loadpub public key read/write memory signature::tostr signature read memory signature::toasn1 signature read memory signature::toraw signature read memory signature::load signature read/write memory signature::clear signature write memory signature::init private key, public key read memory signature::~signature signature write memory 2 Variant is DES, DESX, or TDES. Note: CTR mode for DES or TDES cannot be used in FIPS mode. Page 11 © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. Method Critical Security Parameters Type of Access key::clear private key, public key write memory key::loadprivate private key read/write memory key::DLLoadpublic public key read/write memory key::RSALoadpublic public key read/write memory key::DLGetRawpublic public key read memory key::RSAGetRawpublic public key read memory key::GetRawprivate private key read memory key::genpub private key, public key read/write memory key::RSAkeygen private key, public key, random read/write memory key::DLkeygen private key, public key, random read/write memory key::Sign signature, private key read/write memory key::SignCheck signature, public key read memory key::Encrypt public key read memory key::Decrypt private key read memory key::~key private key, public key, parameters write memory key::A private key read memory key::B private key read memory key::asn1sign private key, random read memory key::loadseed parameters, private key read/write memory key::loadprv private key read/write memory key::loadpub public key read/write memory key::asn1parameters parameters read memory key::asn1private private key read memory key::asn1public public key read memory key::getprivate private key read memory key::setprivate private key read/write memory DSA_Generateparameters parameters, seed read/write memory PRNG::addseed seed read/write memory PRNG::add seed read/write memory PRNG::gens seed, random read/write memory PRNG::gen seed, random read/write memory PRNG::PRNG seed read/write memory PRNG::~PRNG seed write memory PRNG::churn seed write memory PRNG::genbasic seed, random read/write memory PRNG::setseed seed write memory © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 12 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. Method Critical Security Parameters Type of Access SHA::reset hash value write memory SHA::resetk hash value write memory SHA::clear hash value write memory SHA::SHA hash value write memory SHA::~SHA hash value write memory SHA::add hash value write memory SHA::final hash value write memory SHA::finalstore hash value write memory SHA::result hash value read memory SHA::tostr hash value read memory SHA2::clear hash value write memory SHA2::SHA2 hash value write memory SHA2::~SHA2 hash value write memory SHA2::add hash value write memory SHA2::final hash value write memory SHA2::result hash value read memory SHA2::tostr hash value read memory Table 3: Cryptographic Methods Available to Cryptographic Officer and User Roles Page 13 © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. 4 Finite State Model The ISC CDK was designed around a Finite State Model (FSM) that is detailed in a proprietary document submitted with this security policy. The ISC CDK has a Crypto Officer role and a User role assumed by the user of the application installed by the Crypto Officer. The ISC CDK has the following states: Crypto Officer States: ISC CDK Module installation and configuration (initialization). In addition, the Crypto Officer may perform any user functions. User States: Power off, Power on, System load, CDK power on self-test, Operational state (key-less cryptographic functions), Operational state (keyed cryptographic functions), Soft error, Hard error, Key generation, On-demand self-test. © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 14 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. 5 Physical Security The platform used for testing the software module is a Dell Optiplex GX1 Personal Computer, which is a standard PC that includes the use of standard production quality boards, ICs, power supplies, and passivation on chips and boards. The computer is a “multi-chip standalone module” in FIPS 140-1 terminology. The ISC CDK meets FIPS 140-1 Level 1 physical security requirements. Page 15 © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. 6 Software Security The ISC CDK was implemented following the practices listed in FIPS 140-1 Appendix B. The ISC CDK meets FIPS 140-1 Level 3 software security requirements. • The ISC CDK is provided only as compiled “executable” code in order to discourage scrutiny and modification by users. • The source code for the ISC CDK is in C++, with comments. • The ISC CDK uses a keyed TDES MAC on the software module that is tested as part of its power-up self-test in order to ensure that it has not been tampered with. © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 16 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. 7 Operating System Security Operating system security is assured as follows: • The CO must configure Windows 2000 as a single user operating system environment (i.e., only one user can be logged on at a time). To ensure that the system runs in single user mode, the CO must disable the Server and RunAsService services by using the Computer Management tool as an administrator: select Programs->Administrative Tools>Computer Management from the Start menu; select Services under Services and Applications and locate the Server service in the list; highlight this service, choose Properties from the Action menu, and change the Startup type to Disabled. Repeat the last step for the RunAsService service. If desired, the critical Server and RunAsService services can also be disabled in an automated fashion by directly modifying the Windows registry. • The Windows 2000 pagefile (swapfile) must be located on a local disk, not on a network drive. • When Windows 2000 loads the CDK into memory, the CDK runs a TDES MAC over the disk image of the file CDK.DLL, skipping an embedded TDES MAC field installed by the CO. This computed MAC is then compared to the embedded value. Only if these two values are equal will the CDK let Windows load it. Each process in Windows 2000 has its own, unique instance of the CDK that is wholly dedicated to that process. The CDK is not shared between processes. Page 17 © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. 8 Cryptographic Key Management The ISC CDK uses, creates, and/or manages: • Symmetric keys, for use with a symmetric cipher or keyed hash functions, and • Asymmetric key pairs for digital signatures and key agreement protocols based on public key schemes, The ISC CDK provides cryptographic algorithm support that can be used to meet the FIPS 140-1 Level 1 requirements for security. 8.1 Key Generation The ISC CDK generates FIPS-Approved keys listed in Table 5. The ISC CDK also generates non-FIPS-Approved keys that are listed in Table 6. The ISC CDK also provides a means for generating random session keys (for a symmetric cipher or key hash function) using its PRNG. When a key is generated, it is stored internally until the user deletes the containing object, the application exits, or the clear() method is called. When such events occur, the memory containing the key is erased. An instantiated object may contain a cryptographic key during its lifetime. Such keys are available to the user for manipulation, but when the object is released, its memory and all keys in it are cleared. In order to generate random key pairs the public key generation methods require a random seed, supplied either from the ISC CDK’s random number generator or from other source. 8.2 Key Distribution The module doesn’t perform key distribution. The module has the basic cryptographic functions which could be used by applications to build key distribution capabilities. The key distribution techniques available for use include RSA Key Exchange, Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement, and ElGamal Key Exchange. 8.3 Key Entry and Output The ISC CDK does not manage any manually distributed cryptographic keys, either entry or output, external to the physical cryptographic boundary. However, the logical C++ API exposed by the ISC CDK does provide methods for entering and retrieving symmetric keys and public/private key pairs in electronic form for manual key distribution by the application. While the ISC CDK does provide mechanisms for encrypting/decrypting public/private keys in both PKCS#8 and PKCS#12 format these formats are not approved for use in a 140-1 compliant application so there is no approved method for entering or outputting encrypted public or private keys. Table 4, below, lists the preferred methods for key entry and output. In general, the most preferred method for entering or getting public/private keys from the CDK is in ASN.1 encoded form using loadpub, loadprv, asn1public, and asn1private. © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 18 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. Method Class Name Service Provided AES::init AES Enter a plaintext AES key into the module. DES::init DES Enter a plaintext DES key into the module. EES::init EES Enter a plaintext EES/Skipjack key into the module. PRNG::gens PRNG Generate a plaintext random symmetric key and output it from the module. Key::Encrypt Key Encrypt a plaintext symmetric key and output it from the module wrapped with a public key. Key::Decrypt Key Decrypt an encrypted symmetric key and output it from the module in plaintext (suitable for entry using the init methods above). Key::loadprivate Key Enter a raw encoded plaintext DSA or ECDSA private key into the module. Key::DLLoadPublic Key Enter a raw encoded plaintext DSA public key into the module. Key::GetRawPrivate Key Output a generated or loaded plaintext DSA or ECDSA private key in raw format from the module. Key::DLGetRawPublic Key Output a generated or loaded plaintext raw DSA or ECDSA public key from the module. Key::rsai.loadpriv Key/RSA Enter a raw plaintext RSA private key into the module. Key::RSALoadPublic Key Enter a raw plaintext RSA public key into the module. Key::RSAGetRawPublic Key Output a generated or loaded raw plaintext RSA public key. Key::loadpub Key Enter a plaintext ASN.1 encoded RSA, DSA, or ECDSA public key into the module. Key::loadprv Key Enter a plaintext ASN.1 encoded RSA, DSA, or ECDSA private key into the module. Key::asn1public Key Output a plaintext ASN.1 encoded RSA, DSA, or ECDSA public key from the module. Key::asn1private Key Output a plaintext ASN.1 encoded RSA, DSA, or ECDSA private key from the module. Table 4: Key entry and output methods Page 19 © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. 8.4 Key Storage/Archiving The module doesn’t store any of the generated keys. A single, special purpose TDES key is hard coded in the module in plaintext form and is used to compute the TDES MAC to verify the integrity of the module. No other keys are stored or archived. 8.5 Key Destruction Under normal operations all internal memory allocated by the ISC CDK for temporary key storage is zeroized when the object owning that memory is destroyed. The CO is responsible for ensuring that CDK objects are destroyed properly (i.e. the application must allow the C++ destructors to be called by properly exiting the application or by calling the clear method in all existing CDK objects before application termination). In order to zeroize the TDES key embedded in the ISC CDK in plaintext form, the hard disk must be reformatted. © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 20 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. 9 Cryptographic Algorithms The ISC CDK supports a wide variety of cryptographic algorithms. Whenever possible, all NIST FIPS-approved algorithms designed for a particular cryptographic function are provided, as are non FIPS-approved, but commercially popular algorithms. The NIST FIPS-approved cryptographic algorithms implemented in the ISC CDK are listed in Table 5. Also indicated in this table are the corresponding classes and the name of the (principal) source file in which they are implemented, as well as the corresponding NIST standards (or alternate standards referenced by NIST). To use the CDK in FIPS 140-1 mode, one must use these algorithms and no others. Table 6 lists those algorithms offered by the CDK that are not FIPS-approved. The ISC CDK provides cryptographic and mathematical primitives for performing both Diffie- Hellman (DH) and Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key agreement but does not provide methods for communicating the public keys required to perform the operation. It is left to the application to exchange the public keys used to perform DH and ECDH. The implementation of DH and ECDH is located in key.c and cert.c and instructions for performing either are found in pk.h. The implementations are based on RFC 2631, ANSI X9.42-1998, IEEE 1363-2000, and ANSI X9.63. Algorithms Class Name Definition File Implementation File(s) Modes Standards AES (“Rijndael”) AES aes.h aes.c ECB CBC CFB OFB CTR FIPS 197 NIST SP 800-38A DES (for legacy system interoperabi lity use only) DES des.h des.c ECB CBC CFB OFB FIPS 46-2/46-3 FIPS 74 FIPS 81 FIPS 113 ANSI X9.17 1985 TDES DES des.h des.c ECB CBC CFB OFB CTR 3 FIPS 46-2/46-3 FIPS 74 FIPS 81 FIPS 113 ANSI X9.52 1998 ANSI X9.17 1985 EES (“Skipjack”) EES ees.h ees.c ECB CBC CFB OFB CTR FIPS 185 3 CTR mode for TDES cannot be used in FIPS mode. It has not undergone NIST validation. Page 21 © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. Algorithms Class Name Definition File Implementation File(s) Modes Standards SHA-1 SHA sha.h sha.c shat.a FIPS 180-1 DSA Key pk.h key.c cert.c FIPS 186-2 ECDSA Key pk.h key.c cert.c FIPS 186-2 HMAC- SHA-1 HMAC hmac.h none FIPS 198; RSA Signature generation and verification RSA pk.h key.c cert.c FIPS 186-2; RFC2313 (PKCS#1v1.5); block padding as in ANSI X9.31-1998 Table 5: FIPS-Approved Cryptographic Algorithms (Services) The ISC CDK uses FIPS approved methods to generate passwords and random numbers. These are listed in Table 5A. Algorithms Class Name Definition File Implementation File(s) Standards Password Generator Password pass.h pass.c FIPS 181 Pseudo-Random Number Generator PRNG rand.h rand.c Combines a platform-specific seeding mechanism with the pseudo-random number generator described in FIPS 186-2 Appendix 3.1 and the Aug 2001 NIST recommendations. Entropy is derived from a variety of system calls. Table 5A: FIPS-Approved Algorithms for password and random number generation. © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. Listed in Table 6 are those algorithms implemented by the ISC CDK which are non FIPS- approved. Algorithms Class Name Definition File Implementation File(s) Modes Standards or References DES DES des.h des.c CTR FIPS 46-2/46-3 FIPS 74 FIPS 81 FIPS 113 ANSI X9.17 1985 SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 SHA2 sha.h sha2.c FIPS 180-2 HMAC-MD5 HMAC hmac.h none RFC2104 ANSI X9.71 ISO/IECc FDIS 9797-2 RSA Encryption, Decryption RSA pk.h key.c cert.c RFC2313 (PKCS#1v1.5) ElGamal Key pk.h key.c Menezes, van Oorschot and Vanstone, “Handbook of Applied Cryptography”, CRC Press (1997), 294-296. EC ElGamal Key pk.h key.c Menezes, van Oorschot and Vanstone, “Handbook of Applied Cryptography”, CRC Press (1997), 297-298. RC2 RC2 rc2.h rc2.c RFC2268 RC4 RC4 rc4.h rc4.c RFC2246 (SSL/TLS) MD2 MD2 md2.h md2.c RFC1319 MD5 MD5 md5.h md5.c RFC1321 Table 6: Non FIPS-Approved Algorithms (Services) Page 23 © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. 10 EMI/EMC The ISC CDK should only be run on commercial computer systems that, at a minimum, conform to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by FCC Part 15, Subpart J, Class B. © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 24 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. 11 Self-tests The ISC CDK performs self-tests in order to ensure that it is functioning properly. 11.1 Power-Up Tests When the ISC CDK module is loaded from disk by the operating system, it executes a software/firmware integrity test as well as a critical functions test. The critical function test includes known answer tests (KATs) for each of the FIPS-approved algorithms in the CDK (See Table 7). The integrity test operates by calculating a 64-bit TDES MAC over the module and comparing it to an expected value embedded (along with the TDES key) in the module itself at the factory. If the computed MAC does not match the embedded expected value, or if one of the algorithm KATs fails, then the module enters an error state: it refuses to load (returning a failure code to the operating system) and no user operations are possible. Power-Up Self-Test4 Self_Test CRC MD2 MD5 SHA1 SHA256 SHA384 SHA512 Hash functions HMAC-SHA-1 DES TDES AES RC2 RC4 Symmetric ciphers EES DSA ECDSA Public key schemes RSA Random numbers PRNG Password Generator Table 7: Power-up Self-Test 4 The Power-Up Self-Test consists of a software/firmware integrity test plus a known-answer test for all supported FIPS-approved algorithms and some non-FIPS-approved algorithms Page 25 © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. 11.2 Conditional Self-Tests Conditional self-tests are performed when certain specific conditions exist. The following self- tests are available. 11.2.1 Continuous Random Number Generation Test Each call to the random number generator uses the continuous RNG test. If two successive PRNG output blocks are ever equal, the CDK aborts the current operation and enters a failure state. 11.2.2 Pair-wise Self-Tests All RSA, DSA and ECDSA public/private key pairs are automatically tested for pair-wise consistency upon generation by calling the check() method of the Key class. 11.2.3 On-Demand Self-Tests To ensure the integrity of specific algorithms, the user can run on-demand any of the known- answer self-tests listed in Table 7. There is also a master test function that the user can call to run all known-answer tests. These tests perform consistency checks and/or run known answer tests against the ISC CDK’s implementation of a particular algorithm. These functions take a single parameter indicating whether to run a fast check on only one known value or to run all known answer tests available for that algorithm, return 0 on success and a non-zero value on failure. © 2002-2003 Information Security Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 26 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed as long as it remains complete, unmodified, and includes this copyright notice. 12 FIPS 140-1 Mode When the ISC CDK is in FIPS 140-1 Mode, only FIPS 140-1 approved algorithms are used and no other. It is the responsibility of the CO to properly configure the computer system, operating system, applications, and the ISC CDK to operate in a secure FIPS 140-1 mode, if that is desired. (This may include configuring the system on which the application is installed as part of the installation process.) In configuring a system for use, the CO has access to the complete set of services declared in cdk.h. The CO can allow or disallow User access to the ISC CDK’s built-in integrity tests, control the loading of applications by the User, and restrict User access to only FIPS 140-1 approved algorithms. A User has access to only those services provided by the ISC CDK that are exposed for his use by the CO. In order to operate in a FIPS 140-1 compliant manner, the CO must ensure that applications loaded by the operating system are limited in their use of the ISC CDK to: • Only algorithms (and modes) noted above as FIPS-approved or those noted as exceptions • Only methods that are commented as being usable by a FIPS 140-1 compliant application • Only classes that are commented as being usable by a FIPS 140-1 compliant application • Only modes that are commented as being usable by a FIPS 140-1 compliant application • Only variants that are commented as being usable by a FIPS 140-1 compliant application