SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non- Proprietary Security Policy Revision: 1.0 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact, including this copyright notice. SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc ii All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2014 SPYRUS, Inc. All rights reserved. SPYRUS Document number: 554-410001-02 This document is provided only for informational purposes and is accurate as of the date of publication. This document may be copied subject to the following conditions: • All text must be copied without modification and all pages must be included. • All copies must contain the SPYRUS copyright notices and any other notices provided herein. Trademarks SPYRUS, the SPYRUS logos, SPYCOS, Rosetta, Rosetta Micro® , are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SPYRUS, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Patents Rosetta Authentication Products including SPYCOS® , Rosetta Micro® , the Rosetta® Series II Smart Cards and USB Security Devices, Rosetta SDHC™ Card, Rosetta MicroSD Memory Card, may be covered by one or more of the following patents: U.S. Patent No. 6,088,802 and U.S. Pat. No. 6,981,149. SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc iii All Rights Reserved Contents 1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 1 1.1 SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN Overview...................................................................................... 1 1.2 SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN Implementation ............................................................................ 1 1.3 SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN Cryptographic Boundary.............................................................. 2 1.4 Approved Mode of Operation........................................................................................ 2 1.5 FIPS 140-2 Security Levels ........................................................................................... 4 2 PORTS AND INTERFACES ............................................................................................ 4 3 ROLES AND SERVICES ................................................................................................ 5 3.1 Services.......................................................................................................................... 5 4 IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION .................................................................. 9 4.1 Initialization Overview .................................................................................................. 9 4.2 Authentication................................................................................................................ 9 4.3 Strength of Authentication........................................................................................... 10 4.3.1 Obscuration of Feedback......................................................................................... 11 4.3.2 Non-weakening Effect of Feedback ........................................................................ 11 4.3.3 Generation of Random Numbers............................................................................. 11 5 KEY MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................. 11 5.1 CSP Management......................................................................................................... 11 5.2 Public Key Management Parameters ........................................................................... 12 5.3 CSP Access Matrix ...................................................................................................... 12 5.4 Destruction of Keys and CSPs..................................................................................... 15 6 SETUP AND INITIALIZATION..................................................................................... 15 7 PHYSICAL SECURITY ................................................................................................ 15 8 SELF-TESTS .............................................................................................................. 16 9 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS........................................................................... 17 SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 1 All Rights Reserved 1 Introduction This Security Policy specifies the security rules under which the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN operates. The Acronym SPYCOS stands for “SPYRUS Cryptographic Operating System”. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN conforms to FIPS 140-2 Security Requirements For Cryptographic Modules. Included in these rules are those derived from the security requirements of FIPS 140-2 and additionally, those imposed by SPYRUS, Inc. These rules, in total, define the interrelationship between: 1. Operators, 2. Services, and 3. Critical Security Parameters (CSPs). 1.1 SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN Overview The SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN is the latest addition to the SPYRUS family of cryptographic module ICs that enable both smart card and USB cryptographic tokens. The SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN enables security critical capabilities such as operator authentication, message privacy, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation; and secure storage, all within a tamper-evident protective coating. The SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN communicates with a host computer via the ports/interfaces defined in Table 2-1 below. 1.2 SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN Implementation The SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN is implemented as a single-chip module as defined by FIPS 140-2. The SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN is available with a standard interface QFN mounted package with product name: Rosetta Micro®. All Interfaces have been tested and are compliant with FIPS 140-2. Product Identification (including unique part number) for the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN is shown in the table below: Table 1-1 SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN Product Identification Form Factor Part Number(s) FW Version Rosetta Micro® 742100004F 3.0 SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 2 All Rights Reserved Images of the above form factor is shown in the figure below: Figure 1 SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN with Rosetta Micro® Form Factor 1.3 SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN Cryptographic Boundary The Cryptographic Boundary is defined to be the physical perimeter of the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN and the potting material it is embedded in (see Figure 1). No hardware or firmware components that comprise the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN are excluded from the requirements of FIPS 140-2. 1.4 Approved Mode of Operation The module only operates in an Approved mode of operation. The SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN Approved mode of operation is comprised of the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN command set. Approved mode of operation commands which are successfully completed will return a standard success return code. The Error return codes are dependent upon the cause of the failure. Services available under the Approved mode of operation are detailed in Table 3-1 of this Security Policy. The SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN supports the following FIPS 140-2 Approved algorithms: Table 1-2 SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN Approved Algorithms Approved Algorithms Certificate # Encryption & Decryption Three-Key Triple-DES 1772 AES (128-bit, 192-bit, 256-bit key) 3028 SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 3 All Rights Reserved Digital Signatures ECDSA (sign and verify) [P-256, P-384, P-521] 578 RSA 2048 (sign and verify) 1611 Message Authentication Code HMAC (Minimum 112 bit key) 1913 Hash SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 2529 Key Agreement / Key Establishment CVL (ECC CDH) [P-256, P-384, P-521] 419 KAS [P-256, P-384, P-521] 52 KTS (AES KW with 128-bit, 192-bit, 256-bit key) 3115 Approved Deterministic Random Bit Generator SP800-90 DRBG 658 Approved ECDSA (Cert. #578). The Digital Signature will provide between 128- bits to 256-bits of equivalent computational resistance to attack depending upon the size of the curves that are used (P-256, P-384, P-521). Approved RSA (Cert. #1611). The Digital Signature with a 2048 key size will provide 112 bits of equivalent computational resistance to attack. Approved SP800-56A, Section ECC CDH Primitive (Cert. #419). The key establishment process will provide between 128-bits to 256-bits of equivalent computational resistance to attack depending upon the size of the ECC CDH curves that are used (P-256, P-384, P-521). Approved KAS ECC (Cert. #52). The key establishment process will provide between 128-bits to 256-bits of equivalent computational resistance to attack depending upon the size of the keys that are used (P-256, P-384, P-521). Approved KTS (Cert. #3115; key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength). The following services are available as “non-Approved” algorithms but allowed: Table 1-3 SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN Non-Approved but allowed Algorithms Algorithms RNG HW NDRNG (Only used for seeding Approved SP800-90 DRBG) Key Wrap & Unwrap RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength) SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 4 All Rights Reserved 1.5 FIPS 140-2 Security Levels The SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN cryptographic module complies with the requirements for FIPS 140-2 validation to the levels defined in Table 1-3. The FIPS 140-2 overall rating of the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN is Level 3. Table 1-3 FIPS 140-2 Certification Levels FIPS 140-2 Category Level 1. Cryptographic Module Specification 3 2. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3 3. Roles, Services, and Authentication 3 4. Finite State Model 3 5. Physical Security 3 6. Operational Environment N/A 7. Cryptographic Key Management 3 8. EMI/EMC 3 9. Self-tests 3 10.Design Assurance 3 11.Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Overall Security Level 3 2 Ports and Interfaces The pins form a set of 5 contact points that comprise the only electronic interface with external devices. They are the sole externally visible portion of the microprocessor assembly. There are 5 active pins (VCC, RST, CLK, GND and I/O). The active pins perform the following functions: Table 2-1 SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN Pins and Logical Interfaces Pin Function FIPS 140-2 Logical Interface VCC Operating voltage Power Interface RST Reset input Control Input CLK Processor clock input Control Input GND Ground Power Interface I/O Bi-directional data port Data Input / Data Output; Control Input; Status Output SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 5 All Rights Reserved 3 Roles and Services The SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN supports two roles, Crypto-officer (CO) and User, and enforces the separation of these roles by restricting the services available to each one. Crypto-officer Role: The Crypto-officer is responsible for initializing the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN. Before issuing the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN to an end User, the Crypto-officer initializes the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN with private keying material and certificate information. The Crypto-officer cannot use private keys loaded on the module. The SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN validates the Crypto-officer identity before accepting any initialization commands. The Crypto-officer is also referred to as the Site Security Officer (SSO). User Role: The User role is available after the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN has been loaded with a User personality. The User can load, generate and use private keys. The SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN validates the User identity before access is granted. 3.1 Services The following table (Table 3-1) describes the services provided by the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN. The User/SSO column denotes the roles that may execute the service. Table 3-1 SPYCOS® 3.0 MODULE Services Service Description User / SSO AES UNWRAPKEY Supports key export by using the AES unwrap key process to decrypt a wrapped key data block, and then storing it in the internal key register or the key file. User AES WRAPKEY Supports key export by using the AES wrap key process to encrypt the internal symmetric key data that is transmitted to the host. User AUTHENTICATE SECURE CHANNEL Validates the secure channel between the host and the module. User, SSO BLOCK PIN Blocks User PIN access. Resets attempt count for the User PIN to zero and prohibits User PIN logon until an UNBLOCK PIN command is executed by the SSO role. User, SSO CHANGE PASSWORD SSO changes either the User PASSWORD Phrase or SSO PASSWORD Phrase. SSO CHECK PASSWORD User / SSO Inputs a PASSWORD Phrase to authenticate the SSO or the User. User, SSO SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 6 All Rights Reserved Service Description User / SSO CREATE A file of type DF, SF, or EF is created1 User, SSO DECRYPT Performs a decryption process on the input data and sets up the plaintext data for retrieval. Supports multiple modes of decryption for User data. User DELETE Deletion of a file, directory. User, SSO DIRECTORY Retrieval of directory. User, SSO ECC GENERATE KEY Creates an ECC public/private key pair for signing/verifying or transport. User ECDH COMPUTE SECRET Generates a shared secret, Z. User ECDSA SIGN Computation of a digital signature using the ECDSA algorithm using the hash value. User ECDSA VERIFY Performs an ECDSA signature verification. User ENCRYPT Performs a symmetric encryption process on the input data and returns the ciphertext data. Supports multiple modes of encryption for User data. Get Response must be issued to retrieve the data. User ENVELOPE Sends the APDU commands through the secure channel established previously between the host and the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN. The session key is generated during the secure channel establishment (See Manage Secure Channel). The encryption mode used is the AES CBC mode. User EXTEND Extension of the length of a file or directory. User, SSO FIPS INFO Returns a value indicating whether the module is in FIPS Mode (1) or not (0) User, SSO GENERATE HMAC KEY Generates an HMAC key and initializes the currently selected file for use with the HMAC commands. User GENERATE IV Generates an IV. User GENERATE RANDOM Generates a random number and also handles the generation of Initialization Vectors (IVs) and Message Encryption Keys (MEKs). User GENERATE SYMMETRIC KEY Used to generate Message Encryption Keys (MEKs). It can also generate random numbers and IVs. User GET PUBLIC Retrieves the public key information of an ECC key. User GET RESPONSE Retrieval of the module response. User GET SPYCOS VERSION Retrieves firmware version of module. User, SSO GET STATUS Query on the current status of a File. User, SSO HASH FINALIZE Completes the hash operation and returns the hash User 1 Refer to ISO/IEC 7816-4 for definition of file types and file system SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 7 All Rights Reserved Service Description User / SSO value. HASH INITIALIZE Initializes internal state to prepare for hashing operations. User HASH PROCESS Optional function called to hash a block of data when its length is an even multiple of the hash algorithm block size. User HMAC FINALIZE Processes any remaining bytes in the message and retrieves the HMAC value. User HMAC INITIALIZE Generates a HMAC message authentication code. User HMAC PROCESS Processes the message in even multiples of the hash algorithm’s block size. User IMPORT HMAC KEY Imports an HMAC key and initialize the currently selected file for use with the HMAC commands. User INIT PIN FILE Used by SSO during initialization of the module to Init the PIN File. SSO KDFEXTERNAL Passes the KDF data to the hash function. User KDFFINAL Completes the generation of the key. User KDFINTERNAL Passes the KDF data found inside the module to the hash function. User KDFSTART Sets up the internal hash engine for hashing the subsequent data. The hash type is determined by the settings in specified input parameters. User LOAD CRYPTOGRAPHIC DATA Supports RSA / ECDSA signature verification or RSA Wrap Key operation User LOAD IV Load IV. User LOAD KEY An overloaded function that performs Load MEK (Message Encryption Key), Load IV, or Delete Key. User LOAD SECRET Used by SSO during initialization of the module to load the secret. User, SSO LOCK Disables all operations on this file. The file can still be selected and the status information can still be retrieved, but its contents cannot be accessed. User, SSO MANAGE SECURE CHANNEL Establishes the secure channel between the host and the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN module. Specific codes sent by the host initialize and terminate the secure channel. User READ BINARY Binary read from a file, given the offset and length. User, SSO RSA GENERATE KEYPAIR Creates an RSA key pair to be used for signing/verifying or transport. The User must have created the RSA keying file (with appropriate access controls) prior to issuing the GENERATE command. User, SSO RSA SIGN DATA Signing a message or data object using RSA signature User RSA UNWRAP KEY Enables completion of public key exchange of a MEK. User RSA VERIFY SIGNATURE Verifying an RSA signature on a message. User RSA WRAP KEY Invocation of an RSA Key wrap service User SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 8 All Rights Reserved Service Description User / SSO SELECT Setting a current file within a logical channel. User, SSO SELF TEST Automatically performed at power-up and can be executed on-demand via power cycling the module User, SSO SET KEY Setting one of the 3 key pointers to the key registers to be used for encryption and decryption using the following symmetric encryption algorithms: AES and Three-key Triple-DES. User UNBLOCK PIN Used by an SSO to restore User PIN logon access. SSO UNLOCK Enable a previously locked file. User, SSO UPDATE BINARY Update of the data in the currently selected EF2 with the data provided. User, SSO XAUTH ENROLL Set up the shared symmetric key for used with the challenge and response authentication process. User, SSO XAUTH EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATION Submits the encrypted result of the challenge data retrieved from the XAUTH Get Challenge command. User, SSO XAUTH GET CHALLENGE Establishes the challenge and response authentication process by first requesting the random challenge for the current session, the resulting challenge data is output to the host to calculate the encrypted response for use in comparison with the XAUTH External Authentication command. User, SSO ZEROIZE Zeroization of the module. Performed using DELETE with recursive argument. User, SSO In addition to the services listed above in table 3-1, the following non-security relevant services may be executed while the operator is unauthenticated: • CREATE • DELETE • DIRECTORY • EXTEND • FIPS INFO • GET UNAUTHENTICATED RANDOM • GET RESPONSE • GET SPYCOS VERSION • GET STATUS • READ BINARY • SELECT • SELF TEST • UPDATE BINARY 2 Refer to ISO/IEC 7816-4 for definition of file types SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 9 All Rights Reserved 4 Identification and Authentication 4.1 Initialization Overview The SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN is initialized at the factory with a Default SSO PASSWORD Phrase. The SSO (Site Security Officer) must change the default value during logon to make the module ready for initialization. During initialization the module allows the execution of only the commands required to complete the initialization process. Before a User can access or operate the module, the SSO must initialize it with the User PASSWORD Phrase. The SSO is authorized to log on to the module any time after initialization to change parameters. The module allows 10 consecutive failed SSO logon attempts before it zeroizes all key material and initialization values. In the zeroized state, the SSO must use the Default SSO PASSWORD Phrase to log on to the module and must reinitialize all module parameters. A User must log on to a module to access any on-board cryptographic functions. To log on the User must provide the correct User PASSWORD Phrase. The module allows 10 consecutive failed logon attempts before it blocks the stored User Password. User information stored in the module in non-volatile memory remains resident. 4.2 Authentication The SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN implements identity-based authentication which is accomplished by PIN or Password3 entry by the operator. On invocation by the operator, the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN waits for authentication of the User or SSO role by entry of a Password Phrase. There is only one User and one SSO Password allowed per module. Multiple User and SSO accounts are not permitted. The authentication password strength available for each supported role is indicated in Table 4-1 below. Table 4-1 Identification and Authentication Roles and Data Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data – (Strength) Crypto-officer (SSO) Identity-based Password (6 - 20 Bytes) User Identity-based Password (6 - 20 Bytes) 3 The terms PIN and Password and PASSWORD Phrase are used synonymously in this document. SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 10 All Rights Reserved Once a valid PASSWORD Phrase has been accepted the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN cryptographic services may be accessed. The CHECK PASSWORD command includes either the User PASSWORD Phrase as a parameter (or) the SSO PASSWORD Phrase as a parameter. If successful, either the User or SSO gains access to the module. The SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN stores the number of logon attempts in non-volatile memory. The count is reset after every successful entry of a User PASSWORD Phrase by a User and after every successful entry of the SSO PASSWORD Phrase by the SSO. If the User role fails to logon to the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN in 10 consecutive attempts, the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN will zeroize the User PASSWORD Phrase, block all of the User Private Keys and Public Keys, block all of the User Key Registers and disallow User access. The SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN then transitions to a state that is initialized only for the SSO to perform restorative actions. Restorative actions performed by the SSO may include reloading of initialization parameters, unblocking the User PASSWORD Phrase, or zeroization of the module. When the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN is powered up after a zeroize, it will transition to the Zeroized State, where it will only accept the Default SSO PASSWORD Phrase. After the Default SSO PASSWORD Phrase has been accepted, the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN transitions to the Uninitialized State and must be reinitialized, as described in section 6. 4.3 Strength of Authentication The strength of the authentication mechanism conforms to the following specifications in Table 4-2. The calculations are based on the enforced minimum PASSWORD Phrase size of 6 bytes. Table 4-2 Strength of Authentication Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism Single Password-entry attempt / False Acceptance Rate The probability that a random 6-byte Password-entry (using only 93 keyboard characters4 ) attempt will succeed or a false acceptance will occur is 1.5456185 x 10-12 . The requirement for a single– attempt / false acceptance rate of no more than 1 in 1,000,000 (i.e. less than a probability of 10-6 ) is therefore met. Multiple Password-entry attempts in one minute There is a maximum bound of 10 successive failed authentication attempts before zeroization occurs. The probability of a successful attack of multiple attempts in a one minute period is no more than 1.5456185 x 10-11 due to the enforced maximum number of logon attempts. This is less than one in 100,000 (i.e., 1 x10-5 ), as required. 4 The character set available for PINs is at least all alphanumeric characters (upper and lower cases) and 31 special keyboard characters comprising the set {~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } [ ] | \ : ; ” ’ < , > . ? /}. SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 11 All Rights Reserved 4.3.1 Obscuration of Feedback Feedback of authentication data to an operator is obscured during authentication (e.g., no visible display of characters result when entering a password). The PASSWORD Phrase value is input to the CHECK PASSWORD command as a parameter by the calling application. No return code or pointer to a return value that contains the PASSWORD Phrase is provided. 4.3.2 Non-weakening Effect of Feedback Feedback provided to an operator during an attempted authentication shall not weaken the strength of the authentication mechanism. The only feedback provided by the CHECK PASSWORD command is a return code denoting success or failure of the operation. This information in no way affects the probability of success or failure in either single or multiple attacks. 4.3.3 Generation of Random Numbers The GENERATE RANDOM command can be invoked only after authentication of the User. The SP800-90 DRBG algorithm is used for all authenticated RNG calls. 5 Key Management 5.1 CSP Management Table 5-1 SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN CSPs CSP Designation Use ECDSA Private Key The Private Key of the User employed in Elliptic Curve digital signing operations. EC-keypair Used in ECC CDH key agreement Hash DRBG Seed Used only in generating the initial state of the SP800-90 Hash_DRBG HMAC Key Used to generate HMAC message authentication code. Message Encryption Key (MEK) AES Key or Three-Key Triple-DES Key for User data encryption/decryption. RSA Private Key5 The Private Key of the User employed in RSA digital signing operations or unwrapping keys 5 RSA key pair use varies with the User application. Some keys are used for signatures and some for key wrapping. SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 12 All Rights Reserved CSP Designation Use Secure Channel Session Key ECDH / AES key used to encrypt and decrypt PASSWORD data transmitted to the module SSO PASSWORD Phrase A secret 6 - 20 bytes value used for SSO authentication. User PASSWORD Phrase A secret 6 - 20 bytes value used for User authentication. 5.2 Public Key Management Parameters Table 5-2 SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN Public Key Management Parameters Key Management Parameter Use ECDSA Public Key The Public Key of the User employed in Elliptic Curve digital signing operations. RSA Public Key The Public Key of the User employed in RSA digital signing operations. 5.3 CSP Access Matrix The following table (Table 5-3) shows the services (see section 3.1) of the SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN, the roles (see section 3) capable of performing the service, the CSPs (see section 5.1) that are accessed by the service and the mode of access (see next paragraph) required for each CSP. The following convention is used: If only one of the roles applies to the service, that role appears alone. If both roles may execute the service, then “User, SSO” is indicated. If either one (but not the other) then “User” or “SSO” is indicated. In the last option it is a matter of organizational policy which of the roles may execute the service. Access modes are R (read), W (write) and E (execute). Destruction is represented as a W. Table 5-3 SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN Access Matrix Service User / SSO Access Type CSP Access AES UNWRAPKEY User R,E MEK AES WRAPKEY User R,E MEK AUTHENTICATE SECURE CHANNEL User, SSO R,W,E Secure Channel Session Key BLOCK PIN User, SSO E User PASSWORD Phrase, SSO PASSWORD Phrase CHANGE PASSWORD SSO W User PASSWORD Phrase, SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 13 All Rights Reserved Service User / SSO Access Type CSP Access SSO PASSWORD Phrase CHECK PASSWORD User, SSO R User PASSWORD Phrase, SSO PASSWORD Phrase CREATE User, SSO N/A N/A DECRYPT User R MEK DELETE User, SSO N/A N/A DIRECTORY User, SSO N/A N/A ECC GENERATE KEY User W EC-keypair ECDH COMPUTE SECRET User N/A N/A ECDSA SIGN User R ECDSA Private Key ECDSA VERIFY User R ECDSA Private Key ENCRYPT User R MEK ENVELOPE User R,E Secure Channel Session Key EXTEND User, SSO N/A N/A FIPS INFO User, SSO N/A N/A GENERATE HMAC KEY User R,E HMAC Key GENERATE IV User N/A N/A GENERATE RANDOM User R HASH DRBG Seed GENERATE SYMMETRIC KEY User, SSO W MEK GET PUBLIC User N/A N/A GET RESPONSE User N/A N/A GET SPYCOS VERSION User, SSO N/A N/A GET STATUS User, SSO N/A N/A HASH FINALIZE User N/A N/A HASH INITIALIZE User N/A N/A HASH PROCESS User N/A N/A HMAC FINALIZE User W HMAC Key HMAC INITIALIZE User W HMAC Key HMAC PROCESS User W HMAC Key IMPORT HMAC KEY User R,W HMAC Key INIT PIN FILE SSO R,W User PASSWORD Phrase, SSO PASSWORD Phrase KDFEXTERNAL User N/A N/A KDFFINAL User W Secure Channel Session Key KDFINTERNAL User N/A N/A KDFSTART User N/A N/A LOAD CRYPTOGRAPHIC DATA User N/A N/A SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 14 All Rights Reserved Service User / SSO Access Type CSP Access LOAD IV See Load Key N/A N/A LOAD KEY User W MEK LOAD SECRET User, SSO R User PASSWORD Phrase, SSO PASSWORD Phrase LOCK User, SSO N/A N/A MANAGE SECURE CHANNEL User, SSO W Secure Channel Session Key READ BINARY User, SSO N/A N/A RSA GENERATE KEYPAIR User, SSO W RSA Private Key RSA SIGN DATA User R,E RSA Private Key RSA UNWRAP KEY User R R RSA Private Key MEK RSA VERIFY SIGNATURE User R,E RSA Private Key RSA WRAP KEY User R,W RSA Private Key MEK SELECT User, SSO N/A N/A SELF TEST User, SSO N/A N/A SET KEY User N/A N/A UNBLOCK PIN SSO W User PASSWORD Phrase, SSO PASSWORD Phrase UNLOCK User, SSO N/A N/A UPDATE BINARY User, SSO N/A N/A XAUTH ENROLL User, SSO N/A N/A XAUTH EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATION User, SSO N/A N/A XAUTH GET CHALLENGE User, SSO N/A N/A ZEROIZE User, SSO W ECDSA Private Key EC-keypair Hash DRBG Seed HMAC Key Message Encryption Key (MEK) RSA Private Key Secure Channel Session Key SSO PASSWORD Phrase User PASSWORD Phrase SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 15 All Rights Reserved 5.4 Destruction of Keys and CSPs The module has the ability to destroy all keys and CSPs by a recursive DELETE command. All keys and CSPs are stored in files. The contents of the file(s) being recursively deleted are erased and over written. Should a power-down occur during the execution of the recursive DELETE, the action of zeroization will resume on a subsequent power-on event, ensuring that access to zeroized information is prevented. 6 Setup and Initialization The uninitialized module has only a root directory with minimal version and manufacturing information in specific files. There is no information pertaining to the User or SSO or their authentication data, such as Passwords, stored on the uninitialized module as shipped to the customer. Initialization of the module is accomplished by setting up a security domain by following the procedures below: • The SSO creates a new application directory on the module; • The SSO creates a PIN file that is associated with the SSO and User; • The SSO initializes the PIN files; • The SSO may optionally set a default Password or set the User PASSWORD Phrase: o If the User PASSWORD Phrase is set by the SSO, the User will not be able to change their Password. • The SSO uses FIPS INFO command to confirm FIPS mode. The module is now in FIPS mode and operators may logon with the CHECK PASSWORD command. See Section 4.2 for a description of the CHECK PASSWORD process. 7 Physical Security The module is packaged to meet FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Security. The chip is packaged with physical security mechanisms that destroy the chip if physical attacks are launched against it. This is achieved using a hard, opaque, tamper- evident coating on the chip. SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 16 All Rights Reserved Table 7-1 Inspection of Physical Security Mechanisms Physical Security Mechanisms Recommended Frequency of Inspections Inspection/Test Guidance Details Hard, opaque, tamper-evident coating on the chip. As often as feasible, based upon organization security policy. Inspect the cryptographic boundary for scratches, scrapes, divots and other suspicious markings or indicators of malice and tampering. If any signs of suspicious activity are observed, return the cryptographic module to SPYRUS. 8 Self-Tests The module performs both power-on and conditional self-tests. The power-on self-tests run automatically when power is restored to the module, without requiring any actions or inputs from the operator. The module performs the following power-on self-tests: • Firmware Integrity Test with 160-bit Error Detection Code • Cryptographic algorithm known answer tests (KAT) for: • Three-key Triple-DES KAT (encrypt) • Three-key Triple-DES KAT (decrypt) • AES KAT (encrypt) • AES KAT (decrypt) • ECDSA KAT (sign) • ECDSA KAT (verify) • ECC CDH KAT • RSA KAT (sign) • RSA KAT (verify) • HMAC (SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512) KAT • SP800-90 DRBG KAT Power cycling allows either the User or SSO to perform any or all of the above tests on demand. SPYRUS, Inc. SPYCOS® 3.0 QFN FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy SPYRUS, Inc 17 All Rights Reserved The module performs the following conditional tests: • ECDSA Pairwise Consistency Test • ECC CDH Pairwise Consistency Test • RSA Pairwise Consistency Test • Continuous test for Approved SP800-90 DRBG • Continuous test for non-Approved NDRNG 9 Mitigation of Other Attacks The module is not claimed to mitigate against any specific attacks. Table 9-1 Mitigation of Other Attacks Other Attacks Mitigation Mechanism Specific limitations Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable.