This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 1 Cryptographic Module for CipherCloud Gateway Version 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Level 1 Security Policy Version Number: 1.8 Date: August 14, 2014 This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 2 Table of Contents 1. Module Overview ............................................................................................................................3 2. Modes of Operation.........................................................................................................................4 2.1 Approved Cryptographic Functions ..........................................................................................5 2.2 All other algorithms..................................................................................................................5 3. Ports and interfaces.........................................................................................................................6 4. Roles and Services ...........................................................................................................................6 5. Cryptographic Keys and CSPs ...........................................................................................................7 6. Self-tests..........................................................................................................................................8 This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 3 1. Module Overview The Cryptographic Module enables all cryptographic operations performed by the CipherCloud Gateway. The CipherCloud Gateway is a software solution that organizations deploy within their network boundaries or delegate operation to a trusted third party. CipherCloud interfaces with clients (e.g., web browsers, mobile applications, APIs, etc.), and leverages format and operations preserving encryption technology to secure sensitive information in real time, before it's sent to cloud applications (e.g. web servers, API services, databases, etc.), without impacting usability or performance. The cryptographic module is a software module that is executing in a modifiable operational environment by a general purpose computer. This software module comprises the following components: ● CCFIPSModule.jar ● Jce.jar ● rt.jar ● sunjce_provider.jar ● local_policy.jar ● US_export_policy.jar FIPS 140-2 conformance testing was performed at Security Level 1. The following configuration was tested by the lab. Table 1: Configuration tested by the lab. Software Component Operating System Jave Run-time Environment CCFIPSModule.jar Jce.jar rt.jar sunjce_provider.jar local_policy.jar US_export_policy.jar CentOS 6.3 Java JRE 1.6.0 The Cryptographic Module for CipherCloud Gateway meets FIPS 140-2 Level 1 requirements. Table 2: Module Security Level Statement. FIPS Security Area Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security N/A This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 4 Physical Boundary (General Purpose Computer) FIPS Security Area Security Level Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 1 Self-tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Figure 1: Cryptographic Module for CipherCloud Gateway Block Diagram. 2. Modes of Operation In the FIPS approved mode of operation the operator must only use FIPS-approved security functions listed in the Section 2.1. When the class CCFIPSModule is instantiated, the module gets loaded and the power-up self-tests are performed. Cryptographic Boundary Java Virtual Machine Operating System Hardware Cryptographic Module for CipherCloud Gateway Includes: CCFIPSModule.jar, Jce.jar, sunjce_provider.jar, rt.jar, local_policy.jar, and US_export_policy.jar This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 5 In the non-FIPS mode of operation the module performs non-approved functions listed in the Section “2.2 All Other Algorithms” of this security policy. These functions shall not be used in FIPS approved mode of operation. 2.1 Approved Cryptographic Functions The following approved cryptographic algorithms are used in FIPS approved mode of operation. Table 3: Approved Cryptographic Functions. Algorithm CAVP Certificate AES (ECB, CBC and CFB) 2339 SHS (SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512) 2017 HMAC (HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA256) 1449 PBKDF2 (SP 800-132) (HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA256) vendor affirmed SP 800-90A CTR DRBG 303 2.2 All other algorithms In the FIPS approved mode of operation the operator must not use the functions listed in the Table 4. These functions are available in the User role. Table 4: Non-Approved Cryptographic Functions and Services. Algorithm Non-Approved Service AES (PCBC, CTR, CTS, OFB, OFB8, and OFB128 modes; non-compliant) Encryption/Decryption ARC4 Encryption/Decryption Blowfish Encryption/Decryption DES Encryption/Decryption Diffie-Hellman (non-compliant) Key Agreement DSA (non-compliant) Digital Signature Generation/Verification RC2 Encryption/Decryption RSA Encryption/Decryption Triple-DES (non-compliant) Encryption/Decryption PBEWithMD5AndDES Encryption/Decryption PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES Encryption/Decryption PBEWithSHA1AndDESede Encryption/Decryption PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_40 Encryption/Decryption MD2 Hash Generation This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 6 Algorithm Non-Approved Service MD5 Hash Generation SHA-384 (non-compliant) Hash Generation HMAC-MD5 HMAC Generation HMAC SHA-384 (non-compliant) HMAC Generation HMAC SHA-512 (non-compliant) HMAC Generation 3. Ports and interfaces The logical interfaces to the module are implemented via an Application Programming Interface (API). The following table describes each logical interface. Table 5: FIPS 140-2 Logical Interfaces. Logical Interface Description Data Input Input parameters that are supplied to the API commands Data Output Output parameters that are returned by the API commands Control Input API commands Status Output Exceptions and return status provided by API commands 4. Roles and Services The module supports a Crypto Officer role and a User Role. The Crypto Officer installs and loads the module. The Crypto Officer also uses the services provided by the module. The User uses the cryptographic services provided by the module. The module provides the following services. Table 6: Roles and Services Service Corresponding Roles Types of Access to Cryptographic Keys and CSPs R – Read or Execute W – Write or Create Z – Zeroize AES Encryption/Decryption User Crypto Officer AES Key: R Secure Hash Generation User Crypto Officer None HMAC Generation User Crypto Officer HMAC Key: R PBKDF2 Key Derivation User Crypto Officer AES Key: W HMAC Key: W This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 7 Service Corresponding Roles Types of Access to Cryptographic Keys and CSPs R – Read or Execute W – Write or Create Z – Zeroize Password: R Random Number Generation Using DRBG User Crypto Officer DRBG seed: R, W PBKDF2 salt: W AES key: W HMAC key: W Self-test User Crypto Officer N/A Zeroization User Crypto Officer All: Z Session Key Zeroization User Crypto Officer Active Key: Z Show Status User Crypto Officer N/A Installation Crypto Officer N/A Non-Approved cryptographic services are implementations of Non-Approved algorithms. They are listed in the Section 2.2. 5. Cryptographic Keys and CSPs The table below describes cryptographic keys and CSPs used by the module. Table 7: Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Key Description/Usage Origin Zeroization AES Key Used during AES encryption and decryption Generated using CTR- DRBG or derived from password using PBKDF21 Zeroized during power cycle or reboot HMAC Key Used during calculation of HMAC Generated using CTR- DRBG or derived from password using PBKDF21 Zeroized during power cycle or reboot DRBG Seed Used during generation of random numbers Generated using NDRNG Zeroized during power cycle or reboot Password Used to derive key using PBKDF2 Entered into the module by the operator Zeroized during power cycle or reboot 1 The operator shall not use the keys generated using PBKDF for any purposes other than protection of data stored inside the module. This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 8 The Keys and CSPs are stored in plaintext form in volatile memory within the software module. The software module does not store the Keys or CSPs in non-volatile storage. Keys and CSPs used in the FIPS Approved mode of operation shall not be used while in the non-FIPS mode of operation. Keys or CSPs shall not be established while in the non-FIPS mode of operation. 6. Self-tests The module performs the following power-up and conditional self-tests. Upon failure or a power-up or conditional self-test the module halts its operation and throws an exception. The following table describes self-tests implemented by the module. Table 8: Self-Tests Algorithm Test AES KAT (encryption/decryption) SHA1 KAT SHA256 KAT SHA512 KAT HMAC-SHA256 KAT (combined with integrity test) PBKDF2 KAT SP800-90A CTR_DRBG KAT Continuous Random Number Generator test NDRNG Continuous Random Number Generator test