Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 1 of 19 Cranite® Wireless Access Controller FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 2 of 19 Contents 1. Introduction................................................................................................................. 4 2. Cryptographic Boundary............................................................................................. 6 3. Security Level............................................................................................................. 6 3.1. Cryptographic Services....................................................................................... 7 3.2. Operator Roles .................................................................................................... 8 3.3. User Role ............................................................................................................ 8 3.4. Cryptographic Officer Role ................................................................................ 8 3.5. Mobility Role...................................................................................................... 8 3.6. Services Available to Each Role......................................................................... 8 3.7. Authentication Methods for Each Operator Role ............................................... 8 3.8. User Role ............................................................................................................ 9 3.9. Cryptographic Officer Role ................................................................................ 9 3.10. Configuration Role.......................................................................................... 9 3.11. Mobility Role.................................................................................................. 9 3.12. Roles and Required Identification and Authentication................................. 10 3.13. Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms..................................................... 10 3.14. Critical Security Parameters ......................................................................... 10 3.15. Cryptographic Service Input Output Role Matrix ........................................ 11 3.16. Critical Security Parameter Access Based On Role ..................................... 13 4. General Rules............................................................................................................ 15 4.1. Access Control Prior to Cryptographic Module Initialization.......................... 15 4.2. Concurrent Operators........................................................................................ 15 4.3. Software Security.............................................................................................. 15 4.4. Operating System Security ............................................................................... 15 4.5. Protection of Authentication Data .................................................................... 16 4.6. Procedures for Zeroizing the System................................................................ 16 4.7. Continuous PRNG Test..................................................................................... 17 4.8. Determining the Status of the Cryptographic Module...................................... 17 4.9. Error State Handling ......................................................................................... 17 4.10. Re-Authentication Process following Power Cycle...................................... 17 5. Physical Security Policy ........................................................................................... 17 6. Mitigation of Other Attacks...................................................................................... 18 7. Acronym List ............................................................................................................ 18 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 3 of 19 Revision History for Cranite Systems Wireless Access Controller Revised by Date Comments M. Mancini 5/23/02 First draft complete M. Mancini 6/4/02 Incorporated 5/31/02 comments from InfoGard M. Mancini 8/7/02 Updated references to non-crypto software to software components rather than software modules; specified physical embodiment, software languages and misc updates M. Mancini 9/23/02 Updates to reflect Infogard requests M. Mancini 12/5/02 Updates to reflect Infogard review M. Mancini 12/6/02 Updated list of cryptographic algorithms M. Mancini 3/10/03 Incorporated NIST/CSE comments R. Langhorne 8/4/04 Updated to reflect minor changes R. Langhorne 1/12/05 Updated to reflect minor changes R. Langhorne 1/21/05 Updated to reflect minor changes N. Rao 2/6/2006 Updated Version Number N. Rao 3/8/2006 Updated to reflect minor change to the Version Number Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 4 of 19 1. Introduction This security policy defines all security rules under which the Cranite Wireless Access Controller (WAC) (SW Versions 2.0, 3.0, 3.0.5e, and 3.0.5f) must operate. The WAC is a cryptographic software system that operates as a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module. The cryptographic boundary of the WAC is the self-contained compiled code that is installed by the customer or reseller into production-quality compliant computer hardware. The physical boundary is the hardware platform, such as a typical PC, on which the WAC software is installed. Figure 1: Cryptographic Boundary Figure 1 defines the cryptographic boundaries for the Wireless Access Controller (WAC). Contained within the cryptographic boundary are software components described in section 2.0. Each software component uses at least one CSP to perform its function. The “authenticated secure communications outside of the WAC” facilitate system functions including transfer of non-cryptographic related state information outside of the cryptographic module, secure authentication, and encrypted data communication. TLS Tunnel 1 is a Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 5 of 19 single or multiple TLS tunnels that communicate from WAC to WAC. TLS Tunnel 2 is a TLS tunnel that communicates from the WAC to a Policy Server, as defined below. TLS Tunnel 3 is a TLS tunnel used for securing the mobile node authentication process, as defined below. The WAC software and computer hardware combination operates as an electronic encryption device, which secures wireless networks by enabling authentication, encryption and packet filtering of networked mobile devices and access points. We use an overlay architecture to provide complete security between the wireless client device and the wired network. The WirelessWall system, which includes the WAC as a component, delivers security through five primary architectural elements: ƒ Defined trust relationships that ensure no single system element can compromise the integrity of the entire system. ƒ An authentication framework that safeguards users’ credentials regardless of the underlying system authentication mechanisms. ƒ Data encryption performed at Layer 2 of the Open System Interconnection model (OSI) for enhanced defense against network intrusions, denial of service attacks, and theft of data. ƒ Flexible security policies integrated with popular corporate directories for easy policy creation and management. ƒ Fine-grained packet filtering that allows authorization by server, application, protocol, or subnet. There are three primary components that make up the WirelessWall system: the Wireless Access Controllers, the Mobile Nodes (or clients), and the Policy Server. Figure 2: Architecture Overview Wireless Access Controllers (WAC) – Responsible for handling client authentication, AES encryption/decryption, enforcing connection policies and handling transitions for roaming users. The WAC manages connections using the 802.1x standard. It also integrates with existing enterprise authentication servers, such as RADIUS, through authentication protocols like Microsoft®-Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (MS-CHAP), Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) and Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) protocols. This is the module under certification. Client (Mobile Node – MN) – The laptop or other device connected to the wireless network. The client Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 6 of 19 contains user login and device driver code that handles authentication, state, and encryption/decryption of network traffic. Policy Server (PS) – Responsible for managing policies and per-user security context information to facilitate user roaming and WAC state recovery. The PS contains a Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) -based configuration interface to specify policies and apply policies to users and groups. The PS integrates with existing directory services on the corporate network, including LDAP, Novell® Directory Server, Microsoft® NT Domain Server and Microsoft® Active Directory. 2. Cryptographic Boundary The WAC’s hardware cryptographic boundary is the machine in which the WAC software is loaded. The WAC’s software cryptographic boundary includes the following software components that perform the specified functions, as seen in Figure 1: ƒ authagent – the WAC authentication agent (AA). The AA is responsible for establishing secure communications between the WAC and a connecting MN. It also receives and sends authentication server requests and status, and contains the cryptographic algorithms for AES key establishment. ƒ paServer – the WAC provisioning agent (PA). The PA is responsible for receiving and sending security context information to and from the WAC via a secure tunnel. This tunnel communicates with entities that authenticate using the Configuration role. ƒ MobServer – the Mobility Server (MA). The MA is responsible for receiving updated WAC and MN random nonces from the Mobility Client. The random nonces are used with the master secret contained in the Security Context for AES key establishment. ƒ MobClient – the Mobility Client (MC). The MC is responsible for sending updated WAC and MN random nonces to the Mobility Server. The random nonces are used with the master secret contained in the Security Context for AES key establishment. ƒ defAgent – the Default Agent (DA). The DA is responsible for registering itself with the Policy Server via a secure tunnel. ƒ dmz.o – the WAC DMZ component. The WAC DMZ component receives encryption keys and processes network traffic by encrypting and decrypting network traffic for each authenticated session. ƒ etherip.o – EtherIP component handles the encapsulation and decapsulation of Ethernet-within-IP packets (IP protocol number 97) between WACs. It is required by the WAC DMZ component. It accepts Cranite data frames to be encapsulated from the WAC DMZ component, and tunnels them to the destination WAC through normal IP routing. It also decapsulates incoming Ethernet-within-IP packets and transfers the resulting Cranite data frame to the WAC DMZ component through inkernel mechanisms. 3. Security Level The cryptographic module meets the overall requirements applicable to Level 1 security of FIPS 140-2. Table 1 shows the security levels for the different sections. Table 1: Module Security Level Requirements Security Requirements Section Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles and Services Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security N/A Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 7 of 19 Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 3 EMI/EMC 3 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of other attacks N/A Roles and Services 3.1. Cryptographic Services The following cryptographic services are available on the Wireless Access Controller (WAC): ƒ Receive encrypted data – this service processes encrypted data frames by authenticating each frame and decrypting it using the appropriate keys ƒ Send encrypted data – this service processes unencrypted data frames destined for authenticated users by encrypting the frame using the appropriate keys and sending it to the destination user ƒ Run self-test – this service performs cryptographic self tests on all the cryptographic algorithms and appropriate functions within the cryptographic module Restart System – this service restarts the cryptographic functions, including reloading the cryptographic module and running the cryptographic self-tests ƒ Show status – this service provides status information on the users authenticated to the system as well as various status information regarding the cryptographic module operations ƒ Send Security Context – this service sends security context information via a secure tunnel to the Configuration operator; this service is used to propagate certain security information to additional servers in order to facilitate secure authentication when a user roams to a new Wireless Access Controller ƒ Receive Security Context – this service receives security context information via a secure tunnel from the Configuration operator; this service is used to propagate a security context to additional servers in order to facilitate secure authentication when a user roams to a new Wireless Access Controller. A Security context includes the WAC-to-MN Master Secret and MN identifying information. ƒ Send Mobility Registration – this service sends user operator information for a mobile user, by which the key establishment protocol is executed, to operators authenticated in the Mobility role; this service is used in order to ensure incoming and outgoing network traffic is delivered to the appropriate network(s) and is both encrypted and authenticated ƒ Receive Mobility Registration - this service receives user operator information, by which the key establishment protocol is executed, to operators authenticated in the Mobility role; this service is used in order to ensure incoming and outgoing network traffic is delivered to the appropriate network(s) and is both encrypted and authenticated ƒ Authenticate User – this service authenticates User role or Cryptographic Officer operators to the cryptographic module Authenticate Role – this service authenticates Configuration role and Mobility role operators, which are roles that are only served to software components; these roles authenticate via certificates using the TLS protocol. ƒ Zeroize System – this service clears and overwrites all cryptographic keys and CSPs. Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 8 of 19 3.2. Operator Roles The cryptographic module supports four distinct operator roles. These operator roles are: ƒ User role ƒ Cryptographic Officer role ƒ Configuration role ƒ Mobility role 3.3. User Role The User role is provided only to users accessing the cryptographic services through a Mobile Node (MN). With the MN software, users may authenticate the system for the sole purpose of having access to the cryptographic services necessary for the secure transport of data over an insecure network. 3.4. Cryptographic Officer Role The role is available for the purpose of restarting the cryptographic functions and executing various Configuration Role The Configuration role is served to software components communicating via a secure channel with the WAC following a successful authentication using the TLS protocol. The Configuration role uses the Send Security Context and Receive Security Context services following the successful authentication of User role operators and following the expiration of User role operator sessions. 3.5. Mobility Role The Mobility role is served to software components, specifically the Mobility Server and Mobility Client software, for the purpose of transmitting and receiving certain Critical Security Parameters needed to facilitate securing the network connections for mobile, or roaming, operators authenticated to the User role. 3.6. Services Available to Each Role 3.7. Authentication Methods for Each Operator Role Table 2 lists the services available to each role. Table 2: Services and Roles Cryptographic Service User Role Cryptographic Officer Role ConfigurationRole Mobility Role Receive encrypted data X Send encrypted data X Run self-test X Restart System X Show status X Send Security X Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 9 of 19 Cryptographic Service User Role Cryptographic Officer Role ConfigurationRole Mobility Role Context Receive Security Context X Send Mobility Registration X Receive Mobility Registration X Authenticate User X X Authenticate Role X X Zeroize System X 3.8. User Role The cryptographic module authenticates operators in performing the User role via identity-based authentication. This authentication occurs through client software, which communicates via a secure tunnel with the Wireless Access Controller. The User role is granted access to the cryptographic services through the user software following a successful authentication to the cryptographic module. The authentication occurs using the secure tunnel via a challenge sent to the operator. The operator challenge response is sent to the WAC, which then passes the challenge response to an appropriate authentication server. Success or failure of the authentication requests is determined based on the response from the authentication server. If the User role authentication request is successful, the user’s policy is retrieved from a separate policy server. Provided the user, based on their identity (username and password), has a policy, the User role is authenticated for that operator and certain cryptographic services become available to the operator. 3.9. Cryptographic Officer Role The Cryptographic Officer role is available only to an authenticated administrator who performs authentication on the Wireless Access Controller (WAC). This authentication occurs using the WAC operating system login process. 3.10. Configuration Role The Configuration role is authenticated using certificates signed by a trusted CA that resides both on the WAC and the computer system containing the Configuration role software. The authentication is accomplished using the TLSv1 protocol and the certificates to ensure mutual authentication. 3.11. Mobility Role The Mobility role is authenticated using certificates signed by a trusted CA that resides both on the WAC and the computer system containing the Mobility role software. The Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 10 of 19 authentication is accomplished using the TLSv1 protocol and the certificates to ensure mutual authentication. 3.12. Roles and Required Identification and Authentication 3.13. Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms Table 3: Roles and Authentication Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data User Role MS-CHAP, CHAP or PAP via secure, mutually authenticated TLS tunnel based on RSA public/private certificates Username plus up to a 128-character password Cryptographic Officer Role WAC operating system login Root user plus password Configuration Role TLS tunnel with RSA public/private certificates for mutual authentication TLS authentication process with signed public certificate Mobility Role TLS tunnel with RSA public/private certificates for mutual authentication TLS authentication process with signed public certificate Table 4: Authentication Mechanism Strength Authentication Mechanism Strength of Strength against one minute Mechanism attack User Role Password Challenge Authentication Better than 1 in 2^96 Better than 1 in 2^96 Operating System root login authentication Better than 1 in 62^59 Better than 1 in (62^59)/60 Configuration and Mobility Role Authentication Better than 1 in 2^204 Better than 1 in 2^204 Access Control Policy 3.14. Critical Security Parameters The following are the critical security parameters: ƒ WAC-to-MN TLS Master Secret: This CSP is used in the TLS key establishment protocol of the WAC-to-MN TLS session keys as well as the WAC-to-MN AES keys. There is a separate WACto-MN TLS Master Secret for each operator in the User Role ƒ WAC-to-MN TLS Session Keys: These keys are used to protect authentication-specific network traffic between the WAC and the MN ƒ WAC-to-MN AES Keys: These keys are used by the WAC to protect data transmitted between the WAC and the MN. ƒ WAC-to-PS TLS session keys: These keys are used to protect data transmitted between the WAC and the PS, including the TLS session contexts for each MN. ƒ WAC-to-WAC TLS session keys: These keys are used to protect mobility information transmitted between the WACs . ƒ WAC Software Key: this SHA-1-HMAC key is used during systems startup or reload to verify the integrity of the WAC software before it is loaded into memory and executed; it is also used to encrypt and decrypt the Security Context information which is written to persistent storage. ƒ PRNG State: the PRNG is used during key establishment of the WAC-to-MN AES keys. Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 11 of 19 ƒ User Role Authentication Challenge Response Value: This value is the challenge response received from an operator attempting to authenticate the User role ƒ Cryptographic Officer Role Authentication / Credentials : This value is the username and password for the Cryptographic Officer role operator who can only authenticate on the WAC. These credentials are secured and managed by the WAC operating system ƒ Private Key used for TLS Authentication: This RSA private key is used to mutually authenticate the WAC to operators accessing various cryptographic services. Each TLS Session Key set includes two (2) three-key triple DES keys (one for transmit, one for receive) and two (2) User SHA-1-HMAC keys (one for transmit, one for receive). The WAC-to-MN AES key set includes two (2) 128-bit AES keys (one for transmit, one for receive) and two (2) SHA-1-HMAC keys (one for transmit, one for receive). 3.15. Cryptographic Service Input Output Role Matrix Roles Cryptographic Service Purpose/Function Input Output Status User Crypto Officer Configuration Mobility Receive encrypted data Process encrypted data frames by authenticating each frame and Encrypted frames Unencrypted frames None X decrypting it using the appropriate keys. Send encrypted Processes unencrypted data frames Decrypted Encrypted None X data destined for authenticated users by encrypting the frame using the appropriate keys and sending it to the destination user. frames frames Run self-test Performs cryptographic self tests on all the cryptographic algorithms and appropriate functions within the cryptographic module. None Console output indicating result of self- Self-test results to Log files and console X test Restart System Restarts the cryptographic functions, including reloading the cryptographic module and running the cryptographic selftests. None Console output indicating restart and Console output indicating restart and X startup status startup status Show status Provides status information on the None Console Console X users authenticated to the system as well as various status information regarding the cryptographic module operations. output indicating status of software output indicating status of software components and users components and users Send Security Context Sends security context information via a secure tunnel to the User Authentication Security Context None X Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 12 of 19 Configuration operator; this service is used to propagate certain security information to additional servers in Success Message Message order to facilitate secure authentication when a user roams to a new Wireless Access Controller. Receive Security Context Receives security context information via a secure tunnel Security Context Security Context None X from the Configuration operator; this service is used to propagate certain security information to additional servers in order to Message written to disk facilitate secure authentication when a user roams to a new Wireless Access Controller. Send Mobility Registration Sends user operator information for a mobile user, by which the key establishment protocol is executed, to operators authenticated in the Mobility role; this service is used in order to ensure incoming and outgoing network traffic is delivered to the appropriate network(s) and is both encrypted and authenticated through the TLSv1 protocol. - TLS abbrv handshake with remote home WAC - user auth with remote home WAC Mobility Registration Message None X Receive Mobility Registration Receives user operator information, by which the key establishment protocol is executed, to operators authenticated in the Mobility role; this service is used in order to Mobility Registration Message Mobility Registration data written to disk None X ensure incoming and outgoing network traffic is delivered to the appropriate network(s) and is both encrypted and authenticated through the TLSv1 protocol. Authenticate User Authenticates User role operators to the cryptographic module. Username and password received through console for Login succeeded or Login failed Log entry representing success or failure of Authentication X X Crypto Officer; request through TLS tunnel for User role Authenticate Role Authenticates Configuration role and Mobility role operators, which are roles that are only served to software components; these roles authenticate via certificates using the TLS protocol. TLS Handshake TLS Handshake None X X Zeroize System Clears and overwrites all cryptographic keys. Zeroize command Console output indicating when Zeroize Console output indicating when Zeroize X is completed is completed Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 13 of 19 3.16. Critical Security Parameter Access Based On Role Table 6: Critical Security Parameter Access Based on Role Critical Security Parameter User Role Cryptogra phicOfficer Configura tion Role MobilityRole WAC-to-MN TLS Master Secret x x x x WAC-to-MN TLS Session Keys x x WAC-to-MN AES Keys x x WAC-to-PS TLS session keys x x WAC-to-WAC TLS session keys x x WAC Software Key x x PRNG State x x x x User Role Authentication Challenge Response Value x Cryptographic Officer Role Authentication / Credentials x Private key used for TLS Authentication x x x x 5.4 Access Rights Within Services Table 7: Access Rights Within Services Cryptographic Service WAC-to-MN TLS Master Secret WAC-to-MN TLS Session Keys WAC-to-MN AES Keys WAC-to-PS TLS session keys WAC-to-WAC TLS session keys WAC Software Key PRNG State User Role Authentication Challenge Response Cryptographic officer Role Authentication Private TLS Key Receive encrypted data r Send encrypted data r Run self-test r rw Restart System rw rw Show status Send Security Context r r r r Receive Security Context w r r r Send Mobility Registration r Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 14 of 19 Receive Mobility Registration r Authenticate User rw rw rw r r r r r Authenticate Role r r r Zeroize System z z z z z z z z z r = read, w = write, z = zeroize 5.5 Modes of Access to Critical Security Parameters Table 8: Modes Of Access to Critical Security Parameters Role Critical Security Parameter Use User WAC-to-MN TLS Master Secret Used in the key establishment of the WAC-to-MN TLS Session Keys as well as the WAC-to-MN AES keys. User WAC-to-MN TLS Session Keys Used to encrypt TLS communications during the User role authentication process. User WAC-to-MN AES Keys Used to encrypt and decrypt messages data traffic sent between the WAC and MN User PRNG State Used to provide entropy when computing the WAC to MN AES Keys. User User Role Authentication Challenge Response Value Provided by User role for the purpose of responding to an authentication challenge. User Private key used for TLS Authentication Used by the User role to authenticate the WAC; used to establish a TLS connection between the MN and WAC. Role Critical Security Parameter Use Cryptographic WAC-to-MN TLS Session Keys Can be zeroized by executing the zeroization service or Officer reset by restarting the WAC. Cryptographic WAC-to-MN AES Keys Can be zeroized by executing the zeroization service or Officer reset by restarting the WAC. Cryptographic WAC-to-PS TLS Session Keys Can be zeroized by executing the zeroization service or Officer reset by restarting the WAC. Cryptographic WAC-to-WAC TLS Session Keys Can be zeroized by executing the zeroization service or Officer reset by restarting the WAC. Cryptographic WAC Software Key Can be read or zeroized. Zeroizing this key will prevent the Officer WAC from loading the cryptographic module. Cryptographic Cryptographic Officer Role Used to authenticate the WAC operating system for the Officer Authentication / Credentials purpose of having access to the Cryptographic Officer role services; the credentials may be changed using the OS’s change password command. Cryptographic Private key used for TLS Can be read, manually changed or zeroized. Officer Authentication Role Critical Security Parameter Use Configuration WAC-to-MN TLS Master Secret Used to communicate minimal security information to WACs in order to facilitate abbreviated TLS authentication when a MN connects to a new WAC. Configuration WAC-to-PS TLS Session Keys Used to transmit the TLS Master Secret CSP via a secure TLS tunnel between the WAC and PS. Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 15 of 19 Configuration WAC Software Key Used to encrypt and decrypt the Security Context information which contains the WAC-to-MN TLS Master Secret and is stored in encrypted format in the WAC’s persistent storage. Configuration Private key used for TLS Authentication Used to establish a mutually authenticated TLS tunnel between the WAC and PS and establish the WAC-to-PS TLS Session Keys. Role Critical Security Parameter Use Mobility WAC-to-WAC TLS Session Keys Used to transmit and receive the Server and Client Random Nonces from one WAC to another WAC for an authenticated mobile user (roaming MN). Mobility PRNG State Used to provide entropy when determining a new set of AES keys. Mobility Private key used for TLS Authentication Used to establish a mutually authenticated TLS tunnel between WACs and establish the WAC-to- WAC TLS Session Keys. 4. General Rules The FIPS-version of the Wireless Access Controller has only one mode of operations – FIPS mode. When the WAC is started, this mode of operation is entered automatically with no operator intervention. To enable the FIPS mode of operation, simple start up the WAC. 4.1. Access Control Prior to Cryptographic Module Initialization After the WAC software is installed, but before the cryptographic module is initialized, there are no cryptographic services available to operators other than the Cryptographic Officer role. The Cryptographic Officer role is available to allow that operator to configure the WAC software and load the cryptographic module. The WAC Management Manual specifies how to configure and initialize the cryptographic module. 4.2. Concurrent Operators The cryptographic module does not support multiple operator roles. The operating system does not allow concurrent operator access. 4.3. Software Security The WAC software is written in C and operates on the Linux and Fedora Core 1 operating systems. The software is installed in the host hardware storage medium as compiled binary executable components. At system initialization and restart, the cryptographic module software components are each authenticated using HMAC and the WAC Software Key to ensure the software has not been modified. If the Software Load Test passes, the unencrypted software is loaded into the system memory, if it fails, the cryptographic module is placed in the Crypto Failure state and can only exit that state following a successful Software Load Test. 4.4. Operating System Security The WAC operates automatically after power-up. OS functions are only available to an operator authenticating using the Cryptographic Officer role. Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 16 of 19 4.5. Protection of Authentication Data During operator authentication, passwords are masked from entry and are not echoed to the operator console. 4.6. Procedures for Zeroizing the System The cryptographic officer may Zeroize the cryptographic module by authenticating the WAC and typing the following command: zeroize –all The operator will then be prompted to confirm their request. If confirmed, the cryptographic system will shutdown and all CSPs will be zeroized. Cryptographic Self-Tests Self-tests are initiated with the cryptographic module is loaded. Each module within the software cryptographic boundary that contains cryptographic algorithms initiates the cryptographic self-test at load time. Table 9 lists the tests performed by modules when loading. Table 9: Module Tests Component Cryptographic Algorithm CypherSuite/Mode Test Type AuthAgent RSA Known Answer Test TDES TDES_EDE_CBC_SHA Known Answer Test PRNG Known Answer Test PaServer RSA Known Answer Test TDES TDES_EDE_CBC_SHA Known Answer Test PRNG Known Answer Test MobServer RSA Known Answer Test TDES TDES_EDE_CBC_SHA Known Answer Test PRNG Known Answer Test MobClient RSA Known Answer Test TDES TDES_EDE_CBC_SHA Known Answer Test PRNG Known Answer Test defAgent RSA Known Answer Test TDES TDES_EDE_CBC_SHA Known Answer Test PRNG Known Answer Test dmz.o AES CTR Known Answer Test HMAC-SHA1 Known Answer Test etherip.o n/a n/a n/a The results of all self tests are output to the system log files stored in the /var/log directory. If any selftest fails, an error message will be sent to the Cryptographic Officer console and the system will disable all cryptographic functions by unloading the cryptographic module and placing the Cryptographic Module in the Crypto Failure State. Additionally, error messages will be written to the cryptographic system log files located in the /var/log directory. To initiate a self-test the cryptographic officer must first authenticate him/herself to the WAC and then type the following commands: Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 17 of 19 service wac-agents stop service bridge restart service wac-agents start 4.7. Continuous PRNG Test The FIPS-approved PRNG used in the Cryptographic Module executes a continuous PRNG test which ensures that each call to the random number generator yields a different result from the previously generated 160-bit block. If the same 160-bit block is returned, the Cryptographic Module is placed in the Crypto Failure State. 4.8. Determining the Status of the Cryptographic Module In order to determine the status of the cryptographic module, the cryptographic officer must first authenticate him/ herself to the WAC and then type the following commands: service wac-agents status [This command will display the status of the various cryptographic module software components; each should indicate “running” as their state.] service bridge status [This will display the status of the data encryption / decryption cryptographic module; it should display a list of MAC addresses that the component sees on its network interfaces.] The cryptographic officer can also view the status of the cryptographic module by viewing the log files stored in the /var/log directory. 4.9. Error State Handling Should any cryptographic processing encounter an error condition that places the cryptographic module in the Cryptographic Failure State, the error condition will be written to the log files and the cryptographic module will be disabled by the cryptographic module being unloaded from system memory. The only way to recover from the Error State is by re-running the Self-tests, and thus re- initiating the system, as specified above. 4.10. Re-Authentication Process following Power Cycle Following Power Cycle any operator authenticated in the Cryptographic Officer role must reauthenticate to the Cryptographic Module as though that user had never been authenticated. All User role operators authenticate the Cryptographic Module using an abbreviated TLS handshake. No User role operator is granted access to the Cryptographic Module, under this circumstance, unless the abbreviated TLS handshake is completed successfully. Following a successful TLS handshake, new WAC-to-MN AES keys are created. All other roles must complete a full authentication process as specified for each role. 5. Physical Security Policy The WAC software is installed by the customer or VAR on production-quality, FCC-certified hardware (such as a PC), which also defines the module’s physical boundary. Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 18 of 19 6. Mitigation of Other Attacks The cryptographic module is not designed to mitigate attacks outside the scope of FIPS 140-2. Cryptographic Algorithms Used The following cryptographic algorithms are used: FIPS Approved: ƒ FIPS-approved Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) - Implemented FIPS 186-2 appendix 3.1 PRNG ƒ HMAC-SHA1 ƒ RSA PKCS#1 ƒ AES-ECB ƒ AES-CTR ƒ AES-CBC ƒ TDES-TCBC ƒ SHA-1 Non-FIPS Approved: ƒ RSA public key cipher (key establishment) ƒ MD5 (key establishment) 7. Acronym List AA Authentication Agent AES Advanced Encryption Standard CA Certificate Authority CBC Cipher Block Change CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol CSP Crypto Security Parameter CTR Counter Mode DA Default Agent DMZ Demilitarized Zone ECB Electronic Code Block EDE Encryption Decryption Encryption FCC Federal Communications Commission FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards HMAC Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication HTML Hypertext Markup Language IP Internet Protocol IPC Inter-Process Communication LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol MA Mobility Agent MAC Medium Access Control MC Mobility Client MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm MIC Message Integrity Check MN Mobile Node MS-CHAP Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol OS Operating System Non-Proprietary Security Policy for Cranite® Wireless Access Controller. Cranite Systems, Inc., 121 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Page 19 of 19 OSI Open Systems Interconnection PA Provisioning Agent PAP Password Authentication Protocol PC Personal Computer PRNG Psuedo Random Number Generator PS Policy Server RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service RSA Rivest-Shamir-Adelman SHA-1 Secure Hash Algorithm TCBC TDEA Cipher Block Chaining Mode of Operation TDEA Triple Data Encryption Algorithm TDES Triple Data Encryption Standard TLS Transport Layer Security VAR Value Added Reseller WAC Wireless Access Controller