Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 1 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. Security Policy for Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Version 1.0.2 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 2 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. Revision History Date Revision Description 10/16/2008 1.0.0 Initial Release 2/4/2009 1.0.1 2nd Release Section 3 Modes of Operation (encryption -> obfuscation) Section 8 Security Rules #13 added the following comments, “The module shall output status code 0x10 to indicate that it is in an error state. 2/12/2009 1.0.1 3rd Release Updated the Version number from “1.0.0” to “1.0.1” on Page 1 3/18/2014 1.0.2 4th Release Changed the company name. Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 3 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. MODULE OVERVIEW.................................................................................................4 2. SECURITY LEVEL......................................................................................................6 3. MODES OF OPERATION ...........................................................................................7 APPROVED ALGORITHMS................................................................................................................................ 7 NON-APPROVED ALGORITHMS....................................................................................................................... 7 4. PORTS AND INTERFACES........................................................................................9 5. IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION POLICY ..............................................10 ASSUMPTION OF ROLES ................................................................................................................................ 10 6. ACCESS CONTROL POLICY ..................................................................................11 ROLES AND SERVICES....................................................................................................................................11 SERVICES - PURPOSES AND USES .................................................................................................................. 12 DEFINITION OF CRITICAL SECURITY PARAMETERS (CSPS)........................................................................... 13 DEFINITION OF CSPS MODES OF ACCESS ..................................................................................................... 14 7. OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT .............................................................................14 8. SECURITY RULES ...................................................................................................15 9. PHYSICAL SECURITY POLICY...............................................................................17 PHYSICAL SECURITY MECHANISMS.............................................................................................................. 17 OPERATOR REQUIRED ACTIONS.................................................................................................................... 17 10. MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS POLICY ..........................................................17 11. REFERENCES..........................................................................................................18 12. DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS .............................................................................19 Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 4 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. 1. Module Overview This Security Policy is prepared as one of the requirements of FIPS 140-2 validation. However, Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. intends other purposes also. It allows entities to:  Determine if the cryptographic module is implemented as stated in this Security Policy.  Describe how the FIPS 140-2 requirements are actually implemented in the cryptographic module. The Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 (VSCM) is a cryptographic module (also processes digital data) that is to be incorporated into two-way digital radio products. These digital radios are for use in communication with other APCO Project 25 compatible devices. The VSCM consists of:  Hardware Part Number 013790D  Firmware Version 71.72 The VSCM is incorporated into the following models: [Portable models]  VX-P820 Series (VX-P821, VX-P824, VX-P829)  VX-P870 Series (VX-P871, VX-P874, VX-P879)  VX-P920 Series (VX-P921, VX-P924, VX-P929)  VX-P970 Series (VX-P971, VX-P974, VX-P979) [Mobile models]  VX-7100 Series  VX-7200 Series Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 5 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. The VSCM is a hardware cryptographic module targeted for FIPS 140-2 Security Level 1 overall. In FIPS 140-2 terms, the VSCM is a multi-chip embedded module and the physically contiguous cryptographic boundary as well as the logical boundary is defined as the entire circuit board. All I/O is managed through the board-to-board connector that the VSCM employs. The following figure shows the VSCM and its defined cryptographic boundary. top bottom Figure 1 - Image of Cryptographic Module Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 6 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. 2. Security Level The cryptographic module meets the overall requirements applicable to Level 1 security of FIPS 140-2. Table 1 - Module Security Level Specification Security Requirements Section Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security 1 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI / EMC 3 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 7 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. 3. Modes of Operation Approved Algorithms The VSCM supports both FIPS approved and non-FIPS approved algorithms. The module does not support a non-FIPS approved mode of operation, however upon access to the non-FIPS approved algorithm (DES), the module enters bypass mode and although obfuscation does take place, within the context of FIPS 140-2, any resulting output from the process is considered to be plaintext. Table 2 - Approved Algorithms AES As defined in FIPS PUB 197 with 256 bit keys. AES will support the following modes: ECB, OFB Cert. #813 SHS As defined in FIPS PUB 180-3 for generating message digests with 256 bit lengths. (SHA-256) Cert. #813 * This is used for internal functions only Non-Approved Algorithms The VSCM supports the following non-FIPS Approved algorithm as follows: Table 3 - Non-Approved Algorithms DES As defined in FIPS PUB 46-3 with 56 bit keys. DES will support the following mode : OFB LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register, which is used for the generation of IV’s to be used in OFB mode for encryption. * This algorithm at no time generates cryptographic keys. Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 8 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. The VSCM will send a signal to the radio and the user will be notified via the LED/LCD on the radio, which data processing mechanism is being used (e.g. AES or DES/no encryption bypass) Verification that the module is operating in a FIPS mode can be done by checking the part number on the bottom the VSCM to be ‘013790D’ and the firmware version to be ‘71.72’. The module does not support a non-FIPS mode of operation. Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 9 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. 4. Ports and Interfaces The VSCM provides the following logical interfaces through the board-to-board connector (physical port):  Data input  Data output  Control input  Status Output The VSCM receives power through the board-to-board connector from the radio system in which it resides on. Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 10 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. 5. Identification and Authentication Policy Assumption of roles The VSCM supports two distinct operator roles (User and Cryptographic-Officer [C.O.]). The module does not support operator authentication or a maintenance role. The operator assumes a given role by utilizing the services that the module provides. Table 4 - Roles and Required Identification and Authentication Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data User N/A N/A C.O. N/A N/A Table 5 - Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism N/A N/A Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 11 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. 6. Access Control Policy Roles and Services Table 6 - Services Authorized for Roles Role Authorized Services User: The entity that has access to functions supported by the cryptographic module. This role implicitly selected by the operator by performing the services associated with this role.  AES  DES (FIPS Approved Bypass mode)  No Encryption Bypass (FIPS Approved Bypass mode) Cryptographic-Officer: The entity is responsible for key entry into the module. This role is implicitly selected when performing these services.  Key Entry  Power-Up Self-tests  Zeroization  Show Status Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 12 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. Services - Purposes and Uses Table 7 - Service names, purposes, and uses Service Name Purpose and Use AES Allows Users to encrypt / decrypt various data. This is also used for key wrapping/unwrapping. DES (FIPS Approved Bypass mode) Allows Users to encrypt / decrypt various data (Data encrypted using the DES algorithm is considered to be plaintext.) No Encryption Bypass Allows Users to process various data without encryption Power-up Self tests Allows CO to perform power-up self tests (This service can be obtained by power-cycling the module) Show Status Allows CO to determine if the module is functioning properly. Key Entry Allows CO to enter cryptographic keys into the module Zeroization Zeroization of cryptographic keys and CSPs within the module Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 13 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. Definition of Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) The following CSPs are contained in the module:  CKEK (AES 256 bit key): Used to decrypt the encrypted KEK that is input into the module in ECB mode. This key is pre-input into the module during the manufacturing process.  KEK (AES 256 bit key): Used to decrypt the encrypted TEKs that are input into the module in ECB mode. This key is input into the module in encrypted form.  TEK (AES 256 bit key): Used for encryption and decryption of various data in OFB mode. This key is input into the module in encrypted form. * The CKEK is embedded within the module. Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 14 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. Definition of CSPs Modes of Access Table 8 defines the relationship between access to CSPs and the different module services. The modes of access shown in the table are defined as follows: Write (w) : a cryptographic key is written into the module’s memory. Read (r) : a cryptographic key is used to perform cryptographic operations within its corresponding service (as described in Section 3 of this document). Output (o) : a cryptographic key is output from the module. Zeroize (z) : a cryptographic key is destroyed. Table 8 - CSP Access Rights within Services Role Service CSPAccess Operations C.O. User CKEK KEK TEK X AES r X DES X No Enc. Byp. X Power-up X Key Entry r w,r,z w X Show Status X Zeroization z z 7. Operational Environment The FIPS 140-2 Area 6 Operational Environment requirements are not applicable since the VSCM operates on a non-modifiable operational environment. Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 15 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. 8. Security Rules The VSCM’s design corresponds to the VSCM’s security rules. This section documents the security rules enforced by the cryptographic module to implement the security requirements of this FIPS 140-2 Security Level 1 module. 1. The cryptographic module shall provide two distinct operator roles. These are the User role, and the Cryptographic-Officer role. 2. The cryptographic module does not support user authentication. 3. Cryptographic keys are entered electronically in encrypted form. 4. The module does not support a Non-FIPS Approved mode of operation. 5. The module supports an exclusive bypass mode in which data passes through the module without AES encryption. (Data that is encrypted using DES is considered to be plaintext for purposes of FIPS 140-2) 6. The module performs 2 internal independent actions prior to entering bypass mode. 7. The module performs a conditional bypass test as per FIPS 140-2 §4.9.2 for the transition out of bypass mode. 8. The module does not support the updating of its firmware components. 9. The module shall not output cryptographic keys at any time. 10. The module shall not output CSPs at any time. 11. The cryptographic module shall perform the following tests without any operator actions: A. Power up Self-Tests: (1) Firmware Integrity Test (SHA-256 verification) (2) Cryptographic algorithm tests: a. AES Known Answer Test b. SHA-256 Known Answer Test B. Conditional Self-Tests: (1) Exclusive Bypass test – performed when the module enters/exits bypass mode (2) Continuous Random Number Generator Test Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 16 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. – performed each time the LFSR is used. 12. If the operator wishes to perform the power up self-tests on demand, he/she should power cycle the module. i.e., the radio system in which the VSCM is being used should be re-started. 13. If the module enters an error state due to the failing of self-tests, the module shall be returned to the vendor. The module shall output status code 0x10 to indicate that it is in an error state. 14. Data output shall be inhibited during self-tests, zeroization, and error states. 15. Status information shall not contain CSPs or sensitive data that if misused could lead to a compromise of the module. 16. The module shall not support concurrent operators as a Security Level 1 module. 17. The module shall inhibit cryptographic operations and data output while in all error states. Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 17 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. 9. Physical Security Policy Physical Security Mechanisms The VSCM is intended to meet the FIPS 140-2 physical security requirements for Level 1. To meet these requirements the VSCM multi-chip embedded module includes the following mechanisms:  Use of production grade components. Operator Required Actions There are no operator required actions as the module is intended to meet Level 1. Table 9 – Inspection/Testing of Physical Security Mechanisms Physical Security Mechanisms Recommended Frequency of Inspection/Test Inspection/Test Guidance Details N/A N/A N/A 10. Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The module has not been designed to mitigate specific attacks outside the scope of FIPS 140-2. Table 10 – Mitigation of Other Attacks Other Attacks Mitigation Mechanism Specific Limitations N/A N/A N/A Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 18 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. 11. References  National Institute of Standards and Technology, “FIPS PUB 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules”, May 25, 2001  National Institute of Standards and Technology, “Derived Test Requirements for FIPS PUB 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules. Draft”, January 4, 2011  National Institute of Standards and Technology, “Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program”, January 17, 2014.  National Institute of Standards and Technology, “FIPS PUB 197, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)”, November 26, 2001  National Institute of Standards and Technology, “FIPS PUB 180-4, Secure Hash Standard (SHS)”, March 2012  National Institute of Standard and Technology, “FIPS PUB 46-3, Data Encryption Standard (DES)”, October 25, 1999  TIA/EIA Standard, “102.AAAA-A , Project 25 DES Encryption Protocol”, January 23, 2001  TIA/EIA Standard, “102.AAAD, Block Encryption Protocol”, June 13, 2002 Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001 Security Policy Page 19 of 19 May be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. Copyright © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. 12. Definitions and Acronyms Table 11 – Definitions and Acronyms APCO Association of Public-Safety communications Officials-International AES Advanced Encryption Standard DES Data Encryption Standard LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register SHS Secure Hash Standard – the message digest will be 160, 224, 256, 384, or 512 bits (SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512). VSCM Vertex Standard Cryptographic Module 001