Subject to change without prior notice Version 1.15 ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Security Policy Advanced Card Systems Ltd. Unit 2010 – 2013, 20 th Floor Chevalier Commercial Centre 8 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay Hong Kong Copyright 2016 © Advanced Card Systems (ACS) Ltd. All rights reserved. This non-proprietary document may be reproduced only in its original entirety without revision. ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 2 of 31 Table of Contents 1.0. Introduction .............................................................................................................4 1.1. Scope.....................................................................................................................................4 1.2. Security Level ........................................................................................................................4 1.3. References.............................................................................................................................5 1.4. Glossary.................................................................................................................................5 2.0. Cryptographic Module Specification......................................................................8 2.1. Cryptographic Boundary........................................................................................................8 2.2. Hardware .............................................................................................................................10 2.3. Firmware..............................................................................................................................10 2.4. Modes of Operation .............................................................................................................11 2.4.1. Secure Initialization.....................................................................................................11 2.4.2. FIPS-mode of operation..............................................................................................11 2.4.3. FIPS Mode Indicator ...................................................................................................12 3.0. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces........................................................13 3.1. Physical Ports ......................................................................................................................13 3.2. Logical Interfaces.................................................................................................................13 4.0. Roles, Services, and Authentication....................................................................15 4.1. Roles....................................................................................................................................15 4.2. Services ...............................................................................................................................15 4.3. Authentication Mechanisms and Strength...........................................................................20 5.0. Physical Security...................................................................................................21 6.0. EMI/EMC.................................................................................................................22 7.0. Key Management...................................................................................................23 7.1. Keys and CSPs....................................................................................................................23 7.2. Random Number Generators ..............................................................................................24 7.3. Key Generation....................................................................................................................24 7.4. Key Entry and Output ..........................................................................................................25 7.5. Key Storage .........................................................................................................................26 8.0. Self-Tests...............................................................................................................27 8.1. Power-up Self-Test..............................................................................................................27 8.1.1. Firmware Integrity Test ...............................................................................................28 8.1.2. Cryptographic Algorithm Test .....................................................................................28 8.1.3. Random Number Generation Test..............................................................................28 8.2. Conditional Self-Test ...........................................................................................................28 8.2.1. Pair-Wise Consistency Test........................................................................................28 8.2.2. Conditional NDRNG Test............................................................................................28 8.2.3. Conditional DRBG Test...............................................................................................29 8.3. Health Tests.........................................................................................................................29 8.3.1. Instantiate Test............................................................................................................29 8.3.2. Generate and Reseed Test.........................................................................................29 9.0. Mitigation of Other Attacks...................................................................................30 10.0. Security Policy Check List Tables........................................................................31 10.1. Roles and Required Identification and Authentication.........................................................31 10.2. Strengths of Authentication Mechanism..............................................................................31 10.3. Services Authorized for Roles .............................................................................................31 ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 3 of 31 List of Figures Figure 1 – ACOS5-64 Module................................................................................................................8 Figure 2 – Cross-Sectional Cryptographic Boundary of ACOS5-64 ......................................................8 Figure 3 – Cryptographic Boundary .......................................................................................................9 Figure 4 – ST23YL80 Block Diagram...................................................................................................10 Figure 5 – Contact Plate Physical Interface for ACOS5-64 .................................................................13 Figure 6 – ST23YL80 Physical Embodiment .......................................................................................21 List of Tables Table 1 – FIPS 140-2 Security Level Met by ACOS5-64 .......................................................................4 Table 2 – Abbreviations..........................................................................................................................7 Table 3 – ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 Approved Algorithms and Security Functions.................................11 Table 4 – ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 Non-Approved Algorithm in FIPS-mode .........................................12 Table 5 – ACOS5-64 Electrical Signals Description.............................................................................13 Table 6 – Logical Interfaces for ACOS5-64..........................................................................................14 Table 7 – ACOS5-64’s Supported Roles for Operators .......................................................................15 Table 8 – ACOS5-64’s Available Services for Each Role ....................................................................17 Table 9 – ACOS5-64’s Access Rights within Services.........................................................................17 Table 10 – ACOS5-64’s Service Inputs and Outputs ...........................................................................19 Table 11 – Strength of ACOS5-64’s Authentication Mechanism..........................................................20 Table 12 – Keys and CSPs of ACOS5-64............................................................................................24 Table 13 – RSA Key Length .................................................................................................................24 Table 14 – Access Rights of ACOS5-64’s Keys and CSPs .................................................................26 Table 15 – Self-tests Performed by ACOS5-64....................................................................................27 Table 16 – Self-tests Performed by ACOS5-64....................................................................................27 Table 17 – Cryptographic algorithm start-up self-test ..........................................................................28 Table 18 – Roles and Required Identification and Authentication........................................................31 Table 19 – Strengths of Authentication Mechanism.............................................................................31 Table 20 – Services Authorized for Roles ............................................................................................31 ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 4 of 31 1.0.Introduction This document defines the non-proprietary Security Policy for Advanced Card Systems Ltd.’s ACOS5- 64 single-chip cryptographic module (CM), submitted for verification in accordance to Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 (FIPS PUB 140-2) for overall Security Level 3 single-chip standalone hardware module requirements. The security policy is required for FIPS 140-2 validation and is intended to be part of the package of documents that are submitted to Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP). It describes the capabilities, protection, and access rights provided by the cryptographic module. It also contains a specification of the rules under which the module must operate in order to be in FIPS mode. The security policy allows individual and organizations to determine whether the cryptographic module meet their security requirements. The primary purpose of this device is to provide data security and authentication for government and enterprise personnel. The module is specifically designed to resist non-evident tampering by both physical and electronic means. The CM is a single integrated circuit chip containing an operating system and its data security and authentication application in its firmware. 1.1. Scope This document covers the secure operation of ACOS5-64 including initialization, roles, and responsibilities of the operating the product in a secure, FIPS-compliant manner. 1.2. Security Level The cryptographic module meets the overall requirements applicable to Level 3 security of FIPS 140- 2. The detail of the security level met by this cryptographic module for each security requirement is as follows: Security Requirements Level 1. Cryptographic Module Specification 3 2. Module Ports and Interfaces 3 3. Roles, Services, and Authentication 3 4. Finite State Model 3 5. Physical Security 3 6. Operational Environment N/A 7. Cryptographic Key Management 3 8. EMI/EMC 3 9. Self-Tests 3 10. Design Assurance 3 11. Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Table 1 – FIPS 140-2 Security Level Met by ACOS5-64 ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 5 of 31 1.3. References [VE-ACOS5-64] ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 Vendor Evidence. Version 1.05. Advanced Card Systems Ltd. October 2015 [AIS31] Functionality classes and evaluation methodology for true (physical) random number generators. Version 3.1 [SP800-90A] Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators. NIST Special Publication 800-90A. January 2012 [FIPS186-3] Digital Signature Standard (DSS), Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 186-3. June 2009 [REF-ACOS5-64] ACOS5-64 Reference Manual. Version 2.05. Advanced Card Systems Ltd. October 2015 1.4. Glossary Abbreviations Description AES Advanced Encryption Standard AMB Access Mode Byte AMDO Access Mode Data Object APDU Application Protocol Data Unit AT Authentication Template ATR Answer to Reset BOM Bill of Material CBC Cipher-Block Chaining Mode of Encryption CCT Cryptographic Checksum Template CT Confidentiality Template CLA Class byte of ISO 7816 APDU CM Cryptographic Module COS Card Operating System CRT Control Reference Template CSP Critical Security Parameter DES Data Encryption Standard DF Dedicated File DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator DST Digital Signature Template ECB Electronic Code Book Mode of Encryption EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory EF Elementary File EMI Electromagnetic Interference EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility FCP File Control Parameters FDB File Descriptor Byte ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 6 of 31 Abbreviations Description XXh Hexadecimal representation of a byte HT Hashing Template IART ISO 7816 Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter IIS Internet Information Services INS Instruction byte of ISO 7816 APDU ISO International Organization for Standardization Lc Length of command data of ISO 7816 APDU LCSI Life Cycle Status Integer Le Length of expected response data of ISO 7816 APDU LSb Least Significant Bit LSB Least Significant Byte MAC Message Authentication Code MF Master File MSb Most Significant Bit MSB Most Significant Byte MSDN Microsoft Developers Network NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NDRNG Non-Deterministic Random Number Generator P1 Parameter 1 of ISO 7816 APDU P2 Parameter 2 of ISO 7816 APDU P3 Parameter 3 (Lc or Le) of ISO 7816 APDU PCB Printed Circuit Board PCBA PCB Assembly PC/SC Personal Computer/Smart Card Standard PKCS Public Key Cryptographic Standard RFU Reserved for Future Use ROM Read-Only Memory RSA Public key cryptographic algorithm by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman SAC Security Attribute – Compact SAE Security Attribute – Expanded SCB Security Condition Byte SCDO Security Condition Data Object SE Security Environment SFI Short File Identifier SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SM Secure Messaging SO Security Officer ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 7 of 31 Abbreviations Description SW1 SW2 ISO 7816 return Status Word from the card TLV Tag-Length-Value TRNG True Random Number Generator UQB Usage Qualifier Byte Var. Variable length || Concatenation of bytes Table 2 – Abbreviations ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 8 of 31 2.0.Cryptographic Module Specification ACOS5-64 is a hardware cryptographic module validated against the FIPS 140-2 at Security Level 3. It is a two-factor authentication smart card module. It provides digital signature creation/verification for online authentication and data encryption/decryption for online transactions. The user’s private and public key pairs can be generated and stored on the chip. ACOS5-64 has 64 kilobyte of EEPROM for storage of these cryptographic keys and other critical security parameters. Additionally, the private key can never be exported. The implementation of FIPS-Approved cryptographic algorithms is in accordance to Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program (CAVP). Figure 1 – ACOS5-64 Module 2.1. Cryptographic Boundary ACOS5-64 is a single-chip cryptographic module. The cryptographic boundary of ACOS5-64 module is the edge of the chip itself. Its integrated circuit chip module includes both the hardware and firmware. Figure 2 – Cross-Sectional Cryptographic Boundary of ACOS5-64 ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 9 of 31 As stated, the cryptographic boundary is the edge of the chip itself. Thus, compromises of other components connected to it cannot comprise the module and its CSPs. Figure 3 – Cryptographic Boundary Legend External Entity IART Internal Bus CPU Internal CLK Gen RAM ROM EEPROM NDRNG DES Co- Processor RSA Co- Processor CLK RST Timers GND Vcc I/O Security Monitoring and Control Data in Data out Command in Status out CSP Storage ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 10 of 31 2.2. Hardware ACOS5-64 includes an STMicroelectronics ST23YL80 HW integrated circuit. This IC provides a low- power, high-performance 8/16bit CPU core with ROM program memory, EEPROM code or data memory, and cryptographic accelerator. ST23YL80 contains a Next Step Cryptography accelerator (NESCRYPT) to enable efficient computation for GF(p) arithmetic for RSA. NESCRYPT also includes dedicated operators to accelerate SHA-1 and SHA-2 implementations. The EDES accelerator is also used to perform quick Triple DES operations. ST23YL80 also contains a Non-Deterministic Random Number Generator (NDRNG) which is used to argument the Deterministic Random Number Generator used for CAVP. Figure 4 – ST23YL80 Block Diagram 2.3. Firmware The firmware version for the FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Certified is 3.00. All software components of the modules including the operating system and supported cryptographic algorithms are embedded in the User ROM area as part of the Smart Card Operating System (COS). This COS firmware is masked into the IC card chip of the module. The ACOS5-64’s chip implements all CSP and symmetric and asymmetric keys. The AES algorithm and RSA key generation are implemented in the firmware, while all other supported cryptographic algorithms are implemented in the NESCRYPT library, which uses the ST23YL80’s crypto co-processor. Note: The FIPS–certified product can also be referred to as: ACOS5-64 v3.00 in some ACS documents. ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 11 of 31 2.4. Modes of Operation The ACOS5-64 module running version 3.00 of the firmware can only operate in FIPS mode after being securely initialized. 2.4.1. Secure Initialization In order for the module to function under FIPS mode, certain files need to be created and initialized to ensure that security conditions and roles are properly set. For more details, please refer to the ACOS5-64 Reference Manual, Section 9 – FIPS Mode File System Requirements. 2.4.2. FIPS-mode of operation ACOS5-64 implements a list of FIPS-Approved algorithms as shown in Table 3. Algorithm Certificate Number(s) Mode of operation Security Functions Triple-DES Triple-DES Cert. #1982 ECB, 112 1 /168-bit Keys Encryption/Decryption CBC, 112 1 /168-bit Keys Triple-DES MAC Triple-DES Cert. #1982, vendor affirmed 168-bit Keys Sign/Verify AES AES Cert. #3539 ECB, 128/192/256-bit Keys Encryption/Decryption CBC, 128/192/256-bit Keys RSA Key Generation RSA Cert. #1816 2048/3072-bit Keys Key Generation RSA Signature Generation RSA Cert. #1816 and CVL Cert. #591 2048/3072-bit Keys Sign (PKCS#1 with SHA-256 Hashing) RSA Signature Verification RSA Cert. #1816 and CVL Cert. #591 2048/3072/4096-bit Keys Verify (PKCS#1 with SHA-256 Hashing) SHA-1 SHA Cert. #2917 Byte-oriented Hashing Operation SHA-256 SHA Cert. #2917 Byte-oriented Hashing Operation DRBG DRBG Cert. #893 Hash_DRBG using SHA256 Random number generation Table 3 – ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 Approved Algorithms and Security Functions ACOS5-64 also supports a Non-Approved FIPS 140-2 algorithm when running in FIPS mode. This is shown in Table 4 below. 1 112-bit keys are not used as part of any service ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 12 of 31 Algorithm Mode of operation Security Functions NDRNG AIS31 Compliant Entropy input for DRBG Triple-DES Key Wrapping 168-bit Keys Key Wrapping (Triple-DES Encryption and Triple-DES MAC) Table 4 – ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 Non-Approved Algorithm in FIPS-mode 2.4.3. FIPS Mode Indicator Upon factory initialization, the header block of ACOS5-64 is set for it to operate in FIPS mode directly. ACOS5-64 provides a command to query whether the module is functioning under FIPS mode. Issuing the Get Card Info command using Verify FIPS Compliance as parameter will return a Success indicator if the module is currently functioning in FIPS mode, and a corresponding error code otherwise. See the reference manual for more information. ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 13 of 31 3.0.Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces ACOS5-64 restricts all information flow and physical access. The physical and logical interfaces define all entry and exit points to and from this cryptographic module. 3.1. Physical Ports ACOS5-64 provides the physical interfaces following the ISO 7816 Parts 2 (Dimensions) and 3 (Electrical standards). The location of the contacts for this cryptographic module is shown in the figure below: Figure 5 – Contact Plate Physical Interface for ACOS5-64 There are five electrical signals transmitted to the module through the external entity. These electronic signals are in full compliance with the ISO 7816 Part 3 standard and is enumerated below: Electrical Signals Contacts Description Power Supply Input VCC Voltage supply of 2.7 V to 5.5 V Reference Voltage GND Ground Reset Signal RST External; supplied from the interface device Clocking/Timing Signal CLK External communication clock signal from 1 MHz to 5 MHz Serial Data I/O Input/output for serial data to/from the processor Not Connected NC These ports C4, C6, C8 are not used Table 5 – ACOS5-64 Electrical Signals Description ACOS5-64 supports the protocol type T=0 in direct convention and up to 256 bytes of data can be exchanged through one APDU command. 3.2. Logical Interfaces Once the communication between the other entity (e.g. smart card reader) and ACOS5-64 is established, the latter functions as a slave processor to process and respond to the other entity’s commands. ACOS5-64 adheres to a well-defined set of state transitions. Within each state, a specific set of commands is accessible. The module provides the following logical interfaces: Logical Interface Physical Port APDU Command Fields Data Input I/O Pin Command data field Data Output I/O Pin Response data field C2 C1 C3 C4 C8 C7 C6 C5 RST VCC CLK NC NC GND I/O NC ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 14 of 31 Logical Interface Physical Port APDU Command Fields Control Input I/O Pin CLA INS P1 P2 Status Output I/O, CLK, and RST Pins SW1 SW2 Power Input Vcc Pin and GND Pin Table 6 – Logical Interfaces for ACOS5-64 ACOS5-64 does not have a bypass capability. ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 15 of 31 4.0. Roles, Services, and Authentication This cryptographic module supports authorized roles for operators and corresponding services within each role. 4.1. Roles The following table summarizes the authorized roles for operators that are supported by ACOS5-64: Role Description Card Holder (User Role) Performs general security services, including cryptographic operations and other approved security functions Security Officer (Cryptographic Officer Role) Performs cryptographic initialization or management functions, such as module initialization, input/output of cryptographic keys and CSPs, and audit functions Table 7 – ACOS5-64’s Supported Roles for Operators This cryptographic module does not allow operators to perform maintenance services thus it does not support any maintenance role. 4.2. Services The services that can be performed by ACOS5-64 are provided by the documented APDU commands. Services Description Security Officer User Create File Used to create a new file under the currently selected DF or MF Y Select File 2 Used to select a file so that other operations can be performed to that file when successfully selected Y Y Get Challenge 2 Used to generate an 8-byte random challenge data for authentication purposes Y Y Get Response 2 Returns information available in the card OS, with regards to the previous command Y Y Activate File Used to activate a file so that its security settings will take effect Y Deactivate File Used to invalidate or deactivate a file so that all commands (except Activate File) to that file will be rejected Y Terminate DF Used to irreversibly send a DF to terminated state so that all commands to that file will be rejected Y Terminate EF Used to irreversibly send an EF to terminated state so that all commands to that file will be rejected Y ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 16 of 31 Services Description Security Officer User Delete File Used to delete a file (except MF) and zeroizes the memory space it occupied Y Security Officer File Read Read Binary, Read Record Y Security Officer Update Update Binary, Update Record, Append Records. Update files and/or keys belonging to the security officer. Y Cardholder File Read Read Binary, Read Record Y Cardholder Update Update Binary, Update Record, Append Records. Update files and/or keys belonging to the user. Y Erase Binary Used to zeroize the data of a transparent file Y Y Authenticate User PIN Used to submit a User PIN to gain user access rights Y Logout Used to de-authenticate the user or admin’s access status Y Y Change User PIN Allows user to change the User PIN Y Y Authenticate Security Officer Key Used to submit a challenge response for Security Officer Key authentication to gain Security Officer Access Rights Y Unblock User PIN Used to reset the User Key and retry counter after being blocked Y Change Security Officer Key Allows security officer to change the Security Officer Key Y Manage Security Environment (Set) 2 Used for managing the security environment of the card. This loads initialization data in the cryptographic coprocessor RAM to prepare the use of a security operation Y Y Manage Security Environment (Restore) Used to load an existing SE record into system memory Y Y Perform Security Operation Used for security operations with regards to the ACOS5-64 cryptographic capabilities Y Generate RSA Key Pair Used to generate an RSA key pair Y Get Card Info 2 Used to retrieve card/file information of ACOS5-64 in the card Y Y Clear Card Clears and zeroizes all data (including Keys and CSPs) within the module and sets it back to a factory default state Y 2 Unauthenticated services ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 17 of 31 Services Description Security Officer User On-Demand Self-Test 2 Self-tests are done upon module power- up and can be used on demand by reinserting the ACOS5-64 module/card. Y Y Table 8 – ACOS5-64’s Available Services for Each Role Service Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Type(s) of Access Security Officer Update Security Officer Key, Key Encryption Key Write Cardholder File Read RSA Public Key Read Cardholder Update RSA Private Key, AES Encryption Key, Triple- DES Encryption Key, User PIN Write Authenticate User PIN User PIN Execute Change User PIN User PIN Write Unblock User PIN User PIN Write Authenticate Security Officer Key Security Officer Key Execute Change Security Officer Key Security Officer Key Write Perform Security Operation RSA Private Key, RSA Public Key, AES Encryption Key, Triple- DES Encryption Key Execute Generate RSA Key Pair RSA Private Key, RSA Public Key Write Delete File Security Officer Key, RSA Private Key, RSA Public Key, AES Encryption Key, Triple-DES Encryption Key, User PIN Write Erase Binary RSA Public Key, RSA Private Key, Certificate Files Write Clear Card All Keys and CSPs Write Table 9 – ACOS5-64’s Access Rights within Services Services Input Output Create File File control parameters Status word Select File 2-byte file ID Status word indicating length of FCI ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 18 of 31 Services Input Output Get Challenge N/A 8-byte card random challenge Get Response Length of data to retrieve Card data Activate File 2-byte file ID Status word Deactivate File 2-byte file ID Status word Terminate DF 2-byte file ID Status word Terminate EF 2-byte file ID Status word Delete File 2-byte file ID Status word Security Officer File Read File record number or offset, length of data to read Security officer file data Security Officer Update Security officer file data Status word Cardholder File Read File record number or offset, length of data to read User file data Cardholder Update User file data Status word Erase Binary Offset and length of data to erase Status word Authenticate User PIN User PIN Status word (retry count on wrong PIN) Logout N/A Status word Change User PIN Current PIN and New PIN Status word (retry count on wrong current PIN) Authenticate Security Officer Key Challenge response encrypted with Security Officer Key Status word (retry count on wrong response) Unblock User PIN N/A Status word Change Security Officer Key New Security Officer key Status word Manage Security Environment (Set) Control Reference Template Status word Manage Security Environment (Restore) Security Environment record ID Status word and Security Environment record loaded on system memory Perform Security Operation Cryptographic operation parameters (ciphertext/plaintext/checksum) Status word or size of data to be retrieved by Get Response command Generate RSA Key Pair Key size and type Status word and key saved in RSA key file specified by Manage Security Environment (Set) Get Card Info Card information type Card information ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 19 of 31 Services Input Output Clear Card N/A Status word On-Demand Self-Tests N/A ATR with status word representing the result of the self-test Table 10 – ACOS5-64’s Service Inputs and Outputs ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 20 of 31 4.3. Authentication Mechanisms and Strength ACOS5-64 implements identity-based authentication. A security officer and/or a user must accomplish first a challenge/response scenario using his personal key before logging in to a selected role. The following table summarizes strength of ACOS5-64’s authentication mechanism: Role Mechanism Constraints Strength of Mechanism For Each Attempt* For Multiple Attempts* Card Holder (User) User PIN Any character within the Extended ASCII set (00h to FFh) 1 in 256 8 600 in 256 8 or 1 in 3.25 x 10 17 Security Officer (Cryptographic Officer - KEY) Security Officer Key Any character within the Extended ASCII set (00h to FFh) 1 in 256 24 600 in 256 24 or 1 in 9.55 x 10 56 Table 11 – Strength of ACOS5-64’s Authentication Mechanism Security Officer can be authenticated to unblock the User key. This is done via Authenticate Security Officer Key first to gain access as the security officer role and then issue the Unblock User Key functionality for the card user. ACOS5-64 uses an 8-byte PIN for Card Holder verification. Therefore, for each attempt to use the authentication mechanism, the probability that a random attempt will succeed in gaining unauthorized access is 1 in 256 8 . This is much less than the requirement of one of 1,000,000 attempts. ACOS5-64 uses either a 24-byte Triple-DES key, or an 8-byte PIN for Security Officer authentication. Hence, for each attempt to use the authentication mechanism, the probability is 1 in 256 8 for PIN, and 1 in 256 24 for Triple-DES key, that a random attempt will succeed in gaining unauthorized access. This, as well, is much less than the requirement of one of 1,000,000 attempts. For multiple attempts to use the authentication mechanism, the rate of communication dictates that each attempt will take 100ms. Therefore in a one minute period, 600 attempts can be made. The probability of a random attempt that will succeed in gaining unauthorized access will be 600 in 256 8 or 1 in 3.25 x 10 17 for both the User and Cryptographic officer’s PIN, and 600 in 256 24 or 1 in 9.55 x 10 56 for the Cryptographic Officer’s key. This is still much less than the requirement of one out of 100,000 attempts. The User role or the Security Officer role will be locked after reaching the maximum number of consecutive failed authentication attempts, which can be set from 1 to 15. For both User and the Administrator role, the role authentication and identification is cleared when the device is powered off and on, reset, or if the external entity issued a Logout command. ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 21 of 31 5.0. Physical Security ACOS5-64 module is a single-chip cryptographic module which contains a single integrated circuit. This IC is packaged directly by STMicroelectronics (the chip manufacturer) and is enclosed in a hard tamper-evident opaque epoxy which is compliant to FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Physical requirements. Figure 6 – ST23YL80 Physical Embodiment The module is intended to be mounted in an external packaging, and as such, physical inspection is not practical once packaged. Physical inspection for tamper evidence is performed using a lot sampling technique during the assembly process Any attempt at physical access or modification will leave visible signs of tamper, and has a high probability of destroying the chip which will render the plaintext secrets, private keys and CSPs inaccessible. As a result, the operator of the module is not expected to perform any periodic actions such as physical inspection in order to maintain the physical security of the module. ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 22 of 31 6.0. EMI/EMC This cryptographic module has been tested to meet the EMI/EMC requirements specified in *FCC Part 15 Subpart B, Class B*. ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 23 of 31 7.0. Key Management 7.1. Keys and CSPs The following table is a list of the keys and Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) that resides in ACOS5-64: Key/CSP File Type Input Output Description Zeroization User PIN 8-byte PIN Loaded at the factory and can be changed upon initialization Never exits the module Authenticates the User role Clear Card, Delete File Security Officer Key 24-byte key Loaded at the factory and can be changed upon initialization Never exits the module Authenticates the SO role Clear Card, Delete File RSA Public Key 2048-4096 bit RSA public key with modulus Generated onboard or externally imported in plaintext Free to read User public key for authentication Clear Card, Delete File RSA Private Key 2048-3072 bit RSA private key with modulus Generated onboard or externally imported with encryption Never exits the module User private key for authentication Clear Card, Delete File AES Encryption Key 128/192/256-bit AES key External import with encryption Never exits the module User data encryption AES key Clear Card, Delete File Triple-DES Encryption Key 168-bit Triple-DES key External import with encryption Never exits the module User data encryption Triple- DES key Clear Card, Delete File Certificates RSA signed certificate in X.501 standard Externally loaded into the card Free to read User certificates for authentication Clear Card, Delete File KEK Key Encryption Key for protecting key import 168-bit Triple-DES key Loaded at the factory and can be re-imported in encrypted form Never exits the module Used to wrap keys for import Clear Card, Delete File DRBG V SP800-90A DRBG internal data Internally computed during DRBG instantiation, then subsequently updated with DRBG use Never exits the module Critical value of the DRBG internal state Power Cycle DRBG C SP800-90A DRBG internal data Internally computed as per SP800-90A Never exits the module Internal state value of the DRBG Power Cycle ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 24 of 31 Key/CSP File Type Input Output Description Zeroization DRBG Entropy Input SP800-90A DRBG internal data Internally loaded from the module NDRNG Never exits the module Used to construct the seed for DRBG implementation Power Cycle DRBG Seed SP800-90A DRBG internal data Computed using SP800-90A derivation with input from NDRNG Never exits the module Used to determine the internal state of the DRBG Power Cycle Table 12 – Keys and CSPs of ACOS5-64 The private keys, secret keys and authentication keys are protected from reading from its read condition in the corresponding file set to never readable. This way, there are no commands that can access the private keys, secret keys and authentication keys that can compromise security. To modify the public, private and encryption keys and certificates, the external entity must be authenticated to a User role. To modify the User key, the external entity must be authenticated to a User role. To modify the Security Officer key, it must be authenticated first. Without the aforementioned authentication, the CSP and keys are protected from unauthorized modifications and substitutions. Externally imported secret keys and private keys are encrypted using 3-Key Triple-DES and authenticated using the Triple-DES MAC, which provide 112 bits of security for key wrapping. 7.2. Random Number Generators ACOS5-64 uses a Deterministic Random Bit Generator (DRBG) based on NIST Special Publication 800-90. It uses the SHA-256 hash DRBG method. The DRBG mechanism is seeded by an on-board Non-Deterministic Random Number Generator (NDRNG). The NDRNG is AIS-31 class P2 compliant which ensures a high level of entropy. The module checks to ensure that two consecutively provided seeds are not identical before the later one is used as a valid input to seed the DRBG SP 800-90. The DRBG also checks that two consecutively provided seed are not identical as required by the conditional self-test. 7.3. Key Generation The module contains RSA key generation algorithm in accordance to ANSI X9.31. The algorithm uses the DRBG to generate a set of candidate random numbers for candidate primes, in accordance to RSA algorithm. The Hash DRBG provides up to 256 bits of security, ensuring that it would take more operation to determine the seed than it would take to crack the generated RSA keys. RSA key length in bits 2048-bits 3072-bits Table 13 – RSA Key Length ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 25 of 31 7.4. Key Entry and Output The Input and Output columns of Table 12 state the key entry and output for all keys and CSPs used in ACOS5-64. Private keys and secret keys are imported into ACOS5-64 in encrypted form using Key Encryption Key (KEK). The KEK can itself be imported into the module by the Security Officer using secure messaging session established with the previous KEK. At the initialization at the factory, KEK, initial Security Officer key, initial User key, and a PKCS#15- compliant file system is loaded in plaintext in a trusted factory into the device. The RSA public and private key pairs can be generated on-board or loaded into the card after the User Key authentication. For the keys to be loaded, it would use the KEK to encrypt the private key data before it is loaded into the card. The public key is imported in plaintext. Upon import, the keys are tested with a pair-wise consistency check to verify the validity of the keys. Similar for secret keys, the secret keys on-board can also be loaded by the use of a KEK for encryption. The function is only allowed after User Key authentication. Authentication keys, private keys and secret keys can never be exported from the cryptographic module. Public keys and its related CSPs (X.509 certificate) can be retrieved without the User role authentication. The RSA public/private key pairs, and secret key files can be deleted by the Security Officer using the erase EF APDU command. These files can also be blocked by the Security Officer and key contents can also be overwritten or be zeroized by the Security Officer. Below is a summary of the access rights of the Keys and CSPs. Key/CSP File Type Update Access Rights Key Usage Access Rights Delete Access Rights User PIN 8-byte PIN User PIN / Security Officer Key - Security Officer Key Security Officer Key 24-byte key Security Officer Key - Security Officer Key RSA Public Key 2048-4096 bit RSA public key with modulus User PIN User PIN Security Officer Key RSA Private Key 2048-3072 bit RSA private key with modulus User PIN User PIN Security Officer Key AES Encryption Key 128/192/256- bit AES key User PIN User PIN Security Officer Key Triple-DES Encryption Key 168-bit Triple-DES key User PIN User PIN Security Officer Key Certificates RSA signed certificate in X.501 standard User PIN User PIN Security Officer Key KEK - Key encryption Key for protecting key import 168-bit Triple-DES key Security Officer Key User PIN N/A ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 26 of 31 Key/CSP File Type Update Access Rights Key Usage Access Rights Delete Access Rights DRBG V 3 Internal File, Store in RAM - - - DRBG C 3 Internal File, Store in RAM - - - DRBG Entropy Input 3 Internal File, Store in RAM - - - DRBG Seed 3 Internal File, Store in RAM - - - Table 14 – Access Rights of ACOS5-64’s Keys and CSPs 7.5. Key Storage All the keys are stored in plaintext in the EEPROM with no access to the port and interface of the ACOS5-64 and their read/get data authorization set to never allowed. There is no method for retrieving the keys from the device. 3 These keys/CSPs are stored in the module’s RAM and can be zeroized by power-cycling the module ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 27 of 31 8.0. Self-Tests The cryptographic module performs certain self-tests to ensure that the module is functioning properly. ACOS5-64 executes self-tests, including power-up tests at start up and conditional tests during the runtime. The table below lists all self-tests performed by the cryptographic module: Self-tests Execution Firmware Integrity Test At power-up Cryptographic Algorithm Test At power-up Random Number Generator Test At power-up Pair-wise Consistency Test Conditional Continuous DRBG Test Conditional Continuous NDRNG Test Conditional Table 15 – Self-tests Performed by ACOS5-64 8.1. Power-up Self-Test ACOS5-64 automatically initiates power-up tests every time the module is connected to and powered by an ISO7816-compliant smart card reader. When the power-up tests are completed, the results are to be output via the status output interface. All data output via the data output interface are inhibited while the power-up tests are being performed. If any power-up self-test fails, the last two bytes returned by the ATR shall indicate a failure code of 66 XX where XX describes the test that failed. Upon failure and before the ATR is sent by the card, it switches into a muted state where services are no longer available. Failure Code Description Failure Code Description 40h NDRNG test failed 60h SHA1 test failed 41h DRBG test failed 61h 50h DES test failed 62h SHA256 test failed 51h 63h 54h Triple-DES test failed 70h RSA test failed 55h 71h 56h 72h 58h AES test failed 73h 59h 81h Firmware integrity test failed 5Ah 82h 5Bh 83h 5Ch 84h 5Dh 85h Table 16 – Self-tests Performed by ACOS5-64 ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 28 of 31 Resetting the cryptographic module provides a means by which the operator can repeat the full sequence of power-up operating tests. 8.1.1. Firmware Integrity Test ACOS5-64 uses firmware integrity test at start-up to ensure its firmware has not been modified. The SHA-256 hash of the module patch area is computed and compared to a known value. The test fails once the pair of values does not match. 8.1.2. Cryptographic Algorithm Test Known Answer Tests are performed, on power-up, on the FIPS-approved algorithms indicated in Table 17. Triple-DES, AES and RSA algorithms are instantiated with known keys then used to perform cryptographic operations on known input data, ensuring that the produced output matches a known output. Hash algorithms follow the same process, hashing a known input then comparing the produced output to a known output. KAT Bit lengths Triple-DES encryption/decryption 168 AES encryption/decryption 256 SHA-1 160 SHA-256 256 RSA signature generation/verification 2048 Table 17 – Cryptographic algorithm start-up self-test 8.1.3. Random Number Generation Test Upon power-up, DRBG will be tested with a known answer test to ensure that any corresponding output shall match with a known input. 8.2. Conditional Self-Test These self-tests are performed when an applicable security function or operation is invoked. Just like in the execution of power-up tests, all data output via the data output interface are also inhibited while the conditional tests are being performed. If any conditional tests failed, its corresponding cryptographic function shall be inhibited. 8.2.1. Pair-Wise Consistency Test ACOS5-64 performs the pair-wise consistency test for each pair of RSA keys that it generates or imports. The consistency of the key pair is tested by calculating and verifying a digital signature within the module. 8.2.2. Conditional NDRNG Test Every time the NDRNG is used, a continuous self-test is performed, comparing the produced random bytes with the random bytes produced through a previous call on the NDRNG. On first use, the NDRNG shall store the first 8 bytes it produces and produces a new set that shall be compared to the first 8 bytes, and then output to the user. ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 29 of 31 8.2.3. Conditional DRBG Test Every time a DRBG is used in RSA key generation or other functions, a continuous self-test is performed in accordance to NIST SP800-90. The module generates a minimum of 8 bytes of random number per request. These 8 bytes will continuously be tested with the previous 8 bytes. If the generated data of the two requests are identical, an error state would return. 8.3. Health Tests The DRBG performs periodic health tests to monitor and maintain assurance that it is operating as designed and implemented. Upon failure of any of the tests, any function that attempts to request a set of random bits from the DRBG shall fail. 8.3.1. Instantiate Test Prior to creating an instantiation, the Instantiate Health Test is performed. Using fixed predetermined values, a test instantiation is created. The result is then compared to a known value, wherein a mismatch would cause the test, and the DRBG, to fail. 8.3.2. Generate and Reseed Test On the very first use of the DRBG (the DRBG known answer test of the Power-Up Self-Test), the Reseed and Generate health test is performed, after which, will continue to be done at set intervals defined by the reseed counter. This means that every time the reseed counter of an instantiation of the DRBG reaches the defined reseed interval, the Generate and Reseed test is done using a test instantiation. Inputs for this test are fixed predetermined values and the outputs are compared to known values, wherein mismatch of which shall be considered failure of the test and the DRBG. ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 30 of 31 9.0. Mitigation of Other Attacks ACOS5-64 module has not been designed to mitigate attacks beyond the scope of FIPS 140-2 requirements. ACOS5-64 FIPS 140-2 – Security Policy Version 1.15 Page 31 of 31 10.0.Security Policy Check List Tables 10.1. Roles and Required Identification and Authentication Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data Card Holder (User) PIN Authentication User PIN Administrator (Cryptographic Officer) Key Authentication Security Officer Key Table 18 – Roles and Required Identification and Authentication 10.2. Strengths of Authentication Mechanism Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism User PIN Authentication 1~600 in 256 8 Security Officer Key Authentication 1~600 in 256 24 Table 19 – Strengths of Authentication Mechanism 10.3. Services Authorized for Roles Role Authorized Services Card Holder Select File Get Challenge Get Response Cardholder File Read Cardholder Update Erase Binary Authenticate User PIN Logout Change User PIN Manage Security Environment Perform Security Operation Generate RSA Key Pair Get Card Info On-Demand Self-Test Administrator Create File Select File Get Challenge Get Response Activate File Deactivate File Terminate DF Terminate EF Delete File Security Officer File Read Security Officer Update Manage Security Environment Erase Binary Logout Authenticate Security Officer Key Unblock User PIN Change Security Officer Key Get Card Info Clear Card On-Demand Self-Test Table 20 – Services Authorized for Roles