©Copyright Cryptek Inc. 2007 All This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. CA100 Security Policy Version 1.5 Revision Date: August 17, 2007 Cryptek Inc. 1501 Moran Road Sterling, VA. 20166-9309 © 2007 CRYPTEK Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 1.1 PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.3 PRODUCT LINE NAME CHANGE ................................................................................................................................... 3 2 SECURITY LEVEL........................................................................................................................................................... 4 3 CA100 OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................................................... 4 4 MODES OF OPERATION................................................................................................................................................ 5 4.1 FIPS APPROVED OPERATION ....................................................................................................................................... 5 4.2 NON-FIPS APPROVED ALGORITHMS ........................................................................................................................... 6 4.3 SETTING FIPS MODE ................................................................................................................................................... 6 4.4 CRYPTOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY ...................................................................................................................................... 6 5 PORTS AND INTERFACES............................................................................................................................................. 7 6 ROLES, SERVICES, AND AUTHENTICATION.......................................................................................................... 7 6.1 ASSUMPTION OF ROLES ............................................................................................................................................... 7 6.2 USER ROLE .................................................................................................................................................................. 7 6.3 CRYPTO OFFICER ROLE ............................................................................................................................................... 8 6.4 ADMINISTRATOR ROLE ................................................................................................................................................ 8 6.5 SERVICES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 7 DEFINITION OF CRITICAL SECURITY PARAMETERS (CSPS)........................................................................... 9 7.1 CSP/SRDI TO SERVICES RELATIONSHIP...................................................................................................................... 9 8 SERVICE TO CSPS/SRDI ACCESS OPERATION RELATIONSHIP ..................................................................... 12 9 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................................................... 12 10 SECURITY RULES ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 11 PHYSICAL SECURITY.................................................................................................................................................. 14 12 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS POLICY........................................................................................................ 14 13 OS SINGLE USER MODE.............................................................................................................................................. 14 14 ACRONYM LIST............................................................................................................................................................. 16 Cryptek CA100 Security Policy © 2007 CRYPTEK Page 3 of 17 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose This is a non-proprietary cryptographic module security policy for the Cryptek CA100 IPSec software client version 2.4. The security policy describes how CA100 client meets the security requirements of FIPS 140-2 level 1 and how to operate the module securely in FIPS mode. The information contained in this document is provided to fulfill FIPS 140-2 requirements. 1.2 References The following NIST Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) publications are referenced throughout this document: • FIPS 140-2 Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules • FIPS 180-2 Secure Hash Standard • FIPS 198 The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) • FIPS 46-3 Data Encryption Standard (DES) • FIPS 186-2 Digital Signature Standard (DSS) For more information on Cryptek and the Cryptek product line visit the Cryptek website at http://www.cryptek.com. For information on validated Cryptek products visit the Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme (CCEVS) website at http://niap.nist.gov/cc-scheme/ValidatedProducts.html, and the NIST validated Modules List website at http://csrc.nist.gov/cryptval/140-1/140val-all.htm. 1.3 Product Line Name Change The Cryptek network security product line has recently undergone a branding change that affects the product names. The new product names are not yet reflected in all documents. Please refer to Table 1-1 below to map the old nomenclature to the new nomenclature. Note: the Cryptek Secure Facsimile product line is not affected by this name change. Table 1-1. Summary of Product Name Changes Previous Nomenclature New Nomenclature Description DiamondCentral™, cCentral CC200 Security policy manager for all Cryptek network security products. DiamondPak™, PAK, cPAK CP102, 104, 106 IPSec security device that protects up to 6 network devices. DiamondLink™, Link, cLink, cPoint CL100, 150 IPSec security device that protects a single host. DiamondUTC™, UTC, SUTC, cTerm CT100 An Integrated Sun Ray-based ultra thin client and IPSec security device. DiamondVPN™, cVPN CV100 IPSec security device that protects a LAN or WAN perimeter. DiamondSAT™, cSAT CS100, 101, 102 IPSec security device that protects Satellite network connections. DiamondAgent™, cAgent CA100 IPSec software-based security application. cVDL CVDL100 Database firewall network appliance that uses Virtual Data Labeling (VDL) technology. DiamondNIC, NIC, cNIC, NSD-Prime CN100 IPSec security device that protects a single host. PCI form factor (found only in the CC200). Cryptek CA100 Security Policy © 2007 CRYPTEK Page 4 of 17 2 Security Level The CA100 IPSec software client is classified as a Multiple-chip standalone cryptographic module designed to meet the FIPS 140-2 level 1 security requirements. Table 2 below identifies the security level supported for each security requirement section. Security Requirements Section Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services and Authentication 2 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security N/A Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 1 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Table 2 - Module Security Level Specification 3 CA100 Overview The Cryptek CA100 IPSec software client represents a new level of security and functionality in the IPSec software client market. As with all of DiamondTEK products, the CA100 client is easy to deploy, easy to manage, and easy to control through the CC200 policy manager. The CC200 allows the administrator to configure, manage, view and control all aspects of deployed Cryptek IPSec hardware and software including: user policies, VPN and firewall functionality, and security audits and alarms. The CA100 software client is designed to control the flow of information to and from nodes and access to nodes on a network based on network addresses, and ports. Unlike traditional IPSec software clients that have both the software client and associated policy locally stored on the client’s systems, CA100 user policies are centrally stored on the CC200 manager and dynamically downloaded when coming online. The central storage and management of policies through CC200 provides a significant life cycle cost savings to an organization. Now, if you have to modify, change, or add policy rules to your CA100 software client community, you make a single change at the CC200 policy manager and the change is automatically propagated to the appropriate user community. DiamondTEK is the family name of a group of products designed and developed by Cryptek to provide the highest level of protection for information assets inside your enterprise network. Flexible in design, DiamondTEK: Will not impact application or user performance; Is complementary to other security components and non-intrusive to your business process; Integrated with other IPSec products and provides a mechanism for including them in a secure managed network; Features an operating system and platform-independent design that is: Unaffected by security leaks or flaws in the operating system or applications; Compatible with your legacy systems and applications; Adaptable to virtually any network configuration; Easily upgradeable and extremely flexible. The diagram below is an example of how the Cryptek family of product might be deployed in a network. Cryptek CA100 Security Policy © 2007 CRYPTEK Page 5 of 17 Wireless Net Work Station CC200 Firewall CL100 CP106 Corporate HQ CS102 CS101 WAN Router Remote Office Router Communities of Interest CA100 CA100 (Remote Client) LAN VPN LAN Local Net Internet CV100 Servers IDU IDU CV100 WEB Server CA100 CA100 CA100 LAN Local Net Wireless Net CA100 CT100 CT100 Local Net Servers CA100 CA100 CA100 CA100 Router CC200 Figure 1 - Cryptek product deployment example 4 Modes of Operation The CA100 software client supports the three modes of operation, ONLINE, ONLINE-SECURE, and SUSPENDED. The ONLINE mode signifies the CA100 client is configured by the Administrator to communicate to both secure (Cryptek IPSec hardware, Other IPSec (OIPs) nodes, CA100 software clients) and unsecured (Clear Text Nodes (CTNs)) nodes. CA100 software clients will talk encrypted to assigned CA100 clients, Cryptek IPSec hardware, and OIPs nodes and enforce the information flow controls (port filtering) set by the Administrator when in the ONLINE mode. CA100 clients will talk to assigned CTNs in the clear (unencrypted) and enforce the information flow controls set by the Administrator. The ONLINE- SECURE mode signifies the CA100 is configured to only communicate with secure nodes (CA100 clients, Cryptek IPSec hardware, OIPs). All communication between these nodes will employ encryption and enforce the information flow controls set by the Administrator. The SUSPENDED mode is activated by the Administrator and only allows communication with the CC200 policy manager. 4.1 FIPS Approved Operation In FIPS mode, the CA100 cryptographic module only supports FIPS Approved algorithms as follows: • Triple-DES – CBC mode for encryption, (Cert. #340) • SHA-1 – Cert. #334, for hashing and signature generation. • HMAC-SHA-1 – Cert. #69, for message authentication and software integrity Cryptek CA100 Security Policy © 2007 CRYPTEK Page 6 of 17 • ANSI x9.31- 1998 – Cert. #92, Appendix A.2.4 Deterministic Random Number Generator. The CA100 client cryptographic module also provides the following cryptographic support in all modes of operation; • Diffie-Hellman (DH) (key agreement provides 80 bits of strength). 4.2 Non-FIPS Approved Algorithms When not in FIPS mode the CA100 software client supports DES for encryption, DES-MAC for checksums and MD5, HMAC-MD5 algorithms for signature generation and hashing. 4.3 Setting FIPS Mode The CA100 software client can be configured to operate in FIPS mode during initial setup by the Administrator at the CC2001 . Setup of the CA100 is accomplished by traversing the various menu screens and entering the appropriate values. Initial setup instructions are provided below; 1. At the Action Bar select the “ADD NSD” icon. 2. Enter the ID number and name of the CA100. Click Next> to advance to the “Addressing” window. 3. Enter all the appropriate addressing information (e.g. Ethernet address, proxy Ethernet address, IP address, subnet mask, default router, type). Click Next> to advance to the “key Type” window. 4. Within the “Key Type” window make the following selections; • DES Key Length (Min = 1682 ) (Max = 168) • Authentication Type HMAC SHA-1 • MODP Groups 1024 5. Click Next> to advance to the “Audit Threshold” window. Default values will remain unchanged. 6. Click Next> to advance to the “Profiles” window. Select the appropriate communication policy for the CA100 by scrolling through the “Security Profiles:” window. 7. Click the Finish button and the setting of the FIPS mode is complete for the CA100. To view the FIPS settings of the CA100 the Administrator must go to the CC200 and select the “View NSD” icon. This will allow the Administrator to confirm the security values set for the CA100 without making any changes to it. 4.4 Cryptographic Boundary The software boundary for the CA100 for all host platforms consists of the following files: 1. DaAppStarter.exe 2. DaDaemon.exe 3. dac.exe 4. sshipm.exe 5. sshIPSec.sys 6. da_ali.bin 1 Note: The CC200 is also known as the Network Security Center (NSC) and was previously sold under the product name DiamondCentral. 2 Note: Setting the minimum and maximum key size to 168 disables single DES use with IPSec. Cryptek CA100 Security Policy © 2007 CRYPTEK Page 7 of 17 7. *.dai 5 Ports and Interfaces The CA100 client supports nine physical interfaces: keyboard, mouse, CD/DVD drive, floppy disk, video, serial, parallel, USB, and network ports. The mapping of the physical ports to the logical interfaces is provided below in table form. Physical ports Logical Interface(s) Keyboard, mouse, network port, USB, floppy drive, CD/DVD drive Data Input Network port, Video Data Output Keyboard, mouse, network port Control Input Video, Network port Status Output Power port Power interface 6 Roles, Services, and Authentication 6.1 Assumption of Roles The CA100 software client is designed to support Role based Authentication and three distinct roles: User Role, Crypto Officer Role and Administrator Role. Authentication Type Authentication Strength of Mechanism Shared Secret The probability that a random attempt will succeed or a false acceptance will occur is 1/2112 which is less than 1/1,000,000 Password The probability that a random attempt will succeed or a false acceptance will occur is between 1/106 and 1/1017 which is less than 1/1,000,000. Note to meet the FIPS requirements the password must be at least 6 digits. Note: the password only supports the use of numeric characters. 6.2 User Role The possession of the authentication credential provided by the Administrator provides accesses to the CA100 client. The authentication credentials are comprised of a unique user/ID password combination and a shared secret. The User uses the user/ID and password to logon to the CA100 client application and the shared secret to communicate with the CC200 policy manager (Administrator Role). Once the CA100 client has validated the authentication credentials they are sent to the CC200 using a trusted channel for policy download. If the validation fails or the policy request is denied an error message will be displayed by the status output (monitor). A successful validation and policy request will result in authorized services being provided to the User in accordance with the security policy download. Three consecutive failed authentication attempts will disable the CA100 client, and require Administrator action. Cryptek CA100 Security Policy © 2007 CRYPTEK Page 8 of 17 6.3 Crypto Officer Role The Crypto Officer Role is responsible for installation and initialization of the CA100 client. The possession of the authentication credentials provided by the Administrator provides accesses to the CA100 client. The authentication credentials consist of all the configuration settings for the CA100 client and a shared secret (14 bytes) to communicate with the CC200 policy manager (Administrator Role). The Crypto Officer presents the credential to the CA100 client for validation. A failed validation results in a failed installation and an error message being displayed by the status output (monitor). A successful validation results in authorized services being provided to the Crypto officer. 6.4 Administrator Role The possession of the shared secret (14 bytes) provides authentication for the CC200 policy manager (Administrator role) to the CA100. The Administrator presents the authentication credentials to the CA100 client using a trusted channel. A failed validation by the CA100 client will require the CA100 client be re-installed by the Crypto officer. A successful validation will allow the Administrator access to the CA100 client to provide authorized services. 6.5 Services The following table provides information about the Services to Security functions and Roles availability to services within the CA100. Services Security Functions User Role Crypto Officer Role Administrator Role Show Status None X X X Transmit Packets Process 3DES, SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-1 X Receive Packets Process 3DES, SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-1 X Initiate State change of CA100 3DES, SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-1 X X Initiate Self-test of CA1003 3DES, HMAC-SHA-1, SHA-1 X Install CC200 shared secret HMAC-SHA-1 X Configure the CA100 per predefined policy 3DES, SHA-1 HMAC-SHA-1 X Zeroize CA1004 3DES, SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-1 X 3 A complete list of power-up and conditional self-test can be found in section 10. 4 Sections 7.1 and 8 contain additional information on zeroized CSPs and SRDIs. Cryptek CA100 Security Policy © 2007 CRYPTEK Page 9 of 17 7 Definition of Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) The following table contains the description of the Critical Security Parameters (CSP) in the CA100 client. CSP Description CC200 shared secret (CCSS) Used to provide encrypted communication between the CA100 software client and the CC200 policy manager for the Administrator (used as an IKE pre-shared secret). [112 bits] Traffic encryption keys (TEKs) Used to encrypt the traffic between the CA100 client and other CA100 clients, Cryptek IPSec hardware, or other IPSec device. These are generated as part of the IKE key generation process. [168 bits for 3DES] Traffic authentication keys (TAKs) Used to authenticate the traffic between the CA100 client and other CA100 clients, Cryptek IPSec hardware, or other IPSec device. These are generated as part of the IKE key generation process. [160 bits] Diffie-Hellman private keys (DHPK) Generated by the CA100 client for each used level of classification and used as part of the IKE key generation process. [1024 bits] Node authentication values (NAV) A shared secret is used as the authentication mechanism for the IKE key generation process. [112 bits] Password (PSW) A numeric value 6 – 17 bytes long used to authenticate the user to the CA100 client. Deterministic Random Number Generator (RNG) A RNG is used to generate random numbers. The CA100 client supports a deterministic random number generator (DRNG), in accordance with ANSI X9.31. Hardware Random Identifier (HRI) Random data used as part of the authentication mechanism for the IKE key generation process The following table contains a description of a Security Relevant Data Items (SRDIs) not considered CSPs. The SRDIs are protected within the cryptographic boundary against unauthorized modification and substitution. SRDI Description Discretionary Access Control List (DAT) The list of approved source and destination addresses (IP address, TCP/UDP port numbers). DH Public Key (DHLK) Generated by the CA100 for each used level of classification and used as part of the IKE key generation process. 7.1 CSP/SRDI to Services Relationship Transmit Packet Processing: The operation to transmit a packet shall first access the current state of the CA100 client. If the CA100 client application is off-line then the packet will not be processed by the CA100 client. If the CA100 client is online, then the discretionary access control list (DAT) is checked to determine if communication is allowable based on the destination IP address and TCP/UDP port number. Cryptek CA100 Security Policy © 2007 CRYPTEK Page 10 of 17 ƒ If the destination is not allowable (because of IP address or TCP/UDP port number) then the packet is destroyed and an audit event is generated. ƒ If the DAT signifies that the communication is allowable (based on IP address and TCP/UDP port number) and the destination is a clear text (CTN), then the CA100 client transmits the packet. ƒ If the DAT signifies that the destination (CA100 client, Cryptek IPSec hardware, or OIPs) is allowable and communication is to be encrypted, then the keys associated with the destination (TEK and TAK) are accessed. o If a key exists, then it is used to encrypt the packet and the key associated with the authentication mechanism (TAK) is used to perform the authentication of the packet. If the lifetime of the key has expired, then the keys (TEK and TAK) associated with the destination address are destroyed. o If no key exists for the destination IP address, then the packet is destroyed and an IKE process is instigated. The IKE process will utilize the list of approved encryption algorithms (ACAL) and the list of approved authentication algorithms (AAAL) to negotiate an acceptable combination to secure the information between the new nodes. o If the CA100 client does not have a Diffie-Hellman private value, then a Diffie-Hellman public (DHLK) and private (DHPK) keys are generated. The Diffie-Hellman data, the shared secret (NAV) associated with the destination IP address and random data (HRI) generated as part of the IKE protocol are used to generate the keying material (TEK and TAK) to secure the communications between the CA100 client and the destination IP address. After the encryption and authentication are complete, the packet is transmitted to the network. If the destination is not allowable (because of IP address or TCP/UDP port number) then the packet is destroyed and an audit event is generated. Receive Packet Processing: The operation to receive a packet shall first access the current state of the CA100 client. If the CA100 client application is off-line then no packets will be processed by the CA100 client. If the CA100 client is online, then the discretionary access control list (DAT) is checked to determine if communication is allowable based on source IP address and TCP/UPD port number. ƒ If communication with the source is not allowable (because of IP address and SPI number) then the packet is destroyed and an audit is generated. ƒ If the DAT signifies that communication with the source is allowable and is clear text (CTN), CA100 client checks the port number. If the port number is acceptable then the packet is given to the host. If the port number is not allowed then the packet is destroyed and an audit event is generated. ƒ If the DAT signifies that the source (CA100 client, Cryptek IPSec hardware, or OIPs) is allowable and communication is supposed to be encrypted, then the keys associated with the destination (TEK and TAK) are accessed. o If a key exists, then it is used to decrypt the packet and the key associated with the authentication mechanism (TAK) is used to perform the authentication of the packet. After the decryption and the authentication are complete, the packet is checked for allowable TCP/UDP port numbers. If the DAT signifies that the TCP/UDP port number is acceptable, then the packet is given to the host system. If the port number is not acceptable then the packet is destroyed and an audit is generated. If the lifetime of the key has expired, then the keys (TEK and TAK) associated with the destination address are destroyed. o If no key exists for the source then the packet is destroyed and an IKE process is instigated. The IKE process will utilize the list of approved encryption algorithms (ACAL) and the list of approved authentication algorithms (AAAL) to negotiate an acceptable combination to secure the information between the new nodes. o If the CA100 client does not have a Diffie-Hellman private value generated for the classification level, then a Diffie-Hellman public (DHLK) and private (DHPK) key is generated. The Diffie-Hellman data, the shared Cryptek CA100 Security Policy © 2007 CRYPTEK Page 11 of 17 secret (NAV) associated with the source address and random data (HRI) generated as part of the IKE protocol are used to generate the keying material (TEK and TAK) to secure the communications between the CA100 client and the source address. If key material exists for the communications channel, then the old keying material (TEK and TAK) are destroyed and replaced with the new values. Install CC200 shared secret: The install CC200 shared secret function is accomplished during the initialization of the CA100 by the Crypto officer. The Crypto officer presents his authentication credentials containing the shared secret and configuration data used by the CA100 client for communication with the CC200. The CA100 client will copy the encrypted information from the credentials and store it in non-volatile memory. Configure the CA100 client per a predefined policy: The Administrator (via the CC200) shall download (under protection of the encrypted communication between the CA100 and the CC200 using the CCSS) the defined discretionary access control list (DAT) and node authentication values (NAV) each time a user successfully logs into the CA100. Configuration changes could be an addition or a removal of the ability to send/receive packets to other host systems. In the case of a removal, any traffic encryption keys (TEK) or traffic authentication keys (TAK) used for communication between the node and the removed destination node are zeroized. Zeroize CA100 client: The Administrator can zeroize all the CSPs and SRDIs stored and in use by the CA100 client using the encrypted communication channel setup by the CCSS. Note: The User can zeroize most CSPs and SRDIs (TEKs, TAKs, DHPK, NAV, RNG, DAT, DHLK) by cycling the power, logging off, or by exiting the application. Initiate State change of CA100: The Administrator can initiate a state change (e.g. suspend, shutdown, and online) using the encrypted channel setup by the CCSS. The User can initiate a state change by cycling the power of the CA100 client or logon/logoff. Initiate Self-test of CA100: The User can initiate the CA100 client to perform self-tests by logon/logoff. Show Status: The User, Administrator, and Crypto Officer are able to read the module status at all times. Cryptek CA100 Security Policy © 2007 CRYPTEK Page 12 of 17 8 Service to CSPs/SRDI Access Operation Relationship The table on this page has been devised to show the Services vs. CSPs/SRDI and Role access. Services vs. CSPs Access/SRDI CCSS TEK TAK DHPK DAT NAV PSW RNG HRI U C A Show Status X X X Transmit Packet Processing WAZ WAZ WA AZ AZ AZ WAZ X Receive Packet Processing WAZ WAZ WA AZ AZ AZ WAZ X Initiate Self-test of CA100 A W X Initiate State change of CA100 A WAZ WAZ WA AZ WAZ AZ WAZ X X Install CC200 shared secret W X Configure the CA100 per a predefined policy A Z Z W W X Zeroize CA100 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z X In the above table, access to the CSPs/SRDI via the service utilizes the following abbreviations: A = Access (note that the actual value is never seen outside the security perimeter so it is not technically a read) W = Write Z = Zeroize In the table above, access to services by individuals is shown by placing an X in the appropriate column at the right of the table. The following abbreviations apply: U = User C = Crypto Officer A = Administrator 9 Operational Environment The CA100 client was tested using two general purpose operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft XP. To comply with FIPS 140-2 requirements the operating systems must be configured for single user mode. Instructions for configuring the operating systems for single user mode can be found in section 13. Cryptek CA100 Security Policy © 2007 CRYPTEK Page 13 of 17 10 Security Rules This section documents the security rules enforced by the CA100 client to implement the security requirements of this FIPS 140-2 Level 1 module5 . 1. The CA100 module shall reside on a general purpose computer (GPC) that conforms to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class A (i.e., for business use). 2. The CA100 shall support three distinct roles: User, Crypto officer, and Administrator. 3. The CA100 shall provide Role-Based authentication. a. Possession of the User authentication credentials provides access to the CA100. Possession of the Crypto officer authentication credentials provides authentication for the Crypto officer. Possession of the shared secret provides authentication for the Administrator role. 4. The cryptographic module shall encrypt message traffic using the TDES algorithm. 5. The cryptographic module shall perform the following tests: A. Power up Self-Tests: 1. Cryptographic algorithm tests: a. TDES Known Answer Test b. DES Known Answer Test c. DES_MAC Known Answer Test d. SHA-1 Known Answer Test e. HMAC-SHA-1 Known Answer Test f. MD-5 Known Answer Test g. HMAC-MD-5 Known Answer Test h. DRNG Know Answer Test 2. Software Integrity Test [HMAC-SHA-1] B. Conditional Self-Tests: 1. Continuous Random Number Generator (RNG) test – performed on DRNG 2. Policy Integrity Test (Alternating Bypass test) 6. When the CA100 is in the no bypass state the status output will display “ONLINE-SECURE”. When the CA100 is in the alternating bypass state the status output will display “ONLINE”. Prior to each use, the internal DRNG shall be tested. Testing is accomplished using the continuous Random number generator test. 7. Data output shall be inhibited during key generation, self-tests, zeroization, and error states. 8. Status information shall not contain CSPs or sensitive data. 9. The CA100 client shall not support concurrent operators. 10. The CA100 client shall generate audits for all attempted Discretionary Access Control (DAC) violations. 11. The User shall not have access to any cryptographic services unless the CA100 client has been commanded to transition to the ONLINE or ONLINE-SECURE state by the CC200 (Administrator role). 12. The CA100 client shall accept state control commands (suspend, online, and shutdown) commands from the CC200 (Administrator role) over the trusted channel. 13. The CC200 (Administrator role) shall be capable of zeroizing CSP and SRDI values stored in the CA100 client. 14. The User shall be capable of commanding the device to perform the power-up self-tests by logon/logoff or cycling the power. 5 Security rules are contained in the numbered paragraphs. Additional information is provided for background purpose only. Cryptek CA100 Security Policy © 2007 CRYPTEK Page 14 of 17 15. The Administrator shall verify at the CC200 the authentication type reads SHA-1, when operating in FIPS mode. 16. The CA100 client shall send all auditable events to the CC200 (Administrator role) for logging. 17. The CC200 (Administrator role) shall download communication rules (DAC policy) to the CA100 client. The policy shall be re-configurable by the CC200 (Administrator role) at any time. These rules define the communication paths as follows: • Valid destination addresses for packets sent from the attached host to the network. • Valid source addresses for packets being sent to the attached host from the network. • Allowable/prohibited TCP and UDP port values for transmission and reception by the host. • Allowable/prohibited protocols for transmission and reception by the host. 11 Physical Security The CA100 client is implemented completely in software such that the physical security is provided by the host platform, and is thus not subject to the physical security requirements of FIPS 140-2. The CA100 client is classified as a Multi-chip standalone module designed to be placed into a general purpose computer (GPC) with a commercial grade enclosure for operations. The GPC platform used for validation conforms to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class A (i.e., for business use). 12 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The CA100 client cryptographic module makes no additional claims to mitigating other attacks. 13 OS Single User Mode The Windows operating system on the machine running CA100 client must be configured to prevent remote login and/or access. To do this, the operating system must be configured to run in single-user mode. The following steps must be performed to install and initialize cAgent to operate in a FIPS 140-2 compliant manner: Disable all additional user accounts (other than the account used by the user of the CA100) found in the Control Panel | User Accounts. Disable the Server and RunAsService (if present) services using the Control Panel | Services program. Note: performing these actions may require Administrator privileges. Disable the Run As… feature of Windows XP: A) Start the Registry Editor. To do this, click Start, click Run…, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK. B) Locate, and then click the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer C) Click the Edit menu, point to New, click DWORD Value, and then type HideRunAsVerb. D) Double-click HideRunAsVerb, and then type 1 in the Value data area, and then click OK. E) Reboot the PC. Note: performing these actions may require Administrator privileges. The Remote Desktop feature must be disabled. To do this open Start | Control Panel | System. Under the Remote tab, clear the Allow users to connect remotely to your computer check box, and then click OK. Note: performing these actions may require Administrator privileges. The Fast User Switching feature of Windows is automatically disabled once cAgent is installed. This occurs because Microsoft’s Gina.dll is replaced with a custom version (DaGina.dll) needed for cAgent operation. Cryptek CA100 Security Policy © 2007 CRYPTEK Page 15 of 17 The paging file (Virtual memory) must be configured to reside on a local drive on the machine, not a network drive. Note: performing this action may require Administrator privileges. Cryptek CA100 Security Policy © 2007 CRYPTEK Page 16 of 17 14 Acronym List AAAL Approved Authentication Algorithms ACAL Approved Encryption Algorithms AES Advanced Encryption Algorithm CCEVS Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme CSP Critical Security Parameters CTN Clear Text Node DAC Discretionary Access Control DAT Discretionary Access Control List CCSS CC200 Shared Secret DES Data Encryption Standard DES-MAC Date Encryption Standard – Message Authentication Code DHLK Diffie-Hellman Public Key DHPK Diffie-Hellman Private Key DRNG Deterministic Random Number Generator DSS Digital Signature Standard FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards GUI Graphical User Interface GPU General Purpose Computer HMAC Hash Message Authentication Code LCD Liquid Crystal Display LED Light Emitting Diode MAC Mandatory Access Control MD5 Message Digest v.5 MODP Modular Exponential NAV Node Authentication Value Cryptek CA100 Security Policy © 2007 CRYPTEK Page 17 of 17 NSC Network Security Center NSD Network Security Device OIPS Other IPSec PIN Personal Identification Number PKCS#7 Public Key Cryptographic Standard #7 (Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard) PKI Public Key Infrastructure RNG Random Number Generator RSA Rivest, Shamir and Adleman RSW Receive Security Window SC Secure Channel TAK Traffic Authentication Key TCP Transmission Control Protocol TEK Traffic Encryption Key TSW Transmit Security Window UDP User Datagram Protocol X.509 Authentication Framework for Directory Services