Credant CmgCryptoLib Version 1.7 Credant Cryptographic Kernel Version 1.5 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.7 Level 1 Validation October 2007 2 1. INTRODUCTION 3 2. PRODUCT, BOUNDARY, MODULE DEFINITION 4 3. ROLES, SERVICES, POLICY 7 4. FINITE STATE MODEL 10 5. KEY MANAGEMENT 11 6. MODULE INTERFACE 13 7. SELF TESTS 13 8. DESIGN ASSURANCE 14 9. SECURE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION 14 3 COPYRIGHT @ 2007, Credant Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. “Credant”, “Credant Mobile Guardian” and all Credant logos are registered trademarks of Credant Technologies Corporation. This document may be copied without the author’s permission provided that it is copied in its entirety without modification. 1. Introduction Companies are increasingly using diverse mobile devices to store critical business information, improve productivity and enhance customer relationships. These mobile devices represent one of the most severe and often overlooked security threats to the enterprise. Frequently left unmanaged and with little to no enforced security, these devices are an open door to corporate applications, networks and databases and represent potentially significant financial, legal and regulatory liabilities. Without sufficient management tools and enforced security policies, companies have no way to prevent mobile security breaches, know if information is misused, or trace the source of mobile security incidents. Architected to protect the mobile enterprise, Credant Mobile Guardian (CMG) is the first security solution that addresses an organization's mobile security issues with centrally managed policy administration and strong on-device user authentication and policy enforcement. This cost-effective solution enables organizations with a growing mobile population to take full advantage of the benefits of today's mobile workplace and remain confident that business critical information is secure. The Credant Cryptographic Kernel (CCK) is the library of cryptographic functions used by the Credant Mobile Guardian (CMG) Suite of mobile security solutions. The CCK takes the form of a dynamic link software library (or a shared library on Palm for version 1.5) which provides an API to cryptographic functions, including AES, Triple DES, SHA-1, HMAC(SHA-1), and an ANSI X9.31compliant pseudorandom number generator. CMG Suite comprises the CMG Server, CMG Gatekeeper, and CMG Shield software products. These three components work together to ensure the security of data on mobile devices. The CMG Shield installs on the mobile device and protects its data from unauthorized access. The CMG Gatekeeper receives policy information from the Server and communicates it to the devices running the Shield. An administrator sets company policies via CMG Server software, and the Server forwards these settings to the instances of the CMG Gatekeeper. When a device synchronizes with its host PC, the Gatekeeper communicates these policies to the device. Note that the Credant Technologies cryptographic library has changed names from Credant Cryptographic Kernel (or CCK) in version 1.5 to CmgCryptoLib in version 1.7. The names CmgCryptoLib, Credant Cryptographic Kernel, and CCK are synonymous throughout this document. 4 2. Product, Boundary, Module Definition The CCK library and header file constitute the cryptographic software module for this FIPS 140-2 validation. The logical boundary contains the software modules that comprise the CCK library. The physical boundary for the module is defined as the enclosure of the computer system on which the functions of the library execute. 5 Video Display Driver Power Supply PC Card Interface Network Interface Mouse Interface Keyboard Interface Monitor Power Source Optional Hardware Network Mouse Keyboard Parallel Interface Serial Interface OS Data Micro- processor Parallel Port Files and Software Serial Interface Serial Port Physical Cryptographic Boundary System Bus Windows Physical and Logical Cryptographic Boundaries Data and Control Data Display Information User Commands Data and parameters User Commands CCK DLL System Memory Logical Cryptographic Boundary 6 Video Display Driver Power Supply PC Card Interface Network Interface Screen Input Interface Keyboard Interface Screen Power Source Optional Hardware Network Touch Screen Keyboard Universal Port Interface Serial Interface OS Data Micro- processor Universal Port Files and Software Serial Interface Serial Port Physical Cryptographic Boundary System Bus Windows Mobile 5, Windows Mobile 6, Symbian, and Palm Physical and Logical Cryptographic Boundaries Data and Control Data Display Information User Commands Data and parameters User Commands Serial Interface Add-on Memory Interface Add-on Memory System Memory CCK DLL Logical Cryptographic Boundary 7 The module constitutes a multi-chip stand-alone device (listed below), as defined by the FIPS 140-2 standard. The devices on which the CCK runs include:  Intel-CPU-based computers running the Windows operating system: o Windows Vista (32 bit) , and o Windows XP, service pack SP2  Windows Mobile 5 and 6 Pocket PC and Smartphone handheld computers and mobile phones.  Symbian Series 60 handheld computers  Personal digital assistants running PalmOS (versions 3.5.1 through 5.4.5) For version 1.5, the CCK was tested as a shared library on a standard, commercially available Palm Treo 650 running Palm OS 5.4.5. For version 1.7, the CCK was tested as a dynamic link library on the following devices: Device CPU OS Sprint PocketPC 6700 Intel PXA 270 XScale ARM Windows Mobile 5 Motorola Q Smartphone TI OMAP 2420 ARM Windows Mobile 6 Dell OptiPlex 740 AMD Athlon 64X2 5200+ Windows XP Dell OptiPlex 740 AMD Athlon 64X2 5200+ Windows Vista Nokia E62-1 TI OMAP 1710 ARM Symbian Series 60 3. Roles, Services, Policy The CCK supports both Crypto Officer (CO) and User roles, where a “user” is the application using CCK services to perform encryption, decryption, hashing, and random number generation. It does not support a maintenance role or a bypass capability. The CCK supports one Approved mode and it supports only FIPS 140-2 approved services (shown in Figure 1). In the CO role, the CO installs the CCK on a device. It is the CO’s responsibility to install the CCK in the Approved mode according to the instructions specified in Section 9 of this Security Policy. 8 The cryptographic services provided by the software module are shown in the Figure 1. Note that the supported services do not include authentication. Service Type Algorithm FIPS Available in Modes Symmetric Cipher AES 197 Approved Symmetric Cipher Triple DES 46-3 Approved Message Authentication HMAC(SHA-1) 198 Approved Message Digest SHA1 180-1 Approved Random Number Generation ANSI X9.31 186-2 Approved Figure 1. Services offered by the Credant Cryptographic Kernel, applicable algorithm applicable FIPS specification, and availability. 9 The access granted to security relevant data items of these services for each role is shown in Figure 2. Note that the CCK FIPS 140-2 Vendor Evidence document enumerates the CCK API’s in this table along with the parameters passed to each in Appendix E. Service Access (Role) Accessible SRDI Type of Access CCK API(s) Installation CO None Execute --None-- Initialization User None Execute CCK_initialize Run Self tests User None Execute CCK_self_tests, CCK_conditional_test Show status User None Execute/ Read CCK_fips_mode, CCK_status, CCK_test_status AES User Read access to keys passed as pointer parameters to constant structures; no other access. Execute CCK_set_AES_block_ size_and_key, CCK_AES_encrypt, CCK_AES_decrypt, CCK_AES_CBC_encrypt, CCK_AES_CBC_decrypt Triple DES User Read access to keys passed as pointer parameters to constant structures; no other access. Execute CCK_DES3_encrypt, CCK_DES3_decrypt, CCK_DES3_CBC_encrypt, CCK_DES3_CBC_decrypt HMAC (SHA-1) User Read access to keys passed as pointer parameters to constant structures; no other access. Execute CCK_HMAC_init, CCK_HMAC_destroy, CCK_HMAC_restart, CCK_HMAC_update, CCK_HMAC_truncated_final SHA1 User None Execute CCK_SHA1_reset, CCK_SHA1_get_hash, CCK_SHA1_update, CCK_SHA1_truncate_ and_report, CCK_SHA1_final_and_report, CCK_SHA1_final RNG User None Execute CCK_X931RNG_generate_ byte Figure 2. Access to Security Relevant Data Items (SRDI) for each service and role. 10 Note that installation differs from initialization in that installation does not involve execution of CCK services. Initialization must occur after installation is invoked by the CCK client, and results in execution of several CCK services in the process of creating memory and starting services necessary to support subsequent CCK operation. The inputs and outputs of each service are shown in Figure 3. The methods of the cryptographic software module are designed to be invoked by a single process per session handle. Service Input/Output Installation Input: Installation CD Output: Installed CCK software Initialization Input: Installed CCK software Output: Initialized CCK software (and client application) Run Self tests Input: none Output: self test status Show status Input: none Output: module status indicator AES encryption (ECB & CBC modes) Input: plaintext, key, IV in CBC mode Output: ciphertext AES decryption (ECB & CBC modes) Input: ciphertext, key, IV in CBC mode Output: plaintext Triple DES encryption (ECB & CBC modes) Input: plaintext, key, IV in CBC mode Output: ciphertext Triple DES decryption (ECB & CBC modes) Input: ciphertext, key, IV in CBC mode Output: plaintext HMAC(SHA-1) Input: a file, key Output: authentication code SHA1 Input: a file Output: hash value RNG Input: date/time (D/T) & seed (V) Output: a random byte Figure 3. Inputs and outputs of each service provided by the CCK. 4. Finite State Model The CCK uses a finite state model (FSM) to keep track of whether the module is in a valid state for performing cryptographic operations. The FSM resides in a thin layer of code between the API and the underlying cryptographic functions. The FSM guards access to all cryptographic functions and requires that the software module be properly initialized and must pass self tests before allowing cryptographic functions to be performed. It also tracks the state of conditional tests and continuous RNG tests. If any 11 of these tests fail, the FSM goes into an error state, preventing any further cryptographic functioning. The FSM has the states shown in Figure 4. State Description FSM_CRYPTOOFFICER Crypto officer installs the CCK FSM_POWER_ON Initial (startup) state - self tests not yet run FSM_RUNNING_SELF_TESTS Self tests are running FSM_RUNNING_CONDITIONAL_TEST Test of specific method being invoked from FSM_USER state FSM_USER Self tests have passed. Ready to accept service requests FSM_ERROR Self test or conditional tests failed FSM_POWER_OFF CCK has been installed but is not running Figure 4. States of the Finite State Model. 5. Key Management The CCK does not perform key generation or key establishment. The CCK does not perform key storage. Other than the key used to decrypt the library authentication data, the CCK maintains keys only in memory and does not store keys to persistent media. Therefore it does not provide the means for key storage or retrieval between successive power up cycles of the device. The CCK does perform key input. All key values and initial values are generated by code outside the cryptographic software boundary and are passed to the methods in the CCK by pointer reference. That is, they are stored in memory at an address allocated by code outside the cryptographic software boundary. This is then passed to the methods of the CCK. The CCK does not perform key output. It has no key output methods nor any methods that have the effect of key output. All secret keys and CSPs (including RNG seeds) used by the CCK are protected by the absence of any methods provided by the CCK API that enable, allow, or contribute to the disclosure, modification, or substitution (authorized or unauthorized) of any key, initial value, or seed passed into or used by the CCK. All CSPs used internally by the CCK (i.e. not passed to the CCK), such as those used by the random number generator, are protected by being zeroized immediately after use. 12 However, since the CCK does not own the memory in which the keys and initial values passed to it are stored, zeroization of these keys and initial values is the responsibility of the client code that calls the CCK. The Crypto Officer could also zeroize these keys and initial values by reformatting the hard drive on a PC, or by hard-resetting a Windows Mobile, Symbian, or Palm device. Occasionally, the memory containing keys and CSPs can be swapped by the Windows operating system to the hard drive of the PC. In order to avoid availability of these keys and CSPs in plain text, these swap files must either be wiped by the user or encrypted. When the CCK is executing in Credant's Windows-based products, the swap files are encrypted. Windows Mobile, Symbian, and Palm devices do not have swap files. The HMAC key and signature used to validate the CCK library are protected by being AES-128 encrypted. After validation is performed, the decryption key, decrypted HMAC key, and decrypted HMAC signature are all protected by being zeroized immediately after use. 13 6. Module Interface Figure 5 maps elements of the API to the four required components of the logical interface. Logical Interface Component Corresponding API component Physical Ports Data Input API functions that accept input data arguments Standard Input Ports (e.g., Keyboard) Data Output API functions that produce output in arguments and return values Standard Output Ports (e.g., Serial Port) Control Input API functions to initialize and shutdown the module and to run self tests N/A Status Output API functions which return information regarding module status Standard Output Ports (e.g., Monitor) Power N/A Supplied by device Figure 5. Logical interface components, API components, physical ports. 7. Self Tests When the CCK library is initialized for the first time, self-authentication is performed to ensure that the library has not been modified. The self-authentication is performed using HMAC(SHA-1) to compute the message authentication code of the library and is compared to an expected value. If the computed and expected values do not match, the attempt to initialize the library will fail, as will all subsequent initialization attempts until the library is re-loaded. Otherwise, it will succeed. Subsequent to successful self- authentication, the CCK implements a number of self tests to ensure that it is functioning properly. On startup, the CCK executes known answer tests (KATs) on all its cryptographic functions (listed in Figure 1) before any cryptographic functions can be executed. In addition, the required continuous RNG test ensures that the RNG generates distinct arrays of bytes on each call. If any of these tests fail, the FSM controlling the operation of the CCK enters an error state, preventing any further functioning of the CCK. To recover from an error state, the power to the CCK must be recycled. If the CCK remains in the error state after a power recycle, the hard drive of the PC must be reformatted to ensure that all keys and CSP’s used by the CCK are zeroized or a hard reset performed on the Windows Mobile, Symbian, or Palm device. Thereafter, the CCK must be reinstalled. There are no other means for recovering from an error state. 14 The self tests can be run on demand by power cycling the device running the CCK. The CCK library also contains an API, enabling the user to execute the self tests. 8. Design Assurance A configuration management system is used to control the versions of the source code components of the cryptographic software module. Each source file component is checked into the Concurrent Versions System (CVS). CVS is a well-known version control system that allows multiple software developers to change the same source files while maintaining records of each version and requiring resolution of conflicting changes. As part of this, CVS assigns each version of a file a unique version number. Each version of every file that is part of a commercial release of the software is tagged with a unique identifying name, and the CCK library is then built from those tagged source files. Version information governing this Security Policy and operator documents is maintained/tracked in a version control document, which is stored in CVS. The versions of the operator documents are controlled in an archive system. 9. Secure Installation and Operation Secure installation of the CCK must be performed by an employee playing the role of Crypto Officer at Credant Technologies or by a Crypto Officer at the company using the CCK or its associated products. Installation must be performed according to the instructions in the Installation Guide accompanying the CCK or its associated products. There is no special action the Crypto Officer must perform to ensure that the CCK is operated in FIPS mode. The CCK operates in FIPS mode by default. Secure operation of the CCK requires that each instance of the library be used by only one user and only one user at a time. In addition, the application that constitutes the User of the CCK must call the “CCK_initialize” method to initialize the CCK. Before initialization, no cryptographic functions are available. When “CCK_initialize” is called, the self tests are automatically invoked, and if and only if the tests pass, the module is available to perform cryptographic functions.