© 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Lumension Security, Inc. Lumension Cryptographic Kernel (Software Version: 1.0) FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Level 2 Validation Document Version 1.2 Prepared for: Prepared by: Lumension Security, Inc. Corsec Security, Inc. 15880 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 10340 Democracy Lane, Suite 201 Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (888) 725-7828 Phone: (703) 267-6050 Fax: (480) 970-6323 Fax: (703) 267-6810 www.lumension.com www.corsec.com Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................4 1.1 PURPOSE ......................................................................................................................................................4 1.2 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................4 1.3 DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION.........................................................................................................................4 2 LUMENSION CRYPTOGRAPHIC KERNEL ................................................................................................5 2.1 OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................................5 2.2 CRYPTOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY.......................................................................................................................6 2.2.1 Physical Cryptographic Boundary..................................................................................................6 2.2.2 Logical Cryptographic Boundary ...................................................................................................7 2.3 MODULE INTERFACES ..................................................................................................................................8 2.4 ROLES, SERVICES, AND AUTHENTICATION ...................................................................................................9 2.5 PHYSICAL SECURITY ..................................................................................................................................11 2.6 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT....................................................................................................................11 2.7 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT........................................................................................................12 2.7.1 Key Generation .............................................................................................................................13 2.7.2 Key Entry and Output ...................................................................................................................14 2.7.3 CSP Storage and Zeroization........................................................................................................14 2.8 EMI / EMC ................................................................................................................................................14 2.9 SELF-TESTS................................................................................................................................................14 2.10 DESIGN ASSURANCE ..................................................................................................................................15 2.11 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS ..............................................................................................................15 3 SECURE OPERATION....................................................................................................................................16 3.1 INITIAL SETUP ............................................................................................................................................16 3.2 POWER-UP SELF-TESTS..............................................................................................................................16 3.3 CRYPTO-OFFICER GUIDANCE.....................................................................................................................16 3.3.1 Initialization..................................................................................................................................16 3.3.2 Protection of Secret and Private Keys ..........................................................................................16 3.3.3 FIPS Mode Registry Value............................................................................................................16 3.3.4 Self-Test Status Monitoring...........................................................................................................17 3.4 USER GUIDANCE ........................................................................................................................................17 4 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS..........................................................................................................18 Table of Figures FIGURE 1 – EXAMPLE APPLICATION/DEVICE CONTROL SCENARIO ................................................................................5 FIGURE 2 – STANDARD SERVER BLOCK DIAGRAM.........................................................................................................7 FIGURE 3 – LOGICAL BLOCK DIAGRAM AND CRYPTOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY...................................................................8 FIGURE 4 – MODULE EVENT LOG DISPLAY ..................................................................................................................17 List of Tables TABLE 1 – SECURITY LEVEL PER FIPS 140-2 SECTION ..................................................................................................6 TABLE 2 – LOGICAL, PHYSICAL, AND MODULE INTERFACE MAPPING............................................................................9 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 3 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. TABLE 3 – MAPPING OF CRYPTO-OFFICER AND USER SERVICES TO TYPE OF CSP ACCESS............................................9 TABLE 4 – MAPPING OF UNAUTHENTICATED ROLE SERVICES TO TYPE OF CSP ACCESS .............................................10 TABLE 5 – AUTHENTICATION MECHANISM EMPLOYED BY THE MODULE.....................................................................11 TABLE 6 – FIPS-APPROVED ALGORITHMS SUPPORTED BY THE MODULE ....................................................................12 TABLE 7 – CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEYS, CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY COMPONENTS, AND CSPS .................................................12 TABLE 8 – ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS...............................................................................................................18 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 4 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose This is a non-proprietary Cryptographic Module Security Policy for Lumension Security, Inc.'s Lumension Cryptographic Kernel (LCK). This Security Policy describes how the LCK meets the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) requirements for cryptographic modules as specified in Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS) 140-2. This document also describes how to run the module in its Approved FIPS 140-2 mode of operation. This policy was prepared as part of the Level 2 FIPS 140-2 validation of the module. The LCK is referred to in this document as the cryptographic module, the software module, or the module. 1.2 References This document deals only with operations and capabilities of the module in the technical terms of a FIPS 140-2 cryptographic module security policy. More information is available on the module from the following sources: The Lumension website (www.lumension.com) contains information on the full line of products from Lumension. The NIST Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) website (csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/index.html) contains information about the FIPS 140-2 standard and validation program. It also lists contact information for answers to technical or sales-related questions for the module. 1.3 Document Organization The Security Policy document is one document in a FIPS 140-2 Submission Package. In addition to this document, the Submission Package contains: Vendor Evidence document Finite State Machine document Executive Summary document Other supporting documentation as additional references This Security Policy and the other validation submission documentation were produced by Corsec Security, Inc. under contract to Lumension. With the exception of this Non-Proprietary Security Policy, the FIPS 140-2 validation documentation is proprietary to Lumension and is releasable only under appropriate non-disclosure agreements. For access to these documents, please contact Lumension. Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 5 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel 2.1 Overview Lumension Security is a leading global security management company that develops, integrates, and markets security software solutions. Lumension’s Sanctuary Device Control minimizes the risk of data theft from removable devices through its policy-based enforcement of device use that controls the flow of data to and from network endpoints. Their Sanctuary Application Control product provides policy-based enforcement of application use to secure endpoints from malware, spyware, zero-day threats, and unwanted or unlicensed software. Lumension markets and sells policy-based device control and application control solutions as separate offerings, but also packages them together to provide a more comprehensive solutions suite. Sanctuary (soon to be re-branded as the Lumension Endpoint Security Suite) provides unified protection of all enterprise endpoints (including laptops, thin clients, and desktops) and control of applications and devices. Figure 1 provides a depiction of Sanctuary in use. Figure 1 – Example Application/Device Control Scenario Sanctuary enables administrators to quickly identify devices and applications within a corporate network and establish or enforce device control policies across the network from one or more centralized servers. Policies can be set for individual devices and applications on a network, and permissions can be assigned (by application, device class, specific device, or specific media) to users, user groups, or to a specific computer. By employing a “whitelist” approach, Sanctuary: enables only authorized devices to connect to a network or protected endpoint. Unauthorized device access is prohibited by default. enables only authorized applications to execute on a network or protected endpoint. Unauthorized applications are prohibited from executing. Device policies are linked to user and user group information stored in Microsoft Active Directory (AD) or Novell eDirectory and can enforce time constraints, data amounts or transfer limits, and other types of constraints. Additionally, administrators may enforce the encryption of information transferred to removable media while providing centralized encryption key management. Servers in multi-server deployments communicate with each other over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connections, and can optionally be configured to secure these communications using Transport Layer Security (TLS). Endpoints, or clients, are each configured to communicate with only a single server, and they also use TCP (and TLS if so configured). To improve modularity and maintainability, Lumension has isolated their products’ cryptographic functionality from the other functional areas. Lumension has co-located all necessary cryptographic services into one user-mode Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 6 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. dynamic link library (DLL) which uses the FIPS 140-2 validated Crypto++ library. This DLL is referred to as the Lumension Cryptographic Kernel (LCK), and it provides cryptographic services to all Sanctuary and Lumension Endpoint Security Suite products. In FIPS 140-2 terminology, the Lumension Cryptographic Kernel is a multi-chip standalone module that meets the Level 2 FIPS 140-2 requirements. The module was tested and found to be compliant with FIPS 140-2 requirements on the following platforms: Dell Optiplex GX620 with an Intel Pentium D CPU running MS Windows Server 2003 Standard, Version 5.2 Service Pack 2 (SP2) (32-bit version) Dell Optiplex GX620 with an Intel Pentium D CPU running MS Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1 SP2 (32-bit version) Dell PowerEdge 2850 with an Intel Xeon CPU running MS Windows Server 2003 Standard x64, Version 5.2 SP2 (64-bit version) Dell PowerEdge 2850 with an Intel Xeon Processor running Windows XP Professional x64, Version 5.2 SP2 (64-bit version) Note that the DLL name is dependent upon the operating environment for which it was built. For 32-bit environments, the library is named LCK.dll; for 64-bit environments, the library is named LCK64.dll. The LCK is validated at the following FIPS 140-2 section Levels: Table 1 – Security Level Per FIPS 140-2 Section Section Section Title Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 2 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 2 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 2 4 Finite State Model 2 5 Physical Security N/A 1 6 Operational Environment 2 7 Cryptographic Key Management 2 8 EMI/EMC 2 2 9 Self-tests 2 10 Design Assurance 2 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 2.2 Cryptographic Boundary 2.2.1 Physical Cryptographic Boundary As a software cryptographic module, there are no physical protection mechanisms implemented; the module must rely on the physical characteristics of the host machine. The physical cryptographic boundary of the LCK is defined by the hard metal enclosure around the computer on which it runs. The module supports the physical interfaces of a Server or a General Purpose Computer (GPC). The physical interfaces include integrated circuits of the motherboard, the central processing unit (CPU), random access memory (RAM), read-only memory (ROM), device 1 N/A – Not Applicable 2 EMI/EMC – Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 7 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. case, power supply, and fans. Other devices may be attached to the server, such as a display monitor, keyboard, mouse, floppy disk drive, CD-ROM drive, fixed disk drive, printer, audio adapter, or network adapter. See Figure 2 for a standard server block diagram. Cryptographic Boundary Motherboard Power Supply UART / Data I/O (Serial Ports) Super I/O BIOS Keyboard / Mouse Controller Keyboard Mouse USB Networking Clock Driver / Generator Microprocessor System Controller Memory Cache Graphics / Video PCI bus ISA bus SDRAM Plaintext data Encrypted data Control data Status data Crypto boundary KEY: BIOS – Basic Input/Output System I/O – Input/Output ISA – Industry Standard Architecture PCI – Peripheral Component Interconnect SDRAM – Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory UART – Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter USB – Universal Serial Bus Figure 2 – Standard Server Block Diagram 2.2.2 Logical Cryptographic Boundary Figure 3 below shows a logical block diagram of the module. The module is a software cryptographic module running on the platforms specified in Section 2.1. The module’s software is entirely encapsulated by the logical cryptographic boundary. Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 8 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Host Applications Operating System Plaintext data Encrypted data Control input Status output Crypto boundary Figure 3 – Logical Block Diagram and Cryptographic Boundary 2.3 Module Interfaces The module’s logical interfaces exist at a low level in the software as an Application Programming Interface (API). The API interface is mapped to the following four logical interfaces: Data Input Interface Data Output Interface Data Control Interface Status Output Interface The module features the physical ports of the host server system, as depicted in Figure 2. The following is a list of typically implemented physical interfaces: Keyboard port Network ports Mouse port Display monitor port CD-ROM3 drive LED4 indicators Floppy disk Power plug/adapter Serial ports Power switch USB ports Parallel ports A mapping of the FIPS 140-2 logical interfaces, the physical interfaces, and the module can be found in Table 2. 3 CD-ROM – Compact Disc – Read-Only Memory 4 LED – Light-Emitting Diode Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 9 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Table 2 – Logical, Physical, and Module Interface Mapping Logical Interface Physical Interface Mapping (Standard Server) Module Mapping Data Input Interface Keyboard, mouse, CD-ROM, floppy disk, and serial/USB/parallel/network ports Function calls that accept, as their arguments, data to be used or processed by the module Data Output Interface Floppy disk, monitor, and serial/USB/parallel/network ports Arguments for a function that specify where the result of the function is stored Control Input Interface Keyboard, CD-ROM, floppy disk, mouse, and serial/USB/parallel/network port Function calls utilized to initiate the module and the function calls used to control the operation of the module. Status Output Interface Floppy disk, monitor, LED indicators, and serial/USB/parallel/network ports Return values for function calls 2.4 Roles, Services, and Authentication The module supports three operator roles: a Crypto-Officer (CO) role, a User, role, and an Unauthenticated role. The CO role and the User role are used to access symmetric/asymmetric encryption/decryption, signature generation/verification, hashing, cryptographic key generation, random number generation, and message authentication functions. The Unauthenticated role has access to services which provide status, compute checksums, and perform encoding/decoding. Services provided by the module to the CO and User roles, including the Critical Security Parameter (CSP) access required by the services, are listed in Table 3 below. Please note that the keys and CSPs listed in the table indicate the type of access required using the following notation: Read: The CSP is read. Write: The CSP is established, generated, modified, or zeroized. Execute: The CSP is used within an Approved or Allowed security function or authentication mechanism. Table 3 – Mapping of Crypto-Officer and User Services to Type of CSP Access Service Role Description Type of CSP Access CO User Installation  Module installation None Key Zeroization   Zeroization of keys and CSPs Symmetric key - Execute Asymmetric key pair - Execute AES key - Execute HMAC key - Execute RSA key pair - Execute PRNG seed - Execute PRNG key - Execute GenerateRandom   Fill a buffer with random data Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) seed – Read, execute PRNG key – Read, execute HashInit   Initialize a hash's state HMAC key – Read, execute (inclusion of the key depends on algorithm to be used) HashUpdate   Continue hashing data which was previously started with a call to HashInit None HashFinal   Finalize current hash's state None Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 10 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Service Role Description Type of CSP Access CO User GenerateSymmetricKey   Generate a symmetric key Symmetric key – Write PRNG seed – Read, execute PRNG key – Read, execute SymmetricEncrypt   Symmetric encryption of a buffer Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) key – Read, Execute SymmetricDecrypt   Symmetric decryption of a buffer AES key – Read, Execute GenerateAsymmetricKeys   Generate asymmetric key pair Asymmetric public/private key pair – Write PRNG seed – Read, execute PRNG key – Read, execute TransformAsymmetricKey   Tranform asymmetric key in PCKS#8 format Asymmetric public/private key pair – Read, write AsymmetricEncrypt   Process data using an asymmetric algorithm RSA public key – Read, execute AsymmetricDecrypt   Process data using an asymmetric algorithm RSA private key – Read, execute AsymmetricSign   Sign data using an asymmetric algorithm Asymmetric private key – Read, execute AsymmetricCheck   Check signature of data using an asymmetric algorithm Asymmetric public key – Read, execute The module also provides services for which the operator is not required to assume an authorized role. None of these services modify, disclose, or substitute cryptographic keys and CSPs, or otherwise affect the security of the module. These services are listed in Table 4. [NOTE: These services are also available to the Crypto-Officer and the User.] Table 4 – Mapping of Unauthenticated Role Services to Type of CSP Access Service Description Type of CSP Access GetFipsMode Return the current mode None GetFipsState Retrieve the current FIPS state (used to show status) None SelfTest Run self-tests on demand None Encode Encode binary data in text using the specified alphabet None Decode Decode text data into binary using the specified alphabet None GetChecksumSize Provide the size in bits of the checksum to add to the binary data so it is aligned to the encoded text length None ComputeChecksum Compute the checksum of input data None Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 11 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. In order to access the cryptographic services offered by the module, operators must first authenticate to authorized roles. The module supports identity-based authentication, and employs the following authentication method (as provided by the operating system) to authenticate the Crypto-Officer and the User. Table 5 – Authentication Mechanism Employed by the Module Role Authentication Type Authentication Strength Crypto-Officer or User Password The authentication mechanism is provided by the host Operating System. Proper operation of the module requires that the host operating system be configured to enforce a password length of at least 8 (eight) characters long. Alphabetic (uppercase and lowercase) and numeric characters can be used, which gives a total of 62 characters to choose from. With the possibility of repeating characters, the chance of a random attempt falsely succeeding is 1 in 628 , or 1 in 2 X 1014 . Assuming that no password lockout settings were configured, that no delay is configured between password attempts, and that an attacker could attempt 100 password entries per minute, then the probability that a random attempt will succeed is still less than one in 2 X 1012 (100 in 2 X 1014 ). Therefore, the module is sufficiently protected against the random attempt attack for each of the Operating Systems on which it was tested. 2.5 Physical Security The LCK is purely a software module. As such, it depends on the physical characteristics of the host platform and its protection mechanisms. Thus, physical security requirements do not apply. 2.6 Operational Environment The module was tested and found to be compliant with FIPS 140-2 requirements on the following platforms: Dell Optiplex GX620 with an Intel Pentium D CPU running MS Windows Server 2003 Standard, Version 5.2 Service Pack 2 (SP2) (32-bit version) Dell Optiplex GX620 with an Intel Pentium D CPU running MS Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1 SP2 (32-bit version) Dell PowerEdge 2850 with an Intel Xeon CPU running MS Windows Server 2003 Standard x64, Version 5.2 SP2 (64-bit version) Dell PowerEdge 2850 with an Intel Xeon Processor running Windows XP Professional x64, Version 5.2 SP2 (64-bit version) The required operating systems on which the module is supported were evaluated to the CC5 requirements at evaluation assurance level 4+ on 07 February 2008 (Validation Report Number: CCEVS- VR-VID10286-2008). The Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme Validation Report for the above-referenced operating systems can be found at http://www.niap-ccevs.org/cc-scheme/st/st_vid10184-vr.pdf. All cryptographic keys and CSPs are under the control of the operating system (OS), which protects the CSPs against unauthorized disclosure, modification, and substitution. The OS uses its native memory management 5 CC – Common Criteria Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 12 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. mechanisms to ensure that outside processes cannot access the process space used by the module. The module only allows access to CSPs through its well-defined APIs. Additionally, Lumension affirms that the module also executes in its FIPS-Approved manner (as described in this Security Policy) on other operating systems that are binarily-compatible to those on which the module was tested. 2.7 Cryptographic Key Management The module uses implementations of FIPS-Approved algorithms listed in Table 6. Table 6 – FIPS-Approved Algorithms Supported by the Module Approved Security Function Certificate Number Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit in CBC 6 , ECB 7 , OFB 8 , CFB 9 128 and CTR 10 modes 1045 Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 (byte-oriented) 995 Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) Using SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 587 ANSI 11 X9.31 Appendix A.2.4 Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) 596 Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) P 12 curves -192, 224, 256, 384, and 521-bit 126 Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) K 13 curves -163, 233, 283, 409, and 571-bit 126 Rivest Shamir and Adleman (RSA) Signature generation/verification: 1024, 2048 and 4096 bits 499 The module also implements the following non-Approved algorithms to be used in non-FIPS mode of operation: RSA key transport (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 80 and 150 bits of encryption strength) MD514 HMAC-MD5 Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme The module supports the CSPs listed in Table 7 below. Table 7 – Cryptographic Keys, Cryptographic Key Components, and CSPs Key Key Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Use 6 CBC – Cipher Block Chaining 7 ECB – Electronic Codebook 8 OFB – Output Feedback 9 CFB – Cipher Feedback 10 CTR – Counter 11 ANSI – American National Standards Institute 12 P Curve – Pseudo-Random Curve 13 K Curve – Koblitz Curve 14 MD5 – Message Digest 5 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 13 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Key Key Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Use Symmetric key AES ECB, CBC, OFB, CFB128, CTR 256-bit key Internally generated Exits in plaintext Resides in plaintext on volatile memory On power cycle or API service termination Used by host application Asymmetric key pair RSA 1024-, 2048-, 4096- bit public/private key pair ECDSA P- 192, P-224, P-256, P-384, P-512, K-163, K-233, K-283, K-409, K-571 public/private key Internally generated Exits in plaintext Resides in plaintext on volatile memory On power cycle or API service termination Used by host application AES key AES ECB, CBC, OFB, CFB128, CTR 256-bit key Externally generated, enters the module in plaintext Never exits the module Resides in plaintext on volatile memory On power cycle or API service termination Encrypts/decrypts data HMAC key HMAC SHA- 1, HMAC SHA-256, HMAC SHA- 384, and HMAC SHA- 512 key Externally generated, enters the module in plaintext Never exits the module Resides in plaintext on volatile memory On power cycle or API service termination Generates MAC value RSA public key RSA 1024-, 2048-, 4096- bit public key Externally generated, enters the module in plaintext Never exits the module Resides in plaintext on volatile memory On power cycle or API service termination Protects a symmetric key during key transport RSA private key RSA 1024-, 2048-, 4096- bit private key Externally generated, enters the module in plaintext Never exits the module Resides in plaintext on volatile memory On power cycle or API service termination Retrieves a symmetric key during in key transport PRNG seed 8-bytes of seed value Internally generated Never exits the module Resides in plaintext on volatile memory On power cycle or API service termination Generates FIPS approved random number PRNG key 24-bytes of TDES key Internally generated Never exits the module Resides in plaintext on volatile memory On power cycle or API service termination Generates FIPS approved random number 2.7.1 Key Generation The module uses an ANSI X9.31 Appendix A.2.4 PRNG implementation to generate cryptographic keys. This PRNG is FIPS-Approved as shown in Annex C to FIPS PUB 140-2. Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 14 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2.7.2 Key Entry and Output The cryptographic module itself does not support key entry or key output; however keys can be passed to the module as parameters from the application via the APIs. The application using the module is responsible for ensuring that the input or output of secret and private keys is accomplished in encrypted form. 2.7.3 CSP Storage and Zeroization The module does not persistently store any CSPs. All of the keys and CSPs in Table 7 above reside only on the volatile memory in plaintext and can be zeroized via power cycle. Termination of API services can also zeroize these ephemeral keys and CSPs. 2.8 EMI / EMC The module is a software module, and depends on the host server systems for its physical characteristics. However the host server platforms have been tested for, and meet, applicable Federal Communications Commission (FCC) EMI and EMC requirements for business use as defined in Subpart B, Class A of FCC 47 Code of Federal Regulations Part 15. All servers sold in the United States must meet the applicable FCC requirements. 2.9 Self-Tests The Lumension Cryptographic Kernel automatically performs the following self-tests at power-up: Software integrity check using HMAC-SHA-1 AES Known Answer Test (KAT) HMAC SHA-1, HMAC SHA-256, HMAC SHA-384 and HMAC SHA-512 KATs SHA-1 and SHA-2s (except SHA-224) KAT ANSI x9.31 Appendix A.2.4 PRNG KAT RSA pairwise consistency test for sign/verify RSA pairwise consistency test for encrypt/decrypt ECDSA pairwise consistency test for sign/verify The Lumension Cryptographic Kernel implements a critical function at power-up that converts an RSA key from PKCS15 #1 v1.5 format to PKCS #8 format. The module also performs the following conditional self-tests: Continuous Random Number Generator Test (CRNGT) for the ANSI X9.31 PRNG RSA pairwise consistency test for sign/verify and encrypt/decrypt ECDSA pairwise consistency test for sign/verify The module enters an error state when a power-up self-test fails. Power-up self-tests include the software integrity test, RSA and ECDSA pairwise consistency tests, and KATs for HMAC SHA-1, HMAC SHA-256, HMAC SHA- 384, HMAC-SHA-512, PRNG, and AES. The power-up self-tests run through to completion without interruption, and provide no mechanism for data output. Upon power-up self-test failure, the module will enter a critical error state and will fail to launch in FIPS mode of operation. No data output or cryptographic operations are possible when the module enters the critical error state. Failure of the RSA or ECDSA pairwise consistency check or CRNGT takes the module into the soft error state. No data output or cryptographic operations are possible when the module enters the soft error state. 15 PKCS – Public-Key Cryptography Standards Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 15 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2.10 Design Assurance Lumension uses Team Foundation Server (TFS) as the configuration management system. Team Foundation Server provides a source control repository, called Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC). TFVC features include check-ins for a group of items or for single changes, branching and merging, shelving, check-in policies, a graphical user interface and a command line interface. Additionally, Microsoft Visual SourceSafe (VSS) version 6.0 was used to provide configuration management for the module’s FIPS documentation. 2.11Mitigation of Other Attacks The module does not claim to mitigate any additional attacks in an approved FIPS mode of operation. Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 16 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 3 Secure Operation The LCK meets the Level 2 requirements for FIPS 140-2. The sections below describe how to ensure that the module is operating securely. 3.1 Initial Setup The LCK is distributed via secure download over a TLS channel from a web-based Customer Portal. Login credentials are required for access to the Customer Portal. If proper credentials are given, then the module can be downloaded. The module is a DLL that will be loaded by a host application. The module’s mode of operation is determined by the DWORD registry value at HKLM\SOFTWARE\Lumension Security\LCK_FIPS_MODE. When the application loads the module, the module’s main entry point checks this value. If the value is “1”, then the module will set an internal variable that will allow the host application to access only FIPS-Approved cryptographic services; for all other values, the module will allow the host application to access both FIPS-Approved and non-FIPS-Approved services. When the host application is first installed, the FIPS-mode registry value is automatically set to “1”. This value can be later changed by the CO (see section 3.3.3). 3.2 Power-Up Self-Tests When the module is powered up, it runs the power-on self-tests automatically; this does not require any action on the part of the CO. If the power-up self-tests are passed, the module is deemed to be operating in FIPS mode. 3.3 Crypto-Officer Guidance 3.3.1 Initialization The Crypto-Officer is an authorized IT administrator responsible for installing and initializing the module. The module is installed during the process of installing the host application. The CO must ensure that: the host application is installed on one of the CC-evaluated OSs listed in Section 2.6; the operating system is restricted to a single operator mode of operation; the operating system is configured as specified in the CC Validation Report referenced in Section 2.6; and the host application is installed on a machine that meets the minimum hardware and software requirements. 3.3.2 Protection of Secret and Private Keys It is the responsibility of the Crypto-Officer to ensure that any application using the LCK module protects secret and private keys being input or output by doing so in encrypted form. 3.3.3 FIPS Mode Registry Value The FIPS mode registry value is set automatically when its host application is installed. However, it is the CO’s responsibility to ensure that the registry value is properly set for the desired mode of operation. The CO must use the host application’s management interface to change the registry value, and this action requires that the host application be licensed for FIPS use. Because the module checks the registry value only at startup, changes to the registry value will have no effect on the module once it is up and operational. To force the module to recognize registry value changes, the CO must perform a reboot or power-cycle to unload and reload the module. Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 17 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 3.3.4 Self-Test Status Monitoring The CO can view the module’s power-up self-test status by checking in the Windows Event log (see Figure 4). When the power-up tests are completed, an indication of overall success or failure is output via the status output interface to the host application. Figure 4 – Module Event Log Display 3.4 User Guidance The cryptographic functionality of the module (i.e. the collection of User role services) is listed in Table 3 above. Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 18 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 4 Acronyms and Abbreviations Table 8 – Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym/ Abbreviation Definition AD Active Directory AES Advanced Encryption Standard ANSI American National Standards Institute API Application Programming Interface BIOS Basic Input/Output System CBC Cipher-Block Chaining CD-ROM Compact Disc – Read-Only Memory CFB Cipher Feedback CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CO Crypto-Officer CRNGT Continuous Random Number Generator Test CSEC Communications Security Establishment Canada CSP Critical Security Parameter CTR Counter DLL Dynamic-Link Library ECB Electronic Codebook ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference FCC Federal Communications Commission FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GPC General Purpose Computer HMAC (Keyed-) Hash Message Authentication Code I/O Input/Output ISA Industry Standard Architecture K Curve Koblitz Curve KAT Known Answer Test LCK Lumension Cryptographic Kernel LED Light Emitting Diode MAC Message Authentication Code MD5 Message Digest 5 N/A Not Applicable NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.2 May 12, 2011 Lumension Cryptographic Kernel Page 19 of 19 © 2011 Lumension Security, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Acronym/ Abbreviation Definition OFB Output Feedback OS Operating System P Curve Pseudo-Random Curve PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standard PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator RSA Rivest Shamir and Adleman SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SP2 Service Pack 2 TCP Transmission Control Protocol TFS Team Foundation Server TFVC Team Foundation Version Control TLS Transport Layer Security UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter USB Universal Serial Bus VSS Visual SourceSafe X64 64-bit Instruction Set X86 32-bit Instruction Set